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Greekgod!JJ X Reader: A random One Shot
Hello everyone! I felt like writing but wasn’t sure what to write! I asked for some advise and then rolled a die to pick a fun AU from @clanwarrior-tumbly ‘s list! This one is the Greek god AU! I hope y’all like it!
It was a beautiful, warm spring day and in front of a small, damp pile of dirt sat a young child. They stared at the pile with their cheeks puffed out and their arms crossed over their chest as they took a quick look up to the sky and then back down to the pile.
May I ask what it is that you are doing?
The child’s head quickly turned to look behind them, spotting a man with a perfectly curled mustache on his upper lip, teal hair and blue eyes… The rest of him they didn’t even bother to look at as their eyes moved to the rather large scythe he held.
“Who are you?”
I’m known by many names, but you Young one can call me Jameson for now.
“I’m [Y/N].” The young child said, tilting their head as they looked at the man.
“How are you doing that?”
Doing what, Young one?
“Talking without actually saying anything.” They elaborated as the man walked over to them and knelt down, using the scythe to balance himself as he looked at the small dirt pile.
Tell me young one, what is this?
He’d avoided the question, and this didn’t go unnoticed by [Y/N], but they were too excited to explain their brilliant plan to this total stranger.
“I’m growing this flower for my friend! It’s their birthday soon.” They explained happily, feeling very proud of themselves as they puffed out their chest, missing the small frown that formed on the man’s face.
I’m sorry Young one. But I’m afraid that you’re plan may not work. Growing something, such as a flower, takes time.
[Y/N] huffed at his words, crossing their arms in a pout yet again.
“What do you know?” They asked, looking away from him as his shoulders gently bounced in a silent laugh.
A bit more than you would think Young one.
“Yeah well… You’re wrong! This’ll grow all big and then I’m gonna give it to my friend.” They told him as a matter of factly before turning their nose up to him.
If you say so, Young one. But these things do take time, as do all good things.
After the last sentence [Y/N] suddenly felt his presence vanish and they looked over to see that the man from before was in fact gone. They stood up and began looking around for where he could have gone, but the man was no where in sight!
Years passed, and [Y/N] never saw Jameson again, but they always thought about the day they met him. They had become a much more patient person, of course they weren’t seven anymore, but good things come in time… They always remembered that. Keeping the mystery man’s words close to their heart as they grew older. The day was much like the one that they had met Jameson all those years ago, a beautiful spring day and now they were in their garden, watering the many flowers they had planted over the years.
I see you have gotten much better at this, Young one.
[Y/N] spun on their heel, coming face to face with the man they had met before, he hadn’t aged a day… He stood, leaning on his scythe slightly as he looked over the flowers with a smile on his face.
“It’s you…” They said quietly, almost not believing that he was really there. The man nodded and gave a small bow before looking back at them.
It has been far too long, Young one. I meant to return earlier, but I’m afraid when you’ve lived as long as I have, time… Tends to get away from you.
He shook his head before smiling at them again, almost as if he had made some sort of joke… They didn’t get it.
“Are you death?” They questioned, a look of shock taking over the man’s features as he covered his heart with his hand and took a step back.
Whatever would lead you to think that Young one?!
“Well… You do have a scythe.” They said shyly, gesturing to the scythe that he held and Jameson quickly looked it over before shaking his head again.
Ah yes, the Grimm Reaper I believe is what you are referring too. No dear Young one, my scythe is not for harvesting souls but for harvesting crops. I’m afraid to tell you I came not only to say hi, but in the hopes that I could perhaps take a few of these flowers off of your hands. There is a friend of mine that always seems terribly sad and I believe these could possibly brighten up his day!
“You’re avoiding the question! Just like when I asked how you talk without actually speaking.” [Y/N] said, pointing at him and taking a step towards him.
“Who are you, really?” They asked, watching as his shoulders gently bounced in his laughter.
A sharp one you are, Young one. Back in the old days they called me Chronos, I am the god of time.
“Chronos? Then why’d you introduce yourself different then?!” They asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed. They’d been speaking to a god this whole time and they’d been so informal, even slightly brash when they were a child.
When you’ve lived as long as I have Young one, you can get quite bored. Changing my name every few centuries is just one of the many ways I… How do you say it these days? Keep things fresh?
“I see… Is that… Also, why you approached me? When I was a kid?” They asked, feeling uncertain where they stood now.
Partially yes. Also, there was just something about you that intrigued me, not sure what it is yet. But I would hope that I could figure it out eventually. If you will allow me to return to your garden.
[Y/N] began to blush as they wondered if that meant that he wanted to get to know them, they quickly looked down to the dirt as they tried to think of an appropriate response. Even if they said no, would they really be able to stop him from returning if that’s what he wanted? Not that they wanted to say no, they were interested themselves in Jameson, after all as god of time surely, he had some interesting things to talk about… It also helped that he was quite handsome, nothing like the old man with a long white beard that they’d seen pictured.
“I don’t believe I would mind it, perhaps we can have some tea next time as well?” They offered, watching the god’s face light up as he stood straighter.
That sounds lovely, Young one! I will look forward to our next meeting, but for now perhaps you could help me pick out some flowers for my friend? If it is okay for me to take them that is!
“Of course, you can have some!” [Y/N] said with a small laugh, amused to see the god of time back tracking once he realized he hadn’t gotten permission to take flowers yet.
