#jen larsen
secret society
We were the founding members of the Secret Society: Madame Mariska, and Duchess Forentenberry, Mrs. Jones, Doctor Charles, the Mysterious Crown Princess of an Untouched Kingdom, and me. None of us chose this wild way of life; we hadn't supposed we'd ever be called into the service of saving the world, before we were called. But we shouldered our burdens as the adventurers we were at heart; we understood we had a destiny.
They didn't think we could do it, we knew that. But the Madame hanging upside-down from the bottom of a biplane that Mrs. Jones flew like the daredevil she was, tore a seam down the center of the band of Nazi super-soldiers. They sped off into the dark of the cover of clouds while the criminals bled the last of their lives down the curved blade of a double pair of scimatars.
She carved our way into their fortress, and the Mysterious Crown Princess of an Untouched Kingdom covered us with her pearl-handled revolvers. Down the spiral stairs, into the dank basement, we discovered we were too late. Doctor Charles fainted on The Duchess of Forentenberry's beaded bosom, and she held his pale head close to her heart. His face was whiter than his coat.
The rest of us stood quietly, and we wondered what the President's response would be; she was less pleasant when she was displeased.
"Shall we burn the place to the ground?" Madame Mariska said. We agreed. We were the only survivors—we made sure of that, all of us. The doctor produced a little pistol from his cane. The earth burned and the screams echoed off the orange clouds and we were silent, our small group. We stayed together, escaping over the wall. It crumbled in the wake of the explosion. We laid still and struck dumb in the forest cover until daylight, until we were sure we weren't being pursued. We will always feel pursued.
We were the founding members, but each of us vanished soon after. But this is the truth: Somehow there is still a Secret Society. The President is clever that way. There will always be a Secret Society, and I will continue to hope each member will wonder how the others can sleep.
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theredhavendelegate · 5 months
Iss. 9:
The Hands That Toil: Redhaven's Labor Shortage!
Bouts of rain have been hitting Redhaven over the course of the last week, and the new government is making haste to take advantage of that fact, initiating a program to revitalize agriculture in Redhaven’s countryside. The program will involve the hiring of farm laborers from the city’s civilian population placed directly under the management of Frontline Confederation officers as farms are rebuilt and replanted.
In a related move, the estate of Lord Oswald Redhaven is looking for scientists, engineers, and researchers to conduct investigations into the fog surrounding Redhaven and what lies beyond it. Thus far, head researcher Earnest Bell has determined that we are, all of us, in another dimension. He explained to The Delegate, “This new world is just like our old world in many ways, but it differs in many more. These distinctions are mounting and have begun to form the basis for a whole new frontier of scientific possibility.”
The estate has officially termed this new dimension, “The Void”
Despite the confidence of the new government, as evidenced by the farming and science programs, there are those who have reservations. Chief among these individuals is a farmhand you may recall from an older interview with The Delegate, Jens Dahl… ---
Gerhardt square’s cobbles are wet with rain water, though the downpour has passed. A bald man with white, well-groomed facial hair stands in front of a podium. He is wrinkled with worry and age, though his back remains straight and his chin held high. A badge of silver and gold sits on his breast, shining bright: the feather of Redhaven. His feather.
There are police present, a few in front and a few in the wings, but the crowd is passive and admiring. Some are even awestruck.
Another man watches from the edge of the crowd with his brow furrowed and his shoulders sagging, not quite as old as the speaker, but worse-for-wear by a lifetime. Jens Dahl listens intently to the speech, eyes squinting through the gloom of the sunless afternoon.
Lord Redhaven’s voice booms, “Though we’ve all lost much in The Great Transit and the days that followed it, there is new faith to be found. Professor Bell and his team have discovered new materials within the fog, materials that may change life itself for you, the citizens of Redhaven. This ‘void crystal’ as it has been named, may well be the future, and it is only by the strength of our people that we can understand it, that we can take this future into our own hands.”
A pack of journalists to Jens’ right scribble furiously, marking down every syllable. He tilts his nose up warily and waits.
Lord Redhaven continues, “That is why we are calling for anyone with experience in academia, research, engineering, and chemistry to join the call. My estate will be open immediately following this event, where Professor Bell will be conducting interviews and selecting the most promising candidates to further his research, and to further our future.” The statesman pauses for a moment, gauging the crowd with his eyes. “So, thank you, people of Redhaven, for fighting on through this tragedy. We will come out of this stronger than ever before, so long as we stick together, so long as we keep heart.”
There is a roar of applause, swelling like the tides and flooding the senses. Lord Redhaven nods humbly and makes his way off stage. The assembled officers form up to surround him and a few of the reporters rush up, shouting questions as the road is closed off to block them.
The audience lingers, murmuring about applications, about qualifications, wondering if there will be opportunities for common laborers or veterans.
Jens does not wait though. He turns around and separates himself from the pack as quickly as he can, trotting down the high street until he’s clear of the throng and the buzzing conversations. He slows slightly and his breathing evens out, though he carries on for another few blocks to the stoop of a duplex apartment. He knocks on the door, asking, “Ingrid, are you in?”
A high and rough voice calls out, “It’s unlocked.”
