#jay halstead x daughter!reader imagines
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Dr. Uncle Will
Request: Hey I loved your most recent Connor Rhodes x sister!reader!!! Could you write a littlest Halstead one where she gets sick and Jay has to call Will for help?
Pairings: Jay Halstead x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, sickness
Littlest Halstead
Jay Halstead was a great father to you, Y/N Halstead, and if you asked anyone if he was a good dad they would say that he's not just a good dad but a great dad. He has loved you ever since you were born and he thought he could spot anything since he was a detective but he was wrong and he found that out one night.
You were sick. You just felt run down and just overall felt like shit, especially when it came to playing your favorite sport, softball. Recently your entire 5th grade class had been going through a round of sickness. Some had the flu, some had a viral infection, and some just had a cold. You were lucky enough not to get anything until last week.
Jay had been busy with a case that he admits that he wasn't paying as close attention as he normally did. Even though he wasn't paying as much attention he did pick up some stuff like your lack of wanting to eat and you being really cuddly towards him, a movement that you only did when you were sick or getting sick. He wasn't concerned enough to call your uncle, Will Halstead, just yet but that would all change tonight.
You started to feel sick one Monday morning and it just progressed from there. Jay was in the kitchen preparing for his day at work and preparing your lunch for the day. He looked down at his watch and smiled when he saw that it would soon be time for your footsteps to start padding down the hallway. A few minutes went by and no sign from you which made him frown. “Wonder what the holdup is?” He asked himself as he put down what he was doing and walked to your room. He gently knocked on the door and usually he would get a response but he didn't. “Y/N/N it's time to get up for school.” He said using a soothing fatherly tone as he opened the door.
“Daddy?” You asked lazily looking up at him and he furrowed his eyebrows that's not like you.
“It's me, Baby Girl. It's time to get up.” He said coming to sit by you on your bed and just like a magnet you curled into him. He didn't think much of it, he just thought you wanted to be near him. “Are you ok?” He asked as he cuddled you and you nodded, you didn't want to inconvenience him.
“Yea I'm fine.” You lied easily. He didn't look convinced but went with it.
“Ok. We need to leave in 10 minutes so you need to get up and get ready.” He said and you nodded. He bent down and kissed your head and hugged you then he was getting up and leaving. Once he was gone you were sluggish to get up. It was like your movements were in slow motion and everything hurt but you powered through it. The time you got to the kitchen your father was already packing your lunch in your lunch box and grabbing your bag and waited by the front door. “Khloe and her mom are taking you to practice and I will pick you up after ball.” He said as he handed you some breakfast and your water bottle.
“Ok.” You said as you slipped on your shoes and then your backpack and took the lunch box from him. He nodded and then the both of you were out the door.
Once outside and in his truck that you loved so much you settled into the passenger seat and got comfortable. As you started to move you started to feel better and your dad picked up on this so the concern, he had this morning went out the window. You ate all your breakfast sandwich that your dad made that you loved and drank some of your water. He was really a good cook even though he doesn't like to admit it. The truck ride was filled with low music and quiet laughter and smiles. You definitely felt better after eating something. He pulled up to the school and parked and you got ready to get out. “Remember Khloe is taking you to practice and I will be picking you up.” He said and you nodded.
“Got it, Dad.” You added smiling and he smiled and nodded then you were getting out and opening the backdoor to grab your softball gear.
“I love you.” He said as he looked back at you.
“I love you too.” You said and then closed the door. He made sure you were in the school before driving off. You sighed preparing yourself to start the long boring day and the dreaded practice.
Throughout the school day you were back to feeling sluggish and your nose started to run. You also just wanted to lay down on something cold and take a nap. “Ms. Halstead, are you feeling, ok?” Mrs. Jean asked while everyone was at recess, you had been staying close to the bleachers and the students, which wasn't like you, you took a minute to respond but you nodded your head. She came over to you and sat next to you. It took a minute for you to notice she was there and you turned to look at her.
“I'm ok.” You said in a quiet voice.
“You look a little pale. Why don't you head to the nurse to lay down?” She asked in a concerning motherly tone; she did have 4 kids of her own. You shook your head.
“I'm really ok.” You said and she smiled softly at you.
“Ok. I won't push you. If you start feeling worse let me know and you can go to the nurse.” She said and you nodded at her and then she got up and left.
Lunch came and you didn’t feel like eating so you hardly ate anything. You left the rest in the lunchbox and went on with your day. The rest of the day you just dragged throughout the day not having the energy to do anything. When it came to gym class Mrs. Link let you set out because she could see how much you were struggling today. By the end of the day, you were feeling worse and you just wanted your dad but first you needed to get through softball practice.
“Hey, are you ready to go?” Khloe asked as she came up to you with her bag and gear. You looked at her smiling and nodded.
“Yea, I’m ready.” You said and she smiled and the two of you walked out. You grabbed your water bottle and downed half of it as you got to her mom’s car. Drinking something helped so you weren’t too concerned.
“Good afternoon, girls. Did you have a good day at school?” Khloe’s mom asked.
“It was alright.” You said and she frowned.
“You look a little pale my dear. Are you feeling, ok?” She asked as she looked at you.
“She hasn’t been feeling good since this morning.” Khloe said and you elbowed her. “What? I could see it when you walked in and didn’t say hi to me.” She said and you huffed and sunk into the seat. Her mother nodded but you knew she was still concerned. The car ride to the field was filled with car music and Khloe and her mom talking and laughing. You would comment when needed but you were just trying not to throw up. When you arrived at the field all three of you got out. You and Khloe grabbed your gear and you your backpack and walked over to the dugout and started to get ready.
You went through the motions of practice not really putting in the effort and everyone could see that which is why you had gotten pulled over to the side by Coach Ludgate. “Sweetie, are you feeling, ok?” She asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Yes.” You said and she looked at you in a concerned fatherly look. “No.” You admitted and he smiled softly at you and nodded.
“I can tell. You’re red in the face and you look pale. You also don’t seem as energetic as other times. Why don’t you go sit in the dugout out of the sun and cool off? Can’t have my best player collapsing on me.” He said smiling and you smiled back and walked sluggishly back to the dugout and laid down on the bench and closed your eyes. You don’t know how long you had your eyes closed but you then felt something cool being draped over your head. Your eyes shot open quickly and you came face to face with your dad.
“Dad?” You asked and he smiled, running a hand through your hair.
“Hey, Baby Girl. Thought I would come early and watch you practice. When I asked where you were they led me here.” He said and tears welled up in your eyes. “What’s wrong?” He asked as you sat up.
“I don't feel good.” You said quietly and he nodded, smiling softly.
“Let’s get you home. How long have you been feeling this way?” He asked
“Since this morning.” You said as you got up and grabbed your stuff and he nodded. He turned to look at your coach and he nodded and so the two of you made your way to his car and then home.
“Why didn't you let me know?” He asked as he threw your bags into the backseat.
“You were busy and I didn't want to disturb you or put more on your plate because you had a sick kid.” You said and his heart broke. For such a young kid you were smart and very generous of people's feelings.
“I would do anything for you.” He said and you nodded and sank into the cool leather of his truck. The ride home was quiet and uneventful; you had actually closed your eyes and fallen asleep. The music was down low so as to not disturb you. Jay was beating himself up, he should've seen the signs, he should've asked questions, he's a detective he should be able to pick up on things especially when it came to his own daughter. But you were just like him and you hid a lot of things well and you didn't let emotions show. By the time you got to the apartment you were out. He parked the truck and turned off the ignition. He sighed “Looks like I’ll be carrying you.” He said, chuckling to himself. He opened his door and got out then went over to the passenger side first grabbing your backpack and slung it over his shoulder and then he quietly shut the door and opened the passenger door. He quickly worked to get you unbuckled and then he picked you up, you threw your arms around him out of habit and buried your head into his neck. The moment your head touched his skin he knew how sick you were. You were warm despite having the ac blowing in the truck. As he situated you in his arms, he shut the door and locked it and started to head to the building.
“Good afternoon, Jay. I see you have a sleepy one.” Mrs. Mueller Quell, your elderly neighbor, and Jay smiled and nodded.
“Yea, she's not feeling good at the moment. Going to get her settled.” He said and she smiled and nodded.
“You should make her your famous chicken noodle soup. I know me and Grant love it.” She said
“I just might do that. We'll see you later.” He said and she smiled.
“If you need anything let us know. We've taken care of a few sick kids.” She said as she began to walk away to the mailroom.
“I will be.” He said as he got onto the elevator and pressed the button for the correct floor. He was amazed that you had slept through that interaction. As the elevator went up and eventually dinged, he walked out. In just a few quick long strides he was arriving at the door. He skillfully got his key out and unlocked it making sure to quietly shut it as he walked in. He sat your bag down and kicked off his shoes. He walked over to the couch and gently set you down but you had a grip on him like no other and he chuckled. He gently pried your grip apart and then laid you down, took your shoes off, then covered you up with a light thin blanket. He went into the kitchen to grab the children's Tylenol and pulled up the right dose and walked back into the living room. He hated to wake you up but he needed you to take it. “Baby Girl, can you wake up and take this for me? I promise you can go back to sleep.” He said as you opened your eyes and took the medicine and went directly back to sleep. He walked into the kitchen and put the now dirty cup in the sink. He then went to your backpack and there he sat your shoes down. He picked up your backpack and set it on the table and started to unpack it. At first it was all normal and he saw all the work that was sent home but everything was done and he smiled. You always finished your homework early; he had asked why and you responded casually saying that if you got it done early you could have more play time. He was shocked but he understood it and it was actually smart. As he was going through your backpack his phone started to ring. The shrill of the ringer was loud and he was quick to take it out of his pocket and answer it without looking at it just to get it to stop ringing and not wake you up.
“Detective Jay Halstead.” He said quickly.
“Well hello Detective Jay Halstead.” Hailey’s voice came through with a chuckle.
“Sorry, Hails. I didn't look at my phone. What's up?” He asked
“I just wanted to see if you and Y/N wanted to go out to a movie and ice cream.” She said and he smiled at that and looked over at you still sleeping. He became Hailey's partner when you were 9 years old and had just turned 10 years old. Every chance she got she was spending time with you, Jay, and your mom.
“We're going to have to take a rain check on that. She's not feeling all that great. Didn't even practice at softball.” He said
“Oh man she must be bad off. That's not like her. She loves the sport.” She said
“Yeah, she does.” He said, chuckling.
“I could pick some stuff up and come over.” She offered
“I would like that and she would too. She's asleep right now.” He said
“Anything specific you need?” She asked
“I think I'm out of children's Tylenol, just gave her the last dose, and cold medicine, do you mind getting that?” He asked
“Not at all! I'll be over there soon.” She said
“Thank you.” Jay said
“Anything for my partner and his lovely daughter.” She replied and he smiled and chuckled and then they were both hanging up the phone.
When Jay got your lunch box, he pulled it out and opened and was shocked that there was most of your lunch still left. You love your food and would take any chance to eat it. All this just told him how sick you were. “Oh, Baby Girl.” He said, sighing. He got all of the stuff out and put the items that needed to be refrigerated in the fridge.
“Daddy?” You asked sitting up and he was over to you in a matter of seconds bending down in front of you.
“Hey, Baby Girl. What's wrong?” He asked and you looked at him. Your eyes weren't as bright as they usually are and you overall just didn't look great.
“I'm hungry. Want momma.” You said and he smiled and ran a hand through your sweat soaked hair.
“Do you want some soup and crackers?” He asked and you nodded. "Momma is in Alanta at a work conference." He added and you nodded.
“Oh, that's right. Please I want crackers.” You said and he smiled and nodded. He had taught you to be polite from a young age. Before he left, he grabbed the remote and handed it to you. You turned it on and turned on Disney+ and turned on Wizards of Waverly Place. You settled in as Jay went to the kitchen to see what soup he had on hand in the meantime. He grabbed the saltine crackers and then some canned chicken and noodle soup. He would have to go to the grocery later, he would've had Hailey pick it up but there was more he needed to get and he didn't want her to pay for his groceries. He quickly got to work on getting your food ready and when it was, he brought it into the living room and you sluggishly sat up and he could see this. He sat down and then gave it to you. You instantly cuddled into his side.
“Careful it's hot.” He said and you nodded and then started to eat. You ate about half of it and 3 crackers before you were handing it back to him and he was sitting it on the coffee table in front of you, you snuggled into him and he instantly cuddled you. As he sat there with you, he could hear now that you had become congested, he brought a hand to your forehead and frowned you were warmer than you were when he got you out of the truck. “You really don’t feel good do you, Baby Girl?” He asked as you snuggled into him more.
“No.” You said in a quiet voice and his heart broke. He kissed the top of your head.
“Hailey is on her way over with some medicine.” He said and you nodded but continued to snuggle into your father. It wasn’t 2 minutes later that there was a knock on the door and he was getting up to answer it but not without you whimpering out for him. “I’ll be right back. I promise. Hailey is here.” He said and you nodded and you let him get up but as he stood up and second later you were standing up and tucking yourself into his side.
“I don’t want to leave you.” You whined, tears welling up in your eyes and threatening to spill and a sniffle from you being sick and the tears.
“Ok ok you don’t have to.” He said as he picked you up and walked towards the door. You snuggled into him and wrapped your arms around his neck and legs locked around his waist. Yup you were definitely sick you were being super clingy. He got to the door and unlocked it then opened it and there stood his girlfriend/partner with bags of medicine and a cup holder filled with three drinks, milkshakes to be exact.
“Hey you two.” Hailey said and Jay smiled but you had already fallen asleep.
“Hey.” Jay said and leaned in to kiss her and she ran a hand through your hair. “I think she is asleep.” He said chuckling and she nodded in agreement.
“Well, she can have her milkshake later. I thought something cold would be nice.” Hailey said and Jay smiled as he led her in.
“You didn’t have to do that.” He said
“I wanted to. I love her like she is my own.” Hailey said having not seen his face since her back was turned to him as she put things away and your milkshake in the freezer.
“I can’t even begin on how to thank you.” Jay said and she shook her head.
“No need.” She replied as she turned around to look at Jay holding you and she practically melted right then and there.
