#james does look incredibly handsome here too and i love it when he is silly so we will ����👀👀
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JAMES HUNT messing around with GÉRARD DUCAROUGE during the 1976 FORMULA ONE SEASON
#GIRL i watched at least five motorsport documentaries today [happy new year] and that fucking french man appeared in ALL OF THEM#not like once or twice but like EVERYWHERE#with this one i was like oh haha james being silly and then my head started go crazy and i thought ... that's fucking ducarouge#and at some point i think he is more obsessed with me than i am of him#i will gif him anyway#james does look incredibly handsome here too and i love it when he is silly so we will 👀👀👀#classic f1#f1#formula 1#1970s#james hunt#gérard ducarouge
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I met James, my fiancé, at work. I was 20 years old, home from college for the summer and working at a bakery in town I had worked at since early high school. He was friends with the owner’s daughter, and came in to get a treat one night with her and his little brother. I was also really good friends with the owner’s daughter, since she’s only 1 year older than me, and so when the three of them came in, we were all hanging out. It was a couple of minutes after closing, and we all talked while I was cleaning. We hit it off, I thought he was cute, he and his little brother left, and I hardly thought more about it.
A couple of days later, I’m out with Emma, the owner’s daughter, for breakfast before we each went back to college (it was late August at this point). She tells me that James, my now fiancé, but then the man I had just met a few days before, had texted her asking for my number multiple times. I laughed it off, was flattered, but declined when she asked if she should give it to him. I never gave out my number unless I like REALLY liked someone, and I knew he went to a different school a 2 hour drive from mine, so what was the point.
Another week goes by, and Emma is texting me that James will not stop asking her about me, and it’s crazy because they’ve been friends since high school (like 5 years at that point) and she had never seen him this interested in a girl, or interested for more than a hookup. But still, I say no, I don’t want his number.
I go to visit her at college a couple of months into the semester, a little before Halloween. James’s school was about 30 minutes from Emma’s, and when he heard I was going to visit her, he begged and pleaded for her to let him randomly show up (👀) because he could not get me out of his head. So he does, I’m shocked but not displeased because he’s super handsome, and again, we hit it off and have an awesome time just hanging out all night. Finally he gets my number. Three weeks later, we’re dating, deciding to do semi long distance. Two weeks after that, he tells me he knows it’s incredibly early, but he loves me and knows I probably don’t feel the same (I tell him I don’t, but I can tell I’m already falling) and that he just couldn’t stand for me to not know a second longer. One month later, i tell him I love him too. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning, he was so damn excited. Three months later, he tells me he wants to marry me, I say i want to marry him too, and he proceeds to jokingly call us engaged in private just to see me blush for the next few years.
A few months after our fourth anniversary, he proposed. It was small, and over the initial lockdown period last year. He cooked me my favorite dinner, and set up his apartment with candles and a sweetly set table. He brings the food out, insisting I not help and he does it himself. Before he sits, before I can eat a bite, he gets down on one knee.
He tells me he’s loved me since the moment he saw me. He always thought love at first sight was a hoax until he met me, and felt like he was looking an angel in the face on that warm August evening so long ago. He told me he has spent the last four years dreaming of this moment, and that he wants everything with me. He wants to be silly trying to bake like I can in the kitchen, and dance to the old jazz he doesn’t like but knows I love. He wants to have children and pets and complain about how much yard work there is to do, but then come inside after doing it, give me a kiss, and have it all instantly be better. He told me that he had no idea what the pandemic would bring or what life would look like but that the only thing he knew for sure was that he refused to walk through it without me at his side. And then he asked if I would marry him.
I was crying so hard, I could hardly do more than nod and try not to completely jump his bones. It was perfect and sweet and wonderful.
The only thing I would change is that I wish he waited until after dinner, because I could hardly eat a bite, I was too busy smiling to worry about chewing.
We just closed on a house last week, and we get married November 6th, on the fifth anniversary of when we first started dating.
i mean i asked y’all for your love stories and you delivered
this is just about the MOST adorable thing i have ever heard. HIS WHOLE PROPOSAL IS LITERALLY A DREAM I MEAN... dude should write a book tbh. why can’t a man speak like that to me? tell me that he’s been dreaming of years for the moment he could propose to me? omfg. i’m actually weeping right now.
also “jump his bones” GIRL I AM CACKLING
there is something so special about this story. i think when people are “looking” for the one, or are at least “on the lookout” for them or whatever, that when they meet someone, they kind of jump to the conclusion that “this is the one!” but in your experience, you kind of just went on like, “okay cool, he’s cute” and didn’t think about it again. i think that makes your story SO MUCH SWEETER because you didn’t know. you weren’t hit with this whopping realization like some people are. your love story gradually unfolded AND HERE HE IS, ABOUT TO BECOME YOUR HUSBAND
i am crying big, fat tears rn. like, more than you can even begin to understand.
congrats on your house, congrats on your engagement, congrats in advance on your MARRIAGE, congrats for making me violently cry into the pieces of chocolate i’m eating to ease the pain of loneliness LMAO
no but honestly, this was so beautifully wonderful and adorable and i’m deep in my feels. sending all of my love to you and your future husband. you’re a lucky one, sweet anon x
#writing project#we're getting into dangerous territory bc now i'm just not even focused on writing and i'm more so focused on reading your stories#and bawling my eyes out#which isn't a bad thing#maybe i needed a good cry#THIS DUDE WAS SO SURE HE WANTED TO MARRY YOU ANON THAT HE JUST NEVER GAVE UP#IM CRYING
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A Broken Fairytale - Four
Pairing: Prince!Bucky x Reader AU
Summary: Sold by your mother, you work as a servant for the King and Queen of Acadia. The Prince, much to his initial dismay, takes a liking to you. When a wicked woman intervenes, your life is nothing more than a prison sentence. With a war on the horizon and a betrothal to a missing Princess that he can’t escape, Bucky is forced to be the Prince -and King- that his father wants. A pawn in a bigger game than the two of you realize.
Warnings: Angst, Language (Maybe), Fluff (Squint for it)
Word Count: 5K
A/N: Now we’re getting somewhere. Plz enjoy dis
“Rumour has it you’re going to the ball tomorrow night in a new fancy dress, as Prince Steve’s personal guest.” You find yourself smiling as you polish the marble floors. May stands a few feet away, cleaning the large stained-glass windows.
“He insisted. Taught me to dance too.” She laughs softly. “Mary showed me the gown. It's beautiful. I can hardly wait to see what it looks like on you.” You giggle, “she hasn’t let me allowed me near it. I can only imagine what it looks like. I’ve been dreaming about it for days.” You sigh wistfully. “You didn’t hear it from me, but Prince Steve has gotten you some jewelry and lip rouge as well. Oh, you’ll so beautiful. I just hope you and Wanda don’t get too comfortable out there with all those dukes and duchesses and princesses and princes.”
You turn to her with a soft smile, “never.”
“Goodness, Steven. Your skills are... incredible. Truly. This is really just... utterly exquisite,” Queen Winifred whispers. Steve chuckles nervously and scratches the nape of his neck. “Well... I’ve recently found some inspiration.” He flips to the first sketch of you and his aunt and mother both gasp.
“That’s... (Y/n). The new one. Such a beauty,” Sara whispers while admiring the detailed sketch. Steve’s managed to catch every perfection. “She’ll be my guest tomorrow night. After all the hardships she’s been forced to endure in her life, a night of the finer things is the least I can offer her. She deserves it.”
Sara smiles at her son, “do you fancy her?” He chuckles and shakes his head. “No mother. Although she’s beautiful and smart with a kind heart and a good spirit, I fancy a different dame.”
Queen Winifred laughs gently while Sara ponders something.
“What is it, mother?” She looks up then sighs. “It’s foolish, but... the princess of Corona was taken as a baby nearly nineteen years ago. (Y/n), who is quite possibly from Corona, is almost nineteen. She was adopted as an infant by a wicked and cruel woman who might even be the type to kidnap a child in order to get her way. Perhaps?” Steve’s eyes widen at his mother’s suggestion.
“You think... you think (Y/n) is the lost Princess of Corona?” Queen Winifred thinks about this for a moment. “It is a possibility, but why then would Lady Griffon willingly give her to us? That seems counter-productive. If her goal is to stop the marriage.”
“Well, she sold (Y/n) as a servant girl, giving the impression that she isn’t who she truly is?” Sara purses her lips at her son's suggestion then nods. “I don’t think we should rule out her being the lost princess. Her locket is made out of silver which is quite common amongst the wealthy and royal in Corona. And it seems to be enchanted, which isn’t uncommon in our neighbouring kingdom,” Steve says.
“I want you to find out every little thing you can about her. And this shall stay between the three of us. No one else is to hear a breath about our theories. If (Y/n) is indeed the Princess, then I fear she may be in danger even here,” the Queen says sternly.
As the other two are nodding the door to Steve’s study gets pushed open.
“There you are, Steve. Mother, Aunt Sara.” Bucky bows quickly to the two women.
“My, what have we here?” The young prince looks at the sketch, his eyebrows raising. “This is (Y/n), correct?” Steve nods. “Your skills have certainly improved, punk,” Bucky teases while looking at the other drawings of you. “You fancy her, don’t you?” Steve simply rolls his eyes. “She provided inspiration. Innocence and beauty all encompassed in one.” Bucky nods, deep in thought.8
“Well, I suppose we’ll take our leave now,” Winifred says before walking out of the room with Sara right behind her.
“These are actually magnificent, Steve. Unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Would... can...” He groans as his cousin laughs at his flustered state.
“What? Would you like one? Or two perhaps? Maybe the entire sketchbook? I thought appreciating her beauty would do no one any good or whatever stupid excuse you spewed.” Bucky punches his shoulder.
“Quit being a punk. I just want one.” Steve smirks but carefully pulls out one of the finer sketches of you and hands it to his cousin. “It’s all yours. Do with it what you’d like, just don’t tell me what you’re doing.” Bucky punches him again and Steve snickers to himself.
The brunet holds the paper with a gentle hand, admiring the way you look in the picture. Beauty and innocence, just as Steve said.
“Okay... almost finished... just one last finishing flower...” Mary trails off and you twiddle your thumbs nervously as Wanda continues covering your eyes while Mary pulls on the gown clinging to your figure. “Okay, I’m gonna put your mask on and a tad bit of lip rouge. Then you’ll be ready.” You fight a smile as Wanda lifts her hands, only for a smooth cool fabric to take their place.
“Oh, you look like an Angel right out of heaven! Now, a teeny tiny bit of lip rouge, not too much because we don’t want to take away from the entire ensemble. Pucker your lips a tad, darling.” You do as she asks and jump slightly as you feel something waxy on your lips.
“Alright dear. You can look now.” You snap your eyes open and spin around in your new flats.
Your jaw drops as you see yourself in the mirror.
The gown is incredible. With a dark blue-grey chest, a navy blue bow cinching your waist and making you look curvier. The skirt is made of a lovely pink fabric, covered in a navy chiffon-type fabric. It has small fabric flowers and gems decorating it, but not too many. The mask is the same pink as the gown, however, it has gold trim and some embellishments in the same colour, as well as a little bow and some lace.
You look... stunning. Like royalty.
“Wow. You look beautiful.” You look to the voice and smile. “Thank you, Pietro. You look quite handsome.” He chuckles then walks to his sister, who looks absolutely gorgeous in a floor-length, figure-hugging red velvet dress. Her mask matches her dress and her hair is flowing down her back.
“Steve asked me to escort you to the ball. He’ll meet you there for a dance.” You smile lightly. “So you’ll be escorting not one beautiful woman but two to the Queen's masquerade ball? Will you dance with us both?” Wanda teases. Her outfit matches her brothers and you can’t help but smile at that.
“I do plan on dancing with both of you at some point tonight, however, I think Steve craves the first dance with you, (Y/n).” You smile timidly and Wanda giggles, “does he fancy her, do you think?” You shake your head furiously, “Steve and I are just friends. Nothing more.” Wanda smirks deviously at you.
“You don’t fancy Steve... what about Prince James? Do you fancy him? You have been looking at him quite often ever since he ran into in the library. When the two of you talked for quite some time.” You shake your head again, “I hardly know him, Wanda. How could I possibly fancy someone I know nothing about?” She shrugs, a sly smile still plastered on her face.
“Then why are you fiddling so much? And why do you always fiddle when he comes up in conversation?” She motions to where your fingers are playing with a bead on your dress. “You like his royal stiffness? Pain-in-the-ass Prince James? Bitchy Bucky?” You glare at the twins. “No. I don’t. And even if I did, it wouldn’t be your concern and it wouldn’t matter anyway. He's royalty, and I’m not.” Pietro gingerly links his arm through yours.
“You could be a Princess. There’s something... regal and royal about you. You should be wearing a crown, not scrubbing the floors.” You smile gently up at him. “I should be here with Wanda and May. If I were born royal then I might not have met you or any of my friends. I like who I am.” He smiles and presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Now, we should be going. I can hear music and laughter already,” Wanda says while taking her brother’s other arm. Pietro escorts the two of you to the ball, smiling as he meets up with Sam, Nat, and Clint.
“I see you’ve already taken (Y/n) for yourself,” Sam says, looking you up and down. “You look like royalty. You’ll make visiting Princesses jealous.” You laugh softly, “thank you, Sam.” He smiles and offers you his arm.
After a glance to Pietro, an eye roll and a nod given, you let go of his arm and take Sam’s.
“Steve’ll be arriving shortly, along with Bucky, the King, the Queen, and Lady Sara,” Sam informs as you reach the ballroom doors. You nod, your jaw almost dropping as you enter the ballroom.
It’s filled with people -men and women- dressed to the nines in clothes that cost more than you’ll make in your entire lifetime.
“Incredible, isn’t it?” Nat asks while coming up beside you in a light green dress with a mask to match. “It’s... intimidating if I’m being honest.” Natasha rests a hand on your shoulder.
“You look like you belong here. Even if you feel like you don’t, you look like you do, so act like it. No one will know anything that’s true or not.” You smile at her words and take a big breath in. Squaring your shoulders you raise your head and walk with Sam into the room.
The people you pass stop their conversations and stare at you as Sam leads you to the centre of the room right across from a large staircase.
Conversations hardly have time to grow before a horn sounds loudly, gathering everyone’s attention.
“May I present Lady Sara, Her Majesty Queen Winifred, and his Majesty King George.” The royal family walks down the stairs as graceful as swans with their chins held up high and smiles on their faces.
“Wow. (Y/n) you look... incredible.” You smile shyly up at the man speaking, having recognized his voice. “Thank you, your highness.” Sam snickers while Steve rolls his eyes.
“Now, I must steal you from Sam. May I?” Sam places your hand in Steves and you find yourself giggling as Steve walks you deeper into the room.
“Mary absolutely outdid herself,” Steve says while admiring your gown and mask. “She did. You look rather dashing yourself.” His cheeks flush and he looks down while chuckling.
He’s wearing a well-tailored grey suit and a matching mask. The suit hugs his body perfectly and the mask brings out the vibrant blue in his eyes. And of course, there’s a lovely silver crown sitting atop his blond hair.
He smiles at you then takes a small half-step away from you as the band starts playing again.
“(Y/n), may I be the first of many men to ask tonight, if I may have the honour of this dance?” You beam up at him.”Of course, Steve.” He takes your hand in his and places his other hand on your waist. You bring your free hand up to his shoulder and start dancing with him.
People around you mumble and whisper. as Steve dances you around the floor.
“They’re wondering who you are. They know who I am, but no one knows the Princess I’m dancing with,” he whispers, the cool fabric of his mask brushing against your cheek. You look down, away from the curious and envious eyes of the upper-class men and women.
“They’re making me quite nervous,” you reply softly, grinning as he chuckles.
“Well, I doubt any of them know who you are. So what they think doesn’t matter anyway.” You nod, trying to let his words ease your nerves.
The song comes to a close and Steve sighs.
“Excuse me,” a smooth voice says, “but may I?”
You look up at the man and smile awkwardly as he takes Steve’s place. A new song starts and you dance with him, feeling exceptionally nervous.
“I don’t think I’ve ever met you,” he says after a moment, his brown eyes warm and filled with wonder. “You haven’t. This is the first ball I’ve ever attended.” He spins you then nods. “You’re stunning. Have you any suitors? Husbands?” You shake your head no. “None at all.” He smiles, “what a shame for them. I’d like-” a hand is on his shoulder, stopping him from dancing with you.
“May I cut in?” That voice makes butterflies swarm in your stomach. “Of course, your highness.” The man disappears and Prince James takes his place, one of his hands fitting perfectly in yours while the other rests comfortably on the curve of your waist.
He starts leading you in a dance, keeping your body close to his.
“You look ravishing,” he whispers, his thumb rubbing on your hip. “Why thank you, your majesty.” He smiles, his hand slowly moving around your waist.
“Do you have a name?” You grin as you realize he doesn’t know who you are, a wave of confidence washing over you.
“I do have a name.” He chuckles and pulls you closer to his warm body. “May I be so bold as to ask what it is?” You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, trying - and failing- to contain your smile. “Maybe. But do you deserve to know?” You’re honestly not sure where this much confidence comes from, but you’re liking it more than you want to admit.
“I think I do. But let’s say, for argument's sake, that I don’t deserve to know. What could I do to change that?” You slowly look up, your eyes lingering on his pink lips before moving up to his stormy orbs.
“I suppose I’ll have to think about that,” you whisper. His eyes flash down to your lips and you can’t help but lick them/ His fingers flex on your waist and you smile, watching as his eyes meet yours again. “Please do.”
The two of you dance in silence for a few minutes before he chuckles. “What?” You ask, smiling slightly, “do I amuse you?” He shakes his head and sighs heavily.
“You’ve bewitched me. Your voice... your beauty... like nothing I’ve ever experienced in all of my years. Have you and suitors?”
You swear your jaw drops.
“Forgive me, Prince James, but are you not betrothed? To the Princess of Corona?” He shakes his head and looks deep into your eyes. “I do not wish to marry someone who I know nothing about.” You find yourself giggling softly.