Jens wipes his feet off outside and enters, closing the door gently behind himself as he does. The interior is dim and much smaller than it seemed from the outside, but it is well kept. A rough-looking woman with messy blonde hair is lounging on an old couch and reading a newspaper.
“Sit,” she commands, and Jens rolls his eyes.
“Where do you get off, giving orders to a guest?” he responds, more tired than annoyed.
The woman closes her paper and straightens up. “It wasn’t an order, it was advice. I can hear you panting.” Jens’ frown drops just a little bit lower, then he concedes, taking a seat on a wooden chair in the corner. Ingrid continues, “How was the speech? Was the magnanimous Lord Redhaven as impressive as everyone says?”
Jens hunches in the chair, setting his elbows on his knees. “Sure, sure. He seems spry for his age, sprier than me for sure. Talked a lot about what his cabinet of experts have found out about this ‘void’ we’re trapped in.”
There is a pause.
Ingrid leans forward and says, “But you’re worried about something.”
Jens bites his lip. “The good Count put out a call to hire. He specified researchers and academics and that sort of thing, but they’ll need regular folks too. Equipment will need to moved, infrastructure repaired, supplies manufactured. Between this and the farming program, a lot of people who were out of work last week will be back to it.”
Ingrid leans back and shrugs. “So what? We’re workers, we work. You’ve been a farmhand your whole life and you’re doing fine.”
“That’s not all of it though. The Field Workers local went up in smoke. Same for most of the other trades. Farm work was hard, but we did fine so long as we had our reps. I’ve worked fields without contracts, and it isn’t pretty.” Jens is stewing now, thoughts rattling around in his head like loose change.
Ingrid scratches the back of her head and squints, finally rising to her feet to stretch. “You’re the most experienced one left, right? How long were you a foreman? Ten years? Fifteen? All the surviving farmhands know and respect you, so just open another local for them. You’ve already been arguing with the bosses, so you’re basically already a rep.”
Jens’ eyes go wide as dinner plates and he cocks his head to the side. He stammers for a moment, then finally mutters, “That’s too much. I don’t think I can do it all on my own.”
Ingrid shrugs. “You could always ask The Blues for help. I hear they do this kind of thing all the time: agitation or aggravation, or something like that.”
Jens shakes his head. “I’m sure the Coalition has done lots of good around Redhaven, but I don’t like ‘em. That Calloway guy? The one who started the riot earlier in the month? They haven’t given him up and he shot someone. Who knows how many other crazies they’re protecting?”
A silence passes between the two, then Jens speaks again. He asks, "Why don't you do it? You're more social than I am, friendlier and what-not, and you're great with names and faces."
Ingrid replies, "No offense to you, Jens, but I'm not going back to farm work. I'm still good and strong, but it wasn't for me, not for the long term. I like to jump between things, you know?"
She goes to continue when there is another knock. It is quiet but firm, assertive and yet, strangely patient.
Ingrid puts up a hand to silence Jens, and then walks over to the door. She questions aloud, “Who is it?”
The voice is even and refined. “A friend from The Mayor’s office. She sends a bottle of cognac, and a proposal for your guest, Mister Dahl.”
Ingrid flashes Jens a questioning look and he shakes his head uncertainly. Ingrid whispers, “Should I let him in?”
Jens answers, “It’s your house. I hate brandy though.”
Ingrid rolls her eyes and opens the door to reveal a rather short man, somewhere around five feet tall. He is well-dressed, with a vest, bowler hat, wire-rim glasses, and a thin mustache. A silver watch chain hangs from a pocket, and he presents a bottle squarely in front of himself with both hands. There is a silver ribbon near the cork and the liquid inside seems to shine in the dim daylight with a color that ranges from yellow at its shallowest to crimson at its depths. The man looks expectantly towards Ingrid.
She hesitates for a moment, and then accepts the bottle. “Come inside, then,” she remarks, leading the way and passing the alcohol to Jens.
Though Ingrid invites him to sit with a gesture, the man remains standing. “Mister Dahl, Miss Larsen,” he expresses, as if playing host, “I represent the office of Mayor Desdemona Carmine and the interests of Redhaven. I am aware that Jens is well positioned to represent the agricultural laborers of Redhaven.”
Jens sits up straight and interrupts, “Were you eavesdropping?”
The man turns up his nose and shakes his head slightly. “Not at all. You’ve garnered a reputation of sorts, a good one.” Jens hunches over again and rolls one of his wrists. The man continues, “The heads of various unions and co-ops within the city will be gathering soon, and nobody is currently expected to represent your bloc. Your inclusion in this momentous event could be arranged, however.”
Jens mulls the words over for a minute, and Ingrid interjects with a question. “Great, that’s nice, but why is this meeting happening at my house?”
The bowler-hatted man blinks slowly, like a cat, and sighs. “Ah, yes, that detail. Mister Dahl’s home in the countryside is being watched, not everyone is as pleased by his reputation as we are. Actually, assuming that he agrees, we have secured new lodgings for him already.”
The sag in Jens’ shoulders grows deeper. He glances around the room, to Ingrid, to the man, to the bottle, to the shuttered windows, and then to the floor.
He takes a deep breath, then looks back up. “I’ll do it.”
The man claps his hands together quietly and nods. “Very well. I’ll provide you with a date and address, and show you to your new quarters tonight, let’s say…” he withdraws his pocket watch, “six o’clock?”
