#jak crawford x oc
pxperplxnets · 2 years
picnics and brothers.
summary: jak and anne have a picnic date before jak meets anne’s brother and his biggest competition for her love.
pairing: jak crawford x anne johnson
jak and anne character descriptions
word count: 1758
warnings: swearing
lowercase intended!
part one -
learning how to act as a couple is hard, even more so when you met two weeks ago.
and if anne and jak didn't know this before, they definitely did now.
the pair was currently sitting on a blanket at a random park, awkward silence surrounding them.
lia was way too excited about anne, especially after they hit it off so well at lunch the day after they met, so jak knew that he had to talk to the redheaded girl and figure things out before lia got too attached.
“so… this is pretty” anne said, trying to dissipate the awkwardness.
they hadn't seen each other since the day of the lunch, since jak had an away race. they had been texting a lot, but never talking about anything actually important.
“thank you, lia helped with all the setting up”
a fond smile placed itself on the girls lips at the mention of lia. “she’s amazing, i can tell you guys are good friends”
jak nodded at her words “we are, we've known each other our entire lives, really” he shrugged “do you have any friends like that?” he asked, trying to keep the conversation going.
“well, my only very good friend was mattia, and i guess you know how that turned out” she scoffed.
“no offence, but he seems like a total asshole” that made her laugh, and that made him smile.
“non taken, he is”
silence made its way back, but this time it was a comfortable one. they stayed in silence until she spoke once again.
“how are we going to do this?” her voice was quiet, almost as if she were scared to ask.
in all fairness, she was.
“i don't know, im sorry i roped you into it in the first place” his tone matched hers.
“i’m kind of.. glad you did? i mean, it’s a weird situation, but i hadn’t had an actual lunch with friends in a long time… it was nice”
jak looked at her. at how her red hair almost covered her face as she looked at her feet, one hand playing with the grass while the other held her legs to her body. she spoke quietly, as if she were embarrassed of what she’s saying.
“yeah? im glad” he smiled “who do you normally have lunch with, if i may ask?”
“my little brother, james. hes a fucking menace, but he’s an amazing company keeper.”
jak noticed how her face seemed to light up at the mention of her brother.
“how old is he?” the boy tried to keep the conversation going, she definitely likes talking about james.
“he is 12 now, actually”
“he’s 12 and he still hangs out with you?” the question came off in a tone that he regretted immediately.
“what's that supposed to mean?” he eased up at the amused tone on her voice.
“a 12 year old boy sounds too cool to hang out with you”
he only noticed that her body was now completely turned towards him when she threw a handful of grass to his face.
“i'll have you know that he likes hanging out with me very much” she stuck her tongue at him in a childish manner
“really now?” he teased
“yes. I'm actually kind of a celebrity around his friends. one of them even asked me to be his girlfriend, brodie”
watching her now, with her white long skirt and her little green top and smiling and acting like she is, jak is not a bit surprised that these boys have crushes on her.
“it's sad that it flatters you so much that you're a celebrity amongst 12 year olds”
that only gets her to throw more grass at him
“you're never meeting james, he would find you too cool for my liking.”
“come on, you race cars for a living, you're jacked, and you're famous. you're like every 12 year old’s dream”
“good thing i'm his fake brother-in-law then.” his smile is interrupted by yet another handful of grass “dude, stop it with the grass!” he laughed, making her laugh along.
“if you drive me home then you can meet him, there is no way in hell that i'm walking”
“Its insulting that you even thought i was letting you walk home even if you wanted to.”
so they spent the rest of the afternoon like that, laying on a blanket in the middle of a park. his head on her belly while they talked for hours, learning little things about each other.
“that's how you broke your arm? when you told me i fully expected an awesome karting story!” anne was laughing so hard that jak could feel his head moving form the movement of her belly.
they had been talking about scars when she had seen the one on his arm and asked about it, leading to the infamous horse story.
“not my fault though! lia said let's get on the horses, so i got on the horse! i was six, for fucks sake!” he attempted to justify his own stupidity.
“age doesn't justify stupidity!” the girl insisted.
he laughed and pointed at the newfound scar on her right knee.
“how about this one?”
“okay, i take it back. maybe age does justify stupidity.”
he bursted out laughing like that was the funniest thing he had ever heard.
“hear me out, hear me out. remember when you were a kid, and you watched mary poppins for the first time?”
that only made him laugh louder, because he could see where this was going. he hummed an affirmative noise, telling her to keep going.
