#jairo notebook
hislittleraincloud · 7 months
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✨San Francisco Haul✨
SNS for shit pix (my elderlies were trying to sleep).
I had to go into the city for a doctor's appointment and was too tired to think. All of this 💩 w the Cat Bitch just stressed me out so I got a bunch of stickers and sugar to heal my soul. Yeah, I collect stickers... I'm turning 50 this year too, what of it. 💀 They're scratch n' sniff. Couldn't pass over those. I like my new Pez dispensers...Imma eat out of Marilyn's tits apparently. Kinda wish it was just her head though.
LOVE my new Jairo notebook. 😃 And my little Toki monkey... it's the blind I wanted (on sale at It'Sugar) 🫴🏽🐒🍌💖✨
But Tor, why are you getting a new Jairo notebook if you're almost done with the fic?
...*crawls out from under a heavy tome of Jairo fic, throws a couple pages up in the air and runs...again*
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musicandphilosophy · 7 years
AMS 2017: Rancière
Jairo Moreno (University of Pennsylvania), Chair
Ignorant Readers Delia Casadei (University of California, Berkeley)
The Low Music Patrick Nickleson (Mount Allison University)
Triangulating Rancière Katharina Clausius (University of Cambridge)
Music’s Singularity Benjamin Court (University of California, Los Angeles)
The work of French philosopher Jacques Rancière (b. 1940) has become increasingly influential for those interested in rethinking the relationship between politics and aesthetics in the modern world. Of what value might his writings be for music? Though Rancière has not written about music beyond the occasional mention of well-known gures like Rousseau or Wagner, his writings have much to offer scholars of music and sound. In particular, his approach to the cultures of the working class, his three broad historical schemas that describe the linkage between aesthetic and politics, and his overarching theory of the “distribution of the sensible” hold fruitful possibilities for scholars seeking to understand why certain kinds of music and sound are rendered audible or inaudible, and how we, in communities of scholars and artists, might move towards a more equitable soundscape of what politically counts within the framework of aesthetic perception.
This session engages Rancière’s thinking as it might relate to music. Delia Casadei draws on Rancière’s ideas about literacy, emancipation, and non-hierarchical learning; she asks whether and how musicology could redevelop a reading of Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks (1929–35) into an open-ended, even iconoclastic practice that draws powerful links between aesthetics and politics. Patrick Nickleson examines Rancière’s use of the terms noise (bruit) and stulti cation (abrutir), and argues that musical metaphors have played a central role across the philosopher’s published writing. For Katharina Klausius, Rancière’s Ignorant Schoolmaster (1987) and his essay “Politics, Identifcation, Subjectivization” (1991) are taken to exemplify what she describes as a “geometrical” approach to aesthetic historiography, which, in her view, embodies the model of a triangulation that resists pinpointing its third angle. Finally, Benjamin Court revisits the age-old question as to whether or not music can still have a unique or singular status among the arts. In dialogue with recent works by Kanye West and Frank Ocean, Court contends that Rancière’s “distribution of the sensible,” when applied to the worlds of contemporary popular music, must also account for the constitutive and instructive character of “all the mysteries which lead theory into mysticism.”
Business Meeting
Time & Location: Friday, November 10, 5–7 p.m. (Hyatt: Grand Ballroom A/B)
Discussion of Fred Moten’s In The Break: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition (University of Minnesota Press, 2003)
Discussion Leader: Alisha Lola Jones (Indiana University
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cryptodictation · 4 years
Invisible jobs turned into public service | Economy
Daily life is full of essential jobs that go unnoticed. Anonymous trades that begin to have a name when they stop being done or when they become essential. Since the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced the declaration of the state of alarm on March 14, many works have gained visibility due to their importance in this pandemic. Here are some of them.
Fiber operators
Behind teleworking, internet shopping or video calls to our family, there is an invisible job that the epidemic has turned into an essential activity: fiber operators. “We are carriers of information, we make it possible for us to communicate in this extraordinary situation that we are experiencing and that gives us a very large bonus,” says Angel Rivera, CFO of Lyntia, a neutral fiber optic operator. Work carried out by young men and women, mostly telecommunications engineers and field workers, ranging from the design of connections and circuits in an office to the deployment of fiber on streets and facades. In an emergency situation like this, where internet demand has grown between 50% and 70% according to data provided by Vodafone, requests for increased bandwidth have not stopped. For Rivera, the secret of the good functioning of the network has been in the foresight and organization: “We isolate the key people and implement telework in a massive way before the state of alarm. This has meant that we were prepared and that we worked almost as normally as before. “And how have workers perceived that the service they provide is an essential activity?” in the rear of the fight against the pandemic, ”says the operator's executive.
