#jaylor oneshots
youareinlovees · 2 years
swiftyn fanfics
was scrolling thru ur blog last night and saw an anon looking for good swiftyn fanfics.....here are two more (not on ur list) that are pretty good: 
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starryeyes-oneshots · 6 years
hey guys !
just wanted to let you know that I'm currently working on a very long (very exciting) multi-part mini series for whiskey on ice (!!) also while being a full time university student (not so exciting it’s honestly kicking my ass) so please be patient with me and I will post a part two as soon as I can! thank youuu!
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carcinized · 3 years
oh i remember why i write the soul breaking fics. because of the glee i get from someone reading it and being heartbroken like me :D
anyhoo, Fir strikes a bargain with Factory. he takes Factory, what little is left from Taylor and gets teleported to them with no way back.
cue Phiz fight, in which Liz brings up Taylor and just says really harsh things like misgendering them and saying that they weren;t her sister anymore (she was being a bitch)
Taylor falls into the basement which is where just a bunch of unamed really bad things lurk, where they have a meltdown before Fir carries them back upstairs and calms them down eventually.
then they dye their hair, have a little heart to heart and such before Taylor sits on the couch and doesn't move until Fir leaves to go check on what's up with the office and what had been Jake and Taylor's bedroom.
so i mentioned how Taylor loves glitter, right? (They're obsessed)
in the office, there was one place where not a speck of glitter dared land. it was a calendar, with a blood red circle drawn around the day's date.
Fir understood and went back to Taylor, starting another heart to heart before they somehow reached the right side of the afterlife, where Jake, Liz and all her family lived.
(I'm pretty sure Factory left Fir and something? That's how they got to the right side? But at some point, Liz sang and apollogy to Taylor and that's why they didn't just lay in the basement until something happened)
so Taylor finally met their real family (Liz's, even I wouldn't have it any other way)
before the happy ending arrived.
Factory took up its place in their head again to keep them from going mad from what they've done (Logic is that the title of Gamemaster was never meant for a human so they became half human half other to host Factory and so the different halves were at war and the only thing keeping likeelephant amount of shit hitting the fan was Factory so) and Taylor found Jake.
But they couldn't see him or hear him. So they just developed new ways to communicate through glitter.
anyways now you know the entire story of Taylor.
so I have a fluffy Jaylor baking oneshot if you want
can you tell that nostalgia hit me over the head like a baseball bat?
awww im glad it had a happy ending :(
ooooooo i can always use a good fluffy oneshot!!! :]]
YEP DFSDFLJ im glad you had fun telling it to me!! :D
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starryeyes-oneshots · 6 years
christmas miracles
[A/N: Hey guys, I know that this is short but this is all i had time for and really wanted to get something up for Christmas! Hope you enjoy!]
"How long do you think before she bolts in here and begs to go downstairs?" Joe asks his wife as they laid in bed on Christmas morning. Snowing was falling just outside the window and the low hum of the heat running filling the room, Taylor and Joseph cuddled up in bed under their duvet - just enjoying the silence that didn't happen very often anymore.
Taylor yawns, rubbing her eyes as her head laid on his chest, "5 minutes max."
Joe nods with a chuckle, "Too bad it wasn't longer." He smirks, kissing her head.
"Oh Joey." Taylor giggles, "You're such a tease."
In that moment, the little pitter patter of bare feet padded down on the hardwood floor in the hallway before their daughter's voice could be heard from the other side of the door, "Mummy! Daddy!" The little girl squeals, "Santa! Santa!"
"Come on in baby." Taylor says, grabbing her glasses from the bedside table and sitting up in the bed a bit, waiting for their daughter to come rushing into the room.
The door handle slowly turned, before a tired blonde haired, ocean blue eyed four year old emerged from the hallway, wearing her favourite Christmas pyjamas.
"Good morning pretty girl." Joe smiles, shifting to sit up a bit beside his wife, "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas Daddy." Eleanor smiles brightly, climbing onto the bed.
"Good morning, El." Taylor pulls her daughter into her lap, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her tightly, kissing her head.
"Momma!" Eleanor beams, craning her neck to look at her mother, "Do you think Santa came? Do you think I was a good girl this year?"
"We'll have to go see, won't we baby?" Taylor nods, gently tucking Eleanor's blonde curls out of her face.
"El, how about we go see and then Mum can make us breakfast?" Joe suggests, leaning in and resting his head on Taylor's shoulder, reaching out to rub the four year old's arm.
Eleanor leans back into Taylor's chest, a big yawn engulfing her little face, "Yes please daddy."
Taylor smiles softly, kissing her daughter's head again, "Let's go, baby girl. We have to see if Santa came!" She says, moving out of the bed and pulling Eleanor onto her hip.
"Santa! Mommy! Santa!" Eleanor smiles brightly, wrapping her arms around Taylor's neck.
"Come on, honey." Taylor kisses her cheek, carrying their daughter downstairs,  her husband soon following behind them.
The blonde haired woman set her daughter down on her own two feet at the bottom of steps, watching her run into the adjacent living room of their Nashville home and hearing her squeals and giggles erupt and fill the room with one of the best sounds Taylor had ever come to know. Her husband came up behind her, gently resting his hand on her lower back and kissing her head, "Guess she's excited, huh?" He chuckles near her ear.
"Mummy! Daddy! Come see!" Eleanor calls from the other room.
Taylor smiles sleepily, pushing her glasses up before the two of them followed the sounds of their daughter and came into the big living room, where their tall Christmas tree was standing brightly.
"Momma! He came!" Eleanor smiles, her bright blue eyes glistening over everything she could see that wasn't there the night before.
"Did he baby?" Taylor asks her daughter as if she didn't know or couldn't see herself.
Eleanor nods, "Can I open them?" She asks politely, "Please and thank you?"
Joe chuckles, wrapping his arm around his wife and pulling her closer to his side as they stood in the living room, "You don't wanna eat breakfast first, love? Mummy made cinnamon buns."
Eleanor thinks for a second, putting her little finger on her chin as she tried to make her decision, "No please daddy? El wait for food."
Taylor and Joe both laugh at their daughter before Taylor moves to sit down on the floor with their daughter, "Guess we're doing gifts first, huh?"