“well, i was 8 when i watched it. so me and my little cousin who was around 6 at the time decided that it would be a great idea to try it out and since she was a complete wussy and was too scared, of course i had to do it. we dragged an old ladder from the shed and climbed to the roof of the house. i was shitting my pants scared, like i kidd you not this might have been one of the most terrifying moments of my life. but anyways, i had already made fun of my cousin for being a scaredy cat, so i put my big girl pants on and jumped of the roof.”
jak face palmed, laughing.
“that's not even the worst part, i thought it would look cooler if i opened the umbrella while i was going down.”
“please tell me it didn't open” jak was laughing too hard.
“oh, it did alright. when i hit the ground and my knee was busted open, the force of it hitting the ground opened it.”
she said it with such a serious face that jak couldn't properly breathe from laughing.
“i had to get stitches, jak. stitches!”
the story wasn’t that funny, and jak knew that. but he genuinely couldn't breathe from laughter, which made her laugh as well.
they stayed in silence until they both calmed down, deciding it was time to go home already.
they drove for a while, laughing even more until they arrived at her house. jak parked on the driveway, and they stayed in the car for a few seconds until she spoke.
“i can’t believe you're meeting my brother already, we’ve hung out three times” she said, but jak suspected she was talking to herself more than to him, but he answered nonetheless.
“we were technically dating before we even met, so…”
that earned him a smile
“this is going to blow up in our faces” she sighed
“do you want me to be completely honest?” jak asked, making her nod “i’d rather be your friend. we can tell everyone it just didn't work out, or that it was all fake even. but i want us to still be friends, with the rest too, because i'm sure lia is already too attached.” that also earned him a smile “i like you as a person, you're funny, smart and if we weren't already dating--”
“fake dating” she interrupted
“fake dating, whatever. I would definitely be hitting on you right now, so what do you want to do?”
anne was speechless for a moment.
“god, poor brodie is going to be so disappointed when i tell him i'm already taken” she sighed, dramatically.
“fake taken” he corrected as she had done moments before
“fake taken, whatever” she copied his words.
they smiled at each other one more time before getting out of the car and into the house.
“james, I'm home, and I brought a friend!” the girl spoke loudly
“i'm in the living room and brodie is here!” a voice shouted back.
jak suddenly got nervous to meet the 12 year olds.
as they walked into the living room, they found the two boys sitting on a couch, watching tv.
anne approached them and kissed the top of their heads, leaving brodie with a dopey smile on his lips.
jak almost laughed.
“this is jak, he is my.. uhm, he's my boyfriend” the girl spoke, a nervous tone in her voice.
the two boys looked at him, scanning him with judgy eyes.
“i'm the love of her life, not you” brodie suddenly spoke
“well im her actual boyfriend”
“well she kisses my head”
“well she kisses my lips.”
“no she doesn't”
no she doesn't
“yes she does, look” jak reaches out to grab anne’s hand, pecking her lips quickly before turning back to the kid and sticking his tongue out to him. brodie rolls his eyes.
“enough, enough.” anne says, and the blush on her cheeks almost goes unnoticed by jak.
he smiles.
“you're not good enough for my sister” james blurts out of nowhere.
jak is strangely put out of place.
“i’m not?”
“no. unless i decide you are. what do you do?” james’ eyes are strangely judgy
“i race cars”
he waits for james to be impressed. he's not.
“do you know charles leclerc?”
“i've met him, his brother is my friend”
“do you know hamilton?”
“i've also met him”
“sebastian vettel?”
“yeah, him too”
“kimi raikkonen?”
oh no
“no, i haven't met him”
“then you are not worth anything in this household”
at the same time that anne scolds him, jak can hear a loud laugh emerge from brodies body.
jak stays for a while after that, and he eventually wins james over.
he doesnt think brodie likes him at all though, and if he does he is very good at hiding it.
authors note:
both of thr injury stories are real, if anyone was wondering.
IM SO SORR}y for being so absent lately, i promise ill try harder.<3
also this is dedicated to @myplantregulus bc i missed two weeks of brodie tuesdays and i am sad.
