#jaina: i'll give her something to do.
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jujoobedoodling · 1 year ago
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Phantom of the Opera Spire anyone? Jaina is once again the nerdy skeptic just can't let the ghost rumours go. She finds more than she bargained for - namely, a hot and broody elf named Sylvanas Windrunner.
inspired by this femslash february prompt list
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rinwellisathing · 6 months ago
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by @picathartidae
So um...I've been all over the place with my writing lately because I wrote myself into a corner on Paint The Lines Cut The Flesh and I'm not quite ready to prepare my horror AUs for release yet, but uh...enjoy some snippets, I suppose? A potential Sentry villain monologue:
“So, you finally decided to show up. Those Netherstones would have probably been much more helpful a little while ago...but I guess you had other things to do...more important things.” Sentry shrugged, slowly turning to face his former companions. “Now, see, I understand that those things might have been more important to you than me...I understand now, better than I ever have...Enver has always been the only one who really cares for me, really understands me...You can all pretend, but at the end of the day, you prove that point more than you know.” He sighed and shook his head, managing a small, pained smirk. “But you always fancied yourselves these big damned heroes and yet you let the city tremble while you fumbled around after someone who, by the way, clearly never gave a shit about you, Wyll....And Jaina and Karlach both know that. Hells, they didn't even WANT to rescue your father. He wasn't worth rescuing...And still you did it, you did it and you destroyed my gift to Enver, our special place together....And now his Steel Watch is in shambles too...bet you had something to do with that...” He drew his halberd. “Well, I won't let you destroy him too. If you want to get to him, you'll have to kill me to do it...and as you've seen, I don't die easily...” He chuckled hollowly. “I'm like the vermin you so clearly would see me as if I dared to slip up in that way.” “Sentry...” Jaina bit her lip. “Please...we don't see you that way, we care about you!” She took a step towards him, stopping abruptly and staggering a few paces back as a swing of the halberd just barely missed her throat. “Save your breath, any one could be your last.” The paladin responded. He tilted his head, eyes slowly moving to glance at Halsin and Astarion with a look of hurt and betrayal. “Because I did love you...both of you...I'll give you this one chance to hand over the netherstones and run.”
Enver Gortash explores a haunted ruin in the style of so many J-horror game girlies before him, sorry, no cunty little outfit description yet because Fatal Frame outfits are on another level and require thought:
Mere hours later, he found himself standing in the ruins of an eerie little town beneath the city, his eyes falling upon a burned out hovel just beyond the gate. Well, in for a copper, in for a gold piece. He crossed the street and stepped over the threshold of the old home. The remnants of a life were still set out, albeit scorched or broken for the most part. Dishes and utensils lay forgotten on the table, ruined paintings in blackened frames stared down at him from the walls. One thing caught his eyes, unburned and set upon the charred counter. A piece of parchment, which he picked up to read. “I admit that I am worried about what will happen tomorrow. But I also know that I have to be brave for my sister Orin. I teach her that it is necessary, and that if death allows her to live longer and perhaps free herself from her father and his oppressive rule, I have a duty to her. It is my blood that dyes the ground of the arena and feeds the runes that run to the realm of the Father of Gehenna. Tomorrow, I will die so that my sister can live. I face my death without fear and know that this is the right thing to do. I regret that I never got to experience love or true friendship after sneaking out of the temple and learning about the outside world, but... a real sacrifice if I don't die with a little bit of regret. Will it be? Orin, if you read this, please run away if you are chosen. Leave this place and find a place where you can be happy. He doesn't care about you or your interests. Be free and live your life. Love, your big brother, Sentry.” Frowning, Enver looked up from the letter, lowering the goggles he'd spent so long tinkering with back home, flicking down two sets of rune etched lenses and peering slowly and carefully around the room. A tall, slim figure sat at the table, seemingly writing quickly. He was a pale tiefling with dark, jagged tattoos marking his face. His horns curved upward and he had bright eyes. He was dressed in simple black linen clothing in contrast with his pale silvery white hair. The tiefling looked up and Enver noticed he was beautiful, eerily so. He regarded Enver with a gentle curiosity and then simply walked past him.
