livingonthesands · 3 months
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kofi - patreon - etsy
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count-alexei-vronsky · 4 months
Your wife is gay
{ @christianes-doves }
He tilts his head, genuinely curious but hoping it wasn't true because
1. he loved her
(He's not against gay people he just worries for them, " they don't get killed right?? " He doesn't know that debatably times have changed and it's not like people will die for being openly gay (IN SOME WAYS WE DO-))
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dewwshi · 1 year
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we'll be there! 💖
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 1 year
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i had an exam today and all i got think about was what he'd feel like inside me-
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prodigal-san · 4 months
You should draw Lucifer sucking Alastors dick
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hanasnx · 11 months
it sucks that anakin can’t say “jesus christ” bcos i know he’d fucking love saying it
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liskribbles · 11 days
The fuckin torture of being a Billford artist from the start and seeing the hypetrain swoosh by because a) I can't get my hands on the book just yet b) I have so much work I have like zero time to draw anything beside it at least till November.
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synthsays · 1 year
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paganwresting · 1 year
Tony did you just say you felt afraid for your life ? 😂 with Punk 🤣 Omfg 😂 cry me a River 🤣
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count-alexei-vronsky · 3 months
*shoots you in the leg*
Alexei nearly toppled over, clinging to the wall, it hurt like hell
He winced
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worlddevoid · 1 month
World Devoid: Episode 1.2 - This Is (Not) Your Morning
(Word Count: 1.4k)
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"WHAT THE FRICK, CASSIE, I COULD HAVE KILLED US!" Baz yells, gripping the steering wheel with bone white knuckles as smoke pours in through the open window. He takes a moment to catch his breath-- taking a few large, dramatic gasps before looking back at Cassie-- bewildered.
"NEVERMIND THAT! What about all these empty cars?" Cassie replies, not even waiting for a response before reaching for the door handle and opening it, stepping down over the high ledge of the RV to the solid ground. She takes off towards the cars without a moments notice.
"WHAT ARE YOU---jeezuz Christopher Christ on a cracker!" Baz exclaims as he scrambles for his own door handle and stumbles out after Cassie. He takes one step towards the line of empty cars before thinking better and leaning back into the RV and across the driver's seat. He stretches his arm into the space behind his seat and grabs the (quite frankly) very tiny, handheld axe they had used to chop firewood. He then scurries into formation behind Cassie, pathetically holding up the can-opener-sized 'weapon' at nothing in particular. "What the FRICK is going on?" He chokes out, trying to keep his composure and failing.
It is eerily silent and still as they approach the sea of vehicles. Not even the wind is blowing. A deep dread washes over Cassie and she sucks in a sharp breath, stopping in her tracks. Something is wrong, but she's not quite sure what exactly that is yet. She steps tentatively towards the nearest car, reaching out slowly for the open door and leaning in as she gets closer. Crouching down, she wiggles her front half into the back seat and starts scanning the area for clues.
"HELLLLOOOOO!" Baz yells from behind her, frustrated at being ignored. He advances to where Cassie has worked her way into the back seat of a sedan, and squints at the cars surrounding them. He takes a moment to scrutinize each one, only to discover that each and every one, within eye sight, appears to be empty. Not only that, but the cars stretch on for miles. Hundreds - no, thousands- of cars leading to the community college, left abandoned. Their owners- nowhere to be found.
He kicks the back wheel well of the car Cassie is investigating and repeats himself. "Helllooooo. What the FRICK is going on???"
"As if I know! That's why I'm looking for clues! Now either help or get out of the way, dummy!" Cassie states bluntly, continuing her search for any sign of what happened here and where the owners of these vehicles have gone off to. Baz winces, but quickly shrugs his shoulders and decides to join the hunt.
Having found nothing in the backseat, Cassie moves her search to the front. Leaning over the middle console, she finds a Nokia 3310 sitting in the passenger seat. Excitedly, she reaches for it, only for the phone to... move- only a tiny amount, enough to make her question whether or not she had imagined it.