Jens nods, then stops. He raises a brow. “Wait, wait. What’s your name? What do I call you?”
A tiny smile, unnatural on the man’s face, grows and then disappears. “If all goes well, you won’t be speaking with me again after tonight. You can call me ‘The Valet’, in relevant company though. If they know who I am, then they’ll know who you mean.”
The Valet waits for a moment, then tips his hat, and says, “I’ll see you at six. Good day, Mister Dahl, Miss Larsen.” He leaves the two, and the door closes heavily behind him.
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unclefathersantateddy · 2 months
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I forgot I was on my non-Bob's Burgers account so when I scrolled past this ask things got real interesting LMAO
Cr: @zal-cryptid & @ademkurteric
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dance-world · 1 year
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Jacob Larsen - Martha Graham Dance - photo by Jen Freeman
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yumr11 · 2 years
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Denmark vs Finland - UEFA EURO 2024 Qualifier
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favemusiclessons · 4 months
I Wish I Had Checked Out This Guy! His Solos Are Jazz 101 On Guitar
This is one of the best people to check out if you want to develop pretty much everything you need to learn when starting out with Jazz Guitar: Phrasing, Vocabulary, Rhythm and most importantly these solos are pretty easy to figure out and play. 00:00 Intro 00:40 Grant Green - 3 Periods 01:19 Bebop On Guitar Done Right 03:30 The Perfect II V I 05:38 Two Great Examples of Chromatic Notes 07:16 The Tone And All That Reverb 08:13 No Chords, Just Fills 09:16 Pivot Arpeggio 2.0 09:51 Learning From Great Jazz Guitarists 10:10 Like the video? Check out my Patreon page!
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calciopics · 2 years
Denmark World Cup squad 2022: Final list of 21 players for national team in Qatar
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potentialoffside · 2 years
Spor Toto Süper Lig'in 10. haftasında Beşiktaş, Vodafone Park'ta son şampiyon Trabzonspor'u konuk etti. Trabzospor, karşılaşmanın 11. dakikasında Bakasetas'ın sağdan kullandığı kornerde altıpasın içinde Maxi Gomez'in uzak köşeye yaptığı kafa vuruşu ile öne geçti. 29. Dakikada Rosier’in sert ortasında arka direkte Larsen'in ters vuruşunda top filelere gitti ve skor 1-1 oldu. 36. dakikada Beşiktaş'ın kendi yarı sahasında soldan kullandığı taç atışında Masuaku'nun hatalı pası sonucunda Trezeguet topu kontrol etti ve ağlara gönderdi ve ilk yarı Trabzonspor'un 2-1'lik üstünlüğü ile sona erdi. Beşiktaş'ta 7 maç sonra ilk 11'de başlayan Rachid Ghezzal, 45. dakikada sakatlandı ve yerini Nathan Redmond'a bıraktı. Beşiktaş'ta ikinci yarıda 67. dakikada oyuna dahil olan Cenk Tosun, 70. dakikada skoru eşitledi.
Dolmabahçe'de başka gol sesi çıkmadı ve maç 2-2 bitti.
Sakatlığı bulunan Romain Saiss yerine Francisco Montero'yu Tayyip Talha Sanuç'la birlikte savunmanın merkezinde görevlendiren Ismael, Gedson Fernandes'i kulübeye çekerek Salih Uçan'a orta sahada forma verdi. Beşiktaş'ta Rachid Ghezzal, 7 maç sonra ilk 11'de yer aldı.
Beşiktaş'ın İspanyol savunma oyuncusu Francisco Montero, bu sezon ilk kez 11 kişilik kadroda kendine yer buldu.
Tayfur Bingöl ve Nathan Redmond'u da yedek soyunduran siyah-beyazlı teknik adam, Georges-Kevin N'Koudou ve Rachid Ghezzal'ı 11'de görevlendirdi.
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Oyun mantalitesi değişmeli
Valerien Ismael'in antrenörlük felsefesi rakibin oynadığı futbola çok bağlı, oyuncu değişikliklerini bile rakip antrenörün değişikliklerinden sonra yapıyor. Türkiye'nin en büyük spor kulüplerinden biri olan Beşiktaş'ın sürekli rakip savunmanın kendi yarı alanına tam anlamıyla yerleştiği duruma karşı oynamak zorunda kalıyor, dolayısıyla topa sahipken hızlı hücum kadar set hücumunu da çok iyi yapan ve izleyenleri heyecanlandıran bir futbol mantalitesini geliştirmelidir.
Sahadaki tüm genişliği korumakta en iyi diziliş olan 4-4-2'i kullanmak bir çözüm olabilir.
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Sonraki rakip
Beşiktaş, Spor Toto Süper Lig'in 11. haftasında Hatayspor'a konuk olacak. Teknik direktör Serkan Özbalta'nın görevi bırakmasının ardından Hatay ekibinin başına geçen Volkan Demirel, çıktığı 3 maçta 2 galibiyet ve 1 mağlubiyet elde edip, hanesine 6 puan yazdırdı.
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theredhavendelegate · 8 months
Iss. 2:
A Brave New World? Redhaven In Limbo!
Although rescue efforts are still ongoing, the conditions on the ground have begun to stabilize. Meanwhile troubled citizens from the countryside make their way downtown with unusual reports.
