#jeddy role reversal kidfic
violetclarity · 5 years
2019: Things I’m proud of
Thanks for tagging me @coriesocks! It was fun to do a little retrospective 😊
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
1. As Long As There’s Sun (Jeddy, 55k, E)
It starts like this: when James is fifteen, Teddy quits Auror training and leaves England. Ten years later, he shows up on James’s doorstep with a baby in his arms.
I started writing this story in September or October of 2018, and finally finished it in March of 2019. It’s not only the longest fic I’ve ever written, but the longest anything that’s made it to a stage where it’s edited and readable. (Not counting the first-drafts-that-were-never-revised I wrote in high school, lol.) I’m mad proud of it even though it hasn’t gotten a ton of ‘love,’ as they say. (Which is fair - it deals with some pretty serious topics that I understand are not everyone’s thing!)
2. The Quandum Quandary: Harry and Draco’s Month of Mayhem (Drarry, 34k, E)
McGonagall’s out to get Harry and Draco, with a laundry list of new duties for them now that Hogwarts’ contraceptive wards have fallen. Hermione’s been called in to fix them, but in the meantime Harry and Draco are patrolling the corridors, babysitting owl nests, and trawling for giant squid eggs in the Great Lake. Plus their pets, both rare Australian marsupials called Quandums, are having a baby together.
It would all be easier to handle if they weren’t still thinking about their casual physical relationship, which ended years ago.
Something more recent - my fic for Erised 2019, written entirely between the last week of October and the last week of November! I’m really pleased that I was able to realize the story I wanted to within the limited time frame, and also that I wrote something funny, a little silly, and exploring an area of the HP world I hadn’t written about before - magical creatures and magical theory :)
3. Single and Snacking in Phoenix, AZ (Ginsy, 25k, E)
In for a Knut, in for a Galleon, Ginny thought.
“It’s actually Pansy.” She looked down, not wanting to see Harry’s reaction. “Pansy Parkinson? From school?"
Harry sounded a little strangled. “Parkinson?"
Ginny lifted her chin. “Yes. I’m bringing Pansy Parkinson as my plus-one to your wedding.”
When she told her friends she was bringing a date to Harry and Luna’s wedding, Ginny had only wanted them to stop bothering her about her love life. Now she’s facing an entire weekend of pretending that Pansy Parkinson, her casual hook-up, is actually her girlfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
This fic is the longest f/f I’ve ever written, and it’s my first story where I was able to collaborate with an artist (I’m still heart-eyes over @keyflight790’s magical gif skills, tbh). It took a while for me to get the idea off the ground (I started a *lot* of other stories) but I’m so happy with how it turned out, the Ginny voice I was able to capture and the complex relationships the story dealt with, as well as the fact that I was able to write something for the HP WLW Big Bang. Which brings me to...
4. HP WLW Big Bang 2019 ( @hpwlwbigbang )
Possibly the thing I’m most proud of fandom-wise from 2019 is that @frnklymrshnkly and I realized our dream of running this fest! When we started talking about it at the end of 2018 we really didn’t know if anyone except the two of us would be interested in it, but we thought it was an important idea and decided to do it anyway. We were blown away to have such amazing participation, and so much excitement and support from the HP fandom as a whole 💜 Neither of us had run a Big Bang before but we figured it out, and I was soooo lucky to have such a great co-mod to do it with. I can’t wait for the 2020 fest!!!
5. 183,158 words for Get Your Words Out
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I may not have reached my pledge this year (which I talked about more in-depth here), but this is still the most I’ve ever written in one year, and I don’t think I would have reached it if I hadn’t been signed up for GYWO - I probably would have burned out after I posted As Long As There’s Sun and never even gotten around to writing some of my later in 2020 stories like The Quandum Quandary, and what a shame that would have been! I’m not doing GYWO again in 2020 (although I will still be tracking my yearly word count), but I’m really proud of how much I wrote in 2019!
I’m tagging (if you’d like to join/haven’t already done it): @whiskyandwildflowers @frnklymrshnkly @carpemermaidtales @inevitabledrarry @fidgetyweirdo @ellenjanewrites​
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violetclarity · 5 years
2019 Creative Accomplishments
I was tagged by @aibidil to share what I’m most proud of this year, and now that I’m back from my first rl fandom friend meet-up (a different kind of 2019 accomplishment, non?) I have my computer back and can do it!
The two fics I’m most proud of in 2019:
As Long As There’s Sun (Jeddy, E, 55k) because I had been working on it for so long and it is, too date, the longest thing I have written (that actually reached a comprehensible final draft).
Single and Snacking in Phoenix, AZ (Ginsy, E, 55k) not only because I cranked it out despite all odds and dealt with lots of types of relationships, but because I’m so proud and happy that @frnklymrshnkly made the @hpwlwbigbang happen!
