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Nicolas Delmotte & Jeck K at the Championnat de France 2023 (video via naturalinnov/ig)
#nicolas delmotte#jeck k#championnat de france 2023#show jumping#show jumping gifs#horse jumping#horse jumping gifs#sewellove gifs
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Okay so it is 1 am and I'm bored as fuck so I wrote a lil story that's not like complete at all I js wanted to know if it's a good idea. Its a story where Jecka and Nicole don't become friends right off the bat like they do in the game
"Karen, listen I don't know if I can-" Jecka said over the phone. "Jecka you promised! You promised you'll go with me since it's my first party!" "I know, I know but my mom just got mad at me because apparently I'm not preparing for college enough and she's gonna start giving me disciplinary tattoos if she finds out I'm going. You really don't have anyone else you can go with? Like... Ari?" Karen frowned. "You know I don't talk to her.. it's fine I guess. I just won't go."
She felt bad. Karen was telling her about this party that Kelly's throwing in her house the whole week. She really seemed excited too. "Fuck, Karen you're lucky I like you. Fine ill- just.. figure out something." Immediately she could hear squealing. "Thank you Jecka!! Thank you so much" "yea no problem, Karen. I gotta go now tho okay? See you on the party." And she hung up.
She sighed and threw herself on her comfy bed. Since the start of this school year she hasn't been talking to her old friends that much. They all have different lunch periods and she's been stuck forcing herself to try and understand any of the shit Karen and Jeffrey always talk about. She likes Karen but there's not much they have in common. Kelly is a major whore so she doesn't give a fuck about her but other than that she doesn't talk to anyone that much. It's not like she's a loser who's lonely with no friends, far from that, she's a perfect ten, but she doesn't have anyone that understands her like some of her old friends did.
She sighed again and opened her flip phone. On the screen it said 2:34 am. How has it been already an hour since she talked to Karen?? She should go to sleep. So as she does, she takes her earphones and plays whatever is on her shuffle right now and slowly falls asleep.
The day of the party. Everyone from school was invited (except Jeffrey). Jecka was already on her way in her 'Jeckamobile' as Jeffrey called it, to pick Karen up. Karen really needs to stop hanging out with Jeffrey.
For tonight's party she dressed preppy as usual. A white tank top and short jeans shorts. When she pulled up to Karen's house she already saw her waiting at the front. She gets into her car and Jecka turns around to look at her. She was actually not looking that nerdy anymore. The glasses are gone and she has a green dress on.
"Hey K. You're really pretty without glasses" Karen smiled. "You're skeeting on me??" Jecka was instantly horrified. "What the fuck?" "What?" Karen asked innocently. "You gave me a compliment so you're skeeting on me! Right?" "Uh, no-? The fuck, who told you that?" "Oh, the new girl that came to our school this year!" "Who? Nevermind that, never say that again. Skeeting does not mean complimenting people." "What does it mean then?" Jecka struggled. "Uh- I.. wooww look at the time! We should.. like go." She starts to drive and puts on the radio LOUD so she can pretend she doesn't hear Karen's questions in the back.
After a few minutes Jecka turns off the car and steps out. "Okay, Karen? At the party there's gonna be a lot of men who will want to molest you so if that happens, just try to find me, mkay? I'll tell them to fuck off or something." "You're not gonna be with me the whole time?" Jecka looked at the house. A lot of people were already there. "I'm probably going to get fucked up so Uh yeah. I'll try to be around you if you want."
They walk in into the house. Loud music immediately hits their ears. Flashing lights their eyes. Jecka knows exactly how this goes. Kelly's parties are the same boring ones for virgins to get laid. She sees Ari and Emily across the room so she walks to them.
"Hey" she looks at them. On a second thought they look awfully touchy. Like touchy. And they also smell like alcohol. "Heyy Jecka!! I didn't notice youu, when did you get here??" Ari said, while clinging onto Emily. "Just now, with Karen." Shit. Karen. Where is she? "NO way Bella Swan is here right now. Did she came with a twilight shirt on?" Emily laughed. Ari slowly clinged more onto her. "That's not nicee, Em.... I reaaally want to make out with you"
and so they did and Jecka left as quickly as she could. She took a cup of some alcohol that was on the table, hoping it wasn't mixed with some shit and took a sip. Wait. Fuck, Karen. She really needs to go find her.
She started looking everywhere for her. Crispin bumbed almost 6 times while she was running around the house and said "oohh my bad.. Wanna go out?" every single fucking time. She eventually gave up and texted her 'hey u alr?' And went to sit on a chair.
Suddenly she could her yelling. "Get your fucking hands off me, you dipshit!" Jecka looked over and saw a girl and Kylar. Of course it's Kylar trying to fuck some girl. Except this time she was surprisingly conscious. She barely recognised the girl. It was the new kid who just moved.
She didn't know anything about her, they never talked to each other. She was wearing a blue tanktop, black jeans and her hair in a ponytail. Her hair was actually really pretty. Everyone just got kind of quiet except the music and the girl yelling. "Oh come onn-" SLAM!! as soon as Kylar opened his mouth the girl hit him HARD on his face. Some people started clapping some were just shocked. Jecka just stared at the girl who now stood up and looked straight at Jecka.
She didn't break the contact until suddenly Jecka got a text message. "Hi, yeah I'm okay. I went home because I guess parties aren't my thing. Hope you have fun tho!" From Karen. When she went to look back at the girl she was gone. What the fuck.
The party came to an end and everyone went home. Jecka was still thinking about her. The way she hit him and then looked at her.. the way her eyes were incredibly blue even though the lights. Who the fuck was she?
"Who the fuck was she??" Jecka sat with Kelly at lunch. "What? Who?" "Bitch, are you even listening to me I just told you! Did Emily had fucking sales this morning in the bathroom or what the fuck?" Jecka looked annoyed at her. "She did. She even gave me a discount." "You're such- oh my god. Since when do you even do drugs?" "Helps me not think about my cousin." She said like it's a normal thing
"Ew- ew ew okay- just answer my question. Who was the girl that hit Kylar yesterday" suddenly Ari surprisingly sat next to Jecka. "I've got a question!" They looked at her. "Does anyone have Nicole's phone number??" What. "Why is everyone suddenly so obsessed with her?" Kelly was too high for this. "Ari, who's Nicole?" "You don't know? Did you see the girl who hit Kylar yesterday? That was Nicole"
Okay.. but why the fuck does she want her number "why the fuck do you want her number?" Jecka looked over at Kelly who was out of it. "No... reason?" Ari tried. "Bitch, you were just making out with Emily and *now* you're on that Nicole suddenly?" "Okay so you don't? Bye" completely ignored the question and left. As the bell rang Jecka slowly stood up too and just left Kelly there. She'll be fine.
She needs to find Nicole. Only because she seemed like the coolest bitch in this whole school. She was at her spot infront of school. Smoking and waiting for the counselour to magically appear as he did everyday. "Jecka, again with the smoking?" And so he did. "Uh.. yeah." She replied awkwardly. "I feel like this is something that I should help you with.. and talk about. We can discuss it in my office today." "Uh I think I'm.. fine. I've.. got uh a family dinner tonight too- so sorry." the only thing she had with her family tonight was arguing and arguing.