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
lia alfonso character headcanons/facts:
-she has raging adhd
-shes pansexual
-also demi-gendered (she/they)
-shes argentinian
-her favourite colors are dark blue and sage green
-her favourite fruit is passionfruit
-she always watches argentinian football matches
-doesnt matter where she is, she watches them religiously
-sleeps either with one of ollies shirts or with her own oversized shirts
-her favorite animals are capybaras
-her favourite drivers of all time are michael schumacher and kimi raikkonen
-when she counts she always starts in english but changes to spanish when she gets to 13
-”eleven, twelve, trece, catorce…”
-i know thats oddly specific but i do that and i feel like she would too
-she kind of just forgets how to speak english sometimes
-this makes things very dificult when shes trying to communicate with ollie
-she speaks spanish, english and italian
-her favourite school subject is lunch
-cant do math for the life of her
-treid to be vegetarian but forgot she was and ate meat the next day
-she has a sister that is 6 years older
-she had a rottweiler called tupac back home
-she lived in the us for a long time before she moved back to argentina
-when she clips her nails she always skips one without realizing
-her favourite shows are new girl and adventure time
-painting has been her passion since she was very little
-she plans on going to art college
-her first job (apart from babysitting) was face painter at kids parties
-she is very conected to music even though she cannot sing
-she whistles all the time without realizing
-jak hates it
-”can you please stop whistling?” “*whistles aggresively*”
-her favourite singers are mac demarco, taylor swift and lana del rey
-she had a one direction obsession
-she likes to anotate books and normally makes them really artsy looking
-she has three stick and poke tattoos
-one of them is a tiny heart on her ankle which she got matching with her girl best friend
-the other one is a spiral on her shoulder
-and the last one is a j on the side of her finger
-j as in jak bc he would not leave her alone when she got the heart with her other best friend
-the plan was her getting a j and him geting an l
-he chickened out
-she designs jaks helmets
-she met jak because her mom was really good friends with his mom and they moved next to them when they moved to the us
-moving on to some headcanons about her relationship with ollie
-once they got together he asked her to design a helmet for him
-ollie once tried to read and anotate a book for her an failed miserably
-since she likes to wear really baggy clothes she steals his all the time
-first time she went out to track wearing his shirt he couldnt focus for the rest of the day
-her and jak jokingly fight for ollie all the time
-”sorry babe, i made plans with jak” “i told you i wanted to hang out with ollie today, you asshole” “stay mad hoe”
-always joking tho
-jak is not the only third wheel
-sometimes ollie third wheels them
-or lia third wheels them
-going back to lia
-she hates orange flavoured candy
-totally right to do so
-her biggest childhood crush was barracuda from an argentinian show called chiquititas 98
-never quite got over the fact that he had to leave the show
-she always paints her nails
-once jack got into a fight with another kid because he insulted her
-she is that one bitch with the two braids
-i am too its fine
-she wears glasses
-or wears contacts
-babe is blind as shit
-i cant think of anything else
-oh well she is the only one of my motorsport oc’s whos name doesnt start with an a
-annoyes me to no end
-we love her tho
authors note:
trying something new to give you all some content and give you some facts about the girls.
Anyone in special that you guys want next? let me know!
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
jak and anne.
i will be posting the description of each one of my ocs and the guys that i write for.
this post is dedicated to jak and anne and will be linked at the beginning of the one shots that are based around them.
name: anne johnson
nick name: annie, ed sheeran
birth date: april 16th, 2005
place of birth: heraklion, greece
strengths: gardening
weakness: flowers
song: strawberry blond - mitski
“honestly, get help” - anne johnson
“anne shirley johnson hated her name. not because it was a basic name -even though it was- but because everyone else seemed to find it cool, or funny. her father always said that anne of green gables was her mother’s favorite book, so when she saw fiery red hair she just had to name her that. it didn't help that she was passionate about literature and flowers, which made her look like she was trying to be like the character. her family had moved to italy when her mom passed away, her dad quickly finding a caterer job that made enough money to keep them there, and that's how she met jak. he was desperate and she was pretty and looked nice enough, so what could go wrong?”
name: jak crawford
nick name: jakie, brillo head
birth date: may 2nd, 2005.
place of birth: north carolina, united states
strengths: smart mf
weakness: redheads
song: night changes - one direction
“i’ll be your gilbert” - jak crawford
“jak crawford was lost. it was a weird feeling, he had never been lost before. now that all of his friends were getting their teenage romances, he really felt like it. he didn't have that person that he thought of at night before sleeping, or that the simple say of their names brought a smile to his face, and he didn't understand why. ollie said that maybe he was too shy, that he needed to get out there and meet new people, and maybe he was right. he never thought he could be as desperate as to fake a relationship, but seeing the younger kids get girlfriends before him? that was his breaking point. so when his brown eyes found her blue ones in the crowd, he knew he had to at least try. he did always have a thing for redheads anyways”
authors note:
fake dating trope with jak, im excited for this one.
and yes, i re read anne of green gables recently and yes that is why.
