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miss-writes-a-lot · 1 month ago
A Wonderous Thing To Behold - Jayvik Family Belated Christmas Fic: Part One
(Okay, so I know it's almost the end of January. This was obviously meant to be posted during the holiday season. And not in two parts. I just had crazy burnout and mental health issues that made it really hard to write anything at all. But I'm back! And I'm trying to keep my promise to post here more often. This fic is getting really long so I'm splitting it into two parts here, then posting it in full on my ao3 - link in my pinned post. Content warnings and such posted below.)
Synopsis: Viola has some weird feelings about Jubilee and the meaning of family during the Jubilee season.
Content Warnings: This work contains depictions of violence, mentions of death, religion, and discussions of religious practices, and anxiety. Further tags to be added as things come up.
Additional Notes: So, I wasn't sure whether or not to insert Christmas as an actual holiday within the Arcane/LoL universe. In the LoL universe, they have a holiday called Jubilee that gives thanks to the sea and its bounty, so I mushed the two holidays together. This isn't to say that other religions and their holidays are invalid or not worth touching upon. This is only because I am currently ignorant to a lot of the practices in other religions and I don't just want to make caricatures of cultures and their practices based on stereotypes and my little knowledge of the topic.
Constructive critique is welcomed, especially in regard to how I deal with the religious portions. If anything is offensive or wrong, please let me know so I can work to remedy it and so I don't carry my mistakes over into other aspects of my work or future works I may post here and on my ao3.
Without further ado, onto the fic!
Jubilee, like many other holidays and festivities, is not a particularly “happy” day for Zaunites. 
For nearly every Topsider in Piltover, it was a bright and festive excuse to buy expensive gifts, put up bright and gaudy decorations all along the front of their houses, and get wasted at big, fancy banquets with greasy, fatty foods and sugary cakes and cookies.
But for born and bred Zaunites, it is yet another cold, somber winter’s night that killed so many on the street from frostbite, the worsening of one of the many illnesses one could get from the Gray, and shady deals gone awry. It was another cruel attempt at showboating and a sick reminder of where the two cities stood in nearly every capacity.
Viola was one of the many children sitting by their barred windows and being taunted by the smells of roasting meats and bubbling brews wafting down from the apartments and shops on the Promenade level and the houses inching closer to Topside. They would be beckoned out of bed by the sounds of mirth and merry-making. Shadows bathed in warm, butter-yellow light shouting and singing and being together with no ounce of obligation or reluctance to do so. Presents from wealthy, ignorant children flowed down the gutters into the sea as thanks for its bounty. The briefest glints of gold and ruby red shone down and reflected off the other windows, and it would stir a mix of envy, anxiety, and –strangely enough – want in their belly.
It was sickening, in a way. The want to be up there with all those who made a sport of how high they could turn their noses up at them and everyone like them. The desire to gorge themself on all of those sugary sweets and fatty meats while others struggled and starved to death in cold alleyways and barren houses. The almost intense need for the warmth, the pretty lights, the presents, and the security of others twisted Viola’s insides and forced them back into their bed as the usual specks of blue and gray flickered past their vision.
Yet here they are, standing in front of a jewelry store window two days short of the holiday with their stomach so tightly wound in knots they could keel over, debating on gifts to give their “work” family.
They’ve only got 30 minutes before they have to be at the lab, and they’ve been staring at the same set of shimmering blue and red gems embedded in gold and silver for much longer. From a quick glance up, they can see the storekeeper and her assistant eyeing Viola suspiciously from the other side, gearing up to run and get the sheriff to report them for loitering.
They step away from the window, nearly falling off the icy curb and knocking into some kids running behind them as they flung snowballs at each other.
Still, after regaining their footing, Viola stares at the row of colorful shops that no doubt have been cleaned of their good gifts and sale prices. Their insides twist at the scent of fresh sweet bread wafting down from the bakery on the opposite end of the street as their mind starts to race at the speed of a steam engine.
Only two days before Jubilee. Two days to find good gifts for a total of six people, maybe even more if the other councilors, their bio family, Caitlyn, Caitlyn’s girlfriend(?), her friends, Viola’s friends, and everyone else who even spares a passing glance at Hextech. 
Would they even want gifts from them? Would their friends and Caitlyn’s girlfriend even accept a gift on Jubilee? Would Naph, Reynard, or even Viktor want a gift for Jubilee? Would they even want to a gift from them of all people, regardless of the day and its context? Since working with Hextech, they did have a bit more money left to splurge on whatever’s left to choose from…
Maybe I shouldn’t, Viola thinks, grabbing a fistful of their coat from their middle, It’s a Piltie holiday. I don’t think they really fuck with Piltie holidays, especially not Vik or Rey.
Viola turns and starts to continue on their trek to the lab. They walk a few steps, about to cross the street when they stop again.
