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was notified that this disappeared from where it was originally on Ao3 so I thought I'd post it here.
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Day 3: "You shot me!" "It was an accident!", Didn't know they were dating, Stealing each other's clothes, Trucker hat stays on
look at these losers
#jayroyweek2023#doubleredweek2023#jayroy#jason todd#roy harper#red hood#arenal#i'm glad i participated this year#i missed doing little comics
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Nightmares come and Gone
Jay/Roy day 2 Soulmate AU First time/Kiss
Roy sighed rolling his eyes before he followed Oliver "So... This whole.. Seeing through your soulmate's eyes? When does that even happen?"
Oliver shrugged "Could be triggered by anything" He looked to him "So why worry about it." He smiled
Roy scowled a bit "That doesn't make sense." He sighed and crossed his arms following Oliver "Could I know my soulmate already?"
Oliver paused and looked at him studying his face "Maybe. With Hal I didn't see through his eyes till I got shot by Sinestro, and then He saved me and I met him" He shrugged quietly then looked forward walking slowly "With Barry I almost got electrocuted, but I already knew him. No one knows what really triggers it."
Roy frowned following him only to cringe away from the flashbang going off in front of them. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times hissing in pain immediately before he looked around "Ollie?!" He froze his eyes locking on to the bomb. He looked down to his hands then his suit gripping the golden 'R' emblazoned on it "Jay." He winced and pulled himself away from the bomb checking his ears quickly frowning when he didn't feel a comm unit. "fuck fuck fuck" He looked around quickly and sighed shaking his head before he grabbed the 'R' and pulled at it "Come onnnn" He took a deep breath then yanked harder gasping as it came free. He quickly pulled one of the threads nervously moving closer to the bomb.
Roy shook his head once then swallowed the bile he felt rising in his throat. He looked to the windows on the ceiling noticing the Bat signal high in the sky. He frowned "Fucking asshole. Bet he doesn't even notice Jay missing." He glared at the bomb then hesitantly reached for one of the wires. He was suddenly face to face with Oliver kneeling in front of him
Oliver held his shoulders "Calm down! Where?!"
Roy shoved his hands off and got up running down the road "We Gotta save Jay!" He didn't look towards Oliver only grabbing his bow so it wouldn't bounce against his back. He slid into Queen industries and ran to the elevator hitting the button for the roof moving close to the side so Oliver could follow him seconds later
Oliver looked at him "Do you even know where we are going?!"
Roy hesitated "I heard waves!" He swallowed and looked at his hands before he spoke softly "We have to hurry. There's a bomb." He looked at Oliver "Jason was in a room with a bomb. and it was counting down."
Oliver tapped his communicator a few times then frowned "Batman answer!" He growled in frustration then sent the call to Clark instead.
Roy watched him then looked to the doors of the elevator it was taking forever.
Oliver's face lit up as Clark answered "Oh thank Christ! Superman! Robin is in a building! Speedy heard waves! I tried to get Batman on the comms but he wasn't responding!"
Roy watched him swallowing quietly
Oliver sighed "He saw it." Oliver explained to the best of his ability "I'm going to Gotham with Speedy."
Roy tapped his fingers on his bow nervously watching him
Oliver frowned "What do you mean Robin is right beside him?!"
Roy stared at him in shock "No! No I know what I saw!"
Oliver glanced to him then looked forward speaking softly "You better hope Roy is mistaken." He sighed and flipped to a different channel "Bar? Hal? Either of you in range?"
Roy watched him closely "I know what I saw. Jay is in danger."
Oliver nodded "I know. But we won't be able to search a whole city on our own. We have two things to go on. Waves and a bomb. Barry and Hal could help us." The elevator opened to the Wayne Tech roof "Roy I want you to stay with Hal okay."
Roy looked at him "I want to look for Jay!"
Bruce landed behind them "What are you doing in Gotham."
Tim landed beside him looking at them before he looked up to Bruce "So Oliver Queen is a super hero too?"
Bruce looked at him then back to Oliver nodding slowly.
Roy looked to Oliver then paused in shock. Oliver wasn't wearing his costume.
Hal floated in front of him "Hey Spooky." He looked to Oliver "Green. What do you need me to do."
Roy looked to Hal then back to Oliver staring at him once again in his costume. He frowned then looked around quickly. He hadn't made it to Gotham that night. He had just been in Jason's body for a little under two minutes. He had tried to disarm the bomb with his limited knowledge. He had thought he could use the thread and wear the wires of the bomb down enough to rip them out.... Which would have just killed Jason sooner. The bomb would have gone off and... Roy didn't know what happened if you died in your soulmate's body. He shook his head and looked at Oliver again.
Oliver ignored Bruce "Take Roy. Search everywhere near the docks. Keep him safe." He sighed "I'm going to go with Barry."
Hal made a platform next to him and looked at Roy "Well let's go then. What am I looking for?"
Oliver hesitated "A bomb. near the water. Roy heard waves." He looked at Roy "Anything else?"
Roy hesitated recalling the information, again. "Uh... Oh! Oh I saw the bat signal!"
Oliver frowned "So close enough to see the bright ass flash light in the sky." He looked to Hal
Bruce shook his head "Doesn't narrow much down does it."
