#james tiberius kirk x reader
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Part I
We Don't Fit in Well ('Cause We Are Just Ourselves)
James T. Kirk (AOS) x Reader

Description: Riverside, Iowa. You've been here once before. Back then, everything was different. Now, you're not sure you're even in the same universe anymore. The man you might love? He's disappeared into thin air. The job you love? It might just disappear too. When everything hinges on one person, what lengths will you go to in order to save him? Can you save him while following the harsh demands you've been ordered to fulfill?
Warnings: Arguments, Mentions of Drunken Behavior, Injuries, Rough language
These will change from chapter-to-chapter. I will do my best to denote all happening as faithfully as I can. If any of these items bothers you, please do not read. One chapter of this fic includes non-graphic descriptions of Torture. All trigger warnings will be clearly demarcated in this fic.
Author’s Note: Hello my lovelies! This is my first Star Trek fic (ever), and I've been agonizing over how I could write it for so so long. This fic has been in the works since late-November 2023 and I think it's finally ready to share with you all!
I of course have to thank my faithful beta readers (and biggest cheerleaders) @desert-fern, @horseshoegirl and @sarahsmi13s for reading bits and pieces of this fic and making sure I was doing it justice. I also want to thank @a-reader-and-a-writer! Vee sent me this ask around then and nearly a year and a half later, we have this fic!
This is going to be a multi-part story. Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
AO3: Cross-posted here!
My Masterlist
Series Masterlist | Next Part

The last time it snowed, the world was a very different place. Vulcan was still one of the biggest influences in the Federation, still orbiting its sun and still home to billions of souls, which were now snuffed out. Starfleet was thriving, with thousands of cadets and personnel boldly going into the unknown on peacekeeping and exploratory missions. What you have now is a world spinning on a different, tilted, off-kilter axis. It's like there is a hush over the grounds of Starfleet Academy still, cadets flinching, fighting their laughter when before it used to ring through the central square, melding with hundreds of conversations. The ghosts of everyone who walked the halls and never got the chance to graduate, to live, encroach on the spirits of those who remain.
It's no wonder the Admiralty have pushed for accelerated courses, aching to balloon the skeleton complement staffing the vessels still operational after the Battle of Vulcan. But the appetite to join Starfleet isn't present anymore. You've been riding a recruitment desk since graduation; you know what you're talking about. It’s like Starfleet had been inexplicably linked with the disaster on Vulcan and been found culpable for it.
Nobody wants to be affiliated with the paramilitary organization responsible for the violent death of an entire planet. The Admirals have given countless interviews on the resettlement of the surviving Vulcan people. Ambassador Sarek himself has spoken about the loss of his wife, a prominent Terran herself, and the path to healing for the Vulcan people as a whole. Time and again, he's stressed how, without Starfleet, nothing of Vulcan-that-was would have been saved. But it doesn't seem to have worked. Every day, public sentiment on Starfleet has waned, the mercury dipping lower and lower and sinking into the red until you're not sure anything will bring it back out.
Well, there is one thing that could possibly save Starfleet. But nobody’s sure if he'd agree to do it.
It's why you're in Riverside, Iowa, of all places. The last time you were here, it was in 2255, and the summer sun shone golden from a blue sky over the shafts of fragrant wheat swaying in the hot breeze. You can still recall how your uniform had stuck to the small of your back, how wisps of your hair had been snatched from your braid only to get plastered against your face and neck. Back then, only a little over three years and yet a lifetime ago, you'd been awed at the mechanisms of the Riverside Shipyard, awed at the skeleton of the Enterprise as she was built piece by piece and paid little attention to the town in the shipyard's shadow. One bar fight and a pair of new cadets on board your shuttle later, you'd forgotten all about the place.
Until now.
Your communicator trills loudly in the cold air, the tinny sound hushed between buildings blanketed in snow drifts.
“You find him yet, kid?”
“I'm 28, Doctor McCoy! I'm far from a kid.”
“You’re all kids to me.” You can hear the irascible doctor in the background, grumbling and growling. “So, did you find him yet?”
“No, and before you ask, I'm trying to remember whether I ever knew how to walk in this much snow and if the Riverside transporter station had Eskimo dogs and sleds for rent,” you snark back.
“Touchy, touchy, kid.” You don’t have to see McCoy's face to know he's smirking at you. The man may be a southern gentleman - most of the time - but a friend still amuses him in a tough situation of their own making. “Anyone would think you didn't want to see him anymore.”
“Len …” You sigh noisily, pretending your fingers aren't trembling, like snow isn’t seeping into your boots. “This was a bad idea. There’s a reason I've been riding a booth in recruitment instead of working with Scotty on his ‘wee lass’.”
“Give him a chance to explain, kid. And if he breaks your heart, tell me, and I'll come right over and getcha. Even if I have to brave a transporter to do it.”
“You're one of the good ones, Dr. McCoy.”
His laugh makes the bile roiling in your stomach ease a little.
“I hope you know you're one of the good ones too, kid. Now bring him home.”
The comm goes dead with a sharp click, and suddenly, you're alone again, looking at the small farmhouse in front of you. It’s two-storied and quaint, with a wrap-around porch surrounding the ground floor and dark windows peering out onto the street. Snow-covered fields surround it on either side, and you think you can see bushes buried under the relentless snow.
You think it used to be white once upon a time, when it was new, with white siding, cheerful blue shutters and a dark red shingled roof - the mid-1950s American dream. The blues have faded and blended with dust, the roof browned with age. As you walk, forcing yourself to lift each foot, you catalog the way the grass has grown up through the wooden planks of the porch over long hot summers, how there is a carving which might just spell out the words “JTK was here” hidden to the side of the door.
Because, well, if you can see the jagged lines of a pen knife on aged wood, then you're definitely too close to your goals to go home. The only part of the house which doesn't look aged is the doorbell and you press it with fingers trembling with both the cold and your nerves. But you don’t hear a bell ringing. A camera unshutters, the movements well-oiled and precise. You stand still and let it scan you, holding your Starfleet identification up when prompted. But the door doesn't open.
It feels anticlimactic. All the stress, the well-meaning, gruff pep talk from the Doc, the trembling in your fingers. Who is to say he's even home? Who is to say he'd even open the door for anyone? Why did Len think he'd open the door for you? The thought of someone you adore, and yeah, you've gone way past denial to even delude yourself into thinking you like him any less than pure adoration, seeing you standing on his doorstep and refusing to open the door, hurts like a kick to the chest.
You can’t breathe as you knock gently on the wood, ignoring the splinters as they catch on your skin.
“J-Jim?” His name leaves your chapped lips like a prayer, echoing through the cold stillness around you. “Open the door, please. It's me.”
You knock until your knuckles ache, and when you pull away, there's a rusty smudge of blood on the wood. One of the splinters has done more than catch on your skin, ripping a jagged hole against the ridged bone of your hand, embedded there like the man you're trying to find is in your heart.
“I know I'm the last person you want to see out here. B-but Len suggested to Admiral Barnett that you wouldn't come back for anyone else. I tried to tell them otherwise, but nobody listened. We're worried about you, Jim. Please. Worried sick.”
You wait with bated breath for any sign of life. But none comes. You turn, fumbling for your communicator with aching fingers because at least you can tell the Admiralty you tried, right?
“If you were worried sick, why didn't you come sooner? Took ya six months to come out here … to see the famous Captain Kirk for yourself.”
Your knees go weak at the sound of his voice, but when you whirl around, your concern doesn't fade. Because you've never seen James Tiberius Kirk in such a bad state of disrepair. The just-been-fucked state of his hair is par for the course. Bloody bar fights might very well have been normal - after all, you've seen the results on his face far too many times. But drunk, so drunk you can smell the cheap alcohol seeping from his pores, hair greasy and blue eyes dull? You've never seen James T. Kirk fall so far from the pedestal he's set himself on.
“Jay…” He snorts crudely at the pet name on your tongue like he knows you don't deserve to call him that, wheeling around and back into the yawning doorway with little grace.
“Don't haveta like ya to keep you from freezin’.”
He's slurring, and your heart cracks at the rudely dismissive tone in his voice.
“Get in ‘ere, call Bones and get out.”
Jame T. Kirk is a lot of things, you know. He's smart - smarter than anyone has rights to be - and works endlessly for his crew like he'd never work for himself. But he's not a sloppy drunk. He likes alcohol as much as the next man, preferring a light buzz to quell the jitters of a perfectionist attitude without stifling his ridiculously brilliant brain. This is so far past buzzed you're not sure he even remembers what a buzz is.
Empty bottles clank and clatter against the toes of your boots as you walk in, closing the door gently. You're hit with a cloud of dust, the musty smell coating your mouth without it even being open, the fine particulate sinking into your clothing with each step. It smells like dust and rot and spilled alcohol in the enclosed space. The pungent bouquet makes your nose wrinkle, hand rising to cover your mouth and nose in a futile effort to stave the smells away. You follow Jim through the trail he's making, circumnavigating the towering piles of bottles, avoiding the puddles on the floor that may have once been bile.
The kitchen is mostly clean, even if it does smell just as bad. But at least here, there is room to move and sit. The glare you're given as you perch on the very edge of one of the cracked vinyl chairs pushed up against a small table is vitriolic enough that you can feel your resolve, cracked and patched together with string and duct tape, begin to burn.
“I told ya. Get in. Get warm. Call Bones. And get out. I don’t care what you're doing here. I just want you off my property.”
He stares at you for several moments, warm blue eyes now flinty and cold, before turning around and walking further into the house. You can hear the clattering as he knocks into things, the hushed expletives as he no doubt bashes his elbows and knees into the sides of furniture and door jambs. Once upon a time, you would have laughed, trailing after him to ask if he needed a kiss on a fresh bruise or two marring his skin. Now you’re left paralyzed between your need to make sure he is okay and your fear of overstepping.
You’re not sure how it went so wrong. One night, you’d been curled up against his side on his ratty old couch in San Francisco, warm and comfortable, soaking in the scent of his cologne. It had been a perfect night, with friends hanging out, eating good food, and drinking good alcohol. But it didn’t stay a hangout between friends. Jim was just as distracting as usual, with his pretty blue eyes and wide grin. You’d woken up the next morning, bare and aching in the best way, in his empty bed to a cold, deserted apartment.
You weren’t sure what you’d done to make him leave. Was giving into the sexual tension with your commanding officer why he disappeared? It was a shot to your confidence and ego. He was just gone, with no note, all the clothes still in his closet, and everything untouched. You couldn’t even tell when in the middle of the night he left or where he went. It’s taken you six months to track him down. You’re not sure how long he’s been in Riverside or if he was alone the entire time, but you’ve finally found him.
It’s probably time to make some decisions. How do you convince him to come back to San Francisco? You’re not charismatic or particularly charming. Most of the time, you’re being charmed, not doing the charming. You’re yanked viciously out of your musing by the sharp thud of a body colliding with the floor. Jim’s lying at the foot of the stairs, blood seeping sluggishly from a slice on his forehead.
“Shit, Jimmy.” You soften your voice to a whisper as you lever him up. “What have you done to yourself?”
He’s sluggish and barely responsive as you sling his heavy arm over your shoulder and stagger upright. He’s completely unresponsive as you maneuver him to the living room and lay him down on the mostly clean sofa. The wound isn’t too bad, already scabbing over, but you’re more worried by how he’s been knocked out. He’s motionless, almost lifeless, were it not for the imperceptible rise and fall of his chest. You call Len three times that night - first to make sure you’re doing the right thing, second to treat the swelling, and third to get Mama McCoy’s recipe for chicken noodle soup and her award-winning pancakes.
He'll be fine, kiddo. If he's got a bump on his noggin and was as drunk as you say, he'll sleep through the night. You'll want to get some coffee in him in the morning. He'll have a bear of a hangover, but he'll be fine. Call me if you need anything, kid.
Len's advice, while comforting from a medical standpoint, only partially alleviates your worry. You spend the night in a sleepless, manic haze, focused on only two things: making sure Jim is alright and cleaning up his house, at least the kitchen and the stairs. You venture out into the cold multiple times, hauling bag after bag of trash to the big cans in the side yard, stamping the snow off your boots and shivering as you try futilely to warm up.
By the time the sun's risen, the kitchen is spotless, smelling softly of lemon cleaner, and you're no less scared than you were walking into Riverside the day before. You're terrified. Terrified at the thought of seeing censure in those blue, blue eyes. Terrified to hear James Tiberius Kirk tell you that you were only a passing flame, a quick, convenient fuck. Terrified that you’ll never be able to make him realize how much Starfleet needs him, how much you do.
The fear settles in your veins as you make an early morning trek to the grocery store. You pick up all the essentials: coffee and enough food for at least a few days more, and accept the offer of a ride back to the Kirk farmhouse. By the time the soup is bubbling away on the stove, following Mama McCoy’s exacting recipe, your nerves have soothed a little.
Jim rockets awake at 9 o’clock on the dot, retching into the bucket you'd set by the side of the couch. Hearing him cough wretchedly into the bucket makes you feel worse than you did before. It’s a relief, knowing he’s okay, that he isn’t hurt. But he’s awake now, and you’re paralyzed. The gentle scents of coffee and buttery pancakes waft through the bright kitchen. You take comfort in it as you suck in greedy breaths to keep your rampaging heartbeat under control.
“The hell is this?” His voice is rough, deeper than usual, and just a little wondering as he takes in the magic you've wrought on his kitchen.
“Breakfast and coffee.”
He huffs, drawing his arms up across his chest, blue eyes squinting your way.
“I can see that.”
He's stoic. Stiff-lipped and tense as he stands in the corner of the kitchen. You can feel the weight of his gaze as you flip the last few pancakes and pour the fresh coffee into a pair of mugs. You're not sure why you do it, but you step forward gingerly and press the mug into his hands. You back away slowly, like you're dealing with a spooked animal.
His lips twitch as he looks down at the mug, his expression warring between exhaustion and anger. It's your turn to hide a grin when he takes a long sip, a grumble rather akin to a domesticated cat leaving his mouth as the rich, dark, slightly bitter liquid hits his tongue.
“What are you doing?”
You should have been expecting the question. You've had a day, a night, and months of searching to think of why. Ultimately, you stick with the simplest answer you can give him.
“I'm making breakfast. I got hungry.”
You shrug and hold out your hands, palms up to the feast laid out on the sparkling counters: buttery pancakes, golden-brown and fluffy, out-of-season blueberries piled high in a bowl, crispy strips of bacon glistening with fat in the sunlight, and the pot of coffee steaming on a trivet.
