jbgfx · 8 years
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I just finished (or at least close to finishing) an edit of a wide format film that is featured in an exhibit at the Witte Museum in San Antonio, TX. The film is for the Kittie West Nelson Ferguson People of the Pecos Gallery and features beautiful 6K resolution footage of the ancient camp sites in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands. The month-long edit project was incredibly challenging but cool knowing this film will be up for a long time for museum visitors to enjoy.
If you’re in the San Antonio area, please check out the exhibit. wittemuseum.org
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joyfuleccentric · 8 years
Someone: Why do you scream so much?? Me: IM A JBGFX GOOD BEAN!!!! *SCREECHES*
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lyrikon · 10 years
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zhillison · 11 years
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Hey check this app from Facebook. It's called Paper. Amazing!!!
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jbgfx · 9 years
This is a great video essay about props in film. They’re so much more essential than most viewers realize.
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zhillison · 11 years
Would like these in my little room to make it complete!!!
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jbgfx · 11 years
I went to let go and she didn't so we hugged longer.
My Wife and My Daughter
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jbgfx · 11 years
Today I board a plane for China. I never dreamed that being a designer would take me the places it has.
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jbgfx · 11 years
Always remember to never forget.
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jbgfx · 12 years
If you're with the right person, every day is like Valentine's Day.
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jbgfx · 12 years
There just aren't enough hours in the day to do nothing.
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jbgfx · 12 years
We, in our culture, are breeding people who care more about the answer than the path to the answer.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
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jbgfx · 12 years
How To Be Cool
I find it funny that in my Google Analytics for this blog, one of the keyword searches that always stays in the top ten is "items that make me cool." It's just a silly title for my blog and doesn't really reflect the purpose of having this blog up. It really isn't to make me look cool. However, it seems that there are a number of people who are desperate to find out exactly what will indeed make them cool.
It's easy. The answer to that is: be yourself.
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jbgfx · 12 years
Saw Something Fantastic Today
I saw something on my way into work today that I found to be one of the greatest things ever that I have witnessed. I had to write it down while the event was still fresh in my mind.
While driving through downtown amongst the morning traffic of people in cars, on bikes and walking, I typically have already started my day by thinking about the various projects I’m working on. In other words, my work starts before I start work. So, I’m kind of in my own little world, listening to a podcast or music while the world passes by outside the confines of my little universe residing in the interior of my vehicle. Today was no different. I was thoroughly engaged in listening to an interview of the dynamic personality of Henry Rollins. The guy is intense and I was hanging on every word. Nothing was going to distract me from this incredibly interesting listen. Or so I thought.
Sitting at a stop light, waiting for the light to go from ruby to emerald, there were the typical pedestrians making their way to or from work. All kinds of people. Young, old, blue collar, white collar, male, female, etc. The standard assortment of city folk. And most of these people are like me and have their mind’s on what the day may hold for them. Locked into gazing at their mobile devices or staring at the ground a few feet in front of them, avoiding eye contact with any and everyone in order to get the day started without any unwanted greetings or confrontations. You know, humans being humans. But then something happened that completely tore me away from the podcast that I was listening to. Something so ordinary and extraordinary at the same time that caused me to completely shut out everything except what I was seeing.
A sharply dressed business-type woman was crossing the street from the right side of the street to the left. Like I described before for other pedestrians, this woman was looking only a few feet in front of her at the ground, possibly concentrating on not tripping in her heels when crossing the street. I was heading East before 9:00 am and the sun was shining directly into my eyes causing most things in my view to be silhouetted against an urban backdrop. I could make out some details, including that the woman was indeed wearing heels and a blue and black dress that hung a little below mid-thigh. She was a mildly attractive woman. And I don’t mean that in a demeaning way because attractiveness is all subjective. But she was attractive enough that many guys would turn their heads as she walked by. And that is exactly what happened this fine morning.
As she got closer to the far left side of the street, nearing the corner, a gentleman was slowly approaching the same corner, gradually slowing his pace in order to gain a better view of the female in his eyesight. She never missed a step as she reached the sidewalk and came within inches of this gentleman who really was kind of in her way. In fact, she had to modify her path in order to not collide with this onlooker. As she passed, his neck craned, eyes locked on his target, looking her up and down. He began to make comments about the woman who he evidently found to be insanely attractive. He pointed at her heels and dress and looked around as if to make the world aware of this amazing creature he had discovered. He had no friends with him. He was alone. But that did not stop him from making these remarks as if everyone on that street corner was his friend. Even after she had passed several feet away and the man began to continue on his own commute to… where ever, he kept on fawning. The woman did not look back. She did not acknowledge the man or his brief obsession with her. And the reason why she didn’t look back was because she never heard the comments from this gentleman. He was deaf. And every single comment he had made to anyone who was paying attention, was in sign language.
Now, I know very, very little sign language, but what the man was saying was obvious to anyone, I’m sure. His utterances and cat-calls were done in his own way. But they were no different if a man with perfect hearing and using his voice had done so. It made me chuckle. Not in any way as to laugh at the man. He was no less of a man than me or anyone else on that street. Well, maybe a little different. I’m not the cat-calling kind of guy. But regardless, I laughed at the situation. And that despite our differences as people, as human beings, with all of our strengths and weaknesses, abilities and disabilities, we are all the same. We have the same needs and wants and desires. The human condition is universal. It’s a humbling notion. That guy with the hearing problem just saw a woman that he found attractive and he wanted everyone to know. I got the message, buddy.
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