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Baz, who had been watching Cassie, notices as her focus shifts from the backseat to the front. His eyes land on a small blue phone just as she reaches for it. When it moves- or at least he could have sworn it moved- he quickly looks to Cassie, only to see shock scribbled across her features. She had clearly seen it too. He wrenches open the front car door 'weird that it's just sitting here unlocked' and dives for the phone-- only for it to wiggle just a little bit forward out of his grasp. His hand remains frozen in shock where the phone had been sitting only moments prior. "Uhh...Cassie...." He manages to utter in disbelief, cartoonishly rubbing his eyes as if to reset the image they'd just seen.
To their collective horror, from beneath the phone, eight spindly legs creep over the edge, scraping the corners of the buttons as a disturbing creature emerges. It peels itself off of the plastic and scuttles away from the Nokia, giving them a better look at it.
The creature is no larger than the palm of a hand, spider-like in more ways than one. Its eight long legs, the same shaped abdomen, its dark, obsidian color- everything yells that this is some kind of spider. Except for the eyes. There are precisely six of them, each a different size and shape. Some look eerily humanoid. Even more unsettling, they seem to blink independently of each other.
Cassie immediately recoils and screams in terror.
As her figure flies backwards away from the front seat in quick fashion, Baz leans curiously towards the creature that gave her a big fright. A beautiful spider- unlike any he's ever seen before- blinks in multitude back at him. He wracks his brain to help identify the enigma before him, but his mind comes up blank. He's never seen or heard of an arachnid that matches the description of the one in front of his own eyes and he squeals in glee at the revelation.
"I've never seen a specimen quite as magnificent as this one. The body and legs indicate it could belong in the Badumna insignis family, but the eyes are unlike anything that should belong to that family- or any species of spider really!" He bends forward excitedly. 'THIS IS SO COOL! IF I'M THE FIRST ONE TO DISCOVER THIS LITTLE GUY THEN I GET TO NAME IT AND BE--' "If this is the first of it's kind we need to carefully capture it for study! I will set a trap and lure the little----"
Before he can finish his sentence, the eight-legged creature bends it's legs with lightning speed and launches itself off of the seat and directly toward his face. He swings wildly with the small axe in a panic and feels only the slightest connection with mass--but it's just enough to knock it off course and it lands on the ground just to his left. He whips around to see it poised to pounce just behind him.
Cassie scrambles out of the back seat and books it away from the car. "Baz! Kill it already!" She shouts from a safe distance, leaving them to take care of this. She doesn't do bugs. Unfortunately for her, the spider takes notice of the motion and set its sights on her instead, turning and scuttling in her direction at an ungodly speed for such a tiny thing.
"Get awaaaayyyyy!" She screeches, sprinting away as fast and as far as her legs will let her.
Baz is stood frozen- torn between saving his friend and attacking a potentially new species, or standing still just to see what would happen if it got to Cassie... His better judgement ultimately wins against his bug-crazy brain and he lunges into action, taking one long stride with his string bean legs and swinging his right arm in synchronized action. He slams down HARD on the spider mid-scuttle. A sickening crunch is heard and he cringes, just a little, as orange guts arch through the air and spray against the pavement, some of it splashing on the toes of their shoes.
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"Ewwww!" Cassie cries as she stamps her feet and shakes vigorously in an attempt to get the orange slime off her clear plastic heels. It got on her bare feet as well- some of it sticking between her toes.
"Awe, Frick." Baz say dejectedly, crouching down at the massacre beneath him. He moves to languidly touch one of its many legs, lamenting its passing.
Just as their hand is about to make contact with the fuzzy stick of a leg, it twitches and Baz flinches back in surprise.
Suddenly, the massacred pieces of spider carcass begin to vibrate. He stands quickly and takes a step back, watching the pile of flesh squirm with bewilderment.
"Oh God," Cassie whines, tears starting to prick the corners of her eyes. "This is so disgusting."
She is so distracted with the spider guts all over her designer shoes that she doesn't notice the creature in question begin to twitch on the ground. Unbeknownst to her, the spider is beginning to reform its body, the flesh pulling together as if attracted by a magnet.
Baz tunes out Cassie's cries of displeasure and watches- in a mixture of horror and fascination- as the smashed, mangled pieces of the spider's carcass begin to reconstruct themselves into one again. Each broken piece mends before his eyes and the legs begin to kick and twitch as it's stitched back together by an unseen force. He scrambles backwards once more as it attempts to stand- stray pieces of flesh still rolling and squishing into place.
"Cassie." He says carefully. "Get back in the RV."