He yanks one of the bacon strips off the platter and crams it in his mouth. It disappears in two quick bites before his tongue darts out and laps at the grease on his fingers. You're a little weak-kneed at the motion because, unlike him, you can clearly remember what those fingers, what that tongue, can do.
“You're not here just to make me breakfast. You're here because they sent you. The Admirals. Starfleet. They want Captain Kirk as their poster boy, their golden goose. They want to parade me around, drum up more recruits and ‘boldly go’ again. They could care less about how the Federation was handicapped mere months ago - how an entire people was destroyed. Because they didn't see it coming.”
His voice is ragged, chest heaving as he sets the mug down with a sharp clack, the liquid sloshing over the sides.
“That's right.” Your voice is barely a whisper as you mop up the spill. “The Admiralty sent me. But they're not why I agreed to come to Riverside. I came to Riverside to make sure you were okay. Nobody's heard from you, Jim. We were all worried - Bones, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, Admiral Pike - I, well, I was worried. We all wanted to make sure you were okay. The Admirals just allowed me to do so without taking leave.”
“So what are you going to do?”
You grab two plates from the cabinet and start serving up some food. You mull over your response as you set the table, giving him a wide berth as you circle him to retrieve the coffee in a second trip. You settle into one of the chairs with a sigh, your aching bones relaxing into the cushioned seat, and sip the coffee doctored how you like.
“Well, for the next few days at least, I'm going to make sure you're eating and sleeping and not drinking yourself to death. Then I'm going to ask if you would ever want to come back to Starfleet if you'd ever want to be my Captain again. Regardless of your answer, I'd head back to San Francisco.”
He sits gracelessly, long limbs splayed out until his foot collides with yours, icy against your ankle. You push his mug of coffee, the expensive, real coffee you’d spent way too many credits to purchase, his way. You’re gratified at the small smile on his face when he cuts a piece of pancake, dredges it through the frankly ridiculous pool of blueberry syrup on his plate (the only syrup Len said he wasn't allergic to) and shoves it into his mouth. It’s good to see him looking a little more relaxed, to see him eat, even if he is too thin for comfort.
“So if I tell you to leave and never look back, to forget I was ever your Captain, you'd do it?”
Your heart lurches at the thought of forgetting James T. Kirk and what he means to you. But you're sure this is a test, that he's expecting you to say you can't forget him, that you won't. You're just as sure he'll never forgive you if you say those words. Because he'll take them as a betrayal and you'll lose any ground you've gained over Eleanora McCoy's pancakes and blueberry syrup.
“I promise. But only if, after I leave, you promise you'll take care of yourself. No more drinking yourself to death.”
He quirks an eyebrow, the ghost of a smile tugging his lips up.
“Fine. Okay. I promise I'll take care of myself. Now, will you leave me to eat all this food by myself, or will you help me?”
Your response is to oh-so-maturely launch a blueberry at his face, a blueberry he catches on his tongue.
The shaky truce you’ve brokered extends until mid-afternoon when the doorbell rings, and Jim comes back with more boxes of food than you thought you'd ordered.
“This has to be a mistake,” you groan as you set vegetables in the crisper and load the freezer with meat.
“It's not a mistake.” Your eyes are wide with something starting to feel a lot like hope as you look at him. He'd showered after breakfast, and clean-shaven and sober, he looks a lot like the Jim you remember. You’re hoping he ordered the extra supplies and wants you to stay longer. But your hopes are shattered when he gestures out the kitchen window.
“Take a look outside.”
The sky is dark, the clouds heavy and gray as they blot out the sun. Fat snowflakes spiral heavily down, and you have a sudden lurch in your chest as it accumulates far more quickly than you'd expect on the ground.
“You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd suspect you'd planned this.”
He's hovering just behind you, close enough that you can feel the heat of his skin. Your fingers clutch at the counter because that accusation means he might not trust you even so much to take your words at face value.
“This is a blizzard in Iowa. It'll snow for days on end, and we'll be snowed in for longer than a few days. So buckle up, buttercup. Looks like you're stuck with me!”
You stick your tongue out at him in a state of childish pique because if one day was enough to have you in a cold sweat, weeks might just kill you. The Admirals will probably be glad when you tell them. After all, it gives you more time to convince Jim Kirk to return to Starfleet. If only you were so sure it's what he wants in the same way they are.


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First Day
A/N: this has been in my head for a long time because I have random trivial star trek knowledge and whenever they show spencer talking about star trek in the show i go all heart eyes so I wrote a little blurb 🫶🏻 also I had fem!reader in mind when I wrote this but I realized I didn’t actually make any references to gender so 🤷🏻 - mod angel
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader
Summary: Spencer bonds with his new coworker over Star Trek.
It was my first day at the BAU, and I was a little… intimidated being here. I had been mostly keeping my head down and staying quiet, since social interaction wasn’t something I was great at. I was okay just watching the others interact with each other for now.
“Hey, kid,” Derek called out, beckoning Spencer. “I need your help with the crossword.”
Spencer walked over to Derek’s desk, which was next to mine. “What’s up?” he asked.
Derek pointed to the newspaper with his pencil. “7 across: James _ Kirk (Star Trek). 8 letters.”
Tiberius, I thought instinctively. I considered saying it out loud, but he hadn’t asked me, so I decided to stay quiet.
“Tiberius,” Spencer said, almost as fast as I had thought it.
I smiled to myself. I was always the only one who knew about geeky stuff. Until now, I guess.
Derek finished filling in the crossword. “Thanks. I knew it was always James T. Kirk, but I didn’t know what it stood for.”
Without thinking, I spoke up. “Actually, in the third episode of The Original Series, someone who’s fighting Kirk prepares a gravestone for him and it says James H. Kirk.”
Everyone turned to look at me, staring at me with open mouths. I blushed. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. But now I felt uncomfortable sitting in this silence.
I cleared my throat. “Um. So. Yeah. It wasn’t always James T. Kirk, as you said. They didn’t mention his full initials until-“
“Episode 13: The Conscience of the King.” Spencer cut me off, his eyes lighting up like he had been dying to talk about this. He walked over to my desk and leaned on the front of it. “The first time they mention it is when Spock is checking his background and speaks it into the computer.”
I nodded, smiling. “Yeah, and they don’t mention the name Tiberius until the 6th movie, The Undiscovered Country.”
“Oh my god, there are two of them,” I heard Emily say.
Either Spencer didn’t hear her or he was purposefully ignoring her. “Actually…” he started, sitting on my desk. He was bouncing a little. “The first time the name Tiberius is mention is in The Animated Series episode BEM.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that.” I admitted. “I’ve never actually seen The Animated Series. Actually, I’ve only ever seen part of The Original Series…”
That only made him sit up straighter. “Do you want to watch it? I have every episode on DVD. I’d be happy to show it to you sometime.”
I smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that. I’ve always wanted to finish watching it, and watch the other shows too. If you don’t mind me imposing…”
He shook his head. “I don’t mind at all. Not a lot of people I know are interested in Star Trek, so I’m happy to show it to you if you’re interested. You can come by my apartment sometime and we can watch it.”
I nodded. “That sounds great. I appreciate it.”
I heard people whispering in the distance.
“Did he just-“
“Shh, don’t say anything, you’ll jinx it. I think this is the first time in history that this has ever worked.”
“And probably the last time it will ever work. This is definitely a unique circumstance.”
I blushed a little as I heard everyone talking about us, but I continued chatting comfortably with Spencer for a while before everyone was interrupted by the news that we had a case. But I was really relieved that, despite feeling so overwhelmed about starting this job, I had been able to make a friend on my first day.
#criminal minds#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x gn!reader#spencer reid x fem!reader#spencer reid x male!reader#spencer reid fanfiction#criminal minds fanfiction#fanfiction#mod angel
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first name basis - jim kirk
Request: nope Pairing: jim kirk (snw) x reader Summary: jim insists you call him by his first name, but you're not sure about it Warnings: bit of language but thats it Word count: 539 A/N: saw that episode with la'an and jim and got this idea :) enjoy reading!
you hear kirk let out another sigh across from you. for the past hour you've tried to ignore him. you know it's late, and you're both tired. but this report couldn't wait and it had an annoyingly long list of demands.
captain pike had apologised to you both when he assigned you the task, and he had asked the two of you to get it done as quickly as possible. so here you are, on the third night in a row, working on a report on the latest away mission and your findings.
because captain pike was needed aboard during the away mission, he had assigned spock to lead the mission. spock had beamed down to the surface of the planet along with la'an, kirk and yourself.
and because both spock and la'an were busy with their other duties, you and kirk had been assigned the boring - and time consuming - task of putting together the detailed report.
you hadn't really worked with kirk often. your paths didn't cross that much aboard enterprise. the only times you'd see him would be in the cafeteria, sometimes on the bridge or on an away mission.
a part of you actually thinks the most time you've spent with him is in your lab, working on the report.
at the end of the day, or rather, somewhere in the night, kirk would start sighing a lot to signal he was about down with it for the day. as he was doing now.
'you alright there, lieutenant?' you say.
he sighs again.
'we've been working on this report for the past three nights and you still call me lieutenant.' he says.
you don't look up from your work, even though you can feel his eyes on you.
'so? you are a lieutenant. as am I.'
'don't you think we're past ranks at this point? I've seen you trip over a fallen log and nearly break your nose during the away mission. also, the other day I saw you chug three coffees in a row.'
'fine.' you say, still looking at your work. 'but I'm not calling you james.'
'why not?' says kirk.
'it sounds too formal and I don't feel like it suits you. plus there was a james at the academy same time I was there and he was a real asshole. fucked me over a couple of times.'
'yeah. got a middle name?'
you're silent as you finally lift your gaze to look him in the eye. he's got bags under his eyes, and his hair is slightly disheveled but he's still got a twinkle in his eyes. you're sure you look as tired as he does. except maybe without the twinkle in your eyes.
'you're serious? your middle name is tiberius?'
'yes, it was my grandfather's.'
'I am not calling you tiberius.'
you see how he frowns slightly.
'then what?' he says.
'you got any nicknames?' you ask.
'not really.'
'how about jim? short for james.'
'jim...' he says, contemplating it. 'yeah, sure. I actually like that.'
you smile at him. 'alright, jim.' you say. 'I want to finish this section of the report tonight, so I'm getting another coffee, want one as well?'
'yes, please. thanks, y/n.'
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Max/Marit
#jim kirk brainrot is REAL#snw#strange new worlds#star trek#jim kirk#james t kirk#captain kirk#jim kirk x reader#jim kirk fanfiction#Jim Kirk fanfic#Jim Kirk fanfics#Jim Kirk fic#Jim Kirk fics#Jim Kirk blurb#Jim Kirk blurbs#captain kirk x reader#Captain Kirk fanfiction#Captain Kirk fanfic#Captain Kirk fanfics#Captain Kirk fic#captain kirk fics#Captain Kirk blurb#Captain Kirk blurbs#Star Trek fanfiction#Star Trek fanfic#Star Trek fanfics#Star Trek fic#Star Trek fics#Star Trek blurb#Star Trek blurbs
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Distance (Jim Kirk x Reader Soulmate AU)
Summary: Jim takes a trip back to the past with Spock and why he’s feeling down about his soulmate.
A/N: So this was requested by anonymous but i’ve altered the idea and I know there are some parts that don't exactly match with the movies but just bare with me aha
Warnings: Savage soulmate ahaha
Gif belongs to @haloless
Jim sat in his captain’s chair, softly humming to himself as everyone was busy with their work. The whole month they had been in space, everything had run smoothly, much to the surprise of everybody (Bones). All of them had been off to monitor the New Vulcan at the request of high command.
Jim was so lost in thoughts he hadn’t realised that Spock had been trying to gain his attention the last five minutes. “Sorry, Mr Spock. What were you saying?”
“Jim it had come to my attention that these last few months since Kahn incident you have been rather… distracted.” Jim absentmindedly rubbed his wrist. His soulmate tattoo, which had faded, worried Jim. Noticing the absentminded rubbing, Spock raises an eyebrow. “Is it to do with the separation between yourself and your soulmate perhaps?”
Jim, quickly standing and walking on the bridge with Spock in tow, wasn’t so eager for the whole ship to find out and gossip over his separation from his soulmate. “If you wanted to know Spock, yes it’s about (y/n). We’ve been separated nearly two years.”
Jim slowed down to a stop, leaning on the rails. Redshirts and the occasional blue shirt filtered by while Jim remained silent. “Before we met, (y/n) had always had the dream to be the Captain of her own ship, like her mother was. Our soulmate story began at Starfleet Academy and it wasn’t an easy one. I wasn’t a very considerate person” A slight pause ensued before Jim carried on. “What a time it was…”
“Okay, then how could you possibly have passed that Xenolinguistics exam with how many extracurricular classes you have, I mean do you even have time to be walking with me right now?” (Y/n) muffled a laughed at her friend Marie-Clare’s pestering. Both were walking around the campus aimlessly until their next classes began. “Maybe you should try studying once in a while rather than looking for that soulmate of yours., you would have passed the exam.” Marie jumped in front of (y/n), “Don’t you want to meet your soulmate? Worried he’s ugly?”
“Excuse me, I’m not worried about it because fate has a time for everybody and if I’m not meant to meet him yet, then I won’t.” (Y/n) laughed. Marie, deciding to move on spotted a certain male striding down the hall. “If anything I hope he’s my soulmate.” (Y/n) glanced up to see that a blue-eyed smirking man was striding, right up to them. “Ugh, as if. You deserve better.” (y/n) patted Mari-Clares hand.
“Ladies, looking good today.”
“Kirk, did your head manage to inflate even further or is that your hair? Hard to tell these days.” (Y/n) smirked, she didn’t not like Kirk. In fact, they had been friends for years and the teasing came naturally. “Ah, (y/n) what would I do without your constant ability to mock either my head or my hair.”
“Nothing because I am the only girl who could and would mock you.” Kirk wrapped his arm around her shoulder and began leading her to their next class. (Y/n) waved a quick goodbye to Marie-Clare and continued on with Jim, receiving the glares of many. “Yes and that's why you’re-“ But (y/n) had stopped listening, Jim’s sleeve on his right arm had ridden up as he had his arm around her. Of course, they’d been curious about each other's tattoos but never showed each other. (Y/n) didn’t know why but now she had seen it she couldn’t unsee it. It was a square with various patterns within it, intertwining lines and beautiful pictures. Just like hers.
“Now admittedly, I knew she’d seen it. I knew we had the same tattoo and I knew she was my soulmate. At the time, I just didn’t want to let go of my lifestyle.” Jim looked down, eyes watering slightly. “We’d never shown each other but I’d seen hers by accident three years prior. It's not easy to mistake, can you imagine anyone else with this sort of soulmate tattoo?” The Vulcan looked at the fading tattoo. “It is indeed unique and rather intricate.”