Roy glared at him then aimed an arrow at him. This was his dream he could threaten the Batman if he wanted to. Who would tell him no? "You don't get to talk after replacing him!"
Oliver shot him a stern look "Go! Kick his ass later!" Oliver would tell him no apparently. The humor of the situation was not lost on Roy.
Hal wrapped an arm around Roy's shoulder and took off holding him tightly only to freeze as a large explosion happened near the edge of the city
Oliver stared at the smoke billowing into the sky. "Oh my god." He wrapped his arms around Roy quickly preventing him from running off the roof
Roy struggled against him "No! Jason!" He stared towards the smoke "No!" He pushed at Oliver's hands trying to get free again. Even knowing it was a dream it still stung seeing Jason's death. He could almost smell the burning flesh.
Tim looked around then gasped "Batman!" He ran to the edge and jumped off gliding after Bruce
Roy stared at them then slowly slumped in Oliver's arms "He... He's dead. Isn't he?" The scene before him shifted. He looked down to himself he was wearing a suit. He frowned looking around in confusion before he locked his eyes on the coffin. The lid was open and Jason laid in it. He looked almost peaceful. Roy shot forward "Jason!"
Bruce stalked from behind the coffin growing larger and more monstrous by the second "You could have saved him Roy" He leaned down closer to where he had dwarfed Roy "You failed everyone that day. You failed him Roy."
Jason sat up in his coffin his head turning to Roy. His eyes opened they were milky, dead. "Roy why didn't you save me?" He crawled out of the coffin and staggered towards Roy.
Roy stared at him in terror. He tried backing away only to look down and find himself sinking into the floor. He reached for Jason "Jaybird! Help!"
Jason stared at him with his dead eyes "You let me die Roy..." He put a hand on Roy's head "Now I'm returning the favor." He shoved Roy under the thick sludge.
Roy flailed as he sank further into the liquid. He stared at the surface trying to claw his way back. He felt a pressure on his waist and looked down. He let out a shriek in terror as he saw Jason's dead eyes on him, dragging him down into the depths. Only to be accompanied by Oliver, Hal, Barry, Bruce. He stared at them all his team making an appearance. He tried to fight them off and climb back to the surface only to feel the sharp stabbing in his arm. He panicked and looked towards the sense of pain only to see his own hand holding the empty syringe.
Roy shot up with a gasp panting softly before he rubbed his face and leaned over bracing himself on his knees. "Oh fuck." He pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes. He hated having those dreams. It was one of the reasons he had thrown himself into tinkering when he had gotten out of rehab.
"Recognized B13 Robin"
Roy stood up stiffly and looked towards the door. He glanced around then walked out of the training room slowly making his way to the zeta tubes. He stared at the Red Helmeted man walking out of the tube before he grabbed his bow and narrowed his eyes behind his sunglasses. "Who in the absolute fuck are you. And how do you have His designation."
Jason looked at him studying him for a long moment before he walked closer to him and yanked the sunglasses off his face "Roy Harper?"
Roy raised a brow and took a step back "Yeah?"
Jason stared at him "You alone?"
Roy stared at him warily "No the team just sent me here to find out who you are. All I have to do is think it and they are here." He tapped the side of his head "Mind link."
Jason watched him closely "You're lying." He relaxed visibly then grabbed Roy's wrist yanking him closer as he took the bow carefully unstringing it. He looked back to Roy's face taking in the shocked expression before he spoke softly his helmet making his voice staticky and hard to decern "I'm sorry you saw the bomb and the warehouse." He looked at Roy quietly "We need to get somewhere where there aren't cameras for you to believe me. But how about I tell you something you probably haven't told anyone?"
Roy crossed his arms staring at him "Fine. Tell me something."
Jason hesitated "You tore the R off my costume and pulled a thread out to try and do something with the bomb." He laughed softly his helmet breaking the sound down more making it difficult to place as laughter
Roy stared at him then walked to the console "If you're lying about this I will kill you." He programed the position they would be exiting then looked at him and motioned to the tube
"Recognized B13 Robin, B25 Arsenal"
Jason walked through the tube emerging into the quiver. He looked around then froze staring at Oliver and Hal
Roy walked through then looked at them "Shut up. You haven't seen anything"
Hal walked towards them "Hold on." He closed the tube down and locked the frequency "Why did he have a dead kids designation?"
Roy hesitated looking to Jason for a moment "I need a room without a camera. Please?" He looked to Oliver "I need this."
Oliver watched them then looked to Hal "disable the cameras while you're over there. All of them"
Hal looked to him suspiciously then shut the coms, cameras and all recording devices "Okay. It's done."
Oliver watched him then looked at Roy "okay."
Roy looked to Jason "They won't tell Batman if it's true."
Oliver chuckled softly "I don't know Roy. We won't tell him if we don't have to."
Roy looked at him pleadingly "You won't tell him. This is important. To me. Way more than to Batman."
Oliver hesitated watching him before he sighed looking to Hal then nodding "Alright. We won't tell him."
Jason sighed gently then pulled his helmet off
Roy stared at him in shock then grabbed his chin tilting his face quickly before he spoke "Jaybird?!"
Jason hesitantly offered up a smile "Hey?"
