#jake dilinger x reader
I Love You, Both
Warnings: Swearing Word Count: 3238 @onelastfic here it is babe!! <3 I loved writing this, I highkey have the biggest crush on Rich now and I love Jakey D although Michael Mell is my #1, I’ve said that many times xD Hey, look, its a masterlist
“Babe! Let’s go on a date,” exclaimed Rich. You smiled at his lisp and looked over at him. You were sandwiched between your two boyfriends, Rich and Jake.
The three of you were watching a movie: Avengers Age of Ultron, to be precise. You rolled your eyes and said, “And what would we do, Rich?”
Jake smiled and pipped in, “We could go out for dinner or to the movies. Your pick, baby.”
“I dunno, guys. I look like shit and I don’t feel like changing,” you said, motioning to your baggy appearance. Your (h/c) was dirty and thrown up in a messy bun, a overly baggy shirt on and maroon baggy lazy pants.
Both Rich and Jake lean towards you and kiss each one of your cheeks. “Does it look we care what you look like?” they said in unison.
“We just want to go out with you tonight, precious,” continued Rich.
“Yeah, just a night of fun,” Jake said, leaning his head on your shoulder.
You looked at both of your boyfriends and sighed, giving in to their wishes. “Fine,” you began. “But first, I need a shower. So, just stay here. Try not to fuck while I’m gone, it’ll only be about five minutes.” You pushed yourself off the couch and walked out of the room.
Rich almost jumped out of his skin as you said that. “Can I join you in the shower?!” he said excitedly.
Looking back at him, you shake your head, chuckling. “Dude, you fucking wish. No! Just watch the movie, okay. Won’t be gone but five minutes,” you said leaving the room.
Rich pouted and sat back down on the couch, with his arm crossed. “She usually lets me shower with her…”
“She just wants to get ready so we can take her on an amazing date, Rich,” Jake said, sliding over beside Rich. He slung his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder and leaned on him. “Don’t be too upset, okay, Rich.”
He huffed and said in a low voice, “How can I not be upset, a little bit? She usually lets us shower with her.”
Jake’s heart fluttered and he kissed Rich’s cheek. “Your lisp is adorable. Have I ever told you that?”
“Yes,” Rich said with his cute, adorable lisp. “You and (y/n) have told me that, casanova.”
“Well, it’s really cute, Rich. And we just want you to know.”
Ten minutes later you stepped out of your bathroom, a towel wrapped around your body. A relieved sigh escaped your lips as you walked into your room. Truthfully, you were half expecting to see your boyfriends half-naked on your bed, but they weren’t there. Which was half a relief for you; you just wanted a sweet night with them because while you did love the threesomes, you just wanted to have fun and cuddle later. Throwing off your towel, you go digging around your room for clothes.
You were so caught up in what you should wear that you didn’t hear Rich coming upstairs calling your name. Grabbing your galaxy skull tank-top out of your closet, you smiled to yourself and said, “Oh yeah, this’ll work. Now to find some pants.”
It was at the moment that you were bent over looking for pants in your dresser across the room, facing the door, when Rich burst open your bedroom door, yelling, “Babe! You almost re—” He stopped and noticed your lack of clothes, of course besides your matching (f/c) bra and panties.
Your gaze snapped over your shoulder to look at Rich. A blush quickly rose to your cheeks as you squealed, “Richard Goranski!! Get the hell outta here! Learn to fucking knock, you pervert!!” You had stood straight up and faced him, both an embarrassed and angry look on your face as it turned red for those two reasons.
“Oh, but babe, you’re my girlfriend. And I’ve seen you naked many times. No need to feel embarrassed,” Rich said, his lisp making it somewhat hard for him to say the word embarrassed. He also stepped into your room, gliding across the room to stand in front of you. A hand came to rest on your right hip as Rich pressed kisses to your cheek, neck and shoulder. “But, you look really sexy in this matching set babe,” he whispered into your shoulder. “I think a little view of what’s underneath them is in order, yeah?”
Your blush worsened as Rich’s teeth caught the bra-strap on your left shoulder and dragged it down your should so it was dangling off; his hand that had been resting on your left hip had moved slightly down and he fingered the waistband of your panties. “N-no, Rich. I’ve gotta finish getting ready so we can go out,” you stammered out, swatting his hand away and fixing your bra-strap.
“Awww! But babe, please,” whined Rich as he continued planting heated kisses to the crook of your neck.
Growling, you called out, “JAKE! Come get our boyfriend off me! I’m trying to get ready to go out and Rich isn’t letting me get ready!!”
Rich groaned against the skin of the juncture of your neck for a brief moment before smiling. “You really think Jakey D’s going to be able to pull me off of you when you’re just in your sexy underwear?” he asked almost rhetorically.
“It’s still worth… a… try!” you exclaimed, shoving Rich off you for the moment. Rich stumbled to your bed and you laughed before realizing that was your chance. Your chance to grab your black jeggings and tank-top and bolt to your bathroom. With not even a second glance at Rich, you grabbed your galaxy skull top from the top of your dresser and yanked the first pair of jeggings you could grab. “Gotta go fast!” you shouted in response as you bolted into your bathroom and locked the door. Once in there, you let out a sigh of relief, now you could get ready.
Jake got up to your room and you were nowhere, Rich was just sitting on your bed. He looked at his boyfriend and asked, “Where the fuck is (y/n/n), Rich?”
“In the bathroom. Dude, you missed it! She is wearing the sexiest set of underwear,” Rich said, bounding up to your boyfriend. “Jakey, she wouldn’t let me see what’s underneath!!”
An amused grin curled onto Jake’s lips as he chuckled out an answer, “Well, I mean, as fucking hot as that does sound, we did say we wanted to take her out. And as much as I do love seeing her naked, I want her to have fun.”
Groaning, Rich said, “You do have a point, Jake. We did say that.”
“Exactly. Now after we take her out, that’s a totally different story. Because babe, I totally want to see her in her sexy underwear,” smirked Jake as he placed a kiss on Rich’s forehead.
Rich’s eyes lit up and he said, “Duuuuude, like she was so hot!”
“I believe you, Rich,” Jake smiled. They heard your bathroom door unlock and watched the doorknob turn in anticipation. “You ready, baby?” he asked.
They watched as the light of the bathroom was turned out and saw you step out of the darkness. You looked cute in your galaxy skull tank top that hung off your body in just the right way to accentuate your bodily curves and your black jeggings that clung tightly to your legs. You had thrown your hair up into a messy (h/c) bun, and you gave off the attitude that you didn’t care how you looked. “Yeah, I’m ready, Jake, Rich,” you spoke with a gentle smile.
“What do you want to do, gorgeous?” they both asked you.
You walked towards them until you were two feet in front of them and stopped. With a hand on your chin, you hummed, “Hmmm… what do I wanna do? The sun is already set so I can’t say let’s go on a stroll through the park at sunset. There’s no good movies playing and I went to see The Emoji Movie the other weekend with Michael and Jeremy while you two were outta town. It’s really too late to go out for a romantic dinner date, because most restaurants are closing soon… seeing as it’s almost ten in the evening.” You sighed, “You two have the weirdest timing for asking me out on a date. Like, really, you couldn’t’ve asked me at like five?”
Rich and Jake both rubbed the back of their necks as they apologized, “We’re sorry, babe.” Rich continued as Jake trailed off into silence, “We were going to ask earlier, I swear, but then we all got to watching Bones and lost track of time.” Jakes nodded and added, “And we know how much you hate to be pulled away from your shows, precious.”
A hearty giggle left your body as you looked at them. “You guys could’ve told me, I wouldn’t get mad at my boyfriends for wanting to take me out. In fact, that is a good reason to pull me out of my show, you dorks,” you said with a big grin.
“Well, guess we know that now, huh?” your boyfriends said in unison.
You nodded at them, saying, “Yeah, know ya do. Anyways, how about we go on a moonlight stroll through the nature reserve on the edge of town? Sound good to you two?”
They both looked at each other a minute before turning their gazes back to you. Both nodded with a smile. “Yeah! That works for us,” they said.
You smiled and brushed by them to get your small (f/c) backpack you always carried around with you from your door. “Cool, then let’s go. Who’s driving?” you asked, smiling back at them.
Both of them wrapped an arm around your waist. Rich was the first to lean in and plant a soft kiss onto your lips, then was followed by Jake. You weren’t opposed to it, you were just kind of wondering why, and they seemingly heard your silent question as Jake said near your ear, “Sorry, couldn’t help ourselves. You just look so beautiful.”
