#jason lenox
the-bio-ska · 7 months
Magic of the World Era Company cast
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Name: Freddie Pancotta
Species: Human
DoB: October 28th, 19XX
Occupation: Explorer, Head of Magic of the World/Gnos & Rag, Yojimbo, Member of Red Room
Affiliations: Gnos & Rag/Magic of the World, Hermetic Brain Trust(formerly), Red Room
History: While a man of few words on his own past, he has made a name for himself in the present. Starting out as part of the Hermetic Brain Trust's, he eventually left the organization after an undisclosed incident led to him damaging his hands. While the details of which are kept sparse, but in the aftermath he founded the magical spelunking, excavation, repossession and under the table thieves
Through his time with the Hermetic Brain Trust, he achieved a type of immortality, drastically slowing down his aging and allowing him to regenerate from bodily damage. This immortality became a word of mouth detail around him, one of which brought him unwanted attention. Until a man by the name Nalaka Haos approached him to join the private club known as the Red Room, an elite social club made exclusively of immortals who share tips, stories, advice on how to survive and plan for goals of different stakes.
After he participated in the first Baal War, he changed the direction of his company after he achieved a total of 8 kills, including 2 thralls. He pivoted to a mercenary company, which made his profile bigger, but also made him far more despised and scrutinized due to the new direction of the company. From there he expanded his operation to now include specialist for hire, while keeping the previous department active, just less emphasized.
Powers and abilities: He has bio-organic hand enhancements that can emit tentacles and create a highly corrosive acid. If it is injected into someone's bloodstream, it will dissolve the target from the inside out.
His regenerative power allows him to recover from any bodily harm, allowing for both regenerating lost parts or reattaching detached parts.
One additional power is called Fight or Flight, a mental trigger goes off when he would be killed normally and the one who killed him is in proximity. This allows him to attack at full power and speed, running off explosive adrenaline. If the thing that killed him is too strong for him to attack, the adrenaline allows him to flee and escape the conflict.
Personality: Freddy is a very secretive person, choosing his words carefully. He is masterful manipulator, specifically with what information he has and will share. He is also very supportive of those who stay loyal to him, as his lovers Rhys and Vanille. However, if you turn on him, he will cut you out with no hesitation.
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Lenox Korosu/Xiao
Species: Cambion(Balam lineage)
DoB: January 19th, 1991
Occupation: Gnos & Rag Training Instructor/Head of Security and Protection
Affiliation: Gnos & Rag/Magic of the World; Brittany DeBoin's private security team
History:The child of one of the astronaut of the Atlantis Satellite,
Once her father passed away, she was adopted by a Tengu family in the states after Lenox’s mom disregarded her to focus on her new company, but Lenox also believes that it is because her mom did not mutate while she was in orbit. Despite this weight, she is happy with her adoptive family, who are openly supportive of her. She works for the company in order to provide for her two siblings, after their mom and dad were killed in a Kelv Rion attack.
While waiting to interview for a security position, she stopped a failed assassination of Freddie and Rhys. She was hired on the spot before the interview. During her first five years, she met Brittany DeBoin, who would eventually marry her and become her wife.
Once she reaches her late 40's she stepped down from field duty and became the training instructor of Gnos & Rag's field team. The only time she would do any sort of field work is when she is assisting her wife.
Power's and abilities: As a kikolitan, she is resistant to magic attacks and curses. This has led her to become a potent magekiller. This also has the drawback of weakening helpful magic.
Due to her lineage as a cambion, she can have access to innate demonic powers. As a result of being a descendant of Balam, she can shift into a were-bear and normal bear form. She can utilize stone and wind magic, albeit muted due to being a kikolitan.
Personality: Lenox is a very loving and patient person when it comes to people she cares for. When it comes to Brittany, she is incredibly affectionate, though this comes with a lot of teasing. If you are a friend of hers, she will be extremely loyal.
Len is also extremely uptight, having very little tolerance for goofing off, especially if it involves her own's. She will take jokes personally and if her past, family situation and her species will make her either depressed or enraged. This depends on who says it.
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Name: Jason Blumire
Species: Draykan- Feathered Serpent
DoB: August 24th 199X
Occupation: Spelunker, mercenary and ex-husband
Affiliation: Order of Mater Matua, Gnos and Rag/Magic of the World(Former), Blumire Labyrinths(former)
History: One of the founding members of Magic of the World, Jason was one of the five founders of the initial five members, including Rhys, Lenox, Amy and Lynn. His specialty is the trap disposal and the one who obtains the breakdowns of the building.
After the pivot to being a mercenary company, Jason became the head of the Spelunking division and was also the one who handle expanding the company to add new wings to the main building, due to his mom running an architecture company. This is how he met Amy, whom he would marry, have a child with and then divorce within the span of 10 years.
Power's and abilities: Jason has a high proficiency in electricity and wind magic, able to convert wind into electricity.
As a Blumire, any building planned by or built by Debrah Blumire prevents from being harmed inside the structures as part of his mom's deal with the gods.
Personality: Jason is an eccentric and odd personality. He will obsess over minute things and loves to talk about his collection of gaming magazines and knives. Despite this eccentricity, it belies a genius who is capable to think on the fly.
Post divorce, his eccentricities are enhanced, but now there is a twinge of sadness behind it. Those who know him long enough can tell it is not the same as it was previous.