“And what do you know about me?” He looks down, seemingly shy. “I know that you’re like no woman I’ve ever met before. I know that I know nothing about you when I’d really just like to know everything. I know that not a day will pass where I don’t think of you. You’ll be in my every dream ‘till the day I die.”
You can’t seem to find any words.
“I’ll ask my father and yours if I can court you. If you’d give me the opportunity, of course.” You’re shocked, to put it lightly. “I-I can’t. You’re betrothed. I couldn’t interfere with that. I’m sorry, Prince James, but I cannot.”
You break away from him and hurry out of the ballroom, desperate to breathe. You remove your mask and lean against the wall, trying desperately to catch your breath.
“You weren’t sold to go to balls and celebrations as a guest,” an all-too-familiar voice says. You straighten up and look at the woman.
“Step-mother,” you begin, “I was invited. By Prince Steve-” a slap to the face cuts you off and you gasp, tears pricking your eyes. “You won’t speak of the Princes! You are filth!” She raises her hand to strike you again and you squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for the pain.
When it never comes, you open your eyes.
Steve’s holding your step-mothers wrist and another woman is rushing over to your side, giving little thought to her expensive gown as she slides down to the floor beside you.
“Guards!” Steve calls, “escort Lady Griffon and her daughters out of here. Don’t make a scene about it either.” You watch as the woman who raised you gets escorted out of the palace that has recently become your home.
“Are you alright, child?” The woman beside you asks, her voice gentle and soft. “Yes, I-I believe I am. Thank you.” She smiles and lightly places her hand on your shoulder. “(Y/n) I’m so sorry,” Steve says. You wave off his apology and take a deep breath, trying to calm down.
“Queen Valerie, thank you for letting me know. (Y/n), this is Queen Valerie of Corona. Queen Valerie, this is (Y/n). A very close friend of mine.” You look at the woman beside you and scramble to your feet, only to bow before her. “Y-your Highness.” She shakes her head and stands up, “no need for that. You’re sure you’re alright?” You nod your head yes then clear your throat.
“I... I’m going to retire to my chambers. Thank you for inviting me, Steve. Queen Valerie, I hope you enjoy the rest of the night.” They nod and watch as you hurry up a flight of stairs.
“Where’s she from?” Queen Valerie asks while Steve’s escorting her back to the ballroom.
“We’re not sure. She was adopted by Lady Griffon as a baby. She has a locket that seems to be enchanted from Corona so we do believe she may be from there. How she ended up here, I know not. Perhaps you have an idea?” The Queen on his arm clutches her necklace tightly.
“I mustn’t let myself hope,” she whispers softly, letting go of Steve’s arm and heading back to find her husband, leaving the young prince confused out of his wits.
“Mother, Father, I need your help!” Bucky exclaims, walking to where his parents are seated. “What is it, my son?” Winifred asks concern lacing her voice.
“A dame, beautiful as a sunrise. I want to court her. She’s...” He trails off while looking around, trying to find you.
“My son, you know you are to be marred. There’s no way you could court her. What is her name?” Bucky stares at the door where he saw you last.
“I don’t know. But mother, her voice was that of an angel. Her eyes sparkled brighter than diamonds. Her smile... I have no words to describe her beauty.”
Winifred sighs and takes her sons hand. “If everything fails with Corona, then you may court the girl. Is she a Duchess? Or perhaps a Princess?” Bucky sighs and shrugs his shoulders.
“She was dancing with the Duke of Winchester,” King George chimes in, looking around the room.
“I’ll ask him!” Bucky practically runs through the crowd.
“You shouldn't give him hope, George. He’s betrothed. You know he’s meant to marry the Princess of Corona,” Winifred scolds. “Let the boy have his fun. He knows his responsibilities. And if we go to war with Corona, he’ll have this Duchess or Princess or whoever she is. You’ll get a grandchild or two and James will get a strong heir to the throne.” The Queen sighs at her husband and watches as her son talks to the Duke.
“I found her dancing with Prince Steve. A beautiful one, she is. I plan to court her, as soon as I figure out who her father is.” Bucky clenches his hands into fists and smiles tightly at the Duke before setting off to find his cousin.
“Steve! Who were you dancing with?” The blond looks up, slightly startled. “Who?” Bucky groans at his cousin’s response. “She was wearing pink. Her eyes, they’re beautiful and (e/c). She was... a dream.”
Steve raises his eyebrows and chuckles. “You mean (Y/n)?” Bucky freezes, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. “(Y/)? Like... servant girl (Y/n)?” Steve nods slowly and Bucky curses. “Why? Is something wrong?” Bucky pulls Steve into the hallway and looks around to make sure they’re alone, then he rips his mask off and tosses it aside.
“She’s. stunning. Beautiful and witty. I asked if I could court her. But she’s not of noble blood. Fuck. What do I do?” Steve pats his cousin's shoulder.
“Talk to her. You don’t need to formally court her. Does your mother know that you fancy her?” He asks. “Yes, but she reminded me of my betrothal when I spoke of her.” Steve snickers despite his cousin’s glare.
“Winifred knew that was (Y/n). I had her help me design the dress.” Bucky chuckles at this, his anger momentarily forgotten. “Of course she did. She enjoys seeing me in pain.” Steve sighs and looks towards the staircase where you disappeared to. “Lady Griffon was here. She got mad and struck (Y/n). I had the vile woman escorted out and (Y/n) went to her chambers. You should go check on her.” Bucky looks at his cousin as if he’d grown a second head.
“Lady Griffon Struck (Y/n)?” Steve nods, “go see if she’s alright.” I’ll cover for you.” Bucky nods before he can think too hard about it. His feet bring him through the Palace and up the stairs until he’s outside of your room.
He knocks twice then slowly pushes the door open, looking around the room for you. Humming from the bathroom gets his attention and he realizes you must be bathing.
Just as he’s about to turn and leave, you walk out of the bathroom. Bucky’s frozen, staring at you and you’re frozen, staring at him.
You're wrapped in a thin towel, water dripping down your skin and pooling at your feet.
“Your Highness. W-what are you doing in here?” He doesn’t answer, too busy staring at your body. You shift nervously and his eyes snap up to yours. “Why didn’t you tell me it was you?”
You swallow hard and hold the towel tighter around your body.
“I… I didn’t want to ruin the fantasy.”
He walks towards you and you back up, gasping as your back hits the wall.
“You’re a fantasy? A dream? No, you’re much more than that.” He cages you against the wall between his strong arms and stares in your eyes.
“W-what do you mean? What do you want from me?” He closes his eyes for a moment before cracking a half-smile. “I told you,” he whispers, “I want to court you.” You cast your eyes down, shaking your head at him.
“I met Queen Valerie. You’re betrothed to her daughter. I don’t want to interfere,” you breathe.
He carefully lifts your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze.
“Tell me you feel nothing. Tell me you don’t want me the way I want you. Tell me that honestly and I’ll leave you be.” You shake your head and close your eyes tightly.
“I’d be lying.”
Those three words are all it takes for his control to shatter.
His hands grip your waist through the towel, holding you tightly as he presses his chest against yours. You pull in a shaky breath, your palms hesitantly resting on his shoulders.
“May I touch you?” You nod breathlessly, gasping as he tugs the towel down a tad. His right-hand cups your cheek while his left ventures beneath the towel, finding your damp skin.
“Someone could come in,” you whisper, head tilting back and eyes staying closed as his lips ghost over your neck.
“Let them,” he murmurs, gently nipping your neck as his left-hand curls around your back under your towel.
You shiver, arching up into him at the foreign feeling of his warm skin on your own. “James.” Your voice is a soft whisper and the Prince grins, his right hand leaving your cheek to pull your towel down a bit more.
“I want you, (Y/n).” You whimper softly, your fingers raking through his soft brown hair. “You’re all I want. Screw my betrothal.” The mention of his betrothal brings you back to reality and you push him off of you.
“This… this isn’t right,” you whisper while pulling the towel tighter around your body.
“Yes. This is right. This is so so right.” He leans down and kisses your lips almost roughly.
“James. James stop,” you mumble against his lips.
He doesn’t stop.
“Stop! Get off of me!” You exclaim, shoving him off of you as hard as you can.
“(Y/n) I-“ “Get out. Get out!”
He looks shocked and reaches out for you.
“Get out now.”
You move under his arm and across the room, eyes staying focused on the Prince.
“(Y/n) please. Just let me-“ “No! You’re to be married and I’m of poor blood! Please, just leave.” Your hands start to tremble as anxiety floods your body.
The Prince turns and leaves without another word, his heart aching and his stomach churning.
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A Prefect Union - SevLily fic
Author: @84reedsy
Major Characters: Lily Evans (pre Potter), Severus Snape Minor Characters: The Marauders
Word Count: 3893
Warnings: Smut
Tags: @lunap999
Description: Lily Evans, a prefect in her 7th year at Hogwarts, is at her wits end with James Potter's incessant bullying.She calls upon her childhood friend, Severus - Slytherin's prefect, to work out her frustrations.
Special Thanks: Thanks to the AMAZING @lunap999 for the INCREDIBLE #SevLily fanArt, isn’t it fantastic?? If you don’t follow her, you need to!
Lily Evans was quite sure she was angry enough that her auburn hair may actually turn into a fiery flame. She’d not but two days prior asked James to employ a little more common sense and compassion for his fellow students. He was after all a 7th year; he was supposed to be a model of discipline and maturity. All in all he was supposed to be a glimpse of what traits he would carry into manhood, they were officially now of age in the wizarding community.
But, low and behold, as she entered the dining hall of Hogwarts that morning she was rather dismayed to see a gathering of students between the tables assigned to the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses. Why the two houses weren’t assigned to opposite sides of the dining hall was beyond her logic; Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw would be a generous buffer. Not all scuffles would stop, but they’d be more limited in occurrence. She envied their quiet pleasantness on their side of the room.
She recognized James’ scruffy mess of sandy brown hair even though he faced away from her, flanked none to her surprise by Sirius and Remus. Peter bounced around the edge of the group as if he were a desperate mascot. It was no wonder none of them had been named prefect. She’d hoped that possibly at least Remus might be nominated for the honour, but he lost out to Frank Longbottom. If Remus had earned the distinction, there might have been a small possibility that James and Sirius would have walked a slightly straighter line through their last year. But that was not proving to be the case.
Laughter peeled out from the Gryffindors as the Slytherin’s around them looked uneasy and cross. Lily pursed her lips and headed towards them with purpose.
“Oh, Sniverus,” James spoke so condescendingly, you’d have thought he’d forgotten Severus was in fact a prefect in his own house, “When are you ever going to learn how to feed yourself,” Lily noticed that James’ wand was out and moving. He knew better, yet here he was bullying again. Pulling her wand from the band of her skirt she flicked it, a force of air separating the small but raucous crowd. She could see now that Severus was restrained, his hands and ankles bound by a wispy, vapor and a bowl of porridge hovered near his face.
“Maybe he needs his muggle-loving mummy to come and feed him,” Sirius chortled from James’ side.
James’ wand seemed to be controlling the spoon that scooped the lumpy concoction towards Severus’ face. When he sealed his lips, the spoon either splattered it on his face or robes, making a horrid mess. She was sure smoke was pouring from her flared nostrils as she stomped her way to the hoard. James had gone too far, these schoolyard bully tactics ended today.
“JAMES POTTER,” Lilly barked, her cross presence did not seem to deter him as he looked at her with that crooked, handsome smile he so often used to try and win her over; his wand did not stop moving much to her clear annoyance, “You’ll stop that this instance and,” She made her seriousness unmistakable, “apologize.”
His wand stopped moving mid-air as he looked at his girlfriend, gulping as he risked being emasculated in front of his friends and a good portion of the school.
“Apologize?! To this sniveling lump of -” He started to protest. He looked as if he’d rather rip is tongue from his mouth than utter any sort of apology.
“What? What is he James, hmm? A fellow student? A prefect? Someone sitting minding his own business like he always does just before you strut in here with your fellow band of misfits just looking for trouble, hmm? I know you all too well, James Potter, I know the brand of you and your friends.” Her voice carried well over the large stone walled hall. Other conversations had ceased, the only talk was whispers about the spectacle they were currently watching.
“You have cost our house 100 points,” She could see the indignance drain from their faces as some of the Gryffindor house turned their annoyance towards James’ and his band of marauders, “Now...unbind him,” She enunciated taking a step towards James, “and apologize or there will be far worse consequences,”
She knew she was surprising her house mates. Normally her person was not quite so resolute. She was more commonly rather amiable and friendly, but her boyfriend had pushed her too far. Knowing that she and Severus had been friends since she was a girl confused by her powers only made James jealous. His strategy of coping was not endearing in the slightest.
After a brief staredown, he acquiesced, mumbling as he stowed his wand away in his open robes.
Severus Snape looked up at Lily through the veil of his black mane, only long enough for a moment of silent thanks. He rubbed his wrist from the cruel tightness James had conjured of the restraints, not knowing where to start though in cleaning himself up. He stood and walked out of the dining hall at a brisk pace, his head hung low. He’d so hoped that being a prefect this year would change his plight with other students. It had instead installed a larger target on his back that others couldn’t seem to resist.
“Some might call you a traitor, taking points from your own house,” Lizzie Hatchley sneered at her while barely managing to not sit directly in Sirius’ lap.
“And some would call harassment and assault unbecoming of those in the Gryffindor house,” She looked at James and his friends, then back to Lizzie, “Just as unbecoming as being an easy shag,” The girls shocked and offended expression didn’t surprise or further distract her.
“I still expect you to apologize,” She turned towards James, ignoring the stared daggers from Lizzie.
“Apologize, seriously? It was only a joke, you’re blowing this entirely out of proportion, Lily,” He stood with his hands on his hips, trying to minimize her authority. She was sure she’d never been more angry with him than in this moment.
“Owlery,” She almost spat the words in his face, “You and your merry band of marauders can spend the weekend scrubbing the walls of the owlery until the are sparkling and free of any and all bird shit,”
“W h a t?” James was surprised as his exasperated reply would suggest. There was a rise of all four retorting to her punishment, but she was unphased by their displeasure.
“We could go for an entire month of weekends,” She spoke louder over all of them, her voice echoing in the rafters, “Go ahead, tell McGonagall, I’m sure she’ll sympathize with a bunch of ingrates that were assaulting another house’s prefect,”
“I can’t believe you’re taking his side over your own boyfriend’s,” James pouted, plopping down at the table now, scowling.
“Funny, I’m not sure I have a boyfriend any longer,” She was shocked by the level of snideness in her own tone, but she tilted her head back in confident defiance before spinning on her heel and walking from the dining hall with her head held high.
Severus watched from behind the doors as Lily exercised her appointed power of James Potter. He was relieved that she hadn’t been so smitten with James that she’d turned a blinder eye to his treatment of others. Particularly him.
As she walked his way, he scrambled to ascend the stairs, trying to look natural when he heard her call his name. He turned, trying to look his sullen self as she marched up the stairs towards him. It wasn’t unheard of that he would garner extra attention from her for a few days after a run in with her brute of a boyfriend. The more affected he seemed, the longer she would give him her company.
“Sev, please wait,” She hurried up the stairs, breathless as she reached him. His robes were still caked with drying porridge, he’d managed to clear his face and hair of it, though a bath may have done him well still, “I’m sorry about him, he’s just…” She looked at her childhood friend, his face ready to scoff at her newest excuse for James’ behavior. Her shoulders slumped as she knew she had none to offer, at least none that were sincere.
“A spoiled git? An arsehole? Pick one Lily, any insult, they’ll all fit him,” He continued up the stairs and as predicted, she tailed him soon after, “I still for the life of me can’t understand what you see in that prick,”
“Severus, I’ve told you before...I can’t explain it,” She walked quickly to keep up with the strides his long legs afforded him.
“Sure he doesn’t dose you with some silly love potion?” he walked down side hallways, place where there wouldn’t be as many people if any, hoping to avoid any stares at his current state.
“It’s not any potion, I should hope that you’ve taught me better than that.” She was adept in her potion studies but only with the help of his tutoring, “Where in Merlin’s name are we even going?”
“I’m going to change and clean myself up so that it doesn’t look like I decided to wear breakfast,” he snapped, “I’d rather not be a spectacle for the entire school to mock more than they already do, so we’re going the long way to the prefects washroom.” He drawled on almost rolling his eyes.
“Don’t be petulant with me, Sevey,” She pinched the back of his arm before stopping in front of an oddly blank wall, “What about in here?”
They both started as the wall changed, morphing and turning until and ornate wooden door stood before them.
“The Room of Requirement!” Lily squealed clapping her hands, “I was beginning to wonder if it was just a myth,” She grabbed hold of Snape’s robe and pulled him towards it, “I bet everything you’d need is inside.”
Just as she pulled on the door latch, they heard voices echoing down the halls. Severus recognized James’ tone straight away.
“Aw Snivelly, you’re not off with my girl now are ya? Or did you need her to come dry your tears, Snapey?” His mob chuckled and laughed.
“Oh! He is a right sour git, isn’t he,” Lily yanked the door open and, rather forcefully, pushed Snape inside, “Let him wonder where I am for the time being, serves him right.” She slammed the door behind them, it had to have barely closed and disappeared before the boys turned the corner.
A bathroom appointed for royalty awaited them, a long table stood between them and a large bathtub already brimming with steaming water. There was a set of clean clothes and school robes folded neatly on it, the Slytherin patch face up.
“I’m to take a bath? That seems,” He quieted like he did when nervous, though to most he seemed pensive in his pauses, “ odd,”
“Here, if you don’t want to I can,” She held up her wand, “scourgify,”
His hair tousled in the air, the soils lifting away and falling to the floor.
“I was a little worried that spell might scrub the hair from my head.” He checked in the mirror to see his long, black locks still in place, neat and now clean.
“I wouldn’t scrub you bald, Severus,” She scowled towards the door as they heard the murmur of the other’s voices, “I’ve just absolutely had it with him...I wish there was something I could do to get back at him.”
Severus had been waiting for such an opening, he took it quickly not giving himself a chance to contemplate further. He pressed his lips to her soft pink mouth. She stayed still from surprise, but quickly pulled back.