A blush rose quickly to your cheeks as your words tumbled out of your mouth in a stutter, “I, uhhh, well thanks you two… it, umm, it’s flattering you guys… that you guys think that I look beautiful while I was not, well, not really trying…”
The shorter one of your boyfriends planted a neck on your shoulder and chuckled, “Your stuttering is the cutest fucking thing, (y/n/n)!”
Your taller boyfriend pressed a kiss to your temple, agreeing with Rich, “Rich is right, lucky charm, your stutter is adorable.”
An embarrassed noise rumbled through your throat as you covered your reddened face. “C-can we just… like just go already?” you once again stuttered out.
God, it was utterly embarrassing when you stuttered in front of them; you thought you had beaten your stutter years ago, but it would always resurface around them. Like, that was only something that happened around Rich and Jake—like they were the only ones who could make you stutter and babble like an idiot. And they loved it when you did it, and they would always say how cute it was that they could make you stutter, which would always lead to more stuttering. It would also lead to you getting more flustered than you already were, which always made your stuttering worse and more broken up. But they fucking adored it.
They smiled at you as they knew what was running through your head. They knew it embarrassed you when your stutter would rear its head around them, which is why they always told you how cute it was. So that you wouldn’t mind having it around them whenever you got excited or embarrassed. Your stutter was something you couldn’t escape and they wanted you to accept it like Rich had accepted his lisp—which you and Jake helped him to accept.
“Yeah, we can go whenever you’re ready, lucky charm,” Jake said.
You pushed yourself away from their arms as you practically ran down the stairs and stood by the front door. “Then come on! We ain’t got all n-night,” you exclaimed, trying to bite down both the stutter and embarrassment.
Shortly, you boyfriends walked down the stairs and walked up to you. “Okay. Jakey D is gonna drive,” said Rich as they stopped in front of you.
“Works for me, let’s just fucking go,” you said, ready to get out of the house. Jake and Rich both rolled their eyes at you before your taller boyfriend grabbed his keys from his pocket and ushered you outside.
You and Rich settled into the backseat of Jake’s car, since your short boyfriend opted to stay in the back to keep you company. The moment you all got settled in your seats, Jake started to car and pulled away from your house. “What do my two honeys wanna listen to?” asked Jake.
Taking a minute to think, Rich eventually shrugged, answering, “It doesn’t bother me what we listen to. Anything (y/n/n) wants.”
“Why do you put this on me every time?” you asked.
Jake chuckled and said, “Because you don’t much care for songs on the radio, babe. Too sexual and objectifying is what you call them.”
“They are! All they ever talk about nowadays is fucking sex, drugs, and alcohol. And occasionally do they write songs to start beef between one another,” you said. “But, I don’t care, we can listen to the radio.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Jake turned on the radio. “Okay then, lucky charm, radio it is,” he said. With that being dealt with, the car filled up with music that you honestly could have cared less about, but you weren’t going to complain. You genuinely didn’t care what music you listened to at that moment. You had completely zoned out as you watched the world pass by from the car window.
Rich looked over and saw that you were completely gone, so he hatched an idea. It was an idea that was essentially part of your poly relationship at that point.
Making out in the backseat. It was a hallmark of the relationship between the three of you. Whenever you would drive, Rich and Jake would make out in the backseat of your car; whenever Rich would drive, you and Jake would make out in the back; and whenever Jake would drive, you and Rich would make out in the back. It was like tradition, not that either of you three minded, it was kind of like teasing the one driving and that is why you all periodically switched who drove.
Anyways, Rich decided to get your attention by placing a hand on your thigh and began stroking small strides up and down your thigh. “(Y/n)~” he all but purred out in a low whisper.
The warmth on your thigh snapped you out of your dazed-off state and you looked over at Rich. Having heard him purr out your name, you answered, also in a purr, “Yes, Richard?” Because you weren’t stupid, even though you had spaced off, you knew the routine. The tradition.
He smiled at you and said, “How about you come over here?” Rich then pulled his hand away from your thigh and motioned for you to come to him. There was an empty middle seat between the two of you because Jake hated when someone sat in the middle seat—unless the car was packed, then he dealt with it.
You winked back at him as you unbuckled your seatbelt and scooted over to him, squeezing yourself as close as you could so you wouldn’t block Jake’s vision from the rear-view mirror. “Okay, I’m here,” you hummed, “what now?”
Rich wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you impossibly closer to him as he spoke with a gigantic grin, “Oh, I’m not sure, maybe we should kiss or something?”
Smiling at him, you place a hand on his chest and replied, “Oh really? Should we? Do you deserve my kisses?”
His other hand covered your hand on his chest as he looked into your eyes, saying, “Of course I deserve them, babe. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because you were a peeping tom earlier,” you said with a sly grin.
Rich sighed and apologized, “I’m sorry I busted into your room earlier, babe. You know I didn’t mean to seem like a peeping tom. Plus, why would I be when I can just ask to see you naked?”
“Hmmm… good point. I forgive you, Richie. Now,” you said leaning towards his face, “how about those kisses?”
That was what Rich wanted to hear because the next moment after you uttered that, he had pulled you into a kiss. The arm that was slung around your waist moved so that his rest on the small of your back, where he stroked it gently. Kisses with you always started out this way with Rich, not that he was complaining because once you got into a kiss, you were into it.
Ten minutes. That was how long Jake had to hear the sounds of you and Rich heavily making out in the backseat of his car. It was agonizing for him, as it usually was for whoever was driving, and he was more than happy when you arrived at the nature reserve.
Thankfully the nature reserve was pretty much open all the time. Jake pulled into a parking spot, turned off his car, and jumped out the front seat. When he yanked open the back door on his side, he was met with quite the steamy scene. One of Rich’s hand up your shirt, the other one resting on your thigh, the messy bun that your hair had been put up in was gone, you somehow had found a way to straddle Rich, and both you and Rich’s hair were disheveled. There were also red marks on your neck that may or may not later form hickeys.
Jake just stared at you two, blinking slowly in disbelief, his mouth clenched in slight irritation. Irritation not because you two had done that as he was trying to drive, which was difficult when you both started making noises as kisses were planted on other places on your bodies; no, he was slightly irritated because he had not been able to join. To be the one giving the kisses and receiving the kisses; he had not been able to spoil both of you the way you spoiled each other while he drove. “Really?” came his low voice.
Rich’s hand had retreated from under your shirt and he said, “Sorry Jakey, but you know it’s tradition.”
You laughed and said, “Rich is right, Jakey dear, it is tradition!”
A smile formed on your taller boyfriend’s lips as he nudged his head signaling to get out. “I know it is, but I fucking hate it when I miss the opportunity to spoil you both with kisses,” he said in an almost pouty voice.
Both you and Rich got out of the car and you said, touching Jake’s shoulder, “Look, there’s plenty of time to do that later, you know. But first, let’s go on this walk, yeah?” Your boyfriends nod at you and the three of you walk into the nature reserve.
Okay, so I lowkey forgot where I was gonna go with this, so I’ll probably make a part two of this, but here it is!!! Wohooo! I hope it’s good, it’s literally my first thing is Jake and Rich and I hope I got their personalities right because if I didn’t then fuck me running with a chainsaw.
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Since my stuff is growing and growing, I decided to make a masterlist for everything ** Smut/Smutty * Fluff ^ Angst ~ Smutty-ish / fluffy-ish
Be More Chill
Michael Mell x Reader: Jealous Michael Hair Pulling Kink UnLoCkEd ** Possessive Mellby ** All the Clinginess  Part 1 * | Part 2 | Part 3 Getting Stoned * No Slushies for Michael Deaf Reader Headcanon Meeting Her Parents Meeting the Cutie Origins of “Gumdrop” My One and Only Michael in the Bathroom * | With You ** Bad Day ^ Michael Hears You Singing Out of It * Power Outage at Michael’s ** Stay Awhile *
Rich x Reader x Jake: I Love You, Both
Dear Evan Hansen
Connor Murphy x Reader: Catching Murphy  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 * | Part 7 * | Part 8 | Part 9 ** | Part 10 ** | Part 11 ** | Part 12 | Welcome Back, Dork ** Who Knew This Would Happen ^  Ending 1 ^~ | Ending 2 ^
Dear Evan Hansen Cast
Ben Platt x Reader: On Vocal Rest Headcanon * Kitchen Sex ** Lazy Fluff/Sex **
Mike Faist x Reader: Special Birthday Gift **
Will Roland x Reader: Will Roland Sin **
The Walking Dead
Carl Grimes x OC: Just a Fight, huh? **
Eye Contact series
Evan Hansen
Ryan McCartan x Reader: I’m sorry, Ryan Likes WHAT?! **
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Bad Day
Warnings: Swearing (obviously, this is me here), badly written angst Word Count: About a lot, idc rn Summary: Michael is having a bad day and remembers the Squip incident when Jeremy starts acting weird for some reason. You try comforting him and he snaps at you. Hey, look, its a masterlist
"Okay,” Jeremy said to his girlfriend and friends in a hushed voice, “So I was thinking I could throw (y/n) and Michael a happy dating anniversary this weekend. Since they have been dating for a year this Saturday and it’d kinda be a way of thanking her for taking care of Michael while I was being a jerk.”