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
confussions and new friends
summary: jak finds himself lying about his love life, and anne turns out to be in the wrong (or right) place at the wrong(or right) time.
pairing: jak crawford x anne johnson
jak and anne character descriptions
word count: 1627
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
jak was in trouble.
big trouble.
it wasn't anything he could have blamed on anyone else, either. it was entirely his fault.
you see, now that ollie and lia had gotten together, and of course paul and aurora had something that they weren't telling them, he was the only one who was alone.
even conrad and kimi had girlfriends, for fucks sake.
he was giving into the preassure, and when ollie asked him if he had anyone special that he was hiding from them, his brain went absolutely stupid.
“actually, yeah” he said, and when lia’s eyes sparkled with happiness he knew it was way too late to turn back.
“what’s she like?” his best friend had asked, and his dumbass said:
 “she's a read head, she’s so funny and the genuine prettiest girl i have ever seen”
what. the. fuck.
he didn't even know any redheads.
he told them he didn't want to say much about her, as they weren't really official yet and he didn't know if she was comfortable with him talking about her that way. and they believed him! dumbasses.
jak told himself not to worry, there were only a few races left and then break was officially started. he wasn't going home, they were actually all going somewhere as a group for a few weeks before the hectic start of a new season.
he would just say that she wasn't able to travel with them and make up a fake break up in the middle of their vacation. but of course, life wasn't that easy.
prema was hosting a party, and since lia wouldn't leave him alone, he had told her that he would invite his secret girlfriend. that way, when she didn't show he would say she stood him up and broke things off.
maybe it was fate that anne’s father was hired to cater the event. maybe it was fate that rené was old friends with her dad so they invited her to attend the party as a guest rather than another part of the staff, and if it was, fate was fucked.
anne stood next to the entrance, wearing a white dress that hugged her body beautifully. she didn't know any of these people. they were all famous. what was she doing there?
lia caught sight of her, and immediately called jak over.
“is that her?” jak looked over, and it was as if the universe laughed at his face. 
 what were the chances of a redheaded girl that no one knew to go to the party? “yeah” what had gotten over him? he could have just said ‘no, that's not her’ and go on with his plan. but he didn't, and now lia grasped his arm and walked towards the strange girl.
“hi! it's so nice to meet you! jak has told us wonders about you” lia said, and the girl furrowed her eyebrows, she didn't know any jak’s.
 “nice to meet you too” she greeted, wanting to know who jak was. her doubt was answered as the brown haired boy next to lia spoke “babe, this is lia, and this is..” she heard the hesitation in his voice as he looked at her “anne, i've heard so much about you!” 
jak was too stunned to speak. why was this random girl speaking like she actually knew who any of them were? “awesome! i'm going to get ollie, be right back!” lia darted away, going to find her boyfriend.
anne looked at jak, furrowing her eyebrows “babe? i don't even know you!” she whisper shouted. she didn't know him, but she didn't want to embarass him either. “im sorry, i panicked!” he answered, in the same tone. they saw ollie and lia approaching, next to paul and aurora. great. “please, just follow my lead” she didn't have any time to protest before all his friends were there. they all introduced themselves and so did she.
“so, jak here didn't want to tell us how you met.” ollie said, making jak look at her with concern. “oh, we met at the market downtown,” she smiled. oh thank god, jak thought. she was a good actress. “what were you doing at the market?” ollie asked him, furrowing his eyebrows “that's where i got the bread i took home the other day.” jak lied. again. ollie nodded before looking back at the girl
“yeah, i was shopping for flowers and i dropped them so he helped me and the rest is history.” the ginger smiled at jak, making him blush. “thats awesome! but how did he convince you to come to the party?” lia asked “my dad is catering so when jak invited me i couldn't say no” anne smiled. she was willing to lie about jak, but lying about the real reason she was there was not an option, not if it involved her dad.
they continued to speak for a while, and lying just got easier and easier for jak and anne. when it was time to leave, lia begged anne to hang out with them the day after. she was going to make up an excuse to not go, but when jak looked at her with pleading eyes, she couldn't say no.
he offered to take her home, since her dad still had work to do. as they made their way to her house, he explained his situation and basically begged her to help him until he figured out a way to get out of it. she thought it was extremely stupid. being in a fake relationship? she had seen how that ended up in books. absolutely not.
she said yes.
he was a very attractive guy anyways.
