#jan 6 2022
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woundedwizard · 2 years
andrew is a piece of shit husband
lise, you deserve better
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Secretaries of State play a key role in ensuring those who engaged in the January 6 insurrection are not permitted to run to represent the government they tried to overthrow.
In a letter sent today, CREW urged each Secretary of State to consider the recent ruling in New Mexico which found Otero County Commissioner and Jan. 6 participant Couy Griffin to be constitutionally disqualified from ever again holding state or federal office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment’s Disqualification Clause. This ruling, and past history, provides helpful guidance for Secretaries of State in determining whether candidates are constitutionally eligible to appear on the ballot.
Making ballot eligibility determinations, especially in light of this court ruling, is consistent with a Secretary of State’s oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The New Mexico court’s decision sets a high bar for disqualification, but there are current and prospective candidates throughout the country who, under the court’s standard, are likely disqualified from public office and thus should be excluded from the ballot.
Where the evidence supports disqualification, it is the constitutional duty of Secretaries of State to act accordingly.
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hotshoeagain · 2 years
walking on air
I just changed a tire!
Okay, I know folks do that all the time, and it's no big deal.
I haven't changed a tire in ... umm ... longer than most of you have been alive.
I am so thrilled that I succeeded!
So is everyone who witnessed it ;)
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auroraluciferi · 2 years
Steve Scalise, the GOP House Minority Whip has been on Fox News and talk radio and for months about how he couldn’t consider the legitimacy of the Jan. 6th committee because “they haven’t said whether Nancy Pelosi even called the National Guard to protect the Capitol”
now it comes out that he was literally standing there in the same room, cowering from rioters with Pelosi when she made the call
just a complete and total lie
his staffers either thought he was telling the truth when he spun that line of BS or helped him cover it up, which also makes them liars
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gorawe114 · 2 years
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i was lazy af this year lmao oh well, maybe the next one will be nicer!
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carolinemillerbooks · 4 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/harry-potter-v-doctrine-of-discovery/
Harry Potter v. Doctrine of Discovery
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I threw a DVD  of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” into my player last night.  I needed a touch of innocence to block out the television news.  Hard to accept but the real world had grown more fantastical, dark, and insane, than makebelieve. In the episode I selected, Neville Longbottom proves to be a hero. Knowing his friends Harry, Hermione, and Ron intend to break curfew and dishonor Gryffindor, he blocks their escape. “I’ll fight you,” he says shakily, his small fists rolled into balls to prove he means what he says. In the real world, Nikki Halley could have used Longbottom’s courage.  She accused Donald Trump of being unhinged, but like the rest of her peers in the Republican Party, she endorsed him. Fear rather than admiration was the reason. Each of them preferred to suffer the reign of an avowed tyrant and his band of Christian Nationalists rather than risk their careers.    To take a stand against allies and friends is difficult as studies show.  In turbulent times, only the brave are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.  Of the 7 Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump, for example, only 2 survived the next election.  The rest faded away though the nation owes them a debt.    Though they may not know it, Trump and his band of White Christian Nationalists can trace their sense of a right to govern to the Doctrine of Discovery. Written in 1493, this Papal Bull was an answer to a question that troubled Christopher Columbus.  After returning from the New World with a plan to set out again, he wondered how he should treat the inhabitants of these faraway lands. The Holy See’s answer was unequivocal. Columbus owed heathens nothing except to convert them to the faith.   Chief Justice John Marshall answered the same question concerning American Indian rights in Johnson v. McIntosh  (1823)  When white Christian farmers settled on lands belonging to the Oneida Nation, the Indians sued. Marshall relied on the Doctrine of Discover in his response.  He defined the Indians as “occupiers” of the land, but assigned ownership to the white Christians. It may surprise some to learn this prejudice persisted in American law as late as 2005. That was the year Ruth Bader Ginsberg decided a case on the same Papal grounds even though Pope Francis had rescinded the Bull in 2003.  