Eleanor nods, "Mommy I have one for you!" She smiles, already wanting to give her mother her drawings from preschool.
"Oh do you baby?" She asks, reaching to gently tuck the four year old's platinum blonde hair out of her face.
"Yes!" She squeals, standing up and finding the pages filled with wax crayon and glitter that she had put in the back of the tree for safe keeping, with help from her father of course, "Here, Mummy." The four year old smiles brightly, "These are for you."
"Why thank you so much, El. I love them!" Taylor smiles softly at her daughter, looking down at the drawings she had done while at preschool, "Don't you have any drawings for daddy?"
Eleanor nods, "He already got his." She explains, sitting back down in her mother's lap, "But I kept yours a surprise!"
"Yes you did, honey." Taylor says, wrapping her arms around her daughter and kissing her head, "Mommy loves them, thank you."
"Here El, I think it's your turn baby girl." Joe nods, grabbing a gift from under the tree, "This one is from...Santa!"
Eleanor smiles brightly, politely thanking her dad for the gift before opening it in her mother's lap. Much of the morning proceeded on like this, Eleanor's face with a permanent smile plastered on it as she opened the various gifts from her parents and Santa, Taylor and Joe exchanging the few things they had bought for each other. Near the end of their Christmas morning gift exchange, Taylor and Joe were sitting together on the couch as Eleanor played with her new toys just a few feet away on the floor.
"I think there's one more gift under there." Taylor smiles, getting up from the couch and heading over towards the tree before bending down to grab the wrapped box.
"Is it for El?" Joe asked, rubbing his tired eyes from their eventful morning.
Taylor shakes her head, "'s for both of you." She nods, coming back to sit beside her husband on the couch.
Joe furrowed his eyebrows a bit, "From who?"
Taylor smiles softly, looking over to their daughter, "El, baby can you please come help daddy open this one last gift?"
Eleanor looks up at her mother with a nod and smile before coming over to join them.
As the two opened the present, Joe knew right away and their four year old didn't really know what was going on or why her mother was on the verge of bursting into tears.
"Mommy?" Eleanor asks, a confused look on her face, pulling the positive pregnancy test out of the box, "You got daddy and I a marker?"
Taylor giggles, wiping the tears away from the rims of her eyes, "No baby no." She shakes her head, looking at her husband who looked as he was about to cry himself.
"You're pregnant?" He asks, looking at Taylor with the happiest, gleaming smile on his face.
Taylor nods, before getting engulfed into a huge hug from her husband, "We're gonna have a baby?" He asks again, not too sure that he believed what he was hearing.
She nods again, letting the tears roll down her cheeks. They had waited years for this, at least two full ones trying to conceive a baby. A sibling for their daughter. A second child.
"El!" Joe says brightly, his arms still hugging Taylor extremely tightly, "Do you know what this means?"
Eleanor looks at her dad, "What does it mean, daddy? Why is Mummy crying?"
"Oh love no, come here." Joe says, pulling his daughter close as well, "Mummy is crying cause she is so happy to tell you that you're gonna be a big sister!"
Eleanor's little jaw drops, her eyes bugging out of her head as she processed the information that was being given to her, "I'm gonna be a big sister!?" She squeals, starting to jump up and down.
Taylor nods, pulling away from her husband's grasp, "You are honey, you are."
"Thank you mommy, thank you!" Eleanor squeals, climbing up into Taylor's lap, "'s a miracle!"
"Yes El, it's a Christmas miracle." Joe smiles, pulling his girls close to his chest and wondering how he could've gotten this lucky.
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starryeyes-oneshots · 6 years
small bump : part three
Taylor found herself at the end of her ninth month of pregnancy more uncomfortable and miserable she had ever been in her life. She spent most of her days laying on the couch and re watching her favourite episodes of Friends. This was partly doctor's orders of partial bed rest and partly the overprotective nature of her husband, who's anxiety was at a higher level than Taylor's - something that rarely ever happened.
"Tay?" Joe called, walking into the living room in his sweatpants, "Did you take your vitamins this morning?"
Taylor nodded from the sofa, a bowl of fruit resting on her large stomach, "Yeah, I did before I got banned to the couch."
Joe sighed, knowing how exhausted and fed up with her pregnancy his wife was, "It's over soon, baby. It'll all be over soon." He says, sitting down beside her and pulling her into his arms.
Taylor groans, eliciting a worried look on her husband's face, "My back hurts so much."
Joe frowns, wrapping his arms around her and resting his hands on her stomach, "Do you want me to give you a massage?"
Taylor shook her head, closing her eyes as another strike of pain flashed through her lower back, "No, I just want to lay here." She breathes out, relieved that she was in her husband's arms.
"Alright." He smiles softly, kissing her temple as the television aimlessly plays. He rubbed small circles on her baby bump, beginning to imagine how uncomfortable she was feeling.
Taylor yawned, adjusting her head that rested against Joe's chest, "I just want her here."
"I know, baby." Joe whispers, kissing her head.
She groaned again, struggling to sit up and put her hand on her lower back, "Maybe you should have a warm bath?" Joe suggests, helping apply pressure for his wife.
Taylor thought about it for a few moments, "Will you sit with me?" She asked, suddenly feeling a large amount of pressure in her pelvis.
"Of course." He replies, giving her leverage to stand up with her huge bump before he stood up behind her and took her hand, leading his wife up the steps.
Taylor knew that her daughter would decide to make her appearance soon. She could feel it. When she woke up that morning, she felt different. The pain never went away, and she sat up last night with contractions that could've been the real deal. All she wanted was to finally be able to hold her baby girl. Joe started the water for her, checking the temperature often as it filled up the tub. Taylor reached down to the bare skin of her lower abdomen where her shirt road up and wrapped her fingers around the hem, pulling it over her head.
Just as she went to get herself out of her sweatpants, and Joe shut off the water, a loud gushing sound filled the bathroom.
Two large strikes of pain flashed through Taylor's body, one in her large stomach and one in her lower back. She shut her eyes quickly, trying to ignore the pain that was pulsating through her.
"Taylor?" Joe asked, his face masked with more worry than it ever had been before, "Was that your.."
The heavily pregnant woman nodded, biting her lip as she opened her eyes and looked down at the mess she had created, "my water." She whispered, her voice small and vulnerable.