Creatures of a supernatural origin have been spotted many miles outside the city limits. Glass-like birds, enormous hogs with rocky skin, and glowing insect swarms are just a few of those thus far reported, and though they seem largely passive, citizens are advised to keep their distance.
Additionally, the roads that once connected Redhaven to the rest of Eudax appear to only lead into a dense grey-purple fog. Those that have entered it and returned fall ill and perish soon thereafter. Citizens are likewise advised to keep their distance.
A member of the Field Workers Local 13, Jens Dahl, has provided The Redhaven Delegate with an interview concerning his first-hand experience with one of these anomalies, a warning tale... ---
The ground shakes. The shake goes up his legs and into his stomach. Wind tears up the loose soil, lashing him with small stones and debris. The dust grows thick enough to block out the sun and to choke the farmhand.
Jens feels his knees knock together then give out. Even lying down, the vertigo roils beneath his pounding skull. His nose fills will dirt, and more piles up on his legs and torso. He flails his arms, struggling for force himself above a building tide of soil.
All at once, it stops.
The weight releases its grip on Jens, then all of gravity does as well. The ground drops out from beneath him and he falls along with it.
A sick feeling grows in his stomach as the earth pulls away, inch by inch, only connected to him by a thin stream of loose dirt.
The ground stops, and for a split second, Jens continues to fall. Then he catches up.
Darkness surrounds him for a time, envelops him, and he floats on it dreamily until his eyes snap suddenly open to reveal a soft, grey, sunless sky. His head throbs and he turns onto his side, hacking up a wad of something thick and crimson.
He stays down. He squeezes his eyes shut and slaps one arm around in the dirt until his knuckles rap against something hard. He takes it up, pulls it close.
It has a wooden handle with a flat, steel blade set ninety degrees to the shaft. It is gnarled, grey with the sun's bleaching, but sturdy and familiar. Jens rises, leaning hard on the tool, and grumbles, "Lucky that I didn't land on ya, right?"
The hoe doesn't respond and Jens coughs up again, another wad of phlegm with less blood in it.
The farmhand glances around at the ruined field. The harvest is badly upturned, whole rows are torn out, twisted, and covered in soil. A barn a few hundred feet away is leaning at nearly a forty-five degree angle and a shed next to it has been reduced to scrap. Jens grumbles some more and runs a tanned, liver-spotted hand through his short grey hair, sending a cascade of dirt to the ground behind himself as he straightens his locks.
"Bad for the harvest. It's been a good year so far though, I just...I..." Jens mouth falls slightly slack as his eyes fall to a the sight of an uncommon plant nearby: a pale hand, sticking crookedly out of a pile of gravel and dirt.
Jens swallows. He waits to see if the pile heaves. He waits to see if the hand twitches.
It does not.
The farmhand holds up five fingers for a moment, then lowers one.
He starts limping off down the rows in silence. His body protests, a fact he ignores with practiced indifference.
The sky isn't evenly clouded. The air itself is just grey. There isn't even a hint of a sun, no bright patch, no thin golden rays. There's no wind either. The barley and the wheat stand to crooked, disinterested attention.
Jens carries himself to the end of the aisle and up a hill. Looking down from another, majestic and imperious, is a farmhouse painted a sunny yellow that contracts mockingly with the atmosphere.
The roofs sags slightly, though it always has, and one of the windows in the front is blown in. That's new.
Jens moves towards it steadily, huffing by the top and leaning harder on his makeshift cane.
He knocks on the white door and rasps, "Is anyone in? Did you all see what happened?"
There is no response and, a moment later, the door falls off of its hinges and thuds against the wooden floor.
The interior of the house seems to whisper, beckoning, until Jens enters. The entryway is clear save for a coat that lies on a tilted rack and a pair of muddy boots thrown haphazardly across the floor.
Jens rights the rack and sets the shoes up in their cubby on reflex, swallowing down the tickle in his throat instead of coughing it out.
He steps beyond the entryway and into the kitchen. The window is blown out and the chairs are scattered. One of them is shattered, it's back, legs, and seat separated like tinker toys.
A stout woman with brown hair lies beneath a planter box, her chest, arms, and face pierced and peppered with fragments of glass. Her arms are splayed out and her eyes are as lifeless as marbles.
Jens swallows. He waits for her chest to rise. It does not.
He holds up four fingers for a moment, then lowers one.
Jens taps his hoe on the floor a moment and shakes his head.
The quiet of the house continues to whisper, Jens' own breath echoing, the floorboards creaking as he shifts his weight onto and off of the tool in his hand.
It whispers for a long time. Jens listens, but it doesn't make sense. It's as if the house knows that something terrible has happened, as if it knows why, but won't share it.
A call breaks the quiet through the shattered window. Jens startles at the sound and rushes to the front door, so much as he can. He shoves it open and stumbles up against the porch railing.
The skies are still ashen and the field still upturned. In the midst of it though, there is movement: three figures, two clearly human, one clearly not, circle each other like wolves.
The two people, a young man with a pitchfork and a young woman with an axe, shout and cry out at the other creature, lashing out with their tools to keep it at bay.