“I’ll even help you pick them out, so long as you promise not to wait years to come back and visit me. I don’t want to be all shriveled up and old the next time I see you.” They scolded halfheartedly while wagging their finger at him.
Young one, I would never dream of doing such a thing.
He bowed with his hand over his heart before standing up straight and extending his arm to offer [Y/N] his hand, his smile brightening as they took it and began to walk beside him through the rows of flowers.
“Now the daffodils have been coming in nicely so far this year, and I’m sure they could brighten up anyone’s day! Even the god of depression couldn’t frown at them!” They joked, looking over to see his shoulders bouncing again.
I certainly hope so! That is who I plan on giving them too!
“Wait, that’s actually a thing?!”
And there you go! I hope y’all enjoyed reading that because it was pretty fun to write! I wasn’t sure what attire to put JJ in as Chronos because in descriptions of him normally have him in some kind of toga and I’m not sure what century I put this in, so I’ve left quite a lot up to the reader in this heh heh... As Always, I accept any and all feedback! Thank you for reading!
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Jj finding a baby pumpkin witch(a witch that was born from a pumpkin being exposed to magic) and instantly keeping her as his precious bean and when anti tries to scare her he threatens to rip off his head? I just can't help imagining jj being protective of young babies who he adopts!^-^
I can actually imagine the baby pumpkin witch having like a Jack o’ Lantern for a head topped with a cute witch’s hat 🎃🎃
Jameson was out in a field, trying to find a good pumpkin to carve for this year’s Halloween. Unfortunately though his luck was running dry…as all he could find were either rotten, discolored, distorted, ridiculously huge, or laughably tiny pumpkins.
After several long minutes of searching, he huffed in slight disappointment. Of course he didn’t want to ask Marvin to conjure or fix one. He wanted a decent pumpkin he could take care of himself.
But it seems like he may have no other option at this point. Everyone must have taken the good ones early.
They were smart.
Just as he was about to give up his search and head home, he was surprised to see a pumpkin on top of a pile of leaves. But this one had a black witch’s hat on it. When he went closer to it, he smiled upon realizing that it looked absolutely perfect.
However, as he went to roll his sleeves back up and grab it, the pumpkin suddenly turned on its own, making him jump in surprise. Then it glanced up, revealing glowing yellow triangular eyes, nose, and a jagged mouth, much like a stereotypical Jack o’ Lantern.
Upon seeing Jameson, though, you flinched and quickly backed away, causing the leaves to scatter everywhere and revealing your black and orange footie pajamas and black cape. But you didn’t get far as you fell back on your rear and stared up at the human, frightened.
Sadly your pumpkin head made you wobble and fall a lot.
Much to your surprise, though, the human only knelt down, putting his hands out in worry, although he seemed unsure of what to do. Of course you were still scared of him…but…it didn’t look like he was going to hurt you.
He gently smiled and put his arms out, trying to show you that you could trust him. When he saw your hesitation, he wiggled his mustache a little, hoping the silly gesture would make you giggle. And it did as you stood back up and made your way into his arms.
The stranger still didn’t say anything, but he did scoop you up and hold onto you tight as he stood. Then you two began to make your way out of the pumpkin field patch and to…wherever his home was.
“My goodness…you..you actually found a baby pumpkin witch!”
“A what now?”
“They’re creatures that were at one point normal pumpkins, but some kind of magic transforms them into half-human children and gives them animated Jack o’Lantern features.”
“By golly!” Jameson exclaimed, clasping his hands together. “So…the pumpkin is still a part of them? It can’t be removed?”
“No. Trying to remove it would have….let’s just say fatal consequences,” Marvin closed his book of magic creatures, before he looked to see you in Chase’s lap, your witch hat swapped out for his cap.
He chuckled softly. “This is too tiny for me, little dude! But my hat fits you just right.” Then he switched the hats back around as he saw Jameson walk over, smiling as he watched him scoop you up. “Have you given them a name, J?”
The dapper ego thought about it for a second or two, but before he could provide Chase with an answer, a low, static hum filled the room. The owner of that noise, of course, soon appeared with a deep frown on his face.
“Nobody told me about the newest family member, huh?” Anti huffed, turning to see you and your triangular eyes grow wide. “Wow…you’re a….livin’ Jack o’Lantern, huh? How curious..”
You shivered, gripping Jameson’s vest tight as you saw the demon grin and pull out a knife.
“Mind if I give ya a little makeover~?”
“Anti! Stop it,” Marvin ordered. “Pumpkin witches have a severe phobia of knives. You don’t wanna mess wi-”
“C’mon, Marv…it’s Halloween..” Anti stalked closer. “Can’t I have just a little fun~?”
But his smile soon fell when he noticed Jameson’s scowl. While he was distracted, the dapper ego handed you back to Chase, before tossed his hat onto the sofa and rolled up his sleeves.
The glitch only had to blink, and then seconds later he found himself in a headlock, his knife clanging to the floor. He gritted his teeth, trying to wriggle out of Jameson’s hold, but the fact that he was in a position that made ripping off his head easy left him at a disadvantage.
Even though he tried clawing at his arms, he proved to be no match.
Finally, Anti realized that he had no choice but to surrender. “Ack! A-Alright! Alright! I’ll leave yer precious little pumpkin alone! Just lemme go already!”