I’m also pretty proud of my Erised, but that is still 🤐 ;)
If you want to play, I’m tagging @whiskyandwildflowers @frnklymrshnkly @restlessandordinary @candybarrnerd or anyone else who wants a go because this is so interesting!
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violetclarity · 5 years
As Long As There’s Sun (Jeddy Fest 2019)
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Author: @violetclarity
Title: As Long As There’s Sun
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 55k over 10 chapters
Warnings/Content Notes: past domestic abuse/abusive relationship, past mpreg, unhealthy coping mechanisms, estranged friends/family, reuniting/reconciliation, kidfic, slow burn, domesticity, explicit sexual content, love confessions (Please see AO3 for full content warnings and tags.)
Summary: It starts like this: when James is fifteen, Teddy quits Auror training and leaves England. Ten years later, he shows up on James’s doorstep with a baby in his arms.
A/N: My fic for @jeddyfest 2019! Lots of love and gratitude to these folks for their help and support as I wrote: @aibidil @goldentruth813 @frnklymrshnkly @whiskyandwildflowers @coriesocks. Title inspired by MIKA’s Tant Que J’ai Le Soleil. Please read the full list of content warnings in the tags of the AO3 posting and proceed accordingly.
Read it here on AO3
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violetclarity · 6 years
still wondering why I decided to write a long ass fic where the character who is onscreen the third-most amount of time is a seven month old, despite the fact that my experience with babies is absolutely zilch
me @ me: why are you like this
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violetclarity · 6 years
my jeddy fest fic is done IT’S DONE IT’S DONE this is only the first draft and I still need to edit the fuck out of it later but I DON’T CARE that’s a problem for tomorrow violet right now I’m just celebrating that
IT’S DONE!!!!!
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violetclarity · 6 years
Just finished chapter eight of my jeddy WIP 🎉 it’s now over 45k!
And thanks to my GYWO spreadsheets (I love my GYWO spreadsheets) I also know that I’ve written...
...32,000 words for this fic since the beginning of the year,
...17,000 words so far in March,
...and over 50,000 words total so far in 2019!
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violetclarity · 6 years
me, sobbing with happiness because the very important OC I created for this fic is now 4years old instead of 7 months and I can actually write her doing shit besides being held
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violetclarity · 6 years
me, editing my own fic, getting excited about a scene with Al and Lily in it because I’d forgotten what I wrote: normal, yes?
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violetclarity · 5 years
I finished my edit of my jeddy fic and now I just have to go back and look over beta and britpick edits when they are ready! I get to share it with the world in just a few days and I can’t wait :)))
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violetclarity · 6 years
chapter nine done!!
only one chapter to go and it���s almost at 50k eeeee
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violetclarity · 6 years
6 sentence tag game
Both @the-cellar-spiral and @rockmarina tagged me for this in the last few days, and since I’ve been rushing to finish my CF, the only other WIP I have to offer is this monster jeddy! (yes, that one. is anyone tired of it yet? no? good.)
“I hated Auror Training,” he began. “I hated it. The pressure was intense, and the actual work didn’t interest me. It was all building up, had been for a while really, the way I felt I needed to behave as Harry Potter’s godson. In the end I went to the States because I just felt...trapped. I needed to get out, and that seemed like the only way to do it.”
(this isn’t strictly the last 6 sentences I wrote, but it’s in the last scene, and the most recent para was a bit more spoiler-y than I wanted to share right now <3)
I’m tagging @goldentruth813 @aibidil @restlessandordinary @buttertyrant @unicornsandphoenix @nifflers-n-nargles @littlerose13writes if you’d like to do it!
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violetclarity · 6 years
2018 Recap + 2019 Goals
Thanks for creating and tagging me, @goldentruth813, and to @coriesocks and @rockmarina for tagging me as well :) I was waiting to post my last fic of the year (on 12/31 lol) to get an accurate report, so here we go!
Total Word Count: 135,156 (whaaaat!)
Number of Fests: 9 (Consent Fest, HD Remix pinch hit, HD Wireless, Jeddy Fest, Scorbus Fest, Next Gen Fest, HD Owl Post, November and December HP Femslash Minifest prompts, and spring & winter HP Joggers Fests)
Number of Stories Posted to AO3: 27
Drarry: 7
Teddy/James/Scorpius aka jeddorpius: 4
Perciver: 3
Jeddy: 2
Scorbus: 2
Ginsy: 2
Pansmione: 2
Gen Fic: 2
Ginny/Hermione: 1
Pansy/Luna: 1
Ginny/Tonks: 1
These are lowkey very skewed bc of the Rarepair Bingo we did in May (peep those three perciver that were all under 1k) but I’m still greatly amused that my second-most-written-about pairing is T/J/S.
Most Kudos Fic:
Antlers and Ivy - The thing is, Draco has always known he wouldn’t be able to marry his soulmate. Finding out his soulmate is Harry Potter shouldn’t change anything. Or: soulmarks, a masquerade ball, and gratuitous use of The Daily Prophet as a plot device.