Their foe is formed improperly, with an abdomen like a horse, but its long legs are angular and pointed like those of an insect, and there is a puckered orifice where there should be a head.
Jens starts down the hill with his hoe, three fingers held at his side subconsciously. The young man jabs with the fork and shouts, "Git, you! Git away from here!"
The beast hisses and lunges towards him, batting the tool away with a sharp leg and slicing the youngster's arm open to expose muscle and bone.
Jens stumbles partly as pain flairs in one of his knees. He catches himself, but his vision dulls as he starts to move again. When he looks up, the woman has buried her axe into the beast, black blood dripping off of it like syrup, pooling in the dirt as it shrieks.
The monster flashes towards her and knocks her to the ground, then turns back to the young man and sets upon him with a storm of piercing blows; into his chest, into his neck, into his arms, until he stops swinging back.
Jens drops one of his fingers as the distance vanishes. There is fury in his mind, but his other organs voice their disagreement sharply: his lungs hack and shudder, his eyes blear, and as he closes in on his target, tool raised aloft, a pain erupts in his chest, something akin to intense heartburn, and he slumps into the dirt.
Jens' hand closes into a loose fist as vision fails him.
Darkness surrounds him for a time, envelops him, and he floats on it dreamily until his eyes snap suddenly open to reveal a soft, grey, sunless sky. His head throbs and he turns onto his side, hacking up a wad of something thick and crimson.
A woman stands over him, her face and clothes spattered with black, reeking fluid.
She whispers, "Jens, are you okay?"
He tries to smile. He scowls instead. "Ingrid?" There is a pause, and he asks, between rasping breaths, "Just us left?"
She doesn't answer, just turns her head to look at a pitchfork, bent and discarded in the dirt.
"Just us," she finally says.
"Just us."
First Next
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xoxoproject21 · 4 months
TDA Las Vegas Predictions
Mini Female
Winner: Lucia Piedrahita (Club)
Top 3/4: Savannah Jackson (Larkin), Belle Marie Arauz (Dancetown), Stella Brinkerhoff (CSPAS)
Top 10:
Tatum Self (Club)
Kennedy Marble (Club)
Alivia Hughes (DC2)
Amanda Carpenter (Dancetown)
Madisyn Rose Amos (Elite Dance Pro)
Jessica Sutton (K2)
Neala Murphy (Larkin)
Giuliana Shea (Larkin)
Melina Biltz (The rock)
Top 20:
Naomi Harper (CSPAS)
Penelope Jenson (CSPAS)
Penelope Pranger (CSPAS)
Mikayla Isler (Club)
Kinley Harper (Club)
Abbey Scott (Club)
Nixie Vance (Club)
Penelope Akey (DC2)
Soleil Lynch (Danceology)
Maylin Munos (Larkin)
Lexie Charnstrom (Larkin)
Junior Female
Winner: Aria Du (Yoko's)
Top 3/4: Kelsie Jacobson (Larkin), Skylar Wong (Woodbury), Lilly Anderson (Larkin)
Top 10:
Anistyn Larsen (CSPAS)
Violet Schwarz (CSPAS)
Isla Gardner (Club)
Brooklyn Besch (Club)
Emery Duffin (DC2)
Finley Ashfield (Larkin)
Mika Takase (Nor Cal)
Roxie Onellion (The base)
Annabella Atkinson (The rock)
Emily Polis (Vision)
Kennedy Anderson (Vision)
Top 20:
Brooklyn Ward (CSPAS)
Kylie Lawrence (CSPAS)
Kate Baker (CSPAS)
Rory Frye (CSPAS)
Ella-Nani Knight (Danceology)
Brynn Jones (Expresenz)
Bella Charnstrom (Larkin)
Mila Ayshford (Larkin)
Tayah Klimuck (Pave)
Addyson Paul (Pave)
Francesca Jen (The Academy at The Brea Space)
Teen Female
Winner: Savannah Manzel (Larkin)
Top 3/4: Taylor Morrison (DC2), Kira Chan (Elements), Kylie Kaminsky (Danceology)
Top 10:
Kamri Peterson (CSPAS)
Stella Condie (CSPAS)
Vivienne Mitchell (CSPAS)
Alexis Alvarez (Club)
Makaia Roux (Danceology)
Keelyn Jones (Danceology)
Mariandrea Villegas (Epic Motion)
Lilly allen (Kim massay)
Claire Monge (Larkin)
Katie Shinn (Next step)
Top 20:
Blakely Bell (CSPAS)
Halle Hunt (CSPAS)
Mya Tuaileva (CSPAS)
Ellie Duffin (DC2)
Haley Bertino (Danceology)
Laci Bloss (Larkin)
Channing Embry (Next step)
Madison Ronquillo (Nor Cal)
Kinsley Oykhman (The Academy at The Brea Space)
Carissa Hsu (Premier Youth Dance Company)
Faílenn Daley (the colony)
Senior Female
Winner: Izzy Howard (Westside)
Top 3/4: Keira Redpath (Larkin), Isabella Lynch ( Danceology), Hailey Bills (CSPAS)
Top 10:
Addison Middleton (Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre)
Ayla Rodriguez (Artistic Fusion)
Zoe Ridge (CSPAS)
Emma Donnelly (Danceology)
Caroline Skrable (Danceology)
Isabella Jarvis (Larkin)
Maliah Howard (Michelle L)
Lola Iglesias (Michelle L)
Beth Anne McGowan (Next step)
Kaitlyn Tom (Nor Cal)
Top 20:
Emersyn Dickson (CSPAS)
Brightyn Rines (DC2)
Addison Jones (DC2)
Brooklyn Jones (DC2)
Sami Sonder (Danceology)
Brielle McCoy (Kim massay)
Gianna Mojonnier (Danceology)
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samcampbellfans · 8 months
Sam Campbell Podcast Masterlist
Here's a masterlist of podcast episodes that feature Sam Campbell, in reverse chronological order. I tried to find all of the episodes that are available on the internet, do send me an ask if you find any that I did not include here!