But…maybe they changed their minds and they do want gifts? Would it even be appropriate to get them stuff like that?
Viola cringes at their own stupid question.
The seven of them have since crossed the line of “just coworkers”, or “just part-time employees.”
Because if you are just employees, you don’t casually call each other “sis”, “bro”, or “sib” or “kiddo” or all of the cute little nicknames Viktor mutters under his breath when he thinks you aren’t listening. You don’t share and steal clothes and then argue about it later because you’re “just coworkers”. You don’t run from lower Entresol/upper Sump to Piltover with definitely not cleared drugs to help your dying boss and sick companions without a level of affection that Viola isn’t quite ready to address at the moment.
You don’t spend more time with them up top than you do with your real family without it meaning something more than just business.
And something about that…it’s almost as sick as debating on buying these damned gifts.
“Vivi! Wait up!”
Viola whips around, spotting Reynard and Nell, all bundled up and coming out of one of the bakeries with a big brown bag. They smile, their panic momentarily taking a backseat. 
“Hey,” they say, their newly cultivated softness starting to bleed through.
Reynard comes up to them and throws an arm around their shoulders.
“Guessing you got up late too?” Reynard asks, pulling them in for a close side hug.
“Uh, yeah. I…I did. Weird we didn’t end up running into each other,” they reply, trying not to make it seem obvious that they’ve been up and in Piltover for almost two hours. “What’s that?”
Nell grins, holding up the gold-branded bag. “It’s cake! For everyone at the lab! We just got it on sale. It’s really pretty, V. It’s got these cute lil’ frosted berries and powdered sugar on the top that makes it look like it’s covered in snow!”
“Don’t get too excited. Pretty sure it was on sale because it’s old as shit,” Reynard whispers, a cheeky grin on her face.
Nell lightly smacks Reynard with her free hand—Reynard snickers in response.
“Shut up! It is not!” she says, giggling.
Viola smiles, “It’s cool, Nell. I don’t mind eating old shit. As long as it's good enough.”
“You guuuuys!” Nell win
“I don’t really mind chomping down on a cobweb or two.”
“Yeah and plus, I hear mold’s good for the immune system. Helps build up a tolerance. Does wonders for the skin,” Reynard adds.
“You guys are so mean!”
The trio starts heading towards the lab. Viola spares another glance at the row of shops before Reynard pulls their attention forward to continue poking fun at Nell.
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
They arrive at the lab fifteen minutes late. 
Viktor’s at the chalkboard with Naph watching him while Amaranthine sits at his desk, lazily flipping through a magazine at Jayce’s desk. There seem to be more decorations littering the tables, windowsill, and even the chalkboards – Jayce and his mom really get into decorating during this time of year, though it’s always difficult to tell who exactly is to blame for it this time.
Amaranthine glances up from her magazine and turns back to the boys.
“Hey, they're here,” she says, lackadaisically flipping through the pages. “About time you guys showed up.”
“Sorry, sorry. Our bad,” Reynard says, tossing her coat on their on top of their chair.
“Yes, yes. Our bad, even though I was the one being bullied over my choice of sweets!” Nell says, rather melodramatically.
Amaranthine’s head perks up. “You brought food?”
Nell smirks, waggling her brows. “I did.”
Amaranthine gets up and follows Nell to her workbench.
Viola sheds their winter wear and slowly walks behind Viktor and Naph, who are still entranced by all of the equations and things Viola still can’t really understand. She reaches out a hand and lightly taps both of their shoulders.
Viktor is the first to whip his head around. “Oh, myška! You’re here.”
“Sorry, we’re late. Lost track of time. Nell brought some cake and I think those chocolate shortbread cookies you and Sky like if you want something to snack on…”
“I will in a second,” he says, turning his attention back to the chalkboard. “Here, come look at this.”
“Uh, okay.”
Viola fills the space between the two and looks around the board. She recognizes some of the diagrams and phrases, including an image of their old dampener with its contents sketched out in extensive detail.
“What’s all this for?” they ask.
“Well, Naph and I are working on a little project together,” Viktor explains, gesturing to Naph. “He came to Sky and me last night with the idea that he wants to tell you about.”
Naph burns tomato red and he turns his head away. 
“Ass,” he mutters, covering his face with his hands.
“What is it?” Viola asks, trying to keep themselves from giggling.
Naph hesitates, biting down on his lip and awkwardly curling away as Viktor leans closer with a shit-eating smirk.
“We’re…We’re making you a new magic dampener,” Naph finally says through gritted teeth. “We think…We think we can play with the inversions enough to stabilize certain aspects of the Hex gems – well, one of ‘em, at least – we can make you something that actually helps you ‘control’ your magic. Like it’s supposed to.”