the next day came up, and anne was on her way to meet jak and his friends for lunch. she had stayed up all night talking to him, getting to know each other and settling things about their “relationship.”
as she walked into the restaurant, she saw jak waiting for her at the door. he gave her a weak smile and waved, making her return the gesture. they greeted each other and went to where the others were waiting for them. she felt his hand brush hers, and saw his nervous face. did he want to grab her hand? she intertwined their fingers, smiling as she saw his small smile.
it’s fake, she had to remind herself.
their meal didn't take long to be ready, and anne was already feeling comfortable with the group when it arrived. she was scared she would feel left out or uncomfortable, but that wasn't the case. the group was extremely welcoming, including her in all conversations and asking her things about herself.
the fun got interrupted when anne heard a familiar voice calling her.
“annie? is that you?” the attention was turned to a blond guy who walked towards them. anne’s heart clenched as she noticed who it was. “mattia, hi!” she greeted, acting as if the plain sight of him didn't hurt her.
mattia was her old best friend. the first person who talked to her when she moved to italy, and of course, her first love. they had been close for so many years, but she never told him about her feelings for him. a year before this very moment, he had completely cut her off. he started dating a girl that disliked anne very much, and ignoring all the times he promised he would stay, he left her. him leaving wasn't even the worst part, as it turns out, he definitely knew about her feelings, and he made sure everyone knew about them too.
“how have you been? i haven't seen you in forever!” jak noticed how happy he seemed to see her, but furrowed his eyebrows as he saw how uncomfortable she looked. anne separated from the hug as soon as mattia lessened his grip around her. “i’ve been okay, how about you?” lia looked at jak, also noticing anne’s fake enthusiasm. “i’ve been great. so, uhm, remember that date i promised you so many years ago? well, the offer still stands”
anne’s blood began to boil. who did he think he was? did he really just tell her that after everything he did?
just as she was about to speak, jak stood up, grabbing her hand and pulling her into him.
“im sorry, she’s taken… actually no, i'm not sorry, she’s just taken” he gave the blond guy a sarcastic smile. mattia raised his eyebrows, but turned his attention towards her once again “i asked you, anne, not him.” jak felt himself getting mad. she was his fake girlfriend, but his girlfriend nonetheless, and this guy was making her clearly uncomfortable. 
“you heard him, im taken” anne’s voice was firm, no longer full of fake enthusiasm. jak felt a pang of pride overtake him as she wrapped an arm around his waist, snuggling into his side.
“you're telling me you actually moved on?” mattia laughed, and jak was about to punch him square on the nose. “i did, the moment i heard what you had been saying about me.” jak furrowed his eyebrows once again at her words.
how could anyone ever say something bad about her? he didn't know her much, but in the few hours he spent with her he could see how much of a kind person she was.
“whatever, we’ll see how long that lasts” the blond scoffed, leaving them in an awkward silence. “sorry about that” anne sighed, sitting back down. jak sat as well, dragging his chair closer to her as he noticed she didn't let go of him until he had to sit down. “its okay, not your fault.” he answered, kissing her temple and putting an arm around her shoulder.
she smiled at his gesture, before lia started talking once again.
author’s note
hi besties, im back
im so sorry for being so absent, but im back, i promise.
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
confessions and winners.
summary: ollie finally breaks and confesses his love for lia on the rooftop of their apartament.
pairing:  ollie bearman x lia alfonso.
ollie and lia character descriptions.
word count: 1217
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
part one.
lia was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. three weeks had passed since she made the bet with ollie, and unless he had an epiphany and realized he was in love with her overnight, she had lost. 
she didn't really care about losing the dare, but she had focused so much on trying to get ollie to fall for her, that she didn't really think much about how he was the only thing on her mind.
she had given up. not that she was doing anything special, if he fell in love, he would have to fall for the real her. anyways, she was done.
three days ago, when she realized that she was, infact, in love with oliver bearman, it hit her. hard. she didn't want to keep fueling the feeling, so she started ignoring him. -as much as she could with him being absolutely everywhere she went.-  she didn't even call quits on the game, she just stopped.
lia was pulled out of her thoughts when her phone buzzed. she ignored the first one. but at the second buzz she felt obligated to check it. her heart stopped when she read ollie's name on the top. she opened it immediately.
u awake?
i need to talk to you
                                                  tomorrow over breakfast?
right now on the rooftop?