After she managed to run from the counselour she went on with her day at school. The same boring shit. She always kept looking for Nicole but she never saw her. After school she went to the mall cos she wanted to buy a new msi CD. She went into the shop with CDs and music stuff, smiled at the cashier incase she gets it for free, because that's just how men work and went to find the one she wanted.
As she finally found it, she saw Emily at the entrance. Then she saw you wouldn't believe who. Nicole. Like her in flesh almost infront of Jecka. This was her chance to talk to her. So she went up to them. "Hey Emily, what're you doing here?" "I just went to say hi to my boyfriend" and pointed at the cashier. Now she's definitely getting the CD for free. She looked at Nicole who was just kind of looking at the CD Jecka was holding. She noticed so she kind of put her hands behind her.
"You listen to msi?" Nicole actually spoke to her. "Oh, yeah. I know I don't look like I do but that's just cause my mom is crazy and she dresses me up." "Cool, my mom's a bitch too." Jecka didn't even notice Emily already left. "What's your name? I'm Nicole." "I'm Jecka" Nicole's face was full of confusion "Your parents named you Jecka?" "Short for Jessica. But that name just screams married at 20" "marriage. Never doing it" "yeah me neither"
Talking to Nicole was actually so easy. "You're the one who hit Kylar at the party right?" She knew she was the one. The eyes, the hair. It matched. "Oh my god, everyone keeps talking about it like it's a big deal. So what? A hot bitch hit a pedophile jock." Jecka chuckled. "I'm so happy someone finally did that.
He was so annoying" Nicole nodded.
"What are you doing with Emily?" "I guess she's cool? So we're friends." Oh right. Jecka's phone made a sound. It was her mom asking where she was. "Oh my fucking godd it's my mom. I gotta go now.. see you in school?" "If I don't skip" and they separated.
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.@israel @israel #israel besides i s u s p e c t you wage war against russia i justdontknow if itis open bil l from lukoil on and cutting down business interests or ifitis more deeper or efforted #keypoint war with rus sia is.not. like. youthink. it is. like with. arab sleazy dictatorships. itis fir stofall 150millionpeople vast broken but a nuclear superpower in someways, a faking mid dlepower inotherways, a broken rotten empire in other ways struggligntokeepthings together but foremost: each.and.every.single.of.these.tick.only.by.serving.the.state. oppo rtunistically in manyways and ruthless crude in manyways. to west thismeans dangerous and upredictable. but allof this as weak lastresort they act is not like your sleazy dictatorships or islamis i assume i suspect youknow thesethings f a r f a r f a r better than i but if youhave a rift between int el and or intel isbroken andor intel isfocussed onsleazy dictatorships youmayhave no idea how serious this mess i s outof their weakness and broken fallback into old cru de ways china mitigates but them. are themain target ofthe west bynow russia only useful to unite against joi nt enemy a r e y o u s u r e y o u k n o w whatyouredoing if itisthecase of you vs russia thatis whatsinyour analysis about this all ///// is it possible that lightside struggles to justify highstandards goodvalues in increasing ly pragmatic to duressed ressource based thinking whilethe securityproblems amplify w ith these but worse no positive aspect occurs from any po sitive approach of these things master the secular reald eal and if you did use the dysfunction of wacky to spir itual inthese structures as f a c t u a l i t y #keypoint that their way is a oneway into harm for all : e v e n i f i n t e n t is n ot harm. the a b i l i t y and the course the direction is. while walls are the s ymptom of broken security arrangements they pragmatically work but are not a solution for the underlying problem #keypoint all systems misuse h umans and the worse itis to some ontheotherside themore they will forever be an asset to anyone whowants toharm is rael. unsolved remains and worsening amplifies this thisis why a one state solution hybrid state trickery fails itis not only against israels friends itis that not hing makes it just tothem and never will credibly but it will always be a n asset to anyone forever whowants toharm israel ///// #jeckes #kibbuzim .@israel @israel deutsc hland ist ein international durchschwemmtes netzwerk getriebenes hochdruck zum monstroesen kern leistungsbasiertes hochdruck land mit tiefen spalten inder gesellschaft zwischen interessengruppen waehr end vieles das positiv und lebenswert und leicht erscheint eine g e w ae h r t e kuens tliche sache ist die auf richtig brutaler teuflischer hochdruck ausbeutung von person engruppen basiert die es anders garnicht kennen phew es ist schwer zusagen wo da die netzwerkverbindungen sei n koennen die den puls fuehlen dessen irgendwas zwisch en verheizen mitziehen zurueckgelassen verheizt und dunkle magie ausbeuten steuern tricksen mit welchen gauner trick der funktioniert in konkurrierenden netzwerken w ie eine art rammsteinvideo mit sonnenbaden strand waechter und im dunklen dann das dana ch was wirklich los ist I am Christian KISS BabyAW ACS - Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #H ELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAW ACS.com [email protected] Helpful? support. donnate. pay. https://wise.com/share/ch ristiank426 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/christiankiss
.@israel @israel #israel besides i s u s p e c t youwage war against russia i justdontknow if itis open bill from lukoil on and cutting down business interests or ifitis more deeper or efforted #keypoint war with russia is.not. like. youthink. it is. like with. arab sleazy dictatorships. itis firstofall 150millionpeople vast broken but a nuclear superpower in someways, a faking middlepower…
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Transgender! Michael Myers NSFW Alphabet
For my Transgender Michael Myers headcannon. Just a warming for a quick mention of SA
A=Aftercare (What they do after?)
Michael would give you kisses up and down your body while holding to you after sex. He's heading to the bathroom room for a warm shower afterwards, hope he sees you in there with him.
B=Bodypart (What's their favorite part and there s/o's?)
This is The Shape you're dating here, he's in love with his arms and hands. All the better to crush and stab with.
For you, your hands. Just them feeling him up and down his body, especially around his top surgery scars, your hands soothe him after a hunt.
C=Cum (What they do with it?)
First time he fucked you he pulled out then came on your tummy and chest. The next time he had sex with you, he left himself in ya and cummed into your womb. Thick and hot.
D=Dirty Secret (They have a dirty fantasy?)
He wants to be pegged by you, make you the dominant one for the night.
E=Experience (Do they have any?)
Nope, notta.
But see others done it, when hunting and online when your not home.
F=Favorite Position (There go to?)
Missionary is his favorite. He also loves the cowgirl position, you just bouncing on top of him running his hands on your body.
G=Goofy (Are they Goofy or serious in bed?)
He'll be like a husky and be a goofball in bed with ya. Even brushing against his ticklish spot will get him laughing.
H=Hair (How well groomed, does the carpet match the Drapes?)
Dark brown hair on top that used to be down to his back when he went by his original dead name, but he cut it short when he came out as Trans. He keeps himself well groomed on his face, clean shaved.
Down below his waistband, it's not too bad, just a little hairy at his shaft.
I=Intimacy (How romantic are they?)
Will find a nice piece of jewelry when he goes out. Letting you take his mask off is another form of romance with him. Michael would get ready for his T injection until you asked if you could do it for him. He'll let you know each step to take for injecting. Chocolates he found while out will take home to you. A sea of kisses when you gave him the same treatment of kisses. Michael knows how to make some Eggos dessert you and him can share after dinner.