"Should we go to the hospital right now?" Joe asked, walking over to his wife and putting his large hands on her equally large baby bump.
"I need to clean up this mess first." Taylor said quietly, looking around the bathroom, in a sense of shock that she was finally in labor, "Then we can go."
"No, no babe." Joe quickly said, "The mess can wait, the baby is coming."
"But, the floor."
"Taylor Alison." He sternly stated, raising his eyebrows at her, "The floor will be fine. Let's get you changed and to the hospital before you have the baby on the floor."
Taylor sighed, leaning her head back in pain as a contraction came over her body.
"Contraction?" Joe worriedly asked, pushing Taylor's hair out of her face and rubbing his thumb over her cheek.
The pressure in her lower back and pelvis was unimaginable as she clenched her stomach, "I-I need to sit." Taylor squeaked out, her voice weaker than it had been when she had laryngitis last year.
Joe closed the toilet seat and carefully helped her over to sit down on the covered bowl, "Is that better?"
Taylor nodded, biting her lip again for the remaining of the contraction before letting out a deep breath and looking up at her husband, "It's over now."
"Let's get you changed baby." He said, kissing her head, leaving the bathroom and returning with a fresh pair of sweatpants and panties, "Do you need help?"
"Yes please." Taylor yawned, sliding her wet sweatpants down as much as she could before Joe supported her and she stepped out of them, doing the same with her panties.
Joe smirked at his pregnant wife, "You put on a thong this morning?" He chuckled softly, looking down at it on the floor and back up at Taylor.
Taylor blushed, "I figured if I went into labor today I'd give the doctors a little surprise."
"Oh they're gonna get more than a little butt action." Joe joked, helping Taylor into the fresh pair of underwear and sweatpants.
Taylor laughed lightly, pushing her hair out of her face as she placed her hand on her huge baby bump, "We should go before I get in too much pain."
"Baby you're already in pain." Joe commented, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Apparently there will be more pain, so we should go." She yawned, starting to feel more pressure in her pelvis again, "Ohhh, there it is."
"We need to go love." Joe said calmly, even though he was freaking out on the inside. He took her hand and slowly lead her down the stairs before grabbing the bag at the door and helping his wife into the car. Once they reached the hospital and made their way up to the labor and delivery ward, Taylor's doctor was already there, welcoming the two nervous soon-to-be parents with a bright smile.
"Taylor!" She beamed, looking down through her glasses at a chart, presumably for the singer, "It's baby time?"
Taylor nodded anxiously, smiling softly as Joe still held her hand and lead her over to the nurse's station, "Yeah, the contractions in my lower back are pretty steady."
"And her water broke." Joe added, adjusting the bag on his shoulder.
Taylor nodded again, her smile fading into a frown as another contraction pulsed through her abdomen and pelvis.
"Let's get you into a room." Dr. Robbins said more seriously this time, grabbing a different binder and leaving for a few moments before coming back to Taylor and Joe, "Do you want a wheelchair, Taylor? Or will you be okay?" She asked with a sympathetic facial expression, "It's just right down the hall."
Taylor shook her head through the pain she was experiencing, tightening her grip on her husband's hand, "No, I'll be okay." She says quietly, clenching her teeth together.
"Are you sure, babe?" Joe questioned her, his eyebrows furrowed.
Taylor nodded, frustrated that neither of them didn't just trust her when she said she could do it, "I'm fine, but I need to sit down."
Both her doctor and her husband nodded, before Dr. Robbins lead them to Taylor's room, Joe keeping a good grip on his wife's hand as they walked.
"We should call my mom." Taylor yawned after she had changed into a hospital gown and gotten an IV to keep her hydrated through labor and birth. She was still more uncomfortable than ever, however she was determined to do this naturally. She planned for it, she mentally told herself that she would do it and her doctor knew. She didn't need any medicine to do something her body was made to for.
Joe smiled at her, grabbing her phone from the chair beside the hospital bed and handing it to his wife, "You look cute baby."
Taylor raised both of her eyebrows at him, unimpressed with what he said before dialling her mother's number and waiting for her to pick up her phone.
"Taylor honey!" Her mother practically yelled into the phone, "Is it baby time yet?!"
Taylor laughed slightly as she gripped the side of the bed to get through another contraction, "Yes." She gritted through her teeth, "I'm at the hospital."
"Oh my baby is having a baby!" Andrea squealed on the other end of the line, "I'll be right over alright darlin'!"
"Okay, Dr. Robbins checked me and said I was at a 4." Taylor replies, focusing on her steady breathing.
"Perfect. Don't pop my granddaughter out before I get there!" Andrea joked, before they said their goodbyes and Taylor hung up the line, just as her contraction subsided.
Joe stood up from the chair across the room and came over to his wife, sitting down on the other chair beside the bed, "Is she on her way?" He asked, leaning over and kissing Taylor's face.
Taylor nodded, smiling slightly until more pressure in her pelvis returned, "She said don't pop her granddaughter out before she got there."
Joe chuckles lightly, his face soon dropping when he saw his wife in pain again. He knew she wanted to do this naturally, but admittedly, he wanted her to take the epidural so she would be more at ease, "Your mother is going to spoil this child rotten."
Taylor nodded, tears pricking her eyes as her contractions picked up and the pain in her lower back grew stronger, "It's her first grand baby, let her have a little fun."
Joe smiled, pushing Taylor's hair between her ears, "You're doing so good baby. You're so strong." He whispered, kissing her forehead.
The singer smiled sympathetically, closing her eyes as she leaned her head back into the bed and rolled it left and right.
Joe covered his wife with the blanket after she was checked again, Dr. Robbins had determined she was already nearly a 6, and things were progressing very quickly. Her mother arrived and Taylor tried to sleep per her husband's request but couldn't due to the immense pain she was facing, and ended up just moaning and groaning in her bed through every contraction.
Four hours had passed since they arrived and Dr. Robbins came into the room with a smile, "How are you doing, Taylor?" She asked, grabbing a pair of latex gloves from the counter and slipping them on.
Taylor groaned, adjusting herself restlessly as she got through another contraction, "Pressure." She said, her voice weak and vulnerable, "Lots of pressure and I feel like I'm going to be sick."
"That's completely normal." She smiled, sitting down in front of the bed and lifting the blanket that covered Taylor's lower half, "Let's see where we are, mhm?"