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Title: Alvin and the Chipmunks
Rating: PG
Director: Tim Hill
Cast: Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Jason Lee, David Cross, Cameron Richardson, Jane Lynch, Veronica Alicino, Allison Karman, Tiara Parker, Kira Verrastro, Beth Riesgraf, Adriane Lenox, Don Tiffany, Frank Maharajh, Kevin Symons
Release year: 2007
Genres: comedy, family, fantasy
Blurb: Struggling songwriter Dave Seville finds success when he comes across a trio of singing chipmunks: mischievous leader Alvin, brainiac Simon, and chubby, impressionable Theodore.
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miercolaes · 1 year
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  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ARCHETYPE QUIZ
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42% spiritual ⸻ the spiritual seeks a deeper meaning . for them , the journey of faith is never-ending . thoughtful and compassionate , they have a strong sense of moral obligation . from the ' discover the archetype at - a - glance ' : lesson to learn is to be truthful with myself about who i am and what i believe ; to recognize when i'm resisting change in order to remain comfortable . challenge to self is to tap into and trust my intuition , and be conscious of where i position matters of the spirit among other live interests .
33% rebel ⸻ the rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind — and bucking the system — if that means getting their point across . from the ' discover the archetype at - a - glance ' : unique challenge is to discover a creative , dynamic , and productive way to make your voice heard . challenge to self is to understand when the rebel in me is controlling my emotions .
25% advocate ⸻ the advocate is the one everyone wants on their side . in the name of justice , they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others . from the ' discover the archetype at - a - glance ' : unique challenge is to find causes that engage my strengths , not my personal agenda . challenge to self is to commit fully to a cause , even if it means pledging my time , energy , and money in order to make a difference .
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tagged by the only deity wednesday would ever worship aka @lusifr
tagging the worsties : @edxmunson , @gareththegreat , @shezoomer , @mercsandmonsters ( sam , lenox or poet ) , @resurrectedfiles ( emil , jason todd , harls or enid ) , @nightmarefuele , @swervdcity ( wednesday's girl viv or barbie's girl frida ) , @kinghaargrove , @pierprincess , @pierfangs , @havvkinsqueen && everyone else that sees this and wants to do it ! i see u bc i just followed u . do it .
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Blood Lurcher
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Image © Jason Lenox
[The blood lurcher originally appears in the Fighting Fantasy book Beneath Nightmare Castle. My ecology is partially original, and partially inspired by the version in Beyond the Pit. There, it’s said to be a free living larva that grows to full size after drinking somebody dry, but that doesn’t take into account its weird, torn apart from the inside look. My version makes it a weird parasitoid, which is a trope I love regardless.]
Blood Lurcher CR 6 NE Aberration This pallid creature is bipedal, with clawed paws on all four limbs. Its head is roughly batrachian, only it has split open, a mass of red tentacles tipped with lamprey maws emerging from it.
Blood lurchers are strange blood feeding creatures with a parasitic life style. As juveniles, they are a reddish, lamprey-like worm, which feeds on small animals and attempts to be eaten by a giant amphibian of some kind, sapient or not. In the amphibian’s gut, it spreads like a cancer, overcoming the nervous system of the creature, warping its body through hormonal secretions, and bursting a mass of feeding appendages from the poor creature’s mouth. In this stage, it feeds entirely on blood, tearing prey open with its claws and sipping from the open wounds. When the blood lurcher is well fed, it can release some of its feeding tendrils by budding, and the cycle continues.
Understandably, most humanoid amphibians find blood lurchers even more loathsome than other peoples do. Grippli and sivs destroy blood lurchers on sight. Particularly sadistic boggard tribes may keep a blood lurcher around as a punishment for those who fail their chief, but this runs the risk of the blood lurchers reproducing out of control and replacing the whole tribe. They are most commonly found in marshes, swamps and floodplains, but sometimes wander into caves or even ruined cities in search of prey.
Blood Lurcher   CR 6 XP 2,400 NE Medium aberration Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +6, scent Defense AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +7 natural) hp 67 (9d8+27) Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 Offense Speed 20 ft., lurch Melee 2 claws +8 (1d8+2), 4 tentacles +6 (1d4+1 plus bleed) Special Attacks bleed (2 points), cumulative bleed Statistics Str 15, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 8 Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 20 Feats Blind-fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Skill Focus (Stealth) Skills Climb +7, Perception +6, Stealth +10, Swim +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Swim Languages Boggard (cannot speak) SQ hold breath, marsh movement Ecology Ecology any swamps or underground Organization solitary or pack (2-6) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Cumulative Bleed (Ex) Bleed damage dealt by a blood lurcher stacks with itself. Regardless of how much bleed is being dealt, it is healed with a single successful Heal check or cure spell. Lurch (Su) Three times per day, a blood lurcher can move up to twice its speed as a swift action. Marsh Movement (Ex) A blood lurcher ignores difficult terrain from water, mud, vegetation or other natural terrain features of swamp environments. Tentacles (Ex) The tentacle attacks of a blood lurcher deal slashing damage.
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askbohemiancompany · 1 year
Sick of the Sun
The infirmary was sterile, spotless and had not been used since Gwen was hospitalized. This was now the second major usage of the room and despite how bloodless Grohl was, he did not look in the best condition.
In addition to the bruises that had formed on both of his eyeballs, his vine had started to dry out. Upon getting a better look at the grass type, a number of vines throughout his body had dried out. The tips of his vines were also flaking off, many of which had begun to fall out upon putting him on the bed.