J=Jack/Jill off (Masturbation Headcanon)
The first time he jacked off, it was a month after his bottom surgery. He was whining from the new sensation of his Cock and groping his balls, it wasn't long till he came all over himself.
K=Kinks (Do they have any Kinks?)
Praise kink this man loves it. Domination, him being the dominant one or you be it for the night. The for mentioned Pegging fantasy he wants you to do to him.
L=Location (Where they like go?)
Bedroom is the comfortable place for sexy time for him.
M=Motivation (What turns them on?)
Michael would get turned on by your touch alone from how sensual you are with your hands. Killing makes his heart beat faster than average, and cause blood flow to down there, he'll make his way back when he's done. He's going to wreck you when he gets home.
N=No (What turns them off?)
His Seasonal Affective Disorder being a big Cockblocker for him.
Mentioning Smith's Grove Sanatorium to him, he doesn't want to talk about the misgendering and the near SA he had with one patient till he knocked their lights out and a few teeth.
O=Oral (Do they Give or they Reserve?)
He wants you to put that pretty mouth around his dick and bop up and down on his shaft. Feeling you jecking him off makes the heat in his tip ooze more pre cum out.
Giving you oral isn't his best, but he's getting better at it.
P=Pace (Are they Rough and Fast or Slow and Passionate?)
More of an in-between fast and slow passion, he goes for each round. He doesn't want his dick to fall off.
Q=Quickies (They do them?)
No, he would rather have a good time with you than just one quick bust. But he'll won't turn you down when you ask.
R=Risks (Do they like to experiment?)
Michael would like to experiment with you. Whatever you want to do, he'll do it with you. Rim job being one thing he wants to do.
S=Stamina (How long can they last?)
He can last till he can't anymore. First time you both had sex he only lasted for 5 minutes till he came on you. 5 to 6 rounds, he will go for till 4 am.
T=Toys (Do they use any?)
He definitely loves his cock ring with a vibration concerted to it which he sticks it in his rear. Vibrators are his favorite too, a little Vibrator play during sex. Flesh light that can have settings is a huge yes for him, especially when he got his cock ring on with that little vibrator going inside him.
U=Unfair (How much do they tease?)
Not the biggest teaser himself compared to his OG Halloween Counterpart, just a little teasing on his end. Unless you're a big teaser to him.
V=Volume (How loud are they?)
Will be vocal during sex like mentioning how tight you are around him and moaning during each round. He'll start to whine when he's close to bust, and his oragasm is pretty loud for him.
W=Wildcard (Random Head cannon)
Michael is pretty vocal compared to his movie version, but he becomes quiet when hunting.
Michael was nearly SA by a patient who got out of their room and into his during his transition. Let's just say that guy had his light out and a few teeth out by him.
Michael came out as Transgender while he was at Smith's Grove. He took a pair of scissors that were unattended by a staff member, They thought he was going to hurt someone till they saw Michael cutting his hair right in front of them. One of them figured it out just as he said he's Transgender. Dr Loomis, being his doctor, gotten arrangements for his transitioning, getting him a bottle of testosterone and setting up his surgeries. He started to wear a chest binder till the day of his top surgery, which was a success for the doctors who brought in a top surgery surgeon to Smith's Grove for his surgery. When his gauze needs to be changed to fresh ones after a week post surgery, he was about to cry seeing his new chest. He kept track of his testosterone injections while he had a bit of weight lifting at the gym in the Sanatorium. His bottom surgery was the last part of his transitioning to a full man.
He was formally Michelle Audrey Myers before he came out. He would cut his hair short when he was a kid, which made his mother upset about his long hair being cut down to a boy's cut. Michael wanted the boy shirts, even as a kid, he knew that he was meant to be born a boy instead of a girl.
When the night he escaped from Smith's Grove Sanatorium with his testosterone bottle and needle kit in hand, he went on the killing on Halloween night till he met you. Him being injured in your house as you stand there wondering how get got in. Patching him up, he was nervous about his top surgery scar being exposed to you as he was being patched up. He kept his scars hidden from you when he stayed with you. Just covering himself when you knock, he was scared that you wouldn't understand and probably kick him out if you found out.
The day his testosterone bottle ran out after his morning injection with his last replaceable needle head, he was mortified. You were heading out for groceries that day, so he braised for being misgendering when he came down with bottle in hand, showing it to you asking for a new bottle. Wondering you asked why he was taking testosterone till he showed you his hidden scars, you were surprised by the fact that the man you were dating is a Trans man. You told him that you understand and are supportive of him, Michael breathed a sigh of relief when you finished and put Testosterone on your list of things to get. That afternoon, you gotten a bottle for your boyfriend.
X=X-Ray (What's in between their legs?)
Only 6 inches when he's full erect. Oh how surgeons can transformation one thing into another thing.
Y=Yearning (How big is their Sex Drive?)
When he's in the "Specialmood" he calls it, which might him saying that I'm ready till I'm ready.
Z=Zzzz (How fast do they get to sleep?)
Michael would fall asleep with you cuddling up against his chest. He'll soon dose off when it's all calm.
#michaelmyers#transmichaelmyers#transrightarehumanrights#transgender#michael myers x reader#nsfwalphabet
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*inhale* jeck jeck jeck jeck jeck jeck jeck jeck
*exhale* J E C K
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J e c k
hey davey? where’s jeck? JECK JECK JECK-
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What subject are you most looking forward to in pre-k?
Whenna yearn wadda sub-jeck is, I get back to ya!
(TRANSLATION: When I learn what a subject is, I’ll get back to you!)
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Ich persönlich empfehle hierfür den kostenlosen, werbefreien Total Commander – Dateimanager für Android mitsamt des passenden WiFi/WLAN-Plugin für Totalcmd.
Mit Hilfe dieses Plugins kann man ganze Ordner des Android-Dateisystems im heimischen (W)LAN freigeben und von Finder, Explorer & Co. per WebDAV darauf zugreifen.
Hierzu muss man natürlich die etwas sperrige Freigabe-URL eintippen; alternativ sucht man sich einen QR-Code-Scanner für die Laptop-Webcam (unter macOS etwa das kostenlose „QR Journal“) und ist fein raus.
Anschließend kann man die Dateien einfach per Drag & Drop vom Desktop aufs Handy ziehen. So sieht das Resultat dann (wiederum im Total Commander) am Handy aus:
Text-to-Speech Sprachmodule
Nun zur eigentlichen Vorlesefunktion, auf englisch „Text-to-Speech“ oder kurz „TTS“ genannt. Grundsätzlich beherrschen moderne Android-Handys diese Funktion mit Bordmitteln, entsprechende APIs existieren im Dienste der Barrierefreiheit im Betriebssystem. Maschinelle Vorleser mit verschiedenen Stimmen und unterschiedlich gut gelungener Sprachsynthese, die sich anschließend wahlweise nutzen lassen, gibt es im Google Play-Store herunterzuladen – kostenlos wie kostenpflichtig.
Man findet im Internet verschiedene Vergleichstests darüber, welche Stimme für welchen Zweck besser oder schlechter geeignet ist. Schlussendlich entscheidet aber auch noch der eigene Geschmack. Die mit meinem in Ehre ergrauten Samsung Galaxy S7 mitgelieferte Samsung-Stimme gefällt mir persönlich nicht so sehr, sie klingt arg künstlich.
