#jedi council reality tv au
When Anakin is allowed to be the rank of leader of Team Chaos.
Anakin: What do you mean I can’t be leader?
Obi-Wan: Plo is the leader, Anakin. He started this team.
Anakin: This outrageous! Unfair! How can I not be leader of Team Chaos? I am the Master of Chaos!
Mace: Skywalker has point, Master Kenobi.
Anakin: See! Even Master Windu of people know I’m the right fit!
Shaak: We let you onto this team and onto this show. But we do not grant you the rank of leader.
Anakin: *Stares.* Sigh. Apologies, Mom. I will take my seat.
Plo: Would like some hot chocolate, young Skywalker?
Anakin: Yes, please, Dad.
I was thinking of Council room scene of when Anakin wasn’t allowed the rank of Master from Episode III when writing the outline for Jedi Council Reality Show AU. The AU was @penguinkiwi idea.
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
Jedi Order reality TV series where Plo Koon repeatedly tries to fistfight Pong Krell and Mace, Koth, Saesee, and Shaak have to hold him back.
Not because Pong can beat Plo, oh no, it’s bacsue Plo’s talons are classified as actual weapons.
(Meanwhile Kit is cheering Plo on, Oppo is still trying to figure out how to use the blender, and Obi’s fuckin asleep or something idk)
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Discussion on Jedi Reality Show AU.
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Sometimes I wonder, why do I always think of angst? Why is that first option besides comedies involving villains.
So @penguinkiwi and her recent chapter to Plo Koon’s sticker au brough up how Force signatures are like elements with Plo’s being a storm. Then I was thinking to myself if Plo ever had a panic or anxiety attack would it feel like a raging storm? It’s something that want to add to the Jedi Council Reality TV Show AU. With Kit just feeling it as Plo radiaties harsh electricity. Long story short everyone is scared that Dad is having anxiety attack and ran away. Also they’re pissed at Pong Krell.
Well, thanks penguin for sub planting the idea in my head.
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Why am I always starting with writing drama? I am figuring out chapter ideas and I want to get important ones saved for later so I don’t forget them. Then it’s comedy. I’m weird...
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