PPRI,  a nonprofit research group that focuses on the intersection of religion, culture, and politics, published a poll regarding the Doctrine of Discovery in 2022.  The question they asked was, “Do you agree or disagree that America was designed by God to be a promised land for European Christians?” Thirty percent of those who answered agreed with the statement. Republicans form the nucleus of Christianity in this country so a number of those who replied were probably Christian conservatives. In any case, this nostalgia for injustices of the past comes at a time of demographic change in the United States.  “Self-identified Republicans today are 70 percent white and Christian in a country that is only 42% white and Christian.” (“Finding the Hidden Roots of White Supremacy,” by Robert P. Jones, FFRF, May 2024, pg. 13.) Understandably, in 2020, when a defeated Trump claimed the election was rigged, the Christian right believed him and their response grew to a full-throated rage that culminated in an assault upon our nation’s Capitol. The rebellion was quelled but the fury remained, erupting sporadically in violence or threats of violence. During this period of turbulence, the Supreme Court seems to be administering law and order with an uneven hand.  Many who participated in the Capito riot have gone to jail.  On the other hand, the High Court has made it increasingly difficult to prosecute verbal assault. In Counterman v. Colorado, for example, the Supreme Court ruled that violent speech has First Amendment protection and is prosecutable only if the perpetrator has “some subjective understanding of the threatening nature of his statements.”    Political threats come from all sides of the philosophical spectrum, of course, but they are increasing in number and the range of those targeted is widening. In 2021, the National League of Cities published a poll that shows public servants have come under heavy assault.  The political climate has become so toxic that a former head of the Republican Party told 60 Minutes he went along with a scheme to overturn the 2020 election because he was “scared to death.” Likewise, former Georgia Governor, Roy Barnes  admitted he refused to assist district attorney Farni Willis in her prosecution of Donald Trump because  “I wasn’t going to live with bodyguards for the rest of my life.” History informs us that defending our democracy takes courage.  In a speech given at Harvard University, Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor reminded us of this fact when she praised the jurists who ended segregation in our public schools. (Brown v. Board of Education)  “They were brave men who believed in the power of law to form that more perfect union, and I believe it,” she said.  We all need to believe it for we have stumbled upon a time when the assault upon our democracy is coming not only from external enemies but from our fellow citizens.  I refer to those who defend the idea that some of us are occupiers and others are owners. In an earlier blog, I predicted a blue wave was coming. The prediction wasn’t magical thinking.  That wave will arrive come November. In a free land, ordinary people like Neville Longbottom will always rise to defend their country in a time of crisis.    
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mainfaggot · 9 months
tw eating disorder talk in the tags btw. just me being open for the first time in a long time but no numbers or specifics that could be triggering do nawt worry
#i was hospitalized for an nervosa in jan 2022#and since then i have relapsed two times in the past two years#i was reading my journals and food logs from the inpatient and outpatient progreams#and wow. i was so fucking unwell#two years ago i was so severely depressed and so severely malnourished#i was incredibly frail in every sense. it was scary. I thought I'd die of starvation before suicide at one point#but ever since i was released in the spring of 2022 i told myself that if i wanted to kill myself it wouldn't be from an eating disorder#because I'd want to eat a nice last meal at least 😭💀#also because the way i was suffering at my worst was terrifying and so painful in the slowest way possible#skip to present day#i relapsed during summer 2023#i was restricting my intake+over exercising+lost almost all the weight that i was restored to and was getting frail in every sense again#but i was running on adrenaline and i was working 6-15 hours a week and cooking 'for fun' so no one noticed#it was not fun cooking btw i was being neurotic about portions and calories and ingredients#LOL anyway#I've been in a semi recovery period for the past 4 months#but over the past 2-3 weeks I've been struggling really hard mentally again#like i feel insane. i cant turn off the calorie counter in my mind. i cant eat certain things out of pure unfiltered anxiety. im clinging#to this feeling of immediate and temporary relief that i get from controlling things#i follow my meal plan provided