Sentry and Orin get a little House of 1,000 Corpses in Papa Bhaal's House of Horror, my 70's/80's horror AU:
“Move it a little to the left, Orin.” Sentry frowned, making a frame with his hands and scanning the hanging corpse dangling from a meat hook in the shed. His little sister repositioned the head just a little closer to the shoulder, slightly off from where it would naturally have been, and looked quizzically at her brother. “Yeah! Perfect! Just like that!” He reached into the pocket of his denim cut offs and produced a heavy needle and some waxed thread. “Now just hold it steady.” “There's room for a second head at this angle, slaughter-kin.” Orin pointed out with a grin as blood dripped down the front of her hand sewn red dress. “Shit, you're right. What are we thinkin', pig? Sheep?” Sentry pondered as he moved the needle expertly through the skin, sewing the head into place. Orin pranced over to a cold chest in the corner of the shed and lifted the lid with a pale, thin arm, one long braid swinging over her shoulder as she peered inside and began to poke around. She ran her hands over the various heads the freezer contained, finally gripping a pair of horns and lifting it with a grin. “Mmm...This one!” She smirked, holding up the head of a dark grey goat, its strange yellow eyes gazing sightlessly forward. “Great choice, little sister.” Sentry grinned, beckoning her back over as he finished his final stitch. “Now, just place it in position, and....” He paused a moment, ears pricking up at the sound of a car horn outside.
Hope you enjoyed these WIPS, I'll forego tagging proper since I took a while to actually post this up and don't know who's been tagged already, so anyone who wants to can do this.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year ago
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
Syal Antilles is one of the most important perspectives in Legacy of the Force. Not only is she regular GA military, but she's almost the only person young enough that she's never had to question her superiors or lose faith in her government before.
I've been thinking about her telling Tycho that the idea that something like the firing of Centerpoint that destroyed her entire task force might happen again scares her less than the thought that maybe she'd be willing to do it, and I'm finally registering that she's questioning her own judgement as much as she's questioning her orders.
The idea of writing some kind of story that follows up on Fury and shows what the hell happened to her after that has appealed to me for a while. I'm currently referring to the idea as X-Wing: Guiding Star, but that is liable to change if I think of something better.
I still haven't managed to suffer through Revelation, but I know it's in that book that Admiral Niathal, who Tycho's working directly under in Fury, sees how bad she's fucked up and deserts the Alliance and sides with the Jedi. Lacking any information to the contrary (not that I'd necessarily care if canon said otherwise) I am assuming that through some combination of luck and scheming, Tycho leaves with her. Even in Fury, when he's there as Luke lays out part of the plan to save Allana and blow up Centerpoint, Tycho admits that he personally wants the Jedi to succeed in this, even though his duty doesn't let him act on it. I think Niathal, his direct superior and supposedly Caedus' equal in authority, splitting from Caedus gives Tycho the push he needs to be able to interpret his duty the same way that the Jedi are: They're working in the best interest of the Alliance as a whole by aiming to remove Caedus in particular from power.
I remain kind of convinced that Tycho knew, or at least guessed, that the "diplomatic mission" he gave Syal would likely turn out to be bullshit, in the sense that however the war went from there, the Jedi weren't likely to rejoin the GA because of diplomacy. I think that mission was at least as much a way to reunite Syal with her immediate family and not cut her off from Uncle Tycho, in a way that they could both justify to themselves, and that Tycho could justify to the people above him in the chain of command, as still being in the line of their duty.
Once they're on the same side again, though, that diplomatic link between Syal and Tycho, and by extension the Jedi and the ex-Alliance forces answering to Niathal, actually might prove very important in terms of coordinating the two groups. Especially if Tycho managed to set it up in such a way that they had a way to talk to each other that he was confident beyond reasonable doubt had escaped the notice of the GAG, which undoubtedly would have done everything it could to monitor someone of his rank who was known to be very close to several prominent traitors.
I feel like as far as it's presented in canon, Wedge's arc in LotF is pretty much complete by the time Fury kicks off. He spent Betrayal and Exile being chewed up and shat out by both sides of the war, causes and organizations he once honestly believed were worth fighting for. At this point, he aligns with the goals of the Jedi in removing Caedus from power, because of all the atrocities Caedus is committing, but actually Wedge doesn't give half a shit about the Alliance.