Aktuell verwende ich stattdessen Googles kostenlos verfügbare Sprachsynthese „Google Sprachausgabe“, die sowohl mit männlicher als auch weiblicher Stimme verschiedenste Sprachen unterstützt, die man sich jeweils in-app dazu laden kann. — Wie gesagt, Geschmäcker sind verschieden.
Vorlesen – there’s an app for that
Das eigentliche Vorlesen von Texten geht natürlich über die reine Handy-Bedienung für Personen mit eingeschränktem Sehvermögen hinaus. Für diesen Zweck muss man mit einer spezialisierten App nachhelfen. Auch derer gibt es mehrere verschiedene im Google Play Store.
Ich persönlich verwende @Voice Aloud Reader, ich habe mir sogar die @Voice Premium Lizenz für aktuell 9,50 EUR gegönnt (mehr dazu weiter unten). @Voice merkt man an, dass er über viele Jahre hinweg entstanden ist und nach und nach immer mehr Features und Einstellmöglichkeiten hinzu gekommen ist. Man kann sich leicht darin verirren, und einiges ist wenig offensichtlich und erfordert anfänglich etwas Herumprobieren.
Man beginnt idealerweise damit, oben links das (schmale) „Burger-Menü“ aufzurufen. Auf der nun erscheinenden, anfangs leeren Seite tippt man unten links auf das „+“, um Dateien hinzuzufügen. Nun kann man sich nun in das gewünschte Verzeichnis durchhangeln, in das man oben die heruntergeladenen .html-Dateien kopiert hatte. — Liegen diese auf der eingelegten SD-Karte, fordert die App typischerweise zur Freigabe von Zugriffsrechten auf.
Dort finden sich alle zum Vorlesen geeigneten Dateien des gewählten Verzeichnisses, und sie lassen sich zum Vorlesen an- oder abwählen – gerne auch alle auf einmal mit dem entsprechenden Symbol oben rechts in der Leiste. Freundlicherweise wird hier „natürlich“ sortiert, d.h. 1…9 kommt vor 10…11…99 kommt vor 100… usw. — Auf „index.html“, das das Inhaltsverzeichnis repräsentiert, kann man getrost verzichten.
Nach „Fertig“ gelangt man zurück auf die zuvor leere Seite, die nun die soeben angewählten Dateien enthält, die man bei Bedarf umsortieren kann. Tippt man nun etwa die oberste an (typischerweise das c’t-Editorial auf „seite-3.html“) und tippt unten rechts auf das „Play“-Symbol, gelangt man zurück zum Hauptbildschirm – und „schon“ geht’s los. Ein Tipp auf den „Pfeil nach oben“ ganz unten rechts klappt das abgebildete Menü aus, auf dem sich die grundlegenden Spracheinstellungen konfigurieren lassen.
Detailliertere Einstellungen, insbesondere die Wahl der Stimme und entsprechende Feineinstellungen, finden sich im Wust der Programmeinstellungen oben rechts hinter dem Zahnrad-Symbol. Als ungemein wichtig empfinde ich vor allem die erst in der Vollversion freigeschaltete Möglichkeit, Sprachersetzungen zu konfigurieren.
Mitunter wird man nämlich beim Zuhören über Begriffe wie etwa „Liezen-Zart“ stolpern und nach kurzem Nachdenken amüsiert feststellen, dass damit wohl „Lizenz-Art“ gemeint war. Jegliche derartigen Abstrusitäten wird man wohl kaum vorab finden, aber sträflichen Aussprachefehlern wie die meiner Google-Stimme, die dazu neigt, „iOS“ als „Ieh-Oss“ und „macOS“ als „Mah-Koss“ auszusprechen, kann man damit wirksam entgegentreten.
Die merkwürdigen Sonderzeichen vor „iOS“ und „macOS“ rühren übrigens daher, dass diese als „Nur als ganzes Wort“ markiert sind – damit aus „grandios“ nicht etwa also „grand-Ei-Oh-Ess“ ausgesprochen wird.
Wiedergabe und Steuerung per Medientasten am Autoradio
Nachdem man seine persönliche Lieblingsstimme und die optimale Vorlesegeschwindigkeit gefunden hat, gestaltet sich das Vorlesen als überaus angenehm. Richtig nett wird das alles natürlich erst, wenn das Handy per Bluetooth mit dem Autoradio gekoppelt ist und das Playback folglich nicht über den quäkenden Handy-Lautsprecher, sondern über das Auto-Audiosystem erfolgt.
Natürlich wird man zur Navigation im Text nicht das Handy in die Hand nehmen wollen (bzw. auch gar nicht dürfen). Stattdessen unterstützt @Voice zumindest die drei Medientasten Pause, Prev und Next, die das entsprechend ausgestattete Autoradio per Bluetooth ans Handy zurück schickt, und die @Voice entsprechend auswertet.
Dabei gilt: Während des laufenden Playbacks springt ein Druck auf Next/Prev satzweise vor bzw. zurück. Das hilft, wenn man den letzten Satz noch einmal hören möchte, oder wenn man beispielsweise über ein kryptisches Code-Beispiel hinweg skippen möchte, das ungelenk vorgelesen wird.
Der deutlich wichtigere Anwendungsfall ist aber sicher, einen weniger interessanten Artikel abzubrechen und unverzüglich zum nächsten Artikel zu wechseln. Etwas versteckt findet sich in der Anleitung zu @Voice der rettenden Hinweis: Man unterbricht zuerst die Wiedergabe durch Druck auf die Pause-Taste – und drückt erst dann die Next-Taste. Damit springt @Voice tatsächlich in die nächste Datei und damit zum nächsten Artikel.
All das möchte man vielleicht einmal vor Fahrtantritt noch auf dem Parkplatz stehend mit eingeschaltetem Handydisplay ausprobieren, bevor man das Gerät in den Standby schickt und in die Mittelkonsole legt. Man gewöhnt sich aber schnell daran und will es bald nicht mehr missen.