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ashy-mxw12 · 10 months
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Don't mind me I'm just showing a drawing I made of Gangle jsjsjs
And with Manami too,it's my OcxCanon ok? don't judge pls
(jeezuz craist her body is trifficult to draw-)
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just-jae · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel 7-8 (Spoil McNoil)
Hazbin Hotel is indeed not an action show.
But at least they tried to have some action.
Should they have tried tho?
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(I'm gonna start out ripping, but, I don't hate this show, it's actually pretty funny that does some things super well but then just bumble fucks other big moments)
I mean, here's the thing, they're great at street fights, apparently. Vaggie vs Lute was pretty brutal, I felt like I was watching two bird tear eachother apart. Like a scene out of Gardians of Ga'Hoole.
But the ninja anime fantasy, martial arts type stuff was pretty weak, and didn't really track as something the characters would utilize. Like, Alastor is a cannibalistic voodoo serial killer from 1930's New Orleans. And twice before we've seen Alastor grow and contort to intimidate, kill, etc. But he doesn't do any of that against Adam except for that one aesthetic moment. Instead it's got generic "Tentril powers, GO!" vibes. Husker and Charlie also have this problem. Why is an American Gambler using cards like ninja stars? He can fly dude-- or, can he?
Can Husker fly?
And Charlie- like, she has a sheild, but she can only really use it to protect herself :/ Like, girl, just go inside.
Lucy beating the shit out of Adam was cut so short, Like, 2 secs and 4 punches b4 Charlie goes "DAD STOP ITS TOO MUCH"-- no, let Lucy COOK; I think it would have actually been an interesting point to make on how the reason Lucifer gives for discouraging the Hotel is sinner's being "The Worst", yet here he is clearly having a fit of violence (an understandable one but, Charlie, who's never even been to heaven except for a bs court hearing, has to remind a high-ranking angel to have mercy.) Charlie, razz and Dazz transforming didn't really do anything-- it actually felt more like a game of thrones reference, which would be fine if Razz or Dazz DID anything except die. They also didn't explain Carmilla's motive for helping them well. Like, neat entrance, but the build ups to the pay offs didn't exist :,O
And the voice acting: These guys are great singers, but the noises they make when they get hit, their mid-battle dialogue, is so corny and tonally off for certain characters. Like, Alastor and Charlie's yells in particular are- pardon my accent but cringe af.
Charlie in particular has so many anti-climatic moments. If they meant for her to not be particularly good at fighting, maybe establish that and not have all these super dramatic badass magical girl moments that just lead to her getting dunked on. It was so anticlimactic jeezuz christ.
And really it's more about picking a tone, the anti climactic moments could have been funny if they framed it as a funny moment or a joke, but it's framed seriously so it's read seriously.
But, who doesn't bumble fuck around how to end something though. I've read some juicy, golden touch stories that really freaked out on the gas and steering at the end. So, this isn't anything uncommon, especially for relatively new creators.
They have flaws, who doesn't. I loved so much about this show even when my first impression going in was just cringing at it not being what I expected. This is a critique of love, guys, I genuine wish the best for this show, bc it's apparent that when Viv has the freedom and breathing room she needs to plan and pace, she can cook up a good ass goddamned meal (See: Helluva Boss, Season one). This was them crunching and smushing a ton of story and moments into too-few episodes, which, looking back could have been done better, but its easy to see how something can be better once it's done and out in the world. (See: literally any amature artist 2 seconds after posting their work)
The season finale ended with so many good set ups tho! :D
Lilith vacaying in heaven, having made a deal with Adam.
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Alastor becoming desperate for a way out, having made deals with Vaggie and Charlie-- And far more explicitly there against his will. Also--is a future antagonist?
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Yes PLEASE. I love that they showed Al loosing his shit through his eyes even with the smile he's always wearing. And they built this up before hand having him talk previously about wearing a smile, basically as a mask.
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(I was actually cringing at Pentious the entire time inep 8, I'm sorry but he's so hard to take seriously-- even his "death" was funny as hell. I love him but its like how someone loves a clumsy puppy that destroys your house without neither malice nor remorse)
Also: The exorcists switching leaders- I am wondering how things are gonna change with them, especially given how much more sadistic and violent Lute is. Like, Adam just liked laughing at sinners. He saw them as insults to his existance, his mini-me hates and seems like she just enjoys violence and malice, using ego and "they deserve it" narratives as an excuse to indulge in acts that ordinarily would lan someone in hell.