                                                                                                 oh okay
read at 2:38am
her heart raced when she stood up from her bed. she looked in the mirror, not giving much thought into her outfit. sweatpants and a hoodie, it wasn't anything special, but she didn't really care with everything that was going on in her head.
she climbed through her window and her breath hitched when she saw he was already sitting there, his back facing her.
“my window is on the other side, dumbass” she joked, trying to calm her nerves. he turned to face her, and he looked so good under the moonlight that she wanted to scream. “hi” he smiled softly, and her desire to scream only increased. “hi” she returned the smile, and they just stared at each other for a second.
“so, what did you want to talk about?” his smile faded a little bit before speaking “uhm, i just really wanted to- i mean- you like- i don't know-” he seemed on the verge of having a mental breakdown, and she was not having it “hey, breathe, take your time” she said. 
her hand instinctively went up to caress his cheek softly. he closed his eyes, leaning into her palm and taking a breath. when he opened his eyes, the intensity of them scared her “why are you ignoring me?”
 he had sounded so hurt that she felt like dying “what?” she only muttered “you've been ignoring me for three days.” the girl was so baffled that she didn't know what to answer “no, i haven't” she realized her hand was still on his cheek and removed it as fast as possible, immediately missing the feeling of his cold skin. 
“yes you have. today, at the race. you went with arthur -who by the way, got second- instead of me, who actually won.” he sounded upset, and if she didn't know better, she would say he sounded jealous.
 “everyone went to you, ollie” she tried to come up with an excuse “but you didn't, why?” the boy’s eyes seemed to stare into her soul “can i not support my friend?” the girl was still trying to push the excuse. 
she looked down, avoiding his gaze. now she was the one on the verge of a mental breakdown. “you know that's not it, remember rule one.” rule one was complete honesty, always. she knew he wasn't going to let her go until she was honest with him. “i partially won, you know?”
now he was confused “what?” she breathed before looking back at him. she had one more week with him, and she wasn't going to ignore him anymore.
 “you didn't fall for me, but i fell for you. i didnt choose to, for fucks sake, i didnt even realize. but i fell for you, hard, and i spent the last three days trying to make it disappear but i can't. because you're in my head every second of the day, you should pay rent at this point.” she finished with a deep breath and took a second to prepare for rejection. 
there were a few seconds of silence, which she imagined were him trying to get the words to reject her. “you didn't partially win” he said “hey, i know i lost but at least give me the partial win, no?” she tried to laugh to not cry.
 “thats not what i meant, listen!” he laughed “yeah, sorry” she laughed softly “i realized a few days ago, but then you started ignoring me, so i thought you just didn't care anymore. and today, seeing you run to arthur instead of me made me so mad that i had to ask you what it was about. i had no plan on actually telling you, but then you show up wearing my hoodie and i had to tell you before its too late. you won, i'm completely and bone crushingly in love with you. like the type of in love in which i think about your stupid lips, or your long eyelashes and it makes me smile. what kinda gay shit is that? i don't even know, but the worst part is that it doesn't bother me. i like it, even.”
her heart stopped beating for a second, as she realized what he was saying. “you're in love with me?” she couldn't believe it. “yes, very much” ollie let out a small, nervous laugh that made lias heart melt. 
“well, that's unexpected” she was still processing the new information “how? you've literally spent the last month trying to make me fall in love with you?” he looked at her with furrowed eyebrows and a humoristic look in his eyes “oh shut up, i didn't know if it would actually work!” 
they were both smiling like idiots at each other. they stayed like that for a few moments, before the boy leaned in and kissed her. his hand went straight up to the side of her face, holding her more firmly as she started kissing back. they watched the sunrise that way, stealing kisses and cuddles on the rooftop.
the next morning, lia woke up on her bed. she didn’t really remember how she got there after her talk with ollie.
the thought of him made her smile. she lazily stood up, brushing her teeth and going to the bathroom before going out of her room. 
funny enough, ollie came out of his room at the same time. he smiled at her, one of those smiles that made her the happiest she could be.
“woww, good afternoon, love birds. you both look like shit” jaks voice took them out of their trance. “love birds?” ollie asked, lauging faintly at his friends antics.
 “yeah. anyways, next time you guys want to have a dramatic love confession on the roof, maybe dont go directly next to my window? i was trying to sleep.” a smile formed into jaks lips when both teenagers went red as tomatoes.
author’s note:
so, here is the confession! if you guys would like me to post some small blurbs about the month in between these one shots let me know!