Christine smiled at her boyfriend, “That’s a sweet idea, Jeremy.”
“Yeah, I have to agree with you, Christine. That’s a totally rad idea, Jeremy,” Brooke said.
Rich nodded and agreed, “Hell yesh, dude! Do this for them! We’ll help too. I owe that headphone-wearing geek for getting rid of my Squip.”
“Yeah! We all owe Michael for even having that shit,” said Jake.
“So you guys wouldn’t mind coming over later so we can plan this out, would you?” asked Jeremy.
Shaking their heads, they all agreed, “Of course we can, Jeremy.”
Just as Jeremy was about to thank them, you and Michael walked up, holding hands. He whispered something to them and they all scattered, all except Christine. The taller geek waved at you two and said, “Michael! (Y/n)! How was your weekend?”
You laughed, “Well, I spent the weekend over at Michael’s and we only played video games and got stoned in his basement. What did you and Chrissie do?”
“We went to the movies,” Christine answered your question.
Michael smiled as he asked, “And what did you two go see?”
“It was a terrible movie, I don’t want to talk about it,” Jeremy and Christine said in unison.
“I can understand that. Sometimes a movie is just that bad.”
Jeremy looked around, like he was trying to get away from you and Michael, and sure enough you and your boyfriend noticed this. “A-anyways, Christine and I need to go to class.” He said that and then skittered off with Christine following after him.
“Well, that was weird, huh, Michael?” you asked your boyfriend, looking up at him.
A somewhat worried look crossed Michael’s face. Jeremy never did that, the only time he had was last year when he was Squipped. Oh no, is the Squip coming back? he thought to himself. He was completely lost in his thought that he didn’t hear your words.
“Michael?” you asked, waving your hand in his face.
Shaking his head, he blinked at you. “Yeah, babe?” he spoke.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…” he said. “Let’s go to class.”
After a few classes, Jeremy is in the hallway with Rich and Jake, conversing with them about where they were going to have it. “So, do either one of you know where we could have this at?” He asked.
“We could have it at the park, at night. The one on the edge of town,” said Jake.
Rich nodded and continued to explain why, “Because that park is the furthest from the light pollution of this fucking place. It’s a really romantic place and I know (y/n) loves starry nights.”
Jeremy nodded, “Good, good.”
“Here comes Michael,” Rich whispered.
Michael comes bounding up to the three, saying, “Jeremy, my buddy, what were you, Jake and Rich talking about?”
Jeremy’s eyes skittered around, looking at Jake and Rich. He hesitated when he said, “Sorry, Michael, I can’t talk right now, I’m doing something with them. Come on, guys.”
The two seniors shrugged and followed Jeremy as he walked away. “Sorry, Michael. Maybe some other time.”
Okay, now Michael was getting pissed. He was beginning to suspect something was up. “Are you kidding me?” he grumbled and walked off to his next class. A class with you.
It was after you and Michael’s shared class, you noticed that Michael had seemed a bit pissed off. Like, he didn’t even kiss you on the forehead before he bolted off to his next class. Which had you worried. As you walked, lonely, to your next class, you spot Jeremy talking with Christine and Brooke. “Jeremy!” you exclaimed, walking up to him. “Hey, do you know why Michael seems so pissy?”
Turning to face you, Jeremy couldn’t look you in the eye. He seemed to shrug and say, “I dunno, (y/n). Maybe one of his classes pissed him off. Anyways, me and Chloe are doing a project for biology so I’ve got to go. Bye.”
“Oh… oooookay…?” you said as you watched him walk away. Now you were getting worried to. Turning to Christine, you asked, “Chrissie, what the fuck is going on?”
Brooke shrugged and walked off, saying she needed to go talk to Jake. Leaving you and Christine alone. The small dork laughed nervously, “N-nothing is going on, (y/n/n)! I-I, uh, gotta go talk to my math teacher!”
“The fuck is going on with our friends?” you mumbled to yourself as you walked to your next class.
Throughout the remainder of the day, Jeremy made excuses to run away from you and Michael—it had you two worried that his Squip had returned and that thought really set Michael off. He was brooding all day because of Jeremy, and you wanted to talk to him about it but Michael seemed too upset to talk about it. You were determined to talk about it after school though, on the way to his house.
When the bell rang to dismiss school, you bolted to Michael’s last class. Michael walked out of the classroom and ignored your smiling face. “Hey, Michael, how was class?” you asked.
“It was boring,” came his hardened answer. He was walking rather quickly to his PT Cruiser, you followed after him on his heels. Unlocking his car, he grumbled, “Get in the car, (y/n).”
“Okay, okay. I’m coming, Michael,” you said, throwing your backpack in the back of his PT Cruiser.
Turning on his car, Michael started the trek to his house.
The ride was utterly silent—neither you nor Michael spoke the whole ride. Michael was getting more and more angry the longer he thought about what Jeremy was doing that whole day. You noticed your boyfriend’s anger and you reached over and touched his shoulder, to which he angrily shoved your hand off. That was unusual for him, usually if he was upset, he would want you to comfort him. That was how it had been for the past year you two had been dating.
Once you and Michael reached his house, you two went to his room and he was still brooding and simmering in anger. You touched his shoulder again and this time said, “Michael, do you want to talk about it?”
“What is there to talk about, (y/n)?” growled Michael.
Your face softened as you said, “There’s a lot to talk about, Michael. Jeremy was making excuses to get away from us. I know you’re thinking that maybe his Squip somehow got reactivated, because I’m worrying the same thing. Please, just talk to me.”
“You don’t know what I’ve been through! You don’t understand what happened!” Michael finally snapped.
“I may not know what exactly you were going through, but Michael, I was there to help you through it! I know the effect Jeremy ignoring you had on you! Don’t tell I don’t know that! I just want you to talk to me about today! Because I’m worried about Jeremy, too, just li—”
Michael hissed, cutting you off, “You don’t understand how much I care about Jeremy, (y/n)! I care more about him than you could ever!”
You recoiled, tears swelling in your eyes. “Where the fuck did this come from, Michael! Of course I don’t care about Jeremy more than you, I just got close to him when we started dating! Don’t be an asshole, I just want to help you through this, because as I said earlier, I’m also worried that his Squip came back. Is it so difficult for you to talk about it? I know you’re probably having flashbacks to what happened last year but who was there to listen to you? Me! So let me do it again! Tell me what’s on your mind, Michael. Please!”
“You want to know what’s on my mind!” He shouted at you. You nodded your head, waiting for him to tell you. “Why don’t you stick your nose in someone else’s business?!” he finally shouted loudly.
You stared at him, tearing slipping from the corners of your eyes. Standing up, you bawled your fists up. Your voice wavered as you shouted back, “Fine! Fuck you, Michael!! Asshole!” After that you turned on your heels, you walked out of his room, down the stairs and grabbing your backpack you walked out of his front door. You slammed it shut in frustration and anger. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!” you screamed into the air.
Taking your phone out of your pocket, you take out some headphones and plug them into your phone. You listened to All Time Low, a band you listened to when you were angry, sad or just wanted to jam out. Tears fell onto the ground as you walked home. You kicked at the ground angrily as you walked.
A sudden depression washed over you, you and Michael had never really fought like that before. Sure you two had some minor scuffles about a date night, but they never ended in screaming like this one did. Usually they ended shortly after the conflict started, in a compromise with makeup cuddles and kisses, and definitely sushi and slushies. But this time was different, and it wasn’t going to get better today, much to your dismay.
Michael plopped onto his bed, still angry with Jeremy and you for prodding him. If you knew what he was so mad about, why were you trying to get him to talk about it? The only reason he had opened up about Jeremy last year was because you caught him in a vulnerable position, after he had a panic attack. Not that he regretted opening up to you, because it lead him to getting you as his girlfriend. But since Jeremy’s Squip was deactivated, Michael had pushed the incident to the back of his mind, where he wanted it to stay.
Now, he did admit to himself that he was a bit harsh to you. He screamed at you and that wasn’t right. But holy crap, you kept bugging him to talk to you about what was wrong, when you knew full well what was wrong. It was redundant to him and he just overcome by anger for Jeremy. So he let it out, and he could have cared less if you got hurt; he just wanted to scream at something, anything or anyone.