Jameson did just that, giving him a quick shove out of the living room for good measure. The demon huffed and rubbed his neck, making sure he didn’t tear open his scar, before he turned and retreated back to his room.
Chase smiled as he stood up and transferred you back into your protector’s arms. “Yep. You meet all the criteria to be a perfect dad, J,” he chuckled.
With a simple nod, Jameson hugged you close, closing his eyes as he felt you cling onto him.
Nothing bad was ever going to happen to you….not on his watch.
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JJ X Reader: The Rose Series
Yellow Roses with red tips: Friendship and Falling in love
Jameson smiled to himself as he set down the pristine white plate on to the checkered blanket, it finally looked perfect. He had made plans with his friend [Y/N] to meet and have a picnic today and he was so excited to spend some time away from his rowdy brothers, though he did love them they could just be… Much. He did one more quick look over of the set up before the sound of foot steps made him look up. The dapper man smiled at the sight of his friend, waving his hand in a greeting as they sat down in front of him.
“Hey JJ! Sorry I was a bit late, I thought our picnic could use some flowers, so I went and picked these out!” They said, setting down a small plastic vase with yellow roses that had red tips. At the sight of them his cheeks began to heat up just ever so slightly, surely [Y/N] didn’t know the meaning behind such roses and simply picked them because they liked the coloring. Yes, that was it. It had to be.
“It’s quite alright, my good friend! I had been having a bit of trouble setting the blanket with the wind earlier and am quite glad that you were not here to see that.” He signed, choosing to ignore the flowers for now. Just because he had met them in a floral shop and they had an affinity for flowers, didn’t mean that they knew the meaning behind the ones that they had brought and set before him… He was here to spend time with his friend and he would ignore the butterflies in his stomach, for now at least.
“So! How have things been JJ?” [Y/N] asked as he began taking sandwiches and other snacks out of the small basket he’d brought. Since his hands were preoccupied, he could really only communicate with his expressions and while they’d gotten fairly good at reading him, all they were able to tell was that he was probably about to start complaining about something that happened, not that they weren’t prepared for it once he was done taking everything out.
“Well, first I couldn’t find my favorite film anywhere and I know that I always put it in the same place. So I went around and starting asking my brothers if they’d seen it. Of course, I would never immediately suspect them, after all they would never do anything as rude as taking my favorite film and hiding it from me. So anyway, I kept looking and looking and still I couldn’t find it!” As he signed his movements and expressions became more exaggerated, [Y/N] couldn’t help but smile as they paid attention to the story. “I eventually found it though! Turns out I left the blasted thing in the projector the whole time! Golly, the only way I could imagine doing that was if I fell asleep watching the film, but I don’t remember even doing that!”
“Maybe one of your brothers watched it without telling you?” They suggested, but JJ shook his head.
“They all know I would happily share my films with them. They only need ask.” He signed, quickly asking them how they’d been before he began eating.
“I’ve been doing alright.” They began, also starting to eat, after all it would be a waste to not eat the meal JJ had put together for them! “I’ve been doing some research recently about certain things.” They said, their eyes traveling to the roses that sat slightly slanted on the uneven ground. [Y/N] set down their food and moved the vase to a more stable spot, closer to Jameson.
He looked down at the flowers as they did so, his face once again heating up as he remembered the meaning of those roses. Had they been doing research on flower meanings and were the roses a subtle way to tell him… Something? No, he shouldn’t get his hopes up like that.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about… Certain things.” Their eyes going from the flowers to the dapper man as they spoke. “Have you ever looked into Floriography? I’ve actually come to find it to be very interesting.” The more the spoke the more JJ began to feel a lump in his throat. So, did they know what the roses meant? Were they trying to say something through the flowers? No, surely, they knew they could do better than him.
“I’ve read a thing or two in my spare time, why do you ask?” He signed, worried that he was in fact getting his hopes up, maybe they only knew about the first part of the meaning and they meant the gift as a sign of friendship? Yes, that had to be it. There was no way someone as great as [Y/N] could feel that way about silly old him.
“I read somewhere that yellow roses with red tips mean friendship,” Of course he was right, still even though he knew not to get his hopes up it still- “Then I thought, no that’s not right. Just plain yellow roses is friendship and wouldn’t that be confusing to have two colored roses mean the same thing? Granted, they are mostly yellow I could see friendship being part of it. But after looking at a few more websites I found that they actually mean friendship and falling in love. Which can mean a couple of things.”
“H how s so?” JJ could feel his hands shaking as he signed, he wasn’t expecting this.
“Well, it’s either that they could be used to symbolize one or the other or…” They began to fidget themselves, seeing JJ’s pink cheeks and how he was starting to fiddle with whatever he could get his hands on. “Or it could mean both and that I’m falling in love with someone who has already given me their friendship.”
He didn’t know what to say, he was wrong, they were in fact using the flowers to try and tell him something. He quickly reached up, taking his hat off of his head and using it to cover his now red face. If he was a cartoon, he’d have steam coming out of his ears. But this was real life and the longer he took to calm himself and come up with a proper response the more [Y/N] became unsure if their confession was the right thing to do.
“JJ? Sorry, was that too forward?” They questioned with a small frown watching as the dapper man slowly lowered his hat, placing it in his lap before signing to them.
“Are you sure? I’m just a silly old man that can’t speak.”
