#james gunn is a genius i love that guy
maxwell-grant · 3 months
Any thoughts on the second Mr.Terrific?
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I like him quite a bit. I'm not super well read on the guy but he feels like a character Jonathan Hickman would have made a star out of by now if he worked for DC, or at least an extremely Hickman-esque set of ingredients. He is not just an omnicapable genius Great Man of science and technology with spiritual or emotional or moral blindspots, but an omnicapable-yet-compromised Great Man who defines himself around an ideal and statement of intent that can clash with the practical reality around him. He quite literally wears on his sleeve his own arc words to be repeated for emphasis.
And there is a bit of a tension in his composition also in that, he wears the most straightforward possible motto taken straight from a Golden Age guy, he's defined one of the purest distilled ideals a superhero can wear ever put on paper, and has an origin about him taking up superhero work as a newfound and sole meaning in his life, but he is not a traditional superhero, he is a Doc Savage kind of guy modeled after the heroes of the bastardverse across the street. Much of his origin is defined around the fact that he is just not operating on the same wavelength everyone else is. He is very much not a bastard, it is important that he isn't, but still, Batman would not get invited to the Illuminati, where as Michael might. He helped form a rip-off of it, even.
But to me he also feels like a character who still needs some work put into him to reach something really great. He's a guy with a killer design and a pretty good origin and sometimes occasionally a cool personality and generally is very useful to have around as a handyman gluing plots together, but who always seems to sit at a weird middleground between Reed Richards, Tony Stark, and Not-Batman that keeps him rather undefined. In his present state he is a plug-and-play character to explain plots as they happen, rather than the center of uniquely interesting things himself. He sits at a middleground now where he is too big to be street level, but he's not powerful or big enough to save the world on his own, so he's forced to fill out the stuff in between usually in mediocre spy or tech guy roles.
On the other hand, that malleability can also be a strong point to him, the fact that you can insert him anywhere from detective stories to scaled all the way up to managing a Justice League. He has legacy baggage but he is not a guy you really need to explain, you can put him in the big leagues and big stories and he explains himself as is. And it seems that people kinda get that he should be a bigger deal than he actually is, that he is open to bigger and better and more interesting things to be done with him, but there needs to be more put into it. He needs his own set-ups. He is a cool design and a cool guy and within those, really cool ideas waiting to happen.
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I have been really loving the set photos that have been coming out of James Gunn's Superman and particularly the ones with Mr.Terrific, it's making him click with me a bit more and I think the movie might be what pushes me to outright love him. Given Gunn's statement comparing Holt and the other heroes to workplace buddies, he just makes intuitive sense as a guy who does things with Superman at the weird sci-fi superhero job which they both have whether it's to knock asteroids out of orbit together or deal with runaway super dogs. There is a pretty lovely World's Finest kind of symmetry to them that I really hope to see expanded on.
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just-1other-nerd · 1 year
A few hours ago, I watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, and damn having that movie focused around Rocket and animal cruelty was genius, I got really emotional over this.
(Minor spoilers) Also, after more than 3 films, Rocket finally embraced being a raccoon, and Drax finally danced, I call that character development. I love Manits (she's one of my faves), and her character development is also so nice. One of my favourite jokes was when she made that guy fall in love with Drax.
I want a mini series of Peter and his grandpa just dealing with what happened, like Peter explaining what he's been up to and why he never came back and how he became a criminal, fought Thanos, is half celestial, has an alien half sister (who one time actually comes to visit) and his grandpa just being like wtf. And Peter catching up on what he's missed while he was in space (pop culture and stuff) and hanging out with other superheroes he met in the fight against Thanos. And something happening where he's got to be all badass and people just being like "who is this guy" and Peter is like "Oh come on, I saved the galaxy multiple times, how come people still don't know Star Lord".
Anyways it was funny as always, and it was fun too. I liked the action, and the soundtrack was fantastic (as expected). I'm a James Gunn fan, and this film proved me right.
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noel-fielding-web-page · 11 months
Can you name any celebs that you just can't include in the tops?
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It's not because I don't like them. It's just something between top 20 and outtops, so it's just impossible to include them anywhere. But I still luv them :)
+ David Tennant
This dude won me over when he was the host of the NMTB Doctor Who Special. He was very funny, plus handsome. He didn't become my favourite, but I still respect him :)
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+ Bobcat Goldthwait
American comedian, very interesting person. I've never knew him. But when I watched some videos with Noel's conversation with him, I found him so hillarious. They could be wonderful tandem with Noel together. I would be happy :)
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+ Robert Downey JR
Great actor and so lovely person. He playing serious brutal characters that very different from him in real life. In real life he's so smiling and adorable that's why I like him :)
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+Joan Jett
Thank Noel for letting me find out about this woman :D He's actually remind her in youth. I like her as character. But the music - not quite my style :)
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+ Roger Taylor (Queen)
Many people love Freddy Mercury. So, I'm one of the bastards who never liked him :D But Roger is wonderful. Look at this blonde. How not to love him :)
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+David Bowie
Very insperetional person. Sadly that he passed away. He was one of the style icons
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+ Jim Morrison
The Doors! One of my favourites! That means Jim is favourite singer! Classic never dies!
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+ Jared Leto
Stunning actor and singer! 30 Seconds To Mars is amazing band! :)
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+ John Cooper Clarke
I've never knew him before Never Mind The Buzzcocks! He's just genius guy! He's humour is better than of any typical stand up comic. True punk poetry! It's great respect :)
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+ Joe Lynn Turner
Great singer! I like Rainbow! Eternal classic!
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+ Yungblud
Young rock singer. I like him as a person. He strongly reminds Noel, I wasn't surprised at all that they become good friends :)
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+Ben Kowalewicz
It's a frontman of Billy Talent. He's a Polish born in Canada. I can't say that I'm big fan of this band, but still find this guys interesting and hilarious :)
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+ James Gunn
Maybe, not the best actor, but the great director :)
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+ Brandon Flowers
Beautiful singer from The Killers. I think, many people will agree with me that this band is cool :)
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+ Amanda Somerville
It's a symphonoc metal singer. I love her voice! Just awesome! :)
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+ Sergio Pizzorno
Kasabian and Loose Tapesties singer and just a good mate :)
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Thanks for asking :)
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grigori77 · 3 years
Reasons to love James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad
WARNING!!  Potential spoilers ahead for those who ain’t seen the movie yet!  Seriously, go see it or stream it or whatever, you guys need to watch it cold, you’ll get the best out of it that way.
Still with us?  Okay.
That ingenious, cheeky and thoroughly subversive deep-fake opening.
Oh, so THAT’S why they call him T.D.K.  (Also I couldn’t believe it when I discovered that that is NATHAN F£$%ING FILLION under that mask.  Oh, and Harley’s reaction is PRICELESS.)
The running gag of Harley and that javelin.
That title sequence (especially with the choice of music).
I would die for one (1) second generation Ratcatcher and her furry son, Sebastian.
Bloodsport being a genuinely believable morally conflicted antihero.
King Shark.  Just King Shark.
Amanda Waller really is the most straight-up evil bitch in the entire DCEU and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Wait, so they’re actually the rebels?  Whoops ...
Rick Flagg has actually been written as a genuine human being this time and not just Captain Exposition.
Peacemaker being an unapologetic solid gold douchebag from start to finish.
Harley single-handedly rescuing herself before the others have a chance and the spectacular bloodbath that ensues.  Also that reunion is PRICELESS.
Seriously, though.  James Gunn just GETS Harley f£$%ing Quinn.
Peter Capaldi’s casting as The Thinker was a stroke of genius.
Polka-Dot Man.  Just the Polka-Dot Man.
Cleo may have a f£$%ed up origin story but the fact that she had a perfectly healthy relationship with her father is GOLD.  (Not to mention the fact that he’s played by Taika Waititi in the flashbacks.)
Starro the Conqueror (derogatory).
That soundtrack is a classic James Gunn mess of eclectic choice.  There’s even some Pixies, which made me DIE of happiness.
Altogether it’s just a f£$%ing masterpiece.  This is as good as the DCEU has gotten to date, and between this and Birds of Prey we need WAY MORE of these ...
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some-lists · 4 years
Marvel Side Characters I Want to See More Of
Here’s a list of side characters I’d like to see more of in the MCU. These are characters that have mostly been in the background and have not gotten the screen time they deserve.
This does not include characters about to get their own Disney Plus series (no Bucky, Vision, etc.), because we will be seeing more of them.
10. Sif
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Sif was a great side character and a strong female warrior. The Dark World hinted at a love triangle between her, Thor, and Jane Foster. Then she disappeared and was never heard of again. I don’t miss the potential love triangle, but she was a cool character back when the only other female fighter was Black Widow. It would be nice to know what became of her. Valkyrie ultimately replaced her, but who says we can only have one strong female warrior per movie? It’s a stupid rule and I think she needs a comeback in the MCU. (Personally, I would’ve preferred her for a female Thor instead of Jane Foster.)
9. Nakia
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I didn’t want to include love interests on this list, but now due to the tragic death of Chadwick Boseman, we don’t know what will happen to Nakia. She was absent in Infinity War and Endgame, and I would’ve loved to see her fight in the big battle scenes. Will she appear in Black Panther 2? I hope they do not write her out along with T’Challa (assuming they don’t replace him with a new actor).
8. Bill Foster
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Bill Foster is far more likable than Hank Pym, IMO. He’s a fellow genius and a good man, who is occasionally willing to do morally ambiguous things to help someone he cares about. It’s actually a great parallel to Ant-Man himself. Laurence Fishburne was a welcome addition to the Ant-Man cast. The fools at The Matrix didn’t ask him back, and I hope Marvel doesn’t make the same mistake. More Laurence Fishburne in everything, please.
7. Maria Hill
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I seriously need to see more Maria Hill. She was great in The Avengers and The Winter Soldier, but we didn’t see her again until the end credits scene in Infinity War. That’s a huge gap! She never got a chance to show us what she’s got. Personally, I kinda wish they used her instead of Sharon Carter in Civil War (minus the weird kissing scene). She’s way cool, has played an important part in previous films, and I just felt more invested in her than Sharon. Now that Samuel L. Jackson has returned to the MCU after a long absence, I’d like to see Maria Hill return too. Not just a brief cameo here or there, but with a real job to do.
