somewherefornow · 2 months
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forginglace · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Justice Society of America (Comics), The Flash (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jay Garrick/Joan Williams, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick Characters: Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick Additional Tags: Bathing/Washing, Blood and Injury Summary:
After a bloody fight Jay returns to the only person he would think to go to.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
It's That Time Again!!! (1/5)
Through All of Time and Space: Space alien, Thad Thawne, falls to Earth and takes on the form of Bart Allen, making minor changes according to what he saw in orbit... Tim Drake mistakes him for an angel. (yj98/flashfam; TimThad also TimBart; space alien AU)
A Love For All Seasons: Jay Garrick catalogs the first five years of Judy's life. (flashfam/jsa; JayJoan; no powers AU)
magic yellow lightning: AU where Barry keeps Bart while he recovers from a near-death experience. Bart is four years old, and Barry suggests it'd be best for Bart to stay with him on his vacation. (flashfam; BarryIris; no powers AU)
in between seconds: Don goes to the past to speak with his son, knowing his next mission might be his last. They speak to each other between seconds. (flashfam; MeloniDon; canon divergent AU)
Comfortably Wrong, Painfully Right: Bart accidentally sends two similar text messages to Conner and Preston. (flashfam/yj98; KonBart and PrestonBart)
A Joyful Rebellion: AU where Meloni Thawne recalls her time with Digger Harkness. (flashfam/flash rogues; DiggerMeloni)
Nothing But Time: Tim and Thad are roommates and freshman year classmates at Brentwood Academy. Both tightly wound boys struggle to overcome their differences to pass the class's partner assignment. (yj98/batfam/flashfam; TimThad; boarding school AU/no capes AU)
✨Snippets of the fics under the cut to help you guys decide✨
Through All of Time and Space:
The subject’s name is Tim. Bipedal human creature. Non-childbearing. Blue eyes, dark hair, and fewer organs than documented in human literature. I believe something in him is broken. I wonder if he’ll be useful to me in the future despite this. For now, he’s chosen to keep me a secret. I believe this is for his benefit. He doubts his mental faculties despite my original subject, Bart’s declaration of his intelligence. I needed his assistance to assimilate into Earth's culture. 
Tim’s expressions change when he looks at me. His heartbeat slows and his eyes waver as he studies my form. He fails to understand that Bart is my blueprint for appearance and nothing more. I tried to explain it but the explanations only upset him. Human emotion feels complicated. I took the form of someone he had a fondness for, but he looks at me with pain in his eyes and a heaviness in his heart. I apologize to him for it, and he smiles. I don’t understand him. But I want to.
A Love For All Seasons:
Day One: As she lay on my chest, I remembered touching her little head. It was the size of my palm. My heart skipped a beat and found the rhythm of hers. I glanced at Joan as she slept peacefully in her hospital bed, wondering how she could remain so calm. I felt her hands and feet, counting her fingers and toes as tears streamed down my cheeks. How could I ever sleep again? How could I ever relax, knowing her tiny life was in my hands? Her little head that couldn’t fill up my entire palm? Her tiny fragile body with her perfect little face—. She had a full head of hair. It was the last thing I noticed. I spent so much time worrying that I didn’t notice my daughter’s full head of beautiful brown hair. I didn’t notice my eyes and nose and mouth translated onto her little face. It all sank in at that moment. I would love her forever.
magic yellow lightning:
I put his red rubber rain boots on as he sat with his hands stretched out. “Grandpa? Am I magic now?” Bart questioned. 
“Huh?” I asked in reply.
“I got shocked-ed by lightning. Am I magic now?” Bart asked. I smiled as I held his hand. 
There was no harm in letting him see the accident in a fun light. He survived and that was all that mattered. “Yup… And now that we’ve both been struck by lightning, I can tell you all my magic secrets. You can help me make my potions,” I answered. Bart smiled with his eyes shut. “You can open your eyes. If you keep them closed, we won’t be able to tell if you’ve gotten your sight back.” 