“You know, you’re not that old. Even if you dress like you should be and I don’t think you’re silly.” They moved their food to the side and moved them self a little closer to him. “And I don’t care that you can’t speak, you should know that by now. Your lack of a voice doesn’t make you any less of an amazing person.”
There was a brief silence, JJ thinking about his next move, his eyes moving to the roses once more and the idea hit him. He reached over and took a rose from the vase, looking it over carefully before offering it to [Y/N].
“I… Take it that means the feeling’s mutual?” They asked, carefully taking the flower from him and grinning as they saw him nod. “So that means the next time we ‘hang out’ it’ll be more of a date?”
JJ���s shoulders bounced in a silent laugh as he nodded again, he was excited now. He never thought that [Y/N] would actually be interested in him and had honestly contented himself with only ever being their friend, yet here he was, and they were asking him out. What were the odds?
“I’ll look forward to that then.” [Y/N] said, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. Immediately, JJ’s face was red once again and he quickly grabbed his hat to hide it. “Sorry hun.” They laughed, the pet name only making the blush worse and reach to his ears.
Hello again everyone! Sorry for being gone yesterday! Work had been insane and by the time I got home all I wanted to do was eat dinner and go to bed. But! Here is JJ and the reader being cute while on a picnic! I hope you enjoy it and as always I accept any and all feed back. Thanks for reading!
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Silent Screams| Banshee!Jameson x Reader
Alrighty soooooo here’s the next story on my Dark Fantasy AU bois. Enjoy some sweet fluff/angst of my mute Banshee son (yes you read that right)~
It was just a regular night, with you and Jameson cuddling on the couch, watching some old slapstick comedy film together. You two shared a few laughs at the actors' silly shenanigans, or well...laughs and silent chuckles that is. However, near the end, the dapper man abruptly sat up. You looked over, seeing his posture become slumped as he clutched his chest, grinding his teeth together and squeezing his eyes shut. To any normal person, it would seem like he was having chest pains. But you, on the other hand, knew exactly what was about to happen. "Jamie?" After a few moments, he glanced back at you, both of his eyes now glowing red. You simply gave him a quick nod, watching as he transformed into his ghostly form, dressed in grey and white rags and spectral chains, before he quickly flew towards the backdoor and phased through it, venturing deep into the dark forest, leaving behind his hat. Only a few seconds after he left, you heard the faint, yet loud, heart-wrenching wails that became all-too familiar to you. Yes, your boyfriend was a Banshee. At first you didn't believe it for a second, considering that, one, it was extremely rare for them to be male and, second, how could he scream and cry if he had no voice....? It was quite a paradox, but soon enough you've come to accept it, as it didn't change the fact that you still loved the sweet and kind gentleman with all your heart. However, the only problem was that his transformations were spontaneous; the only warnings being his eyes glowing red and his hand clutching his chest. Sometimes it happened when you were both sleeping in the middle of the night...other times it happened in broad daylight when you’re out in the park.
Of course you felt bad he couldn't control it, as Banshees were created to cry out loud whenever they sensed somebody about to meet their inevitable demise. And he hated how he always had to carry this burden.
More often than not, the subject of death was always on his mind and you'd find him crying out in the woods every single time this happened. In human form the whites of his eyes became permanently tinted red from all of his weeping. A minute after Jameson left, there was complete silence, and you knew that you had to go out and search for him. So you paused the movie and grabbed your shoes and jacket, putting them on before you headed out the backdoor and into the chilly night. ........ It wasn’t too long before you found your boyfriend still in his Banshee form, curled up against a tree. His face was buried into his hands as his shoulders trembled violently with each silent sob he let out. No matter how many times you've done this routine, it always broke your heart to see him like this. He was just a guy who simply wanted to see the good in life...but, instead, he was cursed to only see nothing but pain and death, and to weep nonstop for people he didn't even know. He was a tragic creature, indeed. "Hey, Jamie?" With a shaky gasp, Jameson looked up to see you, his eyes incredibly puffy and tears staining his pale cheeks. He hiccuped softly, sniffling as he tried to wipe them away, but they only became replaced by fresh, new ones. You sat down, wrapping your arms around him and stroking his hair. Although he was a ghost, he was partially corporeal, so you were able to hug him no problem. You'd be damned if you couldn't at least do that for the one you loved most.
”It’s alright, hun, I’m here,” you murmured softly. Without any hesitation, he latched onto you, pressing his face into your shoulder as he let out a muffled wail of grief, although, thankfully, it wasn't as loud as his usual ones. Tears soaked into the material of your jacket, but you didn't mind them. For a few minutes you both stayed that way, with you hushing the sobbing ghost, until you could see his hair return to its normal, teal color and his rags turn back into the pajamas he had on before. He fell silent once more, his mournful cries ceasing at last as he turned back into a human. Then he raised his head up, gazing at you with tired, wet eyes. "You okay now?" You cupped his cheek, brushing away any remaining tears.
Jameson nodded slowly, sniffling and pulling out of the hug to sign, "Thank you darling. I'm so sorry you have to keep doing this." "It's completely fine. I don't mind it at all," you reassured him. "You know that already." But he shook his head. "[Y/n]. I know you're tired of all of this. I hate how I'm making you carry this.....burden. You deserve so much better. You deserve someone who's-" "That’s enough." Before he was able to finish his statement, you gently grabbed his hands. "Listen. You are the furthest thing from a burden. I know you're upset that you can't control whenever this happens. But, whether you're human, Banshee, or half-Banshee, nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever stop me from loving you."