6. Ned
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Ned is Peter Parker’s loyal best friend. Jacob Batalon and Tom Holland have great chemistry together, and he’s super funny. Ned’s in on Peter’s secret identity and it makes it even funnier when has he has to cover for him. His one line in Infinity War is hilarious. I want to see more goofy buddy moments between Ned and Peter in future movies.
5. The Grandmaster
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The Grandmaster made his appearance in Thor: Ragnarok and I need to see more of him. Taika Waititi geniusly got Jeff Goldblum to essentially be himself, and it’s glorious. I don’t know if we’ll ever see him again, but he’s way too entertaining for just a one time appearance.
4. Luis
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I mentioned before that Drax was the funniest character in the MCU, but I might have to take that back. There isn’t a moment with Luis that isn’t absolutely hilarious. He asked Hope for a suit in Ant-Man and the Wasp and I think he should get one. Someone get this man a suit. Promote him. Just more screen time for this awesome character, please. Honestly, I think it would’ve been great if he had rescued Scott Lang from the Quantum Realm instead of some dumb rat. Can you imagine the 5 year recap he would’ve given Scott? Talk about perfect for this pandemic. It would’ve been too good.
3. Mantis
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I love Mantis. She’s such a unique and interesting character. She’s unlike anyone else in the MCU. She’s wonderfully weird, awkward, funny, and adorable. Her relationship with Drax is both hilarious and sweet. James Gunn has said he wants a Drax and Mantis Disney Plus series, and so do I. Those two are too interesting to toss aside. Especially since Mantis has only been in two films, there’s still so much room for her to grow. I’d like to see her awkwardly learn more about emotions and social interactions. Mostly, I’d like to see her feel her own emotions instead on feeling through another person. How would she handle her own feelings of sadness or anger? And how would her powers grow as well? Will she learn to use them more aggressively? There’s so much potential here.
2. Wong
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Wong is seriously underrated. He has the same awesome sorcery powers as Dr. Strange. Unfortunately, he’s stuck in a stoic Asian monk stereotype. He’s been sidelined in every film so far, and he deserves better. With Wanda scheduled to star in Doctor Strange 2, I fear Wong will be sidelined yet again. Benedict Wong is an incredible actor capable of so much more than what he’s been given. If you need proof, check out his performance as Kublai Khan in Marco Polo on Netflix. This guy should have Emmys. He has great chemistry with Benedict Cumberbatch and is funny in his brief moments. I think Wong deserves the chance to be fleshed out as a character instead of being designated the token Asian sidekick.
1. M’Baku
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Endgame left a lot of my questions about Wakanda post-Thanos’ snap unanswered. I wanted to know who took over while T’Challa was gone. We saw in Infinity War that both Okoye and M’Baku survived. I hoped it meant we’d be seeing more of them as they stepped up in his absence (perhaps that was the plan for Black Panther 2?). I was disappointed that neither had much of a presence in Endgame. M’Baku was a delightful surprise in Black Panther. He’s a formidable opponent to T’Challa, a powerful leader and warrior, but also crazy funny! I hope he has a much larger role in Black Panther 2.
Again, I don’t know what’s going to happen with that film now. It’s a sensitive subject at this time. I hope M’Baku will be utilized to preserve the traditions of Wakanda after whatever changes are made in that film. Especially since T’Challa was such an important, positive male figure for the black community, I hope M’Baku can rise up to fill that need as well.
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emptydisneyland · 4 years
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Empty Disneyland is back for National Superhero Day to celebrate the genius of ‘Mission Breakout’, James Gunn’s and Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ attraction at Disneyland! The thing I love most about Guardians of the Galaxy is that it's basically Star Wars, but with jerks. What's not to love about that? Who would've ever guessed that a movie starring a talking tree and a raccoon could be as much fun as The Avengers?
As usual, guys and girls, follow me here, and I will follow you back. Or follow me on Instagram linked up there at the top of the page, and I'll follow you there, too. Be strong, be safe, stay inside, and stay healthy! #WeAreGroot
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photoschmoto · 5 years
When I saw the previews for this movie, I knew I had to see it. It was plainly obvious that the writers took the idea of Superman and turned him evil. A whole slew of what-if’s presented itself in my mind. It was not an easy movie to digest. We’ve had 80+ years of the good alien guy who would never do anything that the protagonist does in this movie. Was this Zod’s spawn instead? Or Clark Kent gone bad, very baaaad?
Superhero Horror, a new thing
If you do love the superhero genre and are not tired of it, this is a must-watch film. Directed by (the Guardians of the Galaxy ) David Yarovesky and produced by James Gunn and Kenneth Huang. Writers Brian and Mark Gunn give us a unique expansion into this genre with ‘superhero horror’. Just be forewarned there are jarring moments and extremely gory scenes. The soundtrack aids in hammering home the darkness and a build-up of intensity as Brandon Breyer played by Jackson A. Dunn becomes more emboldened with each step into ultimate villainy.
[Spoilers from here on out!]
Programming: Nurture vs Nature
The question that first comes up is that despite all the good his adoptive earthly parent do in raising him, he still chooses the dark side. [Spoiler] He kills them without a signal drop of remorse. It is unclear to me whether he was programmed in his DNA towards evil (which would mean he can’t help himself) or whether the programming occurred during the journey to Earth and got activated upon him hitting puberty at 12 (which would mean there must be some good in him and he can feasibly be deprogrammed). I’m thinking if it’s the later, then the original programming is far superior to the earthly programming he got because it clearly takes over in the end.
More Questions
The age factor. It’s interesting how the writers go with the onslaught of puberty as the trigger for this kid. In the Superman mythos, Clark Kent gets called by holo-dad when he’s in high school and heads north to find out who he is and the reason he’s on Earth.
Brandon on the other hand stays put listening to the voices coming from the hidden spaceship in an alien tongue declaring that he should “Take the world!”. You add his diminutive stature where he looks more like an 8-year old, gets treated as such by constant babying by parents who don’t know how to parent it seems, and school bullies who tease his genius level intellect, well it’s a recipe that explodes with disaster for everybody.
You know, twelve year olds aren’t really known for maturity or rational responses to stressful situations so having superpowers would just naturally cause him to become conceited quick and reckless. He goes from disobedience to lying to murder to all-out destruction swiftly. He does think of himself superior to all and says so quite casually. The first time he realizes he has powers is during the lawnmower scene where out of frustration in getting the machine to start, he inadvertently flings it sending it flying across the field. When he comes upon the mower, he stares at the blades spinning, daring himself, he sticks his hand in only to see that he’s able to warp the blades.
Secret School Crush
Next up we get introduced to his secret school crush Caitlyn aka the Lana Lang. Unfortunately for her, Brandon pulverizes her hand and breaks her wrist. We see her later with a cast and he stalks her (kinda like Superman Returns all over again). There is no way her hand will ever be normal again. This interaction also brings into the whole ‘alien superhero romance with earth woman’ conundrum. You know if an older Brandon tries to get romantic physically, that chick is roadkill.
Speaking of roadkill, how Brandon kills his uncle is just gory. So gory. I won’t give away what happens but it was scenes like this one that left a hole in my soul watching them.
Bye Dad, C-Ya Mom!
By the time Brandon Breyer kills his dad, I’m like somebody needs to take this jerk out. If there is a sequel in the works, I’d love to see a superhero take BB out preferably Wonder Woman or Supergirl because you know Batman doesn’t stand a chance with this 12-year old. There is no Martha to stop the eventual carnage. He’d be burnt human toast in 5 seconds just like dad.
I can hear Nicholas Cage screaming out “Kryptonite” in his obnoxious, over-the-top manner that I love. Yep, the only other thing to take this monster down is his glowing-red, baby spaceship. De facto Kryptonite.  It’s the only thing that cuts him and makes him bleed as his mom finds out. Unfortunately, she is unable to do the deed herself and gets killed in probably one of THE MOST horrendous ways. Elizabeth Banks does a fantastic job of being the ‘Martha Kent’ here. She still believes in her ‘baby boy’ but baby boy (look at the arrogance in the pic below) gives absolutely zero f*cks.
We come to end of the movie, where we are treated to news clips of Brandon’s destruction and murder of humans around Brightburn, the small town in Kansas where this all takes place. He must have really hated living in that small town. Zany actor, Michael Rooker gives us a nice mock of A-l-e-x-J-o-n-e-s in the YouTube scene at the very end. Hilarious.
There is so much to pick apart and analyze with this but I’ll end it here.
Photoschmoto’s Rating: 5/5. Go see!
Brightburn takes the Superman mythos and flings it into the dark side. When I saw the previews for this movie, I knew I had to see it. It was plainly obvious that the writers took the idea of Superman and turned him evil.
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noconcernofyours · 5 years
5 Takeaways from Avengers: Endgame (WARNING: SPOILERS)
Here’s another one I didn’t really have a place to post, so it’s going up here. Hope you enjoy my Hot Takes™.
On Thursday I went down to my local cinema to watch Avengers: Endgame, the culmination of over a decade of continuous, intricate world-building and story-telling from the mind of Marvel Studios boss, Kevin Feige and co. This article is not a review of the movie. To be clear, I loved it and there are a million reasons why, but looking at it purely as a film doesn’t really make sense to me considering all of the factors that make Endgame more than just another Marvel movie.
Instead, here are five takeaways that I, as someone who has been seeing these films in the cinema since Iron Man released in 2008, have been sitting on since I walked out of the screening on Thursday night. WARNING: HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
1.    Sam Wilson is the perfect successor to Steve Rogers. Fight me.
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There are several major emotional themes that Endgame introduces throughout the film: parenthood, reconciliation, coping with one’s failures. But, as the film moves into its insanely climactic final battle sequence, a new theme starts to move to the front of the pack – a passing of the torch.