“I’m going to try and go put her down. Then I will be right back out.” He said and she smiled and nodded.
“Take your time.” She said and he nodded and turned heading to your room. Jay walked down the hallway into your room he walked you to your bed and started to gently lay you down and you whimpered.
“No.” You whined as he laid you down and sat on the side of the bed.
“You’ll be much more comfortable here than on me. I promise. I’ll be in the living room with Hailey so I’ll be able to hear you if you call. Ok?” He asked and you looked at him tiredly and nodded.
“Ok. Tell her I said hi.” You said and it ended with a cough and he smiled as he ran a hand through your hair.
“I will. Now get some rest.” He said leaning up and kissing you on your sweaty hot forehead.
“Ok.” You whispered as your eyes closed and you were out like a light. He tucked you in and gave you your favorite stuffed animal and headed out of your room making sure to crack the door slightly. He looked at you one more time and then he was walking back to the living room.
“How is she?” Hailey asked
“She’s warmer than normal and she coughed which was new. She ate about half of her soup and 3 crackers before she was putting it down and snuggling into me before you got here.” Jay said
“What do you think it could be?” She asked and he shrugged.
“It could be anything. There has been some sickness going around her class but honestly don’t know.” Jay said as he grabbed your half-eaten soup and package of crackers into the kitchen. He put the bowl in the sink and the crackers back in the cabinet then he walked back into the living room, Hailey handed him his milkshake “Thank you.” He said and sat down and turned on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, a cop show that they were watching together. They probably got about 3 hours into it, it was 8 PM, before you started to cough more and more and that concerned him. He had decided that he wouldn’t be going into work tomorrow and had let Voight know beforehand and he gave his approval saying family came first. “I’m going to check on her.” He said as he paused the show and Hailey nodded and sat up for him to go to your room. As he was walking to your room you started to cough more and more. He walked into the room and you were still sound asleep but coughing a really deep cough. He walked over and sat down on your bed and rubbed you back as you were turned onto your stomach. “Baby Girl.” He said and started to wake you up and all he got was a cough that he could feel wracking your body. “Hey, wake up.” He said as he started to pick you up and you snuggled into him.
“Daddy?” You asked followed by a cough.
“Yea, it's me. Hey, do you want to come into the living room with us? You coughing is worrying me.” He said and you looked at him and your eyes weren’t as bright as they were when you weren’t sick.
“Yea.” You said followed by a cough and he nodded and then he picked you up and took you into the living room. He was quick to dim the lights until it was semi-dark and Hailey was already making a spot for you between them. “Hi.” You said when you spotted her but it wasn’t as energized as before.
“Hi Sweetie.” She said with a smile as Jay sat down then he disappeared to grab more children’s Tylenol and come back in. He sat down on the other side of you and you somehow ended up more on him. “I heard you weren’t feeling good.” She said and ran a hand through your hair and you nodded snuggling more into your father and she smiled “I brought you a milkshake. Do you want it?” She asked and you looked up at your dad and he looked down at you and you nodded. You looked over at her and she could see the nonexistent light.
“Please.” You said and she smiled and got up and went into the kitchen to grab the milkshake. She put it in the microwave to soften it slightly and then walked back into the living room and handed it to you as she sat down. You took it but you were shaking and that concerned them both. Whatever you had zapped the energy out of you. “Thank you.” You said and took a sip of it and she smiled.
“You’re welcome, Sweetie.” She said
“Here, take this and wash it down with the milkshake.” Jay said and you nodded and said what you were told. Then they were turning their attention back to the TV as Jay pressed play. You watched it but didn’t pay any attention to it, not even finishing your milkshake. You were falling back to sleep and he was taking the cup out of your hands and putting it on the side table.
“She only drank half of it. She’s definitely not feeling well.” Jay said as you let out a cough.
“I hope she feels better soon. I hate seeing her like this.” Hailey said and Jay nodded.
“Me too.” He said
Around an hour later Jay was putting you back into your bed and he was bye to Hailey and he was heading off to get ready for bed and when they were done, they slid in and fell into a somewhat peaceful sleep. You coughed and coughed throughout the night and it seemed like it got worse when you were laying down. Jay being your parent had parent ears on all the time and they never turned off so when you stopped coughing during the night he was instantly awake and sitting up. He walked into the room and he was instantly kneeling by your bedside and he could see you breathing and he sighed but he wanted to wake you up just in case. “Y/N. Baby Girl. Can you wake up for me?” He asked as he petted your hair and you let out a cough and slowly cracked your eyes as best as you could but they were almost like caked shut and he could see that. “Oh, Baby Girl.” He said as he started to take the goop away from your eyes. As you started coughing again you started wheezing and that brought a new worry to your father that was new. It was time to call Will. “Come here.” He said picking you up and taking you into his bedroom and laid you down on his bed while he picked up his phone and unlocked it and pulled up his brother’s contact information and pressing call.
“Jay? It’s 4 in the morning. Everything ok?” Will asked, voice full asleep.
“I’m sorry for waking you up but no everything isn’t ok. Y/N is sick and at first, I could handle it but then she started coughing and just a little bit ago she stopped and now her eyes are filled with goop and she is wheezing. I don't want to bother her mom.” Jay explained keeping watch over as you slept and wheezed.
“Has she been running a temperature?” Will asked
“She’s been running hot ever since I picked her up from softball practice where she was lying on the bench.” Jay said
“She didn’t even practice?” Will asked
“No, she was pale and sweaty and red in the face.” He replied
“Oh, damn she must be really sick. Go get a thermometer and take her temperature and tell me what it is.” Will said and Jay did just that. “Have you given her any medication?” He asked.
“No, not recently.” Jay said as he walked into this bathroom to retrieve one of many thermometers. “She had a dose of children's Tylenol when we got home and then at 8 PM.” Jay said as he grabbed it and then walked back into the bedroom. “Alright, I'm taking her temperature now.” He said and put it in your ear and you didn't move you were so sick you didn't even care.
“Has she thrown up any?” Will asked, already getting out of bed and getting ready to head over to the other Halstead household.
“No.” Jay said as the thermometer beeped. “102.2.” He read it out loud.
“It should've gone down with the children's Tylenol.” Will said, worrying about his one and only niece. “Let me hear her.” He said and Jay put the phone on speaker and put it next to you. You coughed and started to wheeze and Will sighed. “Let me grab some stuff from the hospital and I'll be right over.” Will said.
“Ok.” Jay said “We'll see you soon.” He said and then they both were hanging up the phone. Jay was worried and now Will was worried. He hated waking his brother up after he worked a 24-hr. shift but he didn't know what to do. Jay laid down next to you and shut his eyes.
30 minutes went by and he was jerking awake by a knock on the door and he was making sure you were breathing before he got up. He was surprised you didn’t wake up to the knock because you were such a light sleeper much like him. You coughed and were still wheezing and that broke his heart. He was quick to get to the door and open it to reveal his brother. “Hey, how is she?” Will asked as he walked in and Jay closed the door.
“Still wheezing and coughing.” He said as he led Will to his bedroom.
“Has she had anything to eat?” His brother asked and he nodded.
“Half a bowl of soup, 3 crackers, and half a milkshake.” Jay replied
“Normally she would eat everything. She has a fast metabolism.” Will said as they walked into the bedroom and you were in the middle of bed.
“That’s what I’m worried about. What did you have to get?” Jay asked
“I went and got a nebulizer with some medicine that will help with the wheezing and hopefully it’ll help with the cough as well.” He said
“What do we do about the coughing?” Jay asked as he stood arms crossed watching you and Will was looking at him.
“You need to be careful not to suppress a productive cough too much, unless it's keeping her from getting enough rest. Coughing can be useful, it can help clear the throat and airway of germs, mucus and dust. If it doesn't go away or comes with other symptoms like shortness of breath, mucus production or bloody phlegm then that could be the sign of a more serious medical problem and would need to be addressed.” Will said giving out medical information easily and keeping it to where Jay could understand it. Jay nodded glad to have a doctor for a brother.
“What should we do first?” Jay asked
“I wanna assess her and then go from there and that means unfortunately waking her up.” Will said and Jay said and nodded and went and sat down on the bed and began to wake you up. When you were awake and looked at him confused you then spotted Will and gave him a weak smile and he sadly smiled back at you. He could tell right away that you didn’t feel good. He approached you and sat on the other side of the bed. “Hey, Kiddo. I heard you weren’t feeling good.” He said in a sympathetic voice he used for his younger patients. You shook your head and cuddled into your father.
“Yea.” You said in a quiet voice and that wasn’t like you. You then coughed and coughed until you started gagging. Will was quick to grab the empty trash can by the nightstand and thrust it under just in time for you to expel everything in your stomach, which wasn’t much. Jay held your hair and rubbed your back.
“It’s ok, Baby Girl. Let it all out.” He said and once you were dry heaving you practically collapsed into your father exhausted. “That was new.” Jay said and Will sighed he hated seeing you in such a state, you were naturally a strong-willed girl much like your father and to see you dwindle down to nothing saddens him.
“I’m going to listen to you and take a couple of vitals. You don’t have to move from Jay, ok?” He asked
“Ok.” You said in a now hoarse voice. Having no energy you just sat there while Will checked you over, you actually started to fall asleep.
“Is she asleep?” Will asked and Jay looked down at you and your eyes were closed and head resting on his chest.
“She’s asleep.” Jay said, looking back up at his brother.
“She’s really is sick.” Will said and Jay nodded. “I want to get a dose of medicine from the nebulizer in her and I want her to be awake for that but if she falls asleep during it then it should be fine.” Will added and Jay nodded and once again he was waking you up and he felt so bad about it. When you were awake Will explained what the machine was and what it does and he could tell that you were listening but not fully there but enough to understand. He hooked the machine up and put the medicine in and then handed the piece to Jay who put it over your nose and mouth. At first you protested but when you started to feel better and not wheezing you embraced it and leaned into your father and started to fall asleep the brothers talked about whatever came to their mind mostly the recent Jayhawks game. Once the medicine was done, Jay, not having the heart to move you back to your room, tucked you into his bed and then the brothers were heading into the living room.
“How long do you think it’ll be before she gets better?” Jay asked
“I’m thinking and hoping in a couple days but it may take a week or two.” Will said and Jay sighed but nodded. Jay looked at his watch and saw that it was 5 AM. He looked up at his brother.
“I can either make us some coffee or we can try to get some sleep. Guest room is free.” Jay said
“I’m gonna get some sleep and I suggest you do the same.” Will said and Jay smiled.
“You’re the doctor, you know what is best.” Jay said a smile turning into a smirk and Will rolled his eyes but smiled. As they headed for the rooms Jay’s phone pinged and he looked at it. “Her school has been closed due to so many kids sick.” Jay said and Will nodded.
“That’s what needed to happen when all of this started.” Will said and Jay nodded in agreement. They walked into the rooms and Jay got into bed and somehow you sensed he was there because you were cuddling into him. He smiled and cuddled you kissing your head as he was doing so, he noticed that you weren’t wheezing anymore and the coughing had died down. Once he knew you were ok, he let himself relax and eyes closed and he actually fell asleep.
The next morning Jay was waking up and he was expecting you to be next to him but you weren’t and that made him confused until he heard the laughing coming from the kitchen and followed by your cough. He slowly got out of the bed and walked into the kitchen to find you and Will up to now good. “Good morning, Daddy.” You said in a hoarse voice when you spotted him and that made Will look over in his direction.
“Good morning.” Will greeted
“How are you feeling?” Jay asked and you shrugged. He could see your eyes were not as bright.
“Not great but not worse.” You said and coughed deeply and Jay was rushing over to you rubbing your back. After you were done you took a deep breath and nodded.
“You ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“I’m ok.” You said “We decided to make breakfast.” You said and he smiled and kissed your head.
“You’re actually trusting Uncle Will with the kitchen?” Jay joked
“Hey! I can cook.” Will defended
“No, that’s why I’m supervising.” You said throwing a signature Halstead smirk.
“Oh lord, good thing we have Firehouse 51 on speed dial.” Jay said and everyone laughed. The morning was filled with laughter and joking and eating and every now and then your coughs. By the afternoon you were in the middle of them passed out on the couch as they watched a random hockey game. By the end of the day Will had gone back home but he made Jay promise to keep him updated and he stuck to his promise. Throughout the next week you were getting stronger and light was coming back to your eyes. The coughing had subsided. Your school opened back up and Jay went back to work. You were actually able to get through a softball practice.
By week 3 you were back to normal. Your eyes were bright, you were eating like your normal self, and you were energized again. Everyone was currently at your softball game and of course you were winning. “She’s back to her normal self, I see.” Will said and Jay nodded.
“Yeah she is. I’m so glad about it too.” He replied
“She even had me worried.” Hailey said “I never have to worry about her, she is too much like her daddy that she doesn’t need to be worried about.” She added and everyone nodded in agreement. The crowd erupted in a cheer and they looked up in time for you to slide and steal home base to win the game. Everyone cheered and crowded around you. Once everyone cleared out and you grabbed your stuff you walked over to your dad, uncle, and Hailey.
“Great job, Kiddo!” Will said and brought you in for a tight hug.
“Thank you, Uncle Will.” You said and hugged him back.
“You did an amazing job, Baby Girl.” Jay said and hugged you after you got done with Will.
“You were amazing out there. I’m so glad you’re back to your normal self.” She said running a hand over her head and you smiled and looked up from your position from hugging your father and smiled at her.
“Thank you.” You said and then you snuggled into your father’s side and looked at Will. “Thank you for being Dr. Uncle Will.” You said and he smiled.
“Anytime, Kiddo. I hate seeing you so down.” He said
“We all do.” Jay said
You hated being sick and being down for so long. You hated not being up and doing something and you got that from your dad honestly. Hopefully you wouldn’t be getting that sick again but you never know what life would throw your way. Next time could be just a 24-hr. bug or it could put you in the hospital, you just never know.