Kirk smiled gently, rubbing the tattoo yet again. A habit he’d picked up while thinking of (y/n). “I was stupid, I wasted so much time that I could have spent with her, my soulmate, with other females who didn’t matter. (Y/n) wasn’t one to hold herself back when she found out either…”
“You-you knew? You knew and you never said anything?!” (Y/n) and Jim stood in her dorm now, each across the room from one another. “You fucking knew and you continued to sleep around with other girls?!�� Jim tried to step forward and get a hold of her, to comfort her.
Now that both parties knew, the bond would grow stronger and stronger until things just… worked out. (Y/n) had dragged him back to her dorm after classes ended and told him, somewhat excitedly, until she realised the nervous and slightly guilty look on Jim’s face. He told her the truth about knowing and now they were here.
“Look, (y/n) I know I messed up-“
“How long did you know?”
“I said, how long did you fucking know I was your soulmate!?”
“…3 years.”
“Three fucking years! And you never said a word? Why?”
“I… I didn’t want to change how I was…”
“You… you’d rather sleep around with those whores than have your soulmate? Wow, Jim. I have no idea what I did to deserve someone as low a soulmate as you.”
That hit Jim in the heart, he had no response. She was right after all.
“I…I…” He simply couldn’t find the words and something deep inside him seemed to shrivel up as he watched his best friend for years, his soulmate cross her arms and turn her pouring eyes away from him. She was ashamed to look t him, something he’d never quite experienced before. How could he have done this to his other half, the one woman who he was meant to love and care for? Wiping her eyes, (y/n) turned to Jim tall and proud.
“I don’t need you Jim Kirk…” She began and Jim’s eyes widened. “No, please!” (Y/N) was reciting the Breaking Bonds Vow. It was something that everyone learnt and remembered by heart, it was almost unheard of but when one soulmate simply could not accept the other, they performed the vow and their soulmate bond was severed but their whole heart had to be in it.
(Y/n) seemed like hers was really into getting rid of him. The Breaking Bonds Vow was pretty much the opposite of a soulmates wedding vows. “I don’t need your love nor your touch. Your heart, your soul is not one with mine and each breath-“
Deep inside Jim felt like someone was severing a cord and it was nothing like he had ever experienced. The pain was like being punched in the heart and mind repeatedly. “Shall be for me and not you. We are no longer two parts of the same soul, from now on we are two separate beings. I hereby release you, James Tiberius Kirk from our bond.” And then like a stab to the chest, Jim and (y/n)’s soulmate bond was severed. He didn’t know how she managed to stay so strong through the pain.
Jim felt empty, something wasn’t right anymore. He looked around and saw that the colours of the world weren’t as vivid as they used to be, he didn’t feel as happy as he did before. Looking down at his tattoo, Jim saw his tattoo was faded to the point of being unrecognisable.
“(Y/n), what have you done?” Jim gasped.
“I broke our bond so you’re free to be the man-whore you want to be. I won’t have myself played by you, Jim Kirk. Goodbye” Jim gasped as he walked out her door. The empty space felt like someone had tipped cold water on top of himself and then was blowing on him with a fan.
“She had severed the bond so easily?” Jim sighed and looked over to Spock. Soulmate marks weren’t foreign the Spock, he has one himself, but Vulcan’s having soulmates wasn’t as common as it was humans.
“When someone really detested you and feels no connection to you any longer, the bond can be severed easier.” The Vulcan almost looked upset at the very thought of the breaking bonds vow. It was not something anyone should have to experience, yet Jim did. It was his own fault, he knew that. “She was right though, I didn’t deserve her… Eventually, we talked of course, but her new soulmate tattoo had already started to re-appear. I never got another one.”
“So it seems that your only match could ever be (y/n).”
Jim smiled softly, “It seems so. She was the only woman who could handle me.”
“But what doesn’t make sense, is that you and (y/n) seemed quite-“
“Yeah I know, I’m getting to that. After a year we were able to talk again, she had her new soulmate and she was happy. (Y/N) was ready to forgive but her soulmate wasn’t exactly perfect either.”Jim could still hear (y/n)’s screams as she found out her soulmate had died. He’d held her and when an hour drew by, Jim took (y/n) back to his dorm to sleep.
“He’d been drinking and taking drugs with his friends. Then decided to go for a joy ride. He died on impact.” Jim said without any emotion in his voice.
“I’d never known (y/n) had been…through that much.” Though Spock’s voice had no emotion within it, Jim knew he and (y/n) were friends at least and Spock held some sympathy for her.
“She moved passed it by the next year, having heard what her soulmate had been doing behind her back. Upon graduation, we were friends again and something had changed, within (y/n) I mean. She became more determined, stronger and resilient. The girl who severed our bond and cried wasn’t there anymore. Then, that’s when I knew. (Y/n) was the only one for me, I was never going to find a more intelligent and strong person than (y/n). Being on the Enterprise with Nero attempting to take us down, she was there for me. Hell, I didn’t deserve it but it was.”
“I remember well, she seemed adamant on my, in her words, ‘sticking it where the sun don’t shine’? A term I am still not yet familiar with.” Jim laughed heartily, her turn of phrase against Spock almost always made him laugh. “I seem to remember she barely left your side throughout that whole incident.” Jim interrupted. “Even when you shovelled me off to a class M planet, she followed. She was loyal like that. It was a shame I couldn’t be the same while we still had the bond.”
“It seemed as though (y/n) was wasted on you, Captain…”
“Did you just… did you just tell me a joke?” Jim began smiling up at his commander. Spock simply raised his eyebrow for Jim to continue. This information was… interesting to him. “So by the end of the Nero incident, (y/n) and I were pretty much back to normal and more. I mean I almost died a couple times so, I guess that scares people onto the right path…”
“You may relieve him.”
“I relieve you.”
“I am… relieved” Pike smiled as everyone stood up to clap, Jim turned to face the crowd. He scanned the crowd searching for one face and one only. (Y/n) stood in the midst of the crowd smiling and clapping for him and looking so proud of him. Something within his chest sprouted at the thought of his soulmate being proud of him, bond or no bond.
When everyone dispersed, (y/n) ran right for Jim. Jumping on him in a strong hug, wrapping her legs around his waist, hugging like a koala bear. Kirk was definitely not anticipating the hug and nearly toppled over in his attempt to catch her.
Pulling away slightly, limbs still wrapped around him, (y/n) noticed the room was now empty. Face to face, with Jim holding her up, she quietly muttered. “Hi there…”
“Hello.” Jim quietly said back. “So we won, you’re a captain and-“ “You’re going to be working on my ship.” “I guess I am Captain. But as I was going to say was, you almost died James.” Her tone suddenly serious, a frown on her face. James was only concentrating on the fact she used his first name- (y/n) was the only person who he like using his actual name.
“Yes well, it was for the sake of the world soo..” (Y/N) laughed, “don’t be cocky.” “You love it, don’t lie.”
Smiling softly at him, “Yeah, I do love it.”
Jim looked into her eyes as she did his. “James…” she whispered. “Y-yeah?” Their lips came together in their first kiss, heated and passionate; there was love lingering between the two. (y/n)’s hands reached from his shoulders and into his hair, tugging slightly. Jim’s hands on her thighs pulled her closer to him if possible. There was a lightness in his heart and signing in his soul. Breaking away, Jim could see all the colours return to their vivid state, (y/n) eyes being the pinnacle of colour to Jim.
“You…” Lowering her to the ground, Jim looked at his wrist and the tattoo had fully reformed and was clearer than ever before. “We reformed the bond,” Jim stated, eyes wide. Taking this as a bad sign, (y/n) began stuttering, flustered. “I-i’m sorry, I should have asked-“ Jim interrupted her by kissing her and pulling her in at the waist. With kisses, Kirk muttered, “I never want to break this again.”
The kiss grew more passionate as Jim continued holding her to him. (Y/n) pulled away, resting her hand on his face, thumbs stroking his cheeks. Their foreheads together, “I promise, there’ll never be anyone else. What a mistake I made that day.”
“But not an invalid one, I must admit.” Both laughed, Kirk, capturing her lips once again.
“You both re-formed the bond? That’s not an easy thing to achieve.”
“But we loved each other and that seemed to be enough.”
Jim pulled out a photo he has never let go of. It was (y/n) and him on the bridge, him sitting in the captain's chair for the first time, and her on his lap, arms around his neck and big smiles on both their faces.
“When we separated, just before Kahn, we thought it was for the best. She wanted to be a Captain and there’s never two to a ship. I couldn’t hold her back from her dreams for my selfish needs.”
“Could you not have made it work, as humans put it, long distance?” “We technically are. I still love her and somehow I know she still loves me. Maybe one day, fate will bring us back together but for now, we’re apart.”
Spock looked down at the photo between Jim’s fingers. “Then what seems to be the problem, Captain?”
“When Kahn killed me and then I was revived, I woke up and my first thought was (Y/n). Did you know Spock, that when we die, our soulmate knows?”
Over the intercom, a Russian accent called for their captain. “Ceptin, a ship approaches.”
Spock raised an eyebrow not satisfied with the lack of resolve. “The thing is Spock when I died and you guys brought me back, my soulmate tattoo has faded exponentially and it hasn’t reappeared the same. (Y/n) might think I’m dead.”
Making it to the bridge, the USS Enterprise was hailed by the adorning ship. “Captain Kirk…” The commander on screen seemed surprised at the sight of him. “This is Commander Marie-Clare from the USS Grantis. My Captain is beaming aboard your ship for an emergency meeting.”
“Affirmative Commander.” The transmission ended, Kirk not even having to question this order, he knew who the captain was.
Kirk did not wait, he practically jogged all the way to the beaming room and as soon as the light cleared, there stood some of the USS Grantis’ security and crew who immediately left to integrate with the Enterprise’s crew. One stood out.
“It seems you can’t stay away from me.” The older female’s head shot up and a cheeky smile overtook her face. “It seems I can’t, the distance was killing me, Captain Kirk.”
He smirked, tattoo burning.
The dark lines etching themselves back into both their skins. Neither realised, to entrapped within each other.
@eliza-hamilton-helpless @purelittleblueberry @yoinkpeter @iamwarrenspeace
@fuck-my-marvel @jahanana @feelmyroarrrr @asexualmarauder @i-is-a-smart-biscuit @lollie73 @sugarshai @dreaming-about-starfleet @imaginesofdreams @goingknowherewastaken @saysay125 @uhholyhazza @theweaknessstories @fandoms-until-the-end @juanita2108 @random-fandom-lady @chillnadia @saysay125 @lady-hawkguy @somebody-stuff @kendra-alexis @elaine-spades
#Jim kirk x reader imagine#jim kirk imagine#jim kirk soulmate au#soulmate au#James Tiberius Kirk x reader#jim kirk x reader soulmate au#angst#jim kirk angst#enterprise imagines#USS Enterprise
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Flufftober Day 16 - The Best Places in the Galaxy
James T Kirk x Reader
Flufftober Day 16: "I hate you", "I love you too"
Summary: You and Jim explore a new planet.
Fluff, gender-neutral pronouns, no use of Y/N.
Warnings: agressive animals and being chased by said aggressive animals, one goddamn.
Word Count: 769 words.
A/N: Super nerd Trekkie mode activate! A short one this time (I'm ill as hell RIP). Also a day late, oops! Taken from @flufftober’s 2022 prompt list.
Why did you decide to go with him?
Oh yeah, because of that stunning bright smile and those piercing blue eyes that stared straight into your soul.
Goddamn it, why was Jim Kirk so attractive? Why did he always have this effect on you? He could melt you with a look, chance your plans with a word and alter your entire world with a kiss. But in good way, of course.
However, you weren’t yet sure if sneaking off to explore the forests of this random planet you were on constituted as good…
You were meant to be here for peace talks, to get the civilisation here onto the side of the Federation. But while the people discussed their opinions amongst themselves, James Tiberius Kirk – Captain of the USS Enterprise, grand Federation ship of exploration – decided to have some fun and do a little exploring for himself. And you, as the Captain’s loving partner were forced to come along too. (By forced, I mean you were subjected to Jim begging you to come with him, giving you the cutest puppy dog eyes imaginable until you agreed.)
So, after being picked up, spun around and littered with kisses by an elated Jim, you both snuck off out into the wilderness to explore.
At first, you were glad of being dragged out here. It was beautiful. It was like nothing you had ever seen; foliage leaned and bent into intricate designs nothing like what you had back on Earth, strange colours you never rarely ever seen in nature were now on display proud and vibrant, a pink sky shone down upon you, basking you both in an ethereal rose glow. You couldn’t help but fawn at the look of wonder Jim had in his eyes as he explored.
“Hey, honey! Come look at this!” Jim called over to you excitedly, around an hour into your trip. You poked your head up from behind the bush you were investigating to find him crouched, staring down into the greenery. You padded over to him and gasped at the utterly adorable sight in front of you: a full nest of baby creatures. Both animalistic and avian in nature, the fledglings huddled asleep in their nest, the second most fluffy things you had ever seen, after tribbles of course. The urge to reach out a cuddle one was immeasurable as you lowered yourself next to Jim and silently stared at these unknown life forms.
“Bet you’re glad you came out here with me now,” Jim teased, nudging your shoulder lightly with his own.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. You always do take me to the best places in the galaxy,” you begrudgingly agreed as you rested your head against Jim’s shoulder, the soft fabric of his uniform shift stroking your cheek. He laid a gentle kiss to the top of your head and secured his arm around your waist.
You both stayed like that for a couple more minutes, doing nothing but stare intently at every single little move the clutch of babies made in their sleep.
That was until Jim decided it was a good idea to get a closer look. He crept closer, reaching out his hand towards the nest, until it was nearly taken clean off by a long row of jagged teeth.
The mother now stood before you. And for what she lacked in size, she more than made up for with growling protective intensity. She was majestic; covered in plumes of multicoloured feathers yet held upon the ground with muscled, fur-covered legs. Like lightning, she was in front of the nest, teeth bared and poised for a fight. You and Jim immediately jumped back in shock, arms up in the air to mean the young family no harm. Alas, that was not enough as the mother suddenly pounced at you. You both took off running, full tilt, using all available energy to get away from the creature now giving chase. Adrenaline flooded your veins as you pushed on further, trying to keep ahead. Civilisation could be seen on the horizon as hope filled your body at the prospect of making it back from this trip alive. Why did you go with Jim? Why did you always end up in life or death situations on your holidays?