Note: some of these links are Spotify links but usually podcast episodes are available anywhere you usually get a podcast i.e. Apple podcasts, Acast, etc.
July 2024
The Last Video Store. Hosted by Alexei Touliopoulos.
May 2024
Lucy and Sam's Perfect Brains, Ep 6, Ep 7, Ep 8, Ep 9. Hosted by Sam Campbell and Lucy Beaumont.
April 2024
Some Laugh Podcast - Episode 99. Taskmaster, Edinburgh Fringe & Secrets. Hosted by Marc Jennings, Stephen Buchanan and Stuart McPherson.
Tim Key's Poetry Programme. 3. Safari. On BBC Radio 4.
Lucy and Sam's Perfect Brains, Ep 2, Ep 3, Ep 4, Ep 5. Hosted by Sam Campbell and Lucy Beaumont.
March 2024
Lucy and Sam's Perfect Brains, Ep 1. Hosted by Sam Campbell and Lucy Beaumont.
Off Menu with James Acaster and Ed Gamble - Episode 229, Live with Sam Campbell in Nottingham Royal Concert Hall. Note: the episode was recorded on October 18, 2023 and released 2 March 2024.
January 2024
Drifting Off with Joe Pera Ep 12: Australia and its Greatest Horse ft. Cut Worms. Guests: Sam Campbell, Aaron Chen, Guy Montgomery and Yaraman Thorne aka Yaz.
November 2023
Ep110. SAM CAMPBELL / Plato, Purses & Palm Readings. Trusty Hogs podcast. Hosted by Catherine Bohart and Helen Bauer.
BONUS: Ep111. NATHAN FOAD/ Colleagues, Cucks & Cliff Richard. Trusty Hogs podcast - Sam pulls a prank on Nathan Foad at 22:38. Nathan Foad was in Bloods, the Sky TV sitcom that Sam was also in.
Taskmaster The Podcast. Ep 149. (S16 Ep.10.) Hosted by Ed Gamble.
Northern News. ‘A Spider’s Intern’. Hosted by Ian Smith and Amy Gledhill. Sam Campbell's guest appearance starts around the 21 minute mark.
September 2023
Taskmaster The Podcast. Ep 141. Sam Campbell - S16 Ep. 2. Hosted by Ed Gamble.
May 2023
WTF w/ Sam Campbell. Welcome to Meet You podcast. Hosted by Dart Sultan and Robbie Armfield.
April 2023
Mugg Off #173 Live Show Melbourne. Sam Campbell, Sam Taunton, Tim Hewitt, Laura Hughes.
November 2022
NTS - Hot Mess W/ Sam Campbell (hosted by Babak Ganjei).
October 2022
Dave’s Edinburgh Comedy Awards: The Podcast with Lara Ricote and Sam Campbell.
September 2022
Plot Twist podcast Kevin ‘KG’ Garry and Sam Campbell. Sky TV.
June 2022
Mugg Off #139 - Sam Campbell. Hosted by Cameron Duggan, Gerard McGowan, and Yaz.
May 2022
Backyard Stories - Episode Thirty Four - Sam Campbell
October 2021
Aunty Donna Podcast Ep 277 Nippers Feat. Sam Campbell and Eric Hutton. Hosted by Zach, Mark and Broden.
July 2021
The Phone Hacks Podcast 170. Sam Campbell - Hay Ladies. Hosted by Mike Goldstein and Nick Capper. (Thanks to Cambo Fans!)
June 2021
The Good Stuff - Episode 41 Feat. Sam Campbell. Hosted by Sam Taunton and Tom Cashman.
Australia Debates - ABC Comedy. Series 1 Episode 1 - Should Social Media Be Banned?
March 2021
Mugg Off #80 Tom Cashman and "Dingo Duggan" - Sam Campbell plays Dingo.
December 2020
Mugg Off #069 - Sam Campbell. Hosted by Cameron Duggan, Gerard McGowan and Yaz. Note: this episode was recorded in December 2020 but the video was uploaded June 2022.
August 2020
The Grub podcast, with Nikki Britton, Bjorn Stewart, Sam Campbell, Cameron James, and Danielle Walker. Hosts: Anne Edmonds, Greg Larsen and Ben Russell. NOTE: Sam is only in a few clips in this podcast, not in the whole thing.
July 2020
Circling the Drain - Ep1: Elouise Eftos, Sam Campbell. Hosted by Andrew Wolfe.
April 2020
The Good Stuff - Episode 3 Feat. Sam Campbell (An Expose on Women’s Bathrooms). Hosted by Sam Taunton and Tom Cashman.