von GZB – Gero Zahns Blog – ger.oza.hn https://ift.tt/39duF5c
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A L A A F I H R J E C K E N Ok, vielleicht ein bisschen zu anspruchsvoll für flache Karnevalswitze. #alaaf #helau #karneval #carnival #köln #düsseldorf #rheinland #jeck (hier: Köln, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CouFUX0NPOG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Posted @withregram • @pfcuttin EastnyRadio returns tonight 9-11pm on @dashradio channel @deliciousvinyl , spinning all NEW 🔥 TUNE IN 1- Westside Gunn ft. Stove God Cooks - Horses On Sunset 2- Eto x Nyce Da Future ft. Reek Da Villain - Drillin 3- Agallah ft. Guilty Simpson, Nems - Sip The Broth 4- Mic Swift ft. Ras Kass, Reks, Elzhi, Rakaa Iriscience , Skyzoo ,Termanology - Nobody Move 5- The Bad Seed - Complex Napoleon 6- DoomDaWiz ft. HighlifeHalf - The Scene 7- Yo Dot ft. XP The Marxman - Champagne Toast 8- Westside Gunn - Danhausen 9- Supremem Cerebral & Yoga Flame Kane - Pardon Me 10- Logic ft. Rza - Porta One 11- Demorne Warren - Undeniable 12- MC Ren - Keep It Gangsta 13- Es Nine ft. Fashawn - I Came Up 14- Foul Monday ft. SA Money - 24 15- Inkswel & The Snaglepuss ft. Dudley Perkins - Everything (MR. SCRUFF REMIX) 16- KTGR8 - THE ART OF MC’N 17- Billy NoJokes & MadScience Beats - Meditate 18- Mark 4ord ft. XP The Marxman - Alfred Hitch Cocked 19- Rick Hyde - La Spina 20- Elcamino - Ghost Dini 21- 2 Eleven & T.F feat. Conway - Blackout 22- Planet Asia ft. Kurious - Clap Ya Hands 23- Fatt Father DJ Jewels Baby - Bar After Bars 24- Logic ft. Action Bronson - In my lifetime 25- O.C. and Dixon Hill - Prime Directive 26- Psych Major ft. Reef The Lost Cauze, Bub Styles, Psych 101, K Burns & Toneyboi - Posse Track 101 27- Hush & Bobby J From Rockaway ft. The Truth - Capers 28- French Montana & Harry Fraud ft. Jadakiss , Benny The Butcher - Bricks & Bags 29- Dom Dirtee, Rim - Grind Don't Stop 30- 2 Eleven & T.F - Breaking Bad 31- TooBusy & Recognize Ali - Saw & Conquered 32- ILL BILL ft. Lord Goat - Once Upon A Time In Canarsie 33- Crimeapple / Dj Skizz - Currency Exchange 34- Black Sheep Dres x Stu Bangas - Sheep Stu 35- Jay Nice ft. Brizz Rawsteen - Flair On The Darkside 36- No1semach1ne & Planet Asia - Fatherless Style 37- Nyce Da Future x Eto ft. Flee Lord - On God 38- Elcamino - Target 39-JD Era -Yellow Goose 40-2 Eleven & T.F -War Games 41-Crimeapple / Dj Skizz - Wonder Years 42-Phocuz & J-Mac -P.O.M.E. 43-Krohme ft. Jeck da General, Kahlee & Indigo Phoenyx-Pollock https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf7hHbdrYir/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Personalized Radiation Shields May Protect Normal Tissues During Cancer Treatments

MedicalResearch.com Interview with:

Dr. Byrne James Donald Byrne, Ph.D., M.D. Department of Radiation Oncology Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, Massachusetts MedicalResearch.com: What is the background for this study? Response: Radiation therapy is used as a treatment for more than half of all cancer patients and can be highly effective at shrinking tumors and killing cancer cells. But radiation treatment can also damage healthy tissue, including tissue in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. This tissue injury can lead to oral mucositis, esophagitis, and proctitis — painful and sometimes debilitating tissue damage. It’s estimated that these injuries occur in over 200,000 patients in the U.S. each year. Our goal was to develop personalized shields that blocked radiation from affecting healthy GI tissue. MedicalResearch.com: What are the main findings? What is the material in the shields? Would it be costly or difficult to make on a personalized basis? Response: The devices work by using high atomic number (Z) materials to shield the surrounding healthy tissue. We used patients’ CT scans to personalize these devices so that they could comfortably and reliably fit to areas that are at risk for damage. The devices were tested in rats and pigs. In rats, we found that the devices provided a significant reduction in damage to the oral cavity and rectum. Feasibility testing in pigs revealed excellent reproducibility of placement in pigs. We also tested these devices in simulations of human patients, where we found that the devices could reduce radiation to areas in the mouth by 30 percent for head and neck cancer patients, and in the gastrointestinal tract by 15 percent in prostate cancer patients, without reducing radiation dose to the tumor. As a part of the study, we created a clinical workflow for seamless integration of the devices into radiation therapy. MedicalResearch.com: What should readers take away from your report? Response: We have created a platform of personalized radiation shields that has the potential to profoundly impact patients undergoing radiation therapy. Additional studies will be necessary to translate the devices into everyday clinical use. MedicalResearch.com: Is there anything else you would like to add? Response: This work was accomplished through the efforts of a large multi-disciplinary team. Moreover, the work would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors, including the Prostate Cancer Foundation, Joint Center for Radiation Therapy, and the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering. Citation: Byrne, J. D., Young, C. C., Chu, J. N., Pursley, J., Chen, M. X., Wentworth, A. J., Feng, A., Kirtane, A. R., Remillard, K. A., Hancox, C. I., Bhagwat, M. S., Machado, N., Hua, T., Tamang, S. M., Collins, J. E., Ishida, K., Hayward, A., Becker, S. L., Edgington, S. K., Schoenfeld, J. D., Jeck, W. R., Hur, C., Traverso, G., Personalized Radiation Attenuating Materials for Gastrointestinal Mucosal Protection. Adv. Sci. 2021, 2100510. https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202100510 The information on MedicalResearch.com is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health and ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In addition to all other limitations and disclaimers in this agreement, service provider and its third party providers disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the content provided on this website. Read the full article
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Pelayanan Tilang hari Sabtu tgl 4 April 2020, ternyata masyarakat sudah mulai mengetahui utk menghindari kerumunan mereka mengambil Tilang dihari libur disaat kurangnya lalu lalang orang. Namun saya sampaikan kepada semua warga masyarakat, manfaatkan Deliveri Tilang Kami (DK-Tilang) dg bekerjasama K-Jeck anda tinggal duduk manis dirumah BB tilang diantar sampai rumah, "DIRUMAH AJA YACH...BIARLAH KAMI YANG BEKERJA" Kesehatan anda dan keluarga anda paling utama bagu kami, cegah penyebaran virus Cirona dg "TETAP DIRUMAH AJA" trimakasih salam "SEHAT, dan TETAP DIRUMAH" dari Saya JOKO BUDI DARMAWAN (Kajari Karangasem). Semangat👍👍👍👍 Terimakasih atas Kepeduliannya utk mencegah penyebaran Virus Corona...🙏🙏🙏🙏 JAKAMAS, HADIR UNTUK MELAYANI, Matur suksma Via @kejari_karangasem #karangasemnow_official #jakamas #tilang #pengadilankarangasem #kjek https://www.instagram.com/p/B-islQBhJRe/?igshid=1iuzyovmcnu14
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.@israel @israel #israel besides i s u s p e c t you wage war against russia i justdontknow if itis open bil l from lukoil on and cutting down business interests or ifitis more deeper or efforted #keypoint war with rus sia is.not. like. youthink. it is. like with. arab sleazy dictatorships. itis fir stofall 150millionpeople vast broken but a nuclear superpower in someways, a faking mid dlepower inotherways, a broken rotten empire in other ways struggligntokeepthings together but foremost: each.and.every.single.of.these.tick.only.by.serving.the.state. oppo rtunistically in manyways and ruthless crude in manyways. to west thismeans dangerous and upredictable. but allof this as weak lastresort they act is not like your sleazy dictatorships or islamis i assume i suspect youknow thesethings f a r f a r f a r better than i but if youhave a rift between int el and or intel isbroken andor intel isfocussed onsleazy dictatorships youmayhave no idea how serious this mess i s outof their weakness and broken fallback into old cru de ways china mitigates but them. are themain target ofthe west bynow russia only useful to unite against joi nt enemy a r e y o u s u r e y o u k n o w whatyouredoing if itisthecase of you vs russia thatis whatsinyour analysis about this all ///// is it possible that lightside struggles to justify highstandards goodvalues in increasing ly pragmatic to duressed ressource based thinking whilethe securityproblems amplify w ith these but worse no positive aspect occurs from any po sitive approach of these things master the secular reald eal and if you did use the dysfunction of wacky to spir itual inthese structures as f a c t u a l i t y #keypoint that their way is a oneway into harm for all : e v e n i f i n t e n t is n ot harm. the a b i l i t y and the course the direction is. while walls are the s ymptom of broken security arrangements they pragmatically work but are not a solution for the underlying problem #keypoint all systems misuse h umans and the worse itis to some ontheotherside themore they will forever be an asset to anyone whowants toharm is rael. unsolved remains and worsening amplifies this thisis why a one state solution hybrid state trickery fails itis not only against israels friends itis that not hing makes it just tothem and never will credibly but it will always be a n asset to anyone forever whowants toharm israel ///// #jeckes #kibbuzim .