Overall-- Not the best season finale I've ever seen, execution-wise through these 8 episodes (like, Vaggie got her wings learning to fight for love, but she's been doing nothing but supporting and protecting Charlie this whole time. There was no hint that she was bitter or wanted revenge). They definitely needed to pace and build things better but there's so much to love. Like, Seeing Alastor in his element with Rosie and Nifty was so fun, even if they were small moments (his laugh is so stiff tho, c'mon Al.)
The finale did a good job setting up the future, but I don't have much more to say than that. Hopefully, now that they know they're getting a second season, they'll just, breathe on this one a bit more ya?
I'm glad I watched it, I cried, I laughed, I cringed, I yelled at Pentious for subjecting me to second hand embarrassment. It's great :,D
Also- I hope he doesn't read this and takes it the wrong way, but Vox reminds me of my brother-- Especially with the scenes where he's watching the battle :,D
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redthesizeshifter · 1 month
The Contract - Chapter 1.5
So I had to separate Chapter 1 into two parts since it was 6k words long jeezuz.
But fret not! I have here the missing part of Chapter 1! Enjoy!
In case you havent checked out Chapter 1
After the event organizers turned on the lights inside and rearranged the tables so it would resemble a restaurant again, Eliot had gone up to the frontman to tell him that they were both a couple now and that they wanted a table. The frontman nodded with a smile on his face and let them inside again. They looked around to find a table and sat down.
Eva ordered a margarita and Eliot ordered a tequila on the rocks for himself. Eva chuckled, amused.
“Straight up tequila? Wow, I didn’t know you were such an old man” She teased with a giggle as she handed the menu back to the waiter and thanked him for the order.
“You youngin´s just don’t know how to appreciate a good tequila!” He said with a gruff voice as he shook his fist in the air and leaned his head forward, emulating an old man, prompting a loud laugh from Eva as she quickly stopped it and cleared her throat. Eliot noticed that immediately and tilted his head to the side.
“What was that?”
“What was what?” Eva said, trying to evade the question.
“You laughed and you stopped yourself, I like your laugh.”
“Ugh, no, no one likes my laugh, it's hideous, loud, and obnoxious.”
“Are you kidding? I laugh like that all the time, don’t feel like you need to hide yourself from me, okay?”
Eva had been looking away, evading his gaze until he mentioned not hiding from him which made her turn slowly, looking directly into his eyes. She slowly smiled sweetly her hand in front of her mouth as her eyes fluttered slightly at him. Her cheeks slowly lifted, slightly squishing her eyes as she nodded slightly.
“That’s grand coming from someone who hasn’t told me their name or is it Rudolph? Hiding your name from me is rude.”
Eliot blushed deeply. He forgot to tell her his name?! What was wrong with him?!
“OH! AH! Sorry, I thought I did tell you my name! Gah… The name is Eliot. Eliot Martinez”
He extended a hand towards her as he does usually at work to his clients. He realized that was a bit dumb as he began to take his hand back until he felt her fingers wrap around his hand as Eva had reached over to take his hand and shake it.
“Eva Morrison. One and only.”
His chest did the thing again. A smile slowly revealed itself on his face as he shook her hand confidently.
“Pleasure to meet you, Eva Morrison. Lore-keeper of the books of Tolkien”
He added as he pulled her hand over to him and kissed the top of it before letting it go.
“Oh? We are giving each other titles now?” She said keeping the smile that Eliot had brought out in her as the drinks were left on the table. Both their eyes didn’t look at the drinks. Their eyes were transfixed on each other´s. An intimate connection slowly being woven. Their banter, their interactions, their attraction to each other´s bodies, the fluttering of their hearts on their chests, they were enjoying each other´s company and they both loved it. They lifted their drinks with a small cheer and drank their respective drinks. Eva began to down the drink bit by bit as she kept her gaze on Eliot. Eliot did the same, downing the tequila straight.
One thing that they had both also established is that they were competitive and wouldn’t back down without a fight. As the last of their drinks was drank and both cups hit the table, their smiles intensified as Eva shook off the alcohol from her system and leaned closer to Eliot to say teasingly:
“Now. Question time, I want my 20 bucks.”
