isolaradiale · 1 year
Character name: Stelle
Character series: Honkai: Star Rail
OOC contact and your name: @4everfall4ever
Hi tis mikey with a blorbo
Whoops missed this! Interrupting applications real quick to say Stelle will be reserved for you!
– ⋆ diadem.
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multiipl · 4 years
*; @jauneybravo​ » didn’t ask for it, but is still getting a High School Musical Lyric starter!
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─── ❝ All things change when you don't expect them to. No one knows what the future's gonna do. ❞
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ataraxiamfrp · 3 years
Hello! This is Mikey @4everfall4ever on twitter! Today ( 4/5/2021 ) I would like to reserve Diva from "Vivy -Fluorite Eye's Song-". Thank you!
hi mikey! can do!
DIVA has been reserved for you!
✧ mod lento
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pyrhass · 5 years
you should dye pyrrha's hair red next please?
Instructions unclear, became captain america 
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wintersrapier · 5 years
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@jauneybravo​ asked:  “it should have been you. you should have been the one that died, not her.” his voice carried further than he cared for it to, as he solemnly stared into the muddy puddle reflection by the campfire.
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As a Schnee, she’s faced more cruelty than she cares to admit. Weiss has never been oblivious to the stares, to the whispers, to the vitriol. Faunus and human alike detested her for things she had no control over. For the crimes her father commits. Crimes she didn’t understand as a child. Crimes she’s come to hate, the older she gets and the more of the world she sees. She abhors her father just as much as any other person. (More, even.)
She understands that one good deed doesn’t erase the mountains of pain her father’s inflicted upon the world. For every one person’s mind she can change, there’s always tens of others who won’t see her as herself. Weiss doesn’t mind it. She deludes herself to the pain. She bears it, because at the end of the day? She can always return to her friends who know the real Weiss Schnee.
That’s what’s gotten her through much of what they’ve endured.
Weiss isn’t quite paying attention to any one conversation. She’s a bit zoned out. Far too tired to talk. Thankfully, no one seems bothered by her lack of attention. She’s busy wrestling with her thoughts, until words cut through them. But what’s said doesn’t register at first. Disbelief, denial.
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Her voice cracks. His name escapes her mouth a little too loudly, drawing far too much attention toward herself. But... his words pierce through her heart. Sharper than any sword, sharper than the spear Cinder impaled her with. And she doesn’t know how to deal with it. There’s no way to process knowing he thinks she should be dead.
How long had he thought this? Has it always been this way? Or did it come after the battle at Haven? When he had the power to save her, but not Pyrrha. No, it doesn’t matter. He thinks it now. He said it. And though they may not be as close as some of the others, it strikes a far too painful chord.
Weiss doesn’t remember rising to her feet. “Stay away from me..!” she exclaims at him and the others, before taking off. Where she’s going doesn’t particularly matter, she just needs to get away.
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infiltrctor-a · 5 years
@jauneybravo​ | lyric starter
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    'I get through the day, Jaune.'
She lets a breath of exasperation go, fingers drumming against the table. The integration of her into their team had gone better than expected. Of course, Red was 'okay' with her joining, but the others were... less than satisified. Forced to work together, it was obvious that she would end up butting heads with them, her personality making a difficult task nearly impossible. The blonde had been the hardest to shut up, but the other blond, the one she had never seen before, took a completely different approach. He tried talking to her. She scoffed, at first. Someone with no experience of what she had gone through, no experience of what it was like to be alone in a world with no one who gave a care in the world about you, and he had the dare to try and talk through her feelings. The caring words had an opposite effect, rebounding off of her and forcing stronger mental blocks to be put into place. She could wait until her job was finished to break down.
    'Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Focus on Cinder.'
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lunaetis · 4 years
@jauneybravo​ from here.
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  ❛ … ❜ His hand was quick to slide into her palm as her outburst caused strong fingers to clench around his own. He remained stalwart and still, silent as the night, as she grimaced and groaned. This nightmare of hers flashed into his mind like fireworks, crackling and popping with an unsettling intensity. It was… disturbing, and uncomfortable. But above all, the guilt and the shame bubbling in her tears and being branded unto him by these memories of hers – they were disturbingly familiar. Which is why he could not wake her – for doing so would be running away from the depths of her heart. As she cried and cried, his heart was twisted and torn apart, reliving every doubt he himself had felt, mirroring her sorrow and anguish. Tears threatened him so violently, until finally their rebellion broke through the gates and cautiously trickled down his cheeks.
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  ❛ I’m here. I won’t look away from your pain… ❜
─「凛」─  it had become a NORM that she would suffer the nightmares alone. years after years, the failure of being unable to save those she loved replayed upon her mind. the back of her father, the bright eyes of her YOUNGER SISTER. she was used to the empty bed, being tormented in her slumber and waking up to no one but herself.
                however, the WARMTH upon her hand was unusual. the magus held onto the stronger palm like a LIFELINE. it was the first time she was no longer facing her own past alone. tears after tears that were shed and the warmth of the hand she clenched so hard on slowly broke her CONSCIOUSNESS into reality. eyes of cerulean, tinged in curtain of tears burned the sight before her. the droplets that cascaded down his face made her HEART clench tightly, and unconsciously so, her hand curled around his as well.