“Severus!” She gasped, looking at him wild-eyed as if he’d lost his senses, “What are you playing at??”
“You said you wanted to get back at him...I can think of a few ways...” He brushed her hair back behind her shoulder, “ ...we can achieve that.” He saw a thousand thoughts flicker in her eyes as if she were fretting every possible outcome. He knew it was her nature to overthink, over plan, over analyze. But suddenly her eyes were clear as if her thoughts sat still for a moment.
“This would definitely get to him…” But she didn’t kiss him back, instead her fingers undid his stained robes. She pushed the billowy cloth from him, his lanky form in front of her. He was glad she’d forgone robes for her skirt and sweater uniform. The skirt would be less to contend with.
“Definitely,” His voice was slow and he broke up the word as if it were its own sentence.
Lily initiated the next kiss, deeper this time. She loved James, but her mind had conjured up a fanciful tryst or two between her and Snape.
“This is just a one time thing, Severus,” She made sure to state this, “I’m not breaking up with him or anything…” She watched for hurt to flash in his eyes, but saw none, "and … just so you know I don't normally do this...I don't fancy a shag with just anyone,"
"I never thought such a thing about you, Lily. I know what kind of girl you are." He eased her anxiety a bit.
Snape knew she was destined to marry that spoiled twat, Potter. It was obvious from year one that he didn’t stand a chance at a lifetime of being at her side. He’d made his peace with that. But having a moment in time with James Potter’s girlfriend, defiling her, fucking her behind his enemies back seemed to be plenty of incentive to continue. That and he couldn’t deny that as she’d grown into a woman she’d only become more and more attractive.
Fucking James Potter’s girlfriend, that could be the highlight of his year.
“And I understand,” He barely had the word out before her tongue was pressing between his lips, her body against his. Her hands groped him, squeezing around his crotch as his began reacting quickly to her touch.
His hands were no more innocent, squeezing her buttocks, her breasts. He noted that if he placed his leg between hers, she grinded against his thigh. If he hadn’t known better, he’d have though he’d slipped her a lust potion. Perhaps he wasn’t the only one to have imagined such an encounter.
Though he was lean, he picked her up easily and set her on the table next to the pile of his clothes. She seemed surprised by his strength as he plopped her on the table top. She made quick work of her sweater, quickly unbuttoning the blouse as well. Though he was perfectly motivated, he did have reservations concerning his own confidence. Instead of undressing, he knelt in front of her, rubbing the fabric of her knickers with his long, slender fingers.
“Severus, your clothes,” She mentioned, tossing hers to the side, but quickly her head fell back as his mouth replaced his fingers. He pulled her knickers away from her slit, his tongue parting her lips, “Sssseverus….” She hissed as her body tremored. She widened her legs immediately, her hand pushing his head deeper into her sex. She was not shy to seek out pleasure, her hips moving to fuck his eager tongue. If she didn’t know better, she’d have sworn he had a serpent’s tongue.
“Fuck...FUCK...Sevey...make me cum, love…” She begged, grinding against his face as his mouth become a devouring demon, nipping and biting at her clit. Part of him hoped the room wasn’t sound proof as he plunged two fingers into her now soaking cunt, fucking her tight hole as her thighs clamped around his ears. She writhed as she came, gasping
“Bloody hell...where...where did you learn that…” She gasped for air as he stood, leaning back on her hands to steady herself. He saw her now for the first time topless, her tits perky, her nipples puffed and waiting. He didn’t answer her, instead slipping his still soaking wet fingers in her mouth and making her lick her own juices from them.
“That cunt tells me exactly what it wants,” He stepped between her thighs, now untucking his shirt from his pants, “I choose to listen to it,” he unfastened the side of her skirt, unfolding it from her, pointing his wand at her drenched knickers. The seams unraveled and he easily slipped them from her, her pussy glistened with wetness, “It’s telling me it needs much more than to be fucked by a couple of fingers,”
He shed his shirt, not as insecure as before. She sat up to kiss him as his fingers fumbled quickly at his belt, his pants.
“Calm, yourself, Sevey,” She crooned, her hair already somewhat mussed. Sun glittered through the window panes just enough to highlight her perfectly, “you’re right...it definitely...wants...more,” She seduced him with her husky words, her hands sliding down his torso and into his open trousers. The girth in her hands surprised her as she gripped it. He gasped, his eyes showing the first signs of raw emotion. She stroked him, “Severus ...you never told me how gifted of a wizard you are,”
“That’s no charm, Lily...James may have to...engorgio...himself. But that is not necessary for me,” He stepped closer, his trousers finally falling and pooled on the floor. He pressed her back, his palm flat between her tits as he lay her flat on the table, “In fact, it very well may be too,” He slid his tip from her clit to her cunt, thrusting in suddenly as she shrieked loudly, “...big,”
He hovered over her as he thrust again. Heavy, powerful thrusts that scooted the table across the stone floor even though it didn’t seem to move from its place. He waited between each buck of his hips, watching her pained expression as pleasure tortured her until bliss fell across her features as the weight of his thickness filled her womb completely.
He could hear her wetness as his cock dove into her confining heat, it made him mad with lust himself to feel, hear, smell the level of arousal she produced for him. He suckled her breast while kneading the other in a rough harmony with his paced thrusts. Without warning, he straightened himself, tossing her legs over his shoulders. He grabbed her hips tightly and plunged his manhood quicker and quicker inside of her quivering pussy.
She felt robbed of sound now, a pressure building in her loins that seemed to radiate throughout her entire being. Her fingers gripped the edge of the table until her knuckles were white. Her tits bounced in a violent sway as his eyes focused on his shaft, shining with her slick cum as he watched an orgasm grip her lovely form.
She was perfection even nude. Not a part of her was even remotely out of place. He felt like punishing her for it, fucking her so completely that she’d never feel fully clean again. He slowed only to let her catch her breath as she gasped on the table, sweat dampening the edges of her fiery mane as it splayed across the wood.
He let her legs wrap around his hips as he pushed into her deeper, grinding the coarseness of his dark bush against her throbbing clit, demanding another release from her as she tried desperately to fuck him back even as she was pinned against the table.
“Harder, Severus,” She gasped, “Bugger me harder…” he felt the need to pick her up from the table, his shaft never leaving her aching pussy as he walked around the table. His cock did dislodge from her for a moment as he sat her down. Bending her over the edge of the surface, he kicked her legs open wider as he again invaded her sex with a devestating prowess. He watched the way her backside jiggled each time it smacked against his pelvis, he bit the tip of his tongue to keep from calling out too audible as her pussy coated his cock in a fresh wave of wetness. His bollocks ached as he clenched his muscles, desperate to last longer as he dug his fingers into her shoulders.
“Severus…” She whimpered out, “Sop...stop stop...please,” She begged for a reprieve. He halted, removing himself from her slowly as he grew concerned that his size may be indeed too large. She instead patted the table top, “My turn to do some work…”
She climbed atop him, the table perfectly wide enough for her to kneel on either side of his hips, sinking herself on to him as she fucked him.
“Lily,” He whispered, his hands sliding up her form as she fluidly rode him, “You are exquisite,” he held her tits tightly in his grasp as she fucked him harder, his hips moving to match her pace and force. Lily enthusiastically pleasured herself at his euphoric expense.
“Sevey, I’m going to cum again...be a naughty boy and cum with me…” She ran her hand down the front of her body, quickly flicking her fingers across her swollen clit. He let go of the release he’d been stalling and it churned into a bubbling swell quickly.
“Lily...Lily...I’m cumming…” He gripped her hips, his voice raspy with a gasping energy.
“Oh yes...yes, Sevey! I feel you, love,” She sank on him as deep as possible as she pressed her clit into his pelvis, grinding with a shattering, final release.
Dressing was slightly awkward as the two friends now knew the other far more intimately than either had ever thought. She could still hear James’ voice in the hallway, slipping on her mended knickers as her womb, protected by a blocking charm, was still full of Snape’s cum.
"That was incredible, Sev…" she fixed her hair in the mirror, watching his reflection buttoning his clean shirt. She had to grin as he smirked a rare smile.
"I agree," he pulled on his clean robes, "Before you say anything else...I know you love that Potter, but if you ever feel the need to get back at him again...you know where to find me," her blushing cheeks told him he very well may have other opportunities.
He knew he couldn't have her as his own, but there was a part of him that was pleased he could fulfill a desire of her's that James Potter could not. Maybe that could be enough for Severus Snape.
She left out of a side door that had appeared, letting her exit without detection. He left through the main door though, the marauders staring him down. James called them back when they began to approach Snape. He could hold his head high without looking over his shoulder for once. He found himself amused that later James may be licking Snape's cum out of his girlfriend's pussy.
James Potter a cuckold, now there's something Snape never thought he'd say.
#harry potter#harry potter fanfiction#sevlily#snily#severus snape#lily evans#lily potter#lily evans potter#snape fan fic#snape fanfiction#snily fan fic#sevlily fanfiction
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"watch where you are going you little piece of shit" Loki says as he shoves Tony aside before walking off with his boyfriend.
"god Loki and Stephen are such assholes. They were made for each other. I don't know how they became popular" Clint says as he helps Tony up and brushes the dust and dirt off.
"well they are good looking, Loki does acting while Stephen does music, they are rich and known how to make friends easily"
"and they are bullies. You coming over tonight?"
"I am not third wheeling tonight. You need to start spending some alone time with Natasha dammit. I'll be fine. Aunt Peggy said I could stay over tonight because apparently dad is drunk and mum is high. Whoo what else is new"
"I can't wait until this year is over. Then you, me, Nat, Pepper, Happy, Arthur, Diana, Rhodey and Carol can start getting ready for MIT. Hopefully those dumb shits didn't sigh up for it"
"seeing as those two love to bully me, I wouldn't put it past them. Rumour has it they are returning back to England. "
"oh poor Peter Parker. Better not tell Aunt May or she'll drag Peter back to America. If those two weren't bullying you then they were bullying your cousin"
"I know. I'll have a chat with Peter tonight and see what he wants to do and if I want to live with all parts of my body working to perfection then I'll tell May afterwards"
"this sucks. Come one lets head to our classes"
Clint drops Tony off to his class before glaring at the golden couple sitting right at the back as he makes his exit. Tony sighs at his table in front of Stephen and Loki. He ignores their attempts as he reads through his homework to make sure everything is correct. He quickly hands it over to the teacher before his bullies takes it off him and does something stupid.
After a couple of minutes of torture everyone settles down as principal Fury comes into the class with two baddass troublemaking looking hotties that has Tony feeling all kinds of things.
"class you have two new students today. They transferred from Hydra High to here to complete their last year of school"
Tony gulps because Hydra High was one of the worst schools in America. All the troublemakers went there and if you weren't one then you became one usually during your first year. They were full of tough people that always caused trouble. Normally students were from mobs/mafia backgrounds and knew the prison system really well. Security was big there that it made it look like you were at an American airport. These two with their leather jackets, ripped jeans, slicked back hair and smirks looked completely dangerous. Usually not the type of people Tony would want to be around and yet he felt like he was getting a boner.
Tony watched Fury leave after saying something and then looked at the 2 new students who, to his surprise, was staring straight at him. The blond one smiled and looked around the classroom getting ready to speak first.
"hi my name is Steve Rogers. Please call me Steve. I look forward to getting to know everyone real well"
Tony gulps as Steve eyes Tony up as he says his last sentence. Tony looks away as he feels his face heat up before his eyes lay on the second person who hasn't stopped looking at him.
"hey the name is James Barnes. Everyone can call me Bucky. Just like what Stevie said I look forward to meeting everyone. Let's make this last year"
Tony lightly gasps as Bucky smirks right at Tony as he finishes his last sentence.
The teacher pats Bucky and Steve on the back before telling them to go sit next to Tony. Steve sits on his left while Bucky sits on his right.
"Tony will show you around and help you with whatever you need until you get used to this place."
The teacher puts on a movie that the class will be writing an essay on as she sits down and goes through everyone's homework.
Tony now not only has to ignore the two douchebags but now also the two hot guys. He stares right at he tv as he gets ready to take down notes. He eye rolls as he hears stephen and Loki speaking to the two new people.
"I feel sorry for you guys"
"you got stuck with this worthless piece of shit. How about hanging out with us and we'll show you boys a good time. It'll be way better than doing boring stuff. He never shuts up if you so much mention science or robots. He's just a waste of time and space. You wouldn't wanna be caught dead hanging around him"
"well lucky for me"
Tony feels Steve's hand on Tony's thigh
"and Bucky"
Tony feels Bucky's ha- wait is that metal? - on Tony's other thigh.
"are into pretty Bambi eyed brunettes who are into science. We'll probably won't be able to to hang out with anyone much at the moment anyway. We are signing up with the schools football team. We were jocks at our old school but got tired of the team being useless and transferred after hearing this school has the best team"
"damn straight we do. The best team ever"
Everyone looks up and much to Tony's relief it's Arthur. Arthur wraps a muscular arm around Tony.
"this is one of our best players in our team. He chose not to be Captain no matter how many times people ask. Arthur why can't you just be Captain. Ditch these losers and join the elite"
"you guys must be new. Just call me Arthur. Anyway come on Tony, Bruce has come returned and he's kicking up a storm."
"why doesn't Bruce handle Bruce?"
"ugh you got a cute scientist and a good looking rich man who are massive idiots for hanging out with you losers"
"no one asked you Stephen"
"well you should be handsome. Stephen is way too gorgeous not to look at or talk to"
"ugh I'm gonna vomit. Come on Tony"
Tony packs up and Arthur leads him out the door.
"are those two dating?"
"hell no. Tony isn't Arthur's type. If he had a vagina and looked like our best fighter Diana then yeah."
"that's good"
"got that right. Everyone would make Tony's life a living hell if wprd got out that those two were dating"
After class finishes Steve and Bucky head off to the cafeteria. After they are unable to find Tony they ask around and find out that he left campus to go eat with his friends.
They get out to the carpark after finding out where Tony went and took off.
Meanwhile Tony just finished eating and went out of the cafe with Clint and Natasha to smoke. Tony took off his glasses and stuffed it in his pocket before he sparked up.
They got to chatting about plans for the weekend when sounds of motorbikes come driving into the carpark and park right in front of the 3.
The three gasp as helmets come off to reveal Steve and Bucky. Steve is the first to notice and smiles.
"hey Tony"
Bucky seals the deal with a filthy smirk that promises good things to those that behave and a deep gravelly Brooklyn accented voice that would probably be able to make anyone harden and come in seconds.
"hey doll. Was wondering where you went off too. Had to have Stephen and Loki show us around. Let me tell you, it was real boring"
"ah yeah sorry about that. Did you guys follow me here?"
"no don't be silly baby. We didn't want to spend anymore time with the dynamic duo. Who are your friends?"
"the names Clint. This is my girl Natasha. So you two must be Steve and Bucky. The incredibly hot duo my friend can't seem to stop talking about"
"you talk about us?"
"you find us hot?"
Tony finishes his smoke and strolls back inside looking like a tomato much to Clint's delight.
"come in guys. I like you two. Come and kick back with us"
Steve and Bucky nod as they follow the couple inside. Clint places 2 seats on either side of Tony much to everyone's amusement (excluding Tony who looks horrified) and then introduces the 2 new people.
Everyone starts talking about school, life, memes and just random things. They all completely forget about school and it's not until Tony receives a call from his drunk father that they realize it.
"hey Tony what's wrong?"
"my dad wants me home. He told me I can't go to my auntie's house because I'm in trouble"
"what happened?"
"school called. Check your times"
Everyone except for Steve and Bucky look horrified.
"how can you two not be horrified?"
Steve grabs a hold of Tony's hand and drags him outside. Bucky stands up and pays for everyones food.
"we don't have parents to complain to. We have a mafia leader who is friends with principal Fury and he already knows what we are like so he let's us be."
"that's so cool. Well I better ring my mum before she has a field day over this"
"everyone Protocol Sunshine"
"what's protocol sunshine?"
"we use Tony getting bullied and how his parents are as a cover up if we so much as miss just one class because we all talk too much"
"oh that's cool. Well we will take Tony home and see all of you tomorrow."
"keep Tony safe"
Bucky nods not realizing to how much that one sentence means to Tony's group of friends. Friends that now Steve and Bucky are apart of. They may be badasses but it doesn't stop them from trying to be normal and makes friends they feel safe and good around.
Bucky sees a confused Tony sitting behind Steve and sits on his bike. He guesses Steve explained what they were going to do. The bikes turn on and they set off.
Tony is internally panicking because not only is his dad pissed off about school but he's not going to be too happy about this. Oh boy is he gonna get his ass kicked.
The boys drop tony off and give him their numbers before placing a kiss on each cheek and heading off. Tony takes a few breathes before making his way into the Lions den.
As soon as he steps inside he is immediately kicked down the front porch stairs as his drunk father starts yelling at him about all sorts of things. He starts beating the crap out of Tony causing Tony to scream in pain. He hears voices and sees his dad get knocked out before he blacks out.
Once Tony wakes up he feels pressed up against him. In front of him much to his surprise is Steve who looks like he had been crying. Behind him was Bucky who also looked like he had been crying. Tony frowns and wonders why do they care as he slowly gets out of the bed.
After going toilet, he heads to the kitchen and notices a tall man cooking something.
"uhm hello?"
The tall man quickly turns around and smiles as he motions for Tony to sit. Tony sits at the table and jumps as he hears a voice next to him.
"don't worry about him. He's mute and deaf. Hope you know asl"
"I do. One of my friends has a hearing aid"
"that's great. It'll come in handy. The names Friday and that's my older brother Jarvis. He's getting tea ready while our younger brother Vision is dealing with your shitty parents"
"shitty parents? Wait what happened?"
Tony jolts again from another voice and looks up to see Steve and Bucky coming into the kitchen. They sit down and explain how they saved Tony's life. Steve knocked Tony's dad out while Bucky called for the police. Thankfully they had Vision and his partner attend the scene so they didn't have to worry about false names and what not. Then they talk Tony back to theirs so their own nurse can patch Tony up.
"thank you guys so much for that. How?"
