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ozu-teapot · 1 year ago
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Fiend Without a Face | Arthur Crabtree | 1958
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randomrichards · 4 months ago
A town in panic
Invisible creatures kill
Near an army base
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docrotten · 1 year ago
FIEND WITHOUT A FACE (1958) – Episode 166 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
“I’m a doctor, colonel, not a detective! There’s nothing like this in the books!” No, this isn’t Star Trek’s Bones talking, but it is from a 50s sci-fi/horror classic. Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Doc Rotten, and Jeff Mohr along with guest host Dave Dreher – as they try to keep their brains from being sucked out by the Fiend Without A Face (1958).
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 166 – Fiend Without A Face (1958)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
A scientist’s thoughts materialize as an army of invisible brain-shaped monsters – complete with spinal cord tails – terrorize an American military base.
  Director: Arthur Crabtree
Writers: Herbert J. Leder (screenplay); Amelia Reynolds Long (original story: “The Thought Monster;” Weird Tales, March 1930)
Executive Producers: Richard Gordon, Charles F. Vetter
Special Effects by:
Peter Neilson (special effects)
Flo Nordhoff (special effects: Ruppel & Nordhoff) (uncredited)
Karl-Ludwig Ruppel (special effects: Ruppel & Nordhoff) (uncredited)
Selected Cast:
Marshall Thompson as Major Cummings
Terry Kilburn as Capt. Chester (as Terence Kilburn)
Michael Balfour as Serg. Kasper
Gil Winfield as Dr. Warren
Shane Cordell as Nurse
Stanley Maxted as Col. Butler
James Dyrenforth as Mayor
Kim Parker as Barbara Griselle
E. Kerrigan Prescott as Atomic Engineer (as Kerrigan Prescott)
Kynaston Reeves as Prof. Walgate
Peter Madden as Dr. Bradley
Meadows White as Ben Adams (as R. Meadows White)
Lala Lloyd as Amelia Adams
Robert MacKenzie as Const. Gibbons
Launce Maraschal as Melville
The Grue Crew welcome Dave Dreher as guest-host to review the sci-fi/horror 50’s monster flick, Fiend Without a Face (1958). The tagline promises “New Horrors! Mad Science Spawns Evil Fiends!” and the stop-motion animation of the fiends – a brain with antennae and a spine – delivers the goods. The script is based on Amelia Reynolds Long’s 1930s short story, “The Thought Monster,” originally published in Weird Tales magazine. A modern remake has been promised in recent times but remains as invisible as the fiends in the first two-thirds of this British B-movie classic. 
At the time of this writing, Fiend Without a Face is available for streaming from the Criterion Channel, AMC+, and PPV on Amazon and AppleTV. It is also available on physical media as a DVD from the Criterion Collection. 
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule, as chosen by Jeff, is The Frozen Dead (1966), written and directed by Herbert J. Leder and starring Dana Andrews and iced Nazis. Yes, it’s back-to-back Leder!
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!” 
Check out this episode!
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facesofcinema · 6 years ago
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Fiend Without a Face (1958)
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sciencespies · 5 years ago
Six Crazy Attempts to Geoengineer the Weather
Six Crazy Attempts to Geoengineer the Weather
As climate change churns up extreme weather, would-be geoengineers are proposing revolutionary new technologies to minimize the effects of global warming: Reflect sunlight into space with orbiting mirrors! Absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide with artificial trees! Bulk up sea ice by cooling it with giant pumps! Even proponents acknowledge that such extravagant measures would be risky, assuming they could be implemented. But tinkering with the planet’s thermostat isn’t an entirely new idea, as you can see from these past schemes-—all ingenious, some downright explosive-.
Battle Plan Soldiers had long observed that rain seemed to follow battles, and common wisdom attributed this apparent link to the smoke and noise caused by munitions. In August 1891, Robert Dyrenforth, a Washington patent lawyer and retired Union Army major, took this idea to its logical conclusion in the first government-funded effort to control the weather. Supplied with $7,000 from the U.S. Senate and armed with mortars, electrical kites and hydrogen balloons, Dyrenforth traveled to West Texas, where he attempted to create a downpour by setting off a series of loud explosions in the lower atmosphere. He took credit for the precipitation that fell several hours after each volley, but it may be that what Dyrenforth got right was just timing: The rainy season was due to start anyway.
