#janeway [redacted]
jonathanarcher · 2 months
Drama ensues on Voyager when Tom Paris enthusiastically recommends the movie Crash, calling it “the most amazing thing he’s ever seen”. Neelix, Tuvok, and Seven bond over how insane they think human mating rituals are. B’Elanna wonders if this is Tom telling her he wants to try something new in their relationship. Chakotay, known for crashing shuttles, thinks this is some coded message for him that he does NOT appreciate. Harry watches over the chaos with a shit eating grin, knowing that the movie that Tom actually watched was Crash (2004) dir. Paul Haggis.
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well-and-true · 11 months
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Started reading Full Circle
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remholder · 5 months
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they make me want to chew on wood
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Tuvok's father in law, Sokarn-He.
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savameh · 2 years
I made some Picrew versions of what I think Admiral Alba Gutierrez from my fic Redacted looks like
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Here’s the fic she’s from, but she doesn’t appear until chapter 3
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siderumincaelo · 2 years
Kathryn's first year back on Earth, involving her mom, her crew, a lot of debriefings, a therapist, a new dog, and coffee.
Gen, 22.3k words
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Kathryn Janeway vs. River Song
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek: Being Captain, and all the complicated future science stuff. She also seems a lot more compassionate than most of the earlier captains, and helped Seven adjust to being an individual, accepted a crew of Maquis into her crew including as a first officer, and treats multiple crew members as her children
River Song, Doctor Who: She always shows up when you least expect her with a gun and a mission. She's a professor of archeology, a badass fighter and a master manipulator, can get the Doctor to do what she wants like nobody else. As a small child she was programmed to assassinate the Doctor, but went against that programming to become redacted for spoilers.
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lorcaswhisky · 2 months
Tag Game: First 10 Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
(Thanks for tagging me, @curator-on-ao3 !)
From newest publication to oldest:
1. Long Shot
(Discovery, 123,907 words)
He ran the data a second time, even though he already knew there was no mistake. He had made quite certain of that.
There it was again. Proof. Incontrovertible proof.
2. Probably
(SNW, 732 words)
"Next week?"
"I'm in the Antares Sector next week. Next month?"
3. We are here, and this is now
(SNW, 794 words)
“Are you alone? Or are there others like you?”
Brown curls bobbed as Khan nodded towards a photograph tacked to the cold grey wall, barely illuminated by the flickering light overhead. 
4. tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
(Discovery, 1,490 words)
"This is a terrible idea."
Katrina opened her eyes.
5. Tactical Briefings
(Discovery, 1,378 words)
Commander Angharad Jones halted outside the Captain's quarters and took a deep, calming breath. She had carefully rehearsed what she would say on the turbolift ride to deck five. Rule one of crisis management: don’t make an even bigger crisis by saying something stupid.
6. Nutritional Values
(Prodigy, 385 words)
Janeway folded her arms. 
“None of the items on this menu provide an appropriate balance of nutrients for - any known species.” 
7. Drawn that way
(Lower Decks, 847 words)
"Did you see how her hair moved? All - swooshy? And she had, like, in-di-vidual eyelashes." Eyes boggling, Mariner wiggled her fingers. "So gross."
8. Tap
(Discovery, 1,436 words)
Tap. Tap. Tap.
It’s been more than an hour now. Waiting in front of a screen for a call from - someone.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
9. Lost Cause
(Discovery, 55,980 words)
This one is a little different, and I couldn't work out what counted as the first line, so have the whole chunk...
Personnel File - Lorca, Gabriel
Status: Retired
Current location: [REDACTED]
Service record: [...] 2246.3 Awarded Medal of Commendation for action taken on Tarsus IV. 2246.7 Promoted to Commander, assigned to USS Hawking [...] 2251.2 Assumed command of USS Buran [...] 2256.4 [REDACTED] 2261.7 Retired
-Starfleet Personnel Logs, accessed 2270.3 by <UNKNOWN USER>
>>MESSAGE RECEIVED 2261.7.10.22:34<<
TO: Pike, Captain C.
FROM: Lorca, G.
I don't know if my last few messages reached you. I guess not. I'm hoping this one works.
You'll have heard the rumors by now. They're true. I'm home. Back, anyway. I can't say any more than that here. I need to speak to you, in person. I have so many questions. I'm sure you do, too.
Let me know.
10. Settle
(Picard, 1,819 words)
"We’re safe here."
Laris snorts.
"All of the Romulans on this vineyard are ex-Tal Shiar. Of course we aren't safe."
