#jay hasltead x you
The Day You Finally Caught a Break
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 1,574
Warnings: FLUFF. Mentions of sex crimes and crimes involving special victims (all very slight).
Summary: After living in a boring routine, the detective (y/n) (y/l/n) catches a lucky break with her colleague Jay Halstead.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: So, this is my first fic in a while and I am aware that it is very cheesy but I just felt like writing something cheesy. Anyways, I hope you like it!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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The day started just like any other would: waking up earlier than necessary, going for a run, doing some yoga, reading, and finally getting ready to go to work. Sure, to a lot of people that might have been a great morning, having all that time to do all that stuff… The only thing was: you’d been running on nothing beyond routine — one that had become quite boring, to be honest — for a couple of years now. Which made you that weird cop who actually enjoyed the worst cases just because it gave you some sort of purpose, some sort of change. Holding that thought, you were supposed to feel lucky once you and your team got deeper into your current case. But, even with the most boring of lives, a person — a decent human being — couldn’t feel lucky for even knowing something like that happens in the world, much less for having to know every sick and twisted detail of a case that involved sex trafficking, pregnant women, all sorts of assault and child abduction.
After it was “over”, around midnight, all of Intelligence seemed to silently agree on staying as long as necessary to finish their reports. Everybody thinking the same way: finishing this today, I can get outta here, get drunk, and put it in a box in the back of my head — where it’ll stay forever. As soon as someone would finish the paperwork, they’d grab their coat, mutter something resembling a goodbye, and rush out of there like the room was on fire. Molly’s wouldn’t be open anymore and none of you really wanted to spend time with each other to risk having to talk out what had happened. And then something strange happened.
Instead of just leaving like your partner Kim and his partner Kevin before her, Ruzek just stood at the door frame, waiting. For Upton. What? He kept looking at her desk so it was pretty obvious but the confirmation came when the detective got up saying: “Hey, Jay, I’mma get going now. You okay if we do our thing some other day?”
By the time Halstead looked up, she was almost reaching Adam which shocked the shit out of you but didn’t seem to faze him much, who only answered: “Yeah. Sure. Night, guys.” And then there were two—the only two Intelligence members who never exchanged more than a couple of polite measures.
Nevertheless, your gossip-starved soul got the best of you, who ended up blurting out a “They’re together?” to no one less than Jay Halstead. For a minute or so the other detective just looked around the room, as if expecting someone to jump out of nowhere and answer your question. But, after your eyes eventually met, he decided on answering.
“Eh… I don’t really know”, he started, while scratching the back of his neck, “I mean, it’s not like I’ve asked, you know?”
“Ah…” Was all you found to say after he stopped for a moment, but he continued.
“That’s just not really how it works between us. But the other day he did show up at her place late at night, which was suspicious. To say the least.” The words just flew right out of his mouth, surprising both of you, who started chuckling awkwardly at the recognition, “this is the first actual conversation we’ve had after all this time working together, isn’t it?”, he asked, ultimately.
“Yeah, I think it is,” you said, now full-on laughing. “God, I can’t believe that the first time I worked up the courage to actually talk to you was to ask for gossip!” You exclaimed, knowing that your cheeks were probably burning up with embarrassment.
“To be honest, I kinda needed to share that with someone. Especially after this moment here.” He confessed, making you laugh and forcing himself to laugh a bit more to try and hide the fact that he couldn’t stop staring at you. It just went wrong when his mouth betrayed him by saying: “You look so damn cute right now!”
"Well, it isn't every day that one finds out that the detective Jay Halstead is a gossip. Which makes me wonder who the cute one really is…"
"Oh, so that's where you're going with this?" He asked with his eyes twinkling. "Because I can prove just how not cute I am…"
"Oh?" You replied simply wondering what kind of proof he could provide against that.
"In fact, I have just the perfect idea, but, for that, you'd have to agree on going out with me first." Jay himself couldn't believe he finally managed to invite you out.
"Ooh, as in a d- date?" Who were you? Stuttering? C'mon!
"A date, yes." He answered, making you feel relieved and nervous again all at the same time.
"Yeah, I, uh, I wouldn't mind that at all. We can try and think of a date that works for both of us…" You suggested.
"Well, on Wednesday I'll be off, how about you?" Jay asked quickly.
"Oh no, that day I have somethings Platt wanted me to do. How about next Monday?"
"That's a no for me, 'cause I'm pulling doubles next week.*
“Maybe this is a crazy idea but have you finished your report yet?” He asked quizzically.
“Uh, hitting the send button right now. Why?
“Then what if we do it now?”
“The date thingy?” You asked shyly, afraid that had been just a momentaneous thought that came out of his mouth too fast.
At that, he looked at you in awe, mesmerized by how adorable you were. “Yes. The date thingy.”
A million thoughts crossed your mind, including the one that that was a lifetime opportunity and that you should be better dressed, but figuring that saying something like that would only make you miss the opportunity, you settled for asking: “But where would we go? Like, it’s past 1 a.m., Jay, I don’t think there are a lot of places open…”
“Well, I might have a few ideas… Do you trust me?” He asked, holding his hand out to you, who grabbed it at the same time as you grabbed your jacket and purse with your other hand.