“You’re on, aut”
Both of their laughs could be heard echoing inside the restaurant and even outside as they got to their sixth drink, their minds dispersed, and their words slurred as they continued to talk. They had been asking questions to each other about Lord of the Rings but suddenly Eliot began asking questions that related more to Eva while she returned the favor.
“What is your body count?” Eliot had asked
“What a forward old man you are! How could you ask-? Five.” She said at first sounding offended and then uninterested as she drank her sixth margarita.
“5? Hmm, interesting. I just wanted to ask, now ask me. Ask me anything!” He said as he drunkenly leaned back on his seat.
“What is YOUR body count Mr. I-get-all-the-bitches?” She asked him with malice as she eyed him quizzically.
“Hmm… one”
“ONE!? NO SHOT!” She had said a bit too loudly, some of the people at the place looked at her a bit weirdly but carried on their night. Eliot covered his face with his hand embarrassed of his answer as he looked away with a goofy smile on his face.
Eva loved talking to him, especially to tease him, she felt a sense of security and familiarity with him. She had loved asking questions, getting to know him, and seeing him blush, smile, and get embarrassed, he was cute. Really cute. A wicked idea sneaked into her mind, the same one she tried when she asked the last question at the blind date event. It didn’t work at that point but now, she would make sure it does. Her heel lifted and the front of her other shoe pressed down on the back of it, her socked foot slowly and seductively sliding out of the shoe.
She felt her brain warn her not to do this in public, that this was inappropriate, but she didn’t care. It was so fun to see him blush and squirm slightly. She found a lot of pleasure seeing Eliot squirm under her, almost like she was seeing a tiny bug writhe under her, but the bug could speak and also looked human, and also looked like Eliot. A tiny Eliot. That idea would be so cute to see. She lifted her leg and put her foot above his thigh under the table. Eliot yelped in response, a visible deep red invading his face instantly as he looked at Eva with an adorable expression. Eva loved watching him squirm under her, he was so precious when he got flustered, her eyes locked onto him as she saw the panic across his face, probably from him being flustered to oblivion and back. She chuckled lightly and pondered on the question that she had asked until the words slurred out of her mouth, the alcohol invading her judgment to not be so forward, but she just found him incredibly attractive and craved more.
“Want that body count to go up?” she mouthed over to him
She could’ve sworn he shifted downwards on his chair, right as she said that. Her foot pressed playfully onto his thigh and climbed up slowly as a gentle chuckle escaped her mouth, massaging it slightly. She was going to bring this guy to her apartment, whether he wanted to or not.
His mind raced a million per hour, his drunkenness did NOT help him control his senses and size. Her foot was now slowly massaging his crotch teasingly, causing his already pulsating cock to react happily against the sole of his attacker. She did want to tease the hell out of him! He tried to make a snarky remark, but his words were stuck at the bottom of his throat. On queue he felt himself slowly dwindle smaller, centimeter by centimeter he felt himself go down in size. Shit! How much height did he lose up until now? 5 full inches from what he counted. He had to accept her deal for now, so they could at least go to a more private area.
Although this was more for convenience to get out of there, he also deeply desired to have her tower over him, to step on his tiny form as she stared seductively down at him.
His drunken imagination wandered, he imagined how he would slowly shrink in front of her naked form, taking in the size he was losing and letting her chuckle at his slow shrinking until he was but an inch tall to her. He looked up at her from between her feet as she lifted her foot and knocked him back with it, laughing above him seductively, his face lit up badly.
Snap out of it!
He desired it more than anything but couldn’t bring himself to trust this human. What if she couldn’t be trusted? What if this was too good to be true? Maybe he should get back home on his own and not think about this anymore.
His throat slowly began to untie itself as his hands lifted her foot off his crotch to make a statement firmly. He was going to tell her that he had had an amazing night and that it had been fun, but he needed to go back home. He took in air and looked at the confused expression on Eva´s face as he put down her foot.
“W-Where do you live, hun?”
Huh? That was not what he was going to say.