@israel @israel deutsc hland ist ein international durchschwemmtes netzwerk getriebenes hochdruck zum monstroesen kern leistungsbasiertes hochdruck land mit tiefen spalten inder gesellschaft zwischen interessengruppen waehr end vieles das positiv und lebenswert und leicht erscheint eine g e w ae h r t e kuens tliche sache ist die auf richtig brutaler teuflischer hochdruck ausbeutung von person engruppen basiert die es anders garnicht kennen phew es ist schwer zusagen wo da die netzwerkverbindungen sei n koennen die den puls fuehlen dessen irgendwas zwisch en verheizen mitziehen zurueckgelassen verheizt und dunkle magie ausbeuten steuern tricksen mit welchen gauner trick der funktioniert in konkurrierenden netzwerken w ie eine art rammsteinvideo mit sonnenbaden strand waechter und im dunklen dann das dana ch was wirklich los ist I am Christian KISS BabyAW ACS - Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #H ELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAW ACS.com [email protected] Helpful? support. donnate. pay. https://wise.com/share/ch ristiank426 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/christiankiss
.@israel @israel #israel besides i s u s p e c t youwage war against russia i justdontknow if itis open bill from lukoil on and cutting down business interests or ifitis more deeper or efforted #keypoint war with russia is.not. like. youthink. it is. like with. arab sleazy dictatorships. itis firstofall 150millionpeople vast broken but a nuclear superpower in someways, a faking middlepower…
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new arrivals 4-19-18
record store day is this weekend. 2 days from now. we will be sending out a short email about the days events and specials on friday night. we are open the usual hours - 11am to 8pm. here today (thursday) Blueboy: Bank Of England LP $27.99
"You've got to listen to this band, you'll really like them, I know." A Colourful Storm presents the first-time vinyl issue of Blueboy's The Bank Of England, originally released in 1998. The group of Paul Stewart, Keith Girdler, Cath Close, Ian Gardner, and James Neville are Sarah Records royalty alongside The Field Mice, Heavenly, The Wake, and The Orchids, and this is the final recording from arguably the most beautiful, afflicted band of '90s indie-pop and DIY. One of the true treasures of modern pop music. Mastered from the original recording tapes with assistance from Sarah Records and Shinkansen Records' own Matt Haynes. Full color reverse-card LP sleeve with printed insert. Caretaker: Persistent Repetition of phrases CD $17.99
2018 repress. Having already been chosen as one of The Wire magazine's top 10 albums of 2008, as well as featuring on numerous "end-of year" charts, The Caretaker's highly-acclaimed Persistent Repetition Of Phrases is finally made available on CD again -- this time on The Caretaker's own History Always Favours The Winners label. James Kirby's work as The Caretaker has always dealt with the suggestion of haunted memory and the obscuring of temporal motion, and this album makes that more explicit than ever, with titles that reference amnesia, Alzheimer's, past life regression and other such memory misfires and short circuits. Musically, this album might be compared to Philip Jeck's manipulated vinyl tracts, featuring similarly oceanic swells of crackle and dust, with faded pianos or big band sounds wafting wraith-like across the mix. After conjuring the sinister atmospherics of The Shining with his debut album Selected Memories From The Haunted Ballroom, The Caretaker has been chasing this idea of sound leaving its indelible mark on a space and time, so consequently these creepy, semi-dissolved musical passages sound no more tangible than shadows, and the album for the most part comes across as some sort of séance held via wax cylinder. Caretaker: Everywhere at the end of time stage 4 2LP $36.99
The Caretaker slips beyond recognition in the first "post awareness" stage of Everywhere At The End Of Time. The ability to recall singular memories gives way to confusions and horror. It's the beginning of an eventual process where all memories begin to become more fluid through entanglements, repetition, and rupture. Though the metaphoric device of worn-down ballroom 78s and Jack Nicholson's descent into madness in The Shining (1980), The Caretaker connotes the transitory cognitive breakdown of moderate into severe late stage dementia. Memories of the good times are recollected in glitching pyknoleptic flashes as the music struggles to follow consistent lines of thought, instead fluctuating between a fractured mosaic of ideas and elusive emotive gestures, but still occasionally able to gather coherent thoughts. In aesthetic, the sieve-like mind state of Stage 4 vacillates a serene sort of psychedelia with utterly paranoid and petrifying mental subsidence. Smudged traces of sublimated musical hall memories give way to shocking tracts of atonality and discord with runaway rhythmic logic, perpetually tumbling farther into states of mind perhaps best compared with K-Hole-like dimensions or the babble of after-hours psychonautic journeys. The concision of previous stages is here replaced with wandering, side-long tracts. Three of those are titled "Post Awareness Confusions" and correspondingly explore and reflect agitated, irritable mindsets as they navigate an ephemeral, confusing complexity of structures. The other piece is called "Temporary Bliss State" and starkly contrasts the other parts in a coherently lush traverse of ambient crackle and glittering melody... Artwork by Ivan Seal. Mastered and cut by Lupo. Double-LP comes in gatefold sleeve. Spacemen 3: Taking Drugs CD $15.99
Space Age present a reissue of Spacemen 3's Taking Drugs To Make Music To Take Drugs To, originally released in 1990. Re-release, digitally re-mastered featuring Sonic Boom and Jason Pierce. The original appearance of Taking Drugs was a bootleg on the legendary/notorious Father Yod imprint in 1990, later supplemented with contemporary outtakes and cuts for the Bomp reissue in 1994 and one further song for the Space Age version in 2000. The original seven tracks, dated January 1986 and the first recordings to feature Pete Bain on bass, are collectively known as the Northampton Demos. Both Sonic and Pierce have been on record as long preferring these takes to the eventual versions that surfaced for the most part on "Sound Of Confusion". Certainly it's a fine set of performances, showing a definite step toward the more familiar sound of the group and away from the rougher takes on 1995's For All The Fucked Up Children Of The World (ORBIT 039CD). "The Sound Of Confusion", aka "Walkin' With Jesus", rips along with fierce energy, Pierce's singing and the rampaging, primitive wail and rumble of the band just wonderful. "Losing Touch With My Mind" takes things to an even higher level, a huge wallop of feedback and beat (Natty Brooker's drumming in particular delivers just what the doctor ordered), Pierce delivering the lines with a flat, cutting drawl. On the slightly lighter tip, "Come Down Easy" is more or less fully in place (aside from singing about it being 1986!), possessing a more upfront but less vocally distinct feel than The Perfect Prescription (1987) take. The tracks that surfaced on the later reissues come from a variety of different sessions, including the original take on "Feel So Good" and a good live version of "Things'll Never Be The Same", one of several cuts featuring Brooker's drumming replacement Rosco.