From Peter being the major emotional anchor of Tony Stark’s death scene to Captain Marvel mirroring Steve Rogers’ heroic yet futile act of holding Thanos’ hand open from Infinity War, and even to Hawkeye teaching his daughter to shoot a bow and arrow in the film’s emotionally fraught opening scene, there is a real sense that the most definitive way this film can wrap up the original team’s character arcs is by showing who is still there to take up their mantles.
I’ve seen a lot of angry takes complaining that Steve passed on the mantle of Captain America to Sam over Bucky. These takes… *clears throat*… are dead wrong. Bucky is just as out of time as Steve was, more so even, due to the amount of time he spent either in ice, or out of his mind. He’s also so unclear of his own identity that it makes no sense for him to adopt this mantle that is meant to be so clearly defined and inspiring, especially considering the amount of damage he’s done to the world. That same internal conflict is why Steve was so uncomfortable being Captain America for so long. The main argument, I guess, is that he has a closer relationship with Steve, but I would argue that this is an incorrect analysis of their relationship. One of the things clarified by the time travel sequence is how Steve’s relationship with Bucky wasn’t about friendship, or loneliness, but about one of the other themes of the film: failing to deal with one’s mistakes.
It makes so much more sense for Sam to take up the mantle because, arguably, he is Steve’s greatest achievement as Captain America. Steve’s deeds inspired Sam to act. His training made Sam, someone with no superpowers at all, a superhero and brought him to the highest echelons of the Avengers. He, like Steve, was a military volunteer, unlike Bucky who was drafted. And, like Steve, and perhaps most importantly, he doesn’t know how to exist without the next mission. Sam has been Captain America-in-waiting since his introduction in Winter Soldier.
2.    This film shouldn’t be nominated for best picture, but there are Oscar nominations that it does deserve
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This last Oscar season was incredibly long, taxing and discursively toxic. One of the narratives in various online forums was a sense of discontent that Black Panther was nominated for best picture over Infinity War. Now, despite the fact that I thoroughly disagree with that feeling – Black Panther is one of the most narratively and thematically powerful superhero movies ever released and Infinity War has a thoroughly unpleasant message of abuse=love – there will, without a doubt be an Oscar narrative surrounding this landmark movie.
Let me set the record straight here: Endgame, whilst being an incredibly important moment in cinema, a hugely emotional watching experience, and a massive technical achievement, is not best picture material. Why? It doesn’t stand on its own. Without the background of the rest of the MCU propping it up, it couldn’t achieve nearly as much of the emotional impact that it did. For the same reason, I don’t think Return of the King should have been a best picture winner either. Sue me. The film also has some tonal issues that prevent it from landing all the emotional punches that a best picture nominee should have.
That being said, there are elements of Endgame that deserve recognition from the academy, and they are thus:
Robert Downey Jr.’s gut-wrenching performance as Tony Stark
Honestly, it does feel like Downey’s been playing this character in his sleep since Age of Ultron, but not here. This, for me, is his strongest performance put to film, and that’s all down to an awareness of how this character has changed since his debut in 2008. His meltdown scene after he is rescued at the start of the film is masterfully frightening and sad, made all the more so by his CGI-facilitated emaciated state.
Alan Silvestri’s genius score
Alan Silvestri is an incredible film composer; this much is clear. While I loved his score for Infinity War, which was full of clever little twists on previously existing material, and stunning uses of silence, I did feel a little let down that some of the better leitmotifs from previous films weren’t utilised at all, particularly Captain America’s theme, which Silvestri wrote for The First Avenger back in 2011.
As of now, I understand why he made the decision to leave that out. It wasn’t studio interference, demanding overly aggressive aesthetic consistency. It was a choice made to enhance Steve’s character development. We haven’t heard Steve’s theme since Winter Soldier, because he hasn’t really been Captain America since that film. The moment in Endgame that brought me closest to ugly crying in the cinema was when Tony handed Cap back his shield, and we finally heard that theme again. Silvestri has been paying attention in a major way, and probably deserves a writing credit for every movie in which Steve Rogers has appeared since 2011 because of it. Thanos’ theme is terrifying and beautiful too. Give. This. Man. All. The. Awards.
3.    Guardians of the Galaxy needs a soft reboot, Ragnarok style
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I hate the Guardians. I hate all of them… well… except Gamora and Nebula, but the former was done dirty in Infinity War, and the latter pretty much finished her character arc in Endgame. All the other ones are either funny window dressing (Rocket, Groot, Mantis), or outright intolerable (Starlord, Drax). One thing that made me enjoy Endgame so much more than Infinity War, was that I didn’t have to watch the Guardians’ unbearable antics for the majority of the movie. It was a small reprieve from the dick jokes, backwards character development, unfunny temper tantrums and relentless stupidity.
The end of the film sets up the future involvement of Thor in the next Guardians movie. I hope to god that means they’ll bring Taika Waititi on board to help write the new movie with James Gunn. I’m glad Disney made the right decision to bring Gunn back after his premature dismissal, but after the catastrophe that was Guardians of the Galaxy, vol.2, and the negative impact the characters have had on Infinity War, I think someone with the creative instincts of Waititi needs to be brought on to help make these characters into people again. Thor joining the team is a chance to make that happen.
4.    Marvel did ScarJo dirty
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Ugh. Every member of the original team got a proper ending, except ScarJo, who got fridged. I’m a huge Hawkeye stan, but Black Widow should not have been tossed off (literally!) in order to develop his character in the way they did. To make matters worse, she doesn’t even get a funeral! Just a little nod at the end from the guy who she died to save. After everything that happened with Gamora in Infinity War, I can’t believe the Russo brothers, who did so much to develop this character in Winter Soldier, were okay with giving Black Widow a death that was not only meaningless, but so similar to the woman they killed in the last movie.
Come on!!!
5.    Endgame wrapped up 10 years of movies so perfectly that I don’t have to care what they do next anymore
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All that being said, it really doesn’t matter anymore, does it? Over the last few years, I’ve gotten increasingly frustrated with the MCU. With the exception of Black Panther and Ant-Man and the Wasp¸ every film in the series since Captain America: Civil War has been a bit of a let-down for me. I hated Guardians 2, I was left feeling a little empty after Ragnarok and Infinity War, and Spider-Man: Homecoming was the biggest disappointment in the entire series that came close to ruining the character for me.
What’s so special about Endgame, is that it so neatly and powerfully brings to a close the narrative arcs of (nearly) all of the characters I’ve cared about since the MCU’s beginning over a decade ago. It, surprisingly enough, is a legitimate jumping-off point. If I were so inclined, I could be content to never see a Marvel Studios film again because most of the threads I was invested in have been tied up.
It also seems unlikely that they’ll be building to a huge single-narrative conclusion for a long, long while. How could they? Endgame was a movie a decade in the making, and I suspect it’ll be another decade before they get to anything that could rival the emotional resonance of their latest achievement. What comes next will, undoubtedly, feel substantially different than what came before, and therefore, probably isn’t targeted at me or others in my position. If I fancy seeing a new Marvel film, I will, but I highly doubt that by skipping one I’m going to feel like I’m missing out in the same way I would have done if I’d missed any of the last 22 MCU movies.
The greatest gift Endgame has given me, is a way out of the vicious circle of Marvel movie discourse. I can rest now.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Suicide Squad: Joel Kinnaman Finds a “Stranger, Funnier” Side of Rick Flag
Joel Kinnaman has been on a hot streak since 2016’s Suicide Squad. He’s become a stalwart sci-fi action leading man, headlining the Netflix adaptation of Altered Carbon, Amazon Prime’s Hanna, and most recently, winning raves as For All Mankind’s Edward Baldwin. But all that time, Rick Flag was still hanging around, waiting for Kinnaman to come back. And with James Gunn taking the reins of the new sequel, The Suicide Squad, Kinnaman jumped at the chance to rejoin the Squad.
Playing one of only four returning characters, one would think that Joel Kinnaman would be carrying some benefits and some baggage into The Suicide Squad. As it turns out, that’s half right: as Kinnaman tells us in an interview, the camaraderie and chemistry with his returning castmates is there, but any baggage of carrying the first movie’s “plot donkey” forward was completely lifted from him by the new director’s tone and style. 
What was your journey with Rick Flag like between when the first film came out and when this one started shooting?
It was in this sort of no man’s land in a way. The first film was a big financial success, but I think we all agreed that the end result didn’t really add up to what we had hoped and set out to do.  This went through a couple of other directors that were interested in taking it on. But when James Gunn came on board, it got really real, real quick, and everyone realized what a great opportunity this was.
When I read James’ first draft…it just had everything that we always hoped that this franchise would be. It really had a sincere love for the characters, and it found some odd emotional depth in it. But at the same time, it was just really funny and silly. Every page made me laugh.
I felt maybe on the first movie, I was a little bit of a plot donkey. And here, it’s a much looser, stranger, funnier version of Rick Flag. The first conversations I had with James were how I didn’t really feel like I wanted to be constrained by what I did in the first film. I wanted to go at this almost looking at it as a new character. He was all for that. 
What do you see as Rick’s core as a character? 
[He’s] a guy who, the military is his family, and he grew up without parents. So, he is what he does. Of course, you have to find the pain and the emotional depth of any character that you’re going to do. I think over the course of this film…I can’t really spoil it too much, but if the military is his family, Rick Flag, over the course of this film, has a reckoning with his family.
You’re no stranger to action or science fiction, but how were those elements different in this film than the first, or other stuff that you’ve done? 
The scale on this is just on another level. Because it’s so heavily R-rated, you’re completely free to do whatever and say whatever you want. It just gives you complete free rein to explore this. It really is like a war movie at its center, with so much ridiculous silliness in the middle of all that. And then John Cena has a silver toilet seat on his head throughout the whole film, so you’re balancing a lot of different elements here.
Who in the cast do you feel brought out the best in you as a performer when you were working with them?
I definitely had some heavy stuff with John. That was really fun, and I loved his perverted mind at work. Everyone in this movie is fantastic. David Dastmalchian (Polka-Dot Man) is a remarkable actor and he taps into my Swedish sense of humor, where it’s all a little suicidal. It’s just the comedy of some really depressed, depraved person. Idris Elba is a phenomenal actor. Me and Margot Robbie always have fun. And also, Steve Agee, who played the physical aspect of King Shark. 