In the cold air of the night, the two lovebirds walked towards Eva´s apartment. Or more likely they stumbled towards Eva´s apartment. She was trying to balance herself on the cracks of the street as Eliot carried his suitcase and Eva´s bag, watching her, amused at her drunken behavior. Not that he wasn’t drunk, he felt plastered, but Eva was acting so adorably that he couldn’t help but chuckle sometimes which would prompt her to turn her full body around and reply with a drunken:
“HUH? Whatcha lookin' at, Rudolph?”
“Oh nothing, you’re just acting so cute” He would tease as she would frown at him and turn away, a small blush forming on her face. Eliot felt this was a slight revenge for her teasing. But what had happened? He wanted to respectfully deny her invitation. Why did he say yes?! Any other interaction with her like the ones at the restaurant would probably send him straight to microscopic size! Not that he had ever reached that height but still, drunk, in love, and horny was not a great combination in any case.
Eva began singing a song as she waddled forward on the sidewalk.
“Would you take the wheel,
If I lose control?
If am lying here,
Would you take me home?
Could you take care
Of a broken soul?”
Eliot recognized that song. It was the one that was playing at the restaurant before they left. Eva had made the off comment about how the song was so powerful to her and how she loved it. She then hopped over to Eliot and held onto his arm affectionately as she snuggled it. Eliot smiled up slightly at the drunken Eva… wait, up? Right, he had lost a couple of inches… how many? He had been slightly taller than her but now he was looking up at her slightly. He honestly lost count, but he just needed to not lose control again, easy right? He held one of her hands onto his and sweetly planted a kiss on her forehead. Eva stopped in her tracks and looked at him with a surprised expression, a small blush slowly began forming onto it. Eliot laughed loudly, amused at the sight, oh how the mighty have fallen.
“You got so flustered! Not so funny when you´re the one being teas-”
Eva slowly leaned in closer to his face. The puff of smoke touched his nose and lips as she neared closer. Eliot´s chest swelled with excitement and fear, warming it up slightly. Their faces neared closer and closer as their lips slightly touched. As if they had felt a jolt of electricity they immediately backed away for a second as if not entirely sure if to continue or not. Eliot´s heart pounded in his ears, the blood rushed through his body and that feeling he had felt when he saw her outside the restaurant for the second time came back to him, the warm feeling he felt on his abdomen. He wanted her. He needed her. Life would be impossible to live with a woman like her. Their chemistry is blatantly obvious and their likes are also obviously similar.
He felt his worries flood into his mind suddenly. She might find out about you. She might exploit your ability. She will leave you in the morning anyway. He backed away a bit further before suddenly feeling a hand envelop the back of his head the slim fingers going through his hair and scratching his scalp slightly. A shiver went down his back.
“Kiss me, you idiot” Eva would say before she pulled him into a passionate kiss.
The world around him became alive, the noises surrounding them became livelier, his body heat skyrocketing, his thoughts blank. He returned the kiss passionately, he didn´t care about his size or her seeing him small. He really didn´t care, let her take everything. Let her take his pain, his feelings, his size, his secrets, everything. This woman had been a delight to meet and talk to for the past few hours and he liked everything about her, her body, her personality, her interactions with him, and her competitiveness. He craved nothing more to be with her and to have her looming above him, whispering sweet things into his ear.
He had only talked to her for a few hours, and they had connected better than with any person he had been with. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pressed herself against him, her waist pressing against his, her kisses were lustful but there was also something else to them. In a way, he sensed she felt the same way about him. That word that had lingered in his mind before came back. He didn’t want to say the word, but that’s exactly what he felt for her at that moment. He felt like he could linger in this moment forever, kissing the woman he liked in a passionate and loving kiss that could last for eons.
All that was left was just to let himself go. He felt the warmth in his abdomen take over his whole body. Before he realized what he had done he was already falling through the cold air of the night. Shrunken.
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kata-sans · 2 months
Raising Stripe
Chapter 12
Stripe was on the floor playing with his stuffed bear when he saw his blonde caretaker frantically walk into the living room. He was trying to put on his socks and shoes while talking to someone on the phone. “Hank, Cindy just called and said she's out sick. I'm on my way over but I need you to stay 30 minutes after your shift until I get there. I will pay you an extra hour for your trouble. Gha! Thank you.”
Tweek hung up the phone and almost jumped when he heard Stripe shake his bear. “Oh Jeezuz! Stripe I almost forgot about you! I c-can't leave you here, but I don't know anyone that can babysit! Arrg!” Tweek growled in frustration before ultimately making a decision. “You're gonna have to come with me to the shop.”