by my registered dietitian and psychologist but#i get so anxious about it and it's crazy how fixated i get on different aspects of what/how im eating#it's like over time I've become orthorexic. HELP anyway#the point is. this break has made me have so many deep urges to go back to restricting and getting worse#for the sake of temporary and immediate relief + a sense of control#but i realised that as much as i feel i need to be in control. it's not worth it#it felt worth it over the summer but it wasn't because the c psych and RD wanted me to try another hospital program if i couldn't get myself#back on track with just their help#like being informed that my routine of neurosis was worse than i thought was so . unexpected#i thought i was fine. it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it was back in late 2021 or early 2022#but it was bad! i had low blood pressure i was getting hypoglycemic i was dizzy i was lightheaded i was getting sick every month
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grunge-mermaid · 9 months
the biggest scam in personal organization is agendas that are 15 or 18 months but they don't offer the same style of calendar that picks up where the others leave off so if you want to keep using the same system, you're still buying a new one every 12 months and wasting 3-6 months' worth of pages because there's no option to just buy a 12 month version
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welsknightenjoyer · 1 year
I miss empires s1 jimmy. I miss codboy
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vogelmeister · 1 year
things that didn’t happen in goud: covid
things that did happen in goud: mark rutte, apparently
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diet-poison · 2 years
i saw your tag on the dropout post asking if they doubled the price, and dont worry they didnt. they raised it by a dollar so the annual price increased by $12 which is what the tweet meant. not that the new price is 12 :)
Ohhhhh that makes sense. Thanks!
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woundedwizard · 2 years
and….. there’s a bear.
of course
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A group of 40 House Democrats, led by Rep. David Cicilline (R.I.), introduced legislation on Thursday to bar former President Trump from holding future federal office under the 14th Amendment.
Section 3 of the amendment states that no one who previously took an oath to support the Constitution and engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” shall “hold any office, civil or military, under the United States.”
Cicilline said in a release announcing the legislation that Trump “very clearly” engaged in an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, with the intention of overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election.
“You don’t get to lead a government you tried to destroy,” he said.
The release states that the bill includes testimony and evidence demonstrating how Trump engaged in the insurrection.
The bill also specifically describes how Trump helped encourage the violence on Jan. 6, tried to intimidate state and federal officials when they did not support his false claims of the election being stolen and refused to denounce the mob that stormed the Capitol for hours during the riot.
“The 14th Amendment makes clear that based on his past behavior, Donald Trump is disqualified from ever holding federal office again and, under Section 5, Congress has the power to pass legislation to implement this prohibition,” Cicilline said.
Cicilline, who served as an impeachment manager during Trump’s first impeachment, sent a letter to his Democratic colleagues last month to solicit co-sponsors for a bill to bar Trump from office.
Trump was impeached on a charge of “incitement of insurrection” in the aftermath of Jan. 6, but he was acquitted by the Senate. This was the second time Trump was impeached, with the first coming in December 2019.
Last month, Trump became the first major candidate to announce a run for the presidency in 2024.
The 14th Amendment was ratified in the aftermath of the Civil War, when ex-Confederates and seceded states rejoined the Union.
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sam-more-news · 2 years
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mceproductions · 2 years
Best of 2022 TV Shows #11: Late Night with Seth Meyers (NBC)
By this point, if there isn’t a major event that day, you know that Seth Meyers doesn’t do a deep dive with his closer look segments .
But there are still smaller smile moments.
Like the return of the Sea Captain only this time, having a familiar bride .
Amber continuing to say what.
Along with being parts of jokes Seth can’t tell.
More stuff needing to be told Ya Burnt.
And his biggest surprise involving another day trip this time with Lizzo.
Never stop making us Smile Seth, never stop.
SUM 22: Seth Meyers went back to the attic and forth with his usual wit banter and reality checks. Lizzo looked like she was having a good time .
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