Roy blinked slowly then closed the distance in a second. He threw his arms around Jason hugging him tightly "How?!"
Jason hugged him loosely then spoke softly "League of Assassins."
Roy pulled back and looked at him quickly "Jay you... You're not."
Jason held his hands up speaking quickly. "No! No. I was just a uh nursemaid?" He sighed and rubbed his face "I was taking care of Talia's son." He looked at Roy "Saw Dick a few times... Artemis." He sighed again looking to him "I was a glorified body guard and nanny okay? Got trained up in League things" He hesitated looking away "I didn't want to come here first. I honestly wanted to get my revenge on Joker and shit but I got a little distracted by hearing through the grapevine a certain side kick should be being called 'speedy' again." He looked at him frowning "Roy do you blame yourself?"
Roy stared at him then rubbed the back of his neck "Honestly? Yeah? I should have done something faster? Or gotten the bomb away from you? Called for someone? Anything really." He looked down then sighed and looked back to Jason "I also haven't been doing drugs again. I've just been throwing myself into my missions recklessly. Everyone on the team thinks I'm doing 'H' again but I'm not. Ollie here has been making sure of it."
Jason sighed and hugged him tightly "I believe you. I also just wanted to say, I don't blame you. You didn't even know who put me in that situation."
Roy looked away "Batman eventually told us.. Well He told Ollie. I uh." He sighed softly "I really wanted to kill him" He looked at the ground his expression morphing in his anger "He wouldn't let me hunt that asshole down. I had an arrow saved up special for him. Still have it." He walked past Oliver and pulled an arrow from behind the lockers. He spun it slowly in his hands as he walked back "It's great really. One of my better tinkering jobs" He held it out to Jason
Jason hesitated and took it examining it slowly before he looked to Roy curiously "What's special about it?"
Roy grinned taking it before he nocked it in his bow pressing the button close to the fletching before he fired it at a target watching the arrow split into several barbed tips and lit up with vibrant electricity. He looked to Jason and smirked "Go try to take it out."
Jason raised a brow but walked slowly to the target and tugged at the shaft of the arrow glaring at it quietly before he pulled harder "Roy it ain't coming out."
Roy smirked and walked over "It won't. He would have had to have surgery to get them out." He carefully grabbed the barbs carefully pulling it out dropping it as it shocked him "Fuck!" He looked to Jason and laughed softly "I kinda got a little carried away. I mean after all the doctors didn't do anything to you." He looked a the target then spoke softly "It detects when it enters skin. And when it exits the skin." He stared at the target "It sends shocks through all the barbs each time one is removed. not enough to kill obviously" He motioned to himself "but it does hurt for a while." He looked at his hand "my hand is tingly."
Jason stared at him in awe then hugged him tightly kissing him
Roy froze in shock then hugged him pulling back some "Jaybird?"
Jason hugged him tighter "yeah?"
Roy smiled tilting his head slightly "I love you Jaybird. I missed you. So much."
Jason kissed his jaw lightly "You used to hate me. What changed?"
Roy chuckled softly looking away blushing "I uh well when I was hanging out with Dick you kept coming around." He smiled at the memory then continued "Uh anyway." He looked to him and smiled "We had all gone to Dick's to do a movie night." He laughed quietly then pulled Jason closer and smiled "It was a horror movie. And instead of cowering like everyone else you laughed and.. I dunno it just reminded me that we grew up pretty similar to each other." He hugged him tightly "Then I started trying to be friends with you and I mean after we were pretty good friends you got.... You know end gamed by Joker." He scowled looking at the arrow "I need to put that arrow back together so I can shoot him."
Jason kissed down his jaw slowly smiling "You are dead set on shooting him aren't you?"
Roy looked to him "Jay bird. I saw what he did. I saw the blood. I saw... I saw everything." He closed his eyes "I left Ollie as fast as I could. I tried to get to Gotham as fast as I could. I... I tried to find you." He looked at him then hugged him tightly kissing him softly "You mean the world to me Jaybird."
Jason returned the kiss and smiled rolling his eyes "Roy seriously." He put his hand on Roy's face pushing him back with a soft laugh
Roy laughed and stumbled back some rolling his eyes "So we aren't going to tell Bruce." He looked to Oliver and Hal "Right."
Oliver looked up from his bow "What?"
Roy motioned to Jason "We aren't telling Bruce."
Oliver shrugged "I don't plan on it. He replaced the kid and didn't seem to worried when I said I knew where he was. Why would I tell him I know where his son is again. If he finds out then he finds out but it won't come from us." He looked back to his bow working on the string quietly "Roy any ideas about how to make this string stronger? I had to replace it again."
Roy watched him thinking quietly before he looked to his workbench. He shrugged then walked to the table looking through his things "I could try to develop something for your bow." He paused then looked at him "I could give you the same thing I use to string my bow. It's a little tricky to get the hang of shooting with but I'm sure you'll figure it out." He motioned to his bow "Give shooting it a try to see if you like it."
Jason followed him putting his helmet on the table next to Roy's tools before he leaned back against the wall watching them "Can someone give me access to the Zeta tubes under the name Red Hood? You know so I can go places without the whole 'Hey it's batman's dead kid' following me around?"