Vineyard Defense For more than a century, farmers around the world have fired hail cannons at the sky to stave off icy precipitation that could destroy delicate crops. (The trend began in the 1890s, when one Austrian winegrower raised a small army to wage “war on the clouds.”) The tall conical devices are believed to disrupt the formation of hail by blasting shock waves every few seconds during a storm. While proof of their efficacy is anecdotal at best, hail cannons are still in use at vineyards from California to New Zealand.
Rainmakers In 1946, Vincent Schaefer, a General Electric chemist, discovered that dry ice—super-cooled solid carbon dioxide—could be used to create an artificial cloud full of tiny ice crystals. Further experimentation led to “seeding” clouds with dry ice, silver iodide or other chemicals dropped from an airplane to catalyze precipitation. Though cloud-seeding has not fulfilled all its promises, it is used to generate powder for ski areas and rainfall in the United Arab Emirates, where up to 15 percent of annual precipitation is man-made.
In the Shade
In 1989, James Early, a California engineer, proposed going to the Moon to assemble a glass parasol more than 1,200 miles across that would be launched into space to deflect solar radiation. Other experts have made similar suggestions, including an enormous orbiting mirror or a cloud of millions of umbrella-like spacecraft floating between the Earth and the Sun.
Blazing Away James Espy, a 19th-century schoolteacher known as “the Storm King,” made contributions to the study of cyclones. But he never secured permission to test his most audacious idea: setting massive forest fires to regulate the continent’s weather. The heat from weekly blazes in the Rocky and Appalachian mountains, he argued in 1845, would ensure that “it will rain enough and not too much… and the health and happiness of the citizens will be much promoted.”
Weaponizing Weather “Operation Popeye” was a classified U.S. program that deployed cloud-seeding during the Vietnam War. The aim was to hinder North Vietnamese troops and suppress anti-aircraft fire. Whether the program worked remains in question. But after it became public, in 1972, it prompted a congressional investigation and, eventually, a United Nations treaty forbidding military action intended to cause “earthquakes, tsunamis [or] changes in weather patterns.”
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snakebitebmx · 7 years ago
This contest is packed full of all your early 90’s Hero’s! Cleveland Kc the link in the bio to watch ‘Monsters of suburban high life’s coverage of the 1990 aqua fest street comp in Austin Tx. Featuring Rick Thorne, Lee Sultemeier, Psycho, Mat Hoffman, Rock Moliterno, Pete Augustin, Mike Krnaich, Dave Parrick, Spike Jonze, Eben Krakau, Steve Swope, James Pritchard, Ruben Castillo, Dino Deluca, Jess Dyrenforth, Dennis McCoy and Vic Murphy. #bmx #oldschoolbmx #wedgeramp #bmxpark #aquafest (at Austin, Texas)
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filmstruck · 7 years ago
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FIEND WITHOUT A FACE (’58) by Greg Ferrara
Captain Al Chester (Terence Kilburn) grabs a glass of water and asks Major Jeff Cummings (Marshall Thompson), “You ever think of trying sleep instead of Benzedrine?” Popping pills freely to keep alert, Major Cummings is investigating the mysterious death of a local man, Jack Griselle, found dead in the woods near his farm. The two military men work at an air force base in Winthrop, Manitoba, Canada. The base uses atomic energy to boost its radar so they can spy on the Russians. But the mysterious death bothers them and the local authorities refuse to allow the U.S. military to conduct an autopsy. The year is 1958 and if you haven’t already guessed that the base’s atomic energy is going to play a big part in all of this, you’re not very familiar with 1950s sci-fi. And if you’re not, welcome to FIEND WITHOUT A FACE (’58), not only one of the best B movies ever made, but a great primer for anyone looking to enter the world of low-budget 1950s sci-fi horror. Back to the base, Colonel Butler (Stanley Maxted) is trying his best to persuade Mayor Hawkins (James Dyrenforth) and Griselle’s sister, Barbara (Kim Parker), to let them perform an autopsy so they can be sure the atomic energy didn’t kill him. No go. But at least it serves