“It’s not bad to open them?” Bart questioned. I kneeled beside him, rubbing a smudge on his cheek with my finger. 
“No, it’s not bad. It’s helpful. You’ll start to see lights again, then shapes, and your sight should come back fully in a few days. It happened to me, too. You’re so brave, Bart. I was really scared when it happened to me, but I’m so proud of you. You’ve been such a big boy,” I commended him. He reached up for me to carry him, and I felt his body go limp in my arms. 
“Not seeing makes me sleepy, Grandpa,” Bart mumbled. I rubbed his back, wondering if I upset him. “How am I gonna watch SpongeBob?” I held back a laugh. 
in between seconds:
Time is a lot like origami paper to me. If I use the speed force like fingers, I can fold a straight line into a three-dimensional object. And in those folds are points in time. When Bart was born, I could feel all the creases in time where he touched. So, I searched for a crease in time where he would understand. I kissed my Bart goodbye and ventured through the folds of time until I saw an opening. A pocket in time where he and I could talk. I waited for him to feel my presence in his time. Bart. 
I felt him before I recognized his face. The speed force carries unique energy for all of us. Dawn felt like cool air like the inside of a tornado. Wally felt like the rumble in a thunderstorm. Bart’s energy felt like rippling rays of sunlight, almost like water. Uncontrolled but uniform. 
He met me in a space between milliseconds. “You’re not supposed to be here,” Bart stated. It wasn’t accusatory. It was an observation. My breath caught, and I wanted to cry, but I had an urgency in me that wouldn’t allow it. Not yet. I touched his face, and he gasped. 
“Dad?” Bart questioned as tears streamed down his cheeks. He knew me by energy alone. I nodded. 
“Hi, Bubs… We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Don’t we?” I asked, still holding back my tears as I held his face in my hands. I was pure energy, but he was flesh and blood. My flesh and blood. 
Comfortably Wrong, Painfully RIght:
“Okay… Let me get this right: You have a crush on Kon. You have a crush on Preston. You couldn’t decide which one you wanted to ask out, and you were so baked you sent them the same question. Am I getting this?” Cassie questioned. 
Bart nodded. “Oh, you’re fucked. Like this is better than TV,” Cassie laughed. 
“You’re not helping,” Bart half-shouted before lowering his voice, “They’re both coming tonight. I can’t cancel on Preston because he went through a lot to come here, and—.” 
“Cancel on Conner,” Cassie interrupted. 
“I can’t. How do I tell him I take it back?” Bart replied. Cassie groaned. “Exactly!”
A Joyful Rebellion:
I sat there next to him, hiding in a brand-new HDPE pipe for my father’s new construction project. He pushed his feet out, attempting to roll us, and I laughed. “Hey, amnesia boy… Do you wanna do something bad?” I questioned. He grinned, moving to take off his jacket and shirt while I took a lighter out of my pocket. His eyes widened, and he backed away.
“Kinky… But I prefer my pleasure without pain,” he chuckled. I shook my head and climbed over his lap and out of the tube. He followed me, and I reached down into his pocket for his flask. 
“Wanna see something cool?” I questioned. He bounced his head from side-to-side, and I walked toward the wooden structure of the building and took a swig of his ancient alcohol before spitting and lighting a fire. He hooked an arm around my stomach and pulled me away from the blaze as he laughed. 
He rocked as he walked me back and away with two strong arms wrapped around me. “Good on ya! Fuck that building,” he smiled into my neck. He understood me. Even if it was on a base level, he could accept my actions without any explanation. He didn’t care who my father was. All that mattered was me and what I wanted, and I wanted him. 
“It’s my dad’s,” I replied. He froze, resting his chin on my shoulder. 
“Fuck him,” he whispered. And the weight fell off of me. “Yeah, fuck him. What does he matter? Whatever he did to make you feel this way… Fuck him.” 