Roy looked at him "Yeah I can get it done. Or Hal." He motioned to Oliver and Hal "they can handle it"
Oliver fired another arrow from Roy's bow then pulled the string back "Roy I like this string." He looked to him "It's got nice tension" He pulled it again "How much draw weight is this?"
Roy snickered softly "uh it's pretty heavy." He walked to him then took the bow walking to the draw weight scale before he put it on quietly testing the weight "150" He looked to Oliver "I haven't really wanted to make it heavier than that yet. I like the weight it is but, I can make it heavier if you need me to"
Oliver shook his head "No no that would be a good weight." He nodded "Alright I think I would like you to do that work on my bow."
Roy grinned and took his bow back to the rack hanging it before he walked back to Jason pulling the helmet in front of him "So what's up with this?"
Jason put his palms on the table and leaned over "Uh Talia gave it to me. probably has trackers and shit in it." He shrugged and sighed "Would like a helmet I could trust." He sighed again more dramatically "If only I knew someone who was talented with that kind of thing and they just so happened to be my soul mate or something." He grinned playfully
Roy smiled and rolled his eyes looking over the helmet "Yeah yeah I get the question Jay." He smiled "I would love to make you a new helmet Jay." He looked to him "You need a mask to wear before that gets done though soooo" He grinned and walked to his locker tossing a face mask to Jason "Here! It's shit but it will cover most of your face and if you wear a domino with it no one will know who you are."
Jason caught the mask and put it on looking at him "yeah how do I look?"
Roy smiled and laughed softly walking back to his work bench "Like a million bucks." He carefully started pulling the electronics out of the helmet "I could put some coms in here you know."
Jason looked to him "Really? how would I change channels on it?"
Roy shrugged "Could make the sides sensitive to touch or only have it respond to you. I could use the same tech we use in the field. and have you control it with your eyes." He looked to him "What do you want"
Jason stared at him in awe before he spoke "Do what you think is best." He smiled and leaned against the table looking to Oliver and Hal "I saw your constructs before I died."
Hal paused in his typing then looked at him "I'm sorry that I couldn't lift the rubble. I tried my hardest. my ring was running out of charge fast though." He looked to the screen he was typing on "Your new access code is available now." He walked to Oliver and wrapped his arms around his waist tightly "Should I bring everything back online now?"
Jason nodded pulling the hood of his jacket up "I mean my face is covered. I'm not really worried about anyone seeing a strange person here in a mask." He looked at Roy "can we make it superman proof?"
Roy tilted his head "You mean like have lead in it?"
Jason nodded "Yeah something he cant see through."
Roy nodded "Yeah probably." He looked at the mask on Jason's face "I can use the same lead lining that i used for that."
Jason nodded "Thank you." He sat on the table and looked to Hal "Then we are all set for you to fire everything back up."
Roy reached up and flicked a switch on the mask before he went back to working on the helmet
Hal nodded and started turning all the coms back on before he activated the Zeta tube again allowing entry
"Recognized 02 Batman, 01 Superman, 04 Flash"
Barry ran to Oliver and checked him over then looked over Hal "Are you both okay?!"
Oliver laughed and nodded "Yeah Arsenal just brought over a friend and we had to close everything down to update things." He waved dismissively smiling "Don't worry so much."
Barry frowned at him "We couldn't reach you!"
Oliver nodded "I know. I'm sorry"
Bruce stared at Jason and Roy "Who is he?"
Oliver looked to him "Arsenal's friend."
Bruce looked to Oliver "What's his name?"
Roy looked at him "None of your business. He's mostly a civilian. I'm just his mechanic and boyfriend." He looked back to the helmet as he pushed the electronics aside
Clark narrowed his eyes on Jason's face silently "His mask is lead lined. You knew we would come to find out what happened and wanted to hide his identity."
Roy nodded "Yes. I did. No point in lying."
Bruce narrowed his eyes on them "Who is he."
Roy shrugged "Can't tell you that."
Jason leaned back on Roy's workbench keeping his eyes on Bruce "I'm just a civilian."
Clark stared at him then scanned his body before he spoke "A civilian with several hidden weapons."
Jason scoffed and stood up "They aren't that hidden." He motioned to the holster on his hips then the ones on his thighs. "I haven't done shit except get in contact with someone I haven't seen in a very long time. He offered to fix some things up for me. I won't turn that down." He hopped back onto the table and leaned back on his palms
Roy poked at his hand "Move that so I can grab that wire."
Jason lifted his hand watching Roy work.
Bruce kept his eyes on them then contacted Diana before he spoke "I'm sure you won't mind answering a few questions then?"
Jason shrugged "Why the hell not."
Bruce glared at him sternly then sighed softly
"Recognized 03 Wonder Woman"
Diana walked out and looked to Bruce "You wanted me to question someone. I need a reason."
Bruce motioned to Jason "I need to know who he is. And why I was alerted that Robin was out of the Batcave."
Roy looked at him "I used his designation. Well... I used... Jason's designation." He frowned looking down "He was my soulmate. I didn't think you had it bugged and it was easier to get my friend back here so Hal could come up with one for him."
Diana looked at Bruce "There's one answer."
Jason narrowed his eyes watching them
Bruce sighed "I still need to know who he is."