Taylor nodded, her face defeated and her body weak. She bit her lip as Dr. Robbins checked her before returning the blanket to its previous position, "Well Taylor. It's time for you to meet your daughter."
Taylor eyes bugged out of her head, in shock that she could've progressed that quickly with her first baby, "What?" She said as her mom smiled and Joe kissed Taylor's forehead with a smile.
Dr. Robbins' nodded, stripping her gloves off and throwing them onto the bin before she turned on the bright delivery lights, "You're at a 10. Your baby girl is ready to be in Mommy's arms."
Taylor let out a huge breath, smiling as a couple of other people came into the room and started getting things ready for the birth.
"Are you ready?" Taylor asked her husband, looking up at him with fear and pain in her eyes.
Joe nodded with a smile, "I'm so proud of you baby. You're so close."
"Thank you." Taylor yawned, wincing as another contraction pulsed through her.
Dr. Robbins took off the blanket and soon Taylor was laying on a completely sterile bed with her legs fully spread, her husband on one side of her and her mother on the other, "Okay, Taylor. Ready?"
Taylor nodded, biting her lip as she suddenly felt a huge boatload of pressure in her pelvis, causing her to softly whimper in pain, "I need to push." She moaned, shutting her eyes hard as Joe held her hand with one of his, the other softly stroking her hair.
"Taylor, when I count to 3, I need you to bare down and push with all that you have left in you. You have to battle for your baby, Okay? You need to do that until I count to 10 and then we take a break. Ready?" Dr. Robbins' explained, rolling her chair closer to the Mom-to-be.
Taylor nodded, tears pricking her eyes, partially from pain and partially from fear.
"And 1, 2, 3." Dr. Robbins' announced seriously, "Go, Go Taylor. Bare down girl, you've got it."
Taylor lowered her chin to her chest and pushed with all of the energy she didn't have left in her. She had no energy, she had no strength but some how she found some. She had to.
The first ten seconds passed slowly and the rest period flew by before Taylor found herself pushing her baby out again. She felt as if she was pushing all of her organs out with her child. It hurt more than she could ever put words to, and that was never a challenge for Taylor. After the second round of pushing things escalated and before she knew it her mother was crying, her husband was crying, she was crying, and so was their baby. The bed was covered in blood but suddenly, there was another person in the room. A new heartbeat. A new set of lungs. A brand new life.
"It's a girl!" Dr. Robbins announces into the room, lifting the baby up and laying her down on Taylor's chest.
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh." Taylor cries, wrapping her shaking arms around her crying daughter, "Hi, baby hi." She cries again, closing her eyes as her breathing continued violently.
"She's beautiful, Tay. You did so good baby." Joe whispered in her ear before pushing it out of her face and pressing a kiss to her forehead, staring intently at their newly born daughter.
Andrea stepped back as the nurses and Doctor Robbins worked quickly to get Taylor cleaned up.
Taylor ran her finger over the baby's cheek, even though it was covered in blood and mucus, "Hi pretty girl. I'm your mommy. I get to love you." She whispered into her daughter's ear, tears rolling down her cheeks as Dr. Robbins finished up cleaning Taylor.
Joe leaning down to get a better look at his daughter just as the baby tried to open her eyes, "Joe! Look! Look at her!" Taylor gasped quietly, shifting her gaze to her husband for a quick second before turning back to their baby girl.
"I see Tay." He whispers with a smile, taking a blanket from the nurse to cover the baby girl's naked body, "She's trying to say hi to her mommy and daddy."
Taylor smiled, running on absolute bliss and love that her baby was finally here.
"Hey there, baby girl. I'm your daddy, and I know that your mommy is the strongest woman in the world. I hope you get to be just like your momma, okay?" Joe whispered, making everyone in the room begin to fight back tears, except Andrea - who was still crying from before.
Suddenly, Joe lifted the blanket that was covering their baby, which got a glare from Taylor, "What are you doing?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Counting." He smirked, glancing over his daughter's toes and then her fingers, "Just to make sure."
Taylor smiled, covering the baby back up before the nurse came over to take their daughter for a bath and tests, "We're just gonna get her all cleaned up, and weigh her." The nurse smiled as she lifted the squirming newborn from her mother's arms. The baby began to scream and Joe instinctively rushed over to where they were weighing his daughter.
"Is she okay Joe?" Taylor asked, tears pricking her eyes.
Joe nodded with a smile, glancing at Taylor before turning back to his newborn daughter, "She's perfect Tay. So perfect."
They cleaned up the little girl and swaddled her in a blanket before placing her in Joe's arms, who couldn't help but cry over how beautiful she was and how lucky he was to have her and her mom.
Joe pressed his lips to his daughter's forehead, holding them there even though he felt all of the eyes in the room on him. He didn't care, he had both of his girls and that's all that mattered.
The last few days had been interesting to say the least. Their daughter had been really good at sleeping through the day and screaming through the night when she wasn't being held constantly, making Taylor and Joe so exhausted they had went to another dimension.
The clock in their master bedroom glared an ungodly hour of their first night at home when the baby began to cry, just a mere fifteen minutes after Taylor had just breastfed her.
Taylor started to get up, but stopped when Joe's warm hand made contact with her bare thigh, "I'll get her Tay. You need to rest." He whispered, kissing his wife on the cheek before rolling out of bed and walking over to the pink bassinet that sat in the corner of their room.
"Shhh, baby girl." He whispered, gently picking up the crying newborn and holding her close to his chest, "Shhh, Addie."
Joe carried his daughter out of the room, heading downstairs and looking around the lower level. It was a mess, but a good mess.
"Have we given you a proper tour of this place?" He softly asks the newborn, adjusting her in his arms and strolling through the house, showing his daughter every room on the lower level. Her cries had subsided, and Joe took her back upstairs, finishing his tour in the master bedroom. Taylor was laying there, just listening to her husband talk aimlessly to their baby. A small smile formed on her face as they came into the room and Joe thought she was asleep.
"You know miss Addelyn Grace, our nights were a lot quieter when you were back in your Mommy's tummy." He whispered, sitting down in the rocking chair with her, "Except when Mommy and Daddy had fun, but you don't need to know that until you're 60, okay? I think we're gonna have to return you to Mommy's tummy unless you start sleeping at night. Can you do that for daddy? I know Mommy says she's okay but she's super tired and she wants to be the best mommy she can be for you, so will you help her out with that?"