Tag list:
#Littlest Halstead#jay halstead x daughter!reader fandom#jay halstead x daughter!reader fanfiction#jay halstead x daughter!reader fanfic#jay halstead x daughter!reader imagine#jay halstead x daughter!reader imagines#chicago pd x daughter!reader fandom#chicago pd x daughter!reader imagine#chicago pd x daughter!reader imagines#chicago pd x daughter!reader fanfic#chicago pd x daughter!reader fanfiction#one chicago x daughter!reader fanfiction#one chicago x daughter!reader fanfic#one chicago x daughter!reader fandom#one chicago x daughter!reader imagines#one chicago x daughter!reader imagine#chicago pd fandom#chicago pd fic#chicago pd fanfiction#chicago pd imagine#chicago pd fanfic#one chicago fanfic#one chicago imagines#one chicago x reader#one chicago fanfiction#one chicago imagine#jay halstead fanfiction#jay halstead one shot#jay halstead imagine
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How Many Detectives Are Needed To Sleep A Baby? || Jay Halstead x reader!
Cute and fluffy Jay, wife and baby + babysitter detectives
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
Summary: Intelligence unit takes care of Jay's newborn baby while he and his wife are in court. Turns out it is the most difficult case they have worked on.
-"You can't go in there". Platt muttered in a scolding tone to Adam, who wanted to go into the coffee room.
-"Why not?" He asked strangely.
-"Shhhhhh". Kim gave him a punch on his arm. -"Keep it quiet, you're gonna wake her up".
-"Ok, alright". Ruzek kept his voice low. -"What the hell is going on, girls?"
-"Halstead's baby is sleeping in there. Don't you dare to interrupt her sweet dreams, bro". Kevin said from his desk.
-"Look at her. You can see her smile even from here". Hailey said, peeking through the window.
Trudy and Kim followed her.
-"She's so lucky she didn't get her father's mad face". The Sergeant enquired.
-"What do you think she's dreaming about? She looks so peaceful".
-"What's going on? Where's Jay? Where's her mom? What is she doing here all alone?" Adam was losing it, increasing his voice volume once more.
-"She's not alone. We're taking care of her!". Hailey frowned.
-"Adam, please". Voigh silently got out of his office and rushed towards him whispering. -"Would you keep it down? I can hear your voice even with my door closed. Let the baby rest, she's only weeks old and already has seen too much".
The detective opened his arms in a defeated gesture. He had just arrived and didn't understand anything.
-"Y/N is testifying right now, we couldn't avoid it. She and her colleagues published the investigation under their names, so...I couldn't stop it. Jay is by her side. The baby is here for protection".
-"She really is a hell of a journalist". Upton mentioned with admiration.
-"And a very brave woman. We owe her a lot in this case". Hank stated.
-"You know? You would have known about this if you had arrived in time to work". Burgess teases Adam.
-"Is there any news about the trial?" Platt wanted to know, worried about you.
-"Not yet, but Jay said he'll be in touch". The boss stated. -"You know these trials take time".
They weren't conscious about it, but the whole Intelligence squad looked hilarious talking with whispers and walking in tiptoes as they went back to their workplaces.
Time passed and the girl was still sleeping safe and sound, until Adam decided to stand up to stretch a bit and stumbled with some cables on the floor. Naturally, the clatter woke up the little baby.
-"It had to be you, right?" Kim mocked her husband as she helped him stand up.
Hailey and Kevin ran to the coffee room as if they were running a race. It was him who got there first and held the baby girl.
-"There, there. Uncle Kev is right here". He tried to reassure her. -"I had siblings and took care of them when they were babies. I can manage another one".
But after a few minutes, she was still uncontrollable.
-"Ok, it's my turn". Burgess got into the game and took the baby off his partner's arms. -"I'm the only mom here, the only one who has a real daughter. I know how to do it".
-"What are you talking about?" Trudy Platt laughed. -"Makayla was already a grown up when you adopted her!" And she grabbed the baby to accommodate her in her chest. But the crying did not stop.
-"Oh, no. What are they doing to you, sweetie?" Upton grabbed her and laid her in her arms. -"I am her godmother, she knows me better".
The baby Halstead slowed down her crying, but she was still restless.
-"Well, how many detectives do you need to sleep a baby, hum? You don't know anything". Hank Voight gasped. -"Give her to me, I'll show you all". But as soon as she was in the arms of the boss, her crying increased. -"Oh. I've lost touch!"
Jay and Y/N were already at the bullpen, waiting in the stairs. They got in time to witness the fluffy scene.
-"Hey, guys? She's not a rag doll, you know?" Jay said laughing at the scene and his friends turned around with surprise. -"She just needs her daddy's arms''. He took his daughter to stroke her and almost immediately she calmed down.
-"That's not fair". Platt crossed her arms.
-"We brought you coffee". You smiled, leaving the box you were carrying on one of the desks. -"There's not enough caffeine when you take care of a newborn. There's one for each of you, just as each of you like it. Look for your name in the tags".
-"Geez, thanks!" Adam said gladly and balanced the table. -"I was denied entrance to the coffee room the whole morning".
-"I'm sorry". You turned red.
-"Don't listen to him". A chorus of detectives said.
-"She's really calm, it was no problem". Kevin asserted and everyone else agreed.
You approached your husband and as soon as you were in your daughter's sight, the baby started to smile and giggle, throwing little kicks into the air.
-"What? Why are you laughing so much, baby?" You raised your hands and freed Jay's arms. -"Come with mommy, sweetie".
Everyone stared at the scene with tenderness, especially Kim, whose eyes started watering.
-"You wanna hold her?"
She just nodded and took the opportunity.
-"How was the trial? Are you alright?" Platt inquiered.
-"Yeah, I mean it was really scary, but I think it went fine". Y/N hands started to shake a little bit, but she was fast enough to hide them in her pockets. Nobody noticed, except for Jay.
-"She did a great job". He hugged you by the waist, trying to secretly ease you.
-"I have no doubt about it, she already showed us how much of a badass she is". Hank smirked.
-"I will just be more comfortable if you stay in here at least until the Jury deliberates, or as soon as I can go home with you. It's just a precaution, I'm not being paranoid or something".
-"Yes, I agree". Voight followed the idea.
-"Sure. Whatever you think is better".
The baby yawned and stretched herself so adorably, that she caught everyone's attention again.
-"I should put her down to sleep".
-"Alright. Take my seat, Y/N. We don't know how much we're staying here". Jay pointed out.
-"C'me on, Kim. Give the baby back to her mommy".
-"If you need help with the baby or you get bored of these people around, I'll be downstairs". The desk Sergeant winked at you and you smiled back at her back.
-"She won't be bored. She has me here". Hailey pulled a face.
-"I'll take provisions just in case the little one takes the coffee room again". Ruzek rushed to the kitchen.
Everyone else rolled their eyes in a funny way.
#chicago pd#chicago pd imagine#Jay Halstead#Jay Halstead x reader#Jay halstead x Y/N#Jay Halstead imagine#Jay Halstead one shot#Jay Halstead x you#Trudy Platt#Hank Voight#Adam Ruzek#Kim Burgess#kevin atwater#One chicago#One chicago one shot#Jay Halsted x daughter#Jailey Upton
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Upstead Foster Daughter
Did you ever wonder how Upstead would be as foster parents for a teenage girl? Like Hank and Erin, Hailey and Jay welcomed Olivia to their home when she was 16. Olivia holds a lot of grudges and is full of mischief, but she is also incredibly sweet and has a tremendous need to feel like she belongs. To her surprise, Hailey and Jay will give her exactly that.
[Chapter II] “You’re on your own, kid, you always have been”
No one expected to hear a stranger's voice through their radio, let alone saying that Jay was bleeding out on the pavement.

“Who the hell are you?” Voight’s surprised voice came through the radio.
“My name is Olivia Rivera, I'm with your officer Halstead and he's been shot! I'm sorry I couldn't call an ambulance but I don't have my phone with me,” Olivia said everything so fast they almost couldn't understand it.
“Shot? What the hell?” said Hailey in exasperation. She was driving with Voight after Jay left by himself.
The whole team was checking the crime scene from their current case when Jay got a call from a CI. Hailey was busy interrogating a witness when he got the call. She told him to wait for her but he was so eager for whatever information his CI had to give that he decided to go by himself. Turns out it was a trap. Hailey did not know the details yet, but she couldn’t help but think that this would have not happened if she had been with him.
“Wh-where are you?” Hailey asked, already feeling her heart start to beat out of her chest.
Olivia told her the address as slowly as possible in her state; after that, Hailey started bombarding her with questions she did not know how to answer.
While they talked, Voight rushed in passing the address to dispatch requesting an ambulance and some patrol cars. The rest of the team followed behind.
“Is he conscious?” Hailey asked.
Silence followed her question, leaving them both tense.
“Olivia! Is he conscious?” Hailey repeated.
“I- He- He was until now when I called you.”
“Does he still have a pulse, Olivia?” Hailey guided her to check.
“Yes, he does!”
“Okay, okay, keep putting pressure on the wound.”
“What's the ambulance ETA?” Voight's rough voice questioned dispatch.
“We're close, hang tight Olivia,” Hailey said, trying to calm the girl and herself down. He would make it, he always made it. This was not his first time being shot, but she surely hoped it was his last. She couldn't do this last time and she especially can't do it now.
“He'll be fine, Hailey,” Voight's voice invaded her thoughts. “Halstead’s strong, he'll get through this.”
Olivia didn't like hospitals. She felt trapped, unsafe, and overwhelmed. Probably because of the amount of people coming and going, the voices overlapping each other. There was too much going on and she shouldn't even be there in the first place.
After Jay's co-workers got to them everything happened in a blur. The ambulance got there seconds later, along with the other members of the team.
When Hailey and Voight arrived, Hailey came running in Jay and Olivia’s direction. She stared at the teenager with a mix of desperation and gratitude. Olivia stepped away as Hailey took her place. As others approached, Olivia stepped more and more away from the scene, ending up a little far away from it all.
She watched the scene unfold before her eyes in a trance. Jay was put into an ambulance and taken to the hospital, with several police cars following behind. Should she leave? She wants to know if he is going to be alright, of course. On the other hand, she feels like she was not supposed to be there.
“Hey! Olivia, isn't it?” a tall man appeared in her field of vision, his eyes were gentle and his voice calm.
“Yes,” Olivia answered.
“Name’s Kevin, Kevin Atwater. This is my friend, Kim Burgess,” he pointed to the woman beside him, and she smiled softly. Both officers looked shaken but they masked well, Olivia thought. Of course, this was not easy for them. Seeing a colleague hurt like that, almost lifeless.
“There's someone we can call for you? Your mom or dad?” Kim asked.
The girl didn’t answer. Kevin and Kim exchanged a look.
“Well, just come to the hospital with us then, okay?”
Voight watched them from afar, getting ready to enter the car and head to Med. Jay was the priority now, but they all were grateful for the girl, she saved Jay’s life after all. He made a mental note to thank her personally later.
Olivia debated for a moment. She decided it was better if she went with them and found a way to leave later without them noticing.
She nodded and followed them to the car.
“You can get cleaned up there,” Kim said after getting in the car.
Kevin started the drive to Med. Olivia didn’t answer the officer, suddenly feeling hyper-aware of all the blood on her. The adrenaline was wearing down.
“Are you okay, Olivia?” Kim asked softly.
“Yeah, sorry… I'm fine.”
“It’s okay, we will get to the hospital soon.”
Sitting in the doctors' room in Chicago Med a couple of hours later, Olivia was clean and waiting for a chance to leave. The really nice nurse called April who helped her clean up and gave her some food came by minutes ago and told her Jay would be alright. She left again when another nurse called for her so now was the perfect time for Olivia to leave.
She did not need to be discharged since she was neither a patient nor a suspect, right? Olivia got up and left the room, bringing some of the snacks the nurse gave her.
“Don’t worry Hails, we’re getting the bastard who shot Jay,” Kevin said firmly, looking at a very distressed-looking Hailey. Olivia got to the hospital’s lounge and saw Jay’s team reunited talking. They had their backs to the door she entered and could not see her.
They started to talk about the man who shot Jay and what they were doing to find him, most of which Olivia did not understand or did not care to try to understand. She stopped paying attention and started to plan how she would get out of there. There was only one way out and she could not leave without them seeing her.
Olivia was scared. She knew she wasn’t in trouble or anything but they were still police so she might as well be in trouble if they got to know more about her. Hell, they might as well already know.
“Stay with your husband Hailey, we’ll get him,” Voight's words drew Olivia's attention. Husband? That explained why Hailey was the most distressed of them all. The look on her face when she saw him lying on the pavement.
“Oh! Olivia, there you are,” said April, the nurse who helped Olivia earlier. Olivia's name caught the group's attention and five heads turned to look in her direction.
“Olivia!” Voight said, approaching the girl. “How are you? I need to properly thank you for helping my detective, I don’t know what could have happened if you weren’t there.”
“I… well, he was…” Olivia did not know what to say, so she came with a simple “You’re welcome” and a shy smile. She didn't expect to talk with anyone, let alone have all the attention on her.
“Well, I’m Sergeant Hank Voight and this is my team,” he went on introducing each of them. “You met Officer Kim Burgess and Officer Kevin Atwater. Detective Hailey Upton was the one you spoke with on the radio. And that is Officer Adam Ruzek.” he pointed to each one and they gave her a nod or a small smile.
After the introduction, he turned to look at her again. He spoke in a more serious tone, “We’re going to need your statement.”
Shit. That is exactly what she was trying to avoid. “I can’t!” was the first thing that came out of her mouth.
“It’s okay Olivia, we checked your file and we’re going to call your foster family on the way to the station,” Hank said.
So they know about her foster family, but they did not know she had run away yet. That was why she was in that alley, in that part of town, by herself.
Olivia thought about running but she could never get far with this many cops around. On their way to the district, she thought about jumping from the moving car but that was too stupid even for her. She laughed at the thought. Sitting in the car with Kim and Kevin again, she accepted her fate.
All her effort running away was for nothing. She was back to square one.
Slow, I know, but this is me trying guys. I love this OC so I hope I can keep writing her story even though I'm slow af. Thank you so much for the likes and reblogs on chapter one! ♡
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Uncle and Niece
Characters: Will Halstead x Daughter!OC, Jay Halstead x Niece!OC, Adam Ruzek, Kelly Severide, Sylvie Brett, Antonio Dawson
Warnings: Nothing
Summary: Everyone is introduced to the uncle and niece duo.