Your gaze softened as you gave him a tiny smile. "You may be an omen of death...but even you are still worthy of love and happiness. I can promise you that, Jameson." For a few, long moments, he stared at you in disbelief. But the look in your eyes told him that you were speaking nothing but the truth. Jameson smiled shakily, before he put his arms around you, bringing you into his lap where he then proceeded to shower your face with kisses. You giggled softly as his mustache tickled your skin. Then he laid his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat since he didn't have his own anymore. With a sigh you held him close and rubbed his back, resting your chin on the top of his head. Eventually, you'll have to tell him that you both should head home. But for the time being...you wanted to cherish this tender moment, one of the many that you got to spend with the sweetest and most loving Banshee you've ever met.
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Hi :) You're awesom ^^ Uhm... can you write someting sweet with Jameson and Little Mermaid reader or something like that? Like... reader realy love singing and they are good at it but something happened (magic or an accident) and their lose their voice. The reader can really be a mermaid. I'll leave that up to you. Thank you soooo much and I want to say that I'm glad I know your blog :)
Aww thanks dear ^w^ Hope you like the story~ I had fun writing this! (of course I ALWAYS have fun writing for my dapper son :3 )
Although it was taboo to your kind, you found yourself growing fond of a certain human that came onto the beach almost every evening.
He was well-dressed in a blue vest, a white shirt, a black bowtie, and sported a well-groomed mustache.
He also had a hat…keyword had, as it was currently stowed away in your drawer.
You found it lying on the shoreline one day, and when you saw him walking away without knowing he had lost it, you tried to call out to him…
Only to remember that you had no voice.
Unfortunately, you had lost it due to a near-death accident with fishing nets long ago. Your parents, having known of your fondness for humans, forbid you from seeing the surface again after that, believing all of them to be heartless monsters.
But you didn’t. You’ve seen all kinds of good humans, such as the blue-green haired-man on the shore.
Hopefully you could return his hat and, perhaps, even get to know him by name.………….
‘Where is it?? Where is it??’ Jameson thought in a panic, quickly ditching his shoes and socks and rolling his pants up to his knees. He then ran down to the beach, worried eyes scanning the sand for any sign of his beloved hat.
When he reached the shoreline, his chest began to tremble as he looked hopelessly out into the horizon. He then sank to his knees, tears filling up his eyes.
Any normal person wouldn’t get this upset over losing a silly hat. But the silly tears ended up falling down his cheeks. He sniffled and tried to wipe them away, only for them to become replaced by new ones.
So he just gave up and hugged himself, staring out into the endless sea as he sniffled.
Then….he saw, in the distance, what appeared to be some kind of whale’s tail emerge from the waves. It quickly ducked back under, and, at first, Jameson believed he was just seeing things..
Until a figure that was more human than whale leaped into the air before diving back into the water.
His jaw dropped.
Was that….an actual mermaid?
He then saw her leap again, this time changing direction and going towards the rocks along the edge of the beach.………….
Your heart was practically fluttering as you spotted the man on the beach. He was right there!
What better timing could this possibly be?
With a grin you held his hat tightly in your grasp as you swam and leaped out of the water so he would see you. Then you dove back under and towards the rocks.
Least to say, you were nervous, but excited, to finally meet him in person.
You eventually reached a platform-shaped rock that was big enough for you to sit on. And so you did, hoisting yourself up onto it with your strong arms.
Once you got comfortable, you heard splashing and looked over, your cheeks a bright red as you saw him enter the water, wading towards you. Thankfully it was only up to his kneecaps.
For a moment, though, he stopped and gawked at you.
Smiling, you scooted over a little and patted the spot beside you in invitation. As soon as he realized what you wanted him to do, he quickly made his way over, trying to get onto the rock…
Only to slip and fall back into the shallow water, his clothes and hair getting all soaking wet.
You silently giggled at his musings, setting down the hat and helping him up yourself. He was initially stunned by your strength, but then again…you were a mermaid so what would he expect?
Once he sat down beside you, he looked at you up and down. Still blushing, you waited for him to say something.
Then, finally, he turned to you and put his hands up.
“Are you really a mermaid?”
You blinked in surprise, before you smiled and signed back:
He gawked once more, stunned at the fact that you understood him. “You know sign language?”
You smiled innocently. “Yes. My parents have taught me it from these wonderful things called “books”.”
“May I ask for your name?”
“[Y/n]. And yours?”
“Jameson Jackson. Feel free to call me Jamie if you’d like.”
Ah, “Jamie”. Now you knew the name of the human you’ve admired for so long. Given how he hasn’t said a peep, you had a feeling that he was in the same predicament as you were, which brought you some comfort.
“Alright, Jamie. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.” You and him shook hands, before you dropped your arm and glanced down at you tail. Then you perked up, remembering something.
You picked up the hat and looked back at Jameson, who seemed to be admiring your [f/c], shiny scales. With a smile you tapped his shoulder.
He looked over and opened his mouth, as if to gasp, as he saw what was in your hands. You handed it over to him, suddenly a bit worried that he was going to be angry that you stole it from him.