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«λπ», μια ταινία για τη Λένα Πλάτωνος
New Post has been published on https://mikrofwno.gr/2017/11/lp-mia-tainia-gia-ti-lena-platonos/
«λπ», μια ταινία για τη Λένα Πλάτωνος
Η crowdfunding καμπάνια για την ολοκλήρωση του «λπ», ενός ντοκιμαντέρ για την ιέρεια της ελληνικής electronica, Λένα Πλάτωνος, ξεκινάει την Πέμπτη 23 Νοεμβρίου 2017 στην πλατφόρμα του Indiegogo.
Το «λπ» είναι ένα ντοκιμαντέρ για τη Λένα Πλάτωνος, που θεωρείται μία από τις πιο ιδιαίτερες μουσικούς της Ελλάδας και μία από τους πρωτοπόρους της ηλεκτρονικής μουσικής σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, χάρη στους τρεις δίσκους (Μάσκες Ηλίου, Γκάλοπ, Λεπιδόπτερα) που κυκλοφόρησε τη δεκαετία του ’80. Ο σκηνοθέτης Χρήστος Πέτρου μίλησε σε όλους εκείνους που συνεργάστηκαν μαζί της για τη δημιουργία αυτών των πρωτοποριακών δίσκων και στους νεότερους καλλιτέχνες, Έλληνες και μη, που εμπνέονται από τη δουλειά της, ενώ η ίδια η Λένα Πλάτωνος μοιράζεται τις δικές της αναμνήσεις από την εποχή εκείνη με τον δικό της, μοναδικό τρόπο.
Για να ολοκληρωθεί το «λπ», η εταιρία παραγωγής Heretic οργανώνει crowdfunding καμπάνια στο Indiegogo, αναζητώντας πόρους που θα καλύψουν το post-production της ταινίας, καθώς και μουσικά δικαιώματα του ντοκιμαντέρ.
Η ταινία
Η δουλειά της Λένας Πλάτωνος, μιας σημαντικής φιγούρας της ελληνικής ηλεκτρονικής σκηνής με ριζοσπαστικές δουλειές που αποδείχθηκαν μπροστά από την εποχή τους, ακούγεται πλέον ολοένα περισσότερο διεθνώς χάρη στην επανακυκλοφορία των δίσκων της και τα remix στα τραγούδια της. Με τη βοήθεια συνεργατών, φίλων και σημερινών Ελλήνων και διεθνών καλλιτεχνών, η ταινία επιστρέφει στην εποχή που δημιουργήθηκαν αυτοί οι επαναστατικοί δίσκοι.
Στο ντοκιμαντέρ συμμετέχουν οι Σαβίνα Γιαννάτου, Πάνος Δράκος, Γιάννης Παλαμίδας, Θάνος Σταθόπουλος, Νίκος Αϊβαλής, Κλέων Αντωνίου, Josh Cheon, Red Axes, Coti K, Alexis Taylor, Natureboy Flako, Γιάννης Κύρης, Κώστας Χατζόπουλος, Nteibint, Δημήτρης Παπαϊωάννου, Έλλη Πασπαλά, Lena Willikens, Στάθης Γουργουρής, Felizol, Γιώργος Χρονάς.
«…Θυμάμαι πολύ καθαρά την πρώτη φορά που άκουσα μουσική της Λένας Πλάτωνος. Από εκείνη τη στιγμή, αρρώστησα/αγάπησα τη μουσική της Λένας που με συντρόφεψε σ’ ολόκληρη την εφηβεία μου και μ’ επηρέασε βαθιά. Ήταν τότε ένας λόγος που με έκανε περήφανο, αφού άκουγα κυρίως ξένη μουσική, και είχα πλέον μια αναφορά ελληνική…»
Χρήστος Πέτρου, σκηνοθέτης
Η καμπάνια
Η crowdfunding καμπάνια θα τρέξει από τις 22 Νοεμβρίου ως τις 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2017 στην πλατφόρμα του Indiegogo. Οι πόροι θα διατεθούν στην εξασφάλιση μέρους των μουσικών δικαιωμάτων και την ολοκλήρωση του post-production της ταινίας. Οι υποστηρικτές της καμπάνιας θα έχουν την μοναδική ευκαιρία να γίνουν μέρος του σύμπαντος του «λπ». Ανάλογα με το ποσό της συνεισφοράς, θα λάβουν αντίτυπα των επανεκδόσεων των δίσκων της Λένας Πλάτωνος από την περίφημη δισκογραφική εταιρία Dark Entries Records υπογεγραμμένα από την ίδια τη Λένα Πλάτωνος, το soundtrack της ταινίας που περιλαμβάνει νέα remixes που έγιναν αποκλειστικά για την ταινία από τους Natureboy Flako, Coti K, Old Green Bros, Felizol και Larry Gus, συλλεκτικά T-Shirts της ταινίας, προσκλήσεις για την προβολή της ταινίας στη Στέγη Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών και testing copies των επανεκδόσεων (βινύλιο), επίσης υπογραμμένα από την ίδια. Και όχι μόνο αυτά. Οι υποστηρικτές θα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να δουν την ταινία σε streaming (ύστερα από έναν περίπου μήνα), ενώ θα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να λάβουν ακόμα και credit executive παραγωγού στην ταινία.