Inside the room, the other five members of the company were present, watching over his body. Gwen was trembling, in fear for her colleague's well being. Lenox showed concern for Grohl, but also noticed Gwen's own status, being ready to comfort her, as the psychic looked like she was on the verge of breaking down. Yumi showed muted melancholy. Compared to Eri’s death, she could barely muster much sorrow, especially since Grohl was alive for now. Jason just looked the grass type up and down, barely emoting as normal.
The doctor Lonnie, whose status as a member of the company was debatable, finished sticking IVs in Grohl, hooked to two kinds of liquid. The first liquid looked like water but no one was certain. The second was a brownish-green liquid.
“What exactly is wrong with him?” Freddy genuinely looked concerned. While he always cared about his right hand, this was new for him. For everyone.
“It is a number of factors. Starting with the dried vine clusters. It is a sign of a lack of water, dehydration, but this also confirms something I was looking into for a while. Grohl’s pre-existing condition.”
This was a massive shock to everyone in the room. Except Freddy.
“Is this all the result of Myculanemia?”
Myculanemia? Everyone looked at Freddy then to the mimikyu doctor, hoping for the doctor to elaborate.
“That is part of it. But it is also type 2 Faukopenia.”
Now Freddy was surprised. He did not know about this new disease.
“Faukopenia? Is…that a type of cancer?” Once Lenox had asked her question, Gwen gasped, tears beginning to break the surface.
“No not quite,” once that was said, the psychic’s breathing became steadier. It made everyone’s breathing steadier. “Faukopenia is the grass type equivalent of leukopenia, which is low white blood cell count. That typically is the result of cancer. Not the other way around.”
“Grass types, provided they are purely plant based, can have two types of faukopenia: type one is where the body cannot make enough plastids on its own and type two is due to a result of dieting, life style problems with physiology.”
“I don’t follow. Grohl does not have any bad dieting issues.” Yumi responded, genuinely confused.
“It can be more than just that,” Long dark purple tendrils, flaking at being stretched, pulled up what looked like an x-ray of Grohl’s entire nervous system. “See how his vines are connected to the root cavity? These are connected to the fruit of Grohl, which for all intents and purposes is his heart and brain combined. Most fruits are encased in a pit-like shell, akin to a skull for most of you. The veins are not getting enough nutrients plants need such as soil, water and sunlight. Grohl’s fruit is not strong enough to sustain both himself and his security system at the same time. That is where the dieting comes in, so to speak.”
Once that explanation occured, it made sense. Except.
“Freddy had mentioned Myculanemia. What is that?” Jason spoke up.
“That is the result of his body not making enough green cells. Think of it as anemia for specific grass types,” Lonnie paused for a moment. She tilted her sack head to Freddy. The toxicroak could tell what they were about to say. There was no point in hiding it now.
“Grohl has had myculanemia since he joined the company.”
This had floored everyone in the room. Everyone then turned to Freddy, as the toxicroak looked like he had something to say. “I knew about his myculanemia when he applied. He was up front with it as I was his employer. I had to have any records of him, including medical. He did not want to scare any of you with this or worry about him on the job. All these years he had been fighting, getting torn limb from limb, despite it possibly being a consistent health hazard for him. Anytime he has regenerated, it came with a massive toll. One he had been keeping in check all of these years.“
Solemnly, Freddy’s head dropped down, ashamed that he had to break the promise.
“Those yo-on-the-gos…” it had dawned on Lenox
“Actually medical supplements and rock and ground type extract. He’s a grass type so he can’t eat dairy. He just lied because he thought no one would put two and two.” Freddy sighed.
“So this is a matter of medical conditions. All he needs is his medical stuff. Right?” Yumi was not lost anymore but there had to be something more.
“That will lead to the third problem. Keeping vines up not only dwindled his health, but it out a drain on his mental health. I know he described it as always being awake and that aligns. He has gone catatonic due to physical and mental strain.” The mimikyu did not mince words here. All of the problems accumulated to this moment, and Grohl could not take it anymore.
Everyone in the room did not say a word. The concern for Grohl’s condition was clear. All that needed to be done was designate the blame.
“Did I…did I scare him from sharing this with me?” Gwen was choking back tears. “I’m a bad friend.” The psychic was sniveling, tears flowing.
Lenox put her hand on Gwen’s shoulder which caused the psychic type to seize up, but after a moment she relaxed herself.
“He didn’t want to disclose it to anyone. I should have spoken up on his behavior since the water park fiasco.” Lenox sounded conceited.
“I saw and knew about a lot of his issues. I just got wrapped up in myself I just disregarded it hoping he would bounce back.” Freddy looked crushed.
Jason remained silent. All of this was valuable information.
“Instead of self loathing, maybe we should look into having him recover faster.” Yumi snipped.
Everyone just looked at her, though Gwen was glaring at her. Despite the shortness, that was the pressing issue.
“The first two points he just needs his rest. As for his catatonic state, he is going to need extensive help to get that back together. We will likely need someone who can help rebuild or strengthen his subconscious. Those who can do that are the strongest Pokémon, whom none of you are likely to know.
Hearing that gave Lenox an idea. “I think I know someone who could help with that.”
(Grohl is unavailable for questioning)
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 8/2
Maybe the real summer was the friends we made along the way?
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A Girl On The Shore Collected Edition HC -  Inio Asano
Eisner-nominated author, Inio Asano's A Girl on the Shore is now in a hardcover, collector's package! Koume Sato and Kosuke Isobe are two teenagers living in a sleepy Japanese seaside town. After getting used and dumped by her crush, the emotionally damaged Koume decides to start a relationship with Kosuke, without any emotions involved. However, they both soon discover that sex with no strings attached often leads to unexpected complications, not just for themselves but also the people around them.
