#jehrtkjerhtkejr i sound white girl wasted in this
wincestisasincest · 2 years
Confession time, I have always hated slow burns- the reason being,I am usually an inpatient person-HOWEVER!! you- my friend, are special… I would sell my left kidney for this story-100% worth it.
Also, just wanted to say that your way of writing the reader is so enjoyable and never seems to disappoint at all, the ones I read-tend to have the same personality a lot of the time, which can unfortunately bore the plot, for me at least. You could strip Penny of her past and compare her to other depictions of the reader, and she’d still stand out- in a good way,of course. I’d say like a flower in a junkyard but she’s more like a needle in a haystack lol It’s the thriving personality that you have given us that really makes it special! I hope it didn’t sound like I was just comparing apples to apples in a negative way, I only appreciate and admire how your personality for us is different from how readers are often portrayed :))
jertkjehrtk ANON you are making me blush please don't sell your left kidney tho
i ended up giving a very long answer with several unsolicited opinions, so i've divided this ask up into sections so you can pick which rants you want to read lol.
slow burns and slow pace:
yes i also used to dislike slow burns because i am also a very impatient person, but i realized that my actual problem was not with slow burn but with slow pacing. a lot of slow burn fics that i don't really vibe with tend to not have much going on besides the relationship, so naturally, the rest of the plot moves very slowly as well. this isn't bad on its own, but there has to be a good REASON that things move slowly, otherwise it just feels like you're drawing it because you can.
but! you can also have a fast paced narrative be a slow burn. you can constantly change the status quo and challenge your characters and have new things happen and still be a slow burn. just because the RELATIONSHIP is slow doesn't mean that the plot has to be. this is the way that i prefer to do it because i like to make my characters uncomfortable at all times. it's fun :)
reader inserts:
also I AM GLAD EVERYONE LIKES READER IN THIS erktjhetkjerht this was actually something that i was really worried about when i first started writing, because i think that, like, there's a sort of assumption that the more personality you give a reader, the less relatable they will be? but (thankfully, because you guys are the best readers ever) i've found that as long as you give the reader good reasons for doing what they're doing, and are consistent with their characterization (i.e. you don't change their personality to fit the situation), then most people will vibe with them regardless.
because, like, reader is supposed to represent real people, and real people have reasons for doing things and are consistent.
also, most real people think at least one (1) stupid thought a day. this is very important.
you guys:
for real, though, a lot of this is just cause you guys are like insanely great readers and i love each and every one of you to the moon and back. a little sappy, too bad, i'm feeling sappy tonight. cause, like, a story, especially one made for other people to put themselves in, is literally nothing if no one else reads it. and you guys read it!!!! and you see yourselves in it!!!! and that is so!!!!!!!!! akrethkerjthe
yeah anyway in conclusion don't sell your left kidney.
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