Η προβολή
Η crowdfunding καμπάνια του «λπ» θα ολοκληρωθεί δύο μέρες μετά την προβολή της ταινίας στη Στέγη Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών, τη Δευτέρα 18 Δεκεμβρίου, στο πλαί��ιο των προβολών του Flix it. Μετά την προβολή του «λπ», στη σκηνή της Στέγης θα ανέβει η ίδια η Λένα Πλάτωνος στο πιάνο σε μια σύμπραξη με τον σπουδαίο Philip Jeck. O Jeck είναι μια πολύ ιδιαίτερη περίπτωση μουσικού: turntablist extraordinaire, αν θέλουμε να βάλουμε ετικέτα στη δουλειά του, χρησιμοποιεί βινύλια τα οποία λουπάρει και «κακοποιεί» ζωντανά πάνω σε χαλασμένα, και όχι μόνο, πικάπ και δημιουργεί μουσικά περιβάλλοντα που είναι δύσκολο να περιγραφούν με λέξεις. Οι συναυλίες του είναι μουσικά γεγονότα. Στο live της Στέγης, η ιδέα είναι να παίξει αποκλειστικά χρησιμοποιώντας τα τρία βινύλια που είναι το θέμα της ταινίας «λπ» (Μάσκες Ηλίου, Γκάλοπ, Λεπιδόπτερα) σε μια συνομιλία με τον ήχο της Λένας που θα παίζει στο πιάνο. Μια εμπειρία μοναδική, που θα κλείσει με το dj set του Josh Cheon (Dark Entries Records) με τη μουσική που τον κάνει περιζήτητο σ’ όλο τον πλανήτη σήμερα.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφτείτε την επίσημη σελίδα της ταινίας στο Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lpdoc και τη σελίδα της καμπάνιας στο Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/lena-platonos-electronic-music-comes-to-life#/
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Großer Jubiläumszug in Wipperfürth
Bunt, ausgelassen und mit viel Fantasie, so präsentiert sich im Wipperfürther Jubiläumsjahr der große Karnevalszug. Mit 44 Fußgruppen, Wagen und Musikkapellen fällt er, zur Freunde vielen großen und kleinen Jecken am Straßenrand, deutlich größer aus als in den Vorjahren. Einige Gruppen wie „Noh bieneen“ sind zum ersten Mal dabei. Bewohner und Mitarbeiter der Einrichtung für Behinderte haben sich als farbenprächtige Zauberer herausgeputzt. „Wir wollten es einfach mal ausprobieren“ sagt Inge Röckerath von“ Noh bieneen“. Das genaue Gegenstück zu den Newcomern ist Ali Lubomierski, der 2017 sage und schreibe zum 63. Mal beim Wipperfürther Zug mitläuft, dieses Mal mit einer ganzen Familiengruppe in Robin-Hood-Kostümen. So ein Tag . . . Prinzessin Tanja und Prinz René genießen den Zug. Fotos: Gies (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Die Roboter sind auf dem Vormarsch, doch im Krankenhaus haben sie nichts zu suchen – das finden die Mitarbeiter der Helios-Klinik. Die Messdiener haben sich mit vielen bunten Luftballone um den Bauch als Weintrauben verkleidet. Viele Gruppen greifen, passend zum Stadtjubiläum, ein Kapitel der Stadtgeschichte auf. Sowohl die Reitergemeinschaft Kremershof als auch die Wipp-Bürger widmen sich mit viel Liebe zum Detail dem Stadtbrand und tragen flammend bunte Perücken. Die BEW-Mitarbeiter kommen als stolze rote Löwen mit blauen Kronen anmarschiert, die Angestellten der Fleischerei Meister Blumberg marschieren als jecke Kühe und Hühner mit. Die Frauen der KFD St. Nikolaus gehören auch dieses Jahr wieder zu den schönsten Fußgruppen im Zug, als lebensgroße Rosen gratulieren sie der Stadt zum Jubiläum. Echt zum Gruseln dagegen sind die Geister des Franziskusheimes. Ein Hingucker ist auch der Stöpgeshof, der ein Festbankett auftischt – die Damen gehen als leckere Torten, die Herren als Champagnerflaschen. Die „Echten Fründe“ haben eine imposante Stadtmauer wieder aufgebaut, die IG Siebenborn – verkleidet als alte Ägypter – eine große Pyramide. „Make Stöpgeshof great again“, hießt es dort mit einem kleinen Seitenhieb auf US-Präsident Donald Trump. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Was wäre der Karnevalszug ohne Musik? Mit dem Musikverein Kierspe, dem Musikverein Wipperfürth und dem Fanfarenzug aus dem niedersächsischen Groß-Gronau sorgen drei Kapellen für Livemusik, aber die meisten Gruppen haben ebenfalls Musik dabei. Besonders „Leev Marie“ von den Paveiern und „Stadt met K“ von Kasalla erfreuen sich dieses Jahr großer Beliebtheit. Fester Bestandteil des Wipperfürther Zuges sind auch die Tanzgruppen – die Spark Dancers aus Kreuzberg und die Bärchen und die Tanzgarde von Blau-Weiß Neye sind mit dabei und unterhalten das Publikum. Und zum Schluss kommt, wie kann es anders sein, das Wipperfürther Prinzenpaar. Prinzessin Tanja und Prinz René werfen Kamelle aus vollen Händen, zur Freunde der großen und kleinen Jecken. Bedingt durch die Baustelle, muss der Zug dieses Mal einen etwas anderen Weg nehmen und biegt an der Ellersecke in die Untere Straße ein. Vielleicht eine Lösung mit Zukunft, denn anders als in den Vorjahren ist in der Unteren Straße dieses Mal richtig gute Stimmung. An den Straßenrändern ist richtig viel los. Schon in der Neye-Siedlung stehen die Jecken dicht gedrängt, als das närrische Treiben startet. Zugleiter Klaus Pusch ist zuversichtlich und freut sich ebenso auf einen tollen Zoch. Das Wetter spielt mit und so ist die Stimmung im und am Zoch kaum zu toppen. Das Prinzenpaar strahlt um die Wette, und schmeißt mit vollen Händen Kamellen. Rund fünf Stunden ist der närrische Lindwurm unterwegs, als er am Marktplatz eintrifft, wo die Jecken kräftig feiern. Ohne Pannen und Unfall kommen die Zugteilnehmer restlos begeistert, aber auch erschöpft an. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Die Preise für die besten Wagen und Fußgruppen Der 1. Preis bei den Wagenbaugemeinschaften geht an die „Wipp-Bürger“ und ihre detailreiche Darstellung des Stadtbrandes von 1795. Der 2. Preis geht an die „Echten Fründe“ und ihre Wipperfürther Stadtmauer. Den 3. Preis erhalten die Karnevalsfreunde Zintagen und ihre Smileys. Bei den Fußgruppen holt das Festbankett aus dem Stöpgeshof – die Herren als Champagnerflaschen, die Damen als Festtorten – den 1. Platz. Auf dem 2. Platz landen die lebensgroßen Rosen der KFD Wipperfürth, gefolgt von den farbenprächtigen Flammen der Reitgemeinschaft Kremershof (Platz 3) , die damit auf die vielen Wipperfürther Stadtbrände anspielt. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Zudem gibt es beim Wipperfürther Zug wieder viele Sonderpreise: Der Sonderpreis des Bürgermeisters geht an die Messdiener als lebende Weintrauben, die CDU Wipperfürth zeichnet das Tanzcorps Blau-Weiß Neye aus. Die Gruppe Querbeet gewinnt den Sonderpreis der SPD, der Preis der Wipperfürther Grünen geht in diesem Jahr an die Gruppe ���Hai-to-Kreuzberg“. Die FDP zeichnet die gruseligen Geister des Franziskusheimes aus, die Kreissparkasse Köln vergibt ihren Preis an die alten Ägypter der IG Siebenborn und ihre Pyramide. Die Volksbank Wipperfürth-Lindlar ehrt die bergischen Löwen des Energieversorgers BEW und außerdem die poppig-bunten Grenztänzer. Der Sonderpreis der Partnerstadt Surgères geht an die Zauberer von „Noh bieneen“, der Sonderpreis des Einzelhändlerverbandes ESW an die Helios-Roboter, der BEW-Preis an den VfR. Quelle: rundschau-online.de https://www.facebook.com/narrenzunft.neye/photos/a.605854142891274.1073741826.605854106224611/1033830453426972/?type=3 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
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