“I hate you,” you grunted out as you ran, lungs burning in your chest.
“Aww, I love you too, babe!” Jim called back, cheekily. “I’ll see you tomorrow for our next trip!” You huffed at his idiocy.
But he was right. You’d be out with him tomorrow.
You could never say no to him.
#flufftober#flufftober2022#flufftober day 16#day 16#prompt#fluff#prompt challenge#soft#jim t kirk i love you so much#my idiot boy#dumbass bisexual#jim kirk#james t kirk#james tiberius kirk#jim kirk x reader#jim kirk x y/n#jim kirk x you#james t kirk x reader#james t kirk x y/n#james t kirk x you#jim kirk fluff#jim kirk drabble#drabble#chris pine#chris pine x reader#star trek#star trek x reader#chris pine x you#star trek aos#star trek aos x reader
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Heya! How would TOS kirk react to you wandering around despite not having a night or late shift ?
Hope you like it!
TOS Kirk finding you wandering around at night would include:
•Jim couldn’t sleep, try and try as he might it just wouldn’t come. So he did what he always does in these moments, he went for a walk around the beautiful ship that he called home!
•night shift was always quiet, there was a smaller compliment of staff working and Kirk could generally traverse the corridors without seeing a soul or saying a word!
•and he was enjoying a lovely walk such as that on this particular evening- not expecting to encounter a soul he wasn’t really paying attention to his surroundings.
•which is precisely why he jumped out of his skin when he bumped into another person! Jim was so startled he jumped backwards and whacked his head on the wall.
•try as you might you couldn’t contain the laughter that threatened to break free from your lips! You chuckled as you followed after your Captain, silently checking his head over for any sign of injury.
•the whole time Kirk was blathering on about how much you’d startled him! How his heart was pounding! And to be fair he had gone very red!
•only then did he realise that you weren’t on duty- you were in your own clothes rambling round the ship. And he was confused.
•sheepishly you explained that you just couldn’t sleep. So you wanted a walk- and it turns out that you did it often too! But somehow you’d just never bumped into each other.
•well you easily fell into step beside each other, slowly strolling round the ship, talking to each other first about work, then about hobbies and then about nonsense. And eventually you found yourself having a hot drink in the Mess Hall, and having to stifle yawns.
•Jim saw you back to your quarters and promised to check in on you the next day. It was the start of an very odd late night friendship.
#star trek#star trek imagine#star trek x reader#star trek headcanons#star trek tos x reader#star trek tos headcanons#star trek tos imagine#star trek the original series headcanons#star trek the original series x reader#star trek the original series imagine#star trek the original series#captain kirk headcanons#captain kirk imagine#captain kirk x reader#captain kirk#james tiberius kirk
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Home Chooses You
Part 2
Authors note: Hello readers! First, thank you for reading my story. I am new to writing so any feedback is encouraged! Second, this is the second part to my first ever fan fiction story about you my dear reader, and the enterprise crew. It can be found if you click on my profile and scroll to the very bottom. And lastly, I invite you, my dear, to please come aboard on this adventure to discover where your home truly lies.
Warnings: Abduction, Strong Wind (?), Descriptive Fall, Digression. If there are any other warnings I have missed, please do not hesitate to message me and I will add them to this list, thank you!
Pairing: In the works.
"We can sit here all day in silence if that is how you want to determine what happens next. Just know Lieutenant L/N, there are people on this ship I can be helping right now but I can't. Why you ask? Because you won't CONFESS TO YOUR CRIMES AGAINST THE FEDERATION!" Fuck Bones is pulling rank and my last name so obviously I created an astronomical fuck up while unintentionally intoxicated from the damn wine.
Len drones on for another good five minuets. I let him shout it all out because how else is he going to release all of his stress and anxiety? So I continue to sit, listen and stare through the glass wall of the brig cell. Yep. That's correct. THEY PUT ME IN A FUCKING BRIG CELL.
Some time ago in possibly another galaxy far far away...
After listening to the door to my quarters close shut the second time, my dumb ass made the executive decision that the coast was clear for landing and I was free to go about my day as planned.
I reach through the slits with my fingers and tug the vent open. I place the vent close enough to the opening so I can easily access it to close it before landing completely back on my bedroom floor. I hang onto the ventilation tunnel with my left arm and I slide the vent topper with me using my right and lower myself down before closing it completely so I can still hang on. I can feel a few droplets of sweat roll down my right temple.
My feet are finally back on the normal flooring of my bedroom. I breathe deeply and wipe off some of the sweat droplets, then turn around to go grab a cold towel to help me cool down. At least that was what I was planning.
My jaw slackens because Leonard fucking McCoy and fucking James Tiberius fucking Kirk are still in my fucking quarters. My jaw slackens but I'm laughing to myself because these little shits finally did it, after all these years they tricked me for the first time.
Present time and galaxy...
"Well hello there boys." I said nonchalantly.
Bones and Kirk did not flinch or move as I began to move about my cabin. They stood there still as statues with arms across their chest, with a mixture of anger, disbelief and disappointment glued to their faces.
The only way an outsider could tell the difference between these two idiots and statues, would be due to the fact that the human statues before me depend on rhythmic heartbeats, whereas stone statues have no heartbeat.
At first, I'm standing ram rod straight as if I am in training to meet the current queen of England. Granted, Jim is not that far off.
Considering there is no way around this current situation, I make the first move by closing my right fist and bringing it up high enough for the boys to see and start to wave my invisible white flag of surrender.
The two scruffy looking nerfherders before me slightly glance at each other and it's as if they're trying to telepathically communicate something. That 'something,' is something that I clearly missed.
I point between the two of them and turn my palms face up to add to the sass, and to also attempt to lighten the drama that's about to be unleashed. "You two gonna continue to eye fuck each other in front of me or do we want to act like adults and talk about what's going on here?"
Breaking their eye contact, they both let out a sigh and turn to look at me with serious expressions. Jim takes a deep breathe to steady his contained anger.
Can there please just be a magical portal that will swallow me hole right this moment so I can avoid this entire situation? Please? If anyone can hear this message from any universe, now is the time to act.
"Y/N we received a message...." Jim began to explain but stopped mid sentence and looked around my quarters with a look of determination then confusion. Bones is reacting the same as Jim. It took me a minute to realize what they where confused about because I was mentally preparing for the onslaught of very loud words directed towards me.
I felt what caused their confusion.
There's wind, actual real wind swooping around us. That's impossible because the only air on this ship is from the air conditioner units that run throughout the Jeffreys Tubes. I know this as a fact because I started in engineering and Scotty Montgomery was my advisor as an ensign and is now my mentor as a lieutenant.
"Jim. What the hell is going on?" Said Bones.
"I have no idea." Jim replied.
They turn to me and I say, "I don't fucking know what this is!" I point to their hair because the unexplainable wind is blowing it wildly and it's blowing my own hair in wild directions. "We've all been in this room. Yes I was in the vent, but that was just to avoid you guys because I heard you shouting my name through the corridor like two crazed mad men on the hunt for revenge or something!"
"You always cause problems Y/N. I hope you are aware of that." Said Bones.
"Get....." I started to tell them to get out of my quarters. Whatever this is that is happening is not their normal behavior, yes I've screwed up and made mistakes but so does everyone else who has ever lived! But I certainly do not allow anyone to talk down to me they way Bones just did. They both needed to cool down their tempers before they say anything else. I was about to tell them to get out and cool off but before I could finish, the floor legitimately opened up and I was swallowed by a circle with golden spirals.
After falling for thirty minutes:
I remember. Jim was about to tell me a message and as he was about to tell me, I silently I prayed to whoever is listening to just open up a portal that will swallow me hole.
"Well, that almost never works." I muttered to myself.
I stayed still for a moment to make sure nothing broke during the fall. That's something Bones drilled into me because I'm in engineering and am constantly in the medical bay from work related injuries. Thinking of him makes my heart ache and a few tears fall. I quickly wipe them away.
After checking all limbs are in function, I check my head to make sure there is no blood. I bring my hand to my head and feel around for any bumps or blood. Bringing my hand back down I can confidently confirm that other than a few bruises, everything seems to be working.
After my self administered examination, I decide to stand up in order to identify my new surroundings. The first thing I notice is the a circular glass window up high near the ceiling. I didn't realize I was analyzing the structure and lost in some sort of trance until I felt the same wind from my quarters back on the Enterprise wipe around me once more.
Startled and annoyed at this current situation, I frantically turn around to determine the source of the wind. Even more annoyed now because of all the frantic turning and onslaught of dizziness, I break my current composure and crumble to my knees in defeat.
I suddenly feel something wrap around me. Breaking out of my defeated state I stand back up to defend myself from my captor. Blindly swinging my fist, I stumble back down because I strike nothing but thin air. I twirl back around because I know someone put this blanket on me and yet, there is no one here.
I notice a set of stairs and decide to explore. But as I take my first step up, I feel something hitting my ankles I realize it's not a blanket at all, but it's a cape. A deep red velvet cape.
"Lieutenant Y/F/N Y/L/N. My name is Doctor Stephen Strange and I need your help."
#star trek x reader#part two#james tiberius kirk#jim kirk#leonard mccoy#leonard bones mccoy#x reader#star trek#star trek imagine#marvel#fyp#foryourpage#foryou#imagines#reader insert#aos star trek
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Not in Front of the Klingons (Star Trek Day Special)
Pairing: James T. Kirk x Gender Neutral!Engineer!Reader Rating: PG13 Words: 930 Summary: You get flung across the neutral zone into Klingon space and it takes all logic to stop your boyfriend from just flying across the border. Note: HAPPY STAR TREK DAY EVERYONE. Also I know this is not really what you wanted, but I have no control of my fingers and sometimes I just create. Tags: angst, comedy, jimmy has human emotions, doing inappropriate things in front of the Klingons and Spock being a party pooper.
“We cannot enter the neutral zone, captain.” Jim hit his chair with his fist. His first officer was unfazed by his emotional outburst. After all, he was having those on quite the regular basis, a human trait of his.
“So we leave one of our own to die in deep space? I do not think so. Ensign Chekov, plot a course into the neutral zone.” “I highly advise against that course of action.” “I am not losing them.” “I believe your emotional ties with the lieutenant are clouding your judgement.” “Mr Spock, if you were flung into deep space after repairing the outer lining of our engines, I would come get you too.” “Course plotted captain.” “Bring us in.” “Hold that command, ensign!”
Tension on the bridge rose high as the two highest ranking officers on the ship proceeded to have a staredown. Chekhov looked towards Sulu, pleading for some help with his eyes, but the man looked away, signalling he was on his own with this one. Everyone had an opinion on whether to save you or not, but all bit their tongue. In the end, it was Uhura, who dared to cut through the tension with a deciding statement. “Captain, we’re being hailed.”
A little earlier
You frantically pressed every button you had on your suit, but the blast after you reconnected the last tube blew most of the tech in your spacesuit to bits. You considered yourself lucky that the suit itself remained sealed. Last thing you wanted was being boiled from the inside as the cold vacuum of space robbed you off your life.
“Of all the ways to die on a starship, it had to be being blown away from the ship.” You sighed, squinting to see the enterprise in the distance. It was unmoving, making you wonder if you made the repairs correctly. Usually you had more confidence in your skills, but it would be the only reason why they did not follow you. Either that or you were heading directly into the neutral zone, which was worse, because then they legally could not even send a shuttle to retrieve you.
Another sigh escaped you. The display on your suit was broken as well, so oxygen supply was just as unknown. Maybe oxygen was leaking out of the tank and you had seconds left. Maybe the tank was fine and you would be suffocating slowly after hours into dark space.
You drifted further and further until the enterprise was a mere speck in the distance. The blast must’ve been very hard. That, combined with the lack of resistance in space sent you further than you thought was possible. “Maybe we could replace shuttles with engine blasts,” you joked to yourself, before closing your eyes. “I should’ve kissed Jim goodbye instead of trying to stay professional,” you added, another sad sigh escaping you.
You lost track of time when the enterprise got out of your sight. Joy filled you when you felt a tractor beam around you. Dread followed when you realised it came from the wrong side of space. “Not good! Not good! Not good!” You exclaimed as you tried to sort of swim the other way in spite of knowing that it was a useless attempt.
By the time you entered the Klingon ship, you had already mentally said goodbye to everyone and everything you knew. A mean-looking Klingon awaited you in the cargo bay, together with at least 6 guards, which you found a little redundant, but let them think you were capable of taking out 5 Klingons on your own. “You are a lucky human. Today we are generous.” You smiled in response, trying to be friendly in the hopes of making it out alive anyway.
“Thank you for saving me. I…” She held her hand up, making you shut up with just the gesture.
“We have proposed a trade with your ship. Until they have agreed to meet our terms, you are our prisoner.” Ah yes, very generous indeed. You confirmed you understood and let yourself be escorted by the 6 guards. The cell was clean, just an empty room. You sat on the hard bench, which might have functioned as a bed as well, but you were not sure. You hoped that spending the night here was not on your schedule. However, as time passed by, it started to feel like it. You fell asleep against the wall. Drool trickled down your cheek until guards woke you up.
You were a little drowsy, but managed to gather that a trade was being made. You were still rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you were put on a transporter pad. “Wait, where am I going?” You barely got the sentence out when the Klingon ship started to fade before your eyes. A new environment seemed to appear around you. A quick turn of the head to the left put a smile on your face as your eyes locked with those of the man you had already mentally said goodbye to. “Jim!”
No more regrets for you. You jumped right on him, cornering him against the nearest console as you pressed your lips against him. Jim was a sucker for it and let you in spite of the Klingon captain still being on the main comms. You already had your tongue in his mouth when you were pulled away by your collar. An angry Vulcan dragged you off the bridge, speaking words you thought you’d never hear. “Please refrain from making out with the captain in front of the Klingons.”
#Jim Kirk#james t kirk#James Tiberius Kirk#kirk#captain kirk#kirk x reader#x male reader#gender netural reader#x gender neutral reader#captain kirk x reader#james t kirk x reader#spock#Pavel Chekov#hikaru sulu#Nyota Uhura#star trek#star trek fanfic#star trek reboot#star trek aos#aos#klingons#pg13
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We Don't Fit in Well ('Cause We Are Just Ourselves)

Last Updated: February 19th, 2025
Disclaimers: Female!Reader
Summary: When Vulcan is destroyed, quieter than a whisper, surrounded by the carnage of almost all of Starfleet, everything changes. In an instant, there's a power vacuum in the United Federation of Planets. Everyone wants to take Vulcan's place. Nobody knows how to cope without a founding civilization. The effects of Vulcan's destruction are far-flung and more deeply felt than anyone could guess. For the fledgling crew of the Enterprise, staffed mostly by Academy graduates on their first posting, its tantamount to an earthquake. Broken and battered, they came back to Terra Firma after saving the universe as most people know it.