Viola’s chest grows warm and she smiles. Naph must notice something else about their face because he frowns and turns away again, somehow burning even brighter.
“Alright, alright. You can stop looking at me like that! Just – consider it your present for Jubilee or something.”
Viola chuckles, enveloping him in the tightest hug they can manage, smushing their cheeks together.
“Thanks Naph!”
“Ugh! Get off me! You’re makin’ a bigger deal out of this than it is!”
Viktor laughs, patting Naph on the back. “Come on. Why don’t we take a break and have some cake?”
Reynard scoffs. “You? A break? You feeling okay there, Vik? Not running a fever or anything?”
“No, nothing like that. I just don’t want Sky or Jayce jumping down my throat for only supplementing my appetite with –”
“Warmed up sweet milk and hot cocoa?” Nell finishes for him. “And you think sugary cake and cookies will convince them you’re taking care of yourself?”
“It will convince them that I’m eating at the very least, which is good enough,” he replies, grabbing a spoon and swiping a chunk of chocolate cake before Nell can cut him a slice.
“Rude!”  Nell exclaims.
Viola giggles as they watch. 
It’s always odd to them how people can spend so much time together in the same place and not get sick of each other. Even when they fought over things – big and small – even when they were annoying or petty with each other, there was never any hate or malice behind any of it. They never found themself leaving this – all the dumb fights and sleepless nights in the lab together, using their coats as blankets and each other’s shoulders as pillows. Stealing snacks from the lounge and the academy cafeteria. 
She doesn’t know how to walk away from this, and frankly, she doesn’t want to.
But it also brings them great guilt to keep staying in the first place.
The lab doors fling open and Jayce hurriedly comes in with his nose ruddy and snow on his shoulders. Sky jogs in after him with an armful of files that are mostly likely from the season’s big important council meeting.
“Sorry we’re late!” she says, shedding her coat on the back of her chair while gently laying down all the documents on her workspace. “It ran a lot longer than we thought it would.”
“Oh, don’t worry about them Sky,” Jayce says, dusting the snow off of his shoulders. “They seemed to have kept themselves busy enough while we were gone.”
“Can’t talk. Eating,” Amaranthine says through a mouthful of cake.
“Don’t let me stop you–”
“We’re not,” Reynard replies.
Jayce rolls his eyes, pecking a kiss on Viktor’s hair. “Sorry for the wait there.”
“Don’t worry about it. The girls just got here a few minutes ago, so you didn’t mess much. If anything, really.”
“Board’s full, so something happened.”
“That’s for Naph’s project.”
“Really?” He whips around to look at Naph. Naph shrinks in his seat.
“Can’t hear you. Eating!” he says back.
“I’ll tell you about it later tonight,” Viktor replies, and that gets everyone’s ears to perk up.
“Tonight? What’s tonight?” Amaranthine asks, “Actually, if it’s gross; don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know.”
“Relax. It’s nothing like that. Vik, Nell, and I are just going to do our own little Jubilee thing tonight before I head off to Mel’s holiday party. She throws one every year with all the clans. You know – fancy people crap.”
“You’re all going?” Viola asks. “Is this like, a whole Hextech team thing?”
“Oh please don’t tell me it’s a whole Hextech team thing,” Amaranthine begs.
“No, no. You all are spared. I’ll do my duty and take the blow for all of us by spending a couple of hours with annoying old rich folks so they can keep giving us money.”
“I told you that I’m fine with going,” Viktor says, “Nell and I can come with you. Make it easier for you.”
“You hate talking to those people, though. And I don't want you and Nell to feel bored, you know? And Nell doesn't really have anyone here age around –”
“Then I'll come,” Reynard says plainly. “If it’ll keep Nell company, I don’t mind.”
“Really, Rey. You don’t have to. You hate these events just as much as Vik and I do.”
“Yeah, I do,” Rey shrugs. “But, if I can make it better by being there, I’ll grin ‘nd bear it just fine. Plus, if it’s at Mel’s place, you know it’s gonna have some good ass snacks.” 
Amaranthine chuckles at that.
“So, when are we going?”
“Around 7 maybe? We’ll be getting ready at my mom’s place.”
“I’ll see you at 6 then,” Reynard says with a sure nod.
“O…kay then. Anybody else want to join?”
“...What are you guys doing before then?” Naph asks hesitantly.
“You said you, Nell, and Vik were gonna do something before the party. What is it?”
The trio exchange looks. Jayce and Nell are a bit nervous but Viktor nonchalantly shrugs, unphased by the inquiry.
“We’re just praying,” he says. “You know, typical Jubilee affair. Shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.”
“Oh. Okay…”
“You’re welcome to join us, if you’d like. No pressure to do anything you don’t want to, or don’t practice that is,” Jayce adds.
Naph contemplates the offer, staring down at his hands and picking out old dirt underneath his chewed-up fingernails.