It’s a very rich cast. Everyone brought something, and it was very high level. Me, Idris, and Margot would talk, because I think we’re actors who come more from a dramatic corner of our profession, and we were paired with a lot of actors who maybe come more from the comedic side. It was a beautiful marriage.
I’ve never been asked to say things that ridiculous before, and I realized how difficult it can be. They make it look so easy. It’s really a very advanced art form…even more so being the straight man. It takes a lot of work just dialing that timing in, and it’s really helpful to be around these great comedic actors, but then also to have a director who has such a finely attuned sense of it. 
Who was the funniest person on set? 
I think it was clearly John. He kicked it up to another level. He’s a fucking comedic genius. He’s really funny and just the nicest guy.
James has said that the action in this movie is going to rely a lot on practical effects. Did you have any particularly challenging moments? How much gore were you covered in during the shooting?
There was quite a bit of gore, but then we also had these little, sort of Saving Private Ryan beach sequences, where it’s a full-on war, with shit blowing up left and right and we’re running through it. I haven’t really done that on that scale with that many extras before. When James said that he was making it a war movie, I didn’t really think he actually meant a war movie, so that was pretty cool.
Were you relieved to know that your costume was a lot less intricate than some of your costars?
Yeah. My makeup times were very easy. I’d pop in, and it probably took me like five minutes in makeup and costume. Margot’s just sitting there for two hours, with full body makeup. I’m shooting For All Mankind right now. In that one, I’m now feeling the three-hour makeup in the morning pain. So I’m paying it back on For All Mankind.
Which members of the Squad are Rick closest to in the film? And who gets on his nerves the most?
Well, actually in this one, Flag and Harley have become much closer, as you’ll see…and also with Captain Boomerang. They’re sort of like, OG Squad members now. I think everyone else, he’s constantly very suspicious of. 
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The Suicide Squad opens on Aug. 6 in theaters and HBO Max. 
Check out more on The Suicide Squad in the latest issue of Den of Geek!
The post The Suicide Squad: Joel Kinnaman Finds a “Stranger, Funnier” Side of Rick Flag appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3nrGOvq
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scottsumrners · 3 years
My favorite thing about DC getting Marvel's sloppy seconds, like Bendis, Spencer and Lobdell, is that they always catch the shitty writers.
When K. Vaughan dropped out (just to have his one true child the Runaways be ruined by Whedon) where was DC? Who ended up publishing Saga?
When Marjorie Liu was literally driven away from Marvel why did not DC got into their vulturing? Who ended up publishing Monstress?
Like, yes, Saga and Monstress are works that are meant better of on as indies but like...
Like, there is a reason why good, talented writers that end up winning Hugos and Eisners leave and do not get involved with them anymore meanwhile others are left and DC grabs them.
while in part i do think it is bc dc doesn't appreciate talent, it is also a lot to do with star power. they grabbed guys like joss whedon and james gunn et al because they were popular! sure, not the good kind of popular, but the popular that makes nerds talk. the kind that brings publicity. the ones where they can build a narrative of "see? marvel doesn't APPRECIATE these guys. but we LOVE talent and free speech!"
why else would they hire a man who was fired for, lest we forget, making 5 thousand tweets about molesting children, going to parties pedophilia-themed and talking about raping batgirl to make her straight? it isn't because the guy is a genius artist (he made guardians of the galaxy and scooby doo, for crying out loud). but because it would get people talking about it
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More commentary on GOTG Vol 2
Omg this scene has so much emotion in it, FANTASTIC JOB POM AND DAVE
Wow, Mantis could've just said Ego's plan then and there if Gamora never appeared
Rocket's a douche, I love him
Yondu's backstory I'm crying
"That was mostly Drax" This guy...i swear to god
Rocket: *steps into the light* Me: COME INTO THE SPOTLIGHT WHOO
I'm gonna kill every single one of these assholes for hurting Groot, HE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS NO DON'T POUR ALCOHOL ON HIM FUCKER NO DONT KICK ME AHHHHH MY CHILD
Rocket's face when he sees Groot like this hnnnnnnn my heart
Rocket's cringe face is a+++
That one guy sucking his thumb though, and there's also two guys hugging each other while they sleep
Babies are stupid
That running gag with the eye is the best, ALSO ROCKET'S LAUGH
The innocence Groot has on his face when he's holding the severed toe is the best
Yondu and Rocket the whole time when Groot is trying to get the fin "OHHH MY GODD I SWEAR TO G"
Groot getting the candy instead of the fin is so relatable
Rocket loves that music
Okay but like why weren't the guards there before???
When they're walking out of the cell, Rocket looks at Groot and his expression is like "look at my son go"
BADASS SLOW MO HALLWAY WALK SCENE other than the one from the first movie
Groot grabbing on to Yondu's ear though
They're having such a good time shooting people, Rocket really enjoys killing people
Rocket's so determined to save his friends, he cares about them so much even though he acts like a fucking jerk
I love how it goes from everybody screaming and chaos to a peaceful scene with some nice soul music
Peter and his Earth references, yes
Woah, this conversation went from like 1 to 50000 like wow that escalated quickly
"I thought you already had" OHHHHHH MY HEARTTTTTT
Gamora slicing the piece of wheat grass is me when I'm on my period
Oh shit it's a cyborg
Gamora's face when Nebula shows up is like "shit she escaped, shit I'm gonna die, shit something probably happened to rocket and Groot, ah fuck I might die"
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME" same Gamora, same
"And I just wanted a sister!" Oh god, there goes my tears
All the shit thanos did to her makes me wanna kill the purple grape even more
James Gunn's song choices for this movie is sooo well chosen, you are a genius
Okay but Peter wanting to make 80 foot statues of pacman, Skeletor, and Heather Locklear is me
Peter's face after he says "I'm gonna make some weird shit"
That must be a comfy ass bed, I want a bed like that
I can't believe that this dork that calls himself "Starlord" was immortal and a god this whole time
The music that plays when Ego touches Peter's forehead is amazing, excellent job Tyler Bates
"We need to get off of this planet..........AHHHHHHHHHH"
Groot throwing up is me
Holy hell, I wonder what Gamora thought when Mantis made her scared...
Ego has an ego
Yondu's face while walking is like "I'm gonna kill this planet motherfucker"
"You're right, we're family, we leave no one behind" OH MY LORD I LOVE THESE SPACE ASSHOLES SO MUCH
Ego, you done fucked up, asshole
Peter's face when Ego turns into Hasselhoff though...
Groot falls on his bottom while trying to be like his dad, falling down instead of climbing down the ladder
So what is the blue blob made out of, hot magma?
Groot waving at them though, precious child
"Uh, thank you, Rocket?"
"I AM GROOT!" "I'm not a raboon either!" "I am Groot!" "Raccoon whatever"
"You people have issues" Same rocket
But all the crazy control work that Rocket is doing while getting excited that their prices are gonna go up for being two time galaxy savers is amazing
"SOUP SOUP!" Why is kraglin me while listening to music
Kraglin's looking at the Sovereign ships coming in like "oh fuck"
Damn, Mantis is powerful as hell
Groot playing with the leaf on his arm is so cute
Groot is me whenever my dad tries to explain stuff to me
I like how Rocket tries to baby proof the darn bomb for his stupid child
THE FACE GROOT MAKES AFTER HE TAKES THE BOMB IS SO CUTE HE'S LIKE "I'm gonna do it and make my dad proud!"
The face Yondu makes when Nebula says "promises, promises" Though
Ayesha's hair is so pretty in this scene what
Gamer's general concern for Peter is so high, ADMIT THAT YOU LOVE HIMMM
Nebula wipes her nose during the 360 shot, just like the first movie when they're walking down that hallway
The fact that Nebula probably jumped after Gamora to save her makes my heart sing
Gonna continue in another posts whoops
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theepicwaffleman12 · 7 years
A More Proper Review of GOTG2
Oh, man. What a movie this was. First up, the music. I enjoyed the music in this film, it was very fitting, with awesome songs in fight scenes, and mellow songs in calm scenes. It just fit the mood so well. While I admit it's not as memorable as the first one, because, come on, you can't top Hooked on a Feeling, it still does have its moments like Mr. Blue Sky, Brandy, Surrender, etc. Overall, 4.8/5. Next, the characters. Spoilers follow, you've been warned. Okay, I love, love, love Baby Groot. He's adorable in every way and should be protected forever. And Teen Groot is even better. Space Dads and Mom are great too. They each get their own character development, and I love that. Rocket learns he's a bit like Yondu, Drax is teaching Mantis how to adapt to society, using things he learned from his family, Gamora lets go of her rivalry with Nebula, and Peter... Oh, Peter. You poor guy. Your mom was killed by your blood father who is evil and your surrogate father was protecting you all along. And you lost 2 dads in not even 10 minutes. Dang. That hurts. And as for Yondu, whoops, I mean Mary Poppins, what a badass. He stole his scenes in the movie, being a great dose of sorrow and laughter. I enjoyed his performance here, and it's a shame we won't see him again. Nebula's already cool, so not much to say about her. I'm glad she's not fighting with her sister and out to kill Space God with a Capital G. As for Ego, he's an irredeemable jackass who deserved everything he got to him. End of discussion. I liked the build-up to the reveal, though. Overall, for the characters, 10/5. Next, my favourite scenes. Can I not just say the whole movie? I mean, each scene is great in its own way. Action, drama, laughter, it's just so perfectly executed. I enjoyed the credits, both opening and ending, they were just so fun. But I really enjoyed the Ravager Funeral scene. It's just so beautiful, and heartbreaking, and UUUUGGGGHHHHH SO GOOOOOOOOOD. Overall, 20/5. The movie as a whole? (Ha, a-hole! :P) James Gunn, you genius. You absolute sheer fucking genius. You've done it again. There are so many comic book and movie references, callbacks, continuity nods, it's literally a perfect Marvel sequel. Stan Lee's cameo was great, the 5 end credits scenes were great, Howard the Duck deserves a second chance at a movie, and I can't wait for Volume 3. Overall, 9999999999999999/5. I cannot recommend this movie enough. It's so good the word good can't describe it anymore. Go watch it! PS: Show of hands, who cried at Mary Poppins' death? Because I know I'm not the only one who did. (And cue Surrender.)