He put his headphones on and listened to Bob Marley as he went to get high in his basement. Once he was down in his basement, he got high and proceeded to play The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time on the N64. Michael still had on his headphones and as he listened to Marley, his anger melted away.
Several times he smiled and looked over at the empty beanbag chair where you usually sat. When he realized you weren’t there, his smile faded and he felt guilt creep up on him. “Oh… right,” he said under his breath, “(y/n) isn’t here… she left… because of me…”
Michael sat there and stared at the television screen, at the video game he was playing. He would always play that game for you at some point, because he knew how much you loved the Zelda series. A heavy feeling weighed on his heart, it felt empty without you near. What have I done? What if she doesn’t want me anymore? No, I know she loves me, she should understand why I was so mad… and why I yelled… he thought to himself.
“Maybe I should call her and apologize for yelling,” he said to himself, taking out his phone. He called you. He needed you to know that he was sorry for snapping, that he was sorry for hurting you with his words, that he loved you.
Unfortunately, you ignored his call and sent him to voicemail. Michael took a shaky breath, knowing he really messed up, and said to the voicemail, “Hey, (y/n), I just called to tell you that I’m really sorry I snapped at you. It wasn’t right of me to say the things I did. You know how much you mean to me, and that I would never mean to hurt you or your feelings. I just…” he sighed, “I just had a really bad day as you know. But, I’m sure Jeremy talked to you so you have that on me… anyways, please call me back. Please. I-I love you, (y/n).”
He hung up after that. “Shit… she didn’t even pick up. She usually always picks up…” An idea hit him and he smiled. “I can get her her favorite roll of sushi and a blue raspberry slushy! She loves those things!”
So Michael had a plan. He would surprise you with the things tomorrow when he picked you up from your house. His plan was foolproof, until he looked down at his phone and his heart sank. It was a message from you and it almost broke his heart.
From: Lover don’t come get me tomorrow, mom will take me to school and i’ll ask rich to give me a ride home
Now it was painfully clear just how much you didn’t want anything to do with Michael for now. “Oh God, no…” he muttered to himself. “I have to tell her I’m sorry… like pronto.”
Michael jumped out of his seat and ran upstairs. He put on his shoes and grabbed his keys—he was going to tell you how sorry he was, if need be he would show it. “Shit, shit, shit, I messed up,” he said to himself as he ran out the door.
You were laying on the couch, watery eyes focused on the ceiling. Of course you were still crying and upset. Your boyfriend, who was usually very loving and talkative, just snapped at you. Yes, you understood why he felt the way he felt, but you were upset with the way he snapped at you. It hurt your heart to have Michael snap at you, so you just sat there, sprawled out on the couch and crying.
He had called you and you just let it ring, not ready to talk to him. Once he left the voicemail, you did listen to it, and you almost caved and called him back. But, no, Michael needed to learn a lesson. That he can’t yell at you like he did just because you were just trying to help.
“Fuck him… that sexy, dumb nerd…” you whimpered to yourself as you rubbed your eyes. “He’s such a dork…” you sniffled.
Michael was in the store, buying the biggest bouquet of blooming roses, the cuddlest medium-sized teddy bear and the sweetest chocolate he could get. He didn’t care how much it cost, you were worth every penny. The caramel-skinned stoner wanted you to know how sorry he was for snapping so rudely at you. And that he loved you with everything in him. Having payed for everything, he grabbed the bags and ran to his car—he was ready to apologize to you.
When he got into his car, he set the stuff he bought you in the passenger seat and started the car. He was ready to fucking go to your house. And it was there he went.
Luckily your house wasn’t more than 15 minutes away from the store, so he got there rather quickly. He pulled into your driveway and turned off his car. Jumping out of his car, he grabbed everything out of the bag and bounded up to your front door. Michael still felt really guilty for snapping at you as he stared at your front door. Shifting everything into one arm, he reached out and rang your doorbell.
He definitely heard you roll off the couch and plop onto the floor, mainly because he heard you yelp out, “GOD, FUCKing SHIT!” Michael bit his lower lip as a way to stop himself from laughing. Hearing you stumble to the door, his heart fluttered as he heard the door unlock. “Who’s there?” he heard you say in a obvious post-crying voice. You opened the door and when your eyes landed on him, you went to slam the door. “Go away, Mell!” you shouted.
Michael stood there as you slammed the door in his face. It hurt him that you would do that, but he also knew he deserved it. Sighing deeply, he said, “Babe… just please listen to me… I’m really sorry that I snapped at you. Just… open the door and I promise I’ll make it all up to you.”
“I don’t want you to make it up to me, Michael. I want you to understand that it was uncalled for you to say the things you did,” you answered through the door.
“(Y/n), I am really sorry I said the things I did. They were uncalled for and I know how much they hurt you. So, please let me in so I can make up for my mistake… please. I brought a really cuddly stuffed bear, some chocolate and the ultimate flower of love. A lot of those flowers, actually,” his laugh was faintly tainted with nervousness, “to show you just how much I love you. So, will you please open the door?”
You sighed through the door, and soon, you opened the door. “Fine. You have five minutes, then I’m kicking you out. I’m still really pissed off at you,” you said, crossing your arms.
Michael stepped into your home and almost immediately, he set all of what he bought you down and grabbed you by the hand. “C’mere, babe,” he said and sat down on the couch.
“Four minutes left, Mell,” you said, rolling your eyes. You gasped in surprise as Michael pulled you down into his lap. “MICHAEL?” you exclaimed in surprise.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he placed a kiss on your forehead. “(Y/n), I’m really sorry that I snapped at you. I said some really hurtful things and yes while I deserve you being mad at me and not talking to me for a while, I can’t live without you talking to me. You’re my girlfriend and I can’t even convey how sorry I am. I was thinking I could take you out tonight for dinner, as a means to apologize further.”
You huffed and listened to him. “I don’t think you deserve to be forgiven that easily…”
“I’m not saying that, babe. It’s easy to just say I’m sorry, but I want to show you that I’m sorry,” he said, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Because you mean the world to me and it kills me that I hurt you with my words.”
You sighed, “Oh for the love of God. You’re a fucking dork, you know that?”
He smiled at you as he answered, “Yeah, I might be, but at least I’m your dork!”
Giggling, you smiled, finally, “Good thing too, yeah? Look, I understand that you were upset about Jeremy ignoring us today, believe me, I was too. Hey, and even if his Squip does come back, we can always deactivate it again with more Mountain Dew Red. Remember, we—”
“Both stocked up on it incase something like that happened again,” laughed Michael. “How could I forget?”
“That is a good question. How could you forget, but I could also ask how you could forget to talk to me earlier, jerk!” you exclaimed, pinching Michael’s cheek.
“Ow, ow, ow!! Babe, I’m sorry,” he said, “Please let go of my cheek!”
“Only if you take me out for sushi out later. And we go to the buffet and you’re paying,” you said with a mischievous grin.
 Michael laughed, “I will take that! Soooooo, am I forgiven?”
Rolling your eyes, you said, “Yeah, you’re forgiven. You’re lucky I love you so damn much!”
UGH!! THIS TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE!! Sis gave me ideas, she’s gonna be helping me from now on! We have this collaboration going on, but I ain’t sayin her name. I’ll make a second part to this. Because I just needed to post something because I felt like I was cheating y’all outta my writing before it is taking me a bit to write because I have a job now so here’s a badly written angst! I can’t stay mad at Michael long enough to make this actually heartbreaking, sooooo, here!! Hopefully I’ll have Catching Murphy, Part 8 out tonight or tomorrow, currently stumped atm, but I’ll get through it! OKAY, LOVE YOU GUYS!! KEEP BEING AWESOME!!
542 notes · View notes
Michael in the Bathroom with You
Warnings: Swearing (obviously, this is me here), shitty written smut (first one, so it’s gonna be awkward and embarrassing), unprotected sex (pls use protection kiddos) Word Count: About 3732 Summary: You were at Jake’s Halloween Party, and since you refused to drink the horse-piss that is beer, you opted for getting somewhat high. You are not the most popular girl at school, but were popular enough to get invited without sneaking in. You are passing by the downstairs bathroom when you hear a certain someone having a panic attack and talking to himself. Your Halloween costume!!
Slight recap:
“So,” you began with a smirk, “are we actually gonna have sex on Jake Dilinger’s downstairs bathroom floor, Michael?”
“No,” he answered. You looked disheartened and he laughed, “Not before you agree to be my girlfriend.”
You smiled brightly, squeezed his hand tightly and said, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Michael Mell! Now, are we gonna fuck or not? Because I do want you to show me what you learned from all that cable porn, if anything.”