Taylor sat up, looking at her husband and her daughter with tears in her eyes.
Joe smiled at her, noticing that baby Addelyn was sleeping soundly in his arms, "Crazy how she got so big, hey?" Joe whispered, thinking back to how small Taylor's stomach was when they first found out.
She nodded, realizing that she could deal with the sleepless nights, as long as it meant she could keep her husband and her daughter for the rest of her life.
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starryeyes-oneshots · 6 years
beautiful to me
[Disclaimer: I know that this situation in the rep room actually happened but everything that is written around that event is purely from my imagination and I know this is a touchy subject but I got a request to write this so I hope you guys like it.]
The energy that fired and flowed through her veins was unstoppable. Confidence along with her bubbly and loving nature was higher than it ever had been before. Everyone was here: her parents, the fans, and her handsome man. Even though she would be living out of a suitcase for the next fifty-three shows over a span of six months, she felt at home.
They had worked thousands of long and hard hours to bring this tour to life, and she couldn't have been more proud of it and what it had evolved into. It was different from her other tours; but also one in the same. She still had the same drive to make sure she maximized the number of fans that got a good seat for the show. She still wanted to perform for nearly two hours, and wanted to pick the best setlist that the fans would be over the moon for. She was still the same person in some ways, but others she had changed. To Taylor, this was for the better. She couldn't wait to show the people that cared for her the most what she had been working on.
The tour and everyone involved, including Taylor's parents and Joe had arrived in Santa Clara nearly two days ago. Between sound checks and last minute rehearsals, the singer and her man had been laying low, with some intermittent city exploring. As showtime approached, it was clear to anyone passing by that Taylor was a giddy, giggly and excited girl. A huge smile was consistently on her face, and even if it did disappear, one word or one person could quickly bring it back.
That smile could be seen on the blonde young woman as she made her way down the steps from the stage after the first night of this tour stop.
Her mother was there waiting, and Taylor knew that her father had probably taken Joe to another part of the stadium to talk about golf, politics, or to gush over his extremely talented daughter.
"You've got 10 minutes, Tay." Andrea smiles softly at her daughter, passing her a water bottle and a bowl of fruit from the snack table they had for the dancers and band after every show.
"Thanks, Mom!" Taylor called out, taking the water and fruit before hurrying down the hallway to her dressing room.
Rushing to get freshened up to meet fans after the show was an anticipation Taylor would never grow tired of. She loved every minute of it, even if she found herself never having enough time.
The ten minutes she did have always flew by and before she knew it her mother or her publicist Tree would be knocking or banging on her dressing room door with a 'Times up, Taylor! We gotta go!'.
She emerged from the room in an army green button up dress, with a tie at her waist - still holding her now almost empty water bottle.
As she walked alongside her mother, they made small talk about the show and the different fans Andrea and the team had spotted, "Where's Joe?" Taylor asked curiously, her eyebrows furrowed.
The older woman chuckled softly, "Your father took him to hand out guitar pics." She explained, "And most likely to talk about you."
Taylor nodded, "He'll be so shy around everyone." She smiled softly, knowing how much of an introvert he was - even being an actor for a living.
Andrea smiled at her daughter, reaching the rep room for this stop before turning to her, "Ready?"
"Always." She brightly smiles, giving her mom a big hug, "Track down Dad and Joe for me?"
Her mother chuckled again, "Of course, sweetie. Have a good time."
She entered with an excited smile, causing the room to erupt in screams and callings of her name.
This was one of her favourite times of the night.
Nearly an hour later, several pizza boxes were empty, many pictures had been taken and the room was still buzzing with enthusiastic energy.
She had just said goodbye to two best friends before moving onto a small group of girls standing together. Taylor greeted them all with a big hug individually before they began talking about the show, her cats, and how Joe was doing.
The rep room was going so well and Taylor was having a blast until she wasn't.
"Tay!" A girl from the group beamed, a slight smirk on her face before she furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm just wondering...how'd you get so thick? I mean look at your legs, girl."
She was stunned. Her cheeks grew instantly hot and bright red and her mind raced.
Was she really thick?
Taylor knew she had gained weight over the last year, but when she saw herself in the mirror - she looked less skinny, more healthy.
Had she gained too many pounds?
Was she fat?
Taylor gulped loudly, her eyes unable to focus on anything or anybody in the room as she searched for words to say.
The rest of the girls that were standing in the cluster had all turned their heads to the one with the question. Their eyes wide, their faces confused and worried. They looked mortified.
One of the girls in the group said something but Taylor couldn't make it out. It was like she was under water and everyone's voices were muffled all around her.
The singer cleared her throat, "I uh, I don't know I guess I just started eating what I wanted and I'm happier." She stuttered her words slightly, before quickly offering to take a photo with the group and moving onto the last fan standing in line.
She couldn't get it out of her head. It wouldn't leave, it wouldn't diminish, it wouldn't and couldn't be ignored.
And just as the words couldn't be ignored, neither could the look on her face. She disappeared into the hallway just outside the rep room as soon as she had met everyone that had been picked by her team.
She blinked back salty tears, pushing her hair that stuck to her sweaty face behind her shoulders - her body insecurities amplified to a higher level than when she was a teenager.
The young woman had worked for years to learn to push comments like that out of her mind and move on with her day, but this one she just couldn't shake.
Goosebumps cascaded up and down her limbs and her chest, the air blowing by hitting them as she walked through the hallways of the lower levels of the stadium.
Her dressing room door was cracked open slightly, the light glimmering from inside the room. She swung the door open with both of her sweaty hands, before pushing it closed and leaning against the cool concrete.
A tear rolled down her cheek as she glanced down at her body, picking out the flaws that she had spent most of her life believing were just a part of her.
A soft rustle came from the other side of the room, causing Taylor to look up - her show makeup now running down her cheeks.
His face dropped instantly, eyes filled with worry and eyebrows furrowed. They both stared at each other for a few moments before he took in a sharp breath, "...Tay...."
She could hear the worry and nervousness in his voice and suddenly needed his touch. She needed him there.