Pattern analysis:
Hmm. My shorter fics tend to start mid-conversation. My longer fics, though ... they start however they want. I think all of them ask some kind of question, either big - what data? Why has all this information been redacted? - or small - who are they talking to? Who's waiting for what? I don't seem to go for many action starts, though, so maybe that's something I could try in a future fic. Opening lines are definitely something I'd like to strengthen in future projects.
Tagging: @lizardperson, @liz-squids, @ussjellyfish and anyone else who'd like a go!
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janeway-lover · 4 months
Picard: Earl Gray, Hot.
Janeway: Coffee, Black.
i...don't know what kirk drinks.
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bluebird-writing · 9 months
Fanfic Masterpost
Star Trek
Wedding Attire - VOY, Janeway/Chakotay
Red Hills and Bones - DS9
Everyone’s Favorite Everything Bagel- PRO, Dal & Gwyn
Regrets - PRO, Janeway/Chakotay, Zero & Janeway
Frosty Affairs - OC-centric
I Hate It - LWD, Tendi/Rutherford
I’m Glad Whenever I Can Share Her Laughter - DS9, Garashir kid fic
Weirdness - LWD, Boimler/Mariner
Dying is for Normies - Kuprum & Folykl
Fade to Black - Folykl-centric
Doublethink - Kuprum-centric
Ties of Blood and Water - Liechtenstein & Austria
Those Who I Cherish - Liechtenstein-centric
A Taste of the Truth - Liechtenstein & Austria
The Kane Chronicles
Anything For You - Thoth/OC
Ashes - OC-centric
SPY x Family
Operation Comic Book - Anya & Loid
Corn Maze - Anya & Bond, the Forger family
Cinderella Moment - Damian/Anya, Anya & Becky, the Forger family
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Kyoshi and Her Friend - Aang-centric, Kyoshi/Rangi
Avatar: Legend of Korra
Midnight Snack - Korra & Tenzin
Penguin Sledding - Korra & Katara
Cells At Work
Falling - AE3803/U-1146
Ghosts - Mirabel & Camilo
The Hunger Games
Unto the Labyrinth - OC-centric [ONGOING]
A Chance Meeting - Frankenstein/Original Work, Frankenstein’s Monster & OC
A Burning Question - Encanto/Hercules, Luisa & Hercules
Redacted - Hetalia/DS9
Reserved - Hetalia/DS9
The Town of Anywhere - Multifandom crossover [ONGOING]
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isagrimorie · 7 months
Here’s the biggest nitpick I have about Star Trek: Picard-Firewall:
I know Seven was distracted and angry but she didn’t even comment on being on the exact replica of the USS Dauntless that Arturis made to entrap her and Janeway during Hope and Fear?
Or even made a comment later on that it used a Slipstream drive???
A technology she helped developed together with B’Elenna Torres?
B’Elenna is the main chief engineer of the project but Seven also had a hand in its initial development.
Seven was Voyager’s unofficial Science Officer/Science Consultant on Voyager and Science and Engineering often collaborated.
Also, whenever B’Elenna was down— it seems B’Elenna trusted Seven to put her in charge of Engineering when she’s not around.
When she was incapacitated in Nothing Human, Seven seems to be leading the Engineering department. It wasn’t Vorik nor was it Joe Carey. (I know the Doylist reason was because they didn’t get the actors); and I know the Demon duplicates weren’t the originals but they were almost equal and original as the True Voyager crew, but we see B’Elenna hand over Chief Engineer duties as she’s about to go on her honeymoon. (Course: Oblivion).
But again these are nitpicks because Seven of Nine lives rent free in my head a lot.
She would make a comment about this project. And honestly, would be one of the reasons that could add to Seven’s reasons for being disgruntled with Starfleet. I bet at this time they would try to redact her involvement in the project.
I also feel B’Elenna, as the Project Lead for the Dauntless, would have tried to get Seven involved in the Slipstream project but I assume B’Elanna was told, in no uncertain terms, that Seven can’t even know the existence of the project.
This is also why I feel, if she could, Seven would try to install a slipstream drive in her Enterprise-G.
TLDR; In my opinion, Seven would have at least commented, even only to herself, about the Slipstream drive.
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worflesbian · 1 year
“#god. i need her to screw me for a damn hour” how close is my guess to your [redacted] tag hehe
if this is about my janeway thirsting in the tags of that killing game post then eh you've captured the spirit if not the letter
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@wrestlezaynia - Zowens is canon
@coloursflyaway - See above.
@mithen - Yep, same for you, although for you, I would also change the past and make Steenerico canon as well.
@thebestintheworld - a secret rendezvous with MJF and a career as a WWE Writer
@alyssaowens915 - Coffee shop conversation with Shane
@lilaviolet - Sami and Kevin win the AEW tag titles
@merryadampage - Hangy under the tree wearing only a bow
@colesterstrudel - Michael Cole under the tree wearing only a pink tie
@smashthegiantkiller - Shirtless Shane photoshoot, followed by a private photoshoot wearing [redacted]
@aquilalorelei - revelation of and an entire movie about a canonical MCU universe where Steve and Bucky ended up together.