You were sitting atop Michael, in only your bra, panties and fishnet stockings, and your were was fluttering. He had just asked to you be his girlfriend as the two of you were about to get it on on Jake Dilinger’s bathroom floor—that’s still were this was going to happen. You had come too far for you or Michael to pussy out now, and this was about him. The hand that was in your hair lazily trailed down the front of your body, sending a shiver through it.
Michael looked at you with a smile and said, “Now we can have sex in Jake’s bathroom, (y/n).”
You looked at him with a sweet smile and said, “Oh, thank God. Now, how about we start with removing the rest of our clothes?”
The geek’s face seemed to light up as you said that. Like he had wanted you to say it, he sat back up again and placed a kiss on your lips. Just to pull away a few milliseconds later, “I thought you would never ask…” he muttered.
You laughed quietly at that and start to kiss him everywhere. You started at his cheek and started moving downward. Soon your lips were pressing gentle kisses on his neck and your hands were everywhere, well, one was. One hand was propping you up, allowing you to kind of hover above him, while your other one was tracing patterns into his skin lightly. You reveled in his little gasps and after littering his neck in wet kisses, you decided to continue your trek.
Jesus fuck, how lucky am I to be about to fuck Michael in the bathroom? you thought to yourself as you left wet kisses down his chest and stomach. You stopped bracing yourself on one of your hands and came to rest on your stomach between his legs. Immediately, your hands fly to the hem of his shorts and you take a moment to look up at the geek before you.
An involuntary groan left your throat as you took in Michael’s state of being. He propped himself up on his elbow and his face was burning a reddened color not to mention that he was chewing on his lower lip, eyes slightly clouded over as he watched you. He was a flustered, adorable mess and it excited you.
However, through the cloudiness of his eyes, you could detect a hint of worry. Like he was worried that he would mess up, and you knew that wasn’t possible. He opened his mouth and a shaky, stammer fell out, “W-what am I supposed to do?!”
A smile sets on your lips as you undo his shorts, your eyes never leaving his, “You enjoy it, Michael.” After you said that, you completely undid his shorts and threw them off to the side. Now you both were left in your underwear, and you felt your excitement start bubbling deep in your stomach. You sit up and bask in the scene before you once again. Michael’s face had seemingly gotten redder than humanly possible once you discarded his shorts and your eyes focused on his crotch. Oh wow, seems pretty big, you thought to yourself.
Michael felt like shrinking under your heated gaze. He was a virgin and my God, he wanted to make a good first impression on you. After all, this was the first interaction between you two and not only did he get a girlfriend, but he was about to have sex for the first time. What if he came too soon and ruined your opportunity to get off? F U C K! What if I mess up? What if she breaks up with me because I’m so bad at sex? he thought worriedly to himself.
He felt his body tensed up as awful scenarios flashed through his mind. The thought of losing you after having only just gotten you freaked him out. He laid himself back onto the floor and covered his face, his breathing getting shaky, and not just from the pleasure and hotness in his body. He couldn’t lose you like he had lost Jeremy, it would probably mentally break him. Another panic attack was on the way, he was convinced.
You noticed Michael’s tenseness and saw that he was about to send himself into another panic attack. Acting quickly, you climbed into his lap, moved his hands away from his face and gently cup his face. “Michael? Michael. Michael,” you called out to him. “Hey, everything’s gonna be okay? There’s nothing to panic about.”
“B-but, (y/n),” he squeaked, “what if I mess up?! I-I don’t know what to fucking do! What if I cum too fast? I’ve never been touched in a sexual way by a girl before, I won’t last long at all! Y-you deserve to get off, too! I-I won’t let you get just me off and get nothing in return!”
Oh my God, he’s so fucking amazing! Nobody’s ever said that to me. OH MY GOD, THIS STONER WILL BE THE END OF ME!!! you thought to yourself. You felt a blush rise in your body at his words. Laughing, you answered your boyfriend, “You are, like, totally amazing, Michael. I’ve never met a guy that thinks like that. You’ll do fine, Michael. Who cares if I don’t get off, this is about you, not me. You can work on getting me off some other time, if you don’t. Okay?”
Michael looked at you and asked quietly, “I care if I don’t get you off, (y/n)…”
“Tell me something, Mell, do you know how hard it can be to get a girl off?” you asked. He shook his head and you continued, “Exactly. Because that garbage cable porn that you watch don’t show you how hard it is. Those female porn stars can almost orgasm on command, women like me on the other hand? Uhh, we can’t cum on command. You have to touch us in just the right way for us to cum. And that’s a lot of work, so wanna save that for another day?”
Michael gaped at your words, gulped audibly and stuttered out, “A-another day?” Shit, she actually would want to do this with me again??? Michael thought to himself, I only thought she was having sex with me because of my panic attack! Cuz she wants to make me feel good! She wants to do this again?! Clearing his throat, he said, “B-but I want you to feel good too! It will make me feel better knowing I can do something like that to you!”
You blushed, looked at Michael and you honestly couldn’t say no to him. Sighing, you scoot yourself up against the door and spread your legs, beckoning Michael to you with a come hither motion with your index finger. “If you want it so badly, come show me what you got. I’ll guide you through how to get me off,” you said.
Michael, not needing to be beckoned twice, crawled towards you, stopping when he came between your legs. “W-what now…?” he asked, looking into your eyes. He still looked worried, like he was about to let you down.
Leaning your head back against the door, you sighed happily and gathering your confidence, you slid your panties off, throwing them in the pile of discarded clothes. Running your hands over your thighs, you start to remove your fishnet stockings but you’re stopped by Michael’s hand covering your own. Looking up, you see that he really wants those to remain on.
“No! D-don’t! Th-they’re sexy, leave them on,” he said in a shaky voice.
You nodded, and said, “Anything else? Before we start?” Michael gulped and shook his head. He was ready for you to direct him. Seeing the look of ‘go on, I’m ready’ in his eyes made you gasp a little. “O-okay…” you try to think of a way to explain how to finger you to Michael, “h-here, just let me show you.”
He lets you lead his hand to your heated core and you instructed him what to do, albeit really awkwardly. You smiled awkwardly and decided to let Michael see what he could do. At first, he lightly traces your slit, leaving you gasping at the light and gentle touch.
He leans forward to kiss you as he delves a finger inside you and moaned at the feeling. Your moan gave him a boost of confidence and he pulled away from your lips only to latch his mouth onto your neck—leaving open-mouthed kisses and nibbling in an attempt to find a sweet spot. The hand that was not fingering you, had moved up your body and had lingered on your breasts for a moment before continuing upwards. Soon it buried itself in your hair and tilted your head to the side so he could search more.
You mewled as he found your sweet spot on your neck, “M-Michael…”
Spurring him on more, Michael kissed down your collarbone, and deciding to get bold, inserts another finger into you. Your reaction almost makes him melt—you throw your head against the door and let out a shaky moan. He curled his fingers and brushed against your g-spot, which caused you to accidentally bang your head against the door, because you had not expected him to find it so quickly.
“H-holy fuck, Mi-Michael… y-you’re amazing—doing a fucking great jOb,” you moaned as he hit your g-spot again. That praise seemed to thrill Michael because he hit it for a third time in a row and you bit your lip. “Ooh God, yes, please! Ke-keep hitting that spot!”
It was at that moment that you two heard loud banging and a familiar voice cuts through your now breathy, low moans, “HEY! CAN YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE GODDAMN BATHROOM?! I GOTTA FUCKING PISS LIKE A RACEHORSE!!”
You recognized the voice and groaned. “GO AWAY!!”
“Babe, you good?” Rich asked you, in a drunken worry.
As soon as he said that, Michael curled his fingers and you let out a really loud moan, “OH GOD, FUCK!!” When you looked down, you were not prepared to see Michael looking up at you, a fire in his eyes, from the valley of your breasts. One, you were curious as to when the fuck he had singlehandedly removed your bra and threw it to the side and two, when the hell did he kiss his way there. But, but, but, you wouldn’t lie and say it wasn’t hot as fuck that he did all that without you noticing. “Fucking shit, Michael,” you moaned under your breath.
You could hear the drunk grin on Rich’s face as he said, “Oh damn, babe, that was hot.”
Feeling Michael growl against your skin, you were taken by surprised when he got rougher with you. He was now determined to have you moaning or screaming his name. The geeky stoner had no idea where that desire came from, but he suddenly wanted people to know you were his. “She’s mine. All her hot moans belong to me now, you prick,” he mumbled against the skin of your stomach, “Let him hear you moaning out my name, (y/n).”
The dominate, demanding tone in Michael’s growls had you weak. “MicHAEl,” you moaned quietly, bucking your hips against his hand.