He saw the pain in her eyes. It was bleeding out of her. Joe moved quickly over to his girl, wrapping his arms around her small frame tightly with one around her back and the other up at the base of her neck, "What happened, baby? Please just tell me what happened." He mumbled into her blonde, golden hair.
Tears soaked Joe's white cotton shirt, her fingers clenched the material as she breathed in the lingering smell of her favourite cologne of his, "I just want to go." She mumbled back in between her cries.
Joe nodded, pulling away and pushing Taylor's damp hair out of her face, "And then will you tell me what's wrong?" He whispered, wiping away her tears with the pads of his thumbs.
Taylor glanced down, taking in a snotty breath through her nose, "Only if you carry me out of here."
Joe chuckled quietly, kissing her face softly before lifting her up bridal style and walking with her out of the stadium - to the car that was to take the couple back to the hotel.
The ride was silent, the air in the car was dense and it had started to rain on the coastal city.
As soon as they had arrived back in their hotel room, Taylor spent nearly ten minutes taking off her show makeup and washing her face.
She couldn't help but stare at herself in the mirror as she changed into one of Joe's old shirts, starting to believe that maybe she had gained too much weight and that she was fat.
Her legs were bigger, her hips curved out wider and her stomach wasn't as flat anymore.
"Tay? Everything alright?" Joe asked softly, knocking on the door after she had shut it twenty minutes ago.
His voice slightly startled the woman, "Yeah." She replied, emerging from the bathroom.
Joe frowned, taking her hand and leading her to the bed. He helped her in and climbed in behind her, pulling her into his arms so Taylor's head was leaning back against his chest.
"Can you tell me what happened now babe?" He whispered near her ear, moving to kiss her shoulder.
Taylor sighed, "In the rep room.." She started, her voice shaky, "A girl...a girl asked me how I got so thick. It's the pregnancy rumours all over again." She cried, "I've gained too much. I'm fat."
Joe let out a deep breath, "Hey, Hey, Hey don't cry love." He says gently, his voice calming her instantly, "You are not fat. You wanna know what I think?" Joe rhetorically asks, "I think you are absolutely the most beautiful girl in the world. I love the weight that you gained because you look healthy, baby. The curves around your hips are so attractive, and I know you get self conscious about your stomach sometimes, but Taylor you have such good ab muscles that you shouldn't worry about it." He takes a deep breath, craning his neck to look deep into her blue eyes, "And your thighs, babe. Wow, your thighs look so good and your butt just makes me want to touch it all day. It's hot. Every part of you is beautiful whether you're a size 0 or a size 5. Even if you don't think it is, you're beautiful to me, baby."
Tears streamed down her face, but this time they were the product of the fact that she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have a man like Joe Alwyn in her life. She had waited a long time for a love like this, and she finally had found it.
He loved her regardless of her body, her flaws, her pet peeves and how she plays with her lip when she gets nervous.
He loved her regardless if she was as skinny as she was when she was a teenager, or the size she'll be when she's old and wrinkly.
"How did I get so lucky." She whispered between her cries, sitting up and turning around to crash her lips into his as her tears rolled down her cheeks.
Joe kisses her back with a smile, pulling away before shrugging, "Because I hit the jackpot with the girl I fell in love with."
Taylor smiled softly, cupping his face and kissing him again, "I love you so much." She whispered into the kiss.
"I love you more. No matter what." The British man replied, knowing in his heart that he was the luckiest man in the world.
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starryeyes-oneshots · 6 years
there will be time
Taylor sighed in her seat as the black SUV drove through the rainy roads of a spring evening in Nashville. She wished she was more excited and felt better about finally seeing her boyfriend after weeks of being away from each other. Between her world tour and his movie production, the two lovers hadn't been in the same bed at night for weeks, and it was driving Taylor up the wall.
She wanted him.
She needed him.
They had been together long enough that she knew that he was it. He was the one, and she had a feeling that Joe felt the same way. There had been some hints that he would randomly drop, which made Taylor very anxious over the fact that he may propose in the near future.
The singer rested her head back in her seat, reaching for the ibuprofen bottle in her bag and the bottle of water next to her as her stomach seemed to be in more pain with each second that passed.
Joe and her had planned such a romantic evening, and she even shaved her legs last night in the hotel bathtub.
Much to Taylor's dismay, her period arrived this morning and she was feeling crummier than an overdone cookie. Her head hurt, her boobs hurt, her stomach was bloated as if she was pregnant, and her cramps brought out the worst, grumpiest version of herself. Not the self she wanted her lover to see when she arrived home in a few minutes.
The driver pulled up to her suburban home on the outskirts of the music city, before Taylor thanked him graciously and swung her bag over her shoulder, leaving the car.
Taylor wiped a tear from her cheek, and entered the front door of the two story home. She dropped her bag, kicked off her shoes and let her bare feet touch the cold tile as she walked into the living room.
He was no where to be found.
Joe quietly came down the steps without Taylor noticing him and he wrapped his arms around her torso from behind, burying his face in her blonde head of curls that covered her shoulders. He breathed in her coconut shampoo and softly closed his eyes, "I missed you."
He accidentally startled the grumpy singer, causing her to gasp at his touch and her mood to diminish even further. She was so happy to see him, but she was so irritated with everything, including the fact that her time of the month decided to come a little too early.
"Mhm." Taylor mumbled, feeling tears pricking her eyes as she stared at the light switch on the wall.
Joe furrowed his eyebrows and turned his girl around in his arms, pushing her hair out of her face, noticing her upset nature, "Everything okay baby?" He asked, looking her over quickly before trying to reconnect his eyes with hers. She wouldn't look at him.
Taylor stayed silent, constantly shifting her gaze to everything but him. She missed him so much, and felt so guilty that she didn't want anything to do with the plans they had originally made. The girl felt he wouldn't even want to look at her once he knew.
She felt terrible, and the worst thing was that she couldn't control any of it. It wasn't that big of a deal, and Taylor knew Joe would tell her that, but her hormones were making it bigger than she wanted.
"Tay." The British man spoke, lifting her chin up with his finger and looking deep into her blue eyes, "Tell me what's wrong."