“Do you really need to ask that?"
And, like that, some time later you found yourself pulling up to the address Jay had texted you, which was in Canaryville, and it turned out to be an old movie theater that apparently was doing a week of classics with sessions at all times of the day. How Jay knew about that, though, was a mystery to you.
"Hey!" You heard him calling as he crossed the street. "You made a better time getting here than I did!"
"Yeah, well, my car might be faster than your old one," you replied, shrugging innocently.
"Haha, very funny," he deadpanned.
"Hey, this is a cool idea but how did you know it is happening?" You asked, genuinely curious. "I mean, you just don't seem a lot like a movie nerd to me."
"Well, there are still many things you don't know about me. But this one specifically is because I grew up around here and the owner is a friend of my family, so he always lets Will and I know about what's going on with the place."
"Hmmm, that explains it!" You exclaimed with a tad of satisfaction for not being too far off about him.
"But I do enjoy movies, okay?" You made a face of disbelief at him. To which he replied with: "It's true, alright? I'll admit that these days I haven't had much time for it but when I was growing up around here, this place was practically my second home!"
"Oh, so you've brought many others here, I'll assume!" You teased, suddenly feeling more comfortable and consequently more confident.
"Don't! Don't assume that! Growing up I wasn't very successful with the ladies and after that changed I haven't come here often…"
"Ooh, so that means that I'm your first?" You mocked, putting your hand to your heart, "Wow, I'm truly touched now!"
"Yeah, sure, have your fun with me all you want! All I really care about is the fact that I finally managed to get you to go out with me, so I can only hope you'll enjoy yourself." Him saying that, while gazing so intently at you, was making you weak on your knees and got you blushing a bit as well. So you tried to get the attention off you.
"Okay! Then let's pick a movie and watch it already, 'cause tomorrow's probably not gonna be any shorter."
A couple of hours later you and Jay were walking down the street towards a Waffle House while chatting and laughing about the movie like two best friends, which felt really nice but also made you a little confused about the being a date of that date the two of you were on. But, after you both had cleaned your plates at the diner, Jay came onto your bench to clean the corner of your mouth with a napkin, and next thing you knew, you were kissing very passionately in public like a couple of teens, forgetting about the rest of the world altogether, which made you realized, once more, how dull and colorless your life was previous to that moment so you held on to it and you held on to the man behind it.
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deanstead · 4 years
Treat Her Right
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Halstead!Reader, Jay Halstead x Hasltead!Reader x Will Halstead
Request by anon: Could I get maybe a Severide x Halstead!sister story. They just recently got together and haven’t told anyone yet. But then she gets sick or in an accident and her brothers find out while she’s in the hospital. Little bit of gruff protective brothers before they give their blessing.
Word Count: 1,359
Warnings: mentions of injury/blood, car accident, angst, fluff
A/N: Filing this under Kelly Severide but Halstead!Sister moments here too! I hope you like this one too! Thanks for reading!
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You smiled across at Kelly who was sitting a few tables away from you and your brothers at Molly’s.
Kelly winked and you looked back down at your drink, smiling.
“Y/N? Hello? Are you here?” Jay’s voice made you look up again.
“What?” You asked, trying to focus on Jay, your eyes unconsciously flicking to your boyfriend again.
It had been barely a month and you weren’t quite ready to tell your brothers yet. Will and Jay might not seem like it to others but they were protective, and sometimes a bit too protective.
Kelly had been nothing but supportive, saying that he’d follow your lead and that the both of you could keep it on the down low for as long as you wanted or needed. “Whatever makes you happy.” Kelly had said with a smile and you could feel the warm fuzz in your chest just at the memory of that conversation.
Kelly was the only other person that made you feel this loved, safe and happy, other than your brothers. And that was saying a lot.
Jay narrowed his eyes at you. “Are you hiding something from us?”
You paused. “What? Why would I be hiding something from you?”
Jay and Will exchanged a look before Will steered the conversation back to what they had been talking about before and you made a more concerted effort to be involved.
Kelly whistled as he walked into the firehouse and Matt looked at him, narrowing his eyes.
“You’ve been in a good mood recently.” Matt commented, closing his locker.
Kelly shrugged. “Things have just been good.”
“With Y/N?” Matt asked, raising his eyebrows. Kelly’s head shot up as Matt smirked.
“Safe with me.” Matt grinned, just as the familiar bells rang out through the fire house.
Squad 3. Truck 81. Ambulance 61. Car Accident.
Kelly glanced at Matt, a small smile playing on his lips. “Down low, you hear me?”
Matt gave Kelly a salute as they got into their respective trucks, pulling out of the station and hurtling towards the address of the accident.
Kelly frowned as they approached the scene of the accident and felt his heart drop to his feet as he recognised the familiar battered car that had tipped onto its side. Your car.
“Y/N…” Kelly muttered, jumping out of the truck the moment it came to a stop and racing towards you.
You groaned, forcing your eyes open despite the blood that was running down your face from the large gash across your forehead.