Michael moved away from your body and leaned into your ear, growling, “You’re mine, you hear me? Not Rich’s, not Jake’s, mine.”
“Oh fuck,” you moaned out in a loud, sultry voice. Michael being this dominate was something you hadn’t thought possible, but before you knew it, you felt the familiar pressure building up in your abdomen. This geek was amazing with his hands, and the growling he was doing was doing so many wonderful things to you.
From the other side of the door, Rich smiled to himself because he thought you were masturbating. With the biggest drunken smirk, he sighed out, “Oh hell yes, moan for me, babe.”
Oh that pissed Michael off! How dare Rich think you were doing this for him. The caramel-skinned geek gripped your hair tightly and started fingering you harder, faster. He growled heated into your ear as he kissed just below your ear. Placing kisses on your neck, he started nipping at the flesh of your neck. You moaned at the nipping, and gasped out as Michael started sucking on your neck. You knew he was doing this with the purpose of marking you as his new girlfriend, and you found it exhilarating.
You bit your bottom lip to try and suppress a louder than loud moan. Rich heard this moan and shakily said, like he was needing you to open the door, “O-oh holy shit babe, how about you open the door so I can help you out?”
Michael grew even more angered and to keep himself from yelling at Rich, he bit the sweet spot on your neck. That was when your body exploded, you let loose with a rather loud moan/shout of his name, “MICHAEL~!! Oh fuck!!” Shaky intakes of air followed afterwards, Michael looked at you, wondering if he did a good thing. This sexy fucker was a natural and he didn’t know it until that moment.
Still thinking you were masturbating, Rich said in a slurred, cocky tone, “Maybe you can scream my name like that, babe. God, please let me in, so I can fuck you well into tomorrow.”
Jealousy still coursing through his veins, Michael removes his hand from your core and does the unexpected—he just cleaned off your juices from his fingers! And you gasped, that was hot. You moaned out, unable to help yourself, “JUST FUCK ME ALREADY, MICHAEL!” It was also a ploy to get Rich to walk away so you could take control.
You two heard Rich stumbled over his words, “Oh shit… that’s not for me… Back out, back out, abort. I REPEAT ABORT MISSION!” And then you heard him walking away.
Now it was time to flip you and Michael around. Pushing yourself off the door, you flip it around so that Michael now has his back against the door. You could see that he was still pissy about what just happened with Rich so you smiled and took his glasses off his face and put them on. “Whoa, your eyesight isn’t too bad! How do I look?” you asked, looking at him.
The caramel-skinned geek looked at you wearing his glasses and grew even more excited than he already was. He remained silent, as he basked in your naked glory and how hot you looked in just fishnet stockings and his glasses. You took his silence as a meaning to return his glasses to his face, you when you go to take them off, you were surprised when he stopped you. Just like he had done with your fishnet stockings. “I need you to keep those on, (y/n),” he said in a low voice.
“Oh, okay,” you answered, fixing them on your face. “Now, you ready for the main course?”
Michael’s demeanor suddenly changed. He went from confident to shy again. Probably because he didn’t know how to act with this. Once he got the hang of fingering you, it was kind of like playing a video game. But actually entering a girl? He didn’t know what that was like. But wait, he still had on his—he felt his boxers being removed and shuddered as the cool air hit his dick.
“Oh wow, you are huge, Michael,” you gasp. With a lick of your lips, you straddle him. “You ready?”
“W-what about like… protection?” Michael asked.
You look down at him and said, “Oh, it’s fine. I’m on the pill, so it’s not like there’s anything to worry about. Plus, there’s nothing like barebacking it.” A laugh passed your lips.
Michael gaped at your words and watched on bated breath as you lined himself up with your core before you winked at him. After the wink you sank onto him and he threw his head back against the door and let out a long, drawn out, rather sexy moan. “oOOoh my,” he moaned, “s-so hot.”
“Aww, why thank you, hot-stuff,” you said, breathlessly. After giving yourself a moment to adjust to his size, you slowly started to ride him. You had your hands splayed across his chest and you watched him moan beneath you, combing a hand through his hair, disheveling it. It was the single, hottest thing you could have seen. “You can touch me, y’know,” you moaned.
Taking that as a sign, Michael hands went for your breasts. He leaned his whole head off the door and kissed the swell of your breasts, looking up at you with an innocent face.
One of your hands that was splayed across his chest moved to his hair and you smiled down at him, ready to test the limit. You grabbed his hair and gently pulled. The angle that he bucked into you at had him hit your g-spot and you doubled over, moaning, “Y-yes, right there!”
Michael smiled against your skin and bucked into you again. He was right, though, he felt his own release building up. It sucked being a virgin, Michael would admit that. But, at the same time, it felt amazing to have your pussy wrapped around him. Oh, he wanted this to never end. However, he knew this had to end. He breathed heavily against your skin, continuing to buck into you, “(y-y/n), I-I’m getting… umm…”
“Cum then, Michael. I don’t mind,” you moaned into his ear.
He sure did come undone inside of you. You didn’t mind it, it was your first time letting a guy cum directly inside you, so it was kind of a rush. “W-wow!” he gasped out.
You swooped in kissed him deeply. So what if he didn’t get you off that time, but he did get you off wonderfully before, so it made up for it. “That was pretty great, Michael. Hey, you wanna put on our clothes, blow this popsicle stand and go get slushies from 7/11?”
Michael’s face lit up at your words. “Dude, you are so cool! Yes, I would fucking love that!” he exclaimed.
You chuckled, got off of him, and went to the pile of clothes. You started to get redressed and so did Michael, and you noticed that he was looking at you with a wide smile. After you both get redressed, you look in the mirror and see all the fucking hickies that Michael had left. You gasped and covered your neck, looking over at him, “How and when did you leave so many hickies on my fucking neck?!”
“When Rich was being a dick. Now, are you ready to go?” Michael asked with a smile.
You smiled and walked up to the door, unlocking it, “I’m ready whenever you are, Michael.”
Walking up to you, Michael wrapped an arm around your waist. “Let’s go, babe.”
You laughed, opening the door, and both of your walk out of the bathroom. You walked down the hallway, to the large living room. Nobody really batted an eyes at you and Michael’s entry, nobody except Jeremy. He immediately caught the sight of his best friend, who was glasses-less? The taller geek was sitting on the couch with Christine and he just gaped at his best friend.
It takes Michael a moment to realize that he could not see. “Why can’t I see–oh,” he gasped and looked at you. Sure enough, you still had his glasses on and as hot as you were in his glasses, he needed them to see. “May I have them back?” he asked politely.
“You may have them,” you said. Michael reached out to grab his glasses and you smacked his hand away. “ONLY for a kiss,” you finished with a smirk.
Michael smiled, tilted your head towards him and kissed you on the lips. It was a sweet and loving kiss, that only lasted a few brief moments before Michael pulled away. “Was that the kiss you were wanting?”
“Yes, it was,” you answered and handed him his glasses.
Jeremy gasped as he saw that. He shot off the couch, apologized to Christine and bounded up to you two. “Michael?! What are you doing with (y/n)?! Why do you two look so disheveled? Why are there marks on her neck? More importantly, why was she wearing your glasses and why did you two leave the bathroom together?!”
Michael snubbed his best friend and said, “Sorry but, I don’t have a Squip, so I’m not good enough to be talking to you.” He pulled you closer to him and continued, “Now if you will excuse us, buddy, I will be taking my girlfriend and going to get some slushies from 7/11.”
The caramel-skinned geek practically dragged you out of the house. Jeremy stood there, dumbfounded as he walked away with you snug against his body. “Did my best friend just have sex with a relatively popular girl?” he asked himself.
As you and Michael left the house, you both pushed past Rich and he stopped. He watched you leave, body pressed to Michael’s side and neck covering in hickies. “That was the fucker who fucked (y/n)?! Antisocial headphone loser?! She chose the loser geek over me???” he exclaimed to himself. He was, honestly, he felt his ego being hurt. “What is so goddamn good about him? Anything he can do, I can do better! And I will show him I’m better for her!!”
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Michael in the Bathroom
Warnings: Swearing (obviously, this is me here), underage drinking, Rich getting maybe-handsy while drunk, mention of Marijuana usage, shitty written fluff Word Count: About 3243 Summary: You were at Jake’s Halloween Party, and since you refused to drink the horse-piss that is beer, you opted for getting somewhat high. You are not the most popular girl at school, but were popular enough to get invited without sneaking in. You are passing by the downstairs bathroom when you hear a certain someone having a panic attack and talking to himself. Your Halloween costume!!
“(Y/n)~ Come get drunk with me,” slurred Rich.
You shook your head and said, “Rich, I told you before you got smashed that I DON’T DRINK!!”