So the moment he glanced up at you, that’s when you quickly signed, “Please don’t be mad. I found it lying on the shore. I couldn’t call out to you so I kept it safe until you-”
However, you were unable to finish your sentence as Jameson suddenly threw his arms around you, hugging you tight. At first, you were stunned by the fact that a human was embracing you.
Then you heard him sniffle a little, but it seemed that he was happy you gave him his hat back, so you returned the hug to comfort him, patting his back.
After a few moments you both pulled away. His eyes were red and puffy, but there was a wide smile on his face as he put the hat back on his head.
“Thank you so much for protecting it,” he told you, “It truly means a lot to me. How can I repay you?”
You were surprised by his offer, and for about a minute or so you gave it some thought. Eventually, an imaginary lighbulb appeared above your head and you turned back to Jameson. “I wanna get to know you more. My parents always told me that all humans were bad. But after meeting you I don’t believe so.”
At your response, his heart fluttered and a blush rose to his cheeks. “Sure!” He replied excitedly, his eyes shining with happiness. “I can come visit you right here! In this very spot! I could always bring you more books from my world if you want.”
You nodded in agreement, beaming at the grinning gentleman.
As taboo as this sort of meeting was, somehow, someway…fate decided to play right in your favor tonight.
And you couldn’t be happier for that.
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46 and 79 with J.J Maybe? I feel our dapper boi needs more love :3
Oh heck yeah. Always my dude (also I can’t write stuff about dancing to save my life so I’m just gonna do 79, hope that’s okay ;u;)
79. “I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“They’re staring again.”
You sighed, turning around and scowling at the strangers several tables away whose judging eyes and hushed whispers ceased the second they saw your glare. They quickly turned back and checked their watches, phones, or did something to make it look like they were minding their own business.
But you knew better than that.
“Don’t mind them, Jamie.” Looking back at the man in front of you, your gaze softened up as you saw how upset he looked. His eyes were downcast, although you knew they were filled with nothing more than slight sadness and embarrassment.
‘Damn..we can’t even go out for a freaking ice cream without someone judging him,’ You thought, before you reached across the table and gently grasped his hands. “Hey, look at me.”
Jameson raised his head up, eyes tinged with a bit of red. He was never one to cry in public; he found it improper, but he could still hear those pitiful words and insults echo in his mind and sometimes they would all become too much for him to handle.
Not to mention, he always felt..guilty whenever he saw you stand up for him. As much as he loved you for doing such a thing for him, he wish you didn’t always have to do that for his sake.
It hurt him inside and he didn’t want them to start talking about you, too…
“You’re letting their words get to you again.”
He blinked a couple times, shaking his head and forcing a smile.
“…Jamie, how many times have I told you? The words of mere strangers do not matter at all.”
His smile faltered also instantly. He then wriggled his hands out of your grasp as he grabbed his pen to write something in his notepad. Once he was done he slid it over to you.
“I know that very well, sweetheart. But I just feel bad that I’m dragging you through the mud. If I had to be honest you deserve someone better. Someone who’s “normal”, I’d say. I’m sorry, [y/n]. I love you more than all of the stars in the sky. I just don’t want you to get hurt, too. Forgive me.”
Your eyes widened at what he had written, but by the time you finished he got up and quickly ran off. “Wait! J-Jamie!” You stuffed the pen and notepad into your jacket pockets before you went after him.
Before long, you found Jameson sitting on a lone bench, crying as he sniffled and wiped his eyes with a handkerchief. He let out small, shaky gasps, the closest thing to a voice he had.
He looked up, surprised that you were able to find him. But he didn’t move as you sat down next to him, setting a gentle hand on his knee. “Do you honestly think I’d give a damn if people start judging me for dating you?“
The gentleman simply shrugged in response.
“Well, look. I don’t care what anyone else thinks,” you told him, “and you wanna know why?”
He blinked a couple times, gazing at you in curiosity.
“Because they don’t know your story. People are always gonna talk about things that seem out of the norm for them. Nothing you do will change that. So just..let them talk. Let them whisper. But if they start giving you crap I’ll be there for you.” You brought your arm up to wrap it around him. “But don’t you dare think for a second that you’re just “dragging me” through this. I’m doing this because I love you, Jameson. And nothing, absolutely nothing, will change that.”
For a few moments he stared at you in total shock, before a wide smile appeared on his face as he hugged you tight. He then proceeded to pepper your face with several kisses to show how much he truly loved and appreciated you.
And once he was done he kissed your lips, pulling away and giving you a loving, teary-eyed gaze.
You smiled back, blushing at the overwhelming affection, and held him close as he sniffled. “There’s no one I’d rather be with than you, hun..that is a fact.”
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Ok then. So Jamie, Flynn, and reader are walking around the cold night of Brighton when someone has the gall to try to mug them, but Jamie being the boxer (reader and Flynn didn't know) basically beats the guys ass! Then while the reader and Flynn just look at Jamie when he starts walking home like nothing happened 👍
Okie doke! Hope you enjoy the story :)
“My God…it’s f-freezing as fuck!” Shawn hissed as he shivered in his heavy coat, jacket, sweatpants, and scarf. “N-Now I kinda miss my sweatshop of a workstation..”
Jameson silently chuckled in amusement, seeing how bundled-up the toymaker was compared to himself and you.
The three of you continued walking down the dark streets of Brighton. Normally, having two egos outside the house was a bad idea, as some people might confuse them for Jack and wonder why there’s two of them.
