#jay harvey and maru are all autistic hence changelings (therefore not fully mundane)
icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
fanfic hell (/pos)
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For those of you wondering what my brain's been chewing on for the past few months. I present to you my incredibly long fanfic.
How long, you may be wondering if you haven't seen the other post?
The low estimate is 154-253.5k.
The more accurate estimates are at about 308-338k.
The most generous estimates could be up to about 507k (assuming the intended goal of 169 chapters is reached).
For reference, Gone With The Wind tops out at just under 420k (haha nice).
Why? Why am I doing this? The answer is, I don't know.
Something about this story just has my brain chewing and chewing and chewing like an overdone but delicious steak that keeps giving you more and more flavor as you chew it.
Every time I think the plot's going to thin out and I'm going to have to give up or shorten this, my brain spits out more plot points to happen.
I have so many fucking notes and a decently well-documented source material to work with (the SDV wiki is pretty extensive).
Even the documentation of the source material that already exists isn't extensive enough for how ridiculously in-detail I'm going - so I'm spending at LEAST 6 fucking hours using a mod to record NPC paths, which I'll then manually input into those spreadsheets I was talking about. Some NPCs are going to get more content than the original source material gave them, so their schedules are going to have to be generated from scratch.
Mind you, this whole fic starts a year before the PCs even arrive. So not only do I have to figure out schedules for things that happen before the events of the game (such as Abigail exploring the farm and Elliott moving in), but I have to adjust schedules for Year 1 (or 2 depending on how you look at it) according to deviations from the source material.
Y'all can probably find this if you look hard enough for it, the first 8 (correction: 9) chapters are published on AO3 and I've been talking about some of the details on both my AO3 and my Tumblr account. The fic tags need updating since some new developments happened - I'll get to that eventually.
Anyways, those little lines and dots are just to indicate that Jackson and Apollo are both farmers. Yes, Apollo is a woman, despite her name. fuck your gender roles and gendered names she does what she wants. Yes, Maru is non-binary, because why the fuck not. Yes, Haley's trans because fuck the police.
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