“Shh shh, baby, look at me.” Kelly called out to you and your eyes flicked to him. “I’m right here. Breathe. I’m going to get you out of here, okay?”
“I need some cribbing and struts over here to stabilise this thing!” Kelly yelled. “Don’t let it tip over!”
“Hey, stay with me okay?” Kelly was talking to you this time. You smiled back up at him and tried to nod but your head gave a painful throb. “Y/N honey, don’t move, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.” You groaned as you heard the loud sounds from their equipment, obviously trying to cut through the metal to get through to you.
“Eyes on me, eyes on me.” Kelly repeated, as you heard the grunts of the rest of the firefighters as they pulled open the roof of the car.
“Hey, I need a C-Collar and a backboard!” Joe yelled.
“Shh, it’s okay.” Kelly soothed as he gently fit the c-collar around your neck, trying not to jostle you and you felt yourself being slid onto the backboard and lifted.
“Kel…” You tried to reach out for him.
“I got this, Lieutenant.” Joe reassured, nodding to Kelly.
Kelly glanced at Matt, who gave him a thumbs up. “Go on, I got the scene.”
Kelly clambered into the ambulance with you, holding your hand all the way as the ambulance sped towards Med.
Kelly stood over you, holding your hand.
“Kelly, I’m fine.” You reassured, smiling as the door slid open and your brothers came bursting into the room.
Jay raised his eyebrows as he saw Kelly there, Will’s eyes darting towards your entwined hands. Before they could say anything else, Connor came into the room.
“Connor, how is she?” Will asked, his attention immediately focused on his friend.
Connor smiled. “Don’t worry, she’s fine. The scans show no internal bleeding, her cognitive function and movement are good. She has a slight concussion so we’ll just give her some Tylenol in case she has any headaches.”
“So she can be discharged?” Jay asked, his eyes still darting towards Kelly.
Connor nodded, “I’ll get a nurse to do up the paperwork.”
Connor quietly left the room. Kelly quietly smiled at you, stepping backwards as your brothers charged forward.
“You feeling okay?” Jay asked, stroking the top of your head gently, his worried eyes scanning you.
“I’m fine.” You repeated what you had just told Kelly, smiling up at them. Will didn’t say anything but turned, only to realise that Kelly had left the room, choosing to wait outside.
“Something you want to tell us?” Will asked.
You smiled sheepishly. “I was going to tell you at dinner tonight. We just wanted to stabilise things before…”
You could see a little tick in Jay’s eyebrow. “Jay. Don’t go all crazy.”
“What?” Jay shot back.
You chuckled a little, wincing as your bruised body gave a small throb of protest. “You’ve said it yourself, Kelly’s a good person.”
“A good friend.” Jay retorted through gritted teeth.
You smiled just as a nurse walked in. “We’re getting the discharge papers ready, why don’t you wait outside and we’ll get her changed.”
Jay seemed to hesitate but Will nodded at him and motioned him outside.
Kelly had quietly excused himself.
This was so not the way he wished for Jay and Will to find out that he was dating their sister. And he was sure this wasn’t the way you had envisioned it either. But the accident had thrown everything off balance.
Kelly sighed as he leaned against the counter. He could still feel the adrenaline pumping in his veins from when he had recognised your tipped-over car and that was even before he had seen you in there, covered in blood.
Kelly looked up as the door to your room opened again and your brothers came out.
“They’re getting her changed.” Will said, as Jay continued to stare at Kelly.
Kelly paused, hesitating, not sure if he should wait for them to broach the subject or just bulldoze his way through it.
Jay frowned a little and Kelly cleared his throat.
“Look, Jay, Will…” Kelly paused. “We weren’t trying to keep it a secret. Y/N just wanted things to stabilise before… before anyone else knew.”
“Stabilise?” Will asked, his eyebrows furrowing as well.
“We just needed to see how things were going for us, for both of us.” Kelly answered.
“And?” Jay asked.
“And I love your sister. More than anything in the world. She’s what I’ve been missing my whole life.”
Jay stared at Kelly for a while more. “You treat her right, you hear me?”
Kelly smiled, “I’ll make sure I’m the man that she deserves.”
Will narrowed his eyes, “You better.” But Will stuck out his hand, letting out a small smile. “You take care of her.”
Kelly nodded, shaking Will’s hand as Jay stuck his hand out too.
“Thanks for looking out for her.” Jay said, gruffly.
The door opened then and you glanced from your brothers to your boyfriend.
“Everything alright here?” You asked.
You knew your brothers could be a little overprotective sometimes, you just hoped that it would be better since they knew Kelly.
“Great.” Jay said, flicking you lightly on the arm.
“Hey!” You protested.
“That was for not telling us.” Jay said.
You laughed but looked at Kelly. “Everything’s okay?”
Kelly smiled, taking your hand gently in his. “Yeah, everything’s great, we all want the same thing.” You looked quizzically at him before looking at your brothers.
“We just want you to be happy, safe and healthy. Everything will be just fine.” Kelly smiled, kissing you on your temple.
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