Pickers or order pickers
Pablo García, 32, is an order picker at a supermarket in central Madrid. He believes that with this crisis many people have begun to value their work as well as other more visible ones: “Before, clients had their food at home and did not worry about anything else. Now they thank us very much for taking the purchase to them. ” Pablo's work has changed overnight. Not only because the orders have tripled or because the company has provided you with a mobile device that replaces the notebook to write the orders. He has changed his way of doing it: “Before, I prepared the order mechanically and now I think about who is going to receive it, the clients who need me to be here and expose myself every day. The truth is that I feel important ”, sums up Pablo.
Internet home purchase orders have soared in recent days and different supermarket chains have reinforced the service to respond to this noticeable increase in demand. The DIA supermarket chain has reinforced its workforce by 1,000 people, especially profiles of pickers or order preparers and distributors. The latter have become the weakest link in the chain. Jonh Jairo, a 35-year-old Colombian, has been working with his van as a delivery man for two years for a supermarket chain: “We have the added pressure of fear of contagion. We maintain maximum security with the client, but on many occasions they are very old people who cannot move and the purchase has to be carried into the kitchen. ” But still, “it is now when I feel most valued and satisfied with my work,” Jonh confesses that when he hears the applause at eight in the afternoon he feels rewarded.
“Many customers who did not speak before today thank me, thank you for being here.” Jose, 62, from Madrid, has been running a newsstand in the center of Madrid for five years. He suffered an ERE in his previous company and decided to be his own boss. Despite the fact that the gains “are a shame” at this time, he has decided to remain open: “There are very few of us who remain, but even with that the losses are not compensated. But you have to be here for and for the usual customers ”. The state of alarm includes the information among the guaranteed basic goods and this “has penetrated the public, the neighbors tell me when I upload the newspaper, which I leave in the elevator, they value the information a lot these days because they are saturated from the television”. A 40dB company survey. for this newspaper confirms that the citizen demand for information in the face of the crisis is greater than ever.
Information about the coronavirus
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fimdoforo · 6 years
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PF cumpre 22 mandados de prisão no Rio de Janeiro contra autoridades locais
10 deputados estaduais, três integrantes do primeiro escalão governo do Rio de Janeiro e nove assessores dessas autoridades foram detidas em mais um desdobramento da Lava Jato.
A cidade do Rio de Janeiro mais uma vez foi palco de prisões de parlamentares, autoridades do primeiro escalão do governo do Estado e assessores desses políticos, na quinta-feira (08). A Polícia Federal cumpriu ao todo, 22 mandados de prisão de um esquema descoberto no âmbito da Operação Lava Jato no Detran do Rio de Janeiro. 
As investigações da força-tarefa da Lava Jato no Rio de Janeiro mostram que os dez deputados estaduais presos lotearam postos do Detran em 20 municípios do estado, segundo a denúncia do Ministério Público Federal.
A investigação do loteamento, de acordo com procuradores, começou com a apreensão do notebook do deputado Edson Albertassi, então líder do MDB, na Assembleia Legislativa do RJ e um dos supostos beneficiados no esquema.
No computador, constava a divisão de controle dos postos em cada cidade. As investigações mostram que a empresa Prol, vencedora dos contratos para fornecimento de mão de obra nos postos, disponibilizava cargos para indicação dos deputados.
Na planilha, cada parlamentar aparece com um número determinado de cargos disponíveis, chegando a indicar diretores de unidades. São indicações para chefes de unidades, responsáveis por vistorias, e assistentes.
De acordo com as investigações, o ex-presidente da Alerj e deputado afastado Jorge Picciani é quem indicou a cargos em postos em mais cidades: seis (Nova Iguaçu, Queimados, Belford Roxo, São João de Meriti, Teresópolis e Três Rios).
Leitura de e-mails, obtidos a partir de quebra de sigilo autorizada pela Justiça, ainda na operação Cadeia Velha, em 2017, mostra o deputado Paulo Melo com ingerência junto a uma funcionária do grupo Facility/Prol e a Carla Adriana Pereira, diretora de Registro de Veículos no Detran/RJ.
Confira a lista dos 22 envolvidos que foram presos pela PF
Affonso Monnerat, secretário estadual de Governo, preso nesta quinta;
Leonardo Jacob, presidente do Detran, preso nesta quinta;
Vinícius Farah (MDB), ex-presidente do Detran, eleito deputado federal, preso nesta quinta.
André Corrêa (DEM), deputado estadual reeleito e ex-secretário estadual de Meio Ambiente, preso nesta quinta;
Chiquinho da Mangueira (PSC), deputado estadual reeleito e presidente da escola de samba, preso nesta quinta;
Coronel Jairo (MDB), deputado estadual não reeleito, preso nesta quinta;
Edson Albertassi (MDB), deputado afastado - já preso em Bangu;
Jorge Picciani (MDB), deputado afastado - já em prisão domiciliar;
Luiz Martins (PDT), deputado estadual reeleito, preso nesta quinta;
Marcelo Simão (PP), deputado estadual não reeleito, preso nesta quinta;
Marcos Abrahão (Avante), deputado estadual reeleito, preso nesta quinta;
Marcus Vinícius Neskau (PTB), deputado estadual reeleito, preso nesta quinta;
Paulo Melo (MDB), deputado afastado - já preso em Bangu.