Nothing But Time:
Thad sighed as he sprayed the room with an air freshener and opened the window. “God,” Thad groaned as he stifled a gag. He asked for a new roommate, but he didn’t expect someone like that. He covered his mouth and nose with one hand as he looked around in horror at the clothes strewn across the beds and floor. Open soda cans lined the nightstand and dressers. A used bandaid rested on the dresser. He stepped outside, waiting for his new roommate to arrive, growing more and more agitated as time progressed.
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bluboothalassophile · 7 years
A Speedster’s Guide to Messing Up the Laws of Physics
Speed Force Warning Labels...
Barry felt that he had to learn this the hard way, as did the rest of his family, but it was the only remedy really.
The first lesson about life was this:
All the shit he had learned came AFTER the mess up. Now granted Oliver had been there trying to help prevent him from messing up to begin with, but when one moved so fast that the rest the world was at a stand still it was a challenging group of lessons to learn.
Like when Iris’s older half-brother; Rudy, just up and dropped his kid in their laps, not that Wally wasn’t awesome. But it wasn’t like Wally, Iris, and Jo knew anything about the kid that had been dumped on them. Especially since Rudy was only related to Iris through her mother, and she hadn’t ever met Rudy. But there had stood a twelve year old kid looking at the three of them for guidance.
Wally had turned out fine in the long run, but that was a challenge in and of itself.
Then there’d been the particle accelerator, and that night he had been arguing with Wally about jobs, and school, and girls, and everything that had happened to them which had them both in comas, and a distraught Iris and Joe trying to help them.
And that lead to S.T.A.R. Labs. Which was a complicated thing in and of itself as he was now the owner of it and had NO idea what to do with it; still, as they were mostly using it to catch bad metas.
Point was, if anyone had told him that he was going to be best friends with the hotheaded, bossy Oliver Queen, he’d have laughed. If anyone had told him that he’d be the fastest man alive; he’d have laughed. And if someone; anyone, had told him that he actually got the girl, he’d have really laughed before running off.
But it had all worked out, he had the girl, he worked with Oliver in the Justice League; which had opened the door to a whole new set of weird, and he had broken every major Law of Physics in less than ten years.
But that was OK! He fixed it!
He was getting the hang of all of it now; it had only taken ten years but he was really getting the hang of all this.
The hang of being a mentor, uncle, husband, and having an expanding family.
Yup, he had it all under control and it was working out splendidly!
At least that’s what he thought until today.
Today had been a normal day, normal for him with him running late. Iris had run off to meet up with her dad for a cup of coffee to tell him their big news, and Barry was trying to act normal; and late. He’d just been on his way out the door, toast in mouth when there was a knock on his door. Which was odd in and of itself, as his house had an open-door policy just about everyone knew about.
Upon opening the door though Barry had just about fainted.
There stood a kid, about thirteen, with bright eyes, a crooked smile, messy auburn hair, pale brown skin, and a lanky build; he was rather short. But it was like looking at a ghost of his own father (seeing Jay Garrick was always weird but different, Jay had moved to this Earth after most of his Earth had been destroyed, bringing his wife, Joan along with him. It was kind of like Harry moving here, but different and sadder circumstances.). This kid grinned.
“Hi Gramps!” the kid shouted then threw his arms around him. Barry was frozen in shock.
Then the kid was zipping around the place checking it out. Barry called in sick, too flabbergasted to do anything else before catching the kid and dragging the little speedster off with him. He also texted Wally because Wally was going to be needed today, before Iris and Joe found out.
Making his way to S.T.A.R. Labs he managed to have the kid distracted as he handed off some of the boy’s DNA to Caitlin who just looked stunned. But after an hour of DNA tests and distracting the kid Barry found himself blinking dumbly at the results.
“This Is So Crash!” a happy voice announced as the speedster zipped around on a rolling stool with Cisco chasing after the new speedster.
“And he just showed up?” Caitlin said.
“Out of the blue,” Barry repeated. “He was standing on my porch, called me Gramps!”
“Well, he’s not lying about that part,” Caitlin said unhelpfully.