"well we wanted to turn around and come ask you on a date but then we turned into knights in shining armor. Our dad should be back soon. We told him what had happened so he wants to come home and meet you. We are trying very hard to prevent him from adopting you"
"but why?"
"well it would be wierd dating and adoptive brother. Bucky isn't adopted so it's not that wierd"
"no I mean why are you two doing all of this?"
"well for me it was love at first sight and I think Steve just wanted to bang you"
They talk and get to know one another until Vision returns home.
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Mine Too
@vampireshavemorefun had request about Bucky meeting the readers family for the first time. I know it isn’t exactly how you asked, but I hope you like it.
“You sure about this doll?” Bucky asked, stilling looking at his bag that was half full. His chest tightening, he looked at the clothes he had packed, a couple pairs of shorts, long sleeve shirts. Only a few sleeveless under shirts, he sighed heavily.
“Bucky, they’ll love you.” You replied, walking over to him, leaving your bag open.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, tilting your head back. His eyes slowly lifted to yours, you could see the nervousness in those dark blues. You smiled up at him, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear.
“It’s just, with everything I’ve done..” he trailed off.
“You mean the things your were forced to do?” You reminded him, his eyes dropped back down. “Look, I don’t hide anything from my family, okay? And I’m sure as hell not hiding the most amazing man I’ve ever met. So your going with me, plus I need you to keep me from drowning my sister.”
“Oh, your crazy sister will be there?” Bucky chuckled as you let him go, he zipped up his duffel bag.
“Yeah, she is.” You sighed heavily “hopefully mike can keep her line this time.”
“Mike’s your brother?” He asked as he slung his bag over his back, grabbing at yours.
“Yes, he’s our older brother. And he has three kids. Emily, she is fourteen and full of teen angst, Brandon, and he’s twelve. He likes to drive Emily crazy, which is just a sibling thing. And then there is Annie, she’s five and very shy.” You explained, opening the front door, grabbing the keys off the table next to the door.
“Does your sister have kids?” Bucky asked as you opened the trunk for him to throw the bags in.
“Two, Rain and Star. Twins, they are ten.” You smiled as he gave you a funny look. “What? Told you my sister is crazy.”
“I believe you,” he leaned in giving you a kiss and stealing the keys from your finger tips.
“Hey! I was going to drive!” You scoffed as he walked around to the drivers side.
“Yeah, and I’ve been driving longer.” He smirked getting in the car as you opened the passenger side door.
“Oh, we aren’t playing this game.” You shook your head buckling up.
“And what game would that be?” He turned his torso looking out the back window as he backed out of the parking spot.
“The I’m older then you so I’m better at this task then you.” You chuckled.
All Bucky did was look over to you with a smirk before focusing on the road. It was a long drive out of New York, traffic lightened up the farther out you got away from the big city. Your feet on the dash, window rolled all the way down allowing the wind to whip in. Your hand nestled on Bucky’s leg as he drove. One hand on the wheel, elbow out the open window.
He glanced over to you, taking in your relaxed form, heading bobbing in to the music, your toes lightly tapping the air. Bucky smiled as he looked back out at the highway ahead of him. The two of you had been dating for months, and this was the first time for meeting your family. At first he tried to get out of meeting them, stating they would only know the bad things from when he was the Winter Soldier. Yet somehow, you being you, convinced him that everything would be fine.
He couldn’t lie, the closer he drove to your brothers house, the more his anxiety was set on edge. By the time he pulled in to the drive way his entire body was incredibly tense. You gave him a reassuring smile as you got out of the car. Bucky took a deep breath before getting himself out.
Bucky grabbed both over your bags, heading toward the door. You knocked on the door and waited.
“Yes?” Emily, your niece answered the door with a tone.
“Hey Em.” You smiled as she stepped to the side, her eyes wide at the mass of muscle walking in behind you.
“Dad’s out back.” She squeaked, rushing off to the stairs.
“Well that went great.” Bucky sighed softly gently setting the bags on the floor near the door.
“She’s a teen and your twice her height and three times her weight.” You smiled over him, you linked your fingers in with his and walked through the living room to the back of the house.
You pushed open the sliding glass door, Rain rushing past you, her twin hot on her heels almost knocking the two of you down. You glanced over at Bucky who had a shocked look on his face. Brandon was swimming in the pool as Annie sat off to the side in the shade, pad of paper in her lap.
“Y/n!” Your brothers voice boomed, you turned to face him.
You brother was average height and had been line backer in high school. He waved for you to come over and join him and your parents at the grill. Slowly you made your way over, Bucky’s hand still in yours, only letting go for a moment to hug your parents.
“Bucky, this is my dad, Robert, don’t call him Bob, he hates it. My mom Julie, and Mike my brother.” You said introducing him to you family, before introducing your family to him. “And this James Barnes.”
“Nice to finally meet you!” Your Mom exclaimed, reaching out to give him a hug, his body stiffening as he looked over to you.
You bit your lip, shrugging to him.
“Ni. Nice to meet you too?” Bucky stuttered a bit, taken back the woman’s forwardness.
“Our daughter has told us so much about you.” She released him, taking a step back. “She’s a good judge of character.”
“Mom.” You said, giving her a look.
Small talk commenced for a few minutes, which felt like hours for Bucky. Finally able to find what room the two of you were staying in he retreated to go put both of your bags away. You knew he needed a moment to recollect, it happened every time he felt overwhelmed. So you stayed down stairs a bit, giving him his space.
Bucky set the bags in the spare room, sitting on the edge of the bed. He pulled his long sleeve shirt off, suddenly feeling constricted as his anxiety began to peak. He leaned forward, putting his head in hands, taking a long deep breath. A small knock on the partially open door startled him, his eyes whipping up.
In the door way was a small blonde head peaking around the door body hidden, pale green eyes looking at him. She waved, giving him a small smile. The corner of his lips pulled up, giving her a lopsided smile before he saw her look at his arm, and he remembered his long sleeve shirt.
“Annie, why don’t you go down and play in the pool.” You said coming up the stairs when you saw your youngest niece.
She nodded before rushing off, you walked into the bedroom and shut the door. You walked over as Bucky was pulling his shirt on. Sitting in his lap you gave him a kiss.
“How you feeling handsome?” You asked, placing your arm over his shoulder.
“Out of place.” He answered, his eyes locking on you.
“Don’t.” You replied softly. “You should change, it’s like a 100 Out there and I don’t want you getting over heated. The paramedics out here are skinny and won’t be able to lift you if you get heat stroke.” You say, grabbing your bag, changing into a swimsuit and cover up. He chuckled and shook his head at your explanation.
“As funny as that sounds, I don’t want to scare your niece and nephew.” He sighed. “Or your parents.”
“Screw my parents, and Brandon will think you arm is awesome.”
“What about Annie?” He asked, looking up at you, never getting off the bed.
“Trust me, you won’t scare her.” You gave him a knowing smiled at him, leaning over kissing his lips before walking out of the room.
Bucky sat there in silence for a bit before changing in swimming trunks. He left his long sleeve shirt on and came outside. He looked around and saw you were in deep conversation with your brother. A small hand slipped into his metal one. Slowly his head tilted down look at the owner.
Annie stared up at him, pale green eyes full of wonder.
“Mr. Barnes, what happened?” She asked.
“I.. I lost it when I went to war.” He said softly, she pulled him over to her spot under the tree.
“How?” She asked, full of innocence sitting down in the grass pulling him to sit with her.
“I was in a really bad fight, and I was protecting my best friend. I ended up falling off a train.” He told her, trying to find the best way to tell her so she would understand.
“Does it hurt?” She asked. His face pinched up for a moment.
“Only when it gets cold out.” He told her.
“Mine too.” Her words caught him off guard. It was then that looked down and noticed one of her legs wasn’t a real leg. “Why do you hide yours?”
“I guess I’m scared people will judge me.” He smiled, watching as she tugged at his sleeve. “Pretty silly of me, huh?”
“Yah.” She giggled, you could only hear snippets of their conversation.
You knew Annie wouldn’t be scared of his arm, because she had been struck by a car when she was three loosing her leg in the process. You smiled to yourself as you watched your boyfriend pull his shirt off, Annie’s eyes wide in wonder as she touched the plates, Brandon springing out the pool to get a closer look.
Bucky’s eyes met yours, and for the first time today you saw him relax, Annie’s hand in his. She showed him her art and talked his ear off, you knew your family would accept him just as you had. Especially the youngest.
@kitkatkl @octobermermaid @ajosieface @10robins @instantnoddlese
#bucky barnes#bucky x reader#bucky#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes one shot#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x reader
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i’m only seventeen, i don’t know anything- Chapter 9
James Potter/ Lily Evans (Jily), minor Remus Lupin/ Sirius Black (wolfstar)
Co-authored with the amazing @queen-isabelle-writes :)
It's seventh year for the Marauders and Lily Evans. Lily and James are dealing with their feelings for each other while the war with Voldemort brews in the wings.
Canon Divergence. Angst, fluff, falling in love.
Word Count: 3,651
Read on AO3 Next Chapter Series Master List Master List
Chapter 9
i can go anywhere i want, just not home ~my tears ricochet, taylor swift
Dear Lily,
We are so excited for you to come home and tell us all about your past semester at Hogwarts! As you know, we’re exceptionally proud that you made Head Girl, and we’re looking forward to hearing about the silly antics that those boys in your house have gotten up to—how is your friend, Remus, by the way? Still sickly?
I must say that I was rather surprised when you told me that you had started dating James Potter. Wasn’t he the one you were always going on about being a prat? Now, I don’t agree with that kind of language, but I am surprised that you changed your mind. I love you, Lily dear, but you are rather stubborn. However, if James’s family is going to be gone for the first few days of break, of course he is welcome to come join us. And Sirius as well—I’m sure he has some wonderfully funny stories to tell. The more, the merrier!
Anyway, I should probably get to the point of this letter. Petunia has met someone! His name is Vernon Dursley, and he’s very well-to-do. (Personally, your father thinks he’s a little boorish, and I find him a little dull, but all in all, a nice man.) Petunia is quite smitten with him, and we’ve decided to host him for Christmas. Of course, I hate to ask you to hide your magic and cover up anything extraordinary about your school, but Petunia is quite adamant that we all act as normal as possible. So, I’m writing to warn you to come up with some good cover stories, though I can’t imagine that that will be hard for you. (You’ve always been the creative one.) I hope that you’ll pass the message along to your guests as well, even if they are only staying three days. Subtlety is key in this situation, I’m afraid.
I’m very much looking forward to meeting James and Sirius, and, as always, I’m ecstatic to have you back for a few weeks. You’ll be eighteen at the end of January—can you believe it? I feel as if it were only yesterday that I was holding you in my arms and singing you to sleep. I’m so incredibly proud of you, Lily, and I can’t wait to see you.
Love, Mum.
Lily read through the letter twice while on the Hogwarts Express back to Platform 9 ¾. She skipped over the parts where her mother talked about how much she missed her—a mysterious lump would always form in Lily’s throat at those words—and focused instead on the paragraph that talked about Petunia. Particularly, Petunia and Vernon Dursley. Lily couldn’t imagine the type of man to have that type of name. It was positively ridiculous.
“Oi, Evans,” Sirius said, lounging on the seat across from where she, James, and Alice sat. “Are you reading that letter again?” He flopped his head back so that it landed in Remus’s lap. Remus simply sighed and continued reading his book. Mary, on the other hand, shoved Sirius’s feet off of her lap and reached over to thump him on his head. Doe and Peter had stayed behind at Hogwarts—Doe’s parents wanted her to stay at school this year, and Peter always stayed behind as his family traveled to Hogsmeade for the break where they all met up.
“I’m just making sure I’m prepared,” Lily said defensively. James laughed beside her, his arm thrown across her shoulder.
“I don’t know how reading a letter is going to prepare you to meet your sister’s stuffy boyfriend,” James said.
“We don’t know that he’s stuffy,” Lily said.
“Your father called him boorish, and your mother called him dull,” James said.
“And I’ve never known your mother to say a bad word about anyone,” Alice pointed out.
“Dull isn’t a bad word,” Lily argued.
“It’s not exactly a glowing endorsement,” Remus piped up, eyes still glued to his book.
“Is everyone going to gang up on me?” Lily demanded.
“Yes,” they chorused. Lily huffed, and James reached over to grab the letter out of Lily’s hands and fold it up. With a flick of his wand, he sent it flying up into her messenger bag that was stowed away with their trunks over their heads. Lily shot James a look.
“I’m keeping you from going insane,” he told her lovingly. Lily rolled her eyes and shrugged his arm off of her shoulders.
“I’m just so nervous,” Lily said. “I haven’t exactly been on Petunia’s good side since I was eleven, and now I have to meet her stuffy boyfriend, and if anything goes wrong, she will absolutely blame me.”
“So you agree he’s stuffy,” Sirius said.
“You both need to be on your best behavior,” Lily told him and James. “Promise me.”
“I promise, Lily,” James said.
“I promise nothing,” Sirius said. Lily shot him a glare. He simply glared back.
“Come on, Padfoot,” James goaded. Sirius continued to glare. James gave Remus a pleading look, whose eyes were still locked on the pages of his book. Remus sighed and closed his book, looking down at Sirius’s head in his lap.
“Sirius, promise Lily that you’ll behave,” Remus said.
Sirius sighed. “Fine. I promise, Evans.”
Lily let out a breath of relief. “Thank you.”
The train let out a piercing whistle and began to slow down. Lily looked out the window and saw the green of the countryside fading to concrete and busy streets. James got up from the seat and began pulling down the bags. He handed Lily her messenger bag, then stretched back up to reach for the closest trunk. Lily watched as his shirt rode up, exposing the lower part of his stomach.
Abs, Lily thought, James has abs.
Feeling her face begin to turn red, Lily was glad when the train suddenly stopped and James went flying backwards, landing on Remus’s lap where Sirius’s head still happened to be.
“Oi! Get off of me!” Sirius struggled, his limbs flailing about as he shoved James onto the floor. Lily, Alice, and Mary laughed while Sirius exaggerated his breathing and Remus shook his head.
The next several minutes were a blur as the luggage was finally passed around, and the group made their way off of the train. Lily searched for her mother and father in the thick crowd, standing on the tips of her toes to try and see over the students and parents reuniting. Finally, she spotted her father.
“Dad!” Lily called, waving her arm over her head. James noticed where she was looking and started making a path through the crowd, Lily and Sirius following after him. Finally, Lily saw her parents. She let her trunk fall to the ground and launched herself at them.
“Lily!” her mum cried, wrapping her arms around her daughter. “I’ve missed you!”
“I’ve missed you, too. Both of you.” Lily held an arm out to her dad, allowing him to join in a group hug. After a minute, Lily dropped her arms and took a step back. She turned around to grab James’s arm and pull him up beside her.
“Mum, Dad, this is James Potter,” Lily introduced. James smiled and stuck his hand out, shaking her father’s. Lily’s mother bypassed his hand and went for a hug.
“We’ve heard so much about you, James,” she said.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Evans,” James said.
“Please, call me Violet,” Lily’s mum said. Lily shuddered a little. It was always weird to hear her parents’ first names. They were Mum and Dad, not Violet and Thomas.
“And you can call me Thomas,” Lily’s dad added.
“Pleasure to meet you both,” James said.
“And what am I, chopped liver?” Sirius asked, coming up between Lily and James and throwing his arms around the both of them. Lily grimaced.
“This is Sirius,” Lily said, “who promised to be on his best behavior.” Lily looked pointedly at him.
“I said in front of the boyfriend, nothing about the parents,” Sirius argued.
Lily’s mum laughed. “It’s no wonder Lily has her hands full at school. It’s wonderful to meet you, Sirius. I’m so pleased that the both of you are staying with us for a few days.”
“Well, shall we get to it, then?” Lily’s dad asked, bending down to pick up her trunk.
“Dad, I can get that. Your back,” Lily protested.
“We got a trolley for all of your luggage,” he told her. Slightly appeased, Lily still muttered a spell under her breath to lighten her trunk so it was easier for him to pick up and carry the few feet to the trolley. James and Sirius each loaded up their own trunks, and then the Evans’s plus two of the Marauder’s were on their way.
“Have you boys ever ridden in a car before?” Lily’s mum was attempting to make conversation. It worked.
James’s eyes lit up as Sirius grinned. They shared a mischievous look.
“No,” James told her.
“Can I drive it?” Sirius asked.
“No way,” Lily interrupted, giving him a stern look. Sirius pouted as her mother laughed.
“Mum, where’s Petunia?” Lily asked. Her sister had stopped coming to the train when she’d turned eighteen and their parents could no longer force her, but Lily still held out hope one day her sister would be there, smiling tightly—not exactly happy, but not miserable. It was a pipe dream, Lily supposed, but it was a dream nonetheless.
“Petunia’s at home, dear, getting dinner ready. She wanted to cook for everyone tonight. Vernon was going on the other night about the importance of dinners in his company, so I suppose that she wanted to show him she was capable of preparing a meal for a large gathering,” her mother said. Lily wrinkled her nose. She hadn’t even met the man, and yet, Vernon Dursley was not making a great impression.
“Come along now, the car’s over here.” Lily’s father had reached the car, unlocked the boot, and was attempting to load the trunks into it. James and Sirius rushed ahead to help, and Lily’s mum grabbed her arm, causing Lily to pause.
“James is very handsome,” her mum said. “You never mentioned that in your letters.”
“Probably because I was so busy going about how much of a prat he is,” Lily answered.
“And is he still one?” Lily’s mum asked teasingly.
“He can be.” Lily watched as James glanced around them before performing a shrinking spell on the luggage so that it could fit in the boot. Her dad’s face lit up in glee at the display of magic. “But he’s still pretty great.”
Lily picked an emerald green sweater dress out from her closet and held it up to her shoulders, looking at herself in the mirror. It was a simple dinner, but Petunia had made it clear that everyone should dress their best. Lily hoped that James and Sirius knew to take her seriously.
Lily sighed and stripped out of her travelling clothes, stepping into the dress. She smoothed the fabric over her stomach and went to grab her hairbrush. She hummed softly as she brushed out her hair, walking over to her closet to step into a pair of low heels. Usually, she’d go barefoot, but she doubted that Petunia would approve.