January 2020
Mugg Off #20 - Sam Campbell. Hosted by Cameron Duggan, Gerard McGowan and Yaz.
The Grub - 2020 Call-in Special. With Melinda Buttle, Becky Lucas, Sam Campbell, Aaron Chen, Rodney Todd. Hosts: Anne Edmonds, Greg Larsen and Ben Russell. NOTE: Sam is only in a few clips in this podcast, not in the whole thing.
October 2019
The Worst Idea Of All Time - Friendzone Ninety. Hosted by Guy Montgomery and Tim Batt.
May 2019
Special Features with Cameron James and Alexei Toliopoulos - Ep 50. Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019) with Tom Walker and Sam Campbell.
May 2018
October 2017
The Dragon Friends. S3 Ep 18: THIS BOY FREZNO. The Dragon Friends is a DnD podcast and this episode was live. From the podcast description: "Also Sam Campbell wore a mask and an elephant trunk for all of the recording so if it helps, imagine that." Cambo knows nothing about DnD - he went on the podcast to prank his friend Michael Hing (allegedly). Sam plays the antagonist (an evil Michael Hing).
The Dragon Friends. S3 Ep.17. A Dog With Human Eyes with Carlo Ritchie
August 2017
Mike Check with Cameron James & Alexei Toliopoulos - Ep 45. The Gong Show S01E04 & S01E05 w/ Sam Campbell
January-February 2015
Sad Boys, episode 1-3 hosted by Sam Campbell, Eddie Sharp and Anith Mukherjee. Originally broadcast via FBi Radio.
November 2014
Mark Williamson Chat Show - Episode 110: Becky Lucas and Sam Campbell. With regulars Lester Diamond and Ryan ‘Special Comments’ Crawford.
June 2014
Truth Nest - Episode 1 Feat. Alexei Toliopoulos. Hosted by Sam Campbell and Craig Anderson.
Below are 'lost episodes' - I cannot find the audio anywhere, or the audio files are broken. Podcast descriptions say Sam was a guest. Please do message me if you manage to find the audio!
Special Features with Cameron James and Alexei Toliopoulos: 9. 2 Guns with Sam Campbell. July 2015.
Sydney Comedy Festival Podcast. April 2015.
The Loose Five with Marcel Blanch- de Wilt. Episode 107- Sam Campbell & Shubha. January 2015.
Versus on FBi Radio - Witches vs Calendars w/ Sam Campbell and Claudia O'Doherty. December 2014. This episode has unfortunately been scrubbed from Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and FBi Radio website.
The Loose Five with Marcel Blanch- de Wilt. Episode 96- Sam Campbell and Gearard McGeown. September 2014.
A massive thank you to @vampire-lily / Lauren for contributing to this masterlist!!
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
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Looking for a good read about or by sapphic women or gay/bi men?
Look no further! I gave all these books 4 or 5 stars when I read them. 
Lesbian and bisexual women (subject and author): 
Two or three things I know for sure by Dorothy Allison (lesbian memoir)
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Kabi Nagata (graphic novel, lesbian memoir)
The Sealed Letter by Emma Donahue (historic fiction, bisexual woman and lesbian wlw relationship)
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabi Rivera (ya contemporary, lesbian mc)
Fried Green Tomatoes at The Whistlestop Cafe by Fannie Flagg (historic fiction, butch/femme wlw)
Annie on my Mind by Nancy Garden (ya lesbian classic)
The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall (historic fiction, lesbian classic)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid (historic fiction, bisexual woman and lesbian wlw relationship)
Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo and Me by Ellen Forney (graphic novel, memoir- even though it’s mainly about bipolar disorder mostly she is bisexual and it’s mentioned in the novel)
Lesbian or Bisexual Woman author (not necessarily an LGBT subject): 
Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and A Room of One’s Own all by Virginia Woolf (bisexual author)
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (bisexual author)
The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters (lesbian author)
The Yellow Wallpaper (and other stories) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (bisexual author)
The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls by Emilie Autumn (bisexual author)
Passing by Nella Larsen (bisexual author)
Transgender Topics: 
Female Husbands: A Trans History by Jen Manion (LGBT history- only concerns relationships between historic AFAB couples and AFAB people who lived as men for many reasons- wider career opportunities and being able to marry a woman were the two most common reasons cited across all stories chronicled) 
Gay Men and Bisexual Men (subject and/or author): 
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (historic fiction, Greek Myths)
Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin (gay author, essays on race in America)
Boy meets Boy by David Leviathan (ya contemporary mlm romance)
If We were Villains by M. L. Rio  (ya, dark academia, mystery)
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee (historic fiction, bisexual mlm, ya) The two sequels also have more lgbt characters. 
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favemusiclessons · 1 year
Barry Harris Wisdom That Is Amazing Advice For Jazz
Barry Harris is one of the greatest teachers in Jazz and Bebop. His method is a very effective way to learn to play Jazz and well worth exploring.