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Abe Sapien: The Drowning & Other Stories TP -  Mike Mignola, John Arcudi & Emi Lenox 
In the early 1980's, new B.P.R.D. agent Abe Sapien was set to retrieve the corpse of a powerful warlock off the coast of France. Abe quickly finds himself in a battle with a century old evil in the form of demonic monks. Mike Mignola and Jason Shawn Alexander's premiere Abe solo series sets the stage for a collection of tales tracing Abe's times both as an agent of the B.P.R.D., and delving into his long-hidden origins. A haunted lake, South American vampires, and a mad scientist seeking out man's missing link are chronicled here! This paperback omnibus edition collects Abe Sapien: The Drowning, The Devil Does Not Jest, and Lost Lives and Other Stories.
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Amongst Us GN Vol 1 -  Shilin Huang
Veloce loves Blackbird. Blackbird loves Veloce. These two young women may have strange chemistry and seemingly nothing in common, but somehow, their offbeat relationship works. Join them for a dance through the city they call home as they satisfy Blackbird's sweet tooth and indulge Veloce in her attempts to understand fashion. In an alternate universe, this sorceress and assassin share a very different reality... but in this one, they're a modern couple who have built a life together- and they intend to enjoy it.
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Motoharu, second child and successor of the Tsujimura clinic, has always held his childhood friend, Akira Hazumi, close to his heart. Unfortunately, when Motoharu realized his affections towards Akira were more than just simply friendship, and confessed, their relationship became strained. Unable to reciprocate Motoharu's feelings, Akira turned him down, and they slowly grew apart from one another. Despite the ongoing tension between them, Motoharu still decides to enroll in the same university and department as Akira. However, it's not easy getting over the pain of being rejected, and Motoharu soon finds himself visiting Geishas in the middle of the night, in a desperate attempt to forget everything that happened.
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The Devil Is A Part-Timer Anthology GN - Satoshi Wagahara
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EVE: Children Of The Moon TP -  Victor Lavalle, Jo Migyeong & Ario Anindito
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Fire & Ice #1 -  Bill Willingham, Leonardo Manco & Bill Sienkiewicz
More than four decades ago, two iconic creators came together to bring to the silver screen an amazing new world of magic and adventure. In their classic animated film Fire and Ice, legendary artist FRANK FRAZETTA and famed director RALPH BAKSHI crafted a unique vision of beauty and danger, of good versus evil, all cast against a hypnotic backdrop of savage prehistoric splendor. Now, at long last, this timeless vision is expanding into comics with the first new story to revisit Frazetta and Bakshi's remarkable realm since 1982! Before the fire waned and the ice spread across the world...before Teegra met Larn...before everything you know about the unforgettable animated movie came to be, there were the before times - times when evil might still be blunted, times when innocence was not yet lost. In Fire and Ice #1, acclaimed comics writer BILL WILLINGHAM (Fables, Legenderry) joins forces with artist LEONARDO MANCO (Hellstorm: Prince of Lies, Blaze of Glory) - making his triumphant return to comics - and a new legend is about to be born!
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The Little Red Fish GN - James Moffitt & Bizhan Khodabandeh
An exquisite reimagining of the Iranian Revolution like you've never seen before. An aquatic reef held down by an oppressive regime of blood-thirsty heron struggles to rise up in this harrowing tale of self-discovery, heritage, and revolution. The Little Red Fish retraces the events of the Iranian Revolution portraying events from the perspective of those actually involved. Part historical text, part guerilla warfare, all political allegory, The Little Red Fish vividly captures an often overlooked part of history. Oh, and there's that magical orb thing...
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Lupin The Third: Thick As Thieves Classic Collection HC Vol 1 -  Monkey Punch
Monkey Punch's immortal creations are among the most beloved characters of all time, from master thief Lupin III to his trusted sidekicks and tenacious rivals. Seven Seas is proud to present the follow-up to last year's hit Greatest Heists with this second "best of" release. Thick as Thieves is another curated collection of some of Monkey Punch's best stories and chapters of Lupin III from throughout the classic manga's history, featuring all-new translations in a beautiful oversized hardcover. Let this iconic manga steal your heart all over again!
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Malcolm Kid & The Perfect Song GN - Austin Paramore & Sarah Bollinger
Debut creator Austin Paramore and artist Sarah Bollinger strike a chord in this humorous and heartfelt story about love, loss, legacy, and the music that ties them all together. What does the perfect song sound like? Normally, Malcolm Kid wouldn't give this type of question the time of day. As a straight-B student with a heart of copper, he is far more concerned with overcoming mediocrity than he is with achieving perfection. But that all changes when he stumbles across the LK-2000-a strange keyboard cursed with the soul of an old jazz musician. Malcolm soon learns that the only way to free this musician's soul is by performing the perfect song. With much hesitation, and the help of his lifelong friend January Young, Malcolm embarks on a musical journey across the city of New Bronzeville in the hopes of discovering the perfect song and finding himself as a musician along the way.
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Mexikid GN -  Pedro Martin
A poignant, hilarious, and unforgettable graphic memoir about a Mexican-American boy's family and their adventure-filled road trip to bring their abuelito back from Mexico to live with them. Pedro Martin has grown up hearing stories about his abuelito-his legendary crime-fighting, grandfather who was once a part of the Mexican Revolution! But that doesn't mean Pedro is excited at the news that Abuelito is coming to live with their family. After all, Pedro has 8 brothers and sisters and the house is crowded enough! Still, Pedro piles into the Winnebago with his family for a road trip to Mexico to bring Abuelito home, and what follows is the trip of a lifetime, one filled with laughs and heartache. Along the way, Pedro finally connects with his abuelito and learns what it means to grow up and find his grito.