as an introduction of our leading man, Major Cummings (Jeff from here on out), and leading lady, Barbara, and if you haven’t already figured out they’re going to fall in love, then you’re not familiar with movies, period. That’s okay, it’s what we’re here for. Jeff drives Barbara back home and then heads back to the base to conduct another radar test. Did I mention the radar tests amp up the atomic energy output to its highest levels? And that each time they do this, the power fades and someone gets mysteriously killed? Well, they do and eventually, Jeff connects the two. This leads to someone finally getting an autopsy and the scene itself is an amazing piece of unsourced lighting as mood, something horror cinema excels at. In the autopsy room, the coroner, along with the colonel, mayor and Jeff, are all lit, quite dramatically, from below. There’s no light whatsoever shining on the corpse they’re looking at, and even if there was they wouldn’t be able to see past the blinding light shining up on their faces. But who cares, it looks right and feels right and FIEND WITHOUT A FACE is the kind of movie that goes with “feels right” every time. That’s just one reason it’s so damn good. Eventually Jeff figures out the source of the killings (but you won’t find out from me, you’ll have to watch the film) and why they can’t see the killer, or killers. Or things. It’s because they’re invisible and when they finally become visible (hint: it has to do with atomic energy) they are some of the best stop motion creations outside of a Ray Harryhausen movie you’ll ever see. Little brains with eye stems using spinal chords as ambulatory extensions, created by the stop-motion team of Florenz Von Nordoff, directing the sequences, and K. L. Ruppel, doing the stop-motion animation. This involved not just moving these little fiends around but showing their deaths, too. And when they die, usually by gunshot, they ooze blood and guts that, for a B movie of 1958, actually upset a few people at the time. In fact, you’ll see far more dark, thick, oozing blood and puss and bile than you will in most horror movies for the next decade. All of this, as well as its remarkably efficient running time of just over an hour and fourteen minutes, results in a fantastic sci-fi horror film that takes many of the same themes from previous films (atomic misuse, monsters of the id, science gone wrong, invading killers) and coalesces them into a kind of end game for the great sci-fi horror movies of the period. The writing is snappy, the acting good, the pacing consistent, the atmosphere perfect and the effects great. When the climax comes it exceeds audience expectations, and fulfils them, too. The monsters get killed, the military is exonerated and the guy gets the girl. But you already knew that. We all did. Except for the fiend. But no loss of face resulted. He never had one in the first place.
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peoplepersonality · 5 years ago
Berikut Cara Mengetahui Kepribadian Anda Dalam Sebuah Hubungan Pecintaan yang Romantis
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Berikut Cara Mengetahui Kepribadian Anda Dalam Sebuah Hubungan Pecintaan yang Romantis - Gagasan bahwa orang berbeda dalam cara khas mereka berurusan dengan dunia adalah salah satu intuisi manusia yang paling dasar. Orang Yunani kuno percaya bahwa keseimbangan cairan tubuh (humor) menentukan karakter dasar seseorang. Teori-teori kemudian mengaitkan kepribadian dengan tanggal lahir, bentuk tengkorak, dan struktur tubuh, tetapi gagasan-gagasan ini gagal menemukan dukungan empiris. Teori kepribadian yang lebih solid dan didukung secara ilmiah muncul pada 1980-an. Menurut pendekatan Lima Besar, kepribadian manusia terdiri dari lima sifat dasar, yang masing-masing ada pada kontinum di antara yang berlawanan. Perpaduan lima kualitas ini dalam diri seseorang memprediksi perilaku khas orang tersebut dalam situasi yang berbeda dan seiring waktu. Lima sifat utama adalah:
Neurotisisme - kecemasan dan volatilitas versus stabilitas dan kepercayaan diri emosional;Nurani - kegigihan dan tanggung jawab versus kecerobohan dan kemalasan;Agreeableness - keramahan dan empati versus permusuhan dan penghinaan;Keterbukaan terhadap pengalaman - kreativitas dan rasa ingin tahu versus intoleransi dan kekakuan;Ekstroversi - ketegasan dan urgensi versus introversi dan rasa malu.