“How!?” Barry did a double take of the screen she had the results up on.
“Stranger things have been known to happen other than a time traveler,” Caitlin said.
“Dude seriously hold still!” Cisco shouted, there was a crash in the other room.
“Hey!Whatchadoing!?Oh, isthatmyDNA!? Itoldyouwewerefamily!” the kid announced with a bounce and Barry caught the kid as Wally walked in.
“Kay, I got your text, I gotta go back to work though, and… what’s this?” Wally blinked, and Barry blinked at his auburn nephew who was staring at the kid.
“WHOA! It’sWallyWest! Iknowallaboutyou, andit’sahugehonortomeetyou!” the kid started.
“Uh…” Wally backed up.
“Hey Wally,” Cisco panted.
“What’s going on? who the hell is that? Why does he know our names, and why is he talking like you?” Wally fired off at him.
“Hey!Where’sGrandma! Iwannasayhitoher! It’s Been FOREVER!” the teen announced as he zipped out then.
“Caitlin will explain!” Barry shouted over his shoulder as he tore after the kid, catching him a block from the café Iris and Joe were at.
“Slow down!” Barry ordered.
The kid just blinked at him with wide eyes.
“Look,” he paused realizing for the first time this morning he had no idea what this kid’s name was. “I’m sorry, but what did you say your name was?”
“Oh, Bart! Bart Allen, time travel extraordinaire!” he smiled and puffed up his chest rather proudly as if this were his greatest accomplishment. Did the kid not see that he might erase himself being in the past right now? Barry would worry about that later then.
“Right, Bart, who’s your grandmother?” he asked, just to make sure he was on the right track here.
“Iris West-Allen,” the kid rolled his eyes like this were obvious.
“Right, look, I’d like a chance to talk about this with Iris before you spring up on her, so… why don’t I get to know you? You can tell me why you’re in the past,” Barry said.
“I’m crashing the mode, aren’t I?” Bart said confidently.
“Kinda, yeah, come on, we’ll talk with Iris about this later,” Barry said as he and Bart started walking away.
“I came to the past on a dare, I’m here so I win!” Bart announced. Barry frowned.
“You came to the past on a dare?” Barry said unimpressed.
“Yeah! Hey, does Jay Garrick live on this earth yet, what about Jesse Quick! OOOOOO! I!”
“Bart, slow down,” Barry smiled at the kid’s enthusiasm because it was a bit contagious.
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timelessmulder · 7 years
singhaway OR jayjoan, gotta pick
u monster
i’ll do jayjoan
who holds the umbrella when it rains: jay, who is a million feet tall
who is the grumpiest in the morning: joan. jay will be up at like 5 am making breakfast and joan will wander out of bed and be a grump for like an hour
who worries more when the other is sick/hurt: they’re both pretty equal
who plays pranks on the other: joan probably
who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa: its a trade off
who insists on creating nicknames for the other: joan.
who drools on the other when they’re asleep: jay
who says ‘I love you’ first: jay says it first and joan immediately calls him a nerd
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reasonstoshipyj · 12 years
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somewherefornow · 1 month
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forginglace · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Justice Society of America (Comics), The Flash (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick Characters: Charles McNider, Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick Additional Tags: Headaches & Migraines, Medical Series: Part 25 of Golden Age JSA Chart Summary:
When Jay can't get the help Joan needs from a local doctor he gets a doctor he knows will be willing to help.
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forginglace · 2 years
9. JoanJay?
Seating Arrangements
Alan should have remembered the last time this happened he thought grimly as he saw Jay and Joan holding hands at the table and gazing into each other’s eyes.
They were sitting at an angle across from each other. Not able to convince anyone to switch seats to put them closer together. Usually not a problem. But sometimes they got into lovesick moods where every inch apart was an ocean.
Today was, as was becoming more clear to Alan, one of those times.
It would be nice if there was a schedule or warning. But despite keeping track Alan had never picked up on a pattern.