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beached-thing · 7 years
Reasons why Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was a trash fire (SPOILERS):
I say all of this with full awareness of the problem being that I’m a huge fan of the ‘08 Guardians comic, which the films don’t even remotely try to follow, but I’m still gonna bitch about it, so let’s go:
The infantilization of Groot (let’s kick off with possibly the silliest complaint). In the comics, Groot has the canonically highest IQ of the Guardians and is a literal genius. When he’s in small tree form, it’s how he regenerates, he doesn’t revert back to the mind of a child like in the films. As such, Groot’s characterization is the most wildly different between the comics and the movies, out of all the characters (but followed very closely by Drax). I get that cute mascot characters sell tickets but it’s just so devastating seeing our good tree boy get such mistreatment! Especially since, honestly, he was much less cute and much more annoying in this sequel than he was in the last installment. Sorry, but it’s true.
Gamora is still a characterless foil for Peter to touch without permission and forced to have some “unspoken” bullshit with. Peter and Gamora aren’t a couple in the comics and would never be, for the exact reasons we see in the film. But they pair them off together anyway cuz what’s a movie without a bad “guy pesters a girl into giving him a chance” trope subplot? Also, they retained Gamora’s laughably bad makeup and extensions from the first movie for some reason. Poor Zoe.
Speaking of which, why isn’t Mantis green?????????? She’s supposed to be like the exact shade of green Gamora is. Mantis is named mantis cuz, like, the fucking insect....which are greeeeeeeeeen. WHY ISN’T SHE GREEN? More importantly though, why isn’t she getting paired off with Peter like she ideally should be? This weird quasi-relationship shit with Drax is funny (and frankly, Drax tellling Mantis that being ugly is good is my favorite part of the film, for personal reasons I care not to share lol), but like, it’s obviously not gonna work out so why not put the canon ship back in the waters? (Because of my previous bullet point, unfortunately). I loved Mantis as a character though, well written and thoroughly enjoyable. By far my favorite character. I just want to her to be all happy with Peter and also BE GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN. Oh well. Maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll end up being a lesbian in the films since Phyla is nowhere to be found (I will return to this point btw, ready yourselves).
Drax. Oh Drax. I want to love you. You’re the main comic relief. And frankly you do a good job at it. But...I just prefer you as a stoic Riddick-esque character. I realize this is an unpopular opinion and I don’t know why I feel the way I do. But I’m just not feeling this new and possibly improved Drax. I get his appeal but...I’m not connecting. 
Rocket.................actually I don’t have any complaints with Rocket. He’s the only character that they are doing right by. If he’s not in the Captain Marvel film though, what’s even the point of making Guardians movies, ya know?
Peter, aka Shit-Lord: I HATE YOU IN THIS FILM. YOU WERE SO MUCH MORE LIKABLE AND TRUE TO CANON IN THE FIRST FILM. But they made Quill so fucking pushy and creepy toward Gamora in this one for the sake of a bad awful boring played out relationship dynamic so instead we got this motherfucker. Chris Pratt gave a solid performance, as he is prone to do, but the writing was bad and thus Peter was bad. Unfortunate. 
Yondu’s character arc was some bullshit. They worked so hard in the first movie to establish that Yondu was an abuser. Like, they told a very clear child abuse narrative. And it feels so cheap that they retconned it by going “See? He was a good father after all!” Hey Marvel, The Walking Dead wants its glorifying of a piece of shit storyline back. I don’t know, y’all. I’m willing to hear out redemption arcs, but this wasn’t even that. I’m gonna maintain that it was a retcon. It wasn’t a redemption arc, it was a retcon. I liked the original Guardians team teaser at the end of the movie though. Good stuff.
Stop teasing Cosmo if you’re not actually gonna use him. I get that adding a telepathic talking astronaut dog to a film would seem like a ridiculous move in any other film, but it’s very fucking okay to do it in this one. We have to see Howard the Duck cameos that literally no one on Earth cares about, but you won’t give us everyone’s favorite leader of the Guardians? Shameful.  
Nebula is not a compelling character. No slight to Karen GIllan’s performance, but like...who actually cares about Nebula? She’s boring and they probably brought her back to the sequel just so James Gunn could point to her and say “Hey look, we gave Gamora some slight character this time!” At least Nebula’s existence forced these films to pass the Bechdel test, I guess. Could be worse.
Why did they lay on the Hasselhoff references so fucking thick? One mention would have been slightly funny but they really kept pounding this joke into the dirt until it was a bloody lifeless corpse. What the fuck?
Brings me to my next point: so so so many out of place comedic moments and not enough focus on plot and characterization. The story was pretty standard comic book shit, but they could have gave us something with more punch if they had spent less time in the writer’s room giving Drax a bunch of jokes instead of investing in other characters and their motivations. There was something going on with Rocket, right? Who knows, not like they were dedicated to telling that story.
I’m not a huge fan of Peter’s father in the comics, but using Ego in this film to make Peter a god for like 5 minutes on screen just to rip the powers away in the end is...actually that’s such a perfect comic book thing to do. I want to criticize that but that might be the most comic book thing in the entire MCU.
WHERE. THE FUCK. IS PHYLA-VELL? I am fucking SEETHING. Phyla is my absolute favorite character in literally all of Marvel, and she is a core member of the Guardians, but is nowhere to be found. Almost like Marvel studios are fucking cowards that won’t put a canon lesbian up in their shit. Exactly the kind of bullshit you’d expect, unfortunately.
Moondragon? Nah. if they won’t put a lesbian in their film, they’re not gonna put a canon bisexual woman in it either. Fucking shameful, especially since her and Phyla are so magnificently gay for each other. We need that. We need that.
That’s all I can think of right now, folks, but I think that pretty sufficiently sums up why I have so many problems with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. It just wasn’t very good, y’all. I hate to be that person, but read the comics, honestly. They are really really good and there’s a scene where Gamora gets burnt to the crisp saving the entire team from certain death, and lives cuz she’s a fucking badass with actual character and importance.
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homeplanetreviews · 7 years
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Movie Review by: Will Whalen
I am Groot! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is finally here! The moment the whole galaxy has been waiting for! The first film was an instant hit and a favorite to many and myself included. The first just might be my favorite film in the MCU. What was there not to love about it? Walkmans, space fighting, awesome creatures, and dancing are what made it one of its kind and what made it so awesome! Not to mention its fantastic soundtrack.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is once again directed and written by James Gunn and here we find our beloved gang who are doing jobs and getting paid for said jobs. This film actually dives into the past of Star-Lord and explores some of our other characters pasts also. Mostly circling around Star-Lord and his heritage, such as who his dad is and how he ended up to the place that he is.
The biggest strengths in this film are with the characters all the way. This film brings a lot of light and weight to these characters that we already love instead of them just being funny characters that like to blow things up in space. Not to say that they don’t blow things up and that there isn’t great action scenes, because there are, but we get to really know them in this film quite a bit more than we previously did and it’s a bigger film for the characters. James Gunn actually executed this really well. He brought a lot of heart to these characters and most importantly, he made genius decisions with them. Such as that of Baby Groot. Baby Groot, if you were skeptical about it being a gimmick or something, IS actually the greatest thing. One look at Baby Groot and you’re there for it. Your heart will melt and you’ll be laughing at how funny he is. He was no doubt one of the best things about the film and had me tearing up and busting with laughter at how adorable and funny he was.
The cast here is as excellent as ever. One of the characters that surprisingly stole the show and was just great, was Yondu. Michael Rooker was a lot better in this than his role in the first film and brought a lot more weight to the film than you would expect. Chris Pratt was great as always and in this we get to learn a lot about his past. If he’s special or just some guy who happened to turn up in space one day and what they did with him, is something I thought was very well done. One character that was a little disappointing is Kurt Russell’s character. I won’t say his role in the film but overall, his character was kind of lazily written at times and other times his character was really awesome. There were just too many times where he’d be awesome and then fall flat. I love Kurt Russell so I enjoyed seeing him in this film and I liked some things about his character but overall, it was just a tad weak.
The cast is great and are the life of the film but that life wouldn’t exist without James Gunn. His direction in this is perfect. One thing I would say is a problem I have with James Gunn is that he tends to use a little too much CGI and here, it’s very clear. That being said, the CGI looks fantastic and the use of it in this film is extremely well done. James Gunn crafted some jaw dropping and stunning shots and visual effects here. There were so many scenes that I was in awe at the wonderfully crafted shots and the absolute gorgeous scenery. It’s clear that James Gunn is passionate and has a vision of this universe. The action scenes are a lot of fun to be had. Every action scene was bigger and better than the last. Every character had their chance to shine during these action scenes and had their own moment of badassery.
Although I adored and had a wonderfully awesome time with this, there were few problems with this film. The biggest problem was a weak soundtrack. Awesome Mix is what made the first film so iconic and stood out but here, there’s hardly any memorable songs. The soundtrack itself is good, but the use of it in the film was a bit underwhelming. One could call that a nitpick but it’s something that was a bit of a let down. Another issue that this film had was with its villain. Like most Marvel films, the villains are a bit weak. I don’t think this had a bad villain but it was just weak, but still a lot better than most marvel villains.
Honestly, that’s about it though as far as problems go. I had a lot of fun and this film was everything I had hoped it to be. This is a hilarious and an absolute blast and got me in my feelings while watching. The first one did too but this one really pulled a punch as far as emotional factor and it was quite beautiful.
I wouldn’t exactly say it was better than the first though. The first is still probably a bit better because it’s more fresh and it always knows where to take the story and this one sometimes had problems with tonal consistency. However, if you loved the first one, then you’ll, without a doubt, love this. Baby Groot, Rocket, the guardians, and Kurt Russell, what’s not to love?
I’m going to give Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2…
4 out of 5 stars.
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thegloober · 6 years
Emmys 2018: Nearly 100 Winners Have Already Been Revealed!