Diana walked to Jason slowly "Who are you."
Jason stared at her "No one of concern."
Diana frowned "You can make this easier if you comply."
Jason scoffed and leaned back "I could also make it more fun if I don't."
Roy's hands twitched over the pliers as he watched Diana out of the corner of his eye
Diana pulled the lasso off and watched him holding it out "then I ask you to grab the lasso."
Jason grabbed the lasso and stared into her eyes "My. Name. Is. Red Hood." He leaned closer "I am going to kill the Joker. Roy here is fixing up my helmet." He let go of the Lasso "And Batman will try to stop me. Thing is. He can't do anything because I haven't done anything yet." He looked to Bruce "And he doesn't want to go against the legal system. No.. Nooo He would probably rather set up a protective guard around Joker." He narrowed his eyes "Don't worry Bruce." He slid off the desk walking towards Bruce "You'll know when I start my plan." He looked to Roy "Hey you know how to get in touch with me." He waved then walked to the exit wall
"Recognized A58 Red Hood"
Roy watched him leave then sighed with a soft smile "Oh that man is going to be the death of me." He put his tools down then quickly followed after him
"Recognized B25 Arsenal"
Roy caught up to Jason and wrapped an arm around his shoulder "Where are we going?"
Jason looked to him in surprise "I was heading to one of your safe houses. figured you would come find me when you were done with my helmet."
Roy laughed softly "I can't leave you alone. I just got you back." He smiled and squeezed his shoulder lightly "Let's make Batman pay for what he failed to do." He nudged him lightly "I'm with you the whole way."
Jason watched him smiling warmly "Really? Even if I kill someone?"
Roy scoffed softly "you think I haven't killed anyone since you been gone?" He looked forward "I helped the tribe a couple years ago. Killed some of the bastards that were being racist. Not on purpose or anything most of them got a trial in a court." He looked to Jason "Feel like we are being followed."
Jason laughed "We are." He leaned closer to Roy and looked forward "Batman is following us and Superman is with him. So No names while in the field right Arsenal?" He nudged Roy playfully then shook his head "So what's up with that? The whole Arsenal thing."
Roy sighed gently "Uh got rescued a couple years ago. Lost my arm for a while there." He laughed softly then shook his head smiling "I went to kill Luthor. And he said I had quite the arsenal." He shrugged "He gave me an arm that made me a weapon." He smiled walking slowly "I liked the word and made it my name." He shrugged then looked to his arm frowning "want my mechanical arm back." He looked to Jason smiling
Jason nodded listening to him before he spoke softly "So when I was gone did he ever try to get revenge?"
Roy scoffed "You know him." He looked forward "He won't compromise his stupid 'oath' or whatever it is that keeps him from killing."
Jason frowned a bit then sighed gently and looked to Roy "So he just let me leave huh?" He turned down an alley walking quietly
Roy followed him quickly "You okay?"
Jason looked to him "Yeah I'm fine. How long do you think it will take you to fix up my helmet?"
Roy hesitated watching him warily "Depends on what you want done. I already took the trackers and stuff out. I can put a voice modulator in it like I have in that mask you're wearing."
Jason nodded "Yeah. I definitely want that."
Roy nodded then grabbed his hand walking with him "Can I ask something?"
Jason looked to him "You're worried that I'm going to do something without thinking."
Roy nodded slowly "Yeah."
Jason looked forward quietly walking slowly before he spoke softly "I don't think I'm acting rash." He tilted his head thinking quietly "I think I have a rather good grasp on what I am about to do." He looked to Roy "I don't want you to be more involved than you are."
Roy nodded again "I understand. So you aren't going to tell me everything?"
Jason looked forward thinking quietly "I can tell you Red Hood won't be doing anything."
Roy watched him quietly then nodded "I believe you." He looked forward then pulled his keys out "were you going to break into my apartment?"
Jason laughed nodding "Yes." He looked at Roy "Where is the fun in not breaking in?"
Roy watched him amused "You would get zapped pretty good if you don't know my security." He kissed his shoulder softly then shook his head slowly "You know I don't think you should be doing illegal things right?"
Jason laughed "Like you don't do illegal things?"
Roy rolled his eyes and unlocked his door. He pushed it open and walked to his security panel putting his code in "Supes can't see you in here. Just stay out of the view of the windows."
Jason nodded and walked in closing the door behind him
Roy tapped the code in quietly then looked at him "I don't know if he would be able to hear us."
Jason sighed softly "We could write notes on your bathroom floor" He laughed quietly
Roy laughed and grabbed a notepad from the counter in the kitchen and walked to the bathroom "Come on then."
Jason grinned following him before he sat down next to the shower
Roy closed the door and sat next to him propping the notepad on his thigh as he wrote quickly 'you said you wanted to kill joker?'
Jason took the pen and nodded writing 'I won't be Red Hood when I go back to Gotham. I need you to make a second helmet. but it has to remain secret. No one can know you're working on it."
Roy stared at Jason's words quietly then looked at him and nodded
Jason took the pad from him and sketched a rough version of his Arkham Knight helmet before he held it out to Roy and wrote 'can you make something like this? I want Bruce to enjoy the irony that someone has shown up in a better bat costume than him.'