After putting on some mascara and some clear lip gloss, Lily deemed herself ready to meet Vernon Dursley. She tidied up the surface of her vanity, placing her makeup back in the drawer and her hairbrush in it’s holder, delaying the inevitable. Finally, Lily knew that there was nothing else she could do to put this dinner off, and the longer that she hid up in her room, the more time that James or Sirius had to anger Petunia or Vernon.
Lily left her room and headed down the stairs. She could hear light sounds of conversation, but they were all voices that she recognized. Had Vernon not arrived yet? The doorbell rang, then.
That answered her question.
As Lily arrived on the main floor, Petunia passed by her on the way to the door. Her sister paused, eyes roaming over Lily’s outfit.
“You’ll do,” she said, then continued to the door. Lily fought the urge to roll her eyes and made her way to the kitchen, her mother’s laugh floating through the door. Lily reached the door and saw that James was over by the sink with her mother, doing something with the salad. Her father and Sirius were on the opposite side of the kitchen, handling glasses and alcohol.
Lily smiled and walked up behind James, wrapping her arms around his waist. “What are you doing?”
“Petunia put your mum in charge of the salad,” James said. “Your mum put me in charge of the dressing.”
“A very important job,” Lily said, nodding her head solemnly.
“Lily, come set the table!” Petunia’s voice was shrill coming from the other room. Lily huffed and looked at her mother pleadingly.
“Just do as she says,” the older woman said, brandishing the salad tongs. Rolling her eyes, Lily got out the plates and cutlery and took them into the other room. It was there that Lily first saw him.
He looks like a walrus, Lily couldn’t help but think. She snorted. Vernon looked up then and trained his beady eyes on her. He had the beginnings of a mustache, which Lily couldn’t decide if that would be beneficial or not, and he wore a tweed suit. Petunia had her arm through his. Lily was surprised at how thin Petunia seemed—had she always been so thin? She looked almost sickly.
“Lily, the table,” Petunia said, teeth gritted.
Lily tightened her grip on the plates. “Aren’t you going to introduce me? I believe that’s the proper thing to do.”
If steam could have come out of Petunia’s ears, Lily was sure it would have.
“Vernon, this is my little sister, Lily,” Petunia said, biting out each word.
“Ah, yes, the troubled one,” Vernon said in a quiet voice. But it wasn’t quiet enough.
“Pardon me?” Lily said. She was holding the plates so tightly that she was surprised they hadn’t broken in half yet.
“Set the table, Lily,” Petunia said loudly. Lily fumed but set the table, slamming the plates down in front of the seats. ‘The troubled one?’ Lily was furious. She stormed back to the kitchen.
“Did you tell Vernon Dursley that I was ‘troubled?’” Lily demanded.
Her mother looked shocked. “No, why on earth would you think that?”
“Because that’s what he just called me,” Lily said.
“Petunia wanted a logical reason for you to be away, but we never said that she suggest you’re troubled,” Lily’s father said.
“We’ll talk with her,” Lily’s mum assured her.
“Now?” Lily asked. Her parents exchanged a look.
“How about after the dinner?” her father suggested.
Lily couldn’t believe her ears. “So I’m just supposed to pretend like I’m some rebellious teenager?”
“This night is important to Petunia, Lily,” her mother said. “You know how she gets. I’m sorry, but we’ll make this right when Vernon isn’t here to hear us.”
Lily watched in disbelief as her mother carried the salad out of the kitchen and her father followed with a bottle of brandy and two glasses. She looked over at James and Sirius, who each held a glass in their hand.
“Give me that,” Lily said, walking up to James and grabbing his glass. She downed the liquid and coughed violently. “Fuck, that’s strong.”
“Are you okay, Lily?” James asked.
“You tell me,” Lily said. “I’m with two of Hogwarts’s best pranksters, and I’ve got a man in there who thinks that I’m a troublemaker. Let’s prove him right.”
Sirius grinned. James looked worried.
“Are you sure?” he asked. “I thought you wanted tonight to go well.”
“I changed my mind,” Lily snapped, pushing the empty glass into his hands. She turned on her heel and marched into the dining room, James and Sirius following behind her. Petunia’s face soured at the sight of the two boys behind her.
“Vernon,” Lily said loudly. He stopped talking at her father and turned to face her, making a face. “I’d like for you to meet my mate, Sirius.”
Sirius stepped forward and held out his hand. Vernon took it weakly.
“And this,” Lily said, grabbing James by the arm and hauling him up beside her, “is my boyfriend, James. We all go to school together.”
“They had nowhere else to go for the holidays. Mother was so kind to invite them to stay with us,” Petunia said. She looked pained.
“Actually, my parents are just out of the country for right now. They’ll be back in a few days, and we’ll leave,” James said.
“My parents kicked me out,” Sirius said cheerfully. Vernon grimaced.
“Let’s enjoy the first course,” Petunia said, motioning to the salad sitting in the middle of the table. Everyone took a seat: Lily’s parents sat at the ends of the table; Petunia sat next to Vernon and across from Lily, who sat next to James; and Sirius sat next to James. Things were quiet as the salad was served, aside from a small quip that Sirius made about rabbit food that Lily’s father laughed at.
“So, Vernon,” Lily began, “I haven’t heard anything about you. What do you do?”
“I work at a drill company,” Vernon said proudly.
Lily had no idea what that entailed. “Fascinating.”
“It is. I meet with very important people every day, and—”
“James, Sirius, what are you two planning to do after school?” Lily’s mother cut Vernon off. “Oh, I’m sorry, Vernon, I thought you were done speaking. We’ve just already heard about your job, and I’m curious about our new guests.”
“Mother,” Petunia hissed.
“No, it’s fine. What are you planning to do? I know the school that you go to is… special,” Vernon said distastefully.
James winced. “I don’t really know—”
“James probably won’t do anything,” Sirius said. “His family is very rich. They make hair products.”
Vernon made a face.
“I’m keeping my options open,” James said to Lily’s parents. They knew the current climate in the wizarding world, the challenges that wizards and witches were facing. Lily would have difficulty finding a job with her muggle-born status, and despite James’s as a pureblood, she was sure that he would struggle with ‘blood traitor’ smeared across his name.
Vernon scoffed. “I should have known. It’s lazy, entitled folk like you that cause the rest of us to struggle.”
Lily saw red. “James is one of the most hardworking people I know. He’s Head Boy, you know.”
“Just like you’re Head Girl?” Vernon snorted. “How much does that mean at a school like yours?”
“Vernon, I don’t appreciate the tone that you’re taking with my daughter,” Lily’s father said. Vernon huffed, the short hairs of his barely visible mustache ruffling.
“Thomas,” Lily’s mother admonished, though her grip on her fork was tight. She hadn’t taken a bite of salad since Vernon had started talking.
“You know, Petunia, I think tonight is a bad night for me,” he said, getting up from the table. Petunia stood up as well.
“Vernon, please don’t go. I worked so hard on dinner,” she begged.
“And I’m sure it would have been wonderful. But I’m not sure that I can stand to be in the same room as such… delinquents,” Vernon spat the word at Lily. Lily stood up as well.
“And I’m not sure that I can stand to be in the same room as such a boorish walrus,” she snapped. Sirius laughed out loud. James looked up at her worriedly.
Vernon bristled and left the room after a hasty goodbye to her parents. Petunia followed after, trying to convince him to stay.
Lily worked to calm herself down. She hadn’t been this angry since she’d confronted Snape, and she hadn’t been that angry in a long time. Lily threw her napkin on the table and stepped away from the table. Petunia came storming back into the room, eyes flashing.
“You!” she spat at Lily. “You can’t even give me one night!”
“Did you see the way he was treating me, Tuney?” Lily demanded.
“All Mother and Father do is talk about you—‘oh, Lily’s Head Girl.’ ‘Lily has a boyfriend.’ ‘Lily got an O on her O.W.L.s,’ whatever that means! It’s always about you! Perfect Lily who can do no wrong! All I asked for was tonight, and you couldn’t even do that!”
“You lied about me! You told Vernon I was ‘troubled!’”
“Would you have rather I told him you were a freak?”
“Petunia,” their mother said. “I’ve told you a thousand times that we don’t use that language.”
“Well, she is! She’s a freak who goes to a school for freaks, who has freak friends and a freak boyfriend. Nothing about her is normal, and I deserve normal!” Petunia shouted.
Lily felt her eyes sting with tears the longer Petunia talked. Tuney had called her a freak for years, and she’d always tried to let it roll off of her back. But now, she threw the words like knives and each one pierced her heart.
“I’m moving in with Vernon,” Petunia said. “That’s what we were going to tell you tonight, but you were so busy worshipping Lily and her freak friends that you never gave me the chance. And I’m glad to get out of here and away from you!” She aimed the ‘you’ at Lily, who couldn’t help the tears that spilled over. Petunia stormed out of the dining room and upstairs, slamming the door to her bedroom.
Lily stood stock-still, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. James stood up.
“Lily?” he asked. She buried her head in his chest and cried.
#jily#James Potter#Lily Evans#Lily Evans Potter#James Potter/Lily Evans#Marauders#hp#Harry Potter#minor wolfstar#Remus Lupin#Sirius Black#inspired by taylor swift like always#jily fic#jily fanfic#Harry Potter fanfic#James x Lily
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February 2018 Book Roundup
I’d that this was a pretty diverse month for me in terms of reading. Sure, there was plenty of my traditional fantasy in there, but I also went through a biography, some contemporary YA, a historical fiction novel about Eleanor Roosevelt, alt-history, and some very silly (but very enjoyable) contemporary romance. My favorite book of the month was probably Purple Hearts, the conclusion of Michael Grant’s Front Lines trilogy--but I’d be lying if I said that one of those romance novels didn’t rival it. Unfortunately, my least favorite book was that aforementioned Eleanor Roosevelt book. But hey, I tried it.
Purple Hearts by Michael Grant. 4/5. The final book in Grant’s Front Lines/Soldier Girls trilogy, Purple Hearts sees Silver Star recipients Rio, Rainy, and Frangie return to the European front in World War II. Rio is battle-hardened and growing increasingly fearful--not of what she faces at war, but how she, a girl very good at soldiering, will adjust to life afterwards. Rainy is undercover and subjected to horrors that have a deeply personal ring as she deals with the guilt of surviving, killing, and becoming even colder than she already was. Frangie is struggling with her faith, saving many as a medic but losing more--in ways that she wouldn’t have imagined. This series--a take on World War II with the premise that girls were allowed to enlist and be drafted in America--really was way better and far more realistic than it had a right to be. There were clumsy moments, largely because Grant is (I assume) a guy trying to be as inclusive as possible. But you know--even when certain scenes came off as a bit awkward, I appreciated the diversity. And the fact is that you have different reasons to bond with each of our leads, and the people they care about. I’ll always have a soft spot for Rio most of all, because she embodies that “naive innocent turned into a battle-hardened killer” character type I love so much. But Frangie goes through so fucking much in this book (they all do, but Frangie seemed like such an optimist at first) and even Rainy, the heroine I had the most difficulty connecting with, finally opens up and becomes a fully-realized character. “Purple Hearts” struck me as the most brutal book in the trilogy, and there are a lot of horrific scenes throughout. But it was ultimately very satisfying, and a great end to the series.
Empress of the East by Leslie Peirce. 4/5. Hurrem Sultan, also known as Roxelana, was the first woman in centuries to legally wed an Ottoman sultan, thus becoming an essential empress. However, like any concubine, she began life as a slave before catching the eye of Suleyman the Magnificent and beginning one of history’s greatest love affairs--that would result in six children and a fundamental change in Ottoman politics. Peirce has to make a lot of assumptions when writing this book--little is known about Hurrem, referred to by the name Roxelana in this biography. But she sticks to accuracy whenever possible, and none of her assumptions are all that out there to me. I’d call this more popular than academic history, but if you’re looking to get into the history of Hurrem and the Ottoman Empire, I think it’s a great start.
Shadowsong by S. Jae-Jones. 4/5. Six months after leaving her husband, the Goblin King, behind in the Underground, Liesl is attempting to make something out of her life. Yet her brother Josef, a gifted musician, hasn’t responded to any of her letters and she finds herself unable to compose. After receiving a proposal from a mysterious benefactor, Liesl goes to further her career in Vienna, only to realize that the boundaries between our world and the Goblin King’s are deteriorating at an alarming rate, and something is seriously wrong with her brother. Liesl must return to the Underground to figure out what’s going on--but can she do so without losing her sanity? This book... is a lot. It’s beautifully written, incredibly dark at points, and takes a pretty bold turn. Liesl’s story in “Wintersong” was really of self-discovery and sexual awakening, whereas here the story revolves--fairy stuff aside--around her mental condition and her relationship with Josef. Along with a bit of Goblin King backstory for good measure. And for the most part, I’d say it’s successful. Yes, there were points where I was like “honestly Liesl should probably do something rather than thinking about how bad shit is” but... “Wintersong” wasn’t a very plot-driven book either, so I can’t say that I felt that plot was meant to be a priority in the sequel. It’s all sort of delightfully eerie and morally ambiguous, holdovers from “Wintersong”. But it was missing the Goblin King. Again, I feel that this book was very ambitious and super interesting and enjoyable, but it was missing something that made me absolutely adore “Wintersong”. And I’m not ashamed to admit that that something was the Goblin King and all the emo sex he had with Liesl. There were definitely points where I almost felt like Jones was trying to push back against the fact that most of the praise surrounding “Wintersong” was around how hot her male “hero” (................ ish) was, but I’ve got to say that that story did seem a bit more effortless to read. Basically, I wouldn’t change the plot of “Shadowsong”, I think it’s a really good book and followup, but I would add more Goblin King and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Still, I really loved it and was overall satisfied with the book.
Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes. 4/5. I’m not going to bother on a summary for this because it’s the conclusion to a 6 (?) book series that is all very convoluted. Essentially, Immortal Reign takes all of the characters we’ve followed and concludes their stories in the expected ways, and while I wouldn’t say that the Falling Kingdoms series is good, exactly... it does what it came here to do. It’s a very trope-y Game of Thrones for teens type thing with a feisty princess and a brooding dark prince at the center taking up the actual plot (which involves some elemental gods or whatever) with their arranged marriage angsty sexual tension shenanigans and honestly? It’s fun. All’s well that ends well.
Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan. 2/5. Sophie, a cossetted politician’s wife, is shocked when her husband James revealed that he had an affair with a young employee. James is charismatic and prominent, and though Sophie can believe that the affair happened, she doesn’t believe what comes next--the reveal that James allegedly raped the woman he was sleeping with. Kate, an experienced lawyer, is ready to prosecute James, completely convinced of his guilt. But which woman is right? I honestly debated doing one or two stars here, and I think I went with two because I get what the author is going for. But like... here’s the thing. We know which woman is right. We know from the start, especially after James’s perspective is introduced (side note: the way the POVs were handled seemed wonky). I’m all about the issue of rape being handled in fiction, especially when we’re talking about charismatic politicians. It’s very relevant. But the thing is that there is room for doubt in some cases; a very, very small amount, sure. However, there’s a reason why trials happen in rape cases. (Unfortunately, those trials often don’t end as they should, but that’s another issue.) There should have been doubt in a book that touted itself as a thriller, but all I got was preachiness and a “twist” that... did not... impress me. Kate’s perspective was incredibly holier than thou--so even though I agreed with her beliefs, I felt like I was being *told* how to feel rather than convinced through the story or writing. Like, obviously I should agree with everything Kate says. Obviously. Also, the writing just wasn’t great--slow and strange at times. The descriptions of people were weird. Like, way to take your novel about a feminist issue and describe the evil defense attorney in a way that is suggestive of her weight--she’s described as a “weighty” woman who “plumps” herself down. Which... whatever. Good idea, downright unintelligent and uninspired execution that probably would have been more interesting if we focused solely on Sophie’s point of view.
White Houses by Amy Bloom. 2/5. Lorena Hickock tells the story of her decades-long love affair with first lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Though American history has never been my jam, I was intrigued because the existence of Eleanor’s affair with “Hick” is debated to this day, despite a lot of evidence towards the fact that Eleanor was a) interested in women and b) in love with Hick, and vice versa. And this should have been so interesting. Not only is there the inherent interest factor of a first lady having an affair--and with another woman in the early twentieth century, at that--but Eleanor was a multi-dimensional, controversial woman married to a controversial man (who had plenty of affairs of his own). But Amy Bloom’s writing style and characterization of Hick (who had a horrific childhood that was handled... I don’t know, rather coldly, by the writing style) just sucked the life out of everything. I won’t say that there weren’t some pretty moments and I feel like the approach to depicting a long relationship was good, but this was too boring.
Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann. 3/5. Alice has recently suffered yet another bad breakup--and the reason why her girlfriend dumped her is especially painful. Biromantic and asexual, Alice struggles to communicate to her partners how she feels, and how her romantic attraction to them doesn’t mean that she experiences sexual attraction. Right after proclaiming that she’s done with dating, Alice meets the handsome, kind Takumi, and is immediately head over heels. But does she dare tell him about her feelings--and her sexuality? This book was definitely hard for me to rate, because in all honesty... I didn’t really like it. I didn’t really hate it, either. It was fine. The representation is so important that I feel like I can’t not recommend it--Alice is black, biromantic, and asexual. That’s huge. I don’t know if the author is asexual or not--I know she’s black--so I can’t speak to how the book handles asexuality (another reason why I wasn’t sure how to rate it) but I did appreciate that race wasn’t ignored in the book. The thing is that while Takumi was very cute, much of the book felt more like a Tumblr spiel than a story. Alice has a right to have her feelings hurt by the fact that her girlfriend doesn’t want to be with her; but I also felt like the girlfriend was a bit demonized for wanting to feel sexually desired, and the fact is that... that’s okay. Alice’s friends seem to say the right things a bit too often, especially considering how little the average person knows about asexuality. Alice herself annoyed the shit out of me, for reasons that had nothing to do with her sexuality--she was just so fucking cutesy, and in all honesty I had a hard time believing that a girl her age thought the way she did. It also felt as if that fed into the perception of ace people as these fairy-like unicorn types who love all things soft and cute, which... I don’t know. Maybe an ace person would read this and say otherwise. I’m not ace, so I have no idea. Basically: good idea, not so sure about the execution, great rep. Important, but perhaps a little too After School Special for me.
The Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden. 3/5. Following the events of The Bear and the Nightingale, Vasya is left with two choices: marry, or join a convent. Spirited--and still being mentored on some level by the frost demon Morozko--Vasya is quickly gains the esteem of the Prince of Moscow after a battle with bandits. But that leaves her disguising her gender, an d in more danger than ever before. I remember liking The Bear and the Nightingale--but I’m not sure that it left a huge impression on me, because I felt like I was going into this book blind. I remember the characters--it’s a big cast--but I wasn’t excited about anything but Vasya and Morozko. I don’t know, it all came off as a bit slow to me. Beautifully written and interesting, but slow. I plan on giving it another shot at some point.
From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata. 4/5. At twenty-six, Jasmine is past her prime as a figure skater, and her pairs partner’s abrupt departure has caused her to miss a season. She should be thrilled to be asked to partner last-minute with Ivan Lukov, the current world champion--but Ivan is also her best friend’s older brother, and her arch nemesis since she was a teenager. He’s arrogant and stuck-up; she’s got a chip on her shoulder. It’s a romance novel. We know what’s going to happen. But this was one of the most fun love/hate romance novels I’ve read in a while. Honestly, there’s nothing INCREDIBLY deep going on here--the stakes are relatively low, there aren’t any major obstacles or even a last minute shocking reveal~. Ivan and Jasmine really just need to stop being assholes to each other and fucking skate. Also, make out. But it’s such a fun book. Like, the writing is nothing spectacular--there’s some repetition and awkward descriptions--but the leads’ chemistry keeps it together and I pretty much wolfed the book down.
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata. 3/5. For two years, Vanessa has been the long-suffering personal, assistant of football star Aiden Graves, who acts as if she doesn’t exist. Fed up with being taken for granted, Vanessa quits--only to have Aiden show up on her doorstep, asking her to marry him. A Canadian, Aiden is in danger of having his visa expire, and the easiest way for him to stay in the U.S.--the only way he’ll accept--is through marriage, and Vanessa is the best potential (fake) wife. After Aiden promises to pay off her student loans and buy her a house, she agrees--but can she keep her real feelings at bay? Another cheesy but charming romance from Zapata, but this one I found a good bit less compelling. It was likable, sure, but I didn’t feel the chemistry between Aiden and Vanessa on the same level that I did Ivan and Jasmine’s in the above book. For that matter, while Aiden wasn’t as nasty to Vanessa as Ivan was to Jasmine--well, Jasmine dished it as well as she took it. Vanessa, on the other hand, was just a doormat as Aiden had her wash his sheets, cook for him, basically handle everything an adult should handle... while acting like she didn’t exist. It certainly diminished Aiden’s appeal, though I didn’t hate him. Again, it was fun, but not nearly as good as From Lukov with Love.
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Sweet Creature - Pink Series pt. 1
Hello lovelies! Here is part one of that angsty, slow burn, friends to lovers series I’m starting! The series will be called Pink and there will be 10 parts in total, each one inspired by/including one of the songs on Harry’s album.
Word Count: 5k
Enjoy! .xx -M
“So, you’re ready to get back into the game again, huh?” you ask around a mouthful of scone, crumbs tumbling from your lips as you speak.
“Yeah, I think I am. It’s been a long break, and I think I’m ready to really start writing again,” Harry smiles, the future career he’s planning seeming like more and more of a reality.
“Well, I for one, am excited. Always wanted to know what you’d do on your own.”
“You’ve heard some of my own songs,” he questions, sipping his tea.
“Well yeah, but like, none of those were written for your own personal album, H, they were more for fun. I wanna see you in your element,” you say.
Harry smiles at that, thinking about all the possible directions his music career could take now that it’s just him. The prospect is exciting and terrifying. He has to admit though, having friends like you supporting him is a huge help, and he knows the boys will be supportive too as they branch out themselves.
“What about you?” Harry asks. “What are you planning now that you’ve graduated?”
“Psssh,” you huff nervously. “Honestly, I have no fucking clue. Might just be a bum. Or maybe I can be a groupie for Harry Styles on his solo tour!” you say sarcastically, dodging the question.
“I’d be happy to take you along, you know that,” he says, but you just roll your eyes. “Really though, what are you going to do?”
“Honestly, making a career as a filmmaker isn’t exactly easy. It’s not like I can just go audition on a TV show and have my entire life made for me,” you tease. “Think I’m going to have to try to be an assistant to some hotshot first, then get my scripts out there.”
“I could talk to some people, if you want?”
“No no no no, Harry. No,” you say firmly. “I will not have you doing all my networking for me and let myself become successful just because I’m Harry Styles’ best friend. Gotta do it on my own, you know?”
“Mmmm,” he nods his head, understanding completely the need to make it on your own merit. The same thought is what’s haunting him about his solo career. “Well, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Even if it’s just reading your work or summat.”
“Yeah, I will,” you smile, reaching over and squeezing his hand in thanks. “So, how’s the love life?”
“You’re a blunt one aren’t you?” Harry laughs before actually considering his answer. “It’s pretty nonexistent.”
“What about that one model?”
“Yeah, that’s over. Very, very over. Just don’t think it’s the right time for me. Don’t know when it will be, but I spend all my time with people I don’t really know. Not exactly fairytale circumstances for me.”
“Well, you spend time with me. I could be your fairytale,” you giggle at the absurd thought.
“Mmm, my tea-slurping, messy-eating, in her head entirely too often fairytale,” he teases right back.
“Oh yes, I’m quite the catch,” you respond, harmless flirting being a staple of your friendship for years now.
“What about you? Any prince charmings on the horizon?”
“As if. I have a very steamy conversation with the barista at my local Starbucks every morning if that counts.”
Harry snorts at the pun and nods, knowing the feeling.
You spend the next hour talking about mutual friends, family, venting about work and media and discussing just how important it is that Harry continue to wear women’s pants.
“Never thought me wearing ladies’ jeans would be such a fucking deal,” he laughs.
“Yeah well, you look better in them than I do, so you can go fuck yourself,” you respond, laughing.
“Nonsense,” Harry says, ever the gentleman.
You pick up your phone, reading a text and gasping. Harry looks up, slightly disappointed. You must have to leave. You never get to hang out enough, in his humble opinion, but any time he spends with you feels just like old times, so he’ll take what he can get.
“James just text, the actor we hired for our short film just bailed. Got a part in a commercial and thinks his career is going to take off, so he quit this. I’ve got to go sort this out. I’m so sorry,” you apologize.
“Don’t worry about it, good luck finding someone else. If there’s anything I can do, let me know,” he tells you, genuinely wanting to help and spend more time with you.
“Actually, yeah, come to my house Friday around 8? I’ve missed hanging out with you. We’re always so busy, I never feel like I know what’s going on with you. Let’s make an effort to see each other more, yeah? Now that you’re on a break and all? It’ll be something to look forward to for the rest of the week. Get me through the hell I have to put up with at work,” you smile and Harry feels like he might blush, which is weird. He guesses he’s just not used to being the reward for a long week of work, it feels so domestic.
“Sounds perfect. I’ll bring that wine I know you like too.”
“You’re literally the sweetest,” you reply, grabbing your purse, giving him a quick kiss to the cheek, and rushing off.
Harry finishes up his food, paying for the both of you before he heads home, a silly smile on his face the whole way there. When you live the life of a popstar, sometimes normalcy is hard to find. Life is big, luxurious, fancy, and damn expensive. Having you as a best friend brings him back down to earth as he goes to coffee shops with you where you always order the cheapest thing, despite him often paying, drink the cheapest wine he’s ever bought but knows you love it, and having conversation that doesn’t revolve around this and that famous person or catty feuds with people. You’re his breath of fresh air and he’s ecstatic that you wants him around more often, possibly more ecstatic than he should be, he thinks, but he’ll ignore that for now.
The next two days go by in a blur as he begins doing a little more writing for his album, getting his brain back in music mode. Honestly, knowing he was going to spend time at your apartment on the weekend put him in an incredibly good mood. As he finds himself writing, his song is happy, chipper even, and he finally feels like strumming away on his guitar is a fun activity, rather than an obligation. Just before he jumps in the shower Friday night, he gets a text from you.
Okay, I’m super lame and went on Pinterest to find something to make tonight and I found the most complicated recipe for cheesy chicken pasta I’ve ever fucking read. Be prepared to work your butt off suzy-homemaker.
Who says I’ll be helping?
He replies with a giggle before showering, washing his newly short hair with way too much shampoo. He still hasn’t gotten used to using like half the product he used to. By the time he’s finished getting ready, he’s smelling like Tom Ford cologne and looking good enough to eat, if he does say so himself. He doesn’t like to be a particularly cocky person, but he is well aware of how swoon-worthy he looks sometimes. He checks his phone once more before leaving.
Well, unless you want burnt chicken and overcooked pasta for dinner, you’re helping.
Only because I love you x
He winces a little after he texts that. You used to tell each other you loved each other all the time. He tells most of his friends that, if he’s being honest, but they’ve been so busy lately and have kind of drifted, so he’s a little worried that you won’t feel quite as close as you used to, that it might weird you out.
Love you too, asshole. Now hurry up, I’m hungry.
Harry’s breath huffs out in a relieved laugh when he sees the response, and he promptly jumps in his car and drives over as quickly as possible. He stops by the corner off-license to grab the wine, getting two bottles because he knows you will probably drink a whole one yourself, and makes it to your place just before 8. When you open the door, you’re in short shorts and a t-shirt with holes all in it, obviously dressed down for the occasion. Harry looks down at his skinny jeans and floral button down and instantly feels overdressed.
“Someone looks fancy,” you chirp, taking the wine from him and ushering him inside.
“Yeah,” he laughs nervously.
“You know, you don’t have to rub in how unbelievably handsome you are, right? You could at least try to look like a normal person every once in awhile,” you tease, getting all of the ingredients for dinner and setting them on the counter.
“Sorry about that, ‘m just so irresistible. Do you have that spare pair of sweats I used to keep here? I could maybe dress down? Make you feel better?” he jokes.
“And what shirt would you wear?”
“Ummm, none? Or one of yours I guess?”
“Yeah, shirtless you is going to make me feel loads better. Actually…I might have the perfect thing,” you say after contemplating for a moment.
You wave him to follow you into your bedroom, the once familiar territory looking much the same as it did two years ago when he’d spend nearly every free weekend he had hanging out here. You rustle through one of your dresser drawers, pulling out a pair of sweats from the very back. Harry can’t lie that he’s a little disappointed you had these stuffed in the back of a drawer, rather than wearing them yourself every once in awhile. He pushes the thought away though, you’re is just his best friend. Why would you wear his clothes? With a smile, you goe to your closet, thumbing through shirts until you find one.
“Aha,” you giggle, handing him a small white t-shirt that has his face from about 2014 plastered on it.
“What the actual fuck is this?” he cackles.
“Told you I was a fan, you know, before we met,” you laugh.
“This picture wasn’t taken that long before we met!” he doubles over in laughter, clutching the shirt. “Plus, it could fit a 12 year old!”
“Shut up! I developed late, okay? You know very well that I look much different now than when we met!”
“Mmm, true. Now you’ve got those cuuurves,” he giggles, beginning to unbutton his shirt to change.
He doesn’t miss the blush on your cheeks as you watch him, then shake your head and leave the room to give him some privacy. Once he finishes changing, he realizes just how absolutely ridiculous he looks. For starters, the shirt used to fit a tiny 18 year old you and barely stretches over his broad frame. His face is all dimples on the fabric, and you can see his tattoos through the shirt. It’s the silliest thing he’s ever seen. But, to top it off, he hadn’t thought about the fact that the sweats were also a few years old, and much too short for him now. So now, rather than looking hot as hell in his tight jeans and designer top, he’s wearing high-water sweats and a shirt with his own fucking fetus face staring out from it. Just what he needs.
He walks back into the kitchen slowly, head hanging in mock shame.
“Oh my god,” you shout, almost immediately falling to the floor in laughter. “You look insane,” you say between harsh breaths.
“Oi, shut up. I make this look good,” he drawls ironically, which just encourages further laughter.
“Okay okay, I need a picture. I need a picture.”
“No no no no, absolutely no fucking way,” he says, eyes going wide with worry.
“It’s not like I’m going to post it, you idiot. But I need it, for posterity’s sake. Pleeease?” you whine, and how the fuck can Harry resist those big blue puppy-dog eyes.
“For your eyes only,” he says sternly, pointing his finger at you for emphasis.
“Mmm, course,” you reply in mock seriousness before grabbing your phone and snapping a quick shot with him pouting angrily.
Now that you’re both dressed down and more comfortable, you dim the lights a little bit, and begin cooking, you doing most of the chopping and slicing of things, Harry handling anything to do with fire. You could not be trusted to not burn down the house, and to be honest, he was actually quite worried about you having a knife in your hands as well. More than once, he almost intervened and said he’d cook the whole damn meal. But, you looked so happy and excited to be cooking this new recipe with him, he couldn’t be the reason that giddy smile and look of concentration left you face when it warmed his heart so much to see it there, so instead, he kept a close eye on you, making sure you didn’t lose a finger. You both wiggle around each other in the kitchen, singing along to the Motown playlist you had put on, cooking and sipping wine together in complete harmony. Harry could not honestly say that his eyes didn’t linger as you wiggled your hips to a particularly upbeat song, or that he didn’t bite his lip when you’d bend down to get another cutting board from the cabinets. More than once, he stopped himself from reaching out and pulling you close, these new feelings definitely shocking him. Sure, it’d been awhile since he’d seen you, but he’s never thought of you as anything more than a sister before. So why now, is he sitting here struggling to keep his gaze purely platonic? You really were a sweet little thing, a sweet little creature, and he couldn’t deny that nearly everything you did put a smile on his face.
“Hey, you’ll burn the chicken if you keep looking at me like that!” you shout, swatting at his arm and bringing him out of his daze. “Don’t look that hideous, do I?” you laugh somewhat nervously.
“Not at all, love, just got a bit of something on your face,” he mentions before reaching out and smearing a bit of the cream they were using for the sauce onto your cheek.
You look at him aghast, picking up one of the cherry tomatoes you were slicing and throwing it directly at his forehead.
“Come now, don’t waste food,” he scolds, to your utter shock!
“You’re the one who initiated it!”
“No need to go pointing fingers,” he grins before going back to cooking.
“Dick,” you mumble under your breath, but can’t keep the smirk from your face.
Soon enough the meal is cooked and you are already halfway through your bottle of wine and still barely tipsy. When you sit down and eat, Harry laughs at the way you stuff your face with pasta, no shame at all. He feels a little pride when you groan in satisfaction at the taste of the pasta, knowing he did most of the work. As you both eat, Harry’s phone buzzes with a text from Gemma.
Always knew you were a self-obsessed ass.
Apparently there is a picture attached and when he opens the message he sees the photo of himself, ridiculous shirt and sweats and all. His jaw drops as he looks at you as you unsuspectingly finish one of your last bites of food.
“What?” you ask, confused by his gaze.
“I said for your eyes only, little lady!” he scolds, showing you his phone.
You nearly spit out the food in your mouth as you realize Gemma is just as bad at keeping secrets as you are.
“Come on, how could I not send that to her?”
“Fair enough,” Harry replies, knowing his sister probably enjoyed it immensely. “Never gonna trust you again though.”
“Hey, you can trust me!” you pout, taking a gulp of wine.
“Can I really? Said you’d keep that private and now my sister’s sending it to me. Tell me the truth, did you even for a second think about actually keeping it to yourself?” Harry accuses.
“Not for a second,” you laugh loudly. “But you tell me the truth, did you ever for a second really think I would?”
“Not exactly,” he laughs, admitting defeat.
“Knew we still knew each other well,” you smirk.
“Mmm, bet there are some things we don’t know though, yeah?” he asks, a suspicious grin coming across his features.
“I suppose,” you respond, giving him a questioning look.
“What do you say to a bit of truth or dare?” Harry asks and you can honestly say you’re shocked, though it could definitely be fun.
“Hmmmm, alright then,” you say after a moment’s hesitation.
“Who first?” he asks.
“Well you, obviously! You suggested it!” you laugh, taking another admittedly huge gulp of wine.
“Alright, truth,” he says, making eye contact with you as if challenging you to ask him something really good.
This is almost your least favorite part of the game, coming up with something interesting to ask the other person. You don’t want it to be so embarrassing that they’ll lie, but you also want to find out something really great while you can. After a moment, you finally come up with your question.
“How much did you hate me when we were at that bar last year, during the summer, and that really hot blond gave you her number and offered to go home with you, but you couldn’t because I was drunk off my ass and needed you to take care of me?” you ask, almost nervous of the answer. You two had had an amazing night that night. Though you can’t remember much of it, Harry caught plenty of your drunken karaoke in his living room on video and those are some of your favorite not-so-well-remembered memories.
“Honestly, I was completely angry at first, probably a little rude to her too when she offered to come home with me and I told her no. But that night was worth it, oh so worth it,” he says, laughing at the memories he still has perfectly in his head.
You flush at the thought, knowing you probably did some terribly embarrassing things that night that you don’t recall but that Harry would have in vivid memory.
“Okay, your turn! Truth or dare?” he asks, the excited light in his eyes letting you know you definitely have something to worry about.
“Hmmm, dare,” you say, though completely nervous as to what he’ll make you do.
“Call your sister and tell her you’re in love with me and that we’re running off to get married,” he says after only a moment’s pause.
“Oh my god, we’re bringing her into this?” you ask, but take out your phone nonetheless.
“Sure are,” he chuckles, his eyes on you. “And have it on speaker too.”
With a mumbled ‘shit’ you put your phone on speaker and call your sister.
“What do you want?” she answers, always the courteous one.
“Hello to you too, asshole,” you laugh.
“Hi,” she says, obviously annoyed.
“Oh my god, lighten up, what are you doing?”