Alcione Chaffin Andrade Fabri, chefe de gabinete e operadora financeira de Marcos Abrahão - presa nesta quinta;
Carla Adriana Pereira, assessora de registros do Detran – presa nesta quinta;
Daniel Marcos Barbiratto de Almeida, enteado e operador financeiro de Luiz Martins - preso nesta quinta;
Jennifer Souza da Silva, empregada do Grupo Facility/Prol, vinculada a Paulo Melo - preso nesta quinta;
Jorge Luis de Oliveira Fernandes, assessor e operador financeiro de Coronel Jairo - preso nesta quinta;
José Antonio Wermelinger Machado, ex-chefe de gabinete e principal operador financeiro de André Corrêa - preso nesta quinta;
Leonardo Mendonça Andrade, assessor e operador financeiro de Marcos Abrahão - preso nesta quinta;
Magno Cezar Motta, assessor e operador financeiro de Paulo Melo - preso nesta quinta;
Shirlei Aparecida Martins Silva, ex-chefe de gabinete de Edson Albertassi e subsecretária dos Programas Sociais da Secretaria Estadual de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social - preso nesta quinta.
Segundo o MPF, os "mensalinhos" e prêmios pagos para deputados se distribuíram da seguinte maneira:
André Corrêa (DEM): R$ 100 mil/mês
Edson Albertassi (MDB): R$ 80 mil/mês + R$ 1 milhão
Chiquinho da Mangueira (PSC): mais de R$ 3 milhões
Coronel Jairo (SD): R$ 50 mil/mês + prêmio
Jorge Picciani (MDB): R$ 400 mil/mês + prêmio
Luiz Martins (PDT): R$ 80 mil/mês + R$ 1,2 milhão
Marcelo Simão (PP): R$ 20 mil/mês
Marcos Abrahão (Avante): R$ 80 mil/mês + R$ 1,5 milhão
Marcus Vinicius “Neskau” (PTB): R$ 50 mil/mês
Paulo Melo (MDB): R$ 900 mil/mês + prêmio
Confira a matéria completa: https://glo.bo/2RKIaQL
ASSINE PELO FIM DO FORO e compartilhe com os seus amigos. Vamos pôr um fim na corrupção.
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Ep.58: Tamandaré, PE - Moto e Mochila Brasil
Viagem de moto por Tamandaré, Pernambuco. Depois da chegada lamacenta por Varzea do Una cheguei à bela praia de Tamandaré, litoral sul de Pernambuco. Mar azul, corais, uma beira-mar cheia de bares, quiosques, mas o destaque nem é a cidade; são as pessoas. Eu queria ser melhor com as palavras para poder descrever mais ao certo o quão legal eles foram comigo. A primeira pessoa é o Jairo. Do Rio Grande do Sul, ele e sua família chegaram aqui há mais de 20 anos descobrindo as belezas do lugar e as oportunidades de um turismo que não pararia de crescer na região. Minha sorte começou ao fazer um post no Mochileiros.com sobre minha viagem. Pois ali, o Jairo ficou sabendo de minha saga pelas praias do Brasil e me convidou pra passar uns dias em sua Pousada Cambará, a melhor da cidade. Espaço verde, cozinha coletiva completa, diversas opções de quartos, recepção com estilo jamaicano decorado pela mulher do Zazá (seu pai) e uma qualidade de hóspedes para chamar de amigo por anos. Mas o melhor ainda fica por conta do atendimento dos donos. Se não bastasse essa baita cortesia, o Jairo ainda consertou meu notebook e me apresentou para os donos do Point do Chopp e Degutti Cafeteria, a segunda e terceira “pessoas”. Nestes lugares, pude experimentar os sabores da generosidade. Em ambos os lugares, fui muito bem-vindo. A Nati do Point do Chopp merece detaque especial, pois é uma jovem empresária inteligente e de visão. Sabe que produtividade é diferente de carga de trabalho e não abre mão de poder aproveitar seu tempo com seu pai e vice-versa. Seu Gildo, que faz o melhor bafo na costela do Brasil! Tanto que o restaurante é o maior e melhor da cidade. O Jairo continuou sendo uma peça muito importante pra mim, mesmo depois de partir de Tamandaré. Minha consideração e gratidão pelo que fez é sem palavras! Durante os cafés da manhã na Pousada Cambará, pude trocar idéias com os hóspedes que ali estavam. Os mais notáveis foram o Jorgemar de Manaus e o casal italiano que são repórteres de guerra dos jornais europeus. 
LINKS: http://pousadacambara.com.br/ 
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