gringolet · 3 years
i just discovered your blog and i need help because like. so im an english major graduating after next semester but i only got to experience older english literature in two classes and i gained a passion for it. one was just an english literature class (i know we did sir gawain and the green knight but i dont remember if we read the whole thing, most of it was just parts of things) and thats where i fell in love with it. but that had translations. the next class was where we read le morte d'arthur the entire class and i only hated it because it didnt have translations and i had NO idea how to be reading it, but it wasn't that i didn't like the story itself. anyway long story short ive saved ur pinned post but i was gonna ask what u recommend with like translations and/or learning to read old english without craving the sweet release of death even though the stories are great. i feel like a fake reading translations but i also have no clue how to read this shit, man. like...im so passionate about all this medieval stuff and yet here i am. unable to read it. thank u for listening ;-; <3
hi! firstly, you absolutely are not a fake for reading translations. unless you want to do a close reading academic analysis of the language, theres no reason a well done translation wont work. i think the idea that you cant truly enjoy a work if you read a translation is a huge boundary to younger people, neurodivergent people, people for whom english isnt a first langauge etc getting into medieval lit.
that being said, the language of middle english texts like sir gawain and the green knight is beautiful, and well worth reading if one so desires. i dont personally read old english (old english is like beowulf, and is legitimately a completely different language than modern english: see the first lines of beowulf
Hwæt. We Gardena in geardagum, þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon. )
middle english is the language in which sir gawain and the green knight is written, and while the line to be drawn is murky, it is generally considered a seperate language from old english and modern english, and is a lot easier for modern english speakers to understand:
SIÞEN þe sege and þe assaut watz sesed at Troye,
Þe borȝ brittened and brent to brondeȝ and askez,
Þe tulk þat þe trammes of tresoun þer wroȝt
firstly i would learn the alphabet of middle english, like þ  makes a th sound. however, most printed editions will have the alphabet changed to modern english (sithen the sege and the assault watz sesed at Troye) which makes it much easier to parse. then its a matter of training your brain to see the differences in spelling, through practice. a synaptic translation is a great place to start-- that is, one which has the original text to one side and a translation on the other. when we correct the spelling we see:
sithen the siege and the assault was ceased at Troy
The final step is learning the words in middle english no longer used today. there are a number of handy middle english dictionaries available online with a quick google, and i reccommend keeping at least one open to look up words you dont recognize. “sithen” for instance, means “since” or “from the time that” but could be translated also as “when” giving us
Since the siege and the assault was ceased at Troy
cool! a real sentence. we did it!
okay, moving on to reccs: theres a wonderful beautiful website i love so dearly, https://d.lib.rochester.edu/teams Teams has a number of middle english texts available online and also cheap as paperbacks, which have the letters corrected and annotations on the side defining difficult words. they’re so helpful and a great way to get started with middle english! also, as a note, i wouldnt start with sgatgk; its more difficult than a lot of other texts in terms of the language. one text thats really engaging, has easier language, is on teams and has beautiful language is the stanzaic morte d’arthur https://d.lib.rochester.edu/teams/text/benson-and-foster-king-arthurs-death-stanzaic-morte-arthur-part-i
le morte is also very late for middle english so is a good place to start, if a bit of a lengthy slog at times. in general just have fun with it!
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orriculum · 7 years
i don’t know how to find my patron deities. i know they’re out there because i just feel it, but i don’t know how to figure out who it is
patron deities is a concept that tends to refer to things arbitrary qualities automatically determined by the society one lives in, like assigned gender, geographic location, etc. for example, with the greek pantheon, if you live in athens, your patron deity is athena by virtue of living there, artemis was the patron deity of all unmarried women, while hera was the patron of all married. so, depending on what the pantheon of your local populace is, you would look into that. this goes more into it. 
however, i think the concept of a patron deity is a little muddled here on tumblr, because the way we talk about it overlaps with the idea of a patron saint, which is a practice that is largely misunderstood to begin with, but also largely influenced by geography rather than personal preference. 
nonetheless you are not obligated to worship a patron deity, nor pray to one. you may choose to devote to a deity that symbolizes ideals and concepts you value. if you like you can put out an offering with a general prayer for signs to help guide you. 