Fortunately, Jameson’s mustache and Shawn’s freckles were features that easily distinguished themselves from their creator unless someone looked really closely.
But by then Shawn would’ve snapped at them for staring and moved on.
As you were walking, a black-hooded figure suddenly jumped out from the shadows. And you all stopped and flinched away, seeing that they had a gun on them.
“Ya’ll already know how this goes,” he spat. “Start emptyin’ your pockets…”
You all looked at each other, then to the robber, confused.
“Which one ya talkin’ to?” Shawn grunted.
“Hmm..” His eyes went to Jameson, and then down to the silver chain that connected to his pocketwatch hanging from his pocket. Then he looked up and smirked, aiming his gun at him. “You first-”
Without warning, the dapper ego lunged and kneed the man in the gut. A shot ran out, but it barely missed him and the bullet clinked onto the pavement.
You and Shawn gasped, holding each other tightly as you witnessed Jameson disarm the man and punch him right in the face, breaking his nose instantly. But he wasn’t quite done yet as he jabbed him with a strong uppercut that sent him stumbling backwards, before he fell to the ground.
Then for good measure, he dragged the now unconscious robber towards a nearby dumpster and lifted him up, before promptly tossing him into it.
When he emerged from the alley, Jameson looked at you, seeing your shocked expressions. He simply smiled and shrugged, brushing a spec of dirt off his jacket, before he turned on his heel and began heading home.
“…..holy shit..wait WHERE DIDJA LEARN TO DO THAT, JAMIE??” Shawn hollered as he ran to catch up with his fellow ego, and soon enough you followed suit, curious about the same thing.
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Hello! May I request something for JJ that’s kind of a angst/fluff? Where his S/O is a singer and loves doing duets with others and JJ is sad cause ya know... He can’t talk let alone sing with them. But his S/O reassures him that it’s okay and they love him anyway. Besides, they prefer serenading him.
Awh poor boi.
I’m always down for some angst/fluff tho ^^ Hope you enjoy the story!
Jameson frowned as he heard you and Jack singing a few Disney songs while you both were livestreaming and playing video games. Although a few moments later, he shook his head and went back to reading his book.
He isn’t one to be bitter over something so trivial..but…he just wished he could sing with you, too.
You had such an incredible voice. Singing was your profession and when you weren’t at work, you were either humming or doing small duets with the others.
How he wished he could join in on that fun. But he did his best not to let his jealousy or sadness show..for your sake.
Everyday, though, it was getting harder for him to hide.
He didn’t know why you wanted to be with him..when he couldn’t even sing or talk for that matter.
All to often he just wondered why him? Why would you choose him of all people?
Blinking a few times, he found himself looking back at his book, and realized he had forgotten where he left off. He swallowed the forming lump in his throat, already starting to become choked up with tears.
The dapper ego set his book down shakily, and although it fell off the table, he didn’t pick it up and instead rushed back to his room, slamming the door shut a little louder than he meant to.
“What was that?” You muttered, looking back at the open door when you heard a loud slamming noise.
“I dunno…Ant…ghosts maybe?” Jack chuckled, his eyes still trained on the computer screen.
‘Good save’, you thought, as you knew damn well that if he accidentally slipped that Anti and the egos were living in the same house as him, the whole community would implode.
“I’m gonna go investigate. I’ll be right back~!” With a smile you waved at the camera, before you got up and left the recording room.
When you came out into the living room, the first thing you saw that was out of place was the sign language book Jameson was reading. Knowing him he wouldn’t just leave it on the floor without picking him up. He was always so neat and tidy..
Taking the book, you ventured to his room to return it to him. Although…the door was locked.
“Jamie?” You knocked on it a few times. “I have your book here…is everything okay?”
There was a few moments of silence, and then you heard a click as the door opened partially. You smiled and handed the book to Jameson, but you noticed his expression and you grew worried. “Jamie?”
He tensed up and grabbed the book, trying to shut the door, but he was a second too late as you stopped him from doing so. “Woah hey..what the heck are you doing?” You asked him softly. “Why are you trying to lock me out? Did I do something wrong…?”
For a few more seconds he didn’t move. Soon enough, though, he abandoned the door and retreated to his bed. Once you realized this, you opened it and walked in, only stopping when you saw him hiding underneath the blankets.
When you heard small, shaky gasps coming from the lump, you went over and sat down on the bed. “Jamie..what’s wrong? C’mon out..we can talk about this..” You pulled back the covers a little, your heart snapping as you saw your boyfriend’s tearstained face and puffy eyes.
“Honey…” You stroked his hair, before you had him sit up to he could talk to you properly.
With shaking hands he finally answered, “I’m sorry. That was stupid of me to do. It won’t happen again.”
“It’s alright..but-”
“Darling,” he cut you off. “You have the voice of an angel and listening to your singing fills my heart with so much joy. But it breaks when I realize I’ll never, ever be able to sing along with you. I want to perform duets with you, sing to you when you have bad days. But….I can’t. I simply can’t and I’m sorry.”
His hands trembled as he put them down, before he looked at his lap, tears dripping from his eyes.
Then he felt his chin being raised back up and his lips meeting yours for a few, long, passionate moments.
Once you broke apart, you cupped his cheeks. “Jamie. It’s okay. I don’t care if you can’t sing. If I did..would I have accepted your confession?”