Taylor pushed his hand away and turned around, "I'm fine!" She snapped, wiping a tear from her eye and trudged up the steps, now with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Joe knew exactly what to do when Taylor was like this. It wasn't often, but he could tell she was on her period, and was not happy about it. It clicked to him that she was upset because of the plans they had originally talked about. He felt terrible that she was feeling gross, and knew he just needed to leave her be for a little bit of time.
He scribbled a note that he was heading to the store and would be back soon and slipped it under the door of the master bedroom. Joe grabbed his keys and drove to the store on the rainy evening.
In the meanwhile, Taylor laid curled up in the middle of their bed, clenching her stomach as she impatiently waited for the medicine to take effect.
Reruns of Friends played on the television with the volume down low, and the rain began to hit the window harder.
Taylor's tears dried on her cheeks, an unsettling feeling in her stomach as she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Joe returned nearly half an hour later with a couple of grocery bags, takeout for dinner, and his girl's favourite bottle of wine. Joe didn't know if she would be up to having a drink, but he figured they could save it for when she was really feeling better. He kicked off his shoes, walked into the kitchen and quietly set his purchases on the granite countertop. After putting the wine and a couple of groceries away in the fridge, he took the rest of the bags upstairs to the master bedroom.
When he opened the door, he smiled to himself, noticing Taylor sleeping soundly in the middle of their California king bed.
The British man sat down beside the woman he loved most in the world and gently pushed her blonde hair behind her ear, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
Taylor stirred in the bed and took a few moments before slowly opening her eyes, instantly beginning to cry when she saw Joe, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She cried, her face scrunching up as tears streamed out of her eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey." Joe whispered, his face flashed with concern and worry, "Shhh, baby. You don't need to cry."
He slowly helped her sit up and pulled the upset girl into his arms, pressing his lips to her shoulder as he held her hands and rubbed circles on the tops of them with his thumbs, "Shhhh." He continued to whisper until Taylor's tears eventually slowed.
Taylor wiped her eyes, pulling herself together as she rested her head against Joe's chest, "I got my period this morning and I feel so shitty and I'm so grumpy today and I figured if we weren't gonna do what we talked about you wouldn't want to see me and cramps are so bad and I feel terrible that I don't wanna have-" She rambled, working herself up again.
"Taylor." Joe whispers calmly, stopping his girl, "It's okay. You can't control it baby."
"You're not mad at me?" She asked, turning her head to face him.
Joe chuckled softly, "No! Not at all! Why would you think that love?"
Taylor frowned with a shrug, "I don't know."
Joe kissed her face with a smile, "I went to the store."
"Please tell me you bought chocolate." Taylor yawned, her face growing pale as she clenched her stomach again.
Joe furrowed his eyebrows, "We need to address your cramps first love."
Taylor sighed, "Can you help me?" She asked, remembering last month when he surprised her with a massage.
"Of course." He smiles, moving the bag from target, and the fast food bag before standing up from the bed, "Is it just your stomach, or your back too?"
"Both." She says quietly, closing her eyes in pain. Taylor sat on the edge of the bed, turned away from her man, hunched over.
Joe slowly lifted her shirt up, tucking it slightly under her bra to secure it. He gently began to apply pressure on Taylor's lower back, "Does that feel okay?"
Taylor nodded, her eyes still closed and appreciating the pain relief that her man was providing her, "Yes, thank you."
Joe continued for nearly five minutes before standing up again beside the bed, "Roll over, baby."
Taylor turned herself and laid down on Joe's side of the bed, her bloated stomach still exposed, "Joe?"
He climbed onto the bed, one leg on either side of Taylor, before applying soft pressure to his girl's lower abdomen, "Yeah love?"
"I love you." She whispered, her eyes barely open as she watched her boyfriend help her cramps immensely.
"I love you too." He smiles, reaching down and kissing her stomach for no reason.
When he was finished, he pulled Taylor's shirt back down to cover her abdomen and leaned over her to kiss her face, "Feel better?"
Taylor nodded, her eyes growing heavy as she noticed the takeout bag, "Were you just gonna keep that for yourself?" She asked, turning back to Joe.
He shook his head, climbing off the bed and grabbing the bag, bringing it back to Taylor, "It's probably cold now."
Taylor shrugged, leaning her head against the headboard, "It would've been cold if we had sex too."
Joe smiled, "There will be time for that baby."
"I know." She whispered, hunching over and pressing her lips against his, "And I'm thankful for that."
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starryeyes-oneshots · 6 years
you are my sunshine
request: Joe comes home from a movie shoot early to surprise Taylor and Selena ends up being there, but since they are so lovey dovey and cuddly, Selena keeps making fun of them while they play games or something.
"I'll see you next week, okay? I love you baby." Joe yawned on the other end of the line as Taylor wiped a tear from her face.
She nodded, biting her lip, clenching the phone a little tighter with her cold fingers, "Okay." She whispers, visibly upset, "I love you too."
Taylor hung up and set her phone down on the counter, readily accepting her best friend's hug.
Joe and Taylor had been together nearly two years, and this was the first long-haul movie production that he had been casted for since their relationship got serious. So serious that the two lovebirds were living together. He hadn't been home in over two weeks, and wasn't due to come home until next week. The only thing keeping Taylor going was that this was the last week of filming and then he would be home for a good while.
"Come on, Tay." Selena softly smiled, rubbing small circles into Taylor's back before they parted, "Let's eat food and watch some movies. You're so close and I'll help you get the rest of the way."
Taylor nodded, sniffling as she pushed her hair out of her face, "I owe you this one."
The brunette shook her head, "You will if you forget our nachos in the oven."
Taylor laughed, thankful she had someone to lean on when her man had to be away for a considerable amount of time. She walked over to the oven and pulled the tray out, coughing away into her arm, "Okay come dish up."
The two girls grab their plates of nachos and sit down on the couch, putting in a movie.
"Tay?" Selena asked after a couple minutes of eating in silence.
Taylor's face flashed an expression of concern as she put her plate down, "What's wrong?"
The brunette covers her mouth with her hand, shutting her eyes for a few seconds, "I still haven't told him I'm pregnant."
Taylor slid over to her friend and wrapped her arms around her, "It's okay, you've still got some time, right?"
"Yeah, but we had a really big fight the other day and I know he doesn't want it." She says solemnly, resting her head on Taylor's shoulder.