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                “ ... ja ... une ... ? ”
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dadadaemovedagain · 5 years
@jauneybravo​ gets a reunion starter
        “It’s not like this is out of nowhere for me. After all, I’m my father’s daughter.” As if he was supposed to know what that meant. “It’s not something I’m proud of, but...he’s always had a lust for cards. Of course, they sometimes didn’t quite lust for him the same way, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that my gambit paid off.” She deigned to flush with appropriate shame.
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        “I wouldn’t take a risk like that if I didn’t think I had good odds. I don’t want to put us both out of coin.” A pointed look was cast in Jaune’s direction. Not that she was upset. Not much. They’d recover from a hit to the wallet. “I’m not really into any of this stuff...but does it matter what it’s worth?” She picked up one of the items, a small stone doll, and examined it halfheartedly before putting it back into the pile. “It’s what it means to someone else. Even better—what you can make them think it means to them.” She shrugged and sat down to browse through her winnings. “You can give a loaf of bread to someone without a second thought, but to them you’re a saint gifting them enough food for the week.” Her head bowed until she was looking into her own lap. A moment of silence passed before she continued. 
        “Anyway, that’s what I’ve learned about sales. I’m not an expert on the matter, but I’m at least a little genius.” A broad grin brought her back to a state he’d find more familiar.
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slayerled · 5 years
jauneybravo replied to your post: Dinner time.
u could write a rwby verse drabble o.o
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I could... but truth be told my depression just attacked me. I think I need to get away for a bit. 
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falsifiedheroicsa · 5 years
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red eyes scan the message- the interface is all glitched, all messed up. it takes a reading, two, three to understand the meaning and it makes their blood run like ice in their veins. pyrrha is in danger. she said she had to do something- and it was putting her in danger.  ( jaune would not let that happen. ) 
the idea that this might be a prank flashes in their mind once- ( but who would have done so ? ) the thought is put away for later, as their feet move without thinking- running to catch up with the red hair moving away from them with each heartbeat. 
                                             ( jaune would not let her go alone. )
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dispetal · 5 years
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slcyer · 5 years
@jauneybravo​ ❀
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         ‘  i don’t think the others are thrilled about your new friend.  ‘  ruby’s tail swished behind her despite such daunting words,  and talking about emerald no less.  ‘  i always wondered why she’d help cinder and salem. her helping us is only a little less strange,  don’t you think ?  ‘  she asked,  head tilting. 
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herfall · 5 years
:/ ur blocked for that piano cat
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ataraxiamfrp · 4 years
Hi there! This is Mikey @4everfall4ever on Twitter, and on this day ( 2/17/2021 ) I would like to drop Sami from Children of the Wales. Thank you!
hwi mikey! please remember to add where they were housed when you send in a drop!
SAMI has been dropped for you!
☾ mod assai
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metalpetals-a · 5 years
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shit the til server says pt 1 & pt 2 | NOT accepting !!
@jauneybravo​ said    :     “I think it was very sexy of me to steal an airship.”
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“ We’re sexy and rude now. ”
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wintersrapier · 5 years
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@jauneybravo​ asked:  “it should have been you, you should have been the one that died, not her.” the words were intended for himself, but the secret mutterings traveled further than he wished. his own visage made his blood boil, regret and hopeless wishes dragging his face into a bagged, exhausted frown.
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She’s not purposefully listening in. It’s more that she happens to be the closest to him, and she’s not locked into a conversation. Nor can she will herself to sleep just yet. Sleeplessness sticks to her as of late. She hasn’t found a way to fight through it. But right now, maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
“Don’t say that.”
Weiss has moved to sit next to him. She’s silent for a short time as she contemplates what to say. She’s watched the way Ruby and Jaune handle their duties as leaders. Though they’re all hunters and huntresses, the leaders carry a separate role. Not only must they fight, but they must inspire. They must guide. They must pick up the pieces their teammates drop.
When do they get to put their troubles down? When are they permitted to breathe? Do they cry only ever when no one watches? It’s not fair, nor is it right. It’s impossibly cruel, at best. Damning. For their leaders are just as human as they are. And even should it go unnoticed, they stumble and falter. They hurt, they laugh, they rage, they feel. They’re more than just a duty or job.
“Do you truly believe we’d be better off were Pyrrha with us, instead of you? Do you think we would have found our way, with her?”
Pyrrha, like Ruby, might have understood true heroism better than any of them, yes. But... courage and heroism alone will not save the world. It didn’t keep Beacon from falling, didn’t stop Cinder ascending, didn’t keep Pyrrha alive. It didn’t keep Weiss from being pulled away from her friends.
“I can’t tell you anything that will take away your pain, Jaune. I can’t say anything that will ease your guilt. I can’t... imagine how you must feel. But... I do know how I’d feel if you weren’t here. I know that... I wouldn’t have gotten to know you. I know that I would never would have been able to call you my friend. I never would have called you family.”
Her gaze has been fixated on the dark woods surrounding them, as she speaks. A pause as she lets her words fill the space. Honesty and vulnerability don’t come easily to her. Speaking her mind is foreign, but... she’d rather try than do nothing at all. Weiss promised herself that the moment she plotted her escape from Atlas. Her gaze shifts toward him.
“Trading your life for hers... would leave just as noticeable of a hole. We’d all feel it, if she were here and you weren’t. We’d all miss you. I’d miss you. I’m not saying this to just... wipe away your pain. Nothing is ever that easy.”
Another pause.
“I just... I want you to know that even if you don’t value your life? I do.”
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