He sniffled, slowly shaking his head.
“Exactly.” You smiled as you brushed away his tears. “I still love you no matter what, sweetie. But tell me…do you…get a little upset whenever I’m singing with Jack or the others? Be honest.”
This time, Jameson didn’t answer, although the blush that appeared on his face told you the truth. You sighed softly. “I figured. But really..all we do is just goof around. Besides..”
Pausing for a moment, you kissed him once more, and when you pulled back you had a tiny smirk on your face. “..I’d prefer to serenade you.”
His eyes widened in surprise, his blush growing even more as he smiled.
“How about to make up for being a shitty partner..I treat you to that? I'll sing anything you want.”
Hesitantly, he nodded in understanding, before he sniffled and hugged you tightly. His shaky breathing told you he was crying again, but you knew they were happy tears.
You simply returned the embrace and patted his back, humming a gentle tune to calm him down.
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Considering you also have the headcanon that JJ knew and was friends with Damien, I wonder how he and Dark would react to meeting each other. Like the reader was visiting the Iplier egos and they brought JJ with them, figuring he would enjoy LA and maybe make friends with at least one of the Iplier egos. And maybe the reader knows about Dark's past but didn't know JJ knew Damien. ~🐺
“You’ll be fine, Jamie. The Ipliers aren’t necessarily as…benevolent as you and the others are, but don’t worry I’ll make sure they don’t try anything.”
The dapper ego simply looked at you with an expression that read “I still have my doubts…but alright”.
You frowned slightly. “C’mon. I figured you’d love L.A and make friends with at least one of them. Chase and Bingiplier are pals so…I guarantee you’ll find one, too.” Then you gave him a reassuring smile, patting his shoulder.
Although he remained skeptical, Jameson knew that it was pointless to protest considering you were already here and had bought his plane ticket. So he relaxed his shoulders as he followed you inside of the building.
It wasn’t too long before you both arrived at a vintage black door. “This is Darkiplier’s office,” you told him. “Better to meet the man himself now than later. He gets paranoid whenever he sees strangers walking through these halls.”
“Good point,” he signed. “But golly..is it warm in here or is it just me?” He then tugged his collar nervously, glancing around. His smile was rather shaky.
“Relax, Jamie.” You took his hand into yours, squeezing it in reassurance. “Whatever stories Anti told you about him are absolutely false. He’s not a bad guy. Just don’t piss him off and you’re golden, okay?”
He nodded slowly, signing “thank you” with his free hand. You smiled and let go, before turning back to the door and knocking. “Dark? You busy?”
“No. You can come in, [y/n].”
Upon hearing his voice, Jameson’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. But as he started taking off down the hall, you quickly grabbed him by the back of his vest. “No, no, Jamie,” you hissed. “I didn’t take you all the way to America for you to chicken out now. You trust me, right?”
For a few moments longer he continued to struggle, but, eventually, he stopped and sighed in defeat. Then he turned back to you, nodding once more.
You hooked your arm with his, opening the door and leading him inside of the office, closing it behind you both.
Dark was sitting at his desk, organizing some papers. “I assume you have a guest?”
“Yes,” you said. “A Septic ego who wanted to meet the others. But I figured we’d go to you first.”
“Ah..it would be an honor to meet-” The demon looked up, his breath hitching slightly as he saw the man standing next to you. He was frozen with shock, and you could see his shell cracking every so slightly.
Jameson blinked in confusion, watching him as he gripped his head.
“You okay, Dark?” You let go of him and walked over to his desk, telling the dapper ego to stay where he was. “What’s wrong?”
“..I’m fine, [y/n],” he muttered, lowering his hands. “Just..something about him seems familiar.” He stood up. “What’s his name?”
“Jameson Jackson.”
At that point, recollection flashed in the demon’s dark eyes. And then, surprisingly enough, his red aura faded away, and his cyan one glowed significantly, indicating that Damien had taken over.
“Ah…Jamie,” he spoke, walking around his desk and towards Jameson. “It’s been ages since we’ve last met.”
Jameson’s eyes widened, as did yours since you had no idea that Damien actually knew him. But the dapper ego still looked immensely confused and terrified.
“It’s me, Damien. Don’t you remember?”
For a few, long moments, he stared at “Damien”. But then he blinked in surprise and a wide smile took over his features. He practically tackled the demon into a tight hug.
“Damien” chuckled lightly, returning it and patting his back. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, old friend? But…how come you haven’t said anything since you’ve arrived here?”
Jameson pulled away, sadness now reflecting in his eyes. He signed “I’m mute” but “Damien” didn’t seem to understand, so he looked over at you.
“He can’t talk at all, Damien,” you told him. “But was…there really a time where he could?”
“…yes,” the demon nodded. “I’m sorry that such a tragedy had to befall you. But..you’re still that same, lively, expressive man all those years ago.”
And just like that, Jameson’s smile returned.
You sighed, feeling your presence in the room was growing a bit awkward. “Do you..want me to leave you two to catch up on things?”
They both looked at you, nodding their heads. “If you wouldn’t mind,” “Damien” said. “It would be most appreciated.”
“Alrighty. I’ll be hanging around the first floor so I won’t go too far.” After giving them a thumbs up, you quietly made your way out of the office, deciding to go to the breakroom to grab a snack while Jameson and “Damien” talked.
You were just glad that everything worked out after all.
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