Wedge in LotF is tired of making sacrifices for the concept of "making the galaxy better," as consensuses and politicians and idealists define "better." All he has left to care about are people. His goal is the removal of Caedus from power, because Caedus is killing people who don't deserve it. His motive - the thing that keeps him fighting every day, the reason he isn't content to sit this out and let younger people handle it - is his family.
Luke, Iella, Corran, Syal, Tycho, Myri, Mirax, Han, Booster, Jag, Winter, Jaina, Wes, Leia, and many more that I don't think I need to list exhaustively to make my point.
And, like. Not quite as much as it is for Han and Leia, of course, but Jacen's fall is plenty personal for Wedge, too.
Part of the point of this story is kind of to pass the torch in terms of showing how Wedge gets the relatively happy ending that he does, and getting Syal to a point where she can stop seeing her father's legend as a standard against which to measure her entire self-worth, and be proud of herself for her own accomplishments, and be comfortable trying to carry on the good he did for the galaxy, starting with taking up the leadership of the famous Rogues.
My attention span is limited, so I'll cut to the next big thing: Gavin.
As you may have guessed, this story is basically going to take place in the same time frame as LotF: Invincible. In that book, there is an offhand reference to Admiral Gavin Darklighter still taking orders from Caedus. I don't remember the context of that mention, but I have some stuff planned for Gavin.
Specifically: He's the member of this huge extended family who had no way out of the Alliance, and no one else could get him out, and since Tycho left with Niathal, Gavin's under constant observation from GAG, and he regularly meets in person with Caedus, so he can barely even think about anything disloyal.
Caedus senses an opportunity and preys upon the helplessness of Gavin's situation, combined with a generous amount of Sith mind-tricking, to subtly manipulate him into believing he's been abandoned by everyone he loves for his loyalty to the Alliance, just like Caedus thinks he was. Caedus doesn't want to fuck with Gavin's head too much, because the guy is a genuinely good commander and leader, and Caedus doesn't want to ruin such a valuable asset to the Alliance.
He's wrong, of course. Tycho in particular tried everything he could to find some way to get Gavin out, or at least to send him a message, but he failed, and it haunts him.
Caedus sends Gavin after Tycho, who has his own fleet among Niathal's loyalists. For some reason, I think probably having to do with the game of 11-dimensional Force chess that Luke's playing with Caedus, Wedge and Syal are sent to join Tycho's fleet.
In this matchup, Gavin has a far larger fleet, so there's plenty of tension. Part of what's exactly going on is that Wedge and Tycho are trying to tie up Gavin's fleet long enough to prevent it from joining the simultaneous attack against the beleaguered coalition forces defending the Maad System.
It's kind of reminiscent of Wedge defending Borleias from the Vong, in that they need a similar kind of psychological warfare method, a bait with which to tempt the enemy into acting the way they want.
But this time, instead of a fake superweapon and some religious offenses, they have to do something that's personal to a version of Gavin who believes they all betrayed him.
There is a lot of pain, all around.
I mean, Gavin's not stupid because of it, but Wedge has to be the best admiral alive at this point (though Luke's probably better at some forms of strategy) and both he and Tycho are significantly more experienced. Most importantly, they all know each other.
I'm running out of attention to figure out the details of this, but eventually Gavin breaks the Sith brainwashing and figures out what actually happened, and there are emotions.
(As a completely unintentional (on my part) side effect, having experienced that specific kind of Force bullshit before and maybe had some Jedi mind-healing sessions for the scars might mean that at the end of FotJ, he's able to recognize what Abeloth's doing and maybe resist it to some extent.)
There is more that I have to say here, but at the moment I have no more attention span for this.
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aevallare · 1 year ago
10 characters/10 fandoms/10 tags
tagged by the ever-gracious @anosrepasi <3
Sheik (The Legend of Zelda) - my relationship with gender is like. we're friends with benefits. i was born female and present that way about 98% of the time but it literally doesn't matter to me at all, and i think the first time that i came to that conclusion was playing ocarina of time and finding out that zelda was sheik.
