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myanamo · 6 years ago
Natsu Matsuri 2019
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I illustrated and designed the poster for JETAA Ottawa's Japanese summer festival, Natsu Matsuri, to take place on July 21 at Ottawa City Hall. If you’re in the area that weekend, come for a day of dance, martial arts, music and fun booths celebrating Japanese culture!
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gabyglifestyle · 5 years ago
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#japaneseembassy in #sanfrancisco https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rbjGkAMbV/?igshid=nyngrfy4h6g7
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jamescoopz · 6 years ago
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Just posted my videos from the #NoWhaling march to the Japanese Embassy in London. This was to deliver a letter to the prime minister of Japan urging their government to reconsider the decision to remove Japan from the international whaling commission and resume commercial whaling in its seas. This is totally unacceptable and we will make a stand and make sure our voices are heard all over the world. 🐋🐋🐋 There are two videos: one of the speeches before the match and a second of actual march footage, I'd be really grateful for you to give them a view, like and share by following the link in my bio. I have also linked a petition to sign and upcoming matches on a similar topic. #japan #japaneseembassy #london #whale #whales #whalemeat #whaling #nowhalingmarch #whaleslaughter #iwc #vegan #veganactivist #veganactivism #animalrightsactivist #animalliberation #animalrightsactivism #activist #activism #march #protest #govegan #japanesefood #whalesounds #youtube #youtuber (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtOvPUkAMba/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1biozz6yrnxqq
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angel2flyagain-blog · 8 years ago
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Save the date - January 28! 🐬 ZERO TOLERANCE towards Taiji's abuse of dolphins! Light Up Taiji - LONDON Event: bit.ly/2eLZtCt. If you are in #London pls show up#March help #shuttaijidown#japaneseembassy
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beauti4soul · 6 years ago
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@Regran_ed from @king_dnaknowledge - The earliest swords were called #Khopesh in ancient Egypt. Euros say they go back as far as 2500 B.C, but that timeline is bias, because euros only came on the scene 4000 B.C, so we don’t know how old the ancient Egyptian swords are , they could go back 10,000 years. #KingTut was burried with a few. The #Katana is Asia’s earliest sword that goes back about 13 century , way after the Khopesh was outdated. Just pointing out how the timeline of history is important. The use of #Samurai in Asia lasted from 1185-1868 A.D. #AncientChinese culture comes from ancient Egypt. The pyramids in #China were called “Kunlun it didn’t mean #AfricanSlave . How long ago were those #Pyramids built and did they the people come from Egypt? What we do know is, a certain Euro/Asia group called the #Hyksos invaded #Egypt in the year 1650 B.C, using more advanced military weapons than Egypt. They would use the same War chariots, but equipped them with better offense. Who gave the euro/Asians the #BluePrint to create weapons invented in Egypt? Was the knowledge passed down from people who lived in Asia but were decedents Egypt? The bottom pic is a group of samurais paying homage to the Sphinx. The pic is from 1863, known as the Second #JapaneseEmbassy to #Europe So where does Darth Vadar play into all of this? The samurai is an inspiration of the Sphinx. #DarthVadar is based of the #Sphinx or #SamuraiWarriors When you follow the history trail it all leads back to #Africa #IAm_MsJohnson 💞 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BrBW-wXnBxs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ri4biftcatwd
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6waysoftheninja · 9 years ago
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We attended a japanese pop culture lecture this weekend followed by a studio ghibli screening of " the tale of princess kaguya" ... it was awesome. #japan #anime #studioghibli #princesskaguya #japaneseembassy
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riisarghwho · 9 years ago
Got my Student Visa!!
Another grueling 4 hour 30 minute coach journey to London from Manchester. A 10 minute walk, 3 minutes in the Embassy and there we have it! I now have my Student Visa to study Japanese! I paid exactly £17 for this. I am now waiting for my trip back to Manchester. (5 hours! WTH!!?) and I forgot my book :’(
EDIT: Due to a motor cyclist swirving in and out of cars and causing a crash, the journey home took 7.5 hours! P.s. (i hope the people he got involved in the crash are okay, of course him too but hope he learnt his lesson)
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angel2flyagain-blog · 8 years ago
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#japaneseembassy#march#londonengland# Jan 28/17 savethe #dphins#thecove#stop this barbaric non traditional slaughter of #pilotwhales#podsofdolphins#torture from sept 1- March1 every year
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