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Neil Gaiman’s Hansel & Gretel SC -  Neil Gaiman & Lorenzo Mattotti
Bestselling author Neil Gaiman and fine artist Lorenzo Mattotti join forces to create Hansel and Gretel, a stunning book that's at once as familiar as a dream and as evocative as a nightmare. Mattotti's sweeping ink illustrations capture the terror and longing found in the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale. Gaiman crafts an original text filled with his signature wit and pathos that is sure to become a favorite of readers everywhere, young and old.
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Neptune GN Vol 1 Book 1 -  LEO
The Worlds of Aldebaran chronicle mankind's often difficult first steps on distant worlds. Full of fantastical alien life, human drama and believable science, it's a saga that will keep you gazing up at the stars in wonder. After three years of study and training, Marie is now officially a member of the UN Special Forces. But she's barely had time to celebrate her graduation that an extraordinary event forces her to leave for her first mission: an alien ship of unknown origin has just arrived in orbit of Earth. As no contact can be established with its crew, Marie and her team are sent to board the vessel and investigate.
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The Pirate & The Porcelain Girl TP  -  Emily Riesbeck & NJ Barna
Our Flag Means Death gets a magical, sapphic twist in this swashbuckling young adult graphic novel adventure full of high-stakes adventure, fantastical creatures, and a swoony enemies-to-lovers romance. "I want to be beautiful. I want to be interesting. I want to be enough." That was Ferra Brickminder's prayer to win back the love of her life. And the gods answer-just not in the way she expected. After hoping for a miracle, Ferra instead watches her skin turn into delicate and dangerously breakable porcelain. Elsewhere, Brigantine de la Girona, a disgraced orc pirate captain, has her own problems. Penniless and banished from her home, Brig struggles to make ends meet with her crew as her only support. So, when a desperate Ferra enlists Brig to sail her across the Great Sea to her ex-girlfriend's home for a very handsome fee, Brig is happy to strike a deal. Pampered Ferra and tough-as-nails Brig quickly butt heads, bickering their way across the high seas, but as they encounter increasingly perilous obstacles-including the gods themselves-the two become reluctant allies... and maybe more.
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Robotech: Rick Hunter #1 -  Brandon Easton, Simone Ragazzoni & Inhyuk Lee
After the devastating events of the Macross saga, RICK HUNTER must face an all new threat, along with the ghosts of his past when a Zentraedi splinter group attacks Yokohama, Rick is called to investigate! Piloting the new prototype YF-4 Veritech, Rick encounters old friends and new enemies, all while recounting the moments of his life that shaped most epic moments in the ROBOTECH universe!
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The Sacrificers #1 -  Rick Remender, Max Fiumara & Dave McCaig 
Tomorrow is a harmonious paradise thanks to five families who make everything perfect...for the price of one child per household. Now, as that bill comes due, a son expected to give everything for a family that never loved him and an affluent daughter determined to destroy utopia must unite to end one generation's unnaturally protracted reign.
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Saving Chupie GN -  Amparo Ortiz & Ronnie Garcia
Violeta Rubio only has one goal in mind for her first-ever trip to Puerto Rico: help Abuelita reopen her beloved restaurant, La Casita. After the destruction wrought by Huracán Maria, La Casita needs all the help it can get. The only problem is that Violeta's whole family thinks they can do it without her. Now Violeta doesn't have anyone to hang out with or anything to do. But when best friend duo Diego and Lorena need help capturing the rumored chupacabra, Violeta sees her chance to change all that. What she isn't expecting is to run straight into the beast! Only... he isn't as monstrous as everyone assumes. Sure, he's got some scales and spikes, big red eyes, and pointy fangs-but he's a totally puppy and loyal to a fault. Violeta must find a way keep Chupie hidden and convince her newfound friends that he isn't anything to be scared of. And if that isn't hard enough, a new threat lurks around the corner that is dead set on capturing Chupie for their own nefarious means. Will Violeta be able to save Chupie from the danger that surrounds them without sacrificing everything else in the process?
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Slime Shop GN -  Karina Garcia, Kevin Panetta & Niki Smith
YouTube Slime Queen Karina Garcia teams up with writer Kevin Panetta and artist Niki Smith for a fun, colorful adventure that follows three friends as they run their own slime shop and the slimes who come alive to help them. Bailey, Sophia, and Jayden run the BSJ Slime Shop, but what the three slime makers don't know is that when they're not around, the slimes come to life! When the creators start shipping slimes off to who knows where, the slimes left at the shop start to worry that they're next. Even as Polly tries to convince her friends that everything is fine, Boris, a grumpy, green slime, starts taking things into his own hands. Then slimes start disappearing and suddenly the shop is full of zombie slimes. With half the shop zombified and the other half scared silly, Polly has no choice but to go on a quest, along with her friends Max and Karma, to discover the truth about the slimes being shipped off and find a way to save their friends before it's too late!