@dawnandpiplup - Supernatural gets a sequel series run by Jensen Ackles that features ZERO John Winchester and is exclusively about Dean and Cas in heaven before Sam gets there.
@peppermintquartz - A brand new brutalist mansion
@retro-rezz-the-est - a billion dollars, tax free, to do with as you wish.
@writinglionqueen - your soulmate
@jazzy-tzw - Roman Reigns. That's it. That's your entire present.
@wizardgame100 (and the rest of my Wizzy followers) - KI actually starts listening to the players and implements our ideas. This includes making all crowns items available for gold, free-to-play through Krokotopia, better POC hairstyles, the return of PROPER double gardening rewards, and most importantly, 'Elixir of Trans Your Gender.'
@the--blackdahlia - A TARDIS and a money tree so you can go zooming through history to see all the classic wrestling your heart can imagine.
@girl4music - a universe where neither Xena nor Tara were killed off and where Joss isn't an abusive asshole and actually cares about his creations
@cylonalyna - All your ships are canon. ALL OF THEM
@classicwhostuff - A universe where the BBC never wiped any Doctor Who stories. None of them. Every one is still extant and fully available in DVD and Blu-ray format (individually and by seasons).
@randomnessoffiction - a giant house with a home theater and 4K Ultra Blu-ray sets of every single show you love including ALL of Doctor Who. (Yes, this includes the ones mentioned above.)
@timelord-of-the-moon Same as above but with the inclusion of a trip back in time for front row seats to the Original Broadway Cast of TSBM
@thatnerdwriter - Coronation as the Demon Queen
@unknownwhalesworld - a universe where Janeway/Chakotay was both canon and endgame
@mistress-omega-majesty - All Expense Paid Ringside tickets to AEW for life (or to wherever The Elite might someday end up)
@alliedbiscuit - A universe where the X-Files still ran for 11 seasons, but they were contiguous, never dropped off in quality, and the last four seasons, Mulder and Scully are a canonical couple. Also, the Lone Gunmen never died. (That one's for me.)
and finally
@bakurapika and @octoberspirit (My first two followers) and @fozzy-ozzccur (My newest follower) - The infinite patience to put up with my dumbass blog for 10 more years.
I want to thank all my wonderful mutuals and followers for putting up with me for another year. Special shout out to Zaynee and Lexie aka - the earth beneath my feet and my shining star. I have no idea where I would be if it weren't for you two glorious ladies. If I could give you both the whole universe, I would. I love you so much. But really, I love all my mutuals and followers, whether you've been here 10 years or 10 days. All of you, I love you. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for yinz.
Thank you so much for putting up with me and being my friend.
Happy Holidays and Happier New Year.
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ussjellyfish · 3 years
6, 8, 24 for the fanfic new year asks, if you like! :)
Thank you!
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
The first part (I think it's a trilogy? Maybe?) If the Temporally Bizarre, somewhat redacted, Autobiography of Lulu Georgiou, Starfleet Admiral, (retired).
The first part being her recollection of the time she violated temporal law to meet her father and see what the 23rd century was like (and accidentally meet her very not reformed mother) and probably get help from Captain Philippa Georgiou, because that's impossible to resist).
Which would have to be told from the perspective of like 150+ year old Lulu commenting on her journals and what she remembers from being 17 and foolish.
It'll be wild. I might get distracted and write other things. It sounds so fun though. (To me and like ... Me, it's so self-indulgent.)
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Maybe I write Michael/Philippa (captain variety)? I don't know! Usually I write the ridiculous things I think about eventually.
There's Katrina and Emperor fall in love in the awkward future where really they both should be dead (but that's a short fic).
Emperor has to pretend to be Captain long term when the war doesn't end when it's supposed to. (But she'd be SO early on the 'be a somewhat decent person" journey.)
I have half an idea about Post-Terra Firma Emperor being stuck with fixing the post Picard season 1 Starfleet Intelligence mess but it's like....all incredulous looks and snark.
It'll probably Lulu-something, because I love her, or some truly bizarre idea that I haven't come up with yet because the best ideas have to be in the middle of the night.
I have spent a year investing my whole soul in a not romantic in the slightest babyfic that is by some metrics one of the least popular things I have very written. I fear no ridiculous Fic idea.
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
Aren't I already "that author who wrote the one where [insert female character here] was pregnant?" (I think I have actually had this as a conversation).
