#jeanine d'armiento
eretzyisrael · 20 days
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frenchygv · 5 years
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Today I am grateful to have successfully completed 40 rotations around the sun! I'm saying it here because I want to publicly say thank you to all the people who have been instrumental in me making it this far. To my mom who, even though was with me only for my first 17 rotations around the sun, taught me everything I would need to survive; to my sisters @valetos and @lenina16 and my dad, who are my rock and without whom I am nothing; to my aunt Lane, my grandma, my uncle Germinal, Raysa, my uncle Cuchito (el favorito), my cousin Omar (the other favorito); to my doctors: Dr. Ernesto Leroux, Dr. Angela Hernández, Dr. Bienvenido Peña, Dr. Jeanine D'Armiento, Dr. Vielka Ceballos, and to all the nurses and auxiliaries here and in NYC who where always so kind to me and my family. Thank you to all the family and friends who have prayed and continue to pray for my health and to all the family, friends, and strangers who have made it possible for my medication to make its way to me. And thank you to the Lam Foundation for putting us in contact with a Lam specialist 13 years ago and for all the work they do to find safe and effective treatments, and ultimately a cure for Lam. Thank you from the bottom of my ♥️. #thisis40 #onwards
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