A/N: The ending of this was very rushed because it got really awkward and I didn't want it to get to long. I dont really like this but I am posting this in celebration of me getting my first job!!!!
Jay hummed to himself, idly scrolling through his phone reading some messages while he took the occasional sip of his coffee. He managed to get a full night sleep without getting woken up by someone calling about a crime scene, allowing him to wake up earlier than usual.
Making sure everything was clean and clear, Jay clipped his gun and badge to his belt, slipping on his jacket but before he could open the door on his own accord, his doorbell rung, confusing him as to who would be at his apartment at this time.
With caution, Jay opened to door and was surprised to be met with a frantic looking Will. The doctors hair was a total mess, bags under his eyes, his coat haphazardly put on over his scrubs, his bag just about sitting on his shoulder with his hand clutching a smaller hand.
"I am so sorry but I need a really big favour man." Will said, panting as he just about managed to get all his words out. He looked like hell but his little girl on the other hand, no a single hair of hers was out of place.
Looking back and forth from the father and daughter duo, Jay eventually connected the dots, sighing as he did so. Going through all the possible scenarios in his head as to what the worse would happen if he went forward with this really big favour.
"The daycare at Med isn't open and no one is available to babysit but I had no idea you were working. You know what? Leave it, it's fine, forget I ever asked." Will rambled, only now noticing that Jay was leaving for work.
"Dude, it's fine." Jay shook his head, huffing as though he was hurt at Will trying to leave. "I'll take her to work with me. Everyone will love her and it'll be our first official time hanging out together."
"You sure?" Will replied, apprehensive as he let go of Faith's hand, letting her hold Jay's instead. "I owe you man."
"Nah, it's fine." Jay shook his head again, smiling down at his niece. "We'll have fun at the precinct."
"Alright Faith, be good for Uncle Jay Jay, okay? Make sure he stays out of trouble." Will said, bending down so he was eye level with his daughter. A smile she inherited from him plastered her lips as she bid her goodbyes, pressing a loving kiss on his cheek as she waved him away.
"Bye daddy! I love you too much!" Faith shouted down the hallway, watching Will hurry into the elevator, not wanting to be late. "I love you!"
"I love you too baby!" Will shouted in reply, enthusiastically reciprocating her wave which totally contrasted his completely messed up appearance.
With the elevator doors closing, Jay and Faith were left alone for the first time in both their lives. Looking down at the three year old, the three year old craning her neck to look up at her thirty something uncle, she gave him a toothy grin sending this weird feeling in Jay's gut. All of a sudden, he felt this strong urge to protect this little being with all his livelihood no matter what the universe sent this way. It was weird.
"Okay, let's go to work."
For the entire car ride, without being prompted to, Faith was rambling on about anything that came to mind and Jay was intently listening even though he struggled to make out a few words. Faith spoke about her toys, her amazing father and how excited she was now that she was three since it was her birthday a month before Will suddenly showed up in Chicago.
With her much smaller hand in his, it was weird as to how something so small could exist but it was a miracle it could, the uncle and niece duo walked into the 21st precinct. Jay patiently held her hand at all times as she took one step at a time, the steps were much bigger than the normal ones she was used to but she denied any of his help.
Before Jay could make a clean escape, making a dash towards the metal gates, he was stopped by a very familiar voice causing him to come to a halt, screwing his eyes shut at the impending doom he was about to face.
"Chuckles, what do you have here?" Trudy projected, her hands on her hips when she noticed the tiny human being accompanying one of her detectives.
"Sargent, this is my brothers daughter Faith. Remember Will? The doctor?" Jay replied apprehensively, crossing his fingers he wouldn't get reemed in the middle of the district.
"Sure, anyways, Faith is an amazing name for such an adorable girl." Trudy, shrugged it off, leaning over the desk as she started gushing over the toddler. "I see your uncle missed out on those beautiful red locks, disappointing really."
Faith smiled, giggling despite not understanding what Trudy meant but Jay did and he felt slightly offended. "Okayy and that's enough for one day, we'll be upstairs if you need us sarge."
"It's time to say bye now Faith. Say bye Trudy!"
"Bye Bye!" Faith smiled, waving at the older woman who unbeknownst to her had become the most amazing person in the three year olds eyes.
Whoever came up into intelligence, their footsteps could be heard against the wood flooring, allowing all the detectives to know who was coming up based on the force or speed but this was confusing.
There was definitely more than one person, one being bigger than the other but both going at the same slow pace. No one was able to make out who it was till they made an appearance.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, Jay and Faith made it to the top of the staircase and were in the bullpen. For Jay, it was nothing amazing and he was here everyday, it was basically his second home but for Faith, it was both scary but amazing.
"Woah! Who's incredibly adorable kid did you kidnap?" Adam teased, a smirk on his face, being the first to notice the little girl that no one knew. Getting up from his spinning chair, he set down his coffee and leaned against his desk to get a better look at the duo.
"Jay, you never told us you had a daughter." Erin said accusingly, also smirking as she joined in the teasing. She was slightly shocked but easily hid it along with her confusion and slight irritation.
"Her name is Faith and she's my niece." Jay said with some pride, introducing Faith to all his colleagues. "My brother put me on babysitting today, so I expect all of you to be on your best behaviour."
"Sir yes sir." Adam's smirk didn't falter, walking towards the pair, bending down so he could offer his hand. "It's lovely to meet you Faith, I'm Adam."
"Hi." Faith replied, taking his hand confidently but she didn't move, simply holding it. She smiled at him, flashing a toothy grin in his direction. "Are you a superhero like Jay Jay too?"
"Indeed I am, aren't you smart?" Adam said rhetorically, pushing himself up so everyone else could talk to you. "We're gonna get along great."
"So Adam's already introduced himself." Jay rolled his eyes, pointing at Adam who stood proudly with his hands in his pocket. "This is Antonio, Erin, Al and my boss is Hank. They're all detectives like me."
At his last five words, Faith's whiskey coloured eyes automatically brightened and everyone noticed. She shuffled on her feet, her eyes sparkling in wonder as she looked at them all.
"Hey, you wanna hear a funny story about your uncle cause I've got too many." Antonio spoke up, smiling at the widening smile on the three-year-olds face at the mention of stories. Without a second thought, her hand was out of Jay's grasp and she walked straight to the Latino who picked her up, sitting her on his desk.
Besides Hank and Al, Antonio had the most and probably best experience with children and it definitely showed.
With a soft smile, Jay watched as the senior detective divuldged into a most likely embarrassing story before he walked away, slipping past Erin and moving towards Hank who he had much to explain to.
Thanking all the forces in power today, Jay's brows scrunched in confusion at the purple hair tie that had somehow ended up around his fingers, a cute plastic flower cheaply glued to the front of it.
Throughout the day, Faith had been given a tour of the bullpen and even had the chance of manning the front desk with Trudy when intelligence went out.
It was just after lunch and Faith had woken up from a very good nap, the painless indentations on her face proving such. But, her hair had gotten completely messed up and Jay was now stuck.
Faith giggled at the confusion painting her uncles face, the adorable sounds washing away any of the impatience Jay just had. It was crazy how the toddler made him feel, even though she wasn't his own child.
"You know what, you look great Faith." Jay shrugged, tucking her red curls behind her ears, patting down the uncontrolled frizz all around before picking her out of her carseat and gently setting her on the ground.
For the billionth time today, Faith found herself in awe of the firehouse. She had only ever seen them in her cartoons and despite her excitement, she could feel the nervousness bubbling in her stomach at how big everything was in real life.
As if sensing her miniscule amount of anxiety, Jay scooped the toddler into his arms dramatically and walked up the apron and into the firehouse where he could see squad sitting at their table.
Jay's sudden action shocked her, sending butterflies in her stomach as she shrieked, laughter easily following suit when he wouldn't set her down despite her poor pleas.
The sound of childish laughter interrupted any conversation happening at the squad table, all their heads turning to find the source and to say they were confused was the least they could say.
"Hey man, you good? Whose baby did you kidnap?" Kelly asked, getting up from his chair, giving the detective a typical bro hug while minding the toddler perched on his hip.
"You remember my brother right, he's a doctor at med." Jay said, continuing when the lieutenant nodded. "This is his daughter Faith. Faith, this is one of my friends Kelly, he's a firefighter. Can you say hi?"
"Why do you have a girls name if your a boy?"
Her innocent question shocked them all. Jay's eyes went wide as he stared at his niece, Kelly was a mix between laughter and shellshock while the three squad members immediately began laughing.
"Faith, I what-"
"Oh my gosh! Who is this beauty?" Sylvie said, preening at the sight of the girl as she exited the ambulance. "She looks exactly like the new doctor at Med you know. Oh yeah, did you know that he has the same surname as you Jay, crazy."
"That's my brother Sylvie and this is his daughter Faith." Jay replied with ease, a smile on his face at the rambling paramedic.
Before she could address the fact that he had a brother, she frowned as she cast eyes on Faith's unruly hair.
"Does she have a hair tie?"
"Yeah, it's here, why?"
"Give her here."
And with that, the blonde paramedic disappeared into the firehouse with his niece and her cheap hair tie gone from his wrist.
"Boden's waiting for you inside his office Jay."
"Oh yes! I actually have work to do. Thanks severide."
#one chicago imagine#onechicago#one chicago x reader#chicago pd x reader#chicago pd#chicago med x reader#jay halstead imagine#jay halstead x reader#will halstead#will halstead x reader#jay halstead#will halstead imagine#daughter reader
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Bullying - Hank Voight
Hank x reader daughter
Warnings: bullying
Word count: 1,221
Requested: Hank Voight x teen daughter reader, he finds out she's being bullied at school. - @meyocoko
Authors Note: Thank you so much for the request! This is my first Hank Voight Imagine, so I hope everyone likes it (that likes Chicago P.D.). My Hank Voight stuff will probably only be the reader being his daughter. Just FYI.
One Chicago Masterlist
“Any cases?” Jay asked as he sat down at his desk.
Erin shook her head. It had been a slow day for the intelligence unit. “No its been a slow day.”
“Hmmm.” Voight hummed also listening to Erin’s answer. Even Voight was getting bored.
But when Trudy came up the stairs with concern on her face, that got everyone's attention. “Voight. Y/n’s principle is on the phone.”
“Thank you, Trudy.” Voight nodded and headed into his office and picked up the phone. “Hello.”
“Hello, Mr.Voight. I’m sorry for calling you at work.” Y/n’s principal apologized over the phone.
“It's not a problem. What's going on? Is Y/n alright?” Voight spoke with a tight voice. It was rare when the school called him so he was really worried but trying not to show it.
There was a pause on the phone before the person on the other side cleared their throat. “That's why I called there was an altercation and Y/n got very hurt so we’ve sent her to Chicago Med. We wanted to let you know and we also we’re hoping you could send down someone to talk to the kids responsible.”
“Yeah, I can do that.” Voight stated after a moment of silence. After that, the phone call ended and Voight shook his head trying to control his anger before exiting his office. “Ruzek and Linsdey head down to Y/n’s school and bring in the kids they’ll have there waiting for you back here to talk. Burgess call their parents and let them know that I’ll be pressing charges.”
“Voight, what happened?” Erin asked as her and the others started on their orders. All of them were now concerned about the teen girl they had all come to love and be very protective of.
“Some kids hurt Y/n bad enough that the school has sent her to Chicago Med.” Voight explained gruffly, trying to keep his worries and anger in check.
“What?!” Adam raised his brows in shock and he felt anger bubbling up on the inside. Much like everyone else in the room.
“Seriously? They just what? Let that happen?!” Jay was furious, he hadn’t known her the longest but even with his problems with Voight. Jay and Y/n had become close. They’d hang out, and go do things together. It bonded them. They’re friends. Y/n is like a little sister that Jay never had.
“Apparently. Look I’m going to Med to be with my daughter.” It unnerved the unit with how calm Voight seemed to be.
“I’ll come with you.” Jay said getting up to follow the older man.
“Let's go.” Voight nodded, he knew how close his daughter was to Jay. He might bring some comfort.
Everyone else headed off to do what they needed to do.
Once they arrived at Med, they went straight to the ED. Upon seeing his brother Jay called out. “Will!”
“How is she?” Voight asked as the redheaded Halstead appeared and stood in front of them.
Will let out a sigh, looking between his brother and Voight. “She doesn’t need surgery, which is the good news.”
As much of a relief that was it still left a question. “An the bad news?”
“About 70% of her body is covered in bruising, and she has a broken wrist, a few cracked ribs, and a laceration above her eye.” Will gave them a sad look. He to like a lot knew Y/n, and Will felt for the girl. She didn’t deserve this.
“Jeez Will.” Jay felt like throwing up. How could the school let it get this far? Or happen at all.
“I know.” Will nodded, he felt just like Jay.
“Where is she? Can I see her?” Voight asked keeping his feelings at bay for the time being. He was feeling to many things at once anyway.
“Yeah, right this way.” Will stated, leading them back to the trauma room Y/n Voight had been assigned to.
As they reached the room and saw y/n sitting up in the bed slightly leaning back. Probably to take pressure off her ribs.
“Hey, how about we go get copies of the injury reports and give them a minute?” Jay suggested with a tilt of his head. Wanting to give the father and daughter some space.
There were some moments of silence as Voight moved to sit down in the chair next to the hospital bed. It got to the point that Voight needed answers to keep his brain occupied. “Kid-”
“I know,dad.” Y/n cut him off nodding. Already knowing what he was going to say.
“What exactly happened?” he asked. He needed to know for many reasons but his main one and his focus now was just why and how this happened to his little girl. “Y/n.”
Y/n let out a sigh, knowing she had to tell him cause it was going to far and out of hand now. “It’s not the first time something happened.”
“You mean-”
Y/n nodded not looking at him. She couldn’t look at him. Not in the eyes. “It's normally not this bad.”
Now Voight was having an even harder time keeping it together. How could he not notice? How come she didn’t come to him? “Why didn’t you tell me? Or anyone?”