“But, baaabe!! Come the fuck on!! Let loose with me,” whined Rich. He wrapped an arm around your waist and looked slightly up at you (as he was slightly shorter than you). In one hand he had your waist and the other, he had a red cup of beer. And of course he was being obnoxious, and his hand around your waist dropped to your butt and he gave you a little squeeze.
“RICH!!” you squeaked and shoved him off of you, successfully knocking him to the floor. Everyone around you and Rich laughed about how he pushed you too far and got rejected, which lead to him laying on the ground with beer on his shirt. But, everything was all right, because he was laughing too. Everyone’s laughter caused you to laugh.
Between laughs, he said, “I’m sorry, babe! Didn’t mean to test your limits!”
You blushed and helped him up. “Yes you did, Rich. Anyways, while you get even more smashed than you are, I’m going to get high with Jakey D,” you said. Before you could walk away, Rich pulled you back by your wrist and smashed his lips to yours, his cup of beer being discarded at that point. You tried to wiggle out of his grip for a good 45 seconds before deciding to say fuck it and kiss him back, if only to get him off you.
Rich Goranski wasn’t exactly the person you wanted to kiss you (you secretly wanted the geeky loner Michael Mell to kiss you, but you barely talked to him), but he would do for the moment. That and it was a ploy to get Rich off you. You let him pull you closer to him by your waist, mentally grimacing at the taste of beer on the guy’s lips. He started getting all sorts of handsy! Literally, Rich’s hands went everywhere, trailing up your fishnet stockings to your thighs, and you were looking for an out. As good as it feels to be felt up, noooot with Rich… you thought to yourself as you saw Brooke. MY OUT!
You pulled away from Rich, which let him surprised, and you called out to Brooke, “Brooke! What’cha doing? You look worried.” You looked back at Rich, feigning an apologetic look, “Sorry, but she looks like she needs someone to talk to.” After that was said, you pushed yourself out of Rich’s arms and made your way to Brooke. “Looking pretty good, Brooke.”
“Thanks, (y/n), you look pretty good yourself,” the blonde smiled at you. “Like, really, I never thought a maid looked so good.”
You tucked a piece of you curled hair behind your ear at her words. “Thanks, Brooke, that means a lot coming from you,” you said. You then noticed that she looked around and a little disheartened. “Hey, you okay? Who you looking for?”
“Jeremy,” came her quick answer.
“Jeremy Heere?” you asked.
She nodded and said, “Exactly. I invited him and have been texting him and he’s not answering!”
“Oh, honey, he’s gonna be here, I promise,” you reassured her.
She looked over her shoulder and smiled at you, “Thanks, (y/n). That means a lot!” Almost as soon as you reassured Brooke, Jeremy entered the scene and Brooke seemingly jumped with joy. “Jeremy! I was afraid you weren’t coming. Did you get my messages?”
You saw Jeremy’s face light up like he was going to apologize, but something kept him from doing it. Instead, he played it off by saying, “Am I late? Didn’t even realize.”
“Well, I’m gonna go get high with someone now. I’ll leave you to it,” you said with a smile and walked away. As you walked through the house, you saw Rich making his way to you and immediately bolted towards Jake. “Jakey!! Wanna smoke up? Please say yes, I’m trying to get away from Rich,” you begged. You stopped and noticed Christine, “Oh, hey Christine. How you enjoying the party?”
Jake stopped talking to Christine and looked at you. “Whoa, whoa, (y/n). What did Rich do?”
The brunette standing beside Jake answered you, “I’m enjoying the party. You don’t seem to be having too much fun with Rich stalking you.”
“First he kissed me, then he got handsy—and though it felt nice, I don’t want Rich feeling me up. Do you feel me? Also, I am having plenty of fun, Christine. Rich feeling me up is just a… minor… inconvenience. Now, Jake, can you help. me. out?”
The tall young man laughed and said, “Yeah, I can help you. Come with me, (y/n). You’re free to come along with, Christine.”
About 20 minutes later, you were kind of high and was going to the bathroom when you heard a familiar voice. It sounded like Michael Mell. “I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall,” he said in a shaky voice and you knew something was wrong. Michael’s usually voice never wavered like it was now. “I could stay right here or disappear and nobody’d even notice at all.”
That broke your heart. What was going on in that bathroom? You sat outside the bathroom and continued to listen. “I’m a creeper in a bathroom cuz my buddy kinda left me alone, but I’d rather fake pee than stand awkwardly or pretend to check a text on my phone.” You heard his voice start to crack, and you wanted to bust in there and love him. “Everything felt fine when I was half of a pair, and through no fault of mine, there’s no other half there.”
You listened closely and you heard Michael starting to pace around the bathroom, his voice muttering, “Now I’m just Michael in the bathroom. Michael in the bathroom at a party, forget how long it’s been. I’m just Michael in the bathroom. Michael in the bathroom at a party—”
“Can I can in?” you asked.
“No you can’t come in!” he exclaimed in a shaky voice. You leaned your forehead against the door and continued listening to his breaking voice, you could tell he was holding back the tears. “I’m waiting it out till it’s time to leave, and picking at grout as I softly grieve. I’m just Michael who you don’t know, Michael flying solo, Michael in the bathroom by himself!! All by himself!”
You’re not flying solo, Michael, just let me in and I’ll help you, you thought to yourself.
You could hear his breathing quicken and you decided that enough was enough—that geek was having a panic attack and needed help, whether he wanted to admit it or not. As you continued to listen to him talking to himself, you got on your knees, pulled a bobby-pin from your hair and started pick-locking the door.
“I am hiding, but he’s out there, just ignoring all our history. Memories get erased and I’ll get replaced with a newer, cooler version of me,” he said and you could hear the air-quotes around cooler.
In the background, you heard I Wanna Dance With Somebody, and you unconsciously started singing along loudly.
“And I hear a drunk girl sing along to Whitney through the door. I wanna dance with somebody,” he mockingly sang along and you realized he had a damn good singing voice.
In the bathroom, Michael was pacing back and forth, combing his fingers through his hair. He was freaking out, he was losing his best friend and there was nothing he could do. A gasp caught in his throat as he continued his panicked rambling, “And my feelings sink cuz it makes me think now there’s no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore! Now it’s just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party. God, I half regret the beers!”
He looked in the mirror, saw the tears swelling in his eyes and continued through gritted teeth, “Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party, as I choke back the tears. I’ll wait as long as I need, till my face runs dry, or I’ll just blame it on weed or something in my eye,” his voice grew louder and he walked over to the bathtub, “I’m just Michael who you don’t know, Michael flying solo, Michael in the bathroom by himself!”
Holding his head as he slid into the bottom of the tub, choking out, hearing knocking in his head, “They’re gonna start to shout soon. Aw hell yeah I’ll be out soon! It sucks he left me here alone—here in this teenage battle zone! I feel the pressure blowing up,” he exclaimed, getting out of the bathtub, making his way to the sink. “My big mistake was showing up!”
Michael splashed some water in his face, and he is in a better place. He went to open up the door, but he couldn’t hear knocking anymore. But he’s face-to-face with you as you fall into the bathroom, having had to bash the door open with your shoulder after unlocking it. His jaw dropped because he hadn’t expected that.
“Michael!” you exclaimed, stopping yourself from falling on top of him. You saw the tears that were in his eyes and you closed the door behind you, locking it back. “Hey, why are you crying?”
Sniffling, Michael stammered out an answer, “I-I’m not crying!”
You walked up to him and looked at him. “There are tears streaming down your wet face, Mell. You can’t get out of this. Tell me what’s up, I won’t tell anybody and believe me, I’ve had my fair share of panic attacks,” you told him, sitting on the floor.
Michael sat down in front of you and continued panicking, “I c-can’t help but yearn for a different time. Is there a sadder sight than,” he hummed aggressively to himself, “Michael in the bathroom at a party. This is a heinous night. I wish I stayed at home watching cable porn, or wish I offed myself with I was never born!” He was crying at this point, “I’m just Michael who’s a loner, so he must be a stoner! Rides a PT Cruiser, God he’s such a loser! Michael flying solo, who you think that you know? Michael in the bathroom by himself! All by himself!” He held his arms close to his body and whimpered out, “All by himself… well, all you know about me is my name—awesome party, I’m so glad I came.”
You looked at him with understanding eyes. “Oh, Michael, you’re the furthest thing from a loser. God, you’re not a loser. You’re a great person, Michael. Whoever this buddy is doesn’t really have his priorities straight if he would just abandon you. Furthermore, who the fuck cares if you’re a stoner? Geeky stoners are really hot, sexy more like it.”