Their captain? He disappeared without a trace.
Given orders to find him and bring him back, you're faced with an impossible choice. Do you destroy the fledgling heartbeat of a relationship just spreading its wings for 'Fleet? Or can you convince him to fight for Starfleet, the Enterprise, and you without losing himself in the balance?
Themes: Canon-typical violence, Serious conversations, Smut, Angst, Torture (In one chapter. All instances will have Trigger Warnings present)

We Don't Fit In Well on AO3

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI

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So something I’ve been wanting. Is like. A one shot with Jim Kirk where the reader is one of his most previous one night stands and for some reason Uhura isn’t able to go on a mission so the reader is placed on kirks crew. And like. He’s saying hi to the crew or whatever and she’s friends with Chekhov so when he turns to her and sees her he’s like “YN” and Chekhov is like “you know each other?” Bevause she’s a newly promoted officer or something.
And then forced proximity and shit and they end up falling in love? Yeah.
Anyone know anyone that writes for startrek? I’d write it but I don’t think I’ll do it justice.
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I was missing my boy Jim Kirk so here’s a really quick one shot I did
Summary: Jim is super sweet and bubbly when he’s drunk
Words: 407 (it’s short)
A loud ringing echoed through an empty house. Awoken from your sleeping spot on the couch, you groggily stumbled to the communicator embedded in the marble countertop.
“Hello?” You sat yourself up on one of the stools, the cold wood of the chair pressing into your short-clad legs. You rubbed your eyes and waited for a response. “Hello?”
“Hiii cutie,” a very familiar voice drawled, “how’s it goinnnng?”
You almost giggled, shaking your head. “Jim, are you drunk?”
“Maaybe. Bones and Scotty left me, can you pick me up? I’d drive, but—”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll come get you, doofus.”
Jim Kirk had gone out to a bar with some of his crewmates, and you guessed that they had decided to go home.
You didn’t even bother changing out of your casual T-shirt in shorts, and hopped into your old truck and made your way to the bar with your music cranked up.
As you pulled into the parking lot, Jim was waiting outside with a glass of what looked to be water in his hand.
“C’mon, handsome, let’s get you home.”
Half-supporting the drunken blond, the two of you entered your shared apartment. Jim flopped down on the couch as you got two glasses of water from the faucet. “How are you soooo gorgeous?” Jim laughed from the couch as you handed him the glass.
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help feeling your ears heat up.
“You’re just drunk, space boy.”
Jim chuckled again and put the glass down on the table adjacent to the couch. He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you into his lap and almost making you spill your glass. You set it on the table, laughing.
He pressed a slightly sloppy kiss to your lips, and he tasted like alcohol. You pulled away, tapping his chest lightly.
“You need to sleep.”
Jim sighed, following you to your shared bedroom. You helped him change into some clean clothes and he flopped down into your bed. As you were going to leave, he caught your arm.
“Stay? Please?” His puppy dog eyes were too damn irresistible, so you heaved a sigh and motioned for him to scoot over. He grinned, and when you laid down next to him he curled his body around yours and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“You smell good,” he mumbled into the back of your hair. You giggled, scooting closer to him.
“You smell like beer.”
#imagine#jim kirk imagine#jim kirk x reader#jim kirk one shot#star trek one shot#star trek x reader#star trek imagine#jim kirk fanfiction#jim kirk fanfic#fanfic#fanfiction#star trek#jim kirk#james tiberius kirk#james t kirk#one shot#drabble
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Kirk 19
Red. Red was all you saw when you had walked into the room ten minutes ago. Red walls that were originally grey. Red flooring that was brown when the pair originally came here two days ago. Red. The colour of blood among many things. Blood. Blood on the floor. Blood on the walls, all four. Blood on your uniform, hands, everywhere. Your captain’s blood was everywhere from the days of being tortured in this room. Your blood mingled with his.
The pair of you originally came to this palace of sorts to negotiate a treaty between them, the Grinches*, and the Federation. You were only here to be Kirk’s assistant if there were any complications or translation problems occurred. You weren’t here to watch James get beaten for answers he didn’t know. You weren’t here to rescue him from seven foot people as he bled out. You weren’t there for him when he was captured. You weren’t there when he was knocked out with a blunt object to his head.
You were there to wrap his wounds. You were there to stop the bleeding before he truly bled out. You were there when James awoke in pain. You were there when he needed someone to hold his hand through the pain. You were there to elevate his head. You were there when he needed a smile and a ‘it will all be alright’. You were there to promise him that Spock and McCoy were only a few minutes away. You were there to tell Spock that the two of you needed a getaway, fast. You were there when Jim growled out that he would hurt anyone that touched you when he saw your head wound. You were there to take the last hits for Jim. You were there when Spock rushed in and swore. You were there when he quickly prompted you to follow as he lifted the limp captain into transportation areas. You were there when Bones swore. You were there when Bones stitched the wounds up quickly and expertly.
You were the first one to visit Jimmy after he was cleared and awake. You were still in the blood ruined clothes when you visited.
You saw Jimmy smirk when he rasped out,”There’s so much blood. Is it in your hair because I swear your hair wasn’t that red and matted two days ago.”
Jim was there when you broke down because you were so scared he wouldn’t make it. Jim was there when you needed to talk about the nightmares that came from that experience even two years later. James was there when you started smiling a month after the incident. He was there when you came out of the bathroom after the fifth shower because it took that long for the blood to get out and off. James was there the first week when you had to sleep in his quarters just to make sure he was actually alive when you woke up. Kirk was there when you were promoted from ensign to lieutenant. Kirk was there when you asked him out on an impromptu date. He was there when you said yes to his proposal. He was there when you died in the line of duty a few years later. He was there when you were sent into space. You were there for him in spirit forever and always.
19 “There’s so much blood.”
#james kirk#jim kirk#aos#st:aos#imagine#star trek alternate original series imagine#blood was prompted#much blood#james kirk imagine#kirk imagine#jim kirk imagine#james tiberius kirk imagine#james kirk x reader#jim kirk x reader#kirk x reader#james tiberius kirk x reader#james t kirk x reader
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Sometimes Sacrificing is the only thing worth doing (Jim Kirk x Reader) // Part 3
This is long overdue, I know and I’m sorry.
I’m currently developing a new fic, a Billy Butcher x Supe! Reader teehee!
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“You wanted to what?” Y/N’s eyes widened as she watched Jim.
“Open one of the torpedoes,” he told her.
“Are you out of your corn-fed mind? You’re not gonna actually listen to this guy, right?” McCoy added. “He killed Pike, he almost killed you, and now you think it’s a good idea to pop open a torpedo because he dared you to?”
Jim looked at the two with curiosity written in his eyes. “Why did he save our lives, Bones?”
“The doctor does have a point, Captain,” Spock agreed, causing Bones to shudder all over his body in a bad way.
“Don’t agree with me, Spock. It makes me very uncomfortable,” Y/N rolled her eyes at the immaturity that is Dr. Leonard McCoy.
“Perhaps you too should learn to govern your emotions, Doctor,” Spock hits back. “In this situation, logic dictates that we have –”
“Logic! My God! There’s a maniac trying to make us blow up our own damn ship, and you’re talking about –”
“Bones, stop. You’re being dramatic,” Y/N cuts him off before the fella could burn all the hair on his head.
“Y/N’s right, stop it. That’s not it. I don’t know why he surrendered, but that’s not it,” Jim agrees with her. “Look, we’re going to open a torpedo, the question is how?”
“But Jim, without Mr. Scott on board, who is exactly is qualified to just pop open a four-ton stick of dynamite?” Spock shared a look with Y/N and she nodded to tell him about the existence of Carol Marcus aboard the ship.
“The Admiral’s daughter appeared to have an interest in the torpedoes, and she is a weapons specialist, perhaps she could be of some use,” Spock said. Jim furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and looked at the three of them.
“What Admiral’s daughter?”
“Carol Marcus, your new science officer. She concealed her identity to board the ship,” Y/N smiled. Jim felt he was betrayed; how could she know before he?
“How did you know?” He asked her, “And when were you gonna tell me that?”
“When it became relevant, as it just did,” Spock smirked at Jim. He left to see her not long after that, and Y/N’s feet brought her to the Vulcan who stared at the spot where Jim had stood.
“Did you find anything, Mr. Spock?” She asked quietly.
“As a matter of fact, yes Doctor. I have found very much information regarding your nurse,” He motioned her to follow him to his post, and he took his PADD and reread what was written in it.
“That transfer order’s definitely a fake. I have reached the Commander of Farragut myself and there is no known person under the name Nurse Chris Boden. And I have checked all Starfleet database under his name and it came back empty,” He explained. Y/N took the PADD from him, ignoring the background of him and Uhura kissing in what looks like Central Park and clicked on the database tab.
She scrolled down and search the name John Harrison while Spock stand behind her with his head tilted, wondering why on Vulcan is this woman searching for this man’s files. “What are you doing, Doctor?” He questioned.
“Something tells me Starfleet is hiding something big from us,” she muttered as she sighed when she saw there were no files under the name John Harrison. “And I’m right,” she showed him his PADD.
“That’s logically impossible. His files existed when we had the meeting before we left for Kronos,” Spock furrowed his eyebrows, rechecking the name and the information.
“You have to search for more clues, Mr. Spock,” she told him.
“I should inform the Captain,” He replied.
“I’ll do that right now, but something tells me we’re in for something much, much bigger. And I know you are the only one capable of predicting what will happen when we find out what the bigger thing is, so you keep on digging. I suggest start at Starfleet database,” Spock frowned as he listened to her words before nodding.
Y/N nearly ran to the Shuttle Bay to inform Jim about the one dangerous thing they currently have on their ship. Asking around, she was informed that he was talking with the weapon specialist in one of the shuttles. Running fast, she climbed aboard the ship where she was shocked to see Jim standing beside a woman only in her knickers and bra. Not knowing what to do, she stands still as she tried to assess what is going on here.
“Um, no offense. But what the fuck is going on here?” She looked at Jim who groaned when he noticed her defensive mechanism. Her arms crossed in front of her chest as she leaned on one foot, the other tapping the floor.
“Dr. Y/L/N, it’s nice to finally meet you,” Dr. Carol Marcus said to her as she told Jim to turn around, the Captain grumbling as he did so.
“I wish I can say the same. Can you please explain what are you doing here half naked?” Y/N raised her eyebrows.
“Well, I was in the middle of changing because I’m about to open one of those torpedoes, while Captain Kirk here is listening to what information I’ve gathered about the torpedoes,” She explained, finishing her change of clothes and tapping Jim on the back to let him know she’s finally done changing. Taking the PADD, she showed Y/N the blueprint of the torpedoes.
Now, Y/N isn’t a weapon specialist, what she knew is the anatomical and biology of species, but as she reads the torpedoes blueprints, she knew instantly that it wasn’t just a torpedo. John Harrison might’ve been right about it not being a regular torpedo.
“Great, so how are you planning to open a torpedo inside of this ship?” Y/N asked her.
“There’s a nearby planetoid and I can open one up there, but I will need some help,”
“What do you need help with?”
“I need the steadiest hands on the ship. The wires that needs to be cut in order for the torpedoes to be dead are buried deep inside and I can’t access it remotely. Someone have to manually cut the wire; do you have anyone in mind?” Y/N and Jim shared a knowing look while their mouths lifted forming a smile.
“Uh, why are you guys smiling like that? Are you the steadiest hands on the ship, Doctor?” Carol asked her.
“Nope, unfortunately I’m not. But fortunately, we know just the person who has the steadiest hands on this ship, and he’s going to love this,”
“You want me to do what?” Bones paced the floor of his office as Y/N and Jim sat in front of him. “With all due respect – No, fuck that. Without respect, I am a Doctor. Not a weapons specialist. There’s no way in hell am I putting these steadiest hands inside a fucking torpedo,”
“Bones, it wasn’t a request. I’m ordering you as a Captain to help Dr. Marcus with everything she needs to understand the torpedoes,” Jim explained.
“You are out of your god damn mind, Jim Kirk, out of it!” He flings his arms wide as he continued pacing. “You should’ve listened to Scotty when he said to return the fucking torpedoes down, but no, you had to fire him!”
Y/N frowned as she looked at Jim. “You fired Scotty? What the bloody hell is wrong with you?”
“Hey, he quit. I just received and accepts his resignation, and come on Bones, you are the only one capable of doing this and you know it. So, I’m ordering you to meet Dr. Marcus in shuttle four in exactly ten minutes. Don’t be late! I have to return to the Bridge,” Jim told him and stands up, ready to leave.
As soon as he left Bones’ office, Y/N pulled his hand to her office and shuts the door, locking it and turning on music to down their noises. “I need to report something I and Spock have found recently,” She pulled her PADD and showed him the Starfleet database and write John Harrison’s name.
“Empty? That’s impossible. I was so sure his name and files were in the database. The meeting I had with Admiral Marcus had his files,” Jim frowned.
“That’s what Spock said to me. And get this, he’s not the only one without a file. One of my nurses, that had a fake transfer order signed by Marcus himself also does not exist in the database. What a coincidence huh?”
“Something’s not right,”
“Damn right. I remembered the day I copied John Harrison’s files from your PADD to mine,” Jim furrowed his eyebrows and his mouth opened to protest but Y/N was quicker, “I’m breaking so many Starfleet regulations, I know. But moving on, and after getting his blood sample and DNA sample to compare to, I was surprised to see the files gone from my PADD. Which indicates that someone wanted to clear all traces of him from the Starfleet database, the question is, why?”
Jim leaned against the table in the middle of the room, his eyes scanning the floor as his brain tries to wrack around for an answer, “no one has the clearance to delete files,” he said for a moment.
“There is one, Jim,” Y/N said quietly. Jim looked at her and shakes his head.
“No way. There’s no way in hell he’s the one who cleared the files. He’s the Admiral,” he shakes his head.
“I’m not saying it’s him, Jim. But the facts are here in front of you,”
“Are you positive? You know we can be court martialed for even saying this to anyone in the Bridge,” Jim takes her hand.
“I’m positive, Jim. There isn’t any other explanation,”
“So, that’s why Harrison knew what was wrong with the ship. That’s why he told me to open one of those torpedoes. This all connects somehow,” his eyes widened. “Who else know about this?”