The winners of only 26 categories will be announced live on television during the 2018 Emmy Awards, but there are nearly 100 more categories recognized by the Television Academy.
The Creative Arts Emmys are held one week in advance of the Emmys ceremony every year to honor all of the winners in the categories that are not aired on TV.
Among the big categories that were already announced were Best TV Movie and the four Guest Actor categories.
Game of Thrones and Saturday Night Live are both leading the pack this year with seven wins each at the Creative Arts Emmys.
History was made as all four of the winners in the Guest Actor categories were black actors, for the first time ever!
Click inside for the full winners list…
See the full list of winners below!
Best Interactive Program “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” – WINNER “The Late Late Show with James Corden” “Saturday Night Live”
Best Structured Reality Program “Antiques Roadshow” “Fixer Upper” “Lip Sync Battle” “Queer Eye” – WINNER “Shark Tank” “Who Do You Think You Are?”
Best Unstructured Reality Program “Born This Way” “Deadliest Catch” “Intervention” “Naked and Afraid” “RuPaul’s Drag Race: Untucked” “United Shades of America” – WINNER
Best Variety Special (Live) “75th Annual Golden Globe Awards” “60th Annual Grammy Awards” “Jesus Christ Superstar” – WINNER “Night of Too Many Stars: America Unites for Autism Programs” “The Oscars”
Best Variety Special (Recorded) “Carol Burnett Show 50th Anniversary Special” “Carpool Karaoke Primetime Special 2018” “Dave Chappelle: Equanimity” – WINNER “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: The Great American Puerto Rico” “Steve Martin and Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life”
Best Children’s Program “Alexa and Katie” “Fuller House” “The Magical Wand Chase: A Sesame Street Special” – WINNER “A Series of Unfortunate Events” “Star Wars Rebels”
Best Commercial “Alexa Loses Her Voice” (Amazon) “Earth: Shot on iPhone” (iPhone) “In Real Life” (Monica Lewinsky: Anti-Bullying) “It’s a Tide Ad” (Tide) “The Talk” (P&G) – WINNER
Best TV Movie “Fahrenheit 451” “Flint” “Paterno” “The Tale” “USS Callister (Black Mirror)” – WINNER
Best Short Form Nonfiction/Reality Series “The Americans: The Final Season” “Anthony Bourdain: Explore Parts Unknown” – WINNER “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: America’s Obsessions” “Jay Leno’s Garage” “Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen”
Best Short Form Variety Series “Carpool Karaoke: The Series” – WINNER “Creating Saturday Night Live” “The Daily Show: Between the Scenes” “Gay of Thrones” “Honest Trailers” “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Cover Room”
Best Short Form Animated Program “Adventure Time” — “Ring of Fire” “Robot Chicken” — “Freshly Baked: The Robot Chicken Santa Claus Pot Cookie Freakout Special” – WINNER “Steven Universe” — “Jungle Moon” “Teen Titans Go!” — “The Self-Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular!” “We Bare Bears” — “Hurricane Hal”
Best Short Form Comedy or Drama Series “Broken” “Caught: The Series” “I Love Bekka and Lucy” “James Corden’s Next James Corden” – WINNER “The Eddie Murphy Role is Mine, Not Yours”
Best Comedy Guest Actor Katt Williams, “Atlanta” – WINNER Sterling K. Brown, “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” Lin-Manuel Miranda, “Curb Your Enthusiasm” Bryan Cranston, “Curb Your Enthusiasm” Bill Hader, “Saturday Night Live” Donald Glover, “Saturday Night Live”
Best Comedy Guest Actress Wanda Sykes, “Black-ish” Maya Rudolph, “The Good Place” Jane Lynch, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” Tiffany Haddish, “Saturday Night Live” – WINNER Tina Fey, “Saturday Night Live” Molly Shannon, “Will and Grace”
Best Drama Guest Actor Matthew Goode, “The Crown” F. Murray Abraham, “Homeland” Cameron Britton, “Mindhunter” Gerald McRaney, “This is Us” Ron Cephas Jones, “This is Us” – WINNER Jimmi Simpson, “Westworld”
Best Drama Guest Actress Diana Rigg, “Game of Thrones” Samira Wiley, “The Handmaid’s Tale” – WINNER Cherry Jones, “The Handmaid’s Tale” Kelly Jenrette, “The Handmaid’s Tale” Cicely Tyson, “How to Get Away with Murder” Viola Davis, “Scandal”
Best Short Form Actor Miles Tagtmeyer, “Broken” DeStorm Power, “Caught: The Series” Alexis Denisof, “I Love Bekka and Lucy” James Corden, “James Corden’s Next James Corden” – WINNER Melvin Jackson Jr., “The Eddie Murphy Role is Mine, Not Yours”
Best Short Form Actress Kelli O’Hara, “The Accidental Wolf” Diarra Kilpatrick, “American Koko” Christina Pickles, “Break a Hip” – WINNER Lee Garlington, “Broken” Naomi Grossman, “Ctrl Alt Delete” Megan Amram, “An Emmy for Megan”
Best Reality Host Ellen DeGeneres, “Ellen’s Game of Games” Jane Lynch, “Hollywood Game Night” Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, “Project Runway” RuPaul Charles, “RuPaul’s Drag Race”– WINNER W. Kamau Bell, “United Shades of America”
Best Character Voice-Over Performance Seth MacFarlane, “American Dad” Alex Borstein, “Family Guy” – WINNER Seth MacFarlane, “Family Guy” Russi Taylor, “The Scariest Story Ever: A Mickey Mouse Halloween Spooktacular” Dan Castellaneta, “The Simpsons”
Best Individual Achievement in Animation Lindsay Small-Butera, “Adventure Time” Stu Livingston, “Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie” Jeff Scher, “The Number on Great-Grandpa’s Arm” Justin Martin, “The Scariest Story Ever Told: A Mickey Mouse Halloween Spooktacular” Caroline Cruikshank, “The Simpsons” Patrick Bryson, “Steven Universe”
Best Animated Program “Baymax Returns (Big Hero 6: The Series)” “Bob’s Burgers” — “V for Valentine-detta” “Rick and Morty” — “Pickle Rick” – WINNER “The Simpsons” — “Gone Boy” “South Park” — “Put it Down”
Best Reality Casting “Born This Way” “Project Runway” “Queer Eye”– WINNER “RuPaul’s Drag Race” “The Voice”
Best Comedy Casting “Atlanta” “Barry” “GLOW” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” – WINNER “Silicon Valley”
Best Drama Casting “The Crown” – WINNER “Game of Thrones” “The Handmaid’s Tale” “Stranger Things” “Westworld”
Best Movie/Mini Casting “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” – WINNER “Godless” “Jesus Christ Superstar” “The Looming Tower” “Patrick Melrose”
Best Choreography Chloe Arnold, “The Late Late Show with James Corden” — “Greatest Showman,” “Crossswalk the Musical on Broadway” Mandy Moore, “So You Think You Can Dance” — “Brand New,” “To Make You Feel My Love” – WINNER Travis Wall, “So You Think You Can Dance” — “Change is Everything,” “Strange Fruit” Al Blackstone, “So You Think You Can Dance” — “The Man That Got Away, “L-O-V-E” Christopher Scott, “So You Think You Can Dance” — “Prism,” “Say You Won’t Let Go”
Best Cinematography (Nonfiction) “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” — “Lagos” “Blue Planet II” — “The Deep” “Blue Planet II” — “One Ocean” “Chef’s Table” — “Corrado Assenza” “Jane” – WINNER
Best Cinematography (Reality) “The Amazing Race” — “It’s Just a Million Dollars, No Pressure” “Born This Way” — “Homecoming” “Deadliest Catch” — “Battle Lines” “Life Below Zero” — Series Body of Work– WINNER “Queer Eye” — “To Gay or Not Too Gay” “RuPaul’s Drag Race” — “10s Across the Board”
Best Cinematography (Single-Camera Series, Half Hour) “Atlanta” — “Teddy Perkins” – WINNER “Barry” — “Chapter Eight: Know Your Truth” “The End of the F***ing World” — “Episode 3” “GLOW” — “Pilot” “Mozart in the Jungle” — “Ichi Go Ichi E���
Best Cinematography (Single-Camera Series, Hour) “The Crown” — “Beryl” – WINNER “The Handmaid’s Tale” — “June” “Legion” — “Chapter 9” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” — “Pilot” “Ozark” — “The Toll” “Stranger Things” — “Chapter One: MADMAX” “Westworld” — “The Riddle of the Sphinx”
Best Cinematography (Multi-Camera Series) “The Ranch” — “Do What You Gotta Do” “Superior Donuts” — “Grades of Wrath” “Will and Grace” — “A Gaye Olde Christmas” – WINNER
Best Cinematography (Movie/Mini) “The Alienist” — “The Boy on the Bridge” “Fahrenheit 451” “Genius: Picasso” — “Chapter One” – WINNER “Godless” — “An Incident at Creede” “USS Callister (Black Mirror)”
Best Costumes (Variety/Nonfiction/Reality) “Dancing with the Stars” — “Disney Night” “Jesus Christ Superstar” “RuPaul’s Drag Race” — “10s Across the Board” – WINNER “Saturday Night Live” — “Host: Natalie Portman” “Tracey Ullman’s Show” — “Episode 1”
Best Contemporary Costumes “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” — “The Man Who Would Be Vogue” – WINNER “Black-ish” — “Juneteenth” “Empire” — “Slave to Memory” “Grace and Frankie” — “The Expiration Date” “This is Us” — “The Wedding”
Best Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes “Fahrenheit 451” “Game of Thrones” — “Beyond the Wall” – WINNER “The Handmaid’s Tale” — “Seeds” “A Series of Unfortunate Events” — “The Vile Village: Part 1” “Westworld” — “Akane No Mai”
Best Period Costumes “The Alienist” — “A Fruitful Partnership” “The Crown” — “Dear Mrs. Kennedy” – WINNER “Genius: Picasso” — “Chapter One” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” — “The Disappointment of the Dionne Quintuplets” “Outlander” — “Freedom and Whisky”
Best Directing (Documentary/Nonfiction) “Icarus” “Jane” – WINNER “The Vietnam War” — “Episode 8: The History of the World” “Wild Wild Country” — “Part 3” “The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling”
Best Directing (Reality) “The Amazing Race” — “It’s Just a Million Dollars, No Pressure” “American Ninja Warrior” — “Daytona Beach Qualifiers” “RuPaul’s Drag Race” — “10s Across the Board”– WINNER “Shark Tank” — “Episode 903” “The Voice” — “Live Top 11 Performance”
Best Directing (Variety Series) “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” — “Episode 2061” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” — “Episode 421” “The Late Late Show with James Corden” — “Episode 0416” “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” — “Episode 438” “Portlandia” — “Riot Spray” “Saturday Night Live” — “Host: Donald Glover” – WINNER