Deacon (Fallout 4) - the first character that ever made me start to really unpack all the masks i wear. deacon changed the game because i don't think i even knew how dishonest i was being with the world until i dove into his headspace.
Jayce Giopara/Talis (League of Legends/Arcane) - it's hard to talk about jayce without splicing the league and arcane lore in an inconvenient way, but i'll say this - guy who tries his hardest and screws it up all the time but never gives up, driven only by a desire to make the world better? would that i had his grit.
Miranda Lawson (Mass Effect) - again, that feeling of being something manufactured rather than born. artificial rather than organic. i love an ice queen always, and though i think the execution of her character left a lot to be desired, i'll always have a soft spot for her.
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) - unapologetically cold. inarguably a good guy. an unmatched girl crush of mine.
Morrigan (Dragon Age) - i don't know if anything has ever made me so angry as finding out a female PC couldn't romance morrigan without mods. a prickly swamp witch with negative social acumen. what more could i want in a woman?
Hana Song/D. Va (Overwatch) - i decidedly do not go here much anymore, but hana song was the perfect storm for me when overwatch fandom was at its height. still a child, she carried the weight of her country's security on her back, and did everything she could not to crumble.
Jaina Proudmoore (Warcraft) - my girl has been done so dirty by blizzard entertainment time and time again, but her rage spoke (and speaks) to me in a way that i have trouble putting words to. also i want my hair to look like hers.
Handsome Jack (Borderlands) - i fucking love this fucked up guy. there's nothing deeper here.
Astarion Ancunin (Baldur's Gate 3) - what, you thought he wouldn't make the list? looking at astarion ancunin is like looking in a mirror, and frankly, it almost makes me uncomfortable sometimes. no notion of self-worth (except where sex is involved, and even that is complicated), snarky little prick, outright mean when people get too close? yeah. he's just like me fr.
i'll tag @cosmolis @dwarfsized @neosatsuma @septemberskye @thedreamlessnights @burningdarkfire @mrs-theirin @crepsley @mantaphase @nuka-cherries!
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masaru2042 · 2 years ago
Can I just say that I've been reading your fan fiction (though let's face it at this point it might as well be an officially published series of novels by Blizzard) Tectonic Divergence, and it has been a wonderful time! Absolutely incredible work!
I was looking through some old posts of yours and found one saying you were originally planning for Jaina to be Neltharion's love interest. I can't express how much I agree with and sympathize with you in that post. Jaina would've been an AMAZING fit for our dear Squishy, and it's sad you felt so pressured to put our poor boy with Callia Menethil of all people all for the sake of some people's precious "lore accuracy".
Personally I'd have just said fuck it and gone for it anyway, but this meant to be a message of praise, not something to drum up toxic old memories.
I'll admit I've had quite a bit of brainrot regarding Jaina/Neltharion thanks to that post and have even dreamt up some short one-shots for the pair. I've even thought up a quick animatic to the song "Lima Bean Man" by Jack Stauber. I can so perfectly envision Neltharion hearing about Theramore and just wailing as he sees the smoldering remains, frantically searching through the rubble to try to find Jaina like "She can't be dead! SHE CAN'T BE DEAD!!!"
(Also having Post-Mana Bomb Jaina in Wyrmrest Keep with Alexstrasza herself tending to Jaina's injuries and recovery, Ysera happily talking her definitely soon-to-be sister-in-law's ear off and warding off nightmares, and Neltharion being the big squishy sweetheart we know and love fumbling with a little spoon in his big claws as he tries to spoon-feed Jaina soup gives me so much Serotonin)!
Regardless of what could have been, I want you to know that your works have genuinely touched me and inspired me. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for loving my stories. You’re not the only one who thinks they might as well be published works. I try to make them that good.
Yeah I wanted Jaina as Nel’s love interest. They have better chemistry together and in Warchief they do get together to terrorize Garrosh. But my critics wanted Calia so I delivered.