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seritydoll · 7 years
also ily have a goooooood week kick this weeks butt and stay hydrated and keep being ur cute self which ain't hard to do cos it's u fam💛
OH M Y GOD UR THE SWEETEST !!! i hope u have the best week because u deserve the whole world and more !!💛💕💕
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itonje · 3 years
i'm 5'1 and babe/god @bpdtyrion/@jaunetoile likes me being a short funky lil guy ... thats why he keeps me around as hims husband
awww omg
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submitted it again!! i hope it worked this time
Something must be up with tumblr’s submissions :/ I checked a couple times and haven’t gotten anything. If you’d like you can direct message me instead since that function now allows you to send pictures and I can just give you a private reply. If you want to do it that way you can message me @diverting-river
Other than that you can try submitting from a computer possibly (if you’re able to). I’m sorry about the inconvenience tho it’s the worst when tumblr eats messages and submissions
- ganz
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jaunetoile · 5 years
sherasgf > jaunetoile
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leeesbian · 6 years
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I’LL ROLL YOUR EYES RIGHT OUT OF YOUR HEAD, sketch + final + detail
acrylic and gel pen on canvas paper
inspired by junji ito and 80s new wave. gonna hopefully make a series of neon gore paintings
check out my ig for progress @jaunetoiles
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lgbtqia-moodboards · 7 years
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College lesbian hufflepuff moodboard for @jaunetoile
-Mod Ari
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v1ntagecassette · 7 years
I never get tired of doing tags, thank you @geekgoddessathina!
List 10 songs that you’re currently into and tag 10 people!
The Camp Camp Song Song - Miles Luna
Good Kid - Chris McCarrell
Michael In The Bathroom - George Salazar
Waving Through A Window - Ben Platt
Second Boys Will Be First Choice - The Brobecks
Alone Together - Fall Out Boy
Panic - The Smiths
Megalovania - Undertale
Take Me Or Leave Me - RENT
Last Day Of Summer - The Lightning Thief Musical
I tag: @everyusernameithoughtofwastaken, @jaunetoile, and @muchfangirlveryregret (I never tag the right number of people forgive me)
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sil3ntm0th · 7 years
Tagged by: @masky-marbleproxy thanks!
Goal: tag 9 people to get to know them
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: Pink & Blue
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick !
Last song: Vampire Shift by All Time Low
Last movie: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh possibly Rogue One? I don’t remember the last movie I watched
Top 3 shows: My Hero Academia, Ducktales, uhhhh Brooklyn 99 I guess I recently finished marathoning that
Top 3 ships: I don’t really have any ships anymore and, if i do, i cannot think of them whoops (or my top ships are with ocs, either way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
I tag:  @sentientstatic @sigmundthesorcerer @littlescarletstar @the-final-pam @westcoastzoid @krschtein @everyones-beau @star-eyed-punk @jaunetoile
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rosegoghangel · 7 years
jaunetoile 🐝
icon: meh | cute :) | I LOV | SMOOCH | if i had that icon i’d only reblog those ‘my icon is perfection’ posts
desktop theme: default | hard to navigate | pretty!! | OH WOW? | I literally cried because it’s so pretty
URL: nah | nice one! | totes jelly | SCREAMING | who did u kill 4 that
content: uhm | not entirely my cup of tea, but yass go for it | keep up the good work! | quality content!! | i will reblog everything and im not sorry
Following: no but ily! | just followed | yes! | I would drive the getaway car for you
+ Love your blog!!! It’s so cheerful!
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seritydoll · 7 years
cute, giggle!!❤️
Cute : What’s your aesthetic?What ISNT my aesthetic? but id say to narrow it down its driving down the empty highway at night with someone you love as you sing the words to your favourite songs. watching the rain hit your bedroom window while youre curled up inside drinking tea and listening to soft music or watching old cartoons. candid photos of your friends/significant other while youre doing the randomest thing because you know youll wanna look back on those moments, pressed flowers and crecent moons, tracing random shapes on someone who you loves skin and watercolour portraits. also kissing bc,, im just r e a l l y into kissing yknow
Giggle: Do you believe in love at first sight?No. HOWEVER i do believe that the first impression u have of someone is a very important thing that your body tells u will come into play !! so i dont think you can fall in love at first sight but i do think you can have s feeling whdn u first see someone that could sprout into something more if effort goes into following that gut feeling idk if that makes sense
Send me asks !!!
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jaunetoile · 7 years
phanographic > jaunetoile
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leeesbian · 7 years
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this look is called ‘local narcissist goes to the grocery store’
ig: jaunetoiles
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