“I've tried before. To tell teachers bit either they do nothing or it just makes it worse.” She had thought about telling her dad or even Jay but if the school wouldn’t help how could they?
Voight shook his head reaching out for her hand, trying to get her to look at him. “I could’ve done something.”
“As a dad. Not as a cop. It wasn’t bad enough for cop involvement.” Y/n gave him a tight lipped sad smile.
She had a point and it bugged him cause he knew it was true. But now, this. This meant he could get involved as a cop, and a dad. “Well now it is and you can bet your ass I’m gonna do something about it.”
Y/n cracked a smile at him. “I don’t know who they should be more afraid of. You or Jay.”
“Combined force, sweetheart.”Voight gave her a half smirk half smile. Voight know she was right, he saw and could feel the anger coming off of Jay on the ride over to Med.
“Ohhh, deadly.” Y/n giggled wiggling her eyebrows and laughed. Even though they knew it was true.
Voight squeezed her hand for comfort before speaking. “You know you can talk to me right? About anything?”
He truly hoped she knew that. That she could come to him about anything and everything.
“I didn’t want to worry you.” Y/n shrugged but looked down feeling a little ashamed. That she didn’t tell him and that it happened at all.
“I’m your father. I worry even when your okay.” he told her sternly. He cared about her more than he could ever tell her. Or show her.
“I love you dad.” Y/n smiled at him grateful to have this off her chest, for him to know, and that he was by her side.
“I love you too.” Voight was gonna take care of this. An no one was gonna get in his way.
Taglist: @padawancat97
#y/n#x reader#x y/n#imagine#imagines#chicago police#chicago pd#jay halstead#kevin atwater#trudy platt#kim burgess#adam ruzek#hank voight#hank voight x daughter!reader#one chicago#chicago pd imagine#chicago pd imagines#will halstead#chicago med#hank voight daughter imagine#hank voight daughter imagines#hank voight x reader#hank voight x daughter reader
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Main Accounts:
TV Show : @samantha-chicago
F1 : @cllightning81
I shall be reposting fics I have read on this account rather than on my main account so authors still get the credit they deserve without me sharing them over my own fics.
#chicago pd#jay halstead#arthur leclerc x reader#ollie bearman x reader#max verstappen x reader#lando norris x reader#logan sargent x reader#f1 smau#liam lawson x reader#pierre gasly x reader#f1 x reader#f1#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 fic#formula 1#charles leclerc#lewis hamilton#lando norris#one chicago x reader#chicago fire x reader#chicago pd x reader#christopher herrmann x daughter#ethan choi x reader#chicago fire#chicago med#kelly severide smut#kelly severide x reader#kelly severide x sister#kelly severide x sister!reader
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HEY GUYSSS I just wanna let you know that I won’t be posting another imagine until next week some time because I get my GCSE results tomorrow and I would LOVE to relax for a few days after. I’ll probably start writing/planning on the weekend but for now I’m just going to try and relax because I’m VERY anxious for tomorrow 💜💛
#jude bellingham#obx fic#pov#fred weasley x reader#imagines#jj maybank imagine#thomas shelby x reader#wolfstar daughter#jay halstead#baxter radic#gcses 2024
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Perfectly Perfect | JAY HALSTEAD
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request: From anon.
Fic Type: imagine
Warnings: Daughters name in this is Ruby but you can change it to whatever you want.
Word Count: 877
©️ no one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my works on here or anywhere else.
Jay and Y/N are roused from their light sleep by their baby girl’s whimpering coming through the baby monitor. Y/N moves to get out of bed to attend to Ruby, but Jay stops her, making her lie back down.
“I’ve got her,” he says, pulling back the blankets and getting out of bed.
“But it’s my turn, and you need to sleep,” she grumbles snuggling back into her pillow. Jay put in extra time over the last week working on the intelligence unit's newest case. Before they went to bed, he'd only been home for two hours.
“You can take my turn,” he says as he leans down and kisses the top of her head. Just as Ruby’s whimpers morph into cries, he exits the bedroom.
“Hey, sweetheart,” the new dad coos at his daughter as he scoops her from her crib and hugs her against his bare chest, carrying her down into the kitchen and heating up one of her bottles. As he returns to the nursery and sits on the wooden rocking chair that Hailey had gifted them, having bought it while helping Y/N with the baby shopping, he begins giving Ruby the bottle.
After Ruby’s been fed and burped, Jay puts her back on his chest and begins to gently rock in the chair. He rubs Ruby’s back and whispers to her about how much he loves her and her mommy as she slowly falls back to sleep.
An hour later, Y/N awakens to find Jay’s side of the bed still empty and faint snores coming from the baby monitor. She rises from the bed and heads into the nursery, but she pauses when she finds Jay sleeping in the rocker with Ruby tucked against his chest. Instead of waking him up straight away, she returns to their bedroom, grabs her phone, and then returns to the nursery to snap another picture of the father and daughter sleeping together.
She walks over to the sleeping duo and softly runs her fingers through her husband’s hair. His eyes flutter open, and a little smile forms on his lips as he looks up at her sleepily.
“Hey,” he says, his voice hoarse from sleep.
“Hey,” she whispers, returning his smile and kissing the top of his head. “Let’s put Ruby back in her crib and go back to bed. I’m sure the bed will be more comfier than the rocking chair.”
She moves aside as he stands up and carries Ruby to her crib.
Y/N stands behind him, a hand on his lower back, gazing fondly at the child they created as he tucks Ruby back into her crib. Jay turns on the baby mobile that is hanging over her crib when she starts to stir. The soothing melody of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” quickly soothes baby Halstead.
“Sometimes I can’t believe she’s ours and that we made her,” Jay admits as he looks down at the small baby who already resembles him so much.
Ruby’s inherited his nose, blue eyes, freckles, and ears, and her Uncle Will’s auburn hair. There’s no denying that she takes after her dads side of the family. Y/N’s mom often tells her that its common for girls to take after their dad and she would know because all three of her girls take after their dad.
“I think that sometimes too,” she confesses. “She’s perfectly perfect.”
“With two imperfect parents,” he continues, throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side.
She kisses his chest and rests her head against it with a smile, “We can’t all be angels,”
“What did we do to deserve her?” He wonders aloud.
“I’m not sure,” she acknowledges, “but I thank God every day for her. Now, let’s go back to bed before she wakes up again."
Separating herself from him, she grabs his hand and leads him back to their bedroom. After getting back into bed, Jay pulls her close to him while seeming to be contemplating something important as he looks up at the ceiling. She is about to ask about what is going through his head when he reveals to her something unexpected.
"I want another one.”
“Another baby?” she asks making sure that’s what he is talking about.
He looks at her and nods, “Yeah.”
“So do I, but I think we should wait until Ruby is a little older before trying for another one,” she suggests, letting him know she has also been thinking about having another baby.
“I agree,” he says, relieved that they’re on the same page.
If they decided to have more than one child, they had both agreed that they would want their children to be close in age but not too close. They both come from families where them and their siblings are close in age. Will is only a year older than Jay, while Y/N is two years younger than her older sister and a year older than her younger sister.
“But until we decide to try for another baby, you and Ruby are all I need,” she smiles.
“You and Ruby are all I need right now, too,” he returns her smile as he cups her cheek with his hand and draws her into a sweet and loving kiss.
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Littlest Halstead Masterlist
Summary: Jay Halstead is a dad. A dad to you, Y/N Halstead. A good loving boyfriend, soon to be, a good loving husband to your mother, Maria Valentina Dawson, a Dawson sibling. Jay and Maria loved each other since high school and were so excited to have you.
Pairings: Jay Halstead x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, inaccurate police talk, inaccurate medical talk
A/N: Ages range. Additional warnings at the beginning of each fic.
Dr. Uncle Will
#Littlest Halstead#jay halstead x daughter!reader fandom#jay halstead x daughter!reader fanfiction#jay halstead x daughter!reader fanfic#jay halstead x daughter!reader imagine#jay halstead x daughter!reader imagines#chicago pd x daughter!reader fandom#chicago pd x daughter!reader imagine#chicago pd x daughter!reader imagines#chicago pd x daughter!reader fanfic#chicago pd x daughter!reader fanfiction#one chicago x daughter!reader fanfiction#one chicago x daughter!reader fanfic#one chicago x daughter!reader fandom#one chicago x daughter!reader imagines#one chicago x daughter!reader imagine#chicago pd fandom#chicago pd fic#chicago pd fanfiction#chicago pd imagine#chicago pd fanfic#one chicago fanfic#one chicago imagines#one chicago x reader#one chicago fanfiction#one chicago imagine#jay halstead fanfiction#jay halstead one shot#jay halstead imagine
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"My daddy has to fight some bad guys". || Jay Halstead x reader and daughter
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠

You woke up earlier than everybody in your house to get everything ready for everyone. Jay would usually follow you a few minutes later and you two would make breakfast and get your daughter ready for school together, along with other morning stuff. This wasn't the day, your husband had fallen asleep and you were doing everything by yourself, trying not to make a lot of noise. You knew he was working a tough case and had come back quite late from work the night before, so you didn't want to wake him up. Even when he didn't want to admit it, he was tired as hell and needed to rest.
You were in the kitchen starting to cook breakfast when you felt his arms hugging you from the back.
-"Did I wake you up?" You asked. -"I was trying not to".
-"I didn't feel you by my side and I couldn't fall asleep again". He answered into your ear and then kissed your neck as he continued talking. -"I'm sorry I haven't been around. We closed this case last night, what's left is a bunch of paperwork. My hope is to be back home early tonight and...". You turned around to hug him back and interrupted him with a short kiss. He rushed to finish his sentence with a heavy breathing : "...I can make it up for you", then proceeded to tenderly kiss your lips as he held you as tight as he could with one of his arms, while fervently holding your head with his other hand, finger all tangled in your hair, pulling it a bit.
Due to the case Jay was working on, you two had barely seen each other during the last week and a half, so things were heating up fast. Suddenly, for both of your displeasure, an alarm interrupted the moment.
-"Time to wake her up". You said having trouble separating from him.
-"I'll go". Jay took your phone to turn off the alarm. -"I'm driving her to school too".
-"Hey, Jay!" You took his hand before letting him leave the room. -"You do remember her Father's Day Festival, right?".
-"Next friday, 10:30, sure".
-"I was thinking...maybe you should talk to her and explain that...of course you will be there, but if you are not able to make it is due to your work".
-"But I will be there".
-"I know, I know, it's just...we never know when a case might pop up. Remember the Spring Festival?".
-"Oh. The bank robbery right before it...".
-"Yes, that's what I mean. That time was easy because I was there, but this time I won't...".
-"I will talk to her". He said after a few seconds of silence. -"But I'll be there, no matter what".
That day, Tessa and her class made a craft for their fathers. All the little kids were drawing in a small paper square that would become a keychain for Father's Day. Some of them were drawing hearts, others were doing stick figures. Tessa drew her dad carrying her over his shoulders and a bunch of hearts around. Her artwork was a little abstract, but understandable for a 5 year old.
-"All right". Ms. Luna said in a sweet voice. Tessa really loved her teacher. -"I am going to take your drawings and we will give them back to our dads as a key chain during the festival!".
-"My daddy said he will come, but he's working and if he doesn't show up it is because he has to fight some bad guys. Bad guys don't respect days or time". Tessa rushed to repeat what Jay tried to explain to her earlier in the morning when he was taking her to school.
-"It's ok". Her teacher laughed a bit. -"Sometimes parents can't make it and it's ok. That doesn't mean they don't want to or that they don't love us".
The class rehearsed the song they would sing at intervals throughout the rest of the day. Tessa never missed the opportunity to repeat the information going around her head: "My dad said he's coming, but if he's not here it means he's working" or "My daddy is fighting the bad guys and bad guys they don't respect days or time" or "He will be here, but if he's not here, that means he's on the streets. He makes Chicago safe". Her friends were amazed whenever she repeated those statements. She did understand what her father told her, but she didn't really comprehend.
The day was here. You dropped Tessa at school, she was all excited. Before she entered the building you reminded her: "If it happens that daddy is not here or he's late, remember he's fighting the bad guys".
Jay was already in the bullpen, everything was strangely calmed. He had talked with Voight about going out to Tessa's school and he gladly agreed.
-"Today is the day isn't it?" Hailey asked Jay as she entered the coffee room.
-"Yeah". He smirked. -"If nothing else intervenes".
-"Let's stay positive". She said remembering what had happened last Spring Festival.
It was 8:30, the day had just started when Trudy came upstairs with an urgent case.
-"That's just my luck". Jay said, rushing downstairs with his partner.
-"Let's try to make it quick". Hailey answered by putting on her coat.
At school, the kids were getting ready to go outside to start the festival. Parents were gathering outside of the building, waiting to get inside.
Students from all schools were lining up around the court. Their parents were supposed to meet them and be in front of their kid's group to hear them sing.
-"Is your dad here?" One of Tessa's friends asked.
-"I can't see him". She answered standing on tiptoe. -"But it's ok, it's because he had to fight the bad guys".
All the kids waved their fathers with excitement, some of them ran to hug them before starting the show. Jay didn't make it, but Tessa wasn't feeling bad about it...yet.
When the song finished, all the kids jumped into their fathers arms and gave them the craft they made in class as a gift for them. Tessa stood in her place, not being able to hold her tears. She was crying in silence, so between the noise and excitement around the little girl, nobody noticed her until a few minutes later. As soon as her teacher saw her, she ran towards her and hugged her tight.
-"It's ok, honey. It's ok. Your dad wanted to be here with you". She said in a very sweet and calmed voice. -"Remember he is fighting the bad guys, you said that before ''.
Some parents were moved watching the scene, but there was nothing they could do. Ms. Johnson, the school's principal, noticed the situation from afar and she joined as soon as she could. By only moving her lips, trying not to be heard, she asked Tessa's teacher if the little girl's father wasn't there. She shaked her head in disapproval when the teacher answered with a sorry face.
-"We can call your dad, Tess. That way you can hear his voice".
-"But, Ms. Johnson, he's fighting the bad guys". Ms. Luna intervened.