Roy looked at the paper then nodded again taking the pen 'I can make it. Do you want the fancy shit I'm putting in the other one?'
Jason thought quietly then took the pen writing quietly 'I think I would like comms in it at least.'
Roy grinned and took the pen 'You give me the best pet projects. I'll have it to you within a month maybe less.' He looked at him then back to the paper 'you want to stick around here for that month?'
Jason smiled and pulled the mask off leaning closer to kiss him softly before he took the pen and wrote 'That is the plan Roy. I can't tell you all about what I am going to be doing or what I will be called because if B questions you I don't want you to have to lie. You're a terrible liar.'
Roy laughed reading his words before he took the pen writing quickly 'I am a great liar!'
Jason shook his head watching him amused
Roy looked at him laughing softly "I am!"
Jason shook his head again and put the mask back on "No you're not!" He leaned back against the wall watching him in amusement
Roy rolled his eyes smiling as he looked at the helmet sketch again "I'll get it done within the month. You'll be free to do whatever then."
Jason nodded and watched him "I can't tell you." He took the paper and tore the sketch out holding it out to Roy "I'm going to burn the rest of this."
Roy took the sketch of the helmet and nodded "Good idea." He stood up and walked to the door "I'm going to get started on this. I'll be in the living room if you need me. Just uh." He looked around then opened his medicine cabinet pulling out some sunglasses "Wear this if you come in there." He tossed them to him and walked out pinning the sketch to the table as he dug through a pile of scrap metal in the corner
Jason put the sunglasses on and followed him "What about your eyes?"
Roy looked at him "I have a lot of sunglasses laying around." He smiled "I'll be fine."
Jason watched him "Do you normally work on things like this?"
Roy nodded "Oh yeah. I do this kind of thing regularly." He laughed softly then looked back to the scrap he was digging through before he pulled a piece out and walking to the couch. He sniffed once then sat down putting the metal on the table
Jason watched him "Sooo how are you gonna shape the metal?"
Roy looked at him "I'm going to heat it up obviously." He laughed "You think I live on a ground floor apartment with concrete walls and floor for no reason?"
Jason sat next to him "I mean I can think of a few reasons. How do we know Supes can't see in here?"
Roy sighed "I have lead embedded into the walls. It was pretty expensive but I wanted my privacy from outside influences like Superman or really anyone with see through walls powers." He looked to him "I'm gonna start on the drafting part then I'll be printing it to make a mold do you need anything because once I start I don't really plan on stopping." He picked up a tablet and watched Jason.
Jason shook his head "Nope. I'll let you know if I think of something while you're working though."
Roy motioned at the scrap "Pick that up and tell me if its too heavy or not. I want your head protected but it should also be pretty light." He started shaping the helmet in the app he was using.
Jason picked the scrap up watching him model the helmet on his tablet "seems pretty light. what did you use it for?"
Roy spoke softly not looking to him "I used it to make my arm guards." He leaned back and crossed one leg over the other as he kept modeling the helmet "You know Batman will come along and ask me who you are right?"
Jason nodded "all you have to say is Red Hood. That's all anyone knows me as anyway."
Roy nodded slowly "I can do that." He tilted his head and looked to Jason "I need to measure your head which will be hard to do with that hood and mask on."
Jason leaned over the couch and looked at the tablet "I can take it off. You can measure I don't mind."
Roy spent hours working on Jason's helmet. Hours talking to him and taking random measurements. Jason worked with him the entire time. Roy was dragging out the interactions with him. He knew he needed to get a move on with the actual modeling of the helmet. Eventually he knew he had to actually say goodbye and leave. As much as it pained him to do so. He looked to Jason as he slept beside him on the couch. He slowly got up and brought a blanket back tucking it around Jason carefully. He ducked out of his apartment with his tablet and locked the door.
Roy walked down the alley quietly pausing as he heard footsteps behind him "I don't want to talk about it."
Oliver put a hand on his shoulder "I Just thought you should know I sent Bruce and Clark away. I told them they had nothing to worry about." He looked at Roy "Was I wrong in doing that?"
Roy closed his eyes for a moment then spoke softly "I don't have much experience in this whole soulmate thing." He slowly opened his eyes and turned to Oliver "So I'm doing what I do." He held up the tablet showing the model of the helmet "I'm making him a helmet." He turned and walked quietly.
Oliver fell in step beside him "You just tell him how much you care Roy." He put a hand on his back rubbing reassuringly "Not everyone gets another chance Roy. You have something of a gift. Don't let it pass you by."
Roy looked to him in surprise then looked back to the tablet adding a finishing touch to it "I'm not. We kissed didn't we? I mean he knows how much he means to me. I made sure of that already." He stared at the helmet on his tablet. "I need to make this for him. I need to help him with this."
Oliver watched him closely "Just don't miss the forest for the trees." He rubbed his back carefully
Roy looked at him "What do you mean?"
Oliver slid his hand up to his shoulder squeezing it "I mean don't let... Him make you forget yourself." He rubbed his shoulder slowly leading him to the entrance of the quiver
"Recognized B25 Arsenal, 08 Green Arrow"
Roy followed him in quietly. Oliver had a point, he didn't need to know that though, Roy could get lost trying to be everything for Jason. He didn't need to be, Oliver, Hal and Barry had proven that enough times. If one soulmate wasn't enough the universe always provided.