“...I might,” he finally says after a long pause.
Amaranthine sighs dramatically. “Fine. I guess I can come too. Since apparently, you all are in the business of leaving me out of plans now.”
“Not at all, Amara. The more, the merrier,” Viktor says.
They all turn to Viola. 
Her smile shakes awkwardly from all the eyes on her.
“Do you wanna come, Vivi?” Jayce asks. “Again, you don’t have to, but since it’s turning out to be a whole Hextech Team thing now, I figured I would ask.”
“Um, I mean – I don’t think I’m doing anything tonight…?”
“You really don’t have to go this time, myška. You’ve been to enough of these already and we wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable…”
It’s true. 
Since starting to work with Jayce, Viktor, and Sky, Viola has been going to every event under the sun. Pilties have some weird addiction to having parties and grand events for no discernable reason other than to flaunt their wealth and get some things made by poor, unsuspecting apprentices looking to get their talent and work noticed.
They haven’t made any great impressions on any of the Topsiders there – though, impressions don’t really matter once people realize where you’re from.
The idea of spending an extra night of the year in the unwelcoming presence of the rich and the council is not exactly appealing to her, especially now with the added pressure and weirdness around Jubilee and gift giving and all the parties –
“I can make it.”
Viktor’s brows raise in surprise. “Are you sure?”
Viola pauses, gnawing the inside of their cheek and being the least convincing person in the room.
“Y-yeah. It’ll be fine. I mean, I’ll have you guys there with me, right?”
Jayce’s expression softens into a smile. “Of course, Lola. Always.”
That warm, fuzzy feeling bubbles in their chest as their cheeks burn red.
“Then it’s settled. I’m coming too. B-But, I’ve got something to do first, so I might just meet you guys there. I-I won’t be too long!”
“It’s fine, Lola. We’ll make sure Mel knows,” Jayce says. “Just don’t feel like you have to.”
“I don’t. I promise.”
She catches Reynard’s narrowed eyes. Viola’s eyes dart away and they start rocking back and forth on their heels.
“So – do you guys need me for anything today?”
“A couple of things. Nothing that requires you to use much of your magic.”
“Fine by me. We starting from yesterday?”
Reynard’s eyes are still on them, trying to penetrate their skull and worm into their brain to get the truth.
She’d figure it out soon enough. Reynard always does, and even if she didn’t well – Viola’s never been the type to be very discreet about anything.
Tonight will be no different.
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Viktor was not the most religious person growing up.
Many people in his small Sump-level neighborhood – his parents included – were, and he often found himself accompanying them in prayers to the infamous wind goddess whom many in Zaun pay tribute to for keeping them alive and granting them fresh, breathable air every once in a while.
He was not a cynic or lacked the whimsy and faith to direct towards a goddess. He simply didn’t have the capacity at the time to really care or put effort into worship; not when his prospects were starting to deplete with each passing day and his body started to erode faster than his prayers were being answered.
Too much to be done, too little time to do it all, and too little space in his head to keep track of it all.
He can’t exactly recall when he began to pray and honor Janna on his own time. Perhaps it was around the time his parents passed, or when he became Heimmerdinger’s assistant, but at some point when he started going on his walks, he occasionally found himself paying respects to the small statues of Janna embedded at the bottom of Zaun’s side of the bridge. He’d whisper prayers to himself, or keep them in his head during particularly stressful times that weighed heavy on his chest just like the Gray.
Jayce figured it out later in their partnership, but they didn’t start doing this together until Nell and the others came along.
Nell had caught him while he was on one of his walks – she wanted to make sure he was okay – and wanted to join him to reconnect with her Undercity roots that had been wilting each passing day in Piltover. Jayce later joined, both to continue learning how to speak the base Zaunite dialect more and because he simply wanted to know more about the parts that Viktor doesn’t often disclose.
So, every so often—mostly on certain holidays such as this one—they offer quick prayers to Janna together. Through clunky and mispronounced words and weird stares from passing topsiders who don’t hold Janna in as high of a regard as those below them, they offer and ask Janna for peace and any small material or emotional help they need. 
It never really mattered whether She answered or not. Because as of now, Viktor has everything he wants.
Sure, he may still be hurting. He may still be sick and looked down upon by many of whom are meant to be his peers, but he still has his mind. His intellect. He gets up in the morning and can breathe – maybe not as great as everyone else, but he can. He has tools at his disposal to create an easier and better world for the Undercity and its people. He’s still alive and most importantly – he’s alive with them.
He lives in the same universe and shares a bed with a man with love, understanding, and empathy for people as big as the Hexgates. He exists and works in the same lab as his dearest childhood friend who has chosen to put up with him for so long. He talks with and shares an almost home with 5 extraordinary kids, who have cultivated a new kind of affection within his heart that he has never experienced before. Not until now.
