sav-grey · 4 years
who: sav & jene ( @jenevievemccoy​ ) when: after jene’s assembly
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Jenevieve had received the secret she was to reveal in front of the whole student body. It wasn’t hard gathering them around. She was on student council so holding a assembly saying there was important news for both the high school and college students. She hated this, it was still better than the alternative, she just hated how both options hurt Axel. She only hoped he didn’t hate her after all of this. Once everyone was gathered in the auditorium, she walked up to the podium, staring back at the student body. “Attention students of Luxor. I have some unfortunate news to share. While this girl walks the halls and terrorizes everyone inside, her acts of aggressions towards the luxor students is not her first. I feel it only important for everyone to know so you can watch your back so you also don’t fall victim to this bitches psychotic actions.” Jenevieve paused as she took a deep breath. Maybe Axel would believe she was blackmailed into it. But she doubted he would ever speak to her after this. “Madeline Benoit was expelled from Institut Le Rosey in Switzerland for pushing her frenemy down the stairs and killing her. Her school covered it up and forced her out and dumped her on our doorstep.” She took a deep breath, forcing her voice not to crack. “While it is claimed as a prank gone wrong, we will never know for sure, the way maddie terrorizes those who do not like her is proof enough that she is not afraid to use violence to solve her problems as she almost killed me as well. So next time you see her in the halls, turn and run. You may be next” Jenevieve placed the mic down before leaving the auditorium and going into a classroom nearby. She tried to calm herself down, counting things she saw and taking deep breaths, hearing footsteps approaching, she spun around. “Stay away from me”
Sav had been mostly avoiding school-wide events. Especially ones where she had to be sober. Ever since the secret santa party, she had been trying to avoid everyone for the most part, and then when she snapped at Zander during the blind date party, essentially confirming everything, well….that had caused her to retreat into hiding again. So for this important assembly, she came in at the last second, hovering by the doors so she could bolt as soon as it was over. She wasn’t the first to bolt though. Jene was. Sav wasn’t surprised, because if she learned anything about her former roommate, it was that she pretended to talk big and then backed off as soon as it came down to it. She…didn’t hesitate in assuming it was true, if she was being honest. She knew Maddie, and also knew (from personal experience) that the secrets coming out now were…somehow true. So she followed Jene. It was easy enough for her to slip out of the doors after all that. “What the fuck was that?” Sav asked, her head tipping to one side as she ignored Jene’s words. “Should I assume you were behind telling the school bullshit about me, too? Some sort of sick vendetta against Maddie and I because the entire school fucking hates you and we’re the obvious ones to take it out on? Pathetic. Even for you.”
Jenevieve snapped around to face Savannah. "I don't have you Savannah, and It wasn't me that leaked your secret, to be quite frank, I wasn't even there when your secret was revealed. I haven't heard what it even was besides whispers." She spoke honestly. "It wasn't me. I didn't want to do this. I didn't have a choice. You think I wanted to stand up there and call the girl that threatens me a murderer in front of the whole school? I don't have a death wish, but I got a bounty on my head now."
“God, get your head out of your own ass and learn to listen, Jenevieve,” Sav snapped in return, her eyes narrowing. “I didn’t say you hated me. I said the whole school hates you,” she corrected as she stepped forward, narrowing the distance between them. “Sure, Jene. Sure. I definitely believe that,” she continued, the sarcasm practically visible in how it was dripping from her words. “You’ve had it out for Maddie since she started fucking Axel, despite the fact that if you had any self respect, you would’ve confronted him about it instead of being the type of low class trash who blames the other girl,” she continued, really getting into it now. Honestly, maybe it was unfair to take this all out on Jene, but…Sav had been bottling up too much for too long now. “As for the bounty? Well, you got that right. Because you’re exactly the type of person to work the Crusade, or hell, even start it. So excuse me if I don’t believe your little innocent act.”
"I know what you said. I heard you, You also said I had a sick vendetta against you and Maddie. I just wanted to emphasize that I do not hate you nor have any issues with you." Jenevieve pointed out. "Actually, me and Axel talked it out. So your theory is wrong there." She said referring back to the letters. "Axel was the one three timing everyone, although he wasn't dating any of us. I've moved on from that. And to correct you, I've had it out for Maddie the day she harassed me in the hall and I poured my latte on her head." She informed the other. "It had nothing to do with Axel. She was a thorn in my side for a while, but if you can tell, I don't really talk to Axel much anymore." They haven't really spoken since the letters. "Come on Savannah, you lived with me for a whole year. I don't know shit about anyone. I will confirm the crusade is behind this, but I am not behind the crusade. If I was, you really think I would stand in front of everyone and reveal a secret, because now everyone thinks I am behind it, You would be thick to think I could pull something so harsh off."
“If anything, it seems to me like you’re the one who bullied Maddie, Jene. Pouring a coffee on someone? Pretty fucked up. People have been sued over less. And yet you still hold a grudge against Maddie but were willing to ‘talk it out’ with Axel?” Sav asked, complete with air quotes as she raised her eyebrows at the redhead. “That’s pathetic, Jene. I know I’ve said that a million times already, but truly, there isn’t another word to describe you. Here you are, calling Maddie a murderer in front of the whole school? Do you even register how fucked that is? God, you really deserved it when she tried to strangle you, didn’t you?” she said, disbelief crossing her face as she spoke. Sav paused, rolling her eyes at the other girl. “You’re right. You aren’t smart enough to pull it off. But whoever did start it wasn’t an idiot when they got you to do their dirty work. Because you have nothing to lose, right? No friends, no boyfriend, hell, pretty sure even your sister hates you. You’re so obviously the type of person who would be manipulated into this just to make everyone around you as miserable as you are. It’s disgusting. Can’t wait for this all to blow up in your face. You’ll be even more alone than you already are. Which even I didn’t think was possible. Good luck!” she added, a twisted smirk coming to her face as she turned on her heel, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she started to walk away, other students starting to stream out of the auditorium at this point.
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