Most Commented On Fic: also Antlers and Ivy
2nd: the strength to stay - Draco and Harry are the best Senior Aurors in the DMLE, which is why they’re working the case about Wings – a dangerous new potion that sends users into a dreamscape from which they may never return. When Harry is kidnapped by the group behind Wings, Draco takes it upon himself to go after him, and is forced to confront the reality of Harry’s feelings for him, which he’s been ignoring for years.
Most Bookmarked Fic: Once again, it’s Antlers and Ivy!
2nd: Proper - Draco sighs. “What kind of absolute twit has the chance to have sex with the Chosen One and can’t go through with it?" In which Draco studies with Gryffindors, learns a new spell, and navigates the difficulty of being in a not-so-casual secret relationship with his childhood nemesis.
Fic with the Most Hits: Drumroll please it’s...Antlers and Ivy!
2nd: Proper
Fic with the Highest Word Count: the strength to stay at 29k
Fic I’m Most Proud Of: Probably either the strength to stay, because of the length and complexity of the plot (I outlined!) as well as the subject matter, or the same as they always had been, because I just love the concept and actually did a few rounds of editing, and I think the prose turned out really well as did the tricky topic.
2019 Goals
I’m a rebel and am throwing some goals up here too even though I already did a goals post shh.
I signed up for Get Your Words Out! I pledged to write 200,000 words in 2019, let’s see if I can do it!
I’m finally gonna finish both my jeddy and drarry WIPs, I swear to fucking god. I need to hit 200k and I need them out of my drafts folder!
I am aiming to output a 50/50 ratio of m/m or man-centered to f/f or woman-centered content - e.g. if I write a m/m fic, the next one must be f/f. And to that end...
I’m hoping to write something for the @hpfemslash-minifest prompt every month this year! Even if it’s short, I want to keep up regular participation to support this great fest :)
Happy New Year, everyone! I’m wishing you all a successful, happy, prosperous 2019. Writing and fandom were two of the few bright spots in 2018 for me - I’m hoping they continue to be bright spots in 2019, while being joined by other positive things as well :) I also have a year-long sewing goal that I am hoping to accomplish and a few trips I want to take, fingers crossed.
It seems a lot of people have already been tagged in this (as I am late in doing it, whoops) so I’m not going to tag anyone but please, if you want to participate and haven’t been tagged yet, consider this your invitation to share and please tag me so I can see!
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violetclarity · 6 years
7-7-7 WIP Meme
Go to your current WIP. Find the seventh line on the seventh page and copy and paste seven sentences below. Then tag seven other writers to do the same.
The last time I was tagged to do this was several months ago but I’m still working on the same WIP, aka the jeddy role reversal kidfic, aka my Beautiful Monster, so I’m doing the 17th page instead so it’s not the exact same thing lol. I’ve also slightly fudged the 7 sentences, sue me.
Thanks for tagging me @synonym-for-life and @goldentruth813!
Albus snorted. “I can’t believe you’re going to have a pink sitting room.”
Lily sighed mournfully. “I know.”
“Can’t you tell Lys they can paint the bedroom pink instead?” Albus suggested. “You might be miserable, but at least that way the rest of us won’t have to look at it.”
Lily tilted her head. “That’s not a bad idea, actually,” she said. “Maybe then I can convince Bells to do the living room in grey.”
Dinner conversation ft. Lily Luna’s polyam lovers!
I’m tagging @restlessandordinary @whiskyandwildflowers @nifflers-n-nargles @foularcadebanana @frnklymrshnkly @potteresque-ire @ginandasphodel
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violetclarity · 6 years
only one more scene to go in part one of my jeddy fic, and then I get to start part two aka when they actually fall in love!!
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violetclarity · 6 years
Six Sentences Game
Thanks for tagging me @whiskyandwildflowers @gracie137blogs @aibidil ily all!!
Lately I’ve been powering through my jeddy WIP where Teddy has a kid and is a lowkey disaster human and James is a responsible academic. This is the end of the last scene I finished:
“Thanks for watching her tonight.”
James’s face made a complicated expression. “Right. You’re welcome.” He cancelled the Silencing spell with a wave of his wand. “You should probably shower before you go into see her.”
Teddy wanted to bristle at being given parenting instructions by his younger godbrother, but he knew James was right, so he just nodded and went up the stairs.
I’m not sure who all’s been tagged, so if you see this and feel so inclined please consider this an invite to share and tag me <3
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violetclarity · 6 years
decided to resume working on my long ass jeddy WIP bc apparently that’s a higher priority than consent fest and the fun thing about the fact that I a) didn’t outline except for listing out the next few scenes I wanted to happen and b) haven’t opened the google doc since November is that I have no idea where the fuck I was planning to go with it
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