Best Documentary/Nonfiction Series “American Masters” “Blue Planet II” “The Defiant Ones” “The Fourth Estate” “Wild Wild Country” – WINNER
Best Documentary/Nonfiction Special “Icarus” “Jim and Andy: The Great Beyond” “Mister Rogers: It’s You I Like” “Spielberg” “The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling” – WINNER
Exceptional Merit in Documentary Filmmaking “City of Ghosts” “Jane” “Strong Island” – WINNER “What Haunts Us”
Best Informational Program “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” – WINNER “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath” “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman” “Star Talk with Neil deGrasse Tyson” “Vice”
Best Hairstyling (Multi-Camera) “Dancing with the Stars” — “Night at the Movies” “Jesus Christ Superstar” “RuPaul’s Drag Race” — “10s Across the Board” – WINNER “Saturday Night Live” — “Host: Tiffany Haddish” “The Voice” — “Live Finale, Part 1”
Best Hairstyling (Single-Camera Series) “The Crown” — “Dear Mrs. Kennedy” “Game of Thrones” — “The Dragon and the Wolf” “GLOW” — “Pilot” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” — “Pilot” “Westworld” — “Akane No Mai” – WINNER
Best Hairstyling (Movie/Mini) “American Horror Story: Cult” “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” – WINNER “Genius: Picasso” “Godless” “The Last Tycoon” — “Oscar, Oscar, Oscar” “Twin Peaks”
Best Creative Achievement in Interactive Media Within Unscripted Program “Conan Without Borders” – WINNER “The Oscars” — “All Access” “RuPaul’s Drag Race” — “Season 10 RuVeal” “Watch What Happens Live! With Andy Cohen”
Best Creative Achievement in Interactive Media Within Scripted Program “Mr. Robot” — “Ecoin” “Rick and Morty’ — “Virtual Rick-ality” “Silicon Valley” — “Interactive World: Not Hotdog, VR and Twitter-Powered Pizza Drones” “13 Reasons Why” — “Talk to the Reasons” “Westworld” — “Chaos Takes Control Interactive Experience” – WINNER
Best Original Interactive Program “Back to the Moon” “Blade Runner 2049: Memory Lab” “Coco VR” “NASA JPL: Cassini’s Grand Finale” – WINNER “Spider-Man Homecoming VR Experience”
Best Lighting Design/Direction (Variety Series) “America’s Got Talent” — “The Finals” “Dancing with the Stars” — “Halloween Night” “Saturday Night Live” — “Host: Kevin Hart” – WINNER “So You Think You Can Dance” — “Finale” “The Voice” — “Live Finale, Part 1”
Best Lighting Design/Direction (Variety Special) “60th Annual Grammy Awards” “Jesus Christ Superstar” – WINNER “The Oscars” “Super Bowl LII Halftime Show Starring Justin Timberlake” “71st Annual Tony Awards”
Best Main Title Design “The Alienist” “Altered Carbon” “Counterpart” – WINNER “GLOW” “Westworld”
Best Makeup (Non-Prosthetic, Mulit-Camera) “Dancing with the Stars” — “Halloween Night” “Jesus Christ Superstar” “RuPaul’s Drag Race” — “10s Across the Board” “Saturday Night Live” — “Host: Tina Fey” – WINNER “The Voice” — “Live Finale, Part 1”
Best Makeup (Single-Camera Series, Non-Prosthetic) “Game of Thrones” — “The Dragon and the Wolf” “GLOW” — “Money’s in the Chase” “The Handmaid’s Tale” — “Unwomen” “This is Us” — “Number Three” “Vikings” — “Homeland” “Westworld” — “Akane No Mai” – WINNER
Best Makeup (Movie/Mini, Non-Prosthetic) “American Horror Story: Cult” “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” – WINNER “Genius: Picasso” “The Last Tycoon” — “Oscar, Oscar, Oscar” “Twin Peaks”
Best Prosthetic Makeup “American Horror Story: Cult” “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” “Game of Thrones” — “The Dragon and the Wolf” – WINNER “Star Trek: Discovery” — “Will You Take My Hand?” “Westworld” — “The Riddle of the Sphinx”
Best Motion Design “Broad City” — “Mushrooms” “Wasted! The Story of Food Waste”
Best Music and Lyrics “Big Mouth” — “Totally Gay” “A Christmas Story Live” — “In the Market for a Miracle” “The Good Fight” — “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” “If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast” — “Just Getting Started” “Saturday Night Live” — “Come Back Barack” – WINNER “Steve Martin and Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life” — “The Buddy Song”
Best Music Direction “Bruno Mars: 24K Magic Live at the Apollo” “Elton John: I’m Still Standing – A Grammy Salute” “The Oscars” “Super Bowl LII Halftime Show Starring Justin Timberlake” “Tony Bennett: The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song” – WINNER
Best Main Title Theme Music “The Defenders” “Godless” �� WINNER “The Last Tycoon” “The Putin Interviews” “Somebody Feed Phil” “The Tick”
Best Music Supervision “Atlanta” — “Alligator Man” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” — “Pilot” – WINNER “Stranger Things” — “Trick or Treat, Freak” “This is Us” — “That’ll Be the Day” “Westworld” — “Akane No Mai”
Best Music Composition (Movie/Mini) “Alias Grace” — “Part 1” “The Commuter (Electric Dreams)” “Crazy Diamond (Electric Dreams)” “Godless” — “Homecoming” “March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step” – WINNER “USS Callister (Black Mirror)”
Best Music Composition (Series) “Game of Thrones” — “The Dragon and the Wolf” – WINNER “Jessica Jones” — “AKA Playland” “Once Upon a Time” — “Leaving Storybrooke” “SEAL Team” — “Pattern of Life” “Star Wars Rebels” — “Family Reunion – And Farewell” “Westworld” — “Akane No Mai”
Best Narrator David Attenborough, “Blue Planet II” — “One Ocean” – WINNER Carl Reiner, “If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast” Morgan Freeman, “March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step” Charles Dance, “Savage Kingdom” — “Uprising: First Blood” Liev Schreiber, “24/7” — “Canelo-Golovkin”
Best Picture Editing (Nonfiction) “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” — “Lagos” – WINNER “The Defiant Ones” — “Episode 3” “Jane” “Wild Wild Country” — “Part 3” “The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling”
Best Picture Editing (Structured or Competition Reality) “The Amazing Race” — “It’s Just a Million Dollars, No Pressure” “American Ninja Warrior” — “Daytona Beach Qualifiers” “Queer Eye” — Series Body of Work – WINNER “RuPaul’s Drag Race” — “10s Across the Board” “The Voice” — Series Body of Work
Best Picture Editing (Unstructured Reality) “Born This Way” — Series Body of Work “Deadliest Catch” — “Battle Lines” “Life Below Zero” — “The 11th Hour” “RuPaul’s Drag Race: Untucked” — “Untucked – 10s Across the Board” “United Shades of America” — “Sikhs in America” – WINNER
Best Picture Editing (Variety) “Carpool Karaoke Primetime Special 2018” “Dave Chappelle: Equanimity” “Drunk History” — “Heroines” “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: The Great American Puerto Rico” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” — “Wax President Harding (Segment)” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” — “Border Patrol (Segment)” – WINNER
Best Picture Editing (Multi-Camera Series) “The Big Bang Theory” — “The Bow Tie Asymmetry” “Mom” — “Crazy Snakes and a Clog to the Head” “One Day at a Time” — “Not Yet” “Roseanne” — “Darlene v. David” “Will and Grace” — “Grandpa Jack” – WINNER
Best Picture Editing (Single Camera Comedy) “Atlanta” — “Alligator Man” “Atlanta” — “Teddy Perkins” “Barry” — “Chapter Seven: Loud, Fast and Keep Going” “Barry” — “Chapter Eight: Know Your Truth” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” — “Pilot” – WINNER
Best Picture Editing (Single Camera Drama) “Game of Thrones” — “Beyond the Wall” “Game of Thrones” — “The Dragon and the Wolf” “Game of Thrones” — “The Spoils of War” “The Handmaid’s Tale” — “June” – WINNER “Stranger Things” — “Chapter Nine: The Gate”
Best Picture Editing (Single Camera Movie/Mini) “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” — “Alone” “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” — “House by the Lake” “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” — “Manhunt” “Twin Peaks” — “Part 8” “USS Callister (Black Mirror)” – WINNER
Best Production Design (Variety/Reality Series) “Bill Nye Saves the World” — “Extinction: Why all Our Friends Are Dying” “Dancing with the Stars” — “Night at the Movies” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” — “Episode 418” “Saturday Night Live” — “Host: Bill Hader” – WINNER “The Voice” — “The Blind Auditions Season Premiere”
Best Production Design (Variety Special) “Carol Burnett Show 50th Anniversary Special” “75th Annual Golden Globe Awards” “60th Annual Grammy Awards” “Jesus Christ Superstar” – WINNER “The Oscars”
Best Production Design (Narrative, Half-Hour or Less) “Atlanta” — “Teddy Perkins” “Barry” — “Chapter Seven: Loud, Fast and Keep Going” “GLOW” — “The Dusty Spur” – WINNER “Grace and Frankie” — “The Tappys” “Silicon Valley” — “Tech Evangelist” “Will and Grace” — “A Gaye Olde Christmas”
Best Production Design (Narrative, Period/Fantasy) “The Alienist” — “The Boy on the Bridge” “The Crown” — “Beryl” “Game of Thrones” — “Dragonstone” – WINNER “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” — “Ya Shivu v Bolshom Dome Na Kholme” “Westworld” — “Akane No Mai”
Best Production Design (Narrative, Contemporary) “American Horror Story: Cult” “The Handmaid’s Tale” — “June” – WINNER “The Handmaid’s Tale” — “Seeds” “Ozark” — “My Dripping Sleep” “Twin Peaks”
Best Sound Editing (Nonfiction) “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” — “Seattle” – WINNER “Blue Planet II” — “Coral Reefs” “The Defiant Ones” — “Episode 1” “Jane” “The Vietnam War” — “Episode 6: Things Fall Apart” “Wild Wild Country” — “Part 1”
Best Sound Editing (Half Hour Series) “Atlanta” — “Teddy Perkins” “Ballers” — “Bull Rush” “Barry” — “Chapter Seven: Loud, Fast and Keep Going” – WINNER “Star Wars Rebels” — “A World Between Worlds” “Vice Principals” — “The Union of the Wizard and the Warrior”
Best Sound Editing (One Hour Series) “Game of Thrones” — “The Spoils of War” “Homeland” — “All In” “Star Trek: Discovery” — “What’s Past is Prologue” “Stranger Things” — “Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer” – WINNER “Westworld” — “Akane No Mai”