Roy walked to the mold printer and uploaded his mold before he turned to look at Oliver and nodded "I understand. I just want to help him. In every way I can, anyway I can." He sighed then turned and started the printing before he walked to Oliver "I won't let myself get lost though. I assure you. I will remain myself. Your ex-drug addict son." He ignored the way Oliver winced at the reminder of his past. "I'm going to be okay. I've been okay.. You don't have to worry about me."
Oliver put his hands on his shoulders then pulled him into a hug chuckling softly "Roy... I will always worry."
Roy rolled his eyes and hugged him tightly before he stepped away and walked to the weapons cabinet grabbing Oliver's bow. He walked to his workbench and quietly changed the string before he held it out to Oliver "Here. try it"
Oliver took the bow and tested it before he broke into a grin "Thank you Roy. It feels great."
Roy smiled watching him "Yeah yeah. I know I'm pretty great at this." He looked away and went back to work on the helmet Jason had come with.
Oliver watched him "why not make it a cover for that helmet?"
Roy froze then looked at him "That is a great idea." He looked back to the helmet "I already know this fits him so it would be easy to just make a cover for it." He started adding the electronics. Just him and Oliver working into the night. Calm washing over him, Jason was waiting for him at home, he and Oliver were on good terms. He felt lighter than he had in almost a decade.
#jayroyweek2023#jayroy#jason todd x roy harper#jason todd#roy harper#red hood#arsenal#oliver queen#bruce wayne#hal jordan#clark kent
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Chapters: 3/4 Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Lois Lane & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Original Character(s), Roy Harper & Lois Lane Characters: Roy Harper, Jason Todd, Lois Lane, Original Characters, Donna Troy Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Lack of Communication, Getting Together, Coffee Shops, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, Suicidal Thoughts, Lois Lane for MVP, Mentioned Dick Grayson Summary:
Roy knew how to take a hint. It had been months since the last time he saw Jason and he had to accept that he wasn't going to get his answers from the other man any time soon. Almost uncannily timed, Dick and the rest of the older Titans have decided to reunite the team like they were kids again. They're on a mission in Metropolis when he runs into his ex-partner again, and Jason isn't running this time. With a little bit of help from Lois he's finally going to get his answers. Now, he just has to decide if he thinks they're good enough to forgive Jason for the way he left.
"Dick is gonna kill me." "You? What do you think he will do to me?" | Family finds out | Jason uses Harper as an alias and Roy finds out | Virginity kink
Crawls from the depths of bed. I bring this. The agonies (chronic pain) have not been kind but I think we got it.
#jayroy#ax literature#jason todd#roy harper#jayroyweek2023#I said I was going to finish this one before the next chapter of LoA!Jason but I may go back on that#maybe. We'll see. I mean chapter 4 I've got all written out in rough and just needs revision and polishing#buuut on the other hand? the validation I'm getting from that fic is quite literally double or more#I just hope I can live up to everyone's entertainment values I guess.#It's both a rush and stress.#I love everyone reading & following up on these tho <3
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Tags: Established Relationship, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Roy Harper is Arsenal, Roy Harper & Jason Todd are Best Friends, Trans Jason Todd, Body Dysphoria, Good Boyfriend Roy Harper, Roy Harper is a Little Shit, POV Roy Harper
Summary: Jason feels bad, and so Roy wants to take care of him. In the process, he finds out that Jason's used his name as an alias and teases Jason about it.
DOUBLE RED WEEK | DAY ONE, “Jason uses Harper as an alias and Roy finds out”
@doubleredweek 🖤❤️

They’re traveling for a mission.
This is not new, and in fact very common these days on their Red Hood and Arsenal team-up. So, they decide to book a hotel room located opposite to their potential target. This will make surveillance a bit easier. Roy's not particularly concerned when Jason's planning the logistics.
This time, it happens to be a pretty high end hotel. Roy had to convince Jason it was necessary for its ample vantage point. Not at all because Roy wants them to treat themselves for once... Okay, maybe he wants a softer bed for them to snuggle in and complementary mini soaps on occasion. Is that so wrong?
Read more here!

#doubleredweek2023#jayroyweek2023#jason todd#red hood#roy harper#dc arsenal#jayroy#royjay#established relationship#trans jason todd#body dysphoria#ao3#fanfic#i had such a hard time figuring out a graphic/banner for this istg#my first trial was atrocious lmao
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Hood/Arsenal (Comics), DCU Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Roy Harper & Jason Todd, Lian Harper & Roy Harper & Jason Todd Characters: Roy Harper, Jason Todd Additional Tags: Mentioned Lian Harper, JayRoy Week, Queer platonic relationships, Platonic Life Partners, Aromantic Asexual Jason Todd, Aromantic Pansexual Roy Harper, Aromantic Jason Todd, Platonic Romance, tbh did know that last one was a tag, i like that tag, i beta'd this myself because i realised it was jayroy week at 23:29, of the first day, so i guess, Self Beta We Ressurect Our Writing Like Jason Todd Summary:
Jason hadn't been thinking. All he knew was that he was tired and concussed, and all he wanted was to be home and safe. And to him, Home and Safe was synonymous with Roy. So when the nurse asked for his name, he told her it was Jason Harper.