"Oh honey yes he does. I promise." She whispers, "You guys have wanted this for a long time, and now it's happening!"
Taylor knew that her friend was more than beyond anxious to tell her boyfriend that they were expecting a child, especially because the two of them had been off and on, and currently they were pretty much off.
A tear rolls down Selena's cheek and Taylor quickly wiped it away with her thumb, "It's gonna be okay. I promise love." Taylor reassured her friend.
"Thank you so much Tay." Selena whispered, leaning back and smiling at the blonde.
"You're welcome." She smiled, "Now, we're missing the movie."
Selena laughed and they picked up their plates full of nachos, just as the front door unlocked and swung open.
Both of the girl's eyes went wide, wondering who the hell was at Taylor's house on a Wednesday night. Selena noticed first, a huge smile forming on her face. Taylor furrowed her eyebrows at her friend before turning around and seeing the one person who could make her heart skip a beat.
She gasped, instantly beginning to cry as she walked over to her man and wrapped her arms around him.
Joe picked up Taylor, holding her tightly as she clung her legs around his and cried into his shoulder, "Hey baby." He whispered into her ear as he kissed her temple, breathing in her coconut shampoo, "I've missed you."
"You're here, you're here, you're here." Taylor repeated in between her tears as she clung to Joe for dear life.
He smiles softly, a tear rolling down his cheek, "Yes, I'm here love." He whispers, setting her down on the counter and cupping her face before kissing her deeply.
Tears roll quickly out of Taylor's eyes, "How did you get here?" She asked, very confused, "You weren't supposed to come back until next week!"
Joe smiled, wiping Taylor's tears away with his thumbs, "We finished earlier than expected, and I couldn't wait to get home to you."
She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, letting out a breath she didn't even know she had, "I love you."
"I love you too baby." He whispers, remembering they weren't alone, "I didn't know Selena was gonna be here, because then the surprise would've included sex."
Taylor giggles under her breath, "You're such a bad boy."
Joe smirked, pushing Taylor's hair behind her ear.
Taylor turned and looked to see her friend sitting on the couch, alone, "She's not doing too well." Taylor whispered to the love of her life, "She hasn't told him and is scared he doesn't want it."
Joe sighed, rubbing his hands up and down Taylor's thighs, "We should let her stay here tonight." He whispers.
"But.." Taylor furrowed her eyebrows, knowing they were gonna have super hot sex later that night.
Joe laughed, picking Taylor up again, "We can still have sex baby." He whispered before carrying her over to their friend.
Selena smiled at the two of them, happier than both Taylor and Joe would've thought that she would be, "Y'all are getting cuddly over there." She smirked, finishing her plate of nachos.
Taylor blushed, still standing with Joe as she turned her face into his chest like a little kid.
"Wait you guys made nachos and didn't tell me!?" Joe gasped, noticing Taylor's semi-eaten plate on the coffee table.
Selena nodded, "Yeah and you almost made us burn them because Taylor was on the phone with you." She joked as Taylor turned back and laughed.
"She's not wrong." Taylor yawned, picking up the plate for Joe to have some of her nachos, "Here, have some."
He took a couple and sat down on the couch before Taylor sat beside him and cuddled up into his side.
"We were gonna watch Love Actually but I'm not sure if you want to." Selena says, grabbing the remote from the table.
"No, that's cool whatever you two wanna watch." He says, leaning over and kissing Taylor's head.
Selena smiled at the two of them, playing the movie and sitting back in the chair that was beside the couch.
Taylor yawned and moved her head, reaching up to kiss the man she loved the most in this world.
"Get a room!" Selena joked, making both of them pull away quickly and Taylor's cheeks quickly turned strawberry red.
Joe laughed and smiled at Taylor, "She's just kidding honey."
Taylor blushed, returning her head to where it was resting against Joe's chest, so exhausted she could fall asleep within seconds.
Joe softly stroked Taylor's hair as her eyes grew heavier, finally relaxed enough to be able to fall asleep. Within ten minutes into her favourite movie, Taylor was out cold.
"I guess she was tired." Selena smiled at Joe, ushering her glance towards her sleeping friend.
Joe looked down, smiling at how peaceful his girl looked, "I guess she was." He says, "Or she finally relaxed enough to fall asleep."
The brunette nodded, "That's probably more like it." She yawned herself, "You two are just so good together."
Joe glances down at Taylor, who was stirring in his arms, "Thank you Sel." He says softly.
"No problem." Selena responded before the room grew quiet except for the movie playing on the television.
As the credits rolled through, Taylor was awake again and Selena was just getting up off of the chair, "I should go. Thanks for having me Tay."
Joe shook his head, "No, Selena you can stay here. We don't mind."
Selena's eyes went wide, "You two need some alone time and I don't want to get in the way of that, it's okay really."
Taylor sat up on the couch, her hair tussled from sleeping, "Sel. You're staying."
The brunette grew slightly embarrassed, "Well thank you. I'll sleep on the couch though."
Taylor nodded as Joe went upstairs and returned with a pillow and a blanket for their friend.
"If you get hungry, just help yourself." Taylor smiled as they all said goodnight, before the two lovers headed upstairs for the night.
Joe shut the door, putting his head on Taylor's waist and pulling her in close before pressing his lips deeply against hers.
"I missed you so much." Taylor whispered in between their kisses.
Joe smiled, putting his other hand on the back of her head, his fingers getting tangled in Taylor's luscious blonde hair, "You're my sunshine baby." He whispered, lifting her up and laying her down on the bed.
Taylor giggles as Joe leaned down, cupping her face as he kissed her lips again with passion. She ran her cool fingers over her boyfriend's cotton shirt, feeling his toned abs that hid underneath, "So, that surprise."
Joe smirked as he played with the hem of the bottom of Taylor's shirt, "You bet we're having sex." He whispered, lifting Taylor's shirt up over her head, throwing it onto the floor beside the bed.
"But Selena is downstairs." Taylor whispers, slightly worried about their friend hearing them make love.
Joe pressed his finger to Taylor's lips, "Shhh." He whispered, "We just have to keep it down."
The singer softly smiled, looking deeply into her lover's blue eyes, "I love you."
"I love you more sunshine." Joe whispered, kissing Taylor's neck as the blonde girl couldn't believe that the one she wanted most in the world was finally home.
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