Now, while they’re all bundled up in their coats and scarves and hats to keep from getting frostbite while under the bridge, huddled around the little shrine to Janna that often gets taken down by enforcers under the guise of vandalism. 
Amaranthine and Naph curl against either side of Jayce, still shivering despite their many thick layers. Their little boats are cupped in their mitted hands. Nell and Reynard are crouched beside Viktor with their little offerings as well.
Viktor glances at the younger ones and spares them a soft smile.
“This won’t take long. I promise,” he says. “And don’t be too discouraged if you don’t know the words to this; it’s a bit of an old Shuriman dialect… I just appreciate you all being with us tonight.”
“N-N-No problem, Vik,” Amaranthine says through chattering teeth.
“Ki-Kinda sucks Sky and Viola couldn’t be here though. Ma-ma-make it a whole “family” affair, you know?”
“Lola will join us later,” Jayce says. “And Sky sends her regards. And, I dunno, maybe some special little gifts for you guys to enjoy later?”
Amaranthine grins.
Jayce turns his head to Viktor, cheeks ruddy but his smile as warm as the fires in the forge.
“Whenever you’re ready, Vik.”
“You make it sound like I’m some sort of expert with this,” Viktor says with an amused smile.
“Ca-Can we hurry this up?” Naph asks, shivering. “I’m starting to lose feeling in my fingers.”
“Right. Of course.”
Viktor kneels down in front of the small statue of the windswept goddess, hands clasping together as if he were 5 years old again and his mother was guiding his hands to the right position.
‘Just like this, Vitya. Yes. That’s it.’
“Beyond these walls, the storm's fury grows,” He starts. Reynard, Jayce, and Nell repeat to varying levels of success. Viktor swears that he can hear Naph muttering it to himself and trying to explain the words to Amaranthine.
“Over land and sea, the storm's fury grows. But I have nothing to fear… For the bluebird is with me,” he raises his head to the statue. “Goddess, we offer you these gifts as thanks for your blessings and ask for your continued mercy towards us, and all these things that we continue to ask from you all of these things –”
He reaches for his cane and his little boat. Jayce helps him to his feet. He turns to the waterfront, carefully crouches down, and releases the boat. 
“For the prosperity of Hextech and my family,” he says softly.
Jayce stands, walks to him, crouches right next to Viktor, and gently releases his boat into the water, wincing as an icy chill hits them both.
“For the good health and protection of the ones I love,”  he says, kissing Viktor’s temple.
Reynard joins them with Nell in tow, sending off her little paper boat. “For the future prosperity of the Undercity.”
Nell follows suit, “For an easy rest for the souls gone from this plain.”
Viktor glances back. Naph and Amaranthine stand side by side, hands tightly threaded together.
Naph lets go of a shaky breath that billows out as cold air. The two amble over, synchronously kneel, and release their boats into the water.
“For my family,” Naph says as his boat leaves his fingertips.
“F-For them,” Amaranthine stammers, her face burning a deep shade of scarlet as she quickly glances at the rest of them.
Viktor smiles, biting back the tears starting to well up in his eyes. “Thank you. All of you. I…I appreciate this. Truly.”
Reynard puts a hand on his shoulder, “No problem, Vik. It was…nice.”
Viktor pats her on the hand, sighing. “Okay. Let’s start heading off to Councillor Medarda’s before one of us loses a toe to this cold.”
“That – can that really happen?” Amaranthine asks, a bit panicked. 
Jayce shakes his head, sighing as he helps Viktor to his feet. “You’ll be fine, Amara. Vik was just kidding.”
“Mostly,” Naph mutters. It leaves Amaranthine more anxious than she was.
Everyone rises to their feet and wraps their clothes tightly around them to brace for the winter’s icy breath on the journey ahead.
Everyone except their eldest.
Reynard stays crouched by the water, staring curiously at her rippling reflection.
“Everything okay, Rey?” Jayce asks.
“Yeah, yeah…Hey. You guys can go ahead without me. I’ll meet up with Vivi down in Zaun and see you guys at Mel’s place.”
“Are you sure?” Viktor asks, his hand tightening around the handle of his cane. “Viola did say she was going to be late. And I can’t imagine an easy journey down given all the ice.”
Reynard waves off his concern, smirking. “Don’t worry about it. I got up here just fine this mornin’, didn’t I?”
Viktor’s brows thread tightly together.
Reynard’s expression softens. “I promise I’ll be okay. The second I find a phone or a messenger walking about, I’ll let you know how Vivi and I are doing. Sound good?”
Viktor and Jayce exchange hesitant looks with one another. Viktor gnaws at the inside of his bottom lip.
‘She’s from Zaun. She’s seen it all and fought through it. She can handle herself just fine.’