-"Oh!" She understood. -"Ok, but we can call him later, we'll tell him to come so you can give him your present. Would you like that?".
The little girl was an emotional mess, but agreed with her head, even though she wasn't really listening to what the adults were saying.
The emergency call for the intelligence team ended up in a shooting and that delayed detective Halstead. As soon as he finished with interviews and all the bureaucracy after this kind of situation, he ran off.
-"Go, go, go". Hailey rushed. -"I cover you".
Jay drove his truck as fast as he could, siren on. It wasn't a police emergency, but it was an emergency after all, he could deal with the consequences later. He parked in the first spot he found, even if it wasn't merely in front of the school and ran as fast as he could in a police mode to get to his baby girl. It was until he entered the building that he noticed he was still wearing the vest, gun and badge on his hip, but didn't care.
-"There he is!" Ms. Johnson pointed to Tessa's father.
-"Come on! Come on!" Ms. Luna took the little girl's hand and started running towards her dad.
-"I'm so sorry". Jay took Tessa in his arms and carried her holding her as tight as he could. She was too emotionally drained to react.
Kids around were already saying goodbye to their parents, going back to their classrooms.
-"We'll give you some time alone". Ms. Johnson informed Jay and he muttered a "thank you".
-"You can go back to the classroom when you feel ready". Ms. Luna told her student.
-"I hate the bad guys". Tessa managed to say when they were finally alone.
-"Me too". Her father said. -"I'm really, really sorry I didn't hear you sing, but I'm here right now". He wiped the tears from her cheeks.
-"I did it real good, you missed it". She said playing with the key chain in her hands.
-"I bet you did". Jay chuckled. -"What do you have there?".
-"It's a present for you. I made it for you". She extended her short arm to give it to her dad.
-"For me? Is it for my keys? I love it!"
-"It's you and me and lots of hearts. I drew it myself".
-"I can see that. It's beautiful. Thank you, sweetie". Jay's phone started ringing and he sighed when he read the text messages.
-"I have to go back to work".
-"But I don't want you to go". She started crying again.
Ms. Johnson came into the scene to help Tessa go back to her class" -"Daddy has to go back to work, sweetie. Ms. Luna and your friends are waiting for you, let's go". And she took her tenderly in her arms as her crying grew louder.
-"It's all right". Jay reassured her with a kiss. -"I love you. I'll see you at home, ok?". And she disappeared through the door.
He peeked through the classroom window to check on her before departing. He witnessed how Ms. Luna was successfully calming her down and felt a little bit more relaxed to go.
-"Thank you for coming". Ms. Johnson told him with a smile. -"For real".
With a heavy heart, he got into his truck and before turning it on, he hung the keychain in his keys. He inspected the tiny drawing and smiled before going back to the bullpen.
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a ♡, comment or share. 😌♡
#chicago pd#chicago pd imagine#Jay Halstead#Jay Halstead x reader#Jay halstead x Y/N#Jay Halstead imagine#Jay Halstead one shot#Jay Halstead x you#kevin atwater#One chicago#One chicago one shot#Jay Halstead x daughter
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Upstead Foster Daughter
Did you ever wonder how Upstead would be as foster parents for a teenage girl? Like Hank and Erin, Hailey and Jay welcomed Olivia to their home when she was 16. Olivia holds a lot of grudges and is full of mischief, but she is also incredibly sweet and has a tremendous need to feel like she belongs. To her surprise, Hailey and Jay will give her exactly that.
[Chapter I] "If I was dying on my knees you would be the one to rescue me"
Jay is shot and help comes from an unexpected source.

Blood was no stranger to Jay Halstead. Nor is being in the aim of a gun. But actually being shot, bleeding out? This is something you never get used to.
Jay had been lying on the cold concrete floor for about two minutes now, unaware that minutes had passed. Everything happened so fast. The bullet missed his bulletproof vest and hit his side, invading him with pain and knocking him to the ground.
Jay made an effort but failed to reach for his radio that he dropped when he fell. Being alone, bleeding out from a hole in your belly, is enough to send anyone into a panic. But not him, because Jay knew that was not how he would die, chasing a stupid drug dealer who shot him down an alley in the middle of the day. He wasn't even supposed to be there alone in the first place.
His team would find him. Hailey would find him.
Half a minute later, Jay hears footsteps coming from the other side of the alley. His hands loosened the hold on his side where he was stanching the bleeding with a piece of his plaid shirt. They got to him, he could relax now.
The footsteps were soft, they were probably from Hailey or Kim, even Hank coming-
“Jesus Christ! Sir, what happened?” Jay's head moved in the direction of the voice so fast that he felt pain shooting through his entire body.
His vision was getting blurry, be he could make out a teenage girl who could not be older than fifteen. She was staring at him from 10 steps away and the strain his neck was doing to look at her was making him even more uncomfortable. He resumed his previous position with a loud groan, pressing the piece of fabric tighter against his side again.
The action calls the girl's attention to the wound, the amount of blood making her gasp and kneel on the ground beside the man. Although she had never seen a gunshot wound before, she knew it was one. She noticed his vest, his gun, and his radio on the ground. He was a cop and he was bleeding out on the pavement right in front of her. She had to do something.
Her hands flew to the wound, joining his bigger ones in stopping the bleeding. She took out her coat, pressing it to the wound.
“My belt” Jay said, reaching out to it. He had attempted to remove it earlier, but his hands were shaking excessively and he lacked the strength to do so. Just like he couldn't reach for his radio to call for help.
She got the message and took his belt. His badge and gunholder coming off in the process. The girl knew she had to do a tourniquet, so she wrapped the belt around his side, finding some difficulty in doing so, but still managed to succeed. More grunts of pain left Jay as she tightened the belt.
Her hands and clothes were covered in blood, and her face had some splashes from when she tried to get her hair out of the way.
What to do now? She couldn't carry him, she couldn't leave him here alone to die either.
“The radio, take my radio” Jay's voice was weaker now, he was using all his strength to not pass out.
She looked back and stood up to retrieve the radio. She came back and kneeled beside him again, waiting for more instructions. It was crazy how he could still think rationally in these conditions. She felt so powerless because he was the one dying, but he was still managing to tell her what to do. She knew, however, that he was probably trained for moments like this.
“What's your name?” Jay said after a moment trying to catch his breath.
“Olivia” She answered, her voice shaking.
The girl glanced down at the name carved on his vest “Halstead, Intelligence” she read out loud.
“Yeah, yeah, you-” he coughed. “You pull this switch and press this button” his blood-soaked hand showed her how to do it.
“Call for help, tell them the address” were Jay’s last words before he started to feel his consciousness fading away.
He turned his head to the side, feeling the cold on his cheek. His vision went completely black but he could still hear Olivia's voice in the background.
Jay could not make out what she was saying but the last thing he heard before passing out was Hank's voice through the radio “Who the hell are you?!”
You all recognize the lyrics from the title, right? Thank you for reading and let me know what you think! It's my first time attempting to write a story with multiple chapters so any form of encouragement is much appreciated ♡
#jay never leaves#post marriage upstead#chicago pd#chicago pd fanfic#chicago pd fanfiction#chicago pd imagine#chicago pd x reader#chicago pd x oc#jay halstead#jay halstead x reader#jay halstead platonic#jay halstead adoptive daughter#jay halstead foster daughter#whump jay halstead#upstead#upstead fanfic#upstead fanfiction#upstead adoptive daughter#upstead foster daughter#hailey upton#hailey upton x reader#hailey upton platonic#hailey upton adoptive daughter#hailey upton foster daughter
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A New Milestone
*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader.
• Requested: no.
• Summary: your daughter just started kindergarten and both you and, especially, Jay didn’t imagine how difficult seeing her grow up would be.
• Warnings: none, just fluff and ugly ass writing as usual.
• Word count: 2631.
• A/N: I was just craving some Dad!Jay fics so here it is one. I’m sorry if there are any mistakes. I hope you’ll like this fic, please let me know what you think and comment, like and reblog if you want. As always, thank you so much for everyone who supported and who’s supporting me ❤️ I love you all.
The big day had arrived.
Needless to say, neither you nor Jay were ready and, nothing, no instructions, no manuals, no googled blogs, would’ve prepared you on how tough this moment was going to be.
Your little girl was starting kindergarten and you couldn't be more desperate than you already were.
You tried not to get carried away by emotions, not wanting to be one of those oppressive mothers or always with teary eyes in front of your daughter – you’d do that later – but Jay didn't seem to be doing a very good job.
The situation was tragicomic, because on one side there was your little Sofia who was running left and right, excited and overjoyed to start kindergarten, and on the other there was Jay, who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and having a crying spell.
“What does my beautiful girl want to eat for a snack?” you asked as she was giggling with her dad. Jay wouldn't let her go, he held her as long as possible like he was going to never see her again. They were standing next to you and he didn't even seem to notice you were there as he showered her with kisses on her plump cheeks and cradled her in his arms.
“Lots of chocolate chip cookies!” she exclaimed, her green eyes shining as she toyed with her favorite puppet, a little Frozen doll obviously brought by her father.
“Nah-ah miss, you tried it, you already ate a lot of them,” you replied approaching her and leaving a kiss on her cheek before starting to prepare her snack bag.
“If my little girl wants chocolate chip cookies, she's going to have chocolate chip cookies,” Jay interjected, and you rolled your eyes, knowing you weren't going to win this debate. Sofia let out a little scream of excitement, throwing her little arms around her father's neck who hugged her even more and caressing her back. “My precious big girl.”
“Incredible,” you mumbled, trying to hide the smile that threatened to grow on your lips.
With everything prepped, it was time to drop her off at kindergarten, and needless to say neither you or Jay were ready.
You noticed how quiet he was, not speaking unless absolutely necessary. During the car ride, little Sofia kept saying how happy she was to start, to make new friends and to be with her friend Lucy. She was so exuberant you sometimes wondered where she got this side of her character from.
Jay said almost nothing, just glanced from time to time at his daughter in the rearview mirror, while his heart tightened with sadness at the thought he’d soon have to leave her.
“We're here honey,” was one of the few things he said after pulling into the kindergarten parking lot.
“Okay baby are you sure you don't want to go home with mom and dad?” Jay asked as he knelt down next to Sofia.
“Hey I'm just saying... There's still time if you want to think about it princess okay?”.
“No papa I want to go! I see you later, don't be sad,” Sofia tried to confront him and you internally bite your cheeks to prevent you from crying in front of her. She was only four but she was so emotionally intelligent.
“I'm not sad princess, I'm just very proud of you. You're a big girl now,” Jay replied, trying to keep himself calm as well. He stroked the girl's hair, then leaving a kiss on her forehead “Dad loves you very very much you know that right?”.
She nodded vigorously. “I love you too much dada and I love mommy too. But can we go?”.
“Give me a hug first.”
She hugged her father, who held her as if she was going to war and not coming home for a long time. He tried to savor every second of that hug, aware his baby girl was getting older, that the more time went by, the fewer hugs he’d receive, and this broke his heart.
When it was your turn to say goodbye to Sofia you couldn't hold back your tears, squeezing and stroking your little girl's hair as you hugged her. “I love you so much baby always remember that, and if you need anything mom and dad are always here.”
“I know mama, I love you so much too!”.
Seeing her run inside her kindergarten was a scene that generated a series of conflicting emotions.
On one hand you were so happy, knowing she was growing up, that she was starting to taste some independence, that she was going to make friends and start exploring the world. On the other hand… Damn it, it was so hard because all you wanted was to have her always with you, forever.
You glanced at Jay who was staring at the kindergarten, a melancholy and sad expression on his face.
“Are you okay baby?” you asked him as you intertwined your fingers with his. He brought his eyes to you and looked at you for a moment before nodding. “We can go.”
You walked back hand in hand to the car but he didn't utter a word and, after so many years you've been together, you knew when he was so quiet it was because he tried to suppress his emotions.
When he got into the car, he took a deep breath trying to swallow the lump in his throat before starting the car but the moment he glanced at the back seats and saw Sofia's empty seat, he couldn't control himself anymore and tears began to running down his cheeks.
He felt so ridiculous, he cried when his daughter was only few feet away and she was totally fine.
But he couldn't control it, she was his little girl, his precious princess and he was still so in disbelief she had reached this new milestone. He remembered as if it were yesterday when he picked her up for the first time as a newborn, how afraid he was of accidentally hurting her and now she was grown up, she had even started kindergarten.
He felt an immeasurable love for his daughter, a love that cannot be described in words. He would’ve given her the world if she wanted, the moon and the stars if she asked and knowing he wasn't there with her in that moment, that if she fell he wouldn't be there to dry her tears, that he wasn’t going to feed her, to help her with her hair, to play with her… Man, he felt an abyss in his chest.
You placed a hand on his arm and caressed him before hugging him to try to comfort him. Seeing him cry like that, for his little girl, did nothing but make you even more sure than you already were that you couldn't have made a better choice, you couldn't have chosen a better father for your children.
“It's okay baby, cry all you want,” you whispered, your voice broken by the tears that you too had been shedding continuously for at least half an hour.
“I don't want… Man… I don't want her to grow up so fast,” he mumbled. He pulled away from the hug, and as soon as you looked at each other you chuckled through tears, noting the condition you both were in.
“Oh God…” he sighed, handing you a handkerchief and taking one for himself with which he dried his tears.
“How is it possible she’s already in kindergarten Jay?” you shook your head in disbelief.
“Tell me about it… Our baby is getting so big.”
You nodded, sniffling as you tried to pull yourself together and regain control of yourself. “How about we go home and watch videos of her as a new born and keep crying?”.
Jay burst out laughing, giving you a kiss on the lips. “Sounds like a great idea to me love.”
And that was exactly what you did for the next few hours, with ice cream and tears in full super drama style.
When it came time to pick up Sofia, Jay looked like a kid about to go buy his favorite toy, he couldn't wait for his baby to finish and to be able to hug her again.
It was the first time he had been separated from her for so long and God only knew how much he hated it.
You couldn't stop looking at him and smiling, watching how happy he was as he packed her snacks with all of her favorite treats. No wonder why he was the favorite parent and you the bad one.