Ciri-ciri ini berdasarkan genetik. Mereka cenderung mengkristal pada awal masa dewasa dan tetap lebih atau kurang stabil setelahnya. Kepribadian bukan satu-satunya faktor yang membentuk takdir kita: Keadaan situasional, budaya, dan historis juga banyak hubungannya dengan hal itu, seperti halnya kebetulan dan anatomi, tentu saja. Namun pengaruh kepribadian terlihat jelas di banyak bidang kehidupan, seperti pilihan karier, status kesehatan, dan gaya hidup. Tidak mengherankan, literatur penelitian juga menunjukkan hubungan prediktif yang signifikan antara sifat kepribadian Lima Besar dan kehidupan romantis. Berikut ini adalah sketsa kasar dari temuan-temuan itu:
Dengan konsensus ilmiah yang luas (dan jarang), neurotisme adalah sifat kepribadian yang paling kuat memprediksi nasib romantis seseorang. Neurotisisme tinggi adalah berita buruk yang seragam dalam konteks ini. Misalnya, pada tahun 1987, peneliti Universitas Michigan, Lowell Kelly dan James Connelly menerbitkan penelitian yang diikuti 300 pasangan menikah selama 30 tahun. Neurotisisme dari satu pasangan memprediksikan ketidakpuasan dalam pernikahan dan perceraian. Menambah penghinaan terhadap cedera, penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa neuroticism yang tinggi memprediksi resiliensi rendah pasca-perceraian. Neuroticism tampaknya mengganggu kepuasan hubungan dalam berbagai cara. Menurut definisi, individu neurotik cenderung sangat reaktif terhadap stres dan cenderung mengalami emosi negatif. Kecenderungan ini cenderung menyebar ke pasangan dan menciptakan masalah seiring waktu.
Hati nurani dan ketulusan
Seperti yang mungkin diharapkan, tingkat kesadaran dan kesesuaian yang tinggi memprediksi kepuasan hubungan, sebagian karena sifat-sifat ini menandakan impulsif yang rendah dan kepercayaan antarpribadi yang tinggi, masing-masing. Psikolog kepribadian Portia Dyrenforth meneliti terhadap 20.000 pasangan di tiga negara Australia, Inggris, dan Jerman menemukan bahwa kesesuaian dan kesadaran yang tinggi (serta neurotisme yang rendah) pada diri sendiri atau pasangan dikaitkan dengan kepuasan pernikahan. Kesepakatan rendah dan kesadaran rendah telah ditemukan untuk secara spesifik memprediksi pengambilan risiko seksual.
Keterbukaan terhadap Pengalaman
Keterbukaan tampaknya memainkan peran yang agak kecil dalam konteks romantis. Pada 2010, peneliti Australia John Malouff dan koleganya menganalisis hasil 19 studi yang melibatkan lebih dari 3.800 peserta. Empat sifat neuroticism rendah, kesadaran tinggi, persetujuan tinggi, dan extraversion tinggi memprediksi tingkat kepuasan hubungan yang lebih tinggi dengan pasangan intim. Temuan yang berkaitan dengan keterbukaan adalah MIA. Namun keterbukaan tidak sepenuhnya tidak penting: Peneliti Andrea Meltzer dan James McNulty dari Florida State University baru-baru ini meminta 278 pasangan pengantin baru untuk menyimpan catatan harian kegiatan seksual mereka selama dua minggu. Responden juga ditanyai tentang kepribadian mereka dan kualitas hubungan mereka. Salah satu temuan mereka adalah bahwa kepribadian wanita itu meramalkan frekuensi hubungan seksual dalam pernikahan. Secara khusus, pasangan di mana wanita tersebut mendapat nilai tinggi berdasarkan sifat-sifat kesesuaian dan (sedikit banyak) keterbukaan lebih sering berhubungan seks. Kepribadian suami tidak berpengaruh pada frekuensi hubungan seks, meskipun suami yang lebih terbuka (dan neurotik) kurang puas secara seksual.
Ekstroversi telah terbukti sangat memprediksi beberapa hasil yang berhubungan dengan cinta dan jenis kelamin. Namun, ekstroversi tinggi tampaknya menjadi pedang bermata dua dalam konteks ini. Extrovert cenderung lebih bahagia, lebih terhubung secara sosial, dan lebih karismatik daripada introvert. Mereka mencari hubungan dan terampil menangani mereka. Mereka juga cenderung lebih baik menyesuaikan diri secara seksual. Di sisi lain, ekstroversi tinggi dapat merusak hubungan karena dikaitkan dengan petualangan. Sebuah studi tahun 2008 oleh David Schmidt yang melibatkan lebih dari 13.000 peserta di 46 negara menemukan bahwa ekstroversi tinggi “berkorelasi positif dengan minat kawin jangka pendek, sosioseksualitas yang tidak terbatas, setelah terlibat dalam upaya perburuan pasangan jangka pendek, setelah menyerah pada perburuan jangka pendek. upaya orang lain, dan kurang eksklusivitas hubungan. "
Singkatnya Kepribadian Dasar
Ciri-ciri kepribadian dasar kita berada di bawah pengaruh genetik yang kuat dan tidak mudah diubah. Kepribadian memprediksi perilaku di banyak bidang, termasuk hubungan, perilaku seksual, dan kepuasan. Neurotisisme tinggi jelas bermasalah dalam konteks ini. Sebaliknya, kesesuaian dan kesadaran adalah sifat-sifat positif yang jelas. Keterbukaan tampaknya memainkan peran kecil, dan ekstroversi memiliki kualitas campuran, dengan konsekuensi positif dan negatif untuk hubungan. Berlawanan dengan kepercayaan populer, kesamaan kepribadian antara pasangan tidak diperlukan untuk kesuksesan hubungan jangka panjang.