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Team Trash: A Time Traveler’s Guide To Sustainability GN -  Kate Wheeler & Trent Huntington
Studious environmentalist Charlie is stuck with a science fair partner who seems like her complete opposite: Charlie wants to save the planet, and all Oliver wants is to doodle in his notebook. But when a mechanical mishap sends the two traveling back through time, they'll have to work as a team to return to the present day. In order for the time machine to send them back, the unlikely duo must gather data on recycling throughout the ages-from sustainable marketplaces in Edo Japan to garbage-gobbling pigs in 19th-century NYC. Yet the closer the team gets to the present day, the more that plastic presents a problem: they're running out of time. Harnessing their frustration over the daunting ecological future they've inherited, Charlie and Oliver discover the ways in which they can use their sustainability knowledge to return home and build a better earth.
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Werewolf Jones & Sons Deluxe Summer Fun Annual HC -  Simon Hanselmann & Josh Pettinger
In the tradition of the British hardback annuals comes the Werewolf Jones & Sons Deluxe Summer Fun Annual! One hundred fun-filled pages of spoofs and goofs for the whole family to enjoy (no minors allowed)! Put together with lots of love by Simon Hanselmann and rising underground star Josh Pettinger (Goiter, Power Wash). Get ready for one of the hottest summers on record (not merely due to rising climate-based anomalies)!
Whatcha getting this week, Fantom Fam?
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josejbecerrajr · 5 years
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Here's my review for "Lords of the Cosmos #1" (via Lords of the Cosmos (Ugli Studios)
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larryland · 3 years
REVIEW: "Twelfth Night" at Shakespeare & Company
REVIEW: “Twelfth Night” at Shakespeare & Company
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mmoviejournal · 4 years
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the-bio-ska · 8 months
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So a while back I commissioned @niquixarts refs of the Bohemian Company and did a fantastic job!
However, since this has been commissioned, there have been changes and retcons as to their role in my OC setting.
The big one is involving the name of the company in the setting. The company is now called Gnos & Rag, a company that was reformed after Magic of the World was absorbed into it.
When the company was called Magic of the World, the focused strictly on Magic artifact hunting. Freddy, Lenox and Jason were 3 of the 4 original founders. After Freddy participated within the first Baal War, he renamed the company to Gnos & Rag, as well as change the focus to God/Demi God elimination and security, as opposed to Lenox just doing it from time to time. However, Magic of the World is still treated as a subsidiary, it is just owned and overseen by Jason, then Lenox after Jason stepped down from the company after a family tragedy.
The character bios are coming over the next bit.
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milliondollarbaby87 · 4 years
The Undoing (2020 TV) Review
The Undoing (2020 TV) Review
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Grace Fraser a successful therapist thought her life was rather perfect with her doctor husband Jonathan and son Noah who attends a private school in New York City. But one night is about to change everything after a young woman named Elena Alves is brutally murdered.
Number of Episodes: 6 ***THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS***
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✨Benophie Playlist✨
Rewrite the Stars || Zendaya & Zac Efron
What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine Nothing could keep us apart You'd be the one I was meant to find It's up to you, and it's up to me No one can say what we get to be So why don't we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours Tonight
Secret Love Song || Little Mix ft. Jason Derulo
Why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't we be like that? Cause I'm yours
I Knew I Loved You || Savage Garden
Maybe it's intuition But some things you just don't question Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant And there it goes I think I found my best friend I know that it might sound More than a little crazy but I believe
I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life
Some Hearts || Carrie Underwood
Now who'd have thought someone like you could love me You're the last thing my heart expected Who'd have thought I'd ever find somebody Someone who, someone who makes me feel like this Well, I guess
Some hearts They just get all the right breaks Some hearts have the stars on their side Some hearts They just have it so easy Some hearts just get lucky sometimes
Runaway || Traveling Wilburys
I'm a-walkin' in the rain Tears are fallin' and I feel the pain Wishin' you were here by me To end this misery
And I wonder I wa-wa-wa-wa-wonder Why Why, why, why, why, why she ran away
And I wonder where she will stay My little runaway A-run-run-run-run-runaway
Nightswimming || REM
Nightswimming deserves a quiet night I'm not sure all these people understand It's not like years ago The fear of getting caught Of recklessness and water They cannot see me naked
Firefly || A*teens
You and me we shared a mystery We were so close like honey to the bee And if you tell me how to make you understand A minor in a major kinda way
Firefly come back to me Make the night as bright as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too
Walking On Broken Glass || Annie Lenox
Now everyone of us was made to suffer Everyone of us is made to weep We've been hurting one another Now the pain has cut too deep So take me from the wreckage Save me from the blast Lift me up and take me back Don't let me keep on walking
You’re My Home || Billy Joel
When you touch my weary head And you tell me everything will be all right You say, "Use my body for your bed And my love will keep you warm throughout the night"
Well, I'll never be a stranger and I'll never be alone Wherever we're together, that's my home
Breathless || The Corrs
And if there's no tomorrow And all we have is here and now I'm happy just to have you You're all the love I need somehow
It's like a dream Although I'm not asleep And I never want to wake up
I’ll Be || Edwin McCain
And rain falls, angry on the tin roof As we lie awake in my bed And you're my survival, you're my living proof My love is alive and not dead
And tell me that we belong together Dress it up with the trappings of love I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
As Long As You’re Mine || Idina Menzel & Norbert Leo Butz
Kiss me too fiercely Hold me too tight I need help believing You're with me tonight My wildest dreamings Could not foresee Lying beside you With you wanting me
In Her Eyes || Josh Groban
This world keeps on spinning Only she steals my heart She's my inspiration She's my northern star I don't count my possession All I call mine I will give her completely To the end of all time
Something Beautiful || NEEDTOBREATHE
And the water is risin' quick And for years I was scared of it We can't be sure when it will subside So I won't leave your side, no I can't leave your side
Hey now, this is my desire Consume me like a fire, 'cause I just want something beautiful To touch me, I know that I'm in reach 'Cause I am down on my knees, I'm waiting for something beautiful
Long Slow Beautiful Dance || Rascal Flatts
Standing beside her, the stars shined even brighter And for a moment all the world was, all the world was still I knew we belonged together the moment my eyes met hers And I thought nothing lasts forever but maybe this one will
A deep breath and baby steps That's how the whole thing starts It's a long, slow, beautiful dance To the beat of a heart
Nancy Mulligan || Ed Sheeran
She and I went on the run Don't care about religion I'm gonna marry the woman I love Down by the Wexford border She was Nancy Mulligan And I was William Sheeran She took my name and then we were one Down by the Wexford border
Hey! Look! I finally did the thing!! Fellow Benophie fans have asked for the songs I think speak to the couple and here are my selections! (In no specific order.) I literally scrolled through my iTunes library last night and picked out songs. I'm sure there are songs I've missed/will add later, but I consider this a good start ^_^.