Best Sound Editing (Movie/Mini) “American Horror Story: Cult” — “Great Again” “Fahrenheit 451” “Godless” — “Homecoming” “Twin Peaks” — “Part 8” “USS Callister (Black Mirror)” – WINNER “Waco” — “Operation Showtime”
Best Sound Mixing (Nonfiction) “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” — “Lagos” – WINNER “The Defiant Ones” — “Episode 1” “Jane” “The Vietnam War” — “Episode 6: Things Fall Apart” “Wild Wild Country” — “Part 1”
Best Sound Mixing (Variety) “60th Annual Grammy Awards” “Jesus Christ Superstar” – WINNER “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” — “Episode 421” “The Oscars” “The Voice” — “Live Finale, Part 2”
Best Sound Mixing (Half Hour Series) “Barry” — “Chapter Seven: Loud, Fast and Keep Going” – WINNER “Family Guy” — “Three Directors” “Modern Family” — “Lake Life” “Mozart in the Jungle” — “Domo Arigato” “Silicon Valley” — “Fifty-One Percent”
Best Sound Mixing (One Hour Series) “Game of Thrones” — “Beyond the Wall” – WINNER “The Handmaid’s Tale” — “June” “Mr. Robot” — “eps3.4_runtime-error.r00” “Stranger Things” — “Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer” “Westworld” — “Akane No Mai”
Best Sound Mixing (Movie/Mini) “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” — “The Man Who Would Be Vogue” “Fahrenheit 451” “Genius: Picasso” — “Chapter One” – WINNER “Twin Peaks” — “Part 8” “Waco” — “Operation Showtime”
Best Special Visual Effects “Altered Carbon” — “Out of the Past” “Game of Thrones” — “Beyond the Wall” – WINNER “Lost in Space” — “Danger, Will Robinson” “Stranger Things” — “Chapter Nine: The Gate” “Westworld” — “The Passenger”
Best Supporting Visual Effects “The Alienist” — “The Boy on the Bridge” – WINNER “The Crown” — “Misadventure” “Gotham” — “That’s Entertainment” “The Handmaid’s Tale” — “June” “Mr. Robot” — “eps3.4_runtime-err0r.r00”
Best Stunt Coordination (Comedy/Variety) “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” “Cobra Kai” “GLOW” – WINNER “Saturday Night Live” “Shameless”
Best Stunt Coordination (Drama/Movie/Mini) “The Blacklist” “Blindspot” “Game of Thrones” – WINNER “The Punisher” “Westworld”
Best Technical Direction (Movie/Mini/Special) “Carpool Karaoke Primetime Special 2018” “Jesus Christ Superstar” – WINNER “The Oscars” “2018 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony” “Super Bowl LII Halftime Show Starring Justin Timberlake”
Best Technical Direction (Series) “The Big Bang Theory” — “The Bow Tie Asymmetry” “Dancing with the Stars” — “Finale” “Jimmy Kimmel Live” — “Live in Brooklyn: Billy Joel and Tracy Morgan” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” — “Episode 421” “Saturday Night Live” — “Host: Donald Glover” – WINNER “The Voice” — “Live Finale, Part 2”
Best Writing (Nonfiction) “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” — “Southern Italy” – WINNER “The Defiant Ones” — “Episode 1” “Icarus” “Jane” “Mister Rogers: It’s You I Like” “The Vietnam War” — “Episode 8: The History of the World”
Best Writing (Variety Series) “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” – WINNER “Late Night with Seth Meyers” “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” “Saturday Night Live”
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Tech No Phobe
TRIGGER WARNING: The potentially dangerous effects of social media on the human brain and how many of you wingnuts may actually be budding sociopaths.
Yo, fuckslice! Can we talk about how a healthy distrust of social media is often wrongly conflated with technophobia? ‘Cause I feel like we should. 
It shouldn’t take a genius to work out that I love technology. I’m so into videogames that I develop my own in my spare time. I get all my work through the internet and the only reason you can access any of my writing is because of that same piece of technology. I’m constantly amazed by the fact that I walk around with a tiny little box in my pocket that has more songs and better sound-quality than most jukeboxes (though jukeboxes are still intrinsically way cooler than my MP4 player). I practically salivate when I hear about some new piece of space tech that brings us one step closer to colonising other worlds or achieving interstellar travel. I’m optimistic about the prospect of full brain emulation (also known as mind uploading) and the fact that it represents a chance to indefinitely extend human lifespans. As soon as they’ve advanced to a level where I can have a proper conversation with one and it wants to cuddle in the afterglow, I’m definitely getting a sex robot. Oh yes: I fucking love technology (emotionally now; physically one day), But I have some very negative opinions about social media. Including the platform I’m using to write this blog.
Don’t get me wrong: I think social media is a great way to find likeminded people you wouldn’t otherwise have met and it facilitates communication between people who- for whatever reason- can’t meet in real life. But there are a lot of creepy social media fanatics in the tech commentary world who spend a worrying amount of time going on about how it represents a new, deeply meaningful type of human interaction- something equal to or better than traditional communication. I’m concerned not just by how wrongheaded this notion is, but by how commonplace it is becoming.
Social media is a fine invention, but it is no substitute for real interactions with people in the physical world, in much the same way that a love-letter is no substitute for oral sex, no matter how powerfully erotic its wording might be. It’s easy to perform emotions you don’t feel and establish shallow connections through social media. Interacting with people you care about and- more importantly- maintaining real relationships with them in the corporeal universe requires effort and emotional investment. Social media allows you to communicate without getting invested. That’s fine, if it’s just one type of relationship in your life among many, but if that kind of superficial connection dominates the way you interact with people, you’ve got a problem. The ability to communicate with such ease that it becomes trivial is called ‘frictionless sharing’ and it’s often framed as a good thing. It isn’t. Sharing is supposed to entail friction. The extent to which you fight against that friction to make a connection happen is often the measure of how real that connection is. 
I accept that, for some people, frictionless sharing has been a serious boon. It has allowed people who consider themselves damaged or ill to talk about their feelings in a way that they can’t in real life. This is an enormously important part of many peoples’ coping strategies, and that’s a good thing. I don’t want to dismiss the positive results of social-media-enabled frictionless sharing. But it’s important to remember that it also has a dark side: it makes communication shallow, and thereby encourages people to have more shallow views of others. When other people are just letters and pictures on a screen, it’s easy to not really care about them... and human beings fall into patterns of thinking very easily. If you don’t really care about the people you see online, you might start to not care about people in general.
Think about all the hate campaigns that have been spawned on social media. Think about the scientist who landed a probe on a moving asteroid and was abused on social media until he cried because he wore a fucking shirt some people found offensive while making scientific history. Think about the care worker who posted daft photos of her being silly on a daytrip to a military ceremony and who lost her job because a bunch of joyless cunts decided that she had to be ‘taught a lesson’ for not enacting poe-faced seriousness in a particular location. Think about the IT guy who got fired after making a dumb Carry On style innuendo to his friend at a tech conference because some earwigging little pim-hole decided to quote him on Twitter. Think about James Gunn, who got fired because right-wing sociopaths and supposedly liberal people joined forces to persecute him over jokes he made eight years previously and had already apologised for. All of these people got fired because social media twats used frictionless cunting sharing to share outrage they didn’t really feel. The ‘sharers’ of the world destroyed actual human beings’ lives and didn’t give a fuck because their fucking Twitter and Facebook and Reddit and Tumblr accounts had trained them to see other humans as faceless targets, unworthy of emotional investment. Frictionless sharing is both a crash-course in sociopathy and a tool through which mass sociopathic acts are carried out. 
I’m wary of social media, but not because I’m a technophobe. I don’t think the technology is intrinsically evil. I’m wary of social media because I know how susceptible the human psyche is to being rewired in dangerous new ways. 
I like to think I have the self-awareness to use social media responsibly. I have a reputation for being abrasive, but I’ve only ever gone after targets who thoroughly deserve my ire. I have savaged many people, but always in response to wilful and extreme acts of abject cuntery. I’ve never made a concerted effort to ruin a random stranger’s life over something trivial and I’ve never joined an arbitrary dogpile against someone. I ask all of you reading this to exercise the same level of care. Frictionless sharing makes it all too easy to see other humans as disposable and unimportant. Ergo, when you use social media, you can’t rely on your initial instincts about what is and isn’t acceptable. You need to check yourself and make an effort to remember that the people you’re talking to (or at) are, well people. Behave accordingly.
Aaaaaaand in my next post, I’ll probably undermine everything I’ve just said by making cruel and arbitrary comments about whoever’s been in the news lately. In my defence, though, that’s not because of the influence of social media, that’s just because I’m an arsehole in real life, too. Don’t be me. 
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