“Don't you dare take anything away,” he warned you and you threw up your hands in surrender. “My little girl deserves to be pampered after today. Do you think she’ll be tired? Did she eat? I swear to God if they didn't feed her...”
“Babe, stop,” you grabbed his face as you chuckled “She's fine, she's even forgotten about us.”
The expression of pure horror and dismay with which he looked at you as you said these words made you burst into laughter. “My little girl didn’t forget about me, I’m her father, don’t you dare ever again say such things.”
“Oh Jay, c'mon! Of course she’s fine and she’s happy, I’m sure she’s enjoying herself and all the teachers are taking care of her.”
“I hope so or I'm going to burn that place down with my own hands,” he retorted and something told you he wasn't kidding at all.
But you weren't wrong.
When Jay picked Sofia up and saw her come out with her biggest smile as she ran towards him, he calmed down, setting aside the momentary idea of blowing up the building.
“Dada!” she yelled almost literally jumping into her father’s arms, who grabbed her and spun her in the air.
“My princess!” he exclaimed, delighted to finally be able to hug his daughter again. He showered her with kisses, tickling her as she giggled and laughed. “How are you? How was you day?”.
“Where is mommy?” she asked, looking around.
“She is waiting for us at home, she had things to do but she can't wait to see you, you know?” he hugged her tightly to him with lots of affection and love “Oh baby I missed you so much”.
“I missed you too much dada! You know we played with paint on our hands! Can we do it too with mama?” she looked at him with puppy eyes that weren't even needed that moment, Jay would’ve dug with his own hands and panned for gold if she'd asked.
“We'll do whatever you want baby, ask and I’ll give it to you,” he replied smiling and stroking her cheeks after caressing her hair “So, did you have fun? Have you made any friends?” he asked as they walked towards the parking lot, Sofia still in his arms as she talked about everything she did.
“Do you want to see a surprise?” he asked once they got close to the car and after setting her gently on the ground.
She nodded and let out a little squeal of delight as she jumped and clapped her little hands.
“Close your eyes then. And don't cheat, otherwise no surprise.”
She covered her eyes with her small hands. “No I don't cheat dada.”
Jay made sure she wasn't peeking and opened the passenger side door, taking the small bouquet of flowers from the seat before tucking it behind his back and kneeling in front of his daughter. He brought the flowers before arriving in kindergarten, wanting to somehow give his daughter a small prize and show her how proud he was of her.
“Okay you can open your eyes baby.”
He showed the bouquet to Sofia as she took her hands away from her eyes and the little cry of joy she let out and the look of pure happiness on her face made his heart melt. In that very moment he wished he had bought the whole flower shop, just so he could forever look at the joy the little girl was feeling.
“They are my favorites! Are they all for me?”.
“Obviously they’re all for you honey. Dada is so proud of you, you're becoming a young lady now.”
“Thank you daddy! I love you so much!” she hugged him, squeezing him as tight as she could with her little arms. She smelled the flowers, lilac tulips, her favorite color and flower. “I like them a lot dada”.
“I'm happy you liked them baby, I love you too so much,” he smiled as she tried to hold the flowers in her arms without dropping it. “What you say if we go back to mom now?”.
She nodded happily and after they got into the car and settled her into her seat, Jay started the car and drove home. He listened to all the stories and events happened today that Sofia told him, with attention and joy, realizing how much he loved hearing her talk. She was definitely talkative and Jay loved it so much, mostly because it was something little Halstead definitely got from you.
He took the opportunity to stop at a toy store to buy the paint and brushes his little girl wanted. And of course how could he say no when his daughter asked him to buy some toys and a dollhouse with that sweet little voice and puppy dog eyes?
He blamed you for this. She got from her mother this ability to make him give up so quickly and the way of using her puppy dog eyes to make him do whatever she wanted.
He blamed you because he didn't want to admit she had him wrapped around her little finger and she knew it, that little devil, she knew how to play on her father's feelings because he loved her more than himself.
So when they got home and Jay was carrying a huge bag of dolls and toys with a dollhouse in his arms, you weren't even surprised. Honestly, you wouldn't have expected otherwise.
As Sofia played with her new toys, you didn't waste time admonishing Jay about how much he was spoiling her. “It's not good spoiling her too much baby…”
“Luckily, you're here to play the dictator and restore order in this house,” he replied with an amused smile. “Asshole,” you tossed him the shirt you were folding, but not being able to hold back your laughter. He was too handsome and adorable to even pretend to be angry with him. “What are you hiding behind your back?” you asked as you noticed he had one arm hidden while with the other took the shirt you had just thrown at him and laid it on the bed.
He held out his other hand, revealing a beautiful bouquet of flowers, more precisely your favorite flowers, leaving you speechless.
“Jay...” you whispered in amazement as you took the bouquet from his hand and smell it. “Why the flowers? Did I forget some special event?”.
“Because you deserve it baby and honestly it's the least I can do,” he replied. He looked at you and the way your eyes sparkled and the way you were smiling made his heart melt, a flock of butterflies gripping his stomach just like the first day. “Because you gave me the best gift I could ever ask for, you gave me our little girl and our family and I’ll be eternally grateful to you. Because I’m in love with you in a way I’ve never thought I’d be with someone and because you make me the happiest I’ve ever been every single day. I’d honestly be nothing with you. So thank you baby, for everything.”
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x FemReader / Olivia "Liv" Halstead
Warnings: fluff/ platonic
Word count: 1745
Jay Halstead Materlist
A/N: Hello guys. So I’m not entirely in love with this, I’m sorry if it’s not that good and I'm sorry for being a little disconnected. As Olivia "Liv" Halstead is Maggie Elizabeth Jones. Hope everyone likes this original idea.
Don't be afraid to leave your comment!
Being a kindergarten teacher had its perks. For once you worked with the young, creative minds and had the chance to potentially make a positive impact on them. But other times it really sucked, for example like a couple of hours ago.
You were in your classroom having lunch by yourself as usual. When one of your students Olivia came to you with a troubled expression. Obviously you thought the worst about it, call it instinct.
“Hi, miss Y/N” her sweet voice said as she took a seat in front of your desk. You smiled at her being met with a small one in return.
“Hello sunshine. Are you okay?” you asked immediately putting your lunch on pause and giving your full attention to her.
“I’m sad” she said casting her eyes down, this made you furrow your eyebrows
“Can I help you? We can talk about why you’re sad” you asked warily but gently giving her a sympathetic smile while you searched for her eyes
“I don’t want to make you upset miss Y/N” she said as she fiddled with her little hands.
Why would you be upset? But then again, Liv was probably the most selfless child you have ever met and obviously she would say something like this. Even in her short years of age she always thought of others first, she was a really empathic kid.
“Little miss Olivia. It’s alright to talk about feelings, they are valid, and you would never make me upset” you said in a serious manner as you nodded encouragingly
“Even if it’s sadness, Miss Y/N?” “Even if it’s sadness” you confirmed nodding
“I don’t have a mom for mother daughter day party” she said looking at you with big green doe eyes as if you held the answer to every question. But before you could say something, she continued.
“My daddy said my mom went to a place called heaven and that she watches over me” she said sighing as she crossed her arms over your desk placing her chin on top. At her words you sighed too
“My mom went to heaven too, when I was your age” you said lips tight as you tried to keep your emotions at bay
“Why?” she curiously asked, making you avert your gaze before looking back at her and mustering a smile
“That’s how life works. Sometimes heaven needs more people to help watch over us” you said taking a deep breath
But how could you explain the concept of death to a little girl. You were sure that her dad had done the absolute best at it. Although you had only briefly talked a couple of times between drop out and pick up, and at teacher parent conference day. Nevertheless never touching the topic about Olivia’s mother. Jay Halstead seemed like a really great father to this little girl and quite frankly you didn’t want to overstep. You were broken out of your thought as you heard a little sob,
“But I don’t want her there” Olivia said as her little voice broke slightly along with your soul.
“Oh Liv. I’m sorry. I promise you, it will be better, one day you’ll understand” you said as you reached her side. Kneeling to her height and caressing her head as you hugged her
That conversation going on in circles in your head as you waited patiently biting good mornings to each of your students and their mothers at the drop line. While there was another conversation taking place in a car, as the passenger was getting ready for the drop off at school.
“Liv I’m so sorry I can’t come to your get together” Jay said guiltily as he sighed looking at his daughter through the review mirror. He was heartbroken knowing he had hurt and possibly disappointed the only important person in his life.
“You promised you would come” Olivia sadly said as she blinked rapidly in order to not let the tears fall as she avoided her father’s gaze
“I know. I know baby. But I have to go chase bad guys remember” Jay said turning to look at her once he parked in the drop line. A pained expression took place on his face when he saw her little tears.
“Hey-” he started as he was about to reach for her hand, stopping
“I know…” she whispered disappointed brushing her tears away before Jay could see her, but of course he already had
Before Jay could muster a response the back door was opened, and Jay met your eyes. Big smile on your face as Olivia climbed out of the truck, hand in yours for support.
“Hello little miss Liv” you said enthusiastically but as a response Olivia mustered an unenthusiastic ‘hello’. You glanced at Jay again smiling sadly before Liv waved goodbye to her father still not meeting his eyes.
“Hi I’m sorry. She’s in a bit of a mood. I broke a promise” Jay said as sad eyes followed his daughters retrieving figure.
“No worries. I understand. I’ll look after her, she’ll have a good time, I promise” you said smiling,
“Thanks for that. Have a good day” Jay shared a smile as he shook his head before biting goodbyes
You both had a thing for each other, but neither had made a move upon it. You had always stayed professional for the sake of Olivia and so has he. There were always lingering looks at parent-teacher conferences, but they were ones of admiration. Add obviously the fact that you are his daughters teacher, so being in a relationship would stir up a lot of drama between the other parents including your superiors.
When you entered your classroom all of the mom’s were sitting with their kids already doing the activities and eating the snacks you had brought for the occasion. With the exception of Olivia, who was sitting at a little table all by herself and this stirred something inside you.
In the district Jay was struggling to concentrate and the guilt was eating him alive. The look and the tears that he saw on Olivia’s face hunting him relentlessly.
“Hey, didn’t you have little nugget’s mom-daughter thing today?” Kevin asked as he walked into the breakroom
“Don’t remind me. She’s gonna hate me” Jay said as he stirred his coffee
“Man. Don’t tell me you’re missing it” Kevin asked leaning besides Jay, being met with a hum in confirmation
“There will be more in the future, I just-” Jay was interrupted by the other detective
“Hell na, man. You go do what you gotta do” Kevin started looking at his friend like if he had grown two heads
“Don’t let her down, bro. I’ll cover for you. Go” at this Jay looked at his friend trying to get his thoughts in place.
Kevin took a deep breath before taking ahold of Jay, dragging him into the bullpen and practically throwing Jay’s stuff in his arms before rushing him out to his truck.
“You go be a dad. I got your back” Kevin told Jay as the latter turned his truck on.
“Thanks, man, I’ll owe you big time” “Don’t worry about it, a beer at Molly’s can work for me”
Guiltily he thought of the brief conversation he had with Olivia and the mistake he would be committing if he didn’t make it. As he parked in the school he knew he wasn’t about to let his daughter be by herself, he wasn’t going to let her down.
Entering the classroom he looked over the heads and tables trying to identify his daughter. There she was on a table gluing something, but before he could move he saw you sitting beside her. Now noticing Liv’s laugh mixed with your own.
“So Liv, what’s your favorite color?” you asked as you colored the paper you had prepared for everyone, but Olivia didn’t respond. As you heard a gasp leave her mouth your head snapped up to her face following her eyesight to the door.
“He came, miss Y/N” Hazel excitedly said before leaping to her feet and running into her father’s awaiting arms, the latter picking her up kissing her cheek
“Hey baby!” Jay said with a smile on his face, as he saw how Olivia beamed happily
“Daddy you came” “Of course, I made a promise remember” he said matching her excitement.
At the same time he walked to the table Olivia was occupying as you stood up looking at them with a shy smile. When they reached the table Liv sat down explaining to her dad what she was doing, to which he nodded smiling with excitement. You took that as your signal to go back to your desk,
“Hey, uh, Miss Y/N” Jay said as he walked over to where you had stopped and turned to him
“Just Y/N it’s fine” you waved him off with a kind smile
“I’m sorry for intruding-” “It’s-”
“She told about her mom; thought I could help” you rambled with a remorse expression waiting as you felt a hand being placed on your shoulder
“Take a deep breath” Jay said as he chuckled, to which you scratched the back of your neck nervously
“Thank you, you didn’t have to- but you did, and I really appreciate it” he said smiling sadly as you both looked back towards Olivia, before you shook your head again
“She’s a great girl, really smart” you said smiling slightly as you returned Olivia’s wave
“Yeah she is. That’s all her” he answered turning back to look at you
“I deeply apologize, the school should really mind what they write. If it was up to me it should be parent-child day” you said as you tilted your head, before Jay could answer another voice interrupted
“Dad. Can miss Y/N sit with us? She was going to braid my hair next” Liv said excitedly as she looked up to Jay
“Sure. If she’s not too busy, remember she has adult responsibilities” he answered looking down at Liv’s big eyes
“She’s not! She can teach you how to braid my hair, dad” Olivia answered. You bit your lips trying to fight the laugh that was trying to surface when you watched Jay’s mouth hanging
“Damn, why do you have to wound me like that, pumpkin” Jay said looking at you to see if you had heard. Shaking his head as you placed a hand over your mouth chuckling.
#jay halstead x reader#chicago pd imagines#jay halstead#jay halstead fluff#jay halstead x y/n#jay halstead x you#fan fiction#one chicago fic#jay halstead angst#jay halstead x daughter
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You have a kid?!
Character: Will Halstead x Daughter!OC, Jay Halstead
Warnings: Brief mentions of abandonment but that's kinda it.
Summary: After being gone for so long, Will finally shows up but with a girl by his side.
Lightly based on Season 2, Episode 17 Chicago PD but I changed it a little.
A/N: This is a first for me but I'm totally in love. Even if this doesn't get a lot of love, I'm going to be writing a lot more of Faith.