When I was pregnant, I didn't need to write about it. When I would like to be pregnant and am not (because money/timing/so much of this is just luck) I want to write about it.
I think (unfortunately? Perhaps?) I am conditioned to feel bad about writing fic about pregnancy.
It's *disturbing and/or triggering for a lot of people* (actual conversation).
And sure! I get it, it's complicated. (But other people write things that are disturbing and/or triggering and don't feel bad about it).
I should not write it, it's cringey. I should not write it, these characters don't want children. I should not write it it's...profoundly unwanted. I get it.
It is in my current fandom corner it is the least wanted thing I write. The least read, the least supported, especially if I want to write Discovery. Maybe I could get away with a little bit in Beverly/Kathryn space? (This uh, doesn't really exist though, it's like a pocket universe somewhat adjacent to Beverly/Deanna or Janeway/Seven).
(Kind of like how the Michael Burnham appreciation server doesn't exist? )
"that author who wrote that really long pregnancy fic about [character] that I heard was good, but I didn't read it" is probably like...peak fandom for me.
(they heard it was good, dammit.)
And it is! Weirdly my fandom self doubt is NOT that I write well. I can put the words in order in ways that please me. My fandom self doubt is that no one wants what I want to write.
2021 had a lot of me getting over that. Learning NOT to check for comments after I post a chapter, learning to enjoy the process, not the results, and I'm maybe halfway there?
I have some resentment. If I just wanted to write X and Y instead I might have more of a community. I might feel more like I belong.
Lazing on my own fandom island with a coffee when the occasional reader drops by to ask "hey aren't you that author who wrote the one where Philippa had a baby on the bridge?"
That's me!
So maybe 2022 is when I stop feeling guilty about it.
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
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From: Incident at Arbuk [Novel] I know they mean this in the straightest way possible but in my brain Neelix would be jealous because he wants Tuvok to compliment him too v_v
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nebulousmistress · 3 years
Taqgged by @bengesko
NAME: [redacted]
Come on, gimme your name: Neb
Your real name:
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NICKNAMES: Mistress (by my pet), all 27 variations of my legit name in 8 languages (by everyone I know IRL)
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
That explains things: Hey, shut up.
FAVORITE COLOR(S): black, red, soft iridescence, deep saturated blues, Void, magenta
TIME RIGHT NOW: 730-ish pm
LAST THING I GOOGLED: garden claw gloves
NUMBER OF BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: one sheet and one thin blanket. Any more and I get too hot and have weird dreams.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): Vlad Masters/Plasmius, Dr. Rodney McKay, General Armitage Hux, Spock, Kirk, Bones, just the entire crew of TOS Star Trek, Captain Cardinal, Captain Kathryn Janeway, Adivion Adrissant
FAVORITE BANDS/SINGERS: Mono Inc, The Birthday Massacre, Cryo Chamber, VNV Nation, Assemblage 23, Seether, Five Finger Death Punch, Ghost, Lord of the Lost, Three Days Grace
DREAM JOB: Not interested. Here’s why. A job is what I do every single day to make money so I can afford to do the stuff I actually want to do, which I cannot do every single day or I come to not want to do it. So my ‘dream job’ is a job that will pay for my life without grinding me to dust so I can do Other Fun Things.
WHAT I AM WEARING RIGHT NOW: Black jeans, dark tank top. Giant fuckoff headphones.
WHAT DO I POST ABOUT: Stuff. Work and life and selves and miniatures and fanfiction and just so much fanfiction adjacent stuff. Anything to separate myself from the job I have to do and the person I have to be.
DO I HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: @askthenightmonster an RP blog for Charlie the Night Monster from Don’t Starve that hasn’t updated since 2016 @veli-spawn-of-lissala another RP blog that hasn’t updated since 2014 @level12roguechemist my SFW blog in case anyone asks what kind of online presence I have since I’m not on twitter as myself, I’m not on facebook, and my linkedin hasn’t updated since 2015
WHEN DID YOUR BLOG HIT ITS PEAK: Right before tumblr’s last purge of bot blogs I broke 250 followers for the first and only time
WHO IS YOUR MOST ACTIVE FOLLOWER: @puppetmaster55 by far. also @holywritingpromptsbatbruh​ and @emperorsvornskr​ and @bengesko​ and @spirits-of-kin​
WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO GET A TUMBLR: the Through Danny Phantom rewatch, it was easier to keep track of everyone that way
DO YOU GET ASKS ON A DAILY BASIS: ‘Daily’? Lol, I barely get asks on an annual basis
WHY DID YOU CHOSE YOUR URL: I once introduced myself at a Munch as “And I’m [my pet’s] nebulous mistress” as it was my first time meeting the group. The term felt right.
TAG YOU’RE IT: idk go for it
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