Michael looked up from the floor and his sad brown eyes pierced your own. “R-really?” he asked. “You think a geeky stoner like me is a great person and is sexy? A-and yeah, my buddy doesn’t have his priorities straight, but something’s happening to him…”
“Of course I think a geeky stoner is sexy! I want to know what’s going on with your buddy, but first off, why would you want to be watching cable porn when we can make our own porn,” you said with a smile.
That caught the caramel-skinned geek looked up at you and his once sad brown eyes lit up. “E-excuse me?” he questioned, his voice breaking from the sobbing he just did.
“Do I really need to repeat myself, Michael?”
Michael didn’t know what to say. But, he will admit, you did look sexy in that little maid costume you were wearing. “I-I… uhhh… sure? Why not?” he hesitated.
You smiled and tackled Michael to the floor. “Well then, let’s get started, shall we?” you asked with a wicked grin as you perched on top of him. Michael blushed and gulped, only nodding as an answer. Oh, this is gonna be fun, you thought to yourself as you leaned down to kiss him.
Just like with Rich, you tasted beer on Michael’s lips, but you found that you didn’t care and almost liked it. Maybe it was just that you have always wanted to kiss the geek laying on the floor beneath you. Noticing how Michael was seemingly frozen, you grabbed one of his hands and placed it on your hips. Reluctantly, you pulled away from your kiss, only to whisper into his ear, “C’mon, geek, show me what you learned from watching cable porn.” Then you caught his ear in between your teeth.
He shuddered and you felt it and it made you grin wolfishly. “C’mon, don’t be afraid, Mellby. Show me what it is that you wanted to be watching instead of being here,” you teased. “Or do I need to give you a helping hand?”
Michael looked up at you with hesitation and a look of “I don’t know what to do” in his eyes. You smiled, took his other hand and placed it over one of your breasts. Your (e/c) orbs softened as you told him to do what he wanted with your eyes.
“Let’s make this about you, Michael. You’re the one who just had a panic attack; so, feel me up, have sex with me, do what will make you feel better,” you said in a sweet tone.
That seemingly got Michael to do something. He sat up, and trailed the hand on your hip upwards, over the soft cloth that was your outfit until his warm hand rested on your cheek. As he leaned forwards, toward you, he whispered, “Thanks, (y/n)… y-you are cooler than a vintage cassette…”
You chuckled, a blush making its way across your cheeks, “Thanks, Michael…” You splayed your hands across his Creeper shirt as he pulled your lips to his.
Soon, Michael tangled a hand into you curly (h/c) locks as he deepened the kiss. He was genuinely happy that you had stumbled into him a little more than half-way through his panic attack, because this was the best thing he could have asked for. Better than getting drunk and forgetting about all this—sweep it under the rug like it never happened. He very slowly started to kneed your breast that was in his hand.
You gasped into the kiss, which Michael used as an opportunity to deepen the kiss further. He had some talented hands, that’s for sure, because just with him kneading your clothed breast, you knew it would be ten times better if he used his skills somewhere else. The more you thought about it, the hotter your body seemed to get. The air in your lungs was fleeting fast, and the heated thoughts swirling in your mind was not happening. You pressed your palms against Michael’s clothed chest, signaling you needed him to pull away.
Reluctantly, Michael pulled away from the kiss and he looked at your reddened face. The hand in your hair trailed down your back, stopping at your costume’s zipper. “May I?” he asked.
Despite the burning blush plastered on your face, you were grinning wolfishly as you answered, “I would be insulted if you didn’t, Mr. Creeper.”
With an equally as wolfish grin, Michael started to drag the zipper down. Every tooth that the zipper parted with felt like an eternity for both you and the geek before you. You shifted your hips and when you brushed up against his excitement, you both sighed out. Alright, now you were positive that both your clothes needed to be removed, stat.
When Michael was done unzipping your costume, he lifted it up over your head and was left in awe at so much of your skin. You had to wear a white strapless bra with small pink hearts adorning it, with matching panties. “Cute,” Michael muttered.
As he went to undo your bra, you stopped him by pushing him down to the floor. “Hey, hey, hey, I’m almost naked here while you’re fully clothed. Off with your shirt,” you demanded, “Or I’ll take it off for you.”
“Okay, hold on, (y/n),” he soothe you, taking off his shirt for you. “Better?”
You stared at Michael. So much handsomer than you imagined he’d be like under that iconic hoodie of his. You reached out and placed your palms onto his chest, intensely observing, wanting to burn the memory into your brain. “Wow…” you gasped.
“What?” he asked.
You looked at him and he was surprised by the sheer lust that was swirling in your (e/c) orbs. “Just… you’re so much more… handsomer than I ever could’ve imagined,” you breathed out.
Michael covered your hand with his, entwining your fingers together. “I could say the same thing about you, just replace handsomer with more beautiful,” he said, kissing your palm.
Those words caused your heart to stop for a brief moment. “W-what?” you stuttered.
“What I basically said was that: you’re so much more beautiful than I ever could’ve imagined, (y/n). Believe it or not, this geeky stoner’s been wishfully dreaming of being in a situation like this with you,” he said with a breathtakingly genuine smile.
“Y-you’re fucking with me,” you laughed.
“I’m not, though!” he retorted. Without a second thought, he leaned upwards and kissed you with so much passion, you swore he could have knocked you out. He tangled his other hand in your hair once again and squeezed your hand tightly.
I just might love you, (y/n), even if we haven’t talked much before.
That’s the message you got from that fiery kiss. Several intense moments passed before you had to breath. “So,” you began with a smirk, “are we actually gonna have sex on Jake Dilinger’s downstairs bathroom floor, Michael?”
“No,” he answered. You looked disheartened and he laughed, “Not before you agree to be my girlfriend.”
You smiled brightly, squeezed his hand tightly and said, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Michael Mell! Now, are we gonna fuck or not? Because I do want you to show me what you learned from all that cable porn, if anything.”
Should I make a part 2 to this?? Someone let me know, because this was actually fun to write. Using the lyrics to Michael In The Bathroom as his panic attack, since well, he is having a panic attack but is just singing it. This was just something that popped into my head and fuck, I needed it.
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Hear me and my Sister out guys:
Michael Mell is a switch between a sub and a dom during sex, regularly. HOWEVER, let’s say Rich or Jake flirts with you (because they don’t care if you happen to be dating Mikey), Michael gets hella jealous and gets REALLY dominate and rough.
This geek KNOWS that you like love it
Like, he’s all soft and sweet and lovey-dovey with you until he gets jealous.
He growls the dirtiest things into your ear. Shit like, “Oh you like it when I’m rough with you, don’t’cha? Should I try hair pulling today? Or taking away your ability to walk straight for a few days?”
And really, that’s the only way to piss Michael off, or you could be having sex in a public place and moan someone’s name (as it’s usually you who sees the person who catches you two in the act before Michael). Yeah, that works too, but you moaning someone else’s name doesn’t happen often.
I dunno why, but I can’t help but have this in my head now.
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How would Rich, Jake, and Michael react to their SO wearing one of their shirts? (Or in Michael's case, his hoodie)?
Mmmmmokay this is fun.
Rich would, like Jake, stare at first. His eyes are locked on to you, it is so loose on you. You always forget to wear a bra when you steal his shirt so he just zeros in on your nipples—which always show through his shirt. He love, love, LOVES to bury his face into your chest when you’re wearing his shirt (he likes to do it normally but you have on a bra most times so this is the for-Sure time you’re not wearing one). “You look so damn sexy in my shirt. Also, I love seeing your side-boob babe,” he says, his voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt in the valley of your chest. Expect cute and soft sex with him telling you how cute you are in his shirt, will definitely pinch your nipples through his shirt.
So Jake would just stare for the longest time, since his shirt fits to your body very well. He wakes up to you wearing it one morning when you had spent the night over the weekend. After letting the image soak into his brain and soul, he pulls you close to him, sometimes even pulling you back on to his bed. “Someone looks very sexy in my shirt,” he whispers into your ear, loving the shiver that shoots down your spine. Expect cute sex also, he says shit that makes you very giggley and it’s just very very cute, mushy sex.
Now Michael, my boy. This👏🏻Boy👏🏻Loses👏🏻His👏🏻Mind👏🏻When👏🏻You👏🏻Wear👏🏻His👏🏻Hoodie!! One night, you’re spending the night, and you both are stoned out of your mind. You got cold so you found his hoodie, which he discarded on the end of a table in his basement. Grabbing it, you put it on. When Michael comes back from the bathroom and sees you in it, boy loses his mind! You’re immediately pinned to your bean bag chair, his lips possessively on yours, hands on your hips. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He asks in a groggy voice. You’d best expect rough sex to follow.
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