#jen watches alice in borderland
js337 · 2 years
WHY do they fast forward through all the interesting looking games like hi i want to watch them?? you gave niragi limping down the street the same amount of screen time as four games that were all shoved into a 3-minute montage. THAT’S what i want to see, not another half hour of monologues and motivational speeches
the way season 1 ended made it feel like these final 12 games were going to be a big deal but we don’t even get to see half of them and the ones we do get to watch all the way through only have 1-2 characters we know. our group has been separated the entire season and it sucks
also i could not care less about the king of spades. unless there’s some kind of twist coming up, there is absolutely nothing enjoyable or intriguing about a guy mowing down people with nearly unlimited ammo while they run away
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js337 · 2 years
all the scenery censoring and strategic camera angles for kyuma are cracking me up
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js337 · 2 years
i’m usually one to love villains and all but niragi still being alive after now two fake-out deaths, both which looked impossible to survive, is annoying to me
the fact that he assaulted and attempted to rape usagi and it’s basically not addressed at all and she’s now having to team up with him what, just a couple days later?? also not working for me
LIKE I USUALLY L O V E enemies/villain and protag having to work together. and i’m an absolute sucker for redemption arcs. all that sort of stuff. i eat that shit up
but at least so far, i don’t like how this is playing out at all??
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js337 · 2 years
so you’re telling me aguni survived all of those bullets AND the fire and doesn’t have a single scratch or injury from it? are you kidding me lmao?
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js337 · 2 years
honestly the last episode almost makes up for all the other stuff i complained about lol
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js337 · 2 years
they have five minutes in this round and they’re spending it standing still giving a motivational talk to some dudes instead of trying to win i’m fckn losing it man
edit: for some reason i thought that was their last round, they still had one more lol
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js337 · 2 years
this show’s gonna fuck me up huh
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