Cute QPP Jayroy deciding to make their partnership legal.
for the first day of @doubleredweek
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Been a while since I participated in a fandom event thing 😅
Here’s a JayRoy fic for @doubleredweek day 1!
Prompts: "Dick is gonna kill me." "You? What do you think he will do to me?" | Family finds out | Jason uses Harper as an alias and Roy finds out | Virginity kink
Jason got caught up in one of Scarecrow’s fear toxin attacks as a civilian, and gets taken to the hospital. Luckily, he had a fake ID on him. Unfortunately, the fake ID listed him as Jason Harper.
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Chapters: 1/8 Fandom: Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Hood/Arsenal (Comics), Nightwing (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Harper/Jason Todd Characters: Roy Harper, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson Additional Tags: Identity Porn, Sexual Content, Oral Sex, bad decision making, Roy tries to date Both Jason Todd and Red Hood, Angst with a Happy Ending, dick grayson is a good friend, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Roy Harper is Arsenal, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Tim Drake is Robin, Tim Drake is over 18, Minor Tim Drake/Dick Grayson, Identity Reveal, Comic Book Violence, Dating, POV Alternating Summary:
Later that night he watches as Red Hood makes the rounds with his informants. Watches as he stops a mugging, as he runs off a wanna be pimp from his territory, as he takes care of his people.
And he loves him for it.
He's such a fool. ____
Roy Harper finds himself falling in love with both Red Hood and Jason Todd.
Day 8 Free Day
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<3 <3 <3
pssst do you like jayroy? joyfire? us too, and we've got plans for a double red week comeback baby!!!
we're currently working on updating our rules and about, though in the meantime brainstorm some prompts... we'll be opening submissions soooooon
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Day 2: "Are you sure? Absolutely not.", Soulmate AU, Marriage Secret/Arranged/Accidental, First time/Kiss
Day two! I missed drawing these guys
#jayroy week 2023#doubleredweek#roy harper#jason todd#red hood#arsenal#i'm scheduling these#and i'll finish the others later#i've been busy so i'm scrambling to get the#pieces all done#jayroyweek2023#doubleredweek2023
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Day 6: "Since when do we have a kid?" "Like twenty minutes ago.", Fake dating, childhood crush, Competency kink
Thinking of words is hard, dialogue is hard
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Day 5: "You have a lot of nerve showing up here". Ace Spectrum Jason, Joint bank account, Cockblocked by children
#jayroyweek2023#doubleredweek2023#jayroy#jason todd#roy harper#red hood#arsenal#i'm scheduling these#so i'm being so boring about what i write
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Day 7: "You can't keep getting away with this", Roy meets Jason during UTRH, Bisexual awakening, Omegaverse
Last day! I have nothing for Halloween whoops
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Another for JayRoy week: Day 4, only one bed.
Roy was only supposed to be going out for cigarettes, dish soap, and paper towels. Maybe some ice cream, if they had Cherry Garcia. And there’s a plastic bag hanging off Roy’s right wrist, so maybe he did get those things.
But… he also came back with the Winter Soldier.
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Chapters: 2/4 Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Lois Lane & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Original Character(s) Characters: Roy Harper, Jason Todd, Lois Lane, Original Characters, Donna Troy Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Lack of Communication, Getting Together, Coffee Shops, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, Suicidal Thoughts, Lois Lane for MVP, Mentioned Dick Grayson Summary:
Roy knew how to take a hint. It had been months since the last time he saw Jason and he had to accept that he wasn't going to get his answers from the other man any time soon. Almost uncannily timed, Dick and the rest of the older Titans have decided to reunite the team like they were kids again. They're on a mission in Metropolis when he runs into his ex-partner again, and Jason isn't running this time. With a little bit of help from Lois he's finally going to get his answers. Now, he just has to decide if he thinks they're good enough to forgive Jason for the way he left.
"Dick is gonna kill me." "You? What do you think he will do to me?" | Family finds out | Jason uses Harper as an alias and Roy finds out | Virginity kink
Work imploded, didn’t finish arranging the first chapter for my LoA!Jason fic, but, hey, finished cleaning up ch2!
You know Dick was supposed to have a larger role in this fic than it’s shaping up for him to get lmao. He’s just going to have to be background set dressing. He’s pretty enough to manage it I think.
#jason todd#dc#jayroy#roy harper#jayroyweek2023#ax literature#Next chapter: Lois and Roy and what's up with Malorie#Then we get into what I have termed the 'real romcom shit' for the final chapter#posting is so much easier not on mobile#I knew this would be the case but I was in a hurry last time#also: can you tell I miss going to coffee shops?#Sunny Shots is a hybrid of three different coffee shops I used to go to
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Harper/Jason Todd Characters: Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Dick Grayson Additional Tags: Implied Sexual Content, Flirting, Underage Kissing Summary:
It's getting late when the movie ends. Jason is tempted to put on another just to have more time.
"I should probably go to bed," Roy announces and Jason can't help but feel disappointed.
He gets up and looks back down at Jason with a smirk. "You comin'"
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