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
meetings and dares.
summary: lia meets ollie for the first time and after a long discussion, proposes a dare.
pairing: ollie bearman x lia alfonso / slight paul x aurora
ollie and lia character descriptions
paul and aurora character descriptions
word count: 988
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
(this story is situated around the beggining of the second half of the season, paul and aurora’s is situated in earlier months)
part two.
it was finally time for lia to see jak again. they had been best friends growing up, but she hadn't seen him since she moved back to her home country at 14. 
they kept in contact, of course, but they missed each other way too much. that's why as soon as they got a chance, jak flew her into italy to see him. he had to convince ollie to go with him to the airport at 4:30 in the morning, but he ended up going.
after approximately 21 hours of travel, in which she slept almost half way and done homework the other, lia finally arrived to venice. 
nervousness started to grow in her as she collected her luggage. what if jak just didn't like her anymore? would he be disappointed? 
she swallowed her nerves and walked towards the gate, where jak had said he was waiting for her. 
the girls eyes didn't meet jak’s first. they met a pair of dark brown eyes that seemed to call for hers. she noticed a small smile form on his lips before she averted her look towards jak.
“lia!” jak exclaimed, jogging to her before embracing her in the most bone crushing hug he had ever given her. “i missed you, feo” (ugly) she whispered softly, only for him to hear “i missed you too” he squeezed her one more time before letting her go.
 “this is ollie, i replaced you with him” lia rolled her eyes slightly before extending her hand towards him “lia alfonso, nice to meet you.” he took her hand in his “ollie-” “bearman, i know” she interrupted him. “shit lia, you stalking my friends now?” jak made fun of her “only the hottest ones” she winked at ollie, causing him go bright red.
when they arrived home like an hour later, she got settled into the guest room and took a hot shower before going to the living room where both boys awaited.
ollie was just sitting down on the couch, putting a tray with food on the table. “i made us breakfast, didnt know if you were hungry” he smiled shyly at her, he was adorable “i am, thank you” they had breakfast on the couch, catching up on things they had forgot to say over the phone or just telling random stories until ollie spoke “fuck, i forgot im going to lunch with aurora today!” 
a wave of disappointment swarmed lia’s mind, he had a girlfriend “i'll ask her if you guys can come with, i don't think she’ll mind though” he pulled out his phone to text her. “oh, that's fine! wouldn't want to ruin your date” she smiled, she really didn't. “oh no, she's  not my girlfriend” he denied “she's my best friend, beautiful girl, wouldn't touch her with a stick though” he scrunched his nose at the thought.
relief washed over her, and she smiled at how adorable he looked scrunching his nose “also paul would burn the stick and beat you with it” jak joked, making ollie laugh.
later that afternoon, the three teens pulled into a restaurant's driveway, getting off the car and walking in. they spotted aurora rapidly, as she was waving at them from a table. she was sitting next to a pretty attractive young guy, who stared at the girl sitting next to him in awe. 
“hi, im aurora!” she was extroverted and irradiated confidence. “im lia, nice to meet you.” she smiled back, matching -or at least trying- her energy. 
“im paul, hi” the blonde introduced himself “oh hi, burnt any sticks on the way here?” she said, laughing lightly at her own joke and his confused face. he looked even more confused when the other to boys laughed as well. “stupid joke, sorry” she apologized, taking a seat next to jak.
they had a very enjoyable lunch talking about random stuff and sharing stories of when aurora and ollie were kids or when jak and lia were kids. at some point, lia couldn't exactly tell you when, the conversation circled to the subject of love.
 “i think that you can somewhat choose who you love, though,” ollie said “maybe not totally consciously, but I mean, a part of your brain already does. our brain chooses not to fall in love with children, or really old people or bad people” he had a point, but lia didn't agree fully. “not really though! maybe in those cases, because you know it's morally wrong, but like, you can't meet a person and say ‘i'm never going to fall for them’ because you never know!” aurora agreed, nodding at her words.
“true, but you can just stop, if you realise you're falling for this person, you have the capability to stop.” ollie tried to reason “that's not really how it works, mate” paul chimed in, sneaking a glance at aurora.
 “you know what? i am totally sure i can make you fall in love with me” everyone went silent at lia’s voice. “what?” ollie chuckled, “I can prove that you can't choose who you fall for.” 
everyone was perplexed at her words “love, i met you this morning” he laughed, he found it funny? she was going to prove her point. “im staying for like a month, give me a month and you will be utterly in love with me.” the look in her eyes was so confident it kind of scared ollie. “you know what? fuck it, you have a month to make me fall in love with you” he agreed. “okay then, let's set some ground rules.”
                     ollie and lia’s ground rules. 