“There’s no need for that. Just…be careful. Watch where you’re going and keep warm. The both of you.”
Reynard nods. “Promise. And I promise we’ll both make it back alive. That’s the Rossi Guarantee!”
Viktor smiles wryly.  “We’ll be waiting then.”
“Ooh! And save me some of those shrimp toast things. Those things are sick!”
Jayce chuckles. “Will do, Rey. Be safe.”
Nell lunges at Reynard and envelopes her in a tight hug. “Be careful, yeah?”
“ ‘Course, Nell,” Reynard says, patting Nell’s back.
“Later Rey!”
The others begin their trek up the path to the main road.
Viktor lets the others walk ahead of him. 
He stops, turns back to get one last look at her –
And she’s already disappeared.
13 notes · View notes
funnyscienceman · 2 months ago
viktor was raised by singed + jayvik being jayvik = viktor would NOT want jayce to ever 'meet the parent' or even be within walking distance from him; not because one might hate the other but because he knows singed would approve of jayce being willing to sacrifice anything and everything for viktor and he does not want to deal with that
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autumn-sweet-fae · 29 days ago
Zaun Fam + Jayvik fic concept that I don’t have the time or energy to write myself.
After Viktor and Jayce vanish at the end, instead of dying like they fully expected to, they are instead sent to an alternate reality where Viktor first awakens as his past 11 year old self.
An orphan living in a group home in the fissures, Viktor does not cope well with the immense guilt of his past life, the confusion of being a child again, and the loneliness he’d be forced to suffer through for years to come. So, in his darkest moment, the boy goes and finds a cliff edge near one of the old mines.
Meanwhile, Vander and Silco were on their way back from their hide out when the two spot a kid about to jump. They both break into a sprint to stop him, Silco is faster and reaches him first, ripping him away from the edge at the last second. He clutches the child tightly to his chest as the boy tries to fight him, only to break down into tears once he sees Vander, apologizing over and over again.
Refusing to leave the kid alone, they take him home with them, and just accept that this traumatized yet brilliant kid is theirs now. It’s not easy, but parenthood never is. They both do their best to help Viktor through his worst, and to draw out the genius sarcastic kid from his quiet shell.
Years later, Jayce finally arrives in this reality, one moment accepting his death together with his partner in the astral plane, the next, being 17 years old and his mom telling him he’ll be late for school. Jayce of course skips school and instead desperately searches for Viktor.
Except… Viktor isn’t at the academy… and no one he could talk to there has ever heard of him either. Worried, Jayce tries to crossover to the Undercity, only to find that the main bridge is shut down, as it had been for weeks since the bloody riot.
Jayce manages to eventually sneak across on one of the smaller bridges into Zaun to continue his search. There, he discovers the terrible rumors, that Viktor was known in the community, but now many believe him dead after his disappearance at the bridge riot.
But there’s one man who should know the truth behind the rumors, Vander, his adopted father.
Meanwhile, Viktor is hiding away in doctor Reveck’s lab, sitting at the bedside of his other father, Silco, holding his hand as he suffers the fevers from the toxins of the river he was almost drowned in.
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velvetwyrms · 2 months ago
Happy new year folks! Here’s an update of what to expect from my blog in 2025.
I’m making an effort to draw more traditionally, despite people seeming to like my digital art more, so that I can improve upon and push myself and my artwork.
With this, I’m also broadening my horizons while getting back to some old fandoms that I love dearly. Expect to see lots of GaaLee, Team Shinki, a continuation of my Sand Family askblog: @ask-the-sand-fam, more JayVik and some good ol’ X-Men, my oldest fandom 🥰💖
I’m going to be writing more fanfic, aiming to update all three of my main ones this year as often as I’m able to, while taking time to make them as good as possible:
• Summertime: A Cosmic Horror, Alien Invasion + Found Family JayVik AU inspired by Cloverfield.
Also features: TimeBomb (+ adopted Isha), CaitVi, and Sevika as a disgruntled ex-boxer beer aunt. Focuses on the 60+ft Cosmic Eldritch MH version of Viktor btw.
Premise: The strangest summer of Jayce Talis’ life started with him sleeping through the apocalypse. Somehow, the events that followed just got weirder.
• Falling Fast Through Fragmented Universes: A Sci-Fi planet-hopping + They We’re Roommates GaaLee AU.
Also features: InoSaku, NejiTen and KakaGai.
Premise: An epic monsterlover romance ft. Alien!Gaara who is on a long, arduous journey through several universes, which Lee gets swept up in as a result of saving his life, with a few twists along the way.
• A Reminder: The one and only fic in the Nightcrawler/Scarlet Witch/Toad tag on ao3 🤣💖 This fic is my baby. I’ve been updating it for 6 years and it’s still going strong with the second arc concluding very soon!