And I hope you enjoy my Benophie collage! I had fun creating that :-).
UPDATE: I created a Spotify playlist with these songs! Click here!
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brotherbeastus · 3 years
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🐈‍⬛ Birthplace of Samhain & Inspiration for Halloween: Ireland’s Ancient Oweynagat ‘Cave of Cats’
📕 The Satanic Coloring Book by Jason Lenox
🍑 ‘World’s Oldest Porn’ is Queer & Gender Non-Conforming: people 3000 years ago had a lot fewer hangups…. & More…
Follow & see it first every other Fri. 15 Oct 2021: https://beastus666.substack.com/p/cave-of-cats-irelands-samhain-satanic
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Vitriol Essence
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Image © Jason Lenox
[Although the Fighting Fantasy art is in black and white, it is by no means static or cheap. Take the dynamic posing of the vitriol essence, for example. The original version is very much a puzzle monster, as it cannot leave its container and has no ranged attacks. This version is slightly less helpless against a party that figures out its mobility problems.]
Vitriol Essence CR 6 NE Outsider (elemental) This creature is composed out of reddish liquid. It is vaguely humanoid from the waist up, and from the waist down trails away into a tapering column. Its hands are tipped in claws, and its face has an impish leer. A sour smell emanates from it.
Vitriol essences, or acid elementals, are found in places where the Plane of Earth and the Plane of Water come into contact. Minerals dissolving in elemental water can create pockets of highly concentrated acids, and vitriol essences are born there. They are much more intelligent than typical elementals, and much more wicked. They tend to be bullies and petty tyrants, and usually lurk outside the boundaries of genie territory, or band together into gangs of acrid bandits. Vitriol essences are greedy, but their inherent nature means that most materials dissolve in their touch. As such, gemstones are their favorite treasures, and vitriol essences will go to great lengths to get them. A tribute of gems may be useful in bribing them to leave a party alone, at least temporarily.
A vitriol essence is most commonly found on the Material Plane when called by a spellcaster to serve as a guardian. They dislike being summoned, and so take their frustrations out on whoever is not specified as under protection by the precepts of the conjuring. A vitriol essence must be conjured into a body of water or acid, as they die rapidly outside of a liquid environment. Ideally this will be a natural body of water, or kept inside of a stone container, as metal cauldrons will be eaten away by the vitriol essence itself. They are not helpless against enemies who keep their distance, however, as they can concentrate their acids into missiles and fling them.  
Vitriol Essence      CR 6 XP 2,400 NE Medium outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar, water) Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +12, tremorsense 30 ft. Defense AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural) hp 68 (8d10+24) Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +7 DR 5/-; Immune acid; Resist cold 10 Defensive Abilities acid body; Weakness water reliance Offense Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft. Melee 2 claws +12 (1d6+2 plus 2d6 acid) Ranged acid bomb +12 touch (4d6+3 acid) Special Attacks acid bomb (11/day, Ref DC 17), lingering acid Statistics Str 15, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10 Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 26 Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +11, Knowledge (dungeoneering, planes) +13, Perception +12, Sense Motive +12, Stealth +15 (+23 underwater), Swim +23; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth underwater, uses Dex for Swim Languages Aquan, Common, Terran Ecology Environment any aquatic (Plane of Earth or Plane of Water) Organization solitary, pair or pool (3-6) Treasure standard Special Abilities Acid Body (Ex) Any creature striking a vitriol essence with a natural weapon, unarmed strike or melee touch attack must succeed a DC 17 Reflex save or take 2d6 points of acid damage. Any melee weapon striking a vitriol essence takes this damage automatically—magic weapons get a saving throw. Any weapon that takes damage that exceeds its hardness gains the broken condition from this ability, regardless of how much damage it takes. This acid deals damage to organic materials and metal—stone is unaffected. The save DC is Constitution based. Acid Bomb (Ex) As a standard action, a vitriol essence may throw a piece of its body. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a thrown weapon and a range increment of 10 feet. A creature struck directly takes 4d6 acid damage, plus the vitriol essence’s Constitution modifier. Creatures adjacent to the target take minimum damage (7 acid damage for the average specimen) and can negate this damage with a successful DC 17 Reflex save. A vitriol essence can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Hit Dice plus its Constitution modifier, and the save DC is Constitution based. Lingering Acid (Ex) Any creature struck by a vitriol essence’s claw or acid bomb attack must succeed a DC 17 Fortitude save or take an additional 1d6 acid damage on the beginning of the vitriol essence’s next turn. The save DC is Constitution based. Water Reliance (Ex) A vitriol essence that is not in contact with a mass of liquid as large as itself or larger takes 1d6 points of damage a round.