                (written on the back of a napkin)
1- complete honesty ALWAYS.
2- immediate stop if either of the parties feels uncomfortable/wants to stop.
3- lia’s deadline is august 30th.
“you sure you want to do this?” lia’s eyes were dairng “yes.” he extended his hand towards her and she took it, sealing the deal.
authors note:
okay so, i really like this story line.
i have part two coming soon, so wait for it!
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
master list
requests are open!!!
request guideline/information.
oc’s info
lando and alma
conrad and alana
ollie and lia
paul and aurora
kimi and amelie
charles and arabella
jak and anne
oscar and amaya
one shots
ollie bearman
ollie x lia
meetings and dares (part one)
lia meets ollie for the first time and after a long discussion, proposes a dare.
confessios and winners (part two)
ollie finally breaks and confesses his love for lia on the rooftop of their apartament.
through the month. (part three)
some scenarios and situations ollie and lia went through over their month.
goodbyes and hellos. (part four)
its time for lia to go back home, but not for long.
ollie x y/n
airports and perfect nights.
ollie and y/n meet at the airport and have the best night of their lifes.
losses and comforts
y/n bianchi is ollie bearman’s girlfriend, and she goes to watch her first race after her brother’s incident.
conrad laursen
conrad x alana
meetings and butterflies (part one)
alana finally goes to visit sebastian in italy. she meets conrad and immediately develops a crush on him.
coffee shops and study dates. (part two)
conrad and alana study in a coffee shop. conrad struggles to work before alana suggests a reward system.
comforts and songs (part three)
conrad has a bad race, so alana goes to his apartment to cheer him up.
drinks, caillous and i love you’s (part four)
lana and conrad go party with their friends. it ends up in weird conversations and love confessions.
conrad x y/n
paul aron
paul x aurora
new job, new problems. (part one)
aurora arrives to her new job at prema, quickly understanding that dealing with a certain estonian would be harder than she had thought.
fights, discoveries and angry kisses. (part two)
aurora discovers paul has been saying something about her to her fellow drivers and confronts him about it, only to be met with a strange turn of events.
late nights and hotel rooms. (part three)
rene and angelina were sure their idea to get aurora and paul to settle their differences would work, just not that well.
challenges, dates, and memories.  (part four)
paul tries to plan a perfect date to ask aurora out officially, and he succeeds.
paul x y/n
coffees and reassurance 
y/n’s first day as a prema driver, the day she finally gets to talk to her long time crush, paul aron.
fanfics and besties. (platonic)
y/n, paul and kimi read fanfictions about them.
nights back home
paul goes back home to y/n after a long time.
truth or dare
angelina exposes y/n and paul, leading to a very succesfull hang out.
kimi antonelli
kimi x amelie
meetings and blushes (part one)
amelie goes to visit arthur in prema and meets a handsome boy named kimi.
code red (part two) 
kimis friends developed a system to give him time to tell amelie about his feelings.
busted (part three)
amelie's brothers find out about her and kimi.
kimi x y/n
puppy love
kimi and y/n are constantly teased about their feelings for each other.
tik tok edits
kimi catches y/n scrolling through ship edits of them.
fanfics and besties. (platonic)
y/n, paul and kimi read fanfictions about them.
jak crawford
jak x anne
confiussions and new friends (part one)
jak finds himself lying about his love life, and anne turns out to be in the wrong (or right) place at the wrong(or right) time
picnics and brothers (part two)
 jak and anne have a picnic date before jak meets anne’s brother and his biggest competition for her love.
jak x y/n
sebastian montoya
sebastian x y/n
sebas and y/n are watching a show before y/n is attacked by forcefull tickles and an unintentional confession.
caught in 4k
y/n and sebastian hate each other, but that doesnt stop them from kissing someimes…
dino beganovic
dino x y/n
wins and kisses.
dino wins the freca championship, and the price seems to be his best friends kisses.
arthur leclerc
paul aron
dating paul aron would include
ollie bearman
dating ollie bearman would include
jak crawford
dating jak crawford would include
oscar piastri
dating oscar piastri would include
conrad laursen
dating conrad laursen would include
sebastian montoya
datin sebastian montoya would include
kimi antonelli
dating kimi antonelli would include
50 kisses series
1. a kiss in secrecy
paul and aurora share a kiss in secrecy.
2. a kiss where it doesnt hurt
alana is sick and conrad tries to make her feel better.
this is the official master list! i will add to it everytime i upload something new.
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