Also features: Rogue/Shadow Cat, and Talia Wagner as a major plot point. This AU combines several timelines in one. Starts with X-men: Evolution that realistically develops into the first 2 X-men movies, and beyond, while remaining in-character. If you need prompting to read it, then I’ve received incredible feedback over my years of writing it 🥰😭💖
Premise: 15+ years after parting ways, Wanda and her family get an unexpected visit. Toad learns to be part of a family, and works to reconcile and move past his own demons, and some new, daunting feelings swept under the rug along the way.
Questions for you all: While I’m not asking permission to draw whatever I want, and will do so regardless of the answers, I’m curious to get to know my followers more. I have 3x questions for you all that I’d love to get feedback on:
1. Would you be just as hyped if I drew fanart traditionally as well as digitally? If so, stick around!
2. Are you excited that I’m going to be getting back to creating Naruto & some new X-Men fic/artwork? Fear not, I’m still into Arcane! Also, does OC stuff appeal to you?
3. What would you like to see more of from me this year? No promises, but I’m curious to hear back from you!
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silly-toji · 3 months ago
Jayvik fam... You know what to do [x]
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forgetb33not · 3 months ago
Update because I found a way to make it work and im going to preach into the void (thanks @ejlovesvi for your help )
Main ships:
- Jayvik as Wolfstar (jayce=Sirius, viktor=remus)
(Mel=Mary my love)
- Timebomb as Jegulus (ekko=James, powder/jinx=regulus)
- Caitvi as Dorlene (caitlyn=Dorcas, vi=marlene)
(Maddie TBD and or an OC(lily evans?????)
Zaun fam:
-vander=alphard black
-benzo=aberforth dumbledore
-silco= TBD and or an OC
-mylo= barty
-claggor= evan
-young Sirius(trust the process)
(Loris probably as Peter??)
(James and Sirius reunion?)
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vole-mon-amour · 3 months ago
ngl, fam. the more I'm processing, the more I want Jayvik to kiss. they should've kissed while in the astral plane. or wherever. they should've, on top of everything.
also, I wouldn't mind Jayce and Viktor dancing. you know, to actually dance. I want them to be disgusting in their love and feelings for each other.
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pretend-theres-a-name-here · 5 months ago
my tumblr is for 2 purposes only: posting every thought I have and posting about the gay little blorbos that live rent free in my brain, on a good day these are the same thing
I’ve decided that tumblr is my oyster and no one can see anything I post ever
fandoms I sometimes post for:
Stranger Things (mostly Steddie [I am not under any circumstances a steddie fan account ignore what they tell you])
Jackson’s Diary (I’m only on episode 101 and I mostly post about David because I love him and he can do no wrong)
I have gotten into Arcane recently but I cannot promise content (this is bullshit there’ll definitely be content)
as of recently the marauders have had a death grip on my soul but oh well
(To be added to)
Tag: #Pretend Writes
tag list info: permanent tag list for all my Steddie is open
Stranger Things:
Cars and confusion | ao3 | Steddie | complete
Hide your heart pt. 1 | Steddie | pt. 2 - pt.3 - pt. 4 - pt. 5 - (maybe pt. 6 if I ever write it)
Everybody at the party knows somebody (who’s not me) | Steddie | Part 2 | possible part 3
Henderson fam | Steve getting forcefully adopted by Mrs. Henderson | Complete
Concert | Steddie | Complete 
Mistletoe | Steddie | Complete
Relic | Jayvik | Complete
Pretend’s modern day Arcane au (request)| possible additions to be made
Raising a Jinx | Silco, Sevika, and Jinx oneshot (request)| complete 
A Realization | Jayce and Caitlyn talk Jayvik (request)| Complete
Jackson’s Diary:
People like us | Elijah x David (request)| Complete
Will participate in a WIP Weekend type thing if I have wips, I will make a post Friday night with a list of my WIPs and will be accepting asks until the following Monday (asks past this date are welcome but I won’t respond with a snippet of that WIP until the weekend), you can request any WIP as many times as you want and I’ll respond with a newly written snippet.
Current WIP file names:
Jayvik Anomaly Trip Rewrite: not posted
Jegulus Romeo and Juliet Au: not posted
Remus Time Loop Nightmare: not posted
Jegulus Water Trauma Au: not posted
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moonsdancer · 3 years ago
where are the ot3 folk? asking for a friend.
I've been wanting to get into Mel x Jayce x Viktor. I don't necessarily ship it (primarily for reasons of fandom discourse, see below) but I very easily could. Because the show has done 95% of the work for us with this triad, in depicting Jayce as the hinge, having different but comparably potent bonds with Mel and Viktor. Like, there's even a pretty obvious head x hand x heart configuration that would be wonderful thematically for each of them etc.