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askbohemiancompany · 2 years
This Thing
Two firm knocks sounded from Freddy’s office door.
“Come in.”
Two sounds and a single sentence is how this will unwind. 
Jason bent over to allow himself to enter his office. The dragonite’s face was its usual blank stare. One that he was never able to get an exact read on until he would speak.
“Freddy. We need to talk.” With that; Jason, formerly known as Weather, set the tone of what was to come. He sounded serious in a driven way. One with a layer of contempt.
“I can already tell you are not happy with something. So how can I help you?” Freddy sounded attentive, but was ready to get defensive if the dragon was going to get angry with him.
“Do you remember when we questioned that bisharp regarding Project Weather Report? I have been thinking. That had its roots over with OPP. Mariah disclosed that to you, didn’t she?” This was said as if he knew, the dragonite was sure he had Freddy in a secret he did not disclose.
That accusation was correct. Freddy knew this day was going to come, so at this point he might as well lay out all of his card on the table. Wea-Jason was his employee, after all. 
“Yeah…she did,” straightening out his posture, thinking for a hypothetical strike, instead the dragonite just stared Freddy down, as if he was waiting on him to finish. “She told me a few months after Gwen and Lenox saved you from Nigel and his little Fairy boys. It was by chance that you were found. I asked her about this and she told me you could still work with me since you had no objections to our line of work. To be honest, I did more digging afterward, trying to find your family. Missing pokemon’s reports, that kind of thing. I honestly found nothing. I wanted to give something new information wise, and then the fall-out with Haines happened and it got lost in the weeds.”
To the merc’s surprise, Jason did not seem to express anger. Or anything, beyond just scanning him with judgmental eyes.
“Better late than never.” Jason sounded dry, bordering on passive-aggressive. Now for the active aggression.
“Why did you hire a spree shooter and one of the Portelia Heights murderers?”
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A few thoughts went through the poison type's head: one of which he vocalized immediately. “How do you know that?” Freddy did not even want to try to hide it.
“One of the things I found out about myself was that I was something of a detective before I lost my memories. I was looking into locating Gwen for escaping juvie after she was involved with that shooting. Also, I was looking into Grohl as a suspect in the Portelia Heights as a key witness. I know he was in Urami’s gang, and they were suspect number one in those murders as his palm print was on the wall where the one survivor was found.”
Freddy’s heart was almost in his throat. The way Weat-Jason was talking, it sounded like he was going to be furious. 
“Well…Gwen was referred to me by Floyd. He told me he had a protégé and when I was starting the company I needed any help I could get. I did not find out about that until later about that…incident, but by that point it had been so long with her on the team, and she probably has her own reasons. Believe me, I have tried asking why that happened, but she told me to drop it. Besides, the statute on Pokemon murder has passed.”
This surprised Jason. Was he always this short-sighted? Given his attitude since severing his ties with Haines reeked of desperation, and having to claw pathetically to his ex-wife. Was he always carried by Haines and Mariah from the beginning?
“Keeping an escaped criminal in his ranks is a liability for anyone involved, especially since anyone could want revenge for the murders, especially since the victims had families. Not to mention some of Gwen’s recent actions could come back to blow up in our face.” Jason was not mincing words. The dragonite maintained a judgmental glance.
Burying his head in his hands, Freddy looked defeated. He was being grilled by someone who started out as the weird one of his team. That factor made this all the more of a teardown, laying his issues out on the table.
“Which is why I will be keeping this between you and me.”
Freddy perked up, looking almost hopeful in a pathetic way.
“I’ll do what I can to suppress any bits of information if they leak out. My only request is that you do not tell Gwen or Grohl that I know this. Are we clear?”
Not disclosing this to his employees. This caused the gears to turn in the toxicroak’s head. “That in itself is a liability. If it comes out that you and I are hiding this information from them. So we need to make sure we are at least on the same page.”
That was a valid point. If Weather was going to get more information on Grohl and Gwen this. Not to mention, for all of Freddy’s faults, he did at least consider how his other team members would react.
“Fine. We can disclose this to them. I do request no one else beyond the four of us know this information,” Jason was letting his tension decrease. “Gwen and her are now starting to get along, and I do not want the team to fracture because of that. Besides, if we do not know how Lenox would react to that information, it could put her and her girlfriend in risk. It took us forever to be able to get Brittany and Lenox to a safe location as a living condition, imagine if she up and bails, Haines could send her forces after her.”
“Or Mariah would use it as an excuse to hunt her. I know she is fuming at Lenox gauging her shoulder.” Freddy was in agreement with this. In fact, there was the concern of Mariah doing something out of spite for the issue. Maybe he should do a wellness check on Len and Brittany. Freddy had a smile creeping on his face. The situation was disarmed and he felt like he had an ally in his corner and finally, someone who was on the same page.
In the dragon’s mind, this did not match what Freddy assumed. He was in the perfect position for his new goal: Freddy Pancotta needs to fall and fall hard.
(art piece done by @dragons-and-art​ as part of patreon monthly rewards. She did great!)
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johnny-dynamo · 3 years
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The Thing - Dog Mutation by  Jason Lenox
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