Jay's problems had washed over. He no longer had a bounty on his head and things with him and Erin were decent. It wasn't the bestest of things to be hanging out with college kids who dumped waste onto politicians but at least none of the boys ended up being pushed from a hotel window, dead on top of a car.
"Hey chuckles." Trudy called out for Jay, her eyes not moving as she was immersed in punching holes into a bunch of papers.
"Detective chuckles if you don't mind." Jay smirked, coming forward and leaning his forearms against the front desk.
"Little donnybrook down at kitty o'shea's officer on the scene wanted to know if you'd stop by." Trudy went on, saying it as though she was bored and was more interested in her little task than talking to the younger detective.
"To do what? Show him how to do his job?"
"No, keep your brother from getting locked up."
And with just a tad bit of confusion and a little bit of being fed up, Jay was making his way out to have a word with his brother, totally oblivious to what he was walking into.
Jay was more than prepared, stewing in his thoughts on the drive over so when he got out his car and was approaching the pavement, he came to a sudden stop, frozen in his steps.
There was his redhead brother, trying to talk to the only officer on the scene with a small girl no taller than his knees who for some reason shared the red locks of his brother and his deceased mother hiding behind Will's legs.
Maybe he was hallucinating-
"Ah! Detective Halstead, please talk to your brother." The officer turned around, looking at Jay in relief as he stepped away from Jay.
"What the hell happened?" Jay asked, authority laced in his words as he eyed the man sitting on the floor behind the officers feet but his hands weren't cuffed.
Will scoffed, shaking his head incredulously. "That bastard tried to take Faith, that's what happened!" He said, pointing at the bearded man on the floor who had no shame on his face whatsoever.
Faith? Jay thought to himself, he didn't know a Faith. But that was a thought for later because Will was accusing the man of attempted kidnapping.
"Attempted kidnapping? That's a serious offence officer, why don't you put some bracelets on him and chuck him into the back of your car." Jay suggested, looking the officer dead in the eye. "Go straight to the 21st and tell the desk sergeant Jay Halsteads dealing with him."
Without another word, the officer complied, slightly shaken from Jay's words.
Now that they were alone, Jay could finally talk to his brother. "Dude, who's Faith?"
Will smiled, a soft and genuine smile Jay hadn't seen since before their mother died which both confused him but he wasn't complaining either.
"Faith, you remember our stories about uncle Jay?" Will turned around, bending down so he was eye level with the girl. Only when she nodded, her toothy smile oddly resembling the smile Jay swore he knew from pictures their mother took when they were kids. "This is him honey."
Uncle? Honey? The two words flew around his mind in a whirlwind, feeling as though a tornado was messing up all his inner workings because none of this was making any sense.
It seemed that the name uncle Jay turned on a switch because the second Will mentioned it, the redheaded girls eyes, that was the same whiskey colour as her father's brightened up too fast to be humanly possible. She whipped around so fast, looking up at Jay with such a speed that he was concerned she'd gotten whiplash.
"Uncs Jay Jay!" She practically screamed with joy even with her very obvious lisp. Her arms went up in the air and before any attempt could be made to stop her, she launched herself towards the younger Halstead brother and wrapped herself around his legs, not able to reach any further.
Her giggles were so innocent and giddy and full of life, her chubby cheeks squished against his jeans as she mumbled nonsense to herself that Jay probably should've been listening to but he was still in shock.
"Alright kiddo, let Jay Jay go, we don't need him collapsing from shock." Will chuckled at his brother, prying his daughter away with minimal strength.
Faith gasped, her eyes wide as she immediately let go. All she wanted to do was hug him! She didn't mean to hurt him! Oh no, if she hurt her uncle then her dad would-
Will shook his head with a smile at his daughters very distraught face at the mere thought of hurting the man she'd heard so many stories about. She would never be able to live with herself if she was the reason Jay had to amputate both his legs, how would he keep the world safe from all the bad guys without legs!
"Jay Jay?" Jay reiterated, remembering the name he was called the day of his birth by Will but eventually, the name died out. Clearly, it hadn't been buried in its rightful casket since it was still being said all these years later.
Before Will could reply with some sort of an explanation, Jay's radio went off, the voice on the other side belonging to one of those from intelligence. Jay was brought back down to earth, blinking as he realised he was needed at work.
"Go do your thing." Will nodded, making sure he was holding Faith's hand as the two waved Jay away.
"Sabe de world please!" Faith shouted with a smile as Jay backed away to his car, her adorable lisp and poor pronunciation causing a smile to break out on the detectives face.
Fast forward several hours later, Jay gave Will his address, work was finished, everyone had eaten and all they were doing was sitting in the sitting room, the two brothers nursing beers as the only girl Halstead giggled to herself, easily entertaining herself with the few toys she brought to Chicago with her.
"So..." Jay cleared his throat, taking a sip of his beer as he glanced at the three year old who sat cross-legged on his rug which now that he thought about it, he should give it a good clean.
"So?" Will replied, a smile on his face when he caught onto what Jay was silently indicating. "Just say the words man - Where'd this kid that looks just like you come from?"
"What happened man?" Jay asked, summing together all his questions in the three words. "Last I heard from you was that you were partying it up in New York with your surgeon stuff."
Will hummed because it was true. The last thing Will told his younger brother about his life was that it was all great which it definitely had been, but he forgot to mention the finer details.
"Four years ago, met this girl who was a nurse and we hit it off whatever." Will started, waving his hand as he mentioned the woman. "It was only one night and clearly lots happened but she left me out of the loop.
"Then, all of a sudden, nine months later there's a knock on my door and guess what?" Will asked rhetorically, not waiting for an answer as he carried on. "In a carrier is this baby girl with a tuft of red hair, a small card on her lap that said 'Her names Faith and she's definitely yours' that's it.
"Fast forward three years later and here we are." Will said with a warm smile, looking down at Faith as though she was the only thing that mattered in the world.
Finished with his story, Will rolled his eyes as Faith struggled to keep her eyes open, slouching as she slowly drifted off. Now that he took a good look at the time, it was well past her bedtime and for such a little girl, she was most definitely jet-lagged.
With little to not effort, Will lifted Faith into his arms, giving her time to shift around - snuggling her face into the crook of his neck, her small arms barely going around his torso with her legs wrapping around him tightly - she was basically his own koala.
"Who would've thought fatherhood would look so good on William Halstead?" Jay teased, smirking into the rim of his beer, watching his niece doze off in her father's arms.
"I'm still learning man." Will huffed with a smile. "The older she gets, the more attitude she gets and I'm already struggling to keep up with her now."
The two settled into a comfortable silence but there was one more question that Jay needed answering. "How long you in Chicago for?"
The lack of an answer from Will is what increased Jay's curiosity. For some reason, after their first meeting this morning, Jay had some hope that maybe his brother was coming back home but obviously, it was all false hope-
"Um, we're staying." Will announced, whispering so he wouldn't wake up Faith who was knocked off in a deep, deep sleep. He thought long and hard over this decision and it only seemed right, even if he was moving from the only home Faith ever knew.
"Your Faith's family and you've already missed her first three years - which is all my fault, I know." Will said, indirectly apologising for not introducing the uncle and niece earlier. "Her mother's never been in here and I doubt she ever will be. Besides me, your all she has."
His tone was solemn and there's clearly been tons of time behind his well thought out words. Jay might've been caught off by his older brothers confession but it struck a cord for him and after the day he had, it was just what he needed.
"Your kidding." Jay scoffed, brows furrowed in disbelief and slightly in denial that after all these years, his only sibling was coming back home with a new member of the family at his side.
"No kidding." Will shook his head, smiling at his brothers reaction. "Even got an interview lined up at an ED not too far from an apartment I'm interested in - Faith liked it more though, something about how on her tiptoes, she's tall enough to open all the doors."
"You stay here as long as you need man." Jay smiled, setting down his beer on the coffee table as he stood up, pushing his hands on his knees. "You wanna put her down on the guest bed?"
"Oh yes please, my arms going dead."
#chicago med#one chicago x reader#onechicago#one chicago fanfiction#will halstead#will halstead x reader#will halstead imagine#daughter reader#jay halstead#halstead brothers#halstead imagine#chicago pd x reader#chicago med x reader
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Always On Our Minds
Gif credit @gottaboopthesnoot
Requested on wattpad
Taglist @nocturnalherb16 @jesseswartzwelder. @writerwithasoul.
It's a very sad fic. So read carefully. I cried when writing it.
"Put your coat on, buddy. It's chilly out". Jay helped his seven year old so, Wesley into his coat. They were waiting by the door for you. It was family date night and the four of you were going to a restaurant.
"Babe, hurry. Our reservation is a six. It's five thirty". Jay called down the hall. You were sitting on the edge of the bed in pain. Your stomach feeling like it's being ripped open. You were currently six and a half months pregnant. So this was a new feeling you've had. The pain was beginning to get unbearable to even sit there.
"Jay". You yelled, gripping onto the bed frame.
"What's wrong? You okay"? Jay asked running in. He stopped when he saw the blood dripping down the bed seeping onto the floor. You didn't feel it running down your legs.
"Y/N. Oh god". Jay stood there in fear. Both of your worst nightmares came true. "We have to get you to a hospital". He carefully picked you up bridal style and carried you to the car. Your son sat in the back seat with you, holding your hand. You tried not to squeeze him to hard. But if you did he didnt show it.
Luckily your brother n law, Will was on shift and met you outside with a gurnee. The look on his face was troubling. He knew it was to late by the look on his face.
Will wheeled you back to check you over. Jay stayed with Wesley until someone came to take him home.
"Thanks for coming, I just dont want him here with all this". Jay's hands trembled, little spot of blood traced his hand. He held his son close with tears in his eyes.
"Dad, I want to stay. I dont want to leave mom". His son looked up at him.
"You shouldnt be here. Go with Kevin and Adam. They'll take you to get something to eat and then home. Everythings going to be okay". Jay kissed his sons head and cried, squeezing him tight.
"I'm not leaving. I want to stay. Mom and you need me".
"Please just do as you're told and go home". Jay couldn't bare to tell his son what was going on.
"I'm staying, dad. Please". His sons eyes filled with tears. He already knew.
"Okay. Okay. Do you mind staying here with him"? Jay asked Kevin and Adam.
"No. Go be with Y/N". Just as Kevin said that a nurse rushed over and grabbed Jay by the arm.
"I love you". Jay said before the swinging doors closed.
Jay walked with the nurse down the hall, it was quiet. Until he got to your room. There was chattering and beeping. Grunting and muffled screams.
"Get in here, Y/N needs you". The nurse pushed Jay into the room.
You were in labor to have your child.
Jay took a deep breath and went by your side. He held your hand and kissed your sweaty forehead as you pushed. Tears running down both of your cheeks.
Soon all the pain and pushing was over. All the commotion stopped. Nurses left and Will stayed. This was supposed to be a joyous moment but turned into the darkest day you have ever seen. Will handed you your tiny still baby in your arms.
Jay and you wanted the gender to be a surprise. It was a little girl. That you both wanted so badly. She was so fragile. So tiny and beautiful.
Jay and you both sobbed uncontrollably as you held her. Life wasn't supposed to be like this. She was supposed to grow up and learn to walk. Go to school and play. Her little laugh filling your ears. But that wont happen. She was so easily taken away with a blink of an eye.
"I'm so sorry, Jay. I'm so sorry". You felt guilty. This was your fault , all your fault. No one elses. How could you have let this happen? You were supposed to protect her in this world and you couldn't even protect her in your body.
"It's not your fault. Dont you dare blame yourself. You did nothing wrong. It just wasn't meant to be. But she is still our little girl and we love her so freaking much". Jay sobbed into your shoulder. He didnt blame you at all. He knew things like this happened but he never thought it would happen to his family. He thought he was invincible. But life was throwing curve balls his way.
"What should we name her"? You sniffled as you gazed at her. Pushing the blanket back to see her face.
"Annabel Grace Halstead". Jay didnt hesitate with the name. It was the one you two were set on and he didn't want to change that.
"Annabel, mommy and daddy love you so much. We wanted you here so badly that you wont ever know. I love you with all my heart". Your whole body and soul sobbed, clutching your daughter.
"Tell pop pop to watch over you until we get there. He'll tell you stories about your old dad". Jay said with no emotion trying to go without crying. But he broke and he broke hard.
"We should get Wesley here to met his sister". You say, wiping tears away with your hand.
"Hes in the waiting room. He wouldnt go with the guys. I'll get him". Jay sniffled and went to get his son. On the way he broke down in the hall, Will saw and hugged his brother.
Wesley was playing a game on Adam's phone when Jay finally came out. He knew what happened and he ran to Jay hugging him and crying. Jay and you didnt just lose your daughter, Wesley lost his sister.
"Mommy, wants to see you". Jay whispered in Wesley's ear. They turned to go back through the door. Jay didnt have to say anything, Adam and Kevin already knew too.
"Mommy"? Wesley's lip quivered as he came into the room. You put on a half smile. But you were breaking again.
"You want to meet your sister"?
"Yes". Wesley walked up slowly to your bedside. He was nervous and scared. What happens if this gives him nightmares? What if this terrorizes him forever? But he put that behind him. He didnt want to not meet his little sister. He was going to teach her everything he knew. He was going to be a great be brother. No, he is a great big brother.
"She's so small".
"Yeah, but she has a big impact on our hearts". Jay said coming up behind Wesley.
"I'm sorry, mommy". Wesley cried, in your shoulder. Jay faught back tears but lost. You cried even more.
Knowing that time healed all wounds was crap. This was something that your family would never heal from. This tiny little girl brought so much joy in your lives and was suddenly taken away. No one knew why or what caused it. And that was lingering unanswered questions in everyones mind. It will always be there. She will always be there in your hearts, in your mind and in your dreams. She will never be replaced or forgotten. Always on your mind.
#chicago pd fanfiction#chicago pd#chicago pd imagine#jay halstead fanfiction#jay halstead imagine#jay halstead imagines#jay halstead#chicago pd fic#Chicago pd jay Halstead#happys-crazy-queen22#jay halstead x reader#jay halstead x daughter
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