#jegulus masked singer au
c0nsumemy5oul · 7 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday
I've been working on something ever since I saw this post by @emlovessid and after a lot of planning and hard work I finally have a little snippet to share! I'm still in the first draft phase, so a lot of this might change but I really like what I've got going.
So, jegulus microfic (?) 766 words, rated T.
He knows that it’s impolite to answer the phone, especially when you’re in a radio interview, but it’s Regulus. He can’t not answer.  “Would you mind if I answer that?” Dave, his nosy interviewer, didn’t even have the time to nod before James picked up the call regardless. 
“Hey, hun.” James grinned, hearing his boyfriend’s voice. He lowered the volume so only he could hear it.  “James, hi!” A beat of silence. “Your voice sounds different, are you alright?”  “Oh, don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” Dave’s eyes were growing wide in his curiosity. James’ eyes twitched in annoyance.  “Okay, well, I just wanted to make sure you can make it to my gala next weekend? You’ll finally get to meet my friends!” Regulus’s voice sounded a little on edge, like he thought James couldn’t make time for it in his busy schedule. Which is outrageous because that’s exactly what he drilled his assistant about when they made said schedule.  “Of course.” James quickly shut down his doubts. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”  “Okay,” Regulus made a sound and James instantly knew he was biting back a smile. “Are you busy? He asked after several beats of silence.  “I am a little occupied, yes.” James shot a glare at Dave from under his mask. “But I’ll call you when I’m home.”  “Alright. I’m gonna go have dinner with my brother now.” Reg told him.  “Have fun.” James smiled widely.  “Love you!”  “Love you too.” James replied, watching the screen as Regulus hung up. He turned back to Dave, uncrossed and recrossed his legs. “Uh, sorry, what was the question?”  “Who was that?” Dave borderline demanded, his eyes alight with curiosity and the prospect of a scoop.  Have some subtlety, at least. James smiled tightly, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” His years in media training will not go to waste.  “Yes, I would.” Dave smiled toothily, like this was some game to him. “I would like it very much.”  Well, James won’t play. “It was my mother.”  He can see the hesitancy on Dave’s face. But the man had to know he can’t call out a celebrity on a lie.  He can’t be an amateur.  “Mr. Prongs…”  Or he can.  James wished Remus was with him so could deck Dave in the face.  “Don’t you know, Dave? I’m a total mama’s boy.”  Dave laughed nervously, a retort on his lips, about to cross the fucking boundary.  “Let’s move on with the interview, shall we?” James said pleasantly, but his voice was laced with poison. “What was the next question?”  Dave cleared his throat and rearranged his notes, finally taking the hint. “Right, um. Fans are speculating about the new album you’ve been teasing, anything you can tell us about it?”  Finally, a question they had agreed upon.  James rattled off a practiced answer hinting some more to what the album is about and the style of the songs. (Mostly love songs. That’s Regulus to blame.)  Towards the end, the same question that James has had to answer in every single interview he ever had as Prongs came up.  “Why the mask?” James had a few answers ready. Imprinted in his mind forever due to the frequency of the query. He got tired of it all.  “Why not?” He replied. “You can’t fault a man for wanting to keep his public and private life separate. And I like my stag mask.”  “I understand the stage name,” Dave smiled again. James wanted to punch him oh-so badly. “But your face, Mr. Prongs.”  “Exactly. My face.” James nodded. “If I were to show it, I would lose every spec of privacy I had left. This way I can go outside and blend right in when I want to.”  “Well, you’d have some privacy left. Your mother’s calls, for example.” Dave joked. He chuckled innocently. James didn’t laugh. He was too focused on not ripping the man to shreds.  He stood up. “Oh, would you look at that! We ran out of time.” They still had five minutes to go. But James can’t bear sitting in the same room as his interviewer anymore. He’ll get shit for answering the phone anyway, might as well really piss off his publicist.  “Maybe we’ll continue in another interview.” They are not doing another interview.  Dave looked at him with hopeful mischievous eyes. James is never stepping foot in this building again.  “It was a pleasure to host you Mr. Prongs.” Dave said. “Good luck on your upcoming album.”  “Thank you.” James nearly spat the words as he stormed out.  He hated radio.
It's not coming out any time soon, if ever. But I do hope you like it. Would love to hear your thoughts!
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