“No one, just me, you and Spock,” she told him. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m not sure yet, we’ll find more clues after Bones and Marcus opened the torpedoes. Until then, I don’t want anyone else to know,” she nodded. “Thank you for helping me. I’m not sure what I would do if you’re not here,” he told her, giving her a sweet kiss on the lips and she uses the momentum to deepen the kiss, tightening her arms around his neck to keep him to her.
Jim groaned as he pulled Y/N closer to him, feeling lightheaded when Y/N expertly slip her tongue to his mouth. As fun as they are having now, the loud sound of his communicator disturbed him from the pleasure he’s about to have, causing him to release a groan and pulled back from the kiss. “Kirk,” he responded to the communicator.
“Captain, Doctors McCoy and Marcus are nearing the planetoid as we speak,” Spock’s voice called.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there, standby,” he replied, watching Y/N ducking down to the mirror she had on the table, fixing the mess of her hair. She pulled out a hair tie and put her hair up on a ponytail. Something Jim discovered in their years of dating, was that Y/N always puts her hair up whenever she’s doing something serious, may it be cooking, dissecting, writing, fighting, basically everything that requires her most attention.
“Come on, we’re needed in the Bridge,” Jim pulled her hand as the two made their way to the Bridge.
“Captain on the Bridge,” Sulu’s voice called. Jim sat in his usual chair and Y/N stood beside Lieutenant Uhura in the back with her hands behind her back as she watched the screen in front. On one side shows the condition of the torpedo, and the other showed the two Doctors’ vitals, which was why she’s in the Bridge in the first place.
“Mr. Sulu, have Doctors Marcus and McCoy landed on the planetoid yet?” Jim asked.
“Yes sir. They’re moving the torpedo into position now,” Sulu informed as he watched the torpedo being laid into the position needed.
“Good. Any activity from the Klingons?”
“Not yet, but if we’re stuck here much longer, they will find us,” Sulu warned.
Jim lets out a sigh, “Lieutenant Uhura, did you let Starfleet know we have Harrison in custody?”
“Yes sir, no replies,” Uhura answered professionally.
“Shuttle is standing by, Captain,” Sulu informed again, and Jim takes the moment to connect to Bones’ communicator.
“Bones, thanks for helping out. Dr Marcus asked for the steadiest hands on the ship,” he smirked.
“You know, when I dreamed about being stuck on a deserted planet with a gorgeous woman, there was no torpedo,” Bones sassed, grunting as he lifted the huge box full of tools, following Dr Marcus out to the torpedo.
“Dr. McCoy, may I remind you, you are not there to flirt,” Jim replied, rolling his eyes as Y/N giggled quietly. The two men-children are Y/N’s favorite duo. It’s amazing how close they were. Y/N was lucky to have been assigned with them aboard Starfleet’s most prestigious ship since they’ve spent the days in the Academy together.
“So, how can these legendary hands help you, Dr Marcus?” Bones ignored his remarks.
“Bones,” Jim sighed as he listened to their conversation.
“To understand how powerful these weapons are, we need to open the warhead,” Dr. Marcus explained, putting a device to read the signals of the torpedo. “To do that, we need to access the fuel compartment, unfortunately for us; the warheads on these weapons are live,”
“Sweetheart, I once performed an emergency C-section on a pregnant Gorn. Octuplets. Let me tell you, those little bastards bite. I think I can work some magic on your missile,” Bones scoffed, which caused Y/N to scoffed, which leads to everyone staring at her, making her frowned.
“What? He’s right. We’ve seen and done everything you don’t think we’ve done,” she rolled her eyes. She motioned to the screen and everyone returned to the screen as they watch Dr. Marcus open one side of the missile, peeking a little using a magnifying binocular.
“Dr. McCoy, there’s a bundle of fiber optic-cables against the inner casing. You’ll need to cut the twenty-third wire down. Whatever you do, do not touch anything else. Do you understand?” She asked.
“Right, the thought never crossed my mind,” Bones muttered as he gets ready, putting his whole arm on the damn thing.
“Dr. McCoy, wait for my word. I am rerouting the detonation processor,” Dr Marcus typed on her PADD, before looking at him, “Are you ready?”
“And raring,” Bones sighed as he nodded.
“Good luck,” She replied, but as soon as Bones put his arm inside the torpedo, it shut itself on his hand, causing him to scream in pain. Y/N moved forward in worry as she reads his vitals. Unable to see clearly on the screen, she uses her PADD to check on his vitals. His heart rises a bit, indicating pain, but his arm was shut too tight.
“Sir, the torpedo just armed itself,” Sulu informed, followed by another information from Navigation Officer Darwin,
“The warhead’s gonna detonate in thirty seconds!” Causing the entire Bridge to panic.
“What the hell happened? I can’t get my arm out!” Bones called in pain.
“Bones, do not move your arm, you could put yourself in danger since your arm’s jammed pretty tight. Dr. Marcus, if you don’t stop the sequence, his hands are going to be cut off from the heat from the torpedo,” Y/N was quick on her feet.
“Get their signal, beam them back right now,” Jim ordered.
“Transporter cannot differentiate between Dr. McCoy and the torpedo. We cannot beam back one without the other,” Spock called from his seat.
“Dr. Marcus, can you disarm it?” Jim stands up as he watched the timer getting closer.
“I’m trying! I’m trying!” Dr. Marcus yelled as she went to the other side, pulling a part of the torpedo off and trying to check the keys.
“Jim, get her the hell out of here!” Bones yelled, but Marcus cuts him off,
“No! If you beam me back, he dies! Just let me do it!” She yelled as she tried to deactivate the torpedo. Bones said the numbers as he reads it on the screen where his arm was stuck.
“Ten… Nine... Eight...”
“Standing by to transport Dr. Marcus on your command, sir,” Sulu had his hand over the transporter button.
“Four… Three…” Bones continued.
“Shit!” Carol screamed as she pulled the whole thing out, pushing the two Doctors to the ground as the warhead’s countdown was stopped.
“Deactivation successful, Captain,” Sulu informed causing the entire Bridge to sigh in relief.
“Dr. McCoy, are you alright?” Jim called but received no response. “Bones?” He was starting to get worried when he received no answer, but was surprised when he received the information that there is a man inside a cryotube inside the torpedo. What the hell is going on?
“Get them two back now,” Jim ordered Sulu who transported them in no time.
“I’ll prepare the Sick Bay,” Y/N announced to Jim who nodded while he watched the photo of the cryotube. What the hell did he put himself into? He thought to himself.
The first thing she did as soon as she arrived at the Sick bay was to dismissed all personnel that doesn’t have the clearance to be there. Usually she’ll let some ensigns come and accompany those who are sick or being treated but this is way above her clearance so she yelled out to everyone that doesn’t have clearance to leave immediately.
She ordered Chapel to clear the biobeds as Bones and Marcus are en route to the Sick Bay with the torpedo. “Dr McCoy’s going to bring a what now?” Chapel asked as she was typing on her PADD for the orders.
“A torpedo. Keep us Nurse Chapel,” Y/N told her as she ordered another nurse to move the red shirt ensign with a nasty wound on the head to the farthest side of the Sick Bay so that he’ll not be disturbed.
“Why the hell would he put a torpedo in the Sick Bay?” Nurse Chapel asked again, frowning as she tried to take it in. Y/N moved to her position facing the double doors that will open anytime soon. All the nurses followed suit just as the doors open and Bones wheeled a stretcher with the cryotube on top of it.
“That’s why,” Y/N whispered as she followed Bones’ orders. They lift the cryotube to the Biobed and one of the nurse hovers close to it with her PADD.
“Is he alive?” The nurse asked.
“Damn right, he is,” Bones answered as he tried to learn how to open the cryotube.
“Should we wake him?” Y/N asked Dr Marcus. Carol Marcus was about to answer when Jim and Spock entered the Sick Bay. He looked at the sleeping man inside the cryotube in amazement.
“Is he alive?” He asked the same question.
“Yes, but if we try to revive him without the proper sequencing, it could kill him,” Bones answered again. “This technology is beyond me,”
“How advanced, Doctor?” Spock asked.
“It’s not advanced. That cryotube is ancient,” Carol explained as she scanned told Bones to scan the face on his PADD to check Starfleet’s database.
“We haven’t needed to freeze anyone since we develop warp capability,” Bones lifted his eyebrows as he reads his PADD. “Which explains the most interesting thing about our friend here. He’s three hundred years old,”
“He’s what?” Y/N’s eyes widened. “But that brings back to the early 2000s. Why on earth is he inside the cryotube in the first place?”
“There’s only one person we can ask, and you’re not going to like it,” Jim shared a look with Spock who nodded, seemingly understand the one person that can explain the coincidences happening.
“I’m coming with you,” Y/N told him as she followed Jim and Spock to where the criminal is being locked away.
“Why is there a man in that torpedo?” Jim confronted him as soon as he saw him.
“There are men and women in all those torpedoes, Captain. I put them there,” he said slowly.
“Who are you?” Y/N asked him.
“A remnant of a time long past. Genetically engineered to be superior, so as to lead others to peace in a world at war. But we were condemned as criminals, forced into exile. For centuries we slept, hoping when we awoke things would be different. But as a result of the destruction of Vulcan, your Starfleet began to aggressively search distant quadrants of space. My ship was found adrift, I alone was revived,” He explained with such a heart broken voice he turned around, surely trying not to be sympathized.
“I looked up John Harrison. Until a year ago he didn’t exist,” Y/N told him.
“John Harrison was a fiction created the moment I was awoken by your Admiral Marcus to help him advance his cause. A smokescreen to conceal my true identity. My name is Khan,” He said.
“Why would a Starfleet Admiral ask a three-hundred-year-old frozen man for help?” Jim asked him.
“Because I am better,”
“At what?”
“Everything. Alexander Marcus needed to respond to an uncivilized threat in a civilized time. But for that he needed a warrior’s mind. My mind, to design weapons and warships,”
“You are suggesting the Admiral violated every regulation he vows to uphold simply because he wanted to exploit your intellect,” Spock deduced.
“Captain, we are having trouble on Deck four, someone appears to be shooting our officers,” Sulu said through the intercom.
“You should be careful with who you put on your ship, Captain,” Khan smiled at Jim who looked at Y/N and Spock.
“Stay with him,” Y/N told Spock as she made her way to the console in the middle of the room. “Open the cameras,” she ordered the ensign. The ensign followed the orders and it showed that the assailant is heading to where they are.
“Stay here,” she told everyone. She shared a look with Jim before he could even say the words no. “You should continue the interrogation, Captain,” She told him.
“Like hell are you fighting that man alone, Doctor,” Jim said as he rushed to her side.
“Captain Kirk is right, Dr Y/L/N,” Spock said at where he stood.
“Y/L/N? Ah, yes. The Captain’s lover,” Khan showed interest.
“You don’t look her way,” Jim snarled, standing in front of her and covering her from Khan’s line of sight.
“Interesting. I’d like to see more of her fighting, she fought well in Kronos the last time we were there,” he smirked. Jim shared a look with Spock and nodded at the same time. He pulled her hand to the exit doors and closed his eyes as he tried to take a breath.
“Jim, I have to go,” Y/N whispered as she slowly pulled her hand away from his grasp. Jim opened his eyes and stared at her eyes, pulling her closer to him as possible while ignoring the sirens behind him. He kissed her lips, tugging her head closer by her neck as she put her arms around his middle.
“When we’re out of this mess, I’m going to request us an extended shore leave, I swear to God,” he muttered to her head as he lands a kiss to her head.
“I’m counting on that, James Kirk,” Y/N muttered before moving away from his embrace, running off to where the problem is. Watching her run while putting her hair into a high ponytail, and he didn’t know that it was the last time he would ever saw her.
#captain james t kirk#captain kirk x reader#CAPTAIN JIM KIRK#James Tiberius Kirk#james kirk#jim kirk x reader#Jim Kirk#star trek#star trek masterlist#star trek aos#star trek into darkness#chris pine imagine#chris pine
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Jim Kirk x fem!reader (18/could be read as part 1 of its own story)
“I have a question,” Bones announced to the table at breakfast. The other four of you raised an eyebrow at him. “Ooh that’s creepy. Anyway, you two–” he gestured between yourself and Spock, “–are what, distant half-cousins? How come (Y/N) doesn’t do any of the freaky Vulcan voodoo?” “Romulans and Vulcans evolved from the same ancestors,” Spock answered, evenly, “However at the time that Romulans left Vulcan after choosing to reject the principles of Surak, telepathy was highly frowned upon. It is likely that the split was clan-based in some way, given the militaristic nature of our ancient society, and therefore it is possible that none of the clans that left possessed the genetic material required to develop and pass on telepathy.” “Basically,” you shrugged, “Although, given the taboo, it was difficult to know who was telepathic and who wasn’t as no one with any sense admitted to being telepathic. There are undoubtedly some telepaths on Romulus, or at least, those capable of being telepaths with significant training, but the Tal Shiar isn’t exactly keen on difference or dissidence, so the majority would keep quiet about it.” Here, Spock turned on you, quizzically. “Undoubtedly seems an inaccurate assessment, Ambassador,” he hedged, frowning, “There is a 76.4% chance that given a clan-based split and the intrusive nature of the Tal Shiar government there would be no telepaths on Romulus.” You smiled, distantly, and sank back into your chair. “The majority of them keep quiet,” you admitted, eventually, too quiet for the rest of the table, but you knew Spock could hear you. “My mother left.”
“Fascinating.” Spock tilted his head, curiously. “What’s fascinating?” Jim demanded, eyes flicking between the two of you. “What did you say?” “My mother was telepathic.” You picked awkwardly at your lunch. “That’s why she left Romulus.” “Are you telepathic?” Uhura inquired, as Bones delighted over Spock being wrong for once. “Strangely, yeah,” you huffed, rubbing the back of your neck. “My Dad’s side, though almost entirely human, had a weird kind of run in with Betazoids in a few of my great-great-grandfather’s many affairs. We’ve never really been sure who was whose kid, but I had a DNA test and apparently Dad passed on the Beta genes. That made me extra-receptive to telepathic genes – with and without touch. I shield all the time, don’t worry! I’m not reading anyone’s mind.” “Woah wait I’ve been kissing a telepath for three years without knowing it?” Jim interjected, incredulously. You winced, finally looking over at him apologetically, but finding only blatant amusement in his blue eyes. “Is this why you always beat me at chess?” “You are currently on an eight match winning streak,” you pointed out, not even trying to keep the relief from your voice. “And since you don’t plan your strategy ahead anyway, what would be the point of reading your mind?” He grinned, and threw an arm over your shoulders. “Hang on, hang on,” Bones interrupted the peaceful moment, yet again. “More important than your bloody chess, does this mean you’re gonna have to do the bonding shit if you ever want to get married?” “Thinking ahead as always, Bones.” Jim rolled his eyes. “Bonding is not part of Romulan culture,” you answered, simply, “And I’m not exactly the epitome of Romulan culture anyway. I theoretically could bond or mind meld with someone, but I don’t need to any further than humans bond.”
