#jamieeeee:) nothing bad will ever happen
lakesbian · 1 month
Halfway through pulling my stuff off, tightly folding the forest green scarf into a bundle I could put in a pocket, I saw that Jamie was standing by the bookcase, a book open in front of him. “Jamie?” I asked. “One second.” I finished pulling all my stuff off, and handed it over to Gordon, who stuffed it under the bed.  I walked over to Jamie, and glanced over his elbow to see the book he was looking over. Rows on rows of portraits, with names beneath.  He gave each page only a moment’s glance. “Left arm,” I told him. Without taking his eyes off the book, he held out his left arm.  I pulled his jacket free of the arm. “Right arm.” I pulled the coat free, then handed it to Gordon. 
what did wildbow write them so cute and adorable for
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