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brownanddickson · 8 years ago
Adolf in Blunderland: a Political Parody of Lewis Carroll's Famous Story
Dyrenforth, James; Kester, Max; Mansbridge, Norman (illustrator). Adolf in Blunderland: a Political Parody of Lewis Carroll's Famous Story. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, Limited, 1940. First Canadian Edition. 64 pp. 8vo. Illus. Two blindstamps, owner's sig. Small scuffs to back cover cloth. Very good. Hardcover.
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ozu-teapot · 1 year ago
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Fiend Without a Face | Arthur Crabtree | 1958
James Dyrenforth and an invisible adversary
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docrotten · 2 years ago
THE CITY OF THE DEAD (1960, HORROR HOTEL) – Episode 156 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era
“Young woman, leave Whitewood. Leave Whitewood tonight. For 300 years the devil has hovered over the city, made it his own. The people in it are his. Evil has triumphed over good here!” Sounds like a great vacation spot. Let’s book a room. Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Doc Rotten, and Jeff Mohr – as they visit the Horror Hotel as depicted in John Llewellyn Moxey’s The City of the Dead (1960) and frequented by Christopher Lee.
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 156 – The City of the Dead (1960)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
A young college student arrives in a sleepy Massachusetts town to research witchcraft. During her stay at an eerie inn, she discovers a startling secret about the town and its inhabitants.
Director: John Llewellyn Moxey (as John Moxey)
Writers: Milton Subotsky (story), George Baxt (screenplay)
Producers: Seymour S. Dorner, Milton Subotsky, Donald Taylor
Cinematography by: Desmond Dickinson (director of photography)
Camera operator: Jack Atcheler
Editing by: John Pomeroy
Art Direction by: John Blezard
Selected Cast:
Dennis Lotis as Richard Barlow
Christopher Lee as Alan Driscoll
Patricia Jessel as Elizabeth Selwyn / Mrs. Newless
Tom Naylor as Bill Maitland
Betta St. John as Patricia Russell
Venetia Stevenson as Nan Barlow
Valentine Dyall as Jethrow Keane
Ann Beach as Lottie
Norman MacOwan as Rev. Russell
Fred Johnson as The Elder
James Dyrenforth as Garage Attendant (as Jimmy Dyrenforth)
Maxine Holden as Sue
William Abney as Policeman
Known as Horror Hotel in the States, Milton Subotsky (along with George Baxt) pens an atmospheric, creepy tale of witches, curses, and murder with The City of the Dead (1960). The film is a production of Vulcan Films (a precursor to Amicus Productions, the studio which continually challenged Hammer Films) and features a charismatic and chilling performance from Christopher Lee. The B&W cinematography by Desmond Dickinson is gorgeous, rivaling that of early Mario Bava, making the movie worth a watch on these merits alone. In fact, the entire cast is up to the task with the script revealing the influence of Subotsky’s favorite author, Robert Bloch (especially his novel Psycho, published in 1959) right down to the story’s twist and shock-ending. As Grue Believers certainly recall, director John Moxey is the talent behind the seventies classic, The Night Stalker (1972). You don’t want to miss this.
At the time of this writing, The City of the Dead is available for streaming from Kanopy and Tubi as well as other free streaming sources. The film is also available as a Blu-ray disc from VCI Video.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule, as chosen by Doc, is Gorgo (1961). What will the Grue Crew think of this man-in-suit, kaiju movie made across the pond? 
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!”
Check out this episode!
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