james-studies-stuff · 19 days
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|S T U D Y B L R I N T R O|
Hi,I'm James and my pronouns are he/him
I'm currently a year 10 gcse student
|S U B J E C T S| •English •Maths •Triple Science •French •History
|I N T E R E S T S| I'm a massive history nerd and book worm. I love horror,crochet, art, video essays and alternative music My favourite band is The Cure, my favourite movie is Lisa Frankenstein, my favourite tv show is Daria,my favourite fiction book is Six of Crows and my favourite non-fiction book is The Lost Tombs of Egypt
|T A G S Y S T E M| james.says.stuff-my own posts james.reblogs.stuff-reblogs james.does.stuff-productivity log academic.tips ✨️aesthetic✨️. misc.
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