BUT. And it's a big BUT.
It feels like we're still in the relatively annoying era of fandom discourse where there's awkward, fierce, unnecessary need to downplay/diminish one ship (and potential arm of a triad) (Jayce and Mel) in order to elevate the other (Jayce and Viktor) to the exclusion of all else. For example:
the sequence
In episode 5, the show offers us a parallel sequence with scene a: Jayce and Mel bonding over the different legacies their families have given them and wanting to give back, and ultimately acting on their established mutual attraction, spending the night together. And scene b: Sky trying to establish a connection with Viktor only to be brusquely rebuffed while Viktor remains consumed by figuring out the next stage of Hextech's development, and ultimately collapses. We also learn that he's been spending his nights in the lab.
Now, I read that scene as the parallel it was designed to be. We're witnessing two different men, making two distinct choices grounded in their very identities and who they are as people, their wants/needs etc. One chooses intimacy, companionship and love vs. the other's rejection of that. One literally has an intimate experience that is so transcendent it's visually akin to soaring through galaxies vs. the other chooses to live what's left of his life in a cold, dismal lab, choosing science and loneliness instead of intimacy and this choice results in his literal collapse (obvs it's important to note that hand-in-hand with Viktor's collapse comes a revolutionary scientific breakthrough and it's why Singed's words hit so hard a couple episodes later).
But, it'd also be very easy to read it as a triad sequence, if one wanted to, especially if you go right to the end of the sequence, where Jayce presumably heard about Viktor's collapse and goes to sit by his bedside. That only works, though, if you see Mel and Jayce as subjects.
And if you don't just ignore everything prior (i.e. the love scene, it happened, Jayce did in fact go downtown multiple times and enjoy it) and after the bedside vigil scene paralleled with Mel in her own bed (i.e. Jayce heading right back to Mel's in the morning to apologise for having to leave, Mel comforting him and telling him to make sure Viktor isn't alone). LIKE, SERIOUSLY, THE SHOW IS DOING ALL THE TRIAD WORK FOR US HERE.
Jayce has strong feelings for both Viktor and Mel, and the canon itself continually emphasizes that.
Alas, the predominant readings of that sequence that I see on these internet streets rarely even see Jayce as a subject, and they generally don't even see Mel as anything.
That's a problem, fam. Most, in order to support a purely Jayvik interpretation, see the love scene as being entirely about Viktor and his suffering compounded by notions of Jayce "betraying" Viktor with Mel, or Mel somehow forcing herself on an unwilling Jayce, et al. Nowhere in these readings does Jayce have any agency as a character. Mel herself is completely erased, a non-factor, a nothing. Which, I don't need to explain why that is so deeply problematic and troubling in general and for the many fans who've been burned by misogynoir playing out like this in fandoms before.
All this to say, thanks to the ppl who are sharing compelling arguments for a triad and making beautiful fanart, fic etc. You guys are the real winners because the canon has given you some great fodder to work with.
Hope to join you all in that Good Place one day.
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goddessofroyalty · 3 years ago
So, I was stuck in a car all day and I really couldn't help myself a out the Zaun fam au but this was about the Jayvik family.
The two have Naph but I legit get little sister vibes from Amarantine and I really couldn't help myself when thinking genetics and then it hit me. Recessive genes. If she was Jayce and Viks kid, she would look nothing like them but just where would her looks come from? Her grandparents. I think in the flashback Vanders got, like, dusty blonde and Jayces is already toned and who's to say his father wasn't?.
Just having fun cause I got qualities that certainly skipped a few generations and caused mass confusion. So who's to say Jayce and Viks got a genetic mystery box baby?
Just quickly the reference picture for Amaranthine so it's fresh for us all:
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I stick with there's also a third option of Jayce lets her dye her hair young. Because he very clearly dyes his hair to cover his greys going by what age he should be in that picture (at least 30 although if Amaranthine is their second born than he's probably nearly 40 by the time she's 10) and I could totally see him letting his daughter as well just because he doesn't see anything wrong with it and she asked.
She's not that much darker than Arcane Jayce's design (league of legends Jayce is just apparently a lot paler). And okay the server I'm on recently discovered Silco actually has Olive undertones to his skin which is in our world is typically found in people who are in the darker range (he just obviously has never seen much sunlight in his life). Plus she's growing up in Piltover so is likely to have her skin tan if it has the capacity to (which look I'm biased to Jayvik's kids going really pale if they don't see sunlight but as soon as they do they're immediately getting three shades darker and only getting tanner the more they are out in the sun).
But yeah we really don't know much about the further back genetic. Hell, for all we know Jayce's mum comes from a family of blondes and she just happened to be an outlier with her darker hair. Genes are confusing and complicated. So I always have said that Amaranthine could be theirs just with some random genetic throwbacks in the mix.
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