“Nothing important,” she says shortly.
“Okay, well,” Harry nods at you excitedly, some of his now short hair falling onto his forehead when he does. “I...uh, I just called to tell you I’m madly in love with Harry and uh, we’re eloping,” you try not to giggle as you tell her the blatant lie.
“Am I supposed to be surprised?” she asks coldly. She’s always had a strange way of showing affection, but you know she means no harm. “Uh...yes,” you laugh awkwardly, looking at Harry whose eyes have gone wide, mouth open slightly. “Especially since it’s a total lie, Harry dared me to tell you. How could you even think I’d be in love with Harry?” you laugh, quite enjoying this dare.
“Oi, being in love with me’s not that wild of an idea, is it?” he asks, mock offended.
“Shut up,” you giggle, trying to listen to your sister.
“Oh, ok. Well, whatever. Hi, Harry,” she says after having heard his voice.
“Hiiiii,” he drawls, giggling and apparently already a little tipsy.
“Is that it?” she asks.
“Yeah, that was it,” you respond, now wanting this conversation to be over.
“Ok, well bye.”
“Bye, love you!” you say, rushing the ‘love you’ to squeak it in before she hangs up.
“Love you too,” she says quickly before ending the call.
“Oh my god,” Harry cackles, proper rocking in his seat from laughter, but you know him well enough to see that it is at least a little fake.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” you laugh, avoiding eye contact.
“Mmhmm, course not,” he giggles.
“Anyways, truth or dare?”
He doesn’t miss the way your cheeks are flushed and your eyes are avoiding his when you ask, but that could be the wine and your sleepiness after a long week. It doesn’t have to mean anything, does it?
“Ummm, dare,” he says, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger.
You nod, thinking for a moment before finally deciding on something. This is so much easier when you have other people to discuss with before choosing your truth or dare…
“I dare you to play me the newest thing you’ve been working on,” you smile, proud of your dare. He probably would have done it anyway, but now he has to!
He stares at you for a moment, debating if he will actually do it or not. His gaze is intense, as it always is, but there’s something new behind this look. He is internally panicking, wondering what you will think of the song and also if you’ll be able to figure out it was mostly inspired by you. Of course, a few of the lines were inspired by Gemma, but you were the general idea backing the song. If you knew that...he doesn’t think he could handle it. You, on the other hand, have never heard him so nervous to sing to you, but chalk it up to the fact that this is his first solo work, the first stuff that is only him, so it carries a bit more weight.
You both move into the living room where you keep the guitar that used to be your grandpa’s but you never play, despite having tried to teach yourself how multiple times. He picks up the guitar, tuning it quickly as he sits on the couch. You sit down on the floor below him, amping up the feeling that this is a performance, and he can’t help but stare at you, looking at him so expectantly with those eyes, those fucking eyes that drive him crazy and feel like home. Your face is full of support and admiration, and it’s the fact that he knows you will support him even if you think it’s shit that gives him the courage to really do it.
“Okay so, well this song is about Gemma really, so yeah…” he says as if excusing it somehow, to make the blow less painful if you tell him it’s awful, which you know it won’t be.
He plucks along the first few notes and already you’re in love, staring at him with the biggest smile he’s ever seen on your face, and his voice wavers a little when he begins to sing.
“Sweeeet Creature,
had another talk about where it’s goin’ wrong,
But we’re still young,
we don’t know where we’re going, but we know we belong...”
He begins and the awe on your face gives him the courage to continue the song. His belly is flip-flopping as he does, but he ignores it because here you are, listening to him sing this song, which is really all about you, though you’ll never know, and he loves your adoring eyes so much he’d sing forever if it meant you would keep looking at him that way.
“Sweet creature, sweet creature,
Wherever I go, you’ll bring me home.
Sweet creature, sweet creature,
When I run out of rope, you’ll bring me home…”
He continues and he swears to god he’s getting tears in his eyes and he’s never sang this as emotionally as he is right now and he really needs to bring it back before he scares you. One glance at you, with a small smile and watery eyes as you look at him like he put the stars in the sky makes his heart jump and he finishes the song with as much precision and passion as he can muster, wanting nothing more than for you to like it.
When he’s done, he sits in silence, not making eye contact with you, afraid of your reaction and wanting you to have space to hate it if you do.
“Harry,” you whisper, bringing your fingers up to your mouth, covering it slightly. “That was...incredible.”
You can see the breath he’s been holding leave his body in relief as he finally looks at you, and he looks like a child again, seeking approval, wanting to be liked, and boy, do you like him.
“You’re not jus’ sayin…” he trails off before you can let him finish.
“Harry, no. Don’t you dare do that. Don’t doubt yourself for a second. I’m your best friend, I of all people would be completely honest with you if it sucked and it definitely doesn’t suck, not even a little. That’s the sweetest most heartfelt song I’ve ever heard, H. Have you sung it to Gemma yet? I know she’ll adore it knowing you wrote it about her,” you say, only imagining what she’d think of it. She’d probably tear up, and you knew Gemma - she wasn’t one for tears.
“You really think it’s good?” he asks, needing as much praise as you’re willing to give.
“Absolutely stunning, Harry, just like everything you do,” you respond.
His stomach is in knots, his face blushing and whether that’s from nerves from performing new material or just the fact that he performed for you and you loved it, he’ll never be completely sure.
“I haven’t told Gemma yet, don’t think she’d care that much,” he huffs, a small chuckle leaving his lips.
“Trust me, H, if I had someone write a song like that about me, I’d about die of happiness, she’s going to love it,” you soothe him.
He tries to control his reaction to your last statement, tries to keep himself from muttering anything about the true inspiration to the song, and he keeps a good lid on it, still not completely sure why he’s so nervous to tell you. You are his best friend after all, it’s not surprising that you bring him back down to earth, that you are a super important influence in his life, and that he’d write a song about you. It doesn’t seem crazy at all, actually, but yet, he knows how he felt while writing that song, knows how he felt while performing it, and honestly, those feelings are much too intimate, even for best friends, he thinks. It’s really something he’s got to get sorted out and soon if you’re to be spending so much more time together now that he has more control over his schedule.
Sensing his discomfort, you get up from the floor, take the guitar from him and settle down next to him on your couch. He sighs when he feels your body next to his. Things are good, they are the same, nothing has changed just because you heard the song, he’s going to be okay, you’re both going to be fine, he tells himself over and over as you turn on the television and rest your head on his shoulder.
“Feels a little silly playing truth or dare after you unloaded that masterpiece on me,” you say, flicking through channels.
“Mmm, yeah, I suppose,” he agrees, wrapping one arm around your shoulders carefully so as not to cross any ‘best-friends don’t do that’ lines.
You can feel his body tense slightly when the channel lands on a rom-com, Friends with Benefits it’s called, with Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, so you leave it at that, assuming his reaction means he likes the film.
As he sits next to you, your body pressed against his and watches this film about two best-friends having lots of wild sex and ultimately falling in love, his body simply can’t relax. He wonders what’s going through your brain, if you’re having the same kind of ‘maybe we should try that’ thoughts that he’s having. If you’re busy staring at the glorious creature that is Justin Timberlake or if your mind is focused on the way his body feels next to yours, because he can say with absolute certainty that he hasn’t been able to pay Mila Kunis a second of attention with you against him like this. He runs his thumb along the skin of your shoulder soothingly and you nustle deeper into him, your sweet smelling vanilla perfume wafting into his nostrils and absolutely intoxicating him. He really needs to get a lock on what he’s feeling, if these are real feelings, if they’re just lust, missing you as a friend since it’s been so long since you hung out like this, or if he just desperately needs some physical attention from a female. Yeah...he decides, that’s what it is. He hasn’t been laid in at least 3 months, too busy with family and setting things up for work to worry about it and now, having you here like this is reminding him of what he’s missing. That’s it, nothing serious. You’re just a woman and he can’t help feel this way, even if you are best-friends. But that’s all you are and all you’ll ever be - friends. And he’s completely okay with that...he thinks.
#harry fluff#harry smut#harry#harry styles#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles imagine#harry styles series#one direction#one direction fanfiction#slow burn#slow burn fanfiction#friends to lovers#sweet creature#sweet creature - pink series pt. 1#pink series#haroldslovekitten
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Written on Your Heart - Chapter 8
Long overdue conversations are had. Bonding all around.
Fic masterlist
Tagging @doctorroseprompts and @timepetalsprompts as it’s a soulmate AU.
Now being beta’d by the wonderful @starry-nightflyer! Thanks!
Out in the waiting room, Jackie and Sarah Jane waited in silence.
“Do you know what happened?” Jackie asked eventually.
Sarah Jane put down the magazine she was flipping through and turned her attention solely on the other woman. “Not really, and I don’t think James does either. He says everything went cold overnight after that dance she went to a few weeks ago, but he has no idea what went wrong.”
“So they didn’t have a fight?”
“Not that he knows of. I hope that whatever it is gets resolved soon. He’s been a bloody wreck ever since, moping about. I don’t think I had realized how much she really meant to him before now.”
Jackie nodded slowly. “He said he loves her.”
“I believe he does. He adores her. He won’t say one word about his own accomplishments, but he never stops talking about hers.”
“Same with Rose.” Jackie hesitated. “You don’t worry perhaps they’re a little too attached?”
“Possibly.” Sarah Jane said thoughtfully. “But to James, having a soulmate is everything. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m certain he cares for who Rose is as a person, but as his soulmate? He grew up watching his parents who were soulmates, and they absolutely adored each other, like something out of a romance novel. He wants, I think, something similar.”
“So you’re saying she could do worse?” Jackie teased. Sarah Jane laughed.
“Very much so.”
Jackie sighed, before checking her watch. “It’s been forty-five minutes – more than long enough, wouldn’t you say?”
Sarah Jane stood in response, and the two women walked towards Rose’s room in amicable silence.
Pulling back the curtain, they saw the two teenaged soulmates seated together on the bed, writing on each other and holding a stack of pens.
“What are you doing?” Jackie asked in exasperation, and they looked up guiltily.
“Hi, Mum.” Rose waved carefully.
“Weren’t you supposed to be talking?” Sarah Jane asked in amusement, moving towards the chair James had spent the night in.
“We did!” The boy confirmed defensively. “Now we’re trying to see which types of pens work best, how colors come through, that sort of thing.” He held up his own arms, which were covered in different colors of ink as proof.
“That’s nice.” Jackie interrupted impatiently. “But I think it’s high time you explained what’s been going on, young lady.” She shot Rose a stern look, who bowed her head in response and shifted closer to James.
“Go on, love, it’s all right.” He murmured, placing a kiss against her hair.
Starting hesitantly, mostly talking to her lap where her hand was clasped with James’, Rose explained their conversation at the dance, her later ‘epiphany’, and everything since.
The entire time, Sarah Jane watched James watch Rose. She saw how he quietly supported her, letting her talk at her own speed, never interrupting. They held hands, and he occasionally used the other to smooth her hair or wipe a tear from her cheek.
Though her heart broke for the girl, hearing her story about the misunderstanding, she knew instinctively the couple would be all right. Sarah was used to seeing James fawn over Rose; he lit up like a child at Christmas whenever he got a message from her.
This was the first time she was actually meeting the girl herself. It moved Sarah, to see her so devoted to James, just as he was to her. She did worry, a bit, about how that devotion had led them here to the hospital, but felt certain that now the two had a chance to clear the air, and Rose could see for herself how genuine James was, it wouldn’t be an issue going forward.
“But we’ve talked, and sorted all of that out. I’m really sorry I was so stupid.” Rose finished.
James immediately reacted. “Don’t say that!” Jackie and Sarah Jane were instantly forgotten, and he turned to face his soulmate, cradling her face in his hands and looking her in the eye. “You are not stupid. There were assumptions made, and they were wrong, but that does NOT make you stupid.” He told her fiercely.
“Okay.” Rose muttered, clearly uncomfortable with his vehement defense of her.
“Rose, really.” His thumbs gently traced her cheekbones, trying to offer comfort. “You’re incredibly smart, and talented, and overall wonderful. I think the world of you.” He confessed.
Rose blushed, unable to keep contact, though she did lean in slightly to his hands on her face. “It means a lot that you see me that way.” She admitted shyly. He shrugged nonchalantly.
“It’s the truth.”
Before Rose could respond, there was a light cough and the four heads swiveled to see a cop standing there sheepishly. Sarah Jane recognized him as the helpful officer from the night before.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I need to be taking Miss Tyler’s statement now.”
James opened his mouth, but the officer shook his head before the teen could say anything.
“Sorry, only Miss Tyler and her guardian can be present.”
James had a mulish look on his face, like he was going to argue, but Sarah Jane stepped in before he could.
“That’s fine, officer. We’ll be in the waiting room. Or, better yet – Rose, can we fetch you something from the cafeteria?”
“How are you doing?” Sarah asked once they were seated in the cafeteria with what passed for breakfast.
“Fine.” James stabbed at his eggs, not even hungry.
“How could she think that?” He finally exploded. “How could she think that I would – that I would-” frustrated, he shoved his fingers through his hair.
“Oh, James.” Sarah sighed, watching him sympathetically. “Do you remember when you were a thirteen year old girl?”
He started to nod sadly, before her full sentence processed and his head jerked up to stare at her.
“Exactly.” Sarah explained patiently. “You have no idea what she’s going through, how she feels – she’s experiencing a very different life than you are, meaning you don’t see the world the same. Thirteen is a very awkward age for a young woman, and to be soulmated to a boy so much older – and yes, at your ages, it is a significant age gap – that just adds to the pressure. I’m sure she’s seen a darker side of romance than you have. The worst relationship you’ve ever witnessed is watching your father and Sylvia snark at each other.”
Loathe as he was to admit it, he knew she was right. “So, how do I convince her I’m not like that?”
“By doing. James, the only way to prove you’re ‘not that kind of guy’, is to not be that kind of guy. I don’t expect that to be a problem for you, anyone can see how you care about each other, but it’s just going to take time. You’re the exception to most of what she’s seen, not the rule.”
James nodded miserably, pushing his eggs around the plate.
“I’m not going to be allowed to see her again until she’s eighteen, am I?”
Sarah hesitated. “You’re not really supposed to, no.”
“Do I sense a but?” He asked, half-teasing.
“Well, Jackie and I have briefly –” His expression turned from brooding to that of an excited puppy in a matter of seconds. “Very briefly, mind – discussed the possibility. We may, under very limited and specific circumstances, allow you to see each other.”
“Really?” The hope shining in his eyes made her resolve to see that happen solidify.
“Possibly at Christmas. I think we both realize that we’ll be spending the holidays together once you’re both eighteen and a proper couple. Given that we’re both such small families, I suppose it makes sense to begin sooner rather than later. Remember, convention says soulmates should be kept apart until eighteen if at all possible.” She cautioned.
“Oh, Aunt Sarah, please. I’ll do anything you want – just, please.” He begged her.
“It’s not up to me, darling. And again, I say – very limited, and very supervised. It depends on what Jackie’s comfortable with. And that may be nothing, so don’t go getting your hopes up – or Rose’s, either. If you tell her and Jackie decides to say no, that’ll cause a rift between them, and you don’t want to be responsible for that.”
He bobbed his head in agreement, but she knew her words had gone in one ear and out the other as he started making a list of all the events throughout the year that could qualify as ‘very limited and specific’ for them to meet.
“All right Miss Tyler, I think we can leave this incident as a warning – you seem to have a good grasp on the seriousness of your actions. Don’t do it again, yeah?” The officer cautioned, pulling away his notepad and rising from the chair.
“I do, and I won’t.” Rose promised, sighing in relief when he was gone.
“Do we need to talk about this further, or do you understand exactly how much trouble you’ll be in if anything like this ever happens again?” Jackie questioned, and Rose shook her head gingerly.
“I’m good, Mum. Really.”
“All right then. Let’s talk about something else. He’s a bit fit, isn’t he?”
“Who, the officer?” Rose crinkled her nose and Jackie rolled her eyes.
“No, the Pope. James, you silly goose.”
“Oh!” Her eyes lit up. “More than a bit, I’d say. He’s gorgeous.”
Jackie had to laugh at the dreamy, love-struck look on Rose’s face.
“And just think, he’s all yours.”
“Yeah.” Rose agreed quietly, sighing.
“What, you don’t believe him?”
“No! Well, I mean, yes, I do. At least I want to. But look at me, Mum. And look at him! He’s so much older than me, and so handsome. He’s absolutely brilliant, and funny. I just… I feel like he could do better.” She played with a loose thread.
“Maybe.” Jackie acknowledged with a shrug. “But those things, they only matter to a certain degree. And you’re smart, and funny, and pretty. But more importantly, Rose, you’re you. The universe chose you for him and him for you for a reason. Once you’re of age and together, you’ll start to see what that reason is. Don’t worry so much about the challenges. Focus on the good, here and now. That’s what your daddy always said. He’d tell me, ‘Hush Jacks. Don’t go borrowing trouble from tomorrow.’ Course, he was always borrowing money from tomorrow, but that’s neither here nor there.”
Rose smiled at the mention of her father, though her thoughts quickly went back to her soulmate.
“Did you see how amazing his hair is?” She asked.
“I did. Like I said, he’s a bit all right.”
Mother and daughter burst into giggles, gossiping together about James.
Jackie still wasn’t sure to feel about the boy in concept, and this incident certainly hadn’t helped, but if he made Rose laugh and put that big smile on her face, she supposed he couldn’t be all bad.
