#jake would probably not finish the escape even if he got a clue coz he had more fun talking to tou
royaltyoon · 2 years
Escape room headcanons
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This is extremely random.
I really really really should be studying :|
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Samuel is a smart man, he knows what he's doing. ...Most of the time
But unfortunately, his lack of patience is a problem. A prominent one when it comes to solving an escape room
His patience level goes somewhat like
His hypothesis doesn't work? He inhales sharply.
The key isn't the right one? He pinches the bridge of his nose.
You suggest an excruciatingly stupid idea? He puts his head in his hands.
The puzzle just. Won't. Get. Solved?? He grits his teeth.
The damn door still WONT OPEN?! He punches the wall.
His impatience was doing him no favours. Nor did his inflated ego.
"Samuel, let's just take a hint?"
"no." The boy absolutely refused to take help.
Even god himself couldn't convince him.
'God' in this situation happened to be the employee who was assigned to look after your room.
"sir, do you want a hint?" A voice rang out from the speakers. Bless his soul for noticing how we were stuck on the puzzle for a good 10 minutes.
You grew hopeful thinking atleast now Samuel would take a hint.
But to your dismay, he just turned to the camera and gave the meanest most cold death glare known to humanity. One thing you took out of this experience? Never test Samuel's patience beyond a certain limit.
You could practically hear the Shiver that ran down the poor employee's spine. "S-sorry sir."
"come on Samuel, let's just take one hint." You coaxed him, hoping it did more repair to the situation. "Fine" he muttered, begrudgingly that is.
The employee had to confirm it twice with us before giving us a hint, poor soul. You noted mentally to give him a bigger tip than usual.
You remember that 'excruciatingly stupid idea' of yours?
Yeah, that was the right answer.
You immediately, I mean IMMEDIATELY threw Samuel a 'I told you so' look. And he just as quickly looked away.
His god complex shrivelling up inside of him, and with every cell of his body hating the idea he mumbled a small 'yeah alright I'm sorry'
All in all? Samuel is never doing an escape room ever again.
And you're almost sure you noticed the employee from before looking at new job opportunities on his phone.
Jake would actually try, in the beginning that is.
You could tell he was genuinely trying when he moved all the displayed objects at a certain angle hoping a secret door appears out of nowhere.
He asked questions which went from smart to plain dumb faster than you'd like to admit.
Not like you were much help in the situation either. Apparently feeling up the wall for secret buttons isn't a good idea either. Shockingly. The idea seemed genius in your head.
At one point the room just stood silent, both of you looking at eachother before silently coming to an agreement.
He spoke, louder this time, "can we have our first hint?"
Guess what? The hint didn't do much to help.
You could practically see the gears in Jake's mind stop working.
"um, can we have a more specific hint? Something that would actually give us the answer in not so vague words?"
The room fell silent again. Before the employee cleared his throat before spoon feeding us the answer.
It was not taken well by jake that solving one puzzle isn't the end of the escape room.
The employee let us know that 3 hints were the maximum they were allowed to give out.
It settled in the feeling that neither him nor you are fit to escape a room.
You both stood on opposite sides of the room, looking through narrow eyes if anything of meaning pops up. Spoiler alert: it didn't
Finally you both decided on giving up and rather just talk your time away.
"we can't solve this because there's no urgent need to get out. If this was a real situation, our brains would work faster." He said, seeming very unsure of what he's saying.
"Of course, we're not that stupid. If our lives were on the line, we'd definitely escape the room. Probably."
Yeah, you could say delusional would be an appropriate self diagnosis.
"what kind of escape room doesn't have trap doors and secret buttons? Those would be the first thing I would look for if I was locked in a room!" He emphasised
"honestly, if I was trapped in a room like this I wouldn't panic to get out immediately. It's pretty well furnished, there's even a TV. As for the bathroom, I'm sure I can make do." You shrugged looking around.
"I know right! If I was to cage someone up, I most definitely won't give them a TV. That's more like adopting rather than kidnapping. I'd also not give them hints to get out. That defeats the point, unless they figure out the trap doors and hidden compartments." If you can't tell he was really set on the idea of trap doors.
"If I were to hold someone hostage, I'd have them tied to a chair. There's nothing safer than that. No risk of escape whatsoever." Yeah the conversation got dark real quick.
But he just nodded in agreement.
Needless to say, you both got uncomfortable side eyes from the employees once the timer was over.
All in all? Time was well spent. Not doing the escape room.
Here's part 2
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