It was starting to make everyone uncomfortable, not just Alan. Finally he said, “Jay, why don’t you move your chair over next to Joan?”
He barely got the words out before there was a blur of motion and one side of the table got more crowded.
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timelessmulder · 8 years
jayjoan & julian/rita pls :3c
who holds the umbrella when it rains: jay is like a million feet tall, so it’s him
who is the grumpiest in the morning: joan is 100% not a morning person
who worries more when the other is sick/hurt: it’s pretty equal but joan is 100% more worried since jay started doing superhero nonsense
who plays pranks on the other: they’re both literal children
who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa: jay, usually, but joan gets in on it too
who insists on creating nicknames for the other: it’s joan 100% she has a million goofy nicknames for him
who drools on the other when they’re asleep: jay.
who says ‘I love you’ first: jay, probably
who holds the umbrella when it rains: julian, on account of him being taller
who is the grumpiest in the morning: riiiita is not a morning person at all
who worries more when the other is sick/hurt: equal, bc julian always worries & rita is always worried about julian
who plays pranks on the other: rita
who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa: rita
who insists on creating nicknames for the other: rita
who drools on the other when they’re asleep: julian
who says ‘I love you’ first: definitely rita
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timelessmulder · 7 years
thefortunatesons replied to your post: who wants…showverse jayjoan headcanons
joan has a lot of ridiculous nicknames for jay
the ones he has for her are really just variations of “jo”
when jay gets back from earth-1 he learns that joan has effectively adopted several sad 20-somethings to match the sad 20-somethings he’d acquired
also when jay gets back they find it difficult to be apart for long stretches of time bc Oh Boy what ~1 year of forced separation can do
joan swears like a sailor (esp in comparison to jay, who rarely says anything worse than “hell”) so they have a swear jar. when its full they get ice cream
Lots Of Swing Dancing
joan stitches a small blue tit (or what’s supposed to be one) into the inner lining of his jacket bc they’re a symbol of returning home
jay is nearly a foot and a half taller than she is (6′4 to her 5′ even) and 100% plays keep away from her
after being married to him for ~15 years she’s figured out how to Win
after jay’s Return the two just stay up ridiculously late because sleeping is hard
they have fallen asleep together in the living room because of this
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timelessmulder · 7 years
who wants...showverse jayjoan headcanons
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timelessmulder · 7 years
why hasn’t show fandom given me any jayjoan content
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timelessmulder · 8 years
evens for the ask meme :3c
ask me fandom ship stuff
2. Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
like?? singhaway?? i thought it was weird for a while but now i’m On Board
4. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
6. What is your most angsty ship?
it’s hartmon
8. Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
zaerith....i love zaerith...
10.  Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl?
like all of the ships that involve eobard cut that shit OUT
12. What is your favourite canon ship?
i’d die for singhaway and jayjoan
14. Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
not...really? like i guess singhaway but ??? i rly don’t think so
16. Is there a ship that made you realise something about yourself?
18. Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you?
yes. and i’m going to leave it at that
20. Have you ever created fan created content for a ship?
yeah!!! i write fanfic :3c
22.  Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have?
24. What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships?
Cute Snuggles
26. Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to. 
i rly can’t think of any?  
28.  Is there a character you have several ships for?
Yep! Several
30.Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom?
i rly don’t care for like 99% of content created for hartmon
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timelessmulder · 8 years
how about some Good jayjoan hcs :3c
(for showverse au stuff)
joan owns a lot of flash merch bc she thinks it’s hilarious that her dork of a husband is Famous
after jay returns home joan stitches a crude blue tit into the inner lining of his jacket (bc of sailor symbolism stuff)
Joan Sits On The Shoulders Of Her Tall Husband Constantly
while jay’s stuck on e1 she starts sleeping in his shirts & he listens to voicemails from her
when it came to romantic stuff when they were first dating jay was the sweetest, most awkward dork
jay puts his arm on joan like an arm rest bc she is a good foot and a half shorter than he is and that’s just What You Do
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