He quickly dressed the baby in a new onesie and prepared the diaper bag. He strapped the baby to the car seat stroller with a little resistance, which he quelled with the help of Pooh bear. Soon he was ready and headed out the door to begin his walk to work.
Tweek was glad his husband had been able to find a house within walking distance of the coffee shop. He was not a fan of driving and the couple agreed Craig should use the car to get to work. In ten minutes, Tweek could see the sign to his family's business.
As soon as he walked into the shop, Tweek realized he had overlooked a small detail in his plan. Everyone in the shop was very familiar with Tweek, and everyone's eyes immediately landed on the stroller in his hands.
Soon Tweek found himself surrounded by regular customers all fawning and cooing at the new baby in the shop. They overwhelmed Tweek with questions about the baby's origin and congratulated him on embarking on the journey of parenting. Tweek felt like panicking until he heard Stripe begin to whine.
Stripe always enjoyed having his caretakers’ full attention, but when a crowd of strangers threw themselves in his face he became scared. He didn't like all these strangers looking at him. He squirmed away from their touch and began to whine.
Stripe's fearful whine was the last straw for Tweek. He sternly told the people to step back and proceeded to push the stroller into the back room. He quickly unstrapped the baby from his stroller and held him tightly against his chest. When the baby settled down, he pulled out a bottle he had prepared and decided to feed him and put him down for a nap.
The door to the back opened and in walked one of the shop’s managers, Hank. “Hey is everything alright?”
Tweek sighed, “Yeah everything is okay, Stripe was a little overwhelmed but he's doing fine now. Thank you for staying longer.”
Hank brushed it off, “ No it alright, are you sure you can work while watching over a baby.”
“Yeah it's fine, my parents used to keep me in the back room when I was an infant. As soon as he's asleep I'll keep the door propped open and start working.” Tweek assured Hank.
With the baby sleeping, Tweek proceeded to begin working. He stepped into his job as if it were second nature. He quickly took orders, brewed coffee, and greeted customers with ease. He finished attending the midday rush when he heard the sound of Stripe waking up. Seeing only a few customers left in the shop, Tweek decided to bring out Stripe before starting clean up procedures.
Tweek pulled out the stroller with the baby still rubbing his sleepy eyes. He placed the stroller in a corner of the lobby, where he could keep a close eye on Stripe. Tweek began wiping down all the tables in the lobby. He then grabbed a broom and began to sweep under the tables. Before he could start mopping, a customer walked in.
Tweek returned to the counter, making sure the baby was out of reach of customers. Satisfied, he gave the lady at the counter his full attention. “Good afternoon ma’am. Order whenever you are ready.”
The woman scoffed, “Does your wife not have time to watch your kid?”
Tweek was taken aback, but attempted to be professional, “I apologize,miss, but my Husband is working and I was called in last minute. Would you be interested in our house specials?”
The woman refused to drop the issue and continued to interrogate Tweek. “Does your boss know you brought in your child?” She demanded.
Tweek was flabbergasted. He quickly composed himself and decided to play along. “I don't believe the boss would be concerned with the baby. He will have a problem if you harass the employees. May I take your order?”
“Harassment! I have half a mind to report you to the owner for your lack of professionalism!” The lady shouted.
Tweek almost bursted out laughing. “I'm sorry ma'am let me try again. Good afternoon MA'AM. Welcome to Tweek Bros. Coffee. My name is Tweek, if you are not interested in ordering anything please leave my shop!”
The lady quickly shut her mouth in embarrassment. She turned around and left with a huff. Tweek in Tucker fashion bid her farewell with his middle finger which caused Stripe to giggle at the familiar sight.
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gay-meowmeow · 3 months
bl fans on tiktok are so filled with hate and im like jeezuz do these ppl ever experience joy when its not making fun of ppl or things????
like we know they cant do this certain skill, why r u all up under their page sayin mean shit? i think they heard the first 10,000 ppl saying the same thing(dont let me get started on the rage bait pages...).
youre not gonna bully them out of doing what they want bozo. suck it up and move on, its simple. you are not gonna die if you just SCROLL PAST SHIT OR NOT SAY ANYTHING!!! you do not always need to open your mouth...
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