“Fascinating,” Spock repeated. “You don’t need any of the telepathic connections Vulcans require from infancy?” “Not in the sense of “bonding” in the Vulcan manner. We form them naturally, the same way humans do.” The whole table stared at you, blankly. “Humans don’t form telepathic bonds,” Bones pointed out, eventually. You blinked. “Of course you do,” you frowned, folding your arms. “They aren’t as strong as those of psionic species, obviously, but natural ties form between the minds of close humans. Friends, family, crew members. You can’t communicate with one another, or even detect them, necessarily, but they contribute to your intuition, interpersonal connection, and emotional responses. Have you not experienced this phenomenon, Spock?” “I made the assumption that the formation of a bond was unique to the combination of psionic and psi-null individuals,” he mused, placidly. “Although, given the nature of Vulcan bonding, they did not form spontaneously, possibly due to my shields, but were easily cemented through conscious bonding.” “So you’re telling me the reason I can tell when Jim’s being an idiot–” Jim opened his mouth to protest, but shut it pretty quickly when Bones shot him a glare. “–is because we have a telepathic bond?” “Well, it’s not necessarily telepathic in the connotative sense we use it, but following the strict definition of telepathy as ‘a communication by means other than the known senses’, then yeah.” Bones hummed, thoughtfully, though he didn’t look convinced. “And I’m not an idiot!” Jim grumbled, as you all stood to start your shift. Bones scoffed, but refrained from commenting.
“What do you mean we’ve lost contact?” Sulu sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “That asteroid storm is travelling 30m/second and if we don’t move now it’s going to hit the ship as well as the planet!” “We need to get out of orbit,” you pointed out, voice calmer than you felt. “Ze storm is producing an unprecedented amount of electromagnetic energy, sir,” Chekov added, from the scanner, “If ze ship is hit, zere will be interference with the working of ze warp core and engine.” “We can’t just leave them all down there!” Sulu protested. “That’s not what I was suggesting.” The ship lurched against an incoming wave of electromagnetic energy again, and Sulu sprang from the Captain’s chair to take over the helm from the petty officer who’d replaced him. “You have the conn,” he instructed you, taking his usual seat. “What are you planning?” “Scotty!” You crossed the room and pressed the comm on the Captain’s chair. “Wha’ can I do fer ya?” His voice was strained, but the familiar lilt was reassuring nonetheless. “I need you to try and diffuse the electromagnetic interference well enough to manage long-distance transport. I’m sending Chekov down.” Chekov stood and made his way to the turbo lift quickly. “Aye. I cannae make any promises, lass, but we’ll try.” You could hear him already tinkering in the background. “That’s all I can ask, Mr Scott,” you smiled, warmly, flicking off the comm. “Sulu, I need you to move us into orbit around the second moon.” “Aye.” He programmed the console expertly as you folded your legs into the Captain’s chair, sitting criss-cross and watching the ship turn away from the planet. “Ensign Taylor, continue trying to make contact with the landing party,” you instructed the young comms officer. He nodded, turning back to his console, and you straightened your posture in the Captain’s chair, reaching into the depths of your mind to pull out your bond with Jim.
“Nothing,” Uhura sighed, again, snapping her comm closed. “Captain, we’re completely out of contact.” “There is an unusual amount of electromagnetic interference which is not constituted by the planet’s atmosphere, Captain,” Spock informed him, tricorder beeping in his hands. “Electromagnetic storms are rarely planetary,” Jim pointed out, scanning the dry, flat landscape around them. “Uhura, keep trying.” You pulled at the back of his mind, and he frowned, scrutinising the empty landscape once again. –Not there, in here, idiot! – you snapped, pulling at him once again. –James Tiberius Kirk, I swear– –(Y/N)?– You visibly relaxed, breathing a sigh of relief that had Sulu raising an eyebrow as he finalised the orbit. –Anything high near you? Convenient mountain? Heck, even a boulder?– you questioned, brusquely. –We’ve had to leave orbit- – “You what?” He didn’t realise he’d said it out loud until Spock looked up from his tricorder. Uhura had already noticed his sudden silence and was watching him curiously. –Say hi to Spock and Uhura from me– you laughed, feeling him sigh. –There’s an asteroid storm headed your way, it was going to hit the ship. It’s producing a weird amount of electromagnetic radiation which is interfering with our comms - and our transporters. Chekov, Jaylah, and Scotty are working on beaming you up. I’ve gotta go, we’ve got a scanner alert coming in. Just shout if you need me. Mentally, of course, wouldn’t want to damage Spock’s sensitive ears– “Well, apparently the source of our problems is an asteroid storm.” Jim refocused on his companions, noting somewhat more disappointedly that there was no cover on this stupid planet. “Asteroid storms do not typically produce significant electromagnetic radiation.” Spock tilted his head, as close to a frown as ever. “Scans show that the electromagnetic radiation is emanating from a generator in the centre of the asteroid storm,” the petty officer – Hanson – explained. “That generator can only be artificial, but there are no known species this far out that are technologically capable of producing it. The closest society capable of that would be–” “–Romulus,” you finished, grimly. Her ponytail bounced as she nodded. “I just love family reunions.”
#jim kirk x reader#romulus#romulans#spock#uhura#s'chn t'gai spock#leonard mccoy#leonard bones mccoy#mccoy#nyota uhura#james t kirk#james tiberius kirk#jim kirk#star trek#star trek aos#chekov#montgomery scott#jaylah#scotty#pavel chekov#sulu#hikaru sulu#aos
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You’re having my baby || James T. Kirk ||
Prompts: ‘I’m… going to be a dad/mom?
‘okay i just want to say that, yes, i have gained some weight… but it’s because i’m pregnant…’
❛ so… do you know… what breast milk tastes like? ❜
‘the little one is quite active today’
‘ew, my stretch marks are so gross…’
Warnings: Swears, Death {not really} hinted at sex, blood cause child birth

Dating James Tiberius Kirk was something you never thought would happen.Your meeting was a fluke he happened to stumble into the Med Bey and being the only person in their you were the one to treat the mans broken nose and after that you two became good friends and part of his and Bones little group.
Though it didn’t stop him from hitting on you of course but you did your best to resist the mans advances. He was handsome but you were t intending on getting your heart broken.
It took the events with Nero and nearly dying on the Enterprise for you to fully realize your feelings and it seemed James felt the same way judging by the kiss he gave you.
And now two years later you were a nurse working under one of the best doctors, not to mention being engaged to the best Captains but that was just your own thoughts.

Frowning you glanced at the full length mirror, you knew you were gaining wait but part of you chalked it up to the food you were eating but it was no question to you now....you were pregnant.
“God how is James going to take this?”
“How am I gonna take what.” Sauntering into the room James gave you a large grin, wrapping his arms around your waist he placed a small kiss to the nape of your neck.
“Hmm you didn’t have to get naked for little old me.” Giving you a teasing grin you just rolled your eyes giving him a small nudged.
“Do you always have sex on your brain.”
“Only when it comes to you.” Wiggling his brows you let out a laugh though the man turned serious as he placed his hands on your hips. “Now what’s wrong.”
Taking a deep breath you placed your hands on his chest, your fingers clutching his golden shirt.
‘okay i just want to say that, yes, i have gained some weight”
James gave you a broad grin as he squeezed your hips. “Oh yes I can tell and can I say that it’s fucking hot.”
Rolling your eyes you pinched James cheek. “James!”
“Alright Alright I’ll stop now you were saying.”
Right well as I was saying before about me gaining weight but it’s because i’m pregnant…’
That seemed to shock the man, judging by the look on his face.
Frowning you were starting to feel uneasy until a smile bloomed on James face.
“I’m… going to be a dad?”
Looking down he then lifted you up as he peppered kisses across your cheek. “I’m gonna be a dad! Haha!!! I gotta tell the others.”
Grinning he placed you down then cupped your cheeks. Giving you a kiss he then pulled back, letting his thumb glide across your cheek he shook his head.
“I love you...now stay here.” Still Smiling Jim rushed out of the cabin intending on telling Spock and the others the good news.
Watching him go you rubbed your stomach gently, it seemed nothing could ruin your happiness...That was until Khan came along.

“W-What do you mean he’s gone! Spock answer me! Tell me where Jim is!! Damn it why aren’t you answering me.!”
You didn’t understand why know one was telling you anything. Placing your hand on the small bump you watched Spock lower his head, the man doing his best to hide his emotions but failing.
“I am sorry to inform you.”
“But James Tiberius Kirk is dead.”
“No! You’re wrong James not!! He can’t be! I don’t believe you.”
Blinking back the tears you rushed off to the med bay.
Stepping into the medical room you broke down seeing your fiancé lying motionless on a gurney. Breaking down you slowly moved to his body. Letting your fingers run down his cheek you then rested your head on his chest crying clinging to his shirt.
“You idiot! You weren’t supposed to leave me alone...why.” Closing your eyes you had to stifle your sobs though everything happened so fast.
Bones was shouting for a cryotube, you didn’t even remember getting pulled away from the man though you do remember blacking out thanks to all the stress.
You came too a smiling Bones and the news that James as alive.

Now you were five months along and the man couldn’t be happier, standing behind you with a proud grin as Bones examined you.
“See what did I tell ya Bones! He’s gonna he just like his old man.”
Rolling his eyes the man was to busy watching the screen to give any mind to what his Captain was saying.
Though you let out a small laugh feeling the baby kick, James beaming seeing how active the baby was being.
Shaking his head Bones wipes the gel off of your stomach.
“the little one is quite active today” He then patted Jim’s shoulder giving the mans a teasing grin. “God help us” the man joked.
Though it was James turn to roll his eyes as he helped you off the bed. “Funny”
Letting his arms wrap around your waist he started to lead you back to the room you shared.
“So beautiful I gotta ask you a question.”
Humming you placed your hands on his chest though your fingers clutched the edge of his pants.
“What is it ?”
“so… do you know… what breast milk tastes like?”
“What?! I want to know.”
“I don’t want to hear this! I mean my stretch marks are so gross…”
“Y/n you’ve got to be kidding! You’re hot...super hot since you’re carrying my kid.” Giving you a cheeky smile Jim then gave your ass a squeeze.
Letting out a gasp you bit your lip then gave him a grin as you ran your fingers over his chest. “Hmm that’s not fair making a pregnant woman all hot and bothered.”
“It’s what I do best.”
“Hmm that so? I really want you to fuck me James.”
Giving you a grin James lifted you up as he carried you off to the bed.
“Who am I to say no to my girl.”

Screaming...that was the only thing going through James mind. He didn’t register the pain in his hand, he was to busy worrying about you.
“Uh Bones...should that...I mean that’s a lot of blood.”
Stomach churning the mans cheeks paled as you let out another cry. Shaking his head he turned his attention back to you, rubbing your back gently he pressed a kiss to your head.
“That’s it...you’re doing great baby.....just a few more pushes and our little boy will be here.”
Letting out a shaky laugh you gave a final push before collapsing on the bed, breathing heavily you smiled hearing your son cry.
Giving your forehead a kiss Jim waited for Bones to clean off his son and once the man was done taking care of you he watched his friend place the baby in your arms.
“Look how cute he is...he sure gonna raise hell.”
“I hope not James but your son will certainly have some help.”
Looking up James laughed shaking his head. “Spock!
Stepping into the room Spock gave Jim a smile as Scotty and Uhura followed the half Vulcan.
“Congratulations Jim and y/n....its nice to see another crew member .” The woman smiled as she looked down at the sleeping bundle.
“What did ya name the little lad.” Scotty chimed in.
Looking at you James game you a smile. “We thought..we’re naming him after Pike.”
Clearing out your throat you glanced at Jim’s adjusting the baby. “It’s perfect”
#drabbles#drabble#james t kirk#james tiberius kirk#james kirk#james kirk x reader#star trek into darkness
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Fallin’ For You. [Jim Kirk x Reader]
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader.
Summary: Jim and you were high-school sweethearts. You two went through it all together. His rebellious phase, life’s ups and downs at the time. But, one day, you abruptly left. Leaving Jim. What happens when the two of you meet years later? Will you both stay or will you both leave?
Warning: Maybe, language? Does s*** count? angst, but fluff too!
A/N: The fic’s based on a song, called Fallin’ For You by Colbie Caillat! Also, i haven’t edited it so, i’m sorry for any errors in advance!
I don't know
But I think I may be fallin' for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should keep this to myself
Waiting 'til I know you better
You and Jim had met in highschool. It was just as cheesy as anyone would imagine. Sweet, first love.
You had walked in just in time for your first day. Swearing, you climbed off of your motorcycle. Rushing in, you bumped into someone and fell flat on your rear.
“Whoa, there. You okay?”
Your breath hitched the moment you eyes connected with his gorgeous blue ones. They were full of concern and curiosity. That’s when you noticed his extended hand.
You took his hand, got up, dusted yourself and spoke, “Yeah, sorry, i’m almost late. It’s the first day.”
Jim’s heart was thundering, as he took in your beauty.
He shrugged, “I’m always late.”
You chuckled, “Let’s try not to add another one to streak then, shall we?”
I am trying, not to tell you
But I want to,
I'm scared of what you'll say
And so I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of holding this inside my head
You sighed at the state of Jim as he opened the door. He just rolled in eyes and let you in. You gently touched his face, tilting it to see the cuts.
You mumbled, “Please, let me patch you up.”
He softly swatted your hand away, “Why are you here, Y/N. Just go.”
Your lip twitched, “For you.”
“Oh, not on behalf of your father?”
“I can’t help that my dad’s the Police Chief. Come on, those look bad.”
He reluctantly nodded, “Under the sink.”
You fetched the supplies and started dabbing at the wounds.
“Won’t you ask me why I did it? Why I do it?”
You just shook you head and started bandaging the cuts. You felt him stop you. Looking into his bright blue eyes, you felt your heart break for Jim. All you could see was pain, anger and...fear.
“I always get in trouble with the law, Y/N. You’re telling me you don’t wanna know why?”
You smiled sadly, “No. All I care about is you.”
Jim’s lips came crashing down on yours. He could feel you reassuring him, it just made him want more.
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
You pulled up to the school and pulled your key out of the ignition. You looked around and spotted him. His messy blonde hair was hard to miss. Jim was joking around with his tight knit group of friends, smirking and laughing once in a while. He must have felt your gaze on him, as he turned around to see you. You would never forget the way his face lit up. And Jim would never forget the smile growing in your face.