#bbatcfic#doctorroseprompts#timepetalscollective#ficandchips#Doctor Who#human!tenxrose#human!ten#rose tyler#Written On Your Heart#human au#soulmates au
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404-not found
Oh boy. I don't think you want to hear the rest of it either, but then again neither do I. You turn your attention back to Vera and tell her that she needs to take a break from this for awhile since she is starting to get tired herself. She doesn't really argue with you, though she does say something about how if you ever need anything just let her know so she can help out as much as possible anyway. You need to pee too, so you ask Vera what she would like to drink first. She says she wants water, which you agree to since you're pretty thirsty yourself. You head over to the sink where you rinse off your face and hands before grabbing a washcloth and washing up as well. Once finished, you grab another towel and start drying off in between rinsing your hair with the water while looking at yourself in the mirror. You need to poo again too, but you doubt if you will get the nerve up to tell Vera to stick around a second time tonight. So you quickly wash your hair and towel off before returning your attention to Vera who is absentmindedly watching you toweling off your upper body. A part of you wants to tell Vera to shower with you since despite her epic failure tonight, there is no denying that she is attractive. You need to sell some insurance... Choose: Do you want to sell some life insurance? & "Gee James, that's the last thing I need, especially since I'm leaving." Vera says a bit irritated. -- The End -- You both head down to the lower level and wait for Gabri on one of the beds. He finally joins you, or rather drags himself in. You need to see the dawn... Choose: Continue------ 80 year old Gabri's face is holding up better than a lot of people you know 20 or even 30 years younger than he is now. You just hope you age as well. Bombs bursting in the lightening sky above, Forge your armaments and deadly machines. Cast them into the fray when the moment arrives, And will a vict'ry for liberty's sweet sake. Also known as The Chimera in more scifi circles, this experimental craft is the first real attempt at creating a long range cruiser to fight the Eternals on their own turf. And just in time too, less than two years later the entire universe seems to be against you. Before the time of the alligators, the Chimera served as a recon ship, though nowhere near as big or heavily armed. At the time, it was more of a automated probe with a tiny crew that transmitted information back to base giving the armies of mankind more targets to destroy unhindered. Although largely stripped of all its fancy and unnecessary equipment, it still serves to direct Goliath class Dropships through rough terrain. When the stains of night arose to take over the darkness, a warning call rang out from the now-dormant ship on the edge of human controlled space. Warned about newer and larger starships cutting off the path between Earth and uncoviced systems, each cruiser has had to extend their range, delaying reinforcements that may have helped setting up a more defensible line time and time again. I love you so much that I want to kill you, Self-important bureaucracy declares me your foe, My passion for you intensifies with each new skyline, But all affections are lost on one so unconcerned. You push apart the slick skin of the alligator's mouth to get inside. Be careful not to cut yourself on their razor sharp teeth. Choose: Enter Alligator's Mouth... Please be well... Please be well... The alligator slowly revolves on it's pedestal, a cyptic sculpture waiting to be noticed. Once inside, you notice a number of people peer at you from the alligator's mouth. A whirlwind of emotions come over you and out of confusion or fear, you slow down time to make sense of the chaos within that surprisingly calm space. Grabbing onto an arm of a nearby civilian firmly, a pained look on his face he turns towards you. Now for a story about alligators fire and fight, And primordial passion in form of this statue all right. Can you feel a warm stickiness coming off my hand? Choose: Hold On or Let Go. Fire and fight, passion and alligators, AND love? Well played mystery guest! Well...played... Dashing through the darkened halls, your arms laden with food and supplies, you hear loud cracks and booms as explosions rip through the air, shaking dust from the ceiling. You run as fast as your legs can carry you with several company men yelling and swearing behind you. Let there be some light, So that you might see some people searching, For someone to go back and fight, While others hide in the shadows fearfully. Roll for your if you oppose them. A shadowy hoodie hanging down past his face, a sharp-looking good-guy badge on his sleeve. That's right, this is your captain! He's come all the way here from Washington just to find you. Where are you going with all of this water and food? Choose: Continue or Hideout. You've chased a band of men through half the towns and settlements in this area, why would one silly alligator scare you off now? Letting down your friends like that would be super uncool. crowd image source: nugget Reviews If you don't complete your task within 48 hours, you'll float until your supplies run out at which point you'll die of thirst and starvation (or be eaten). Up to the moon the ship sails, past houses and heaven above, into a dark night with even darker ambition. When a body is found, the winds of confusion start to blow. Like someone whisper "Who did it?" in your ear... You're given three arrows and told that if you fail to kill your target then there will be no coming back from this one. The man is willing to confess, we just need someone reliable to shoot the dumb jerk. Yeah what happens when you skip a space Choose: Continue or Haul Butt. What happens when you skip a sentence?Why does anyone like big butts? What happens when you don't use coconuts to surf? Just how hard is it to shove a tree on top of another guy anyway? Why don't people eat the tasty with some chili? These questions and many more will forever burn inside of us, my friend... Even I don't know... why. Do not give up on me now! I'm finally getting to the good part. Once you do one of these, it'll affect the story for around twenty pages. They range from changing small one-line things to unlocking whole new paths to go down so pay attention. "Why would you think that? He's obviously just a regular employee." "You know more than anyone that there's no such thing as a regular employee around here.'' "True... true... 404: not found. If your mind is anything like mine then you're probably experience a powerful desire to :zip: around the following hallways. Most narratives are swiftly linear affairs, but Room is a story being told by a 4-year-old and there's some serious quirks when it comes to its layout. You'll get to pick from four options every so often and each selection will take you to a different bit of the tale... or even another story entirely. Confusing? I bet. 404: not found. ; Raleigh's Restaurant - Night 1 You look at your gooey reflection in the window. "Still as handsome as ever." The driver looks at you and shakes his head in dismay. "Will you stop talking to yourself?" I ask him why, if he dislikes it so much, he continues to put up with me. He ignores my question-- he knows as well as I do that no noise is louder than the sound of silence. 404: not found. It takes a while for you to notice that it's mold and not dust coating the walls; after all, the latter is something you're no stranger to. You wipe away a streak of grime and what was-- mere minutes before-- a condensation-filled glass... Now cracked from the heat of nostalgic rage. The orange hue of flame bounces off the shimmering walls, it dances among your surroundings... but does nothing to warm the incredibly bitter atmosphere. 404: not found. The rotting chair's here are far too heavy to carry while sprinting away; even the sticky floor beneath you is a safe zone compared to hovering between your merciless past and uncertain future-- if you even have one. Will anyone even miss you when you're gone? If they do, will it matter? After all, it only took a few days for everyone to start depending on you for their continued safety; what a hassle being important is... "You missed a spot," 404: not found. You don't have anything to say, but it'd be rude not to make the noise of acknowledgement in some way; you clear your throat as loud as you can and then :shake: your head-- in the direction of the sound-- a few times. "No... you..." The reflection has your attention now. "You don't get to live. Not after what you did... You don't get saving, either." 404: not found. Your head now bounces-- uncontrollably-- as if someone flicked on a switch to make it so, and the glaze over your eyes spreads to your entire body. Now even your reflection can see how tense you are. "They told you that you passed with flying colors, but they lied. They always lied... They knew it too. They just didn't expect you to repeat after what happened before... 404: not found. 404: not found. 404: not found. YOU CAN'T COME TO SAVELSVILLE. YOU WON'T BE SAFE HERE. 404: not found.Tip: If you're logged in, your g
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Entry 171
“Looks like Jarod will be a bit still. I’m sure he won’t mind if we go ahead and start shopping.” suggested James, looking completely unashamed.
:We are partially to blame for not telling James the time in advance.: claimed Mai.
:He still should’ve taught Jarod to always dress up for a date of any kind with us. Having to inform him simply delayed things further.: I argued.
:He might’ve caught too many eyes before he met us had he known better.: Mai insisted.
James quickly assured us “I’m sure he just got a bit flustered when he was asked to dress up. You know what he’s comfortable wearing.”
Alma took James’ arm and started guiding him toward a store, so we didn’t bother replying.
:He’s so very tall.: I commented, staring upward at him through my sister’s eyes.
:Especially next to Lady Pendreigh, but they’re still cute together.: replied Mai with an internal giggle.
We weren’t going to say anything of the like to Lady Pendreigh. She was occasionally grumpy about her height. Both of us grinned the moment we stepped inside, looking around the store together. This place was worth the trip.
:I wonder what Jarod will like best on us.: pondered Mai.
Our thoughts had merged on that point, wishing we could read his mind at times. We were still learning how to deal with Jarod. He was handsome but had no sense of fashion. He was quick-witted enough to keep up against both of us, which was incredible for a human.
:The way he smiles!: exclaimed Mai.
:He’s always up to something, but the happiness is so genuine.: I agreed.
Lady Pendreigh had spoken with the staff on our behalf, and we actually liked a number of the dresses they brought out as well as some of the suits. The shoes were another matter. Several pairs were cute, but most were too dull.
:We do have a bit of a collection.: teased Mai.
:But we could always use more!: I insisted.
I felt her agreement in her mirth. We wondered at times how people managed without another half. One body wouldn’t have enough hands.
:Or eyes… feet… anything really.: agreed Mai.
Yet Jarod managed. He was incredibly productive and still would sit around talking with us about anything we wanted.
:The way he catches onto things is amazing.: I stated.
Giving an internal nod, Ai said, :I love how his eyes light up as he asks questions and makes comments.:
Jarod understood. He always understood. Unlike James who was idly staring around the room, Jarod always paid attention as well. We both grinned outwardly.
:He still can’t tell us apart.: teased Mai.
:James is a freak.: I stated.
We didn’t have a clue how he always knew, but there was no fooling him anymore. He didn’t even have to glance at us, and he’d know which spoke. Lady Pendreigh had personally analyzed our voices before. They were identical, but James still knew.
With Jarod still absent, we decided to start trying on our favorites of what we had seen. Lady Pendreigh actually decided to try one as well, much to our surprise. We smirked. Everything had to be tailored for her, since practically no one carried her size here. She did have much better luck in Japan when we all visited together, but there was rarely reason to see our mother.
We sighed, knowing she was going to cause trouble. Winning nii-san over was an imperative, but Jarod could manage.
:Couldn’t he?: we questioned, feeling somewhat worried.
“Hey, James. Mila told me you four were in here.” stated Jarod from the other room.
We grinned and hurried to finish changing again.
“Sorry. I should have thought to text you about it. Why are you wearing your glasses?” asked James.
:Jarod’s always wearing those things.: we commented to ourselves.
:They do look nice on him.: admitted Mai.
“That will not do.” stated Lady Pendreigh.
:The glasses?: I asked.
:She has no right to complain about mutlitasking.: Mai insisted.
“Sorry, but I don’t really have much occasion to dress up.” replied Jarod.
:Oh.: stated Mai.
:Of course.: I agreed.
We could guess how he was dressed. After checking each other over, we rushed out to save Jarod from more scrutiny.
Mai rolled her eyes as she said, :Black tennis shoes. Really?:
:Only Jarod…: I agreed. Then I posed and exclaimed “Jarod! Does this look weird?”
Mai posed as well, smiling at him as she said, “I look cute though, right?”
We could tell by the way he looked at us that he approved of both outfits. His smile was so wonderful.
“You both look great.” he assured us. “Sorry that I’m a bit late.”
Lady Pendreigh rolled her eyes as she said, “I’ll blame James, since the twins were already at fault twice today. Let’s get moving, shall we?”
We pouted but hurried to change. Neither of us doubted that she had been annoyed by the outfit she tried just as much as by Jarod’s current attire. After quickly stating what we were getting to the awaiting attendant, we hurried back out to Jarod.
“James, please take care of the bill for us.” ordered Lady Pendreigh before we were even finished.
He was looking at his phone in confusion when we stepped out, but we didn’t doubt he was worrying over something silly. Jarod, on the other hand, looked nervous under Lady Pendreigh’s scrutiny. She kept looking up at him as she typed something into her phone.
:Working, working, working.: complained Mai.
:She never stops.: I agreed.
There were times when we were younger where we actually did try to get her to take a break, but she never really gave into our pleas in that area. There would always be a laptop floating by or at least one of her phones with constant messages be exchanged. She made our ten to fourteen hour workdays look like shameless slacking.
:We do take several days off at a time when we want.: mentioned Mai as she took Jarod’s arm.
:Because we’re sane!: I exclaimed, winking as I took Jarod’s other arm.
When James returned to us, we took our purchases from him and then followed as Lady Pendreigh guided us to another shop.
“I’d recommend getting no less than a dozen suits ordered, Jarod. You’ll make a much finer impression at meetings if you dress the part of a millionaire instead of acting the part of a million dollar bum.” she insisted.
Jarod tensed.
“Please, Jarod.” begged Mai.
Staring up at him, I said, “For us. You’ll look incredible in a nice suit.”
“Don’t you want to dress up for us?” asked Mai.
“We really do love seeing you in nice clothing.” I insisted, letting my bags slide down my arm, so I could play with the button of his shirt.
Looking from us to James, Jarod asked “Mind helping me pick some stuff out, James?”
:Completely smooth in a fight…: started Mai.
:Scared of nice clothes.: I finished.
:Only Jarod.: we thought as we watched him retreat into the store with James already rambling about options.
Taking a seat, Lady Pendreigh said, “James has impeccable taste in clothes. They’ll be fine.”
We nodded. There was no arguing that James dressed well. He was like some artist’s rendering of what a perfect guy might look like, but he was too stuffy. Perfectly likeable.
:Incredibly likeable.: agreed Mai.
:But stuffy.: I complained.
As we waited, we listened in on the boys talking about suits and their current wealth. We also considered what married life would be like for Lady Pendreigh and James. We could easily picture them being perfectly formal even alone together, casually chatting about the weather even if their minds were on a dozen other things.
:More like a million for Lady Pendreigh.: argued Mai.
:James might try to worry about a million things at once. Hard to say.: I countered.
She didn’t argue. We didn’t know how they’d ever make any progress. Jarod, on the other hand, was playful. He wasn’t against showing his feelings even as he analyzed ours. We were going to have such fun with him, especially with him moving into the mansion soon.
When the boys finally returned to us, we told Jarod about how excited we were to see him in a suit, certain he’d look absolutely perfect. He didn’t argue as we followed the other two into the next building over. Once there, we thrust our bags at James, who instinctively took them without a word. Then we dragged Jarod off to find him something more fitting for today. With Jarod being a far more reasonable size than James, finding some things we liked off the rack wasn’t a problem at all.
“You have to try this one!” I insisted, grabbing a navy suit off a rack.
“No-no. He has to try this one.” insisted Mai, handing over a black suit with a scarlet shirt.
:Isn’t it ruby?: asked Mai.
:Maybe it’s the lighting, but I think scarlet.: I told her.
Mai took that shirt back from him as I took the navy suit away. Then I handed him a plum shirt. Well, Mai did, but I had spotted it when I looked at her. Jarod had such lovely green eyes, and the plum-colored shirt would bring them out. Knowing we were going with this ensemble, we used a spell to take off the tags and caught them as if they had happened to fall off.
“These shoes!” I exclaimed as we approached the dressing room. Mai let go of Jarod long enough to grab them for him.
“Get changed while we find you a better tie.” we insisted.
He gave us a half-smile before doing as he was told.
We had some fun looking through ties and imagining what they’d look like on them, but we went with a simple black one with dark grey designs across it. Time was running short. The moment Jarod stepped out, we smiled at him and hurried to put the tie on him.
“Perfect.” insisted Mai.
“I’ll trust your instincts. Lemme get changed back, and we can be off.” he told us.
We quickly grabbed him and said, “No!”
“You can’t change back, Jarod.” I told him.
“There’s no time.” explained Mai.
“And we couldn’t bear to see you abandon the clothes we picked so quickly.” I insisted.
Nodding, Mai said, “Let’s go pay.”
Luckily, he didn’t fight us. Jarod could be difficult in his own way at times. James and Lady Pendreigh had barely moved from where we had left them, so finding them was easy.
Smiling, I said, “And we present to you…”
“For your viewing pleasure.” stated Mai.
“Jarod, the lunch-ready-jerk-who-stole-our-shopping-day.” we finished together, pointing at him from each side.
James gave a thumbs up while Lady Pendreigh gave a small nod.
“I suppose that will do.” she stated before turning toward the door.
Jarod nervously looked over his outfit.
“Ignore her.” I told him, lifting his chin with a finger.
“You look wonderful!” exclaimed Mai, hugging his arm.
“We adore this outfit.” I added.
If we hadn’t, we wouldn’t have forced him to buy it.
The three of us followed the other two to James’ car. Once there, we quickly insisted that our clothes would be wrinkled if we all squeezed in the back, so the three of us hurried to where Jarod had parked his Mustang. I let Mai sit up front, so I could pout in the back.
“So where are we going?” he asked.
“Migliore del Cielo.” stated Mai.
“Just take a right two lights down.” I told him. “I give far better directions, so I really should’ve sat up by you.”
“Oh, sister… Jarod likes me best, and we both know I give better directions.” she claimed.
“Jarod, tell her you like me best.” I begged. “You know it’s true!”
“As if I could fairly pick a favorite between minds like yours.” he teased.
:He really is remarkable.: stated Mai as she rubbed the sleeve of his jacket.
:We’ll have him. Lady Pendreigh will help us if needed.: I assured her.
When we arrived, Jarod tossed the keys to the valet, and we each took an arm. He never seemed to mind the stares of onlookers, probably something he picked up from James. With James around, a group was guaranteed attention. The manager knew us on sight and personally showed us to the table.
“Please remember to be on your best behavior.” instructed Lady Pendreigh as she stared into Jarod’s eyes. “This is important for you.”
He was quite obviously surprised with how he looked at us, but we just smiled, confident that he’d manage without foreknowledge of who was visiting.
“Nii-san!” we exclaimed, catching sight of our brother. We then ran to him and hugged his arms as he smiled.
Speaking in Japanese, he told us “I am glad to see you, but please behave yourselves. You two need to work on your manners.” Turning to Alma, he bowed and said, “Thank you for having me, Lady Pendreigh.”
James rose to greet him, shaking hands and saying, “I’m James Michael Somerset III.”
“I’m Duncan Daichi Drache. Thank you for taking care of my sisters. They speak highly of you.” replied our brother.
Jarod, who had risen as well, also shook his hand, saying, “I’m Jarod Davis. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
We sighed as our nii-san went stiff.
“I’ve heard of you as well.” he curtly stated.
We blamed our mother. Since Duncan spent most of his time with her, he picked up all sorts of terrible habits. Despite her, he had a good heart. We had hope for him yet.
#Best Friend For Hire Reprise#Best#Friend#For#Hire#Reprise#Jovial Times#Jovial#Times#Fantasy#Fiction#Story#Ai#Alma#Duncan#Jarod#Mai
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