00:00 Intro - The Masterclass and Moving  00:36 Barry Harris  01:13 The Masterclasses  01:56 Practice Technique On Songs  04:50 Write Licks And Write Solos  05:33 Turn Vocabulary Into Exercises  06:29 Combining Two Exercises To Make Vocabulary  06:58 Scale Exercises That Are Already Jazz Licks  07:49 These Scale Exercises Are Immediately Great Jazz Licks 
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derwahnsinn · 1 year
31 Days Idol Challenge - Oliver Riedel
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Day 10 - Favourite Look in a Group Photo
When I made this challenge before this year's tour, I was not sure which photo I would go for. As soon as this Adieu photo by Jens Koch was published, it became easy.
Of course, it is separate shots put together, but it's still presented as a group photo - and Oliver looks fabulous. I like how he has a prominent placement, how his posture and facial expression is so different from how we normally see him in photos, and how he looks hands on and ready to go. It totally fits the character he had in the Adieu music video, where he totally rocked that mini-gun.
Seeing this photo blown up and used for Rammstein's merch booths this tour, was amazing. The details were mind-blowing. I actually took photos of one of those banners, and while my angle and lighting was not perfect, I have tried to adjust the colour balance and aspect to resemble the original. The spots on the photo are spots that were on the actual banner I photographed.
Since this photo is photoshopped and not accurate, please do not circulate it. I put a disclaimer on it as well, so no one will think of it as the original photo. While it is not perfect, it does show a little bit of the crazy detail in this fantastic photo.
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Bonus material: 1) Dreamy young Oliver with hair, by Fritz Brinckmann 1995. 2) Pile of Rammstein where Oliver has more hair than Schneider, by Joachim Gern 1995. 3) Barefoot Oliver front and centre, by Jan Hinrich Hoffmann 1995. 4) Photo where you can really see that Oliver is younger than the rest of Rammstein, by Frank Lothar Lange 1997. 5) Oliver and Richard sharing a moment, by Ross Halfin 2001. 6) Shaved Oliver with glasses, by Olaf Heine 2004. 7) The Rosenrot photoshoot, by Kasskara Agentur (Mat Hennek and Felix Broede), 2005. Oliver looked confident and proud, perhaps because the band was dressed up by his wife? 8) The German Conference, Sonoma 2008, by Olaf Heine. I like how the others are listening to Oliver (well, apart from Richard, who is posing for the camera). 9) In LIFAD costume, by Paul Harries 2010. This was a really good look for Oliver. 10) Oliver in his element, by Frédéric Batier for Mein Land 2011. 11) Smiling Oliver on the photo shoot for the Untitled album, photo by Jes Larsen 2019.
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Others doing this challenge:
Till: @endlich-allein Flake: @anwiel13
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snototter · 2 years
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Two Dwarf Mongoose (Helogale parvula) in Kenya, Africa
by Jens Hyldstrup Larsen
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cspasfan15 · 3 months
Mini Female
Top 20: maylin munos, aria mccrea, Kaci oh, kinley harper, abbey Scott, Remington Frye, mila hiatt, neala Murphy, Amanda carpenter, Veronica Velazquez, Penelope jenson
Top 10: Kennedy marble, Jessica Sutton, macey strickland, melina biltz, madisyn rose Amos, mikayla isler, junie beus, Tatum self
Top 4: Stella brinkerhoff, belle marie arauz, Lucia piedrahita
Winner: Savannah Jackson
Mini Male
Top 4: Kyle young, brody Schaffer, Sebastian saenger
Winner: chase lang
Junior female
Top 20: Vera escamilla, Charlotte shinnenfield, Tayah klimuck, annabella Atkinson, Rory Frye, violet schwarz, Francesca Jen, Tabitha nan, AvaLeigh Mackaron, Ella-Nani Knight
Top 10: Bella Charnstrom, brynn Jones, Kennedy Anderson, anistyn Larsen, piper Perusse, Mika Takase, Brooklyn Ward, Roxie Onellion, Lilly Anderson, Finley Ashfield
Top 4: Emily polis, Kelsie Jacobson, skylar Wong
Winner: Aria Du
Junior Male
Top 4: Grayson niemczyk, Aidan ecenbarger, Lincoln Russo
Winner: Matthew Conway
Teen Female
Top 20: Kennedy Brandon, carissa hsu, kinsley oykhman, brynn kostka, Isabella tjoe, Kamri Peterson, Alexis Alvarez, Kate jarboe, Vivienne Mitchell
Top 10: Madison ronquillo, Caroline McGowan, Georgia Beth peters, Lilly Allen, Claire monge, Kylie kaminsky, Stella condie, Kira chan, Mariandrea Villegas
Top 4: Caitlyn polis, makaia roux, Taylor Morrison
Winner: Savannah manzel
Teen male
Top 4: Logan Asuncion, musa fofana, cooper macalalad
Winner: Zachary Roy
Senior female
Top 20: LeeAsia Smith, maliah howard, Addison Middleton, Isabella Jarvis, gianna garwacki, brielle McCoy, Alexis leistner, brightyn rines, Madison Goulding, ceilidh mcseveney
Top 10: cambry bethke, Lola Iglesias, Isabella lynch, ayla rodriguez, Zoe ridge, Caroline skrable, Emma Donnelly, Izzy Howard
Top 4: Kaitlyn tom, Beth Anne McGowan, Keira redpath
Winner: Hailey bills
Senior Male
Top 4: Caleb area, drew Rosen, Cameron Kennedy
Winner: Hudson pletcher
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