You held up the coffee cups as he made his way to you. His lip twitched up, as he took it from you.
“Thank you, starlight.”
“Oh, you’re welcome, astronaut.”
You spent the few minutes you had talking, laughing and flirting. It had been 2 years since you both became official. Time had gone so fast, yet you remembered every small detail.
You gasped, “Penguins deserve the world! They are sweetest, cutest and the most badass when provoked!”
Jim laughed, “You just described yourself!” But soon, his eyes went wide, “Okay, okay, but have you seen Flamingos? I mean, they have so much to unbox! Their neck, their legs, their absolutely ridiculous colour!”
Nodding, you put a finger to you chin, “The only thing these two have in common is-!” And, you faltered, “....Oh my god, they have nothing in common.”
Jim and you burst laughing so hard you couldn’t breathe. Jim snorted, which made you laugh even more. As things, calmed down, you wrapped your hands around his neck. Jim’s snaked around your waist. Yet, you could see him holding back his laughter.
“I love you, Y/N. You really are my starlight.”
“I love you too, Jim. Happy 2 year anniversary.”
As I'm standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
The tears were flowing freely on your face. You clenched you jaw, willing them to stop but they never did. You let out a strangled cry. You knew you couldn’t ride like this and shakily pulled up. The minute you got off, you collapsed to your knees. Your head pounded, and you heart felt like it had been ripped out. Full of guilt, you took deep breaths, trying your best to compose yourself. Your phone ringed.
“Hey, Dad. Yeah, I’m out of town. I’m reaching the airport in 5. Yeah, yeah, i’m fine.”
Meanwhile, Jim raised his hand to knock on your door. But then, the huge padlock caught his eyes. His breath halted. Shaking, he ghosted his fingers above it. He ran to your neighbour, banging on the door. An old lady, opened the door, smiling sweetly at Kirk. Her smile fell when she saw him clench his jaw, clearly holding back tears.
“The Y/L/Ns. There’s a-a padlock on their door. Whe-Where did they- Y/N- What..?”
She smiled sadly, “You must be the Jim Y/N talked about. Sweetie, they just moved away. Like 30 minutes ago, they packed their bags and went off to the airport. Didn’t say the reason.”
Jim knew he was hyperventilating by now. He just couldn’t understand it. He could register the old lady reach for something behind the door.
“She asked me to give these to you.”
He looked down and felt his heart breaking more. If that was possible. He slowly plucked the photographs of the two of you from her hands. She smiled sadly at him and said something but, all Jim could focus on was you. You had left.
He walked away briskly, running a hand through his lock. He just didn’t make it far before he let out a strangled scream. He took out his anger on the printed memories of you two. Tearing, and ripping. But then, his emotions hit him like a train. He loved you, and you were gone, just like any other person in his life.
Here in silence
It's just you and me
I am trying not to tell you
But I want to
You rested your head against the window, staring at the clouds outside. Your mind was a mess. Just like your heart. You clenched your fists, and shut your eyes tightly, as memories flooded you. The first time you two said the three words.
“You are the last person I expected a lecture from!”
“This isn’t a lecture, Jim! I’m just trying to help.”
He yelled again, “That’s what everyone says! You’re just trying to fix me when I’m not even broken!”
You pleaded, reaching out for him, “I’m not, Jim! I just want you to follow what your heart wants! And I know you well enough to know this isn’t it.”
He scoffed, “You do not know me! I know you’re tired of all this you have to put up with! So why don’t you just leave!”
“I won’t leave because I love you!” Your voice soon turned into a whisper, “I love you, and I’m fighting for you! For us! So please, Jim, fight for yourself, too...”
You sniffed, shaking your head and clutching your jacket. Jim took huge strides towards you. He couldn’t believe that someone like you loved someone like you. He caressed your cheek and ran his hand through your hair. You stroke his bicep and looked up at him.
Jim squeaked, “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean any of it. I’m scared. I’m scared because I’m in love with you, too.”
You kissed his forehead, and ran your hands through his hair, “Then, we’ll get through this together.”
I'm scared of what you'll say
And so I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of holding this inside my head
The club was packed. So many people were on the dance floor, just grinding into each other. Jim was one of them. His hands were on the waist of some alien girl as they swayed. It had been months since you left, and yet, Jim couldn’t let you go. You were a constant at the back of his mind. He tried to bury it. And, here he was, a playboy, someone who just wants to have sex. He wouldn’t accept it but he knew.
He was trying to find you in other women.
He also knew he wouldn’t get you.
It didn’t stop him. He just never got attached or developed feelings. He hated you. Or that’s what he said to himself.
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
Jim pushed the glass door open and stepped into the office, “Sir, can I know why me and my crew are docked right now? And, about this classified mission?”
The Admiral smiled softly, “Ofcourse, Captain Kirk. You’ll be working with MACO. Specifically, a Major. As soon as she arrives-“
You growled, entering, “Admiral, I might torpedo someone. My team and I-“
Jim’s heart stopped.
No. It couldn’t be her. That voice still haunted me in my dreams. I whipped around and instantly regretted it. It really was her. She stood there just as surprised as me.
You felt like you were a deer caught in headlights. All the memories of the past that you tried to push under the carpet bubbled up. You heart screamed in pain. Those electric blue eyes. They were burning holes in you. Yet, you cleared your throat, and walked up to the Admiral.
You felt your throat constrict as you shut your eyes tightly, willing yourself to focus, till you could no longer feel his eyes. You walked towards the table.
The Admiral motioned to you, with his eyes on Jim, “Captain Kirk, this is Major Y/N Y/L/N. Military Assault Command Operations. MACO for short.”
This time he looked at you, “Major, this is Captain Jim Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. A science vessel.”
You deadpanned, “Captain.”
He growled, “Major.”
You spoke, “Sir, why are making two ends meet? Military and Science?”
He sighed, “We need you to infiltrate a rebel base. But, they have something that belongs to Starfleet. That’s where the Enterprise comes in. You, Y/L/N, need to help secure the base and the rebels. Arrest them. And Captain, you need to secure the various experiments. The official briefing is in an hour. Gather your crew.”
briefing is in an hour. Gather your crew.”
Jim started, “With due respect, sir-“
His cut-throat tone made you gulp, “I don’t care what personal history you have with each other. I need this job done. And done by the best of the departments. So, talk it out.”
You nodded, “Affirmative, sir.”
He walked away, leaving the two of you behind.
You cleared your throat and asked, “How have you been?”
He replied, “Major, we have work-“
You sighed, rubbing your forehead, “We both need to focus on this mission, Kirk. The only way is to-“
He cut in, “-Ignore it. Alright? I don’t care.”
Sighing, you nodded, “Alright, Captain. See you then.”
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
Oh, I just can't take it
Jim moved through the crowds and you tagged along. There was tension between the two of you. Anyone passing by could see that easily. Suddenly, you arrived at the Bridge.
Jim cleared his throat, “This is Commander Spock. My second-in-command.”
The Vulcan shook your hand politely, “Hello, Major Y/L/N. Good Afternoon.”
You chuckled “I just smacked myself in the face picking up my comm. It really is a good afternoon.”
Spock rose his eyebrow, but smirked.
Kirk spoke, “We’ll head to the Medbay then.”
You could feel it. The tension. In the turbolift, whenever you walked together. Every time, and your guilt just got worse and worse. After what seemed like eternities, you arrived at your destination.
Once again, Jim introduced you to a blue shirt, “Bones. This is Major Y/N Y/L/N. Major, this is CMO Leonard McCoy.”
“Call me Bones, love. Everyone does.”
You drew out the word, “Okay.” Suddenly your eyes fell on the ball of fluff sitting on the table, “Oh my god, awe!”
Bones gaze floated to what caught your attention, “A tribble? Their only two purposes in life appear to be to eat and to reproduce.”
“Just like humans.”
He chuckled and turned to Jim, “I like her.”
“We should get going. Gonna hit warp in 10.”
You grimaced at Jim’s tone, “Alright, Captain. I’ll be at the bridge in 20.”
At this point, Leonard knew something was wrong. He stopped his best friend and grabbed his shoulder, “Hey, Jim-“
Jim’s voice was full of irritation. And hurt. “Can this wait, Bones?”
Hesitantly, he nodded, “Okay. Yeah.”
The same day, Jim spilled all the secrets to his best friend. Bones.
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spilling out
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
A few days later.
Jim sighed, “Can i just...undo that?”
Bones deadpanned, “Nope.”
“Oh man, cause that was embarrassing as hell.”
Spock walked in on the two. Raising his eyebrow, he questioned, “You’re not sober, are you?”
Bones groaned, “I’m reasonably functional.”
The Captain spoke, “That’s a no.”
soon, the two broke into a laughing fit as The Vulcan’s gaze rose to you.
You were currently sitting on top of the counter Jim and Bones were leaning against. He could see amusement dancing in your eyes.
He gave you a pointed look, “Aren’t you gonna do something?”
“I’m paid to protect y’all from various aliens and abuse from any and everyone, not your own stupidity.”
Jim giggled, poking your side, “You’re the best bodyguard ever.”
Spock rolled his eyes and went out the door. You almost saw him smile at you lot.
Bones grinned, “This is gonna be controversial and debatable, but that went well.”
Now the three of you were laughing and wheezing.
The next morning, you expected the two men to be much, much more hungover than you. The reason being that you could hold your alcohol. Striding inside the Medbay, you were ready to pick on Jim and Bones for their killer headaches but, you instead found them chatting. Normally, may you add. You could hear supplies being one of the topics.
Apparently, the two had noticed your shock filled expression as the realisation dawned on them.
Jim smirked at you then turned back to Bones and spoke loud, so that you could hear, “She thought she’s special just cause she can hold her alcohol.”
Coming up beside him, you smacked his shoulder. Bones smiled and shook his head. He had to accept the fact that he had grown close to you. He saw you as his little sister. A little sister who could kick any and everyone’s ass. Jim had told him the history between the two of you on the first day. Hence, he had been sceptical about you. But, slowly and steadily, he grew to admire and respect you.
The way you would coo to a tribble. All little things added up. And he could see in Jim’s eyes, that he could see them too. Just from a different perspective.
He could see the love and hurt flashing in his eyes. Battling and debating. Bones just hoped Jim would figure it out. For both of your sake.
You hummed, “In my defence, we finished an entire bottle of whiskey.”
You were glad that things were working out on the Enterprise. For you, and for everyone. The first few days were bumpy but soon, you grew warm towards all the members of Jim’s crew. And by a miracle, even Jim himself. You knew he had not forgotten and he hadn’t forgiven. But, right now, all you both wanted to do was to push the elephant away. As far away and for long.
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
Jim muttered to himself, refreshing his padd over and over again, “What the hell?”
When he realised what was actually happening, he sprinted off towards your room.
Meanwhile, you were packing your uniforms and belongings in a suitcase. Folding and stuffing repeatedly. You felt a sick feeling at the bottom of your stomach. You didn’t want to leave. Suddenly, your doors opened. And in walked the gorgeously blue-eyed man.
“Hey, J-“
He stated coldly, “You’re leaving.”
You took in a deep breathe, “My job’s done. I have-“
His voice raised, as he scoffed, “There you go again with the same crap to justify your shitty actions!”
You gaped at him, “Where is this coming from?”
He snorted, “Oh, ofcourse you’re gonna play dumb about it. Just like you have all these days!”
This time, you yelled, “You don’t understand Jim! You never will!”
“You didn’t even help me try to, Y/N! You don’t get to blame me!”
Instantly the anger vanished, “I’m not-“
“Neither do you have the right to be jealous when I flirt with someone else!”
You stared at him like a deer in the headlights.
He just scoffed to your reaction, “Yeah, I’ve seen it. You don’t have the right to, after all this time!”
He ran a shaky hand through his hair and pointed to you, “You don’t have the right to stroll up to me and my crew and pretend we’re friends! Cause let me make you clear we aren’t! We are far from friends or more!”
You were in the verge of tears by now, “I’m not pretending! I’m trying to make amends! I’m try to make amends for leaving! For abandoning you! I am trying to get out of this web of lies I’ve spun!” You sighed in frustration and turned away from him, “Till this day, I regret what I did! I loved you, Jim! I had to choose between us and my goddamn life!”
Jim froze at that. All his rage vanished, as the realisation slowly started creeping in, “What do you mean your life?”
You just growled at your helplessness in the situation, “I am sorry.” Leaning on your wall, you back was towards him. Your voice broke, “I know it won’t help but i broke just as much as you did, when I left.”
Suddenly, he turned cold again, “You wouldn’t know anything about that.”
You scoffed at him in disbelief. Tears were steaming down your face freely now but you didn’t care. Yet again, your voice rose, “You tell me what I was supposed to do after witnessing a murder! You think Witness Protection was my idea?! That maniac almost killed me and my family! I went for MACO because that’s the only reason I could live my life freely and protect my family! You weren’t there when I called your home, Jim! You had left for Starfleet! I wasn’t gonna take that away from you!”
The pair of you went rigid at your confession.
Million thoughts were running around your head. You didn’t want this to happen. God, no. You wanted, you needed to protect him. Yet, here you were, you secret out. Shaking your head, you composed yourself and sniffed, “I need to go. The shuttle’s waiting.”
He watched you go. The doors shut. That’s when it all dawned on him. The reality of the situation. The hurt, the pain, the anger of it. Once again, he ran. He ran towards you. He ran towards the woman he loved and will always love. He ran to get you back.
Jim caught your wrists and turned you around, not letting go of your hands, “I don’t want you to go. I don’t want to let you go. I never stopped loving you, Y/N. I never will. You’re my first and last, Y/L/N. Don’t let go.”
Never before had you even considered this happening. But, it was happening.
Jim didn’t hate you. Not at all. The reality was the exact opposite of what you had been thinking.
Gasping, you tore his your hands away from his and pressed them against his cheeks. Pulling him towards you, you connected your lips with his.
Nothing about the kiss had changed.
You still felt the exact same fireworks. You still felt the exact same love. So did Jim.
Pulling away, your whispered to him, afraid it wasn’t real, “I still love you too. God, I do. Last time, I didn’t have a choice, but this time I do. And, I choose you, Jim Kirk. I’ll choose you over and over and over.”
You never left after that. Not the Enterprise, not Jim, not your crew.
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
I think I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
Oh no no
Oh, I'm fallin' for ya
#jim kirk#jim kirk x reader#star trek#star trek aos#jim kirk aos#chris pine#bones mccoy#spock#james tiberius kirk
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