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friesian · 3 years ago
Warcraft for the blorbo fandom asks?
oh BOY here we go -- blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) my blorbo is probably kaelthas. i have a poster of him in behind my work set-up. he brought me out of the closet a lot and gave me something to sort of strive for when i was a teenager. i cried REAL FUCKING TEARS when the announced he'd be back in shadowlands. he's always been my blorbo and i would protect him with my life and tell you up and down that he's the best despite the fact in WoW he's been nothing but an aggressive wet cat. -- scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) talanji......... she is SO shaped. i named my pet rat (may her soul rest in peace) after her because they are both just so. them. i love her very much and i love her spiritedness. the way she takes charge in BFA from being sort of this timid daughter unsure of her place to then turn into a full fledged leader that takes no shits??? it's PRICELESS. i love her outfit, personality, and i'd protect her also tooth and nail. -- scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) XAVIUS MAN. XAVIUS!!!! like ok.... he got that whole thing in legion and i know that he's got a lot in the books but compared to the attention that he only briefly got in legion i REALLY REALLY wish he got more. there was so much potential to learn more about satyrs from him even if he just did evil monologing but this is coming from someone who REALLY loves satyrs and would probably sacrifice a vertebrae to see more of ANY of them. -- glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) rommath. i got so happy seeing him at the end of nighthold lol. i love seeing him any time i go by in silvermoon. if i am on a call playing with my friends i WILL make a big deal about seeing him and calling him a puppy with a cone of shame. i think he eats kibble from there he just saves it for later <3 -- poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) probably denathrius. he's pathetic. i know he's pathetic. i love that he is. this bitch DOES have insecurity issues. i KNOW he does. there is no other reason to throw such a tantrum like he did about "being revendreth". BITCH you WISH you had all the attention!!! sadly, i know i would give it to him. however it would be tormenting attention. he would love to hate me. -- horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) anduin probably. i don't hate him like at all but to say i wouldn't endless pick on him for being the blonde haired blue eyed baby boy prince would be an understatement. he looks tormentable. like i could steal the last slice of cake and all he could do is just look disgruntled at me. i know what i did. i know he hates it. i'll keep doing it tho, he won't say shit. -- eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) THIS ONE IS TOUGH. so. i think i would say arthas. i just don't like hearing about him. i hate what he did to jaina. i hate what he did to slyvanas. i just DO NOT like his fans because you know if some dude has a lich king tattoo you're in for a mouthful of how arthas is redeemable and he's not the lich king but yadda yadda so on and for forward. he's a compelling villain, but not so much a compelling character for me and i'd do anything to stop hearing people and blizzard try to highlight on him so much. i just want to move on from arthas please!!!!!
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neitimatch · 4 years ago
Heyo, my name is Els, am a finnish writer and a weirdo. Also I'm history obsessed(mostly about marginalized groups) and if I get started up about something related to that I will NOT shut uo until you know EVERYTHING!!!
While most of the stuff I write is original and try to get them published, I also sometimes write fanfiction in ao3.
I dunno what Ill do here, it remains to be seen. I have no way for anyone to support me, though comments are usually nice and the best.
I pretty much only write fantasy, usually its femslash with some fluff, angst and how should I categorize the last part, hmmm, twisted? So for fanfiction. Everything I ship is when they are of age or older, I jusy enjoy the dynamics that they could play off of each other. Heres some random stuff I might write about:
The Owl House
- Camileda (Camila x Eda)
- Lumity (Luz x Amity)
- Vinera (Viney x Emira)
- Eda totally being Luz's mom and Luz calling her mom
She-Ra, Princesses of Power
- Catradora (Catra x Adora)
- Castaweaver (Castaspella x Shadow Weaver, only through years of hard earned redemption for Shadow Weaver)
- Angelweaver (Angella x Shadow Weaver, only through years of hard earned redemption for Shadow Weaver)
Fire Emblem
- Rheagard (Rhea x Edelgard)
- Bernie x Happiness
Kim Possible
- KiGo (Kim x Shego)
- Kinnie (Kim x Bonnie)
- BoKiGo (Bonnie x Kim x Shego)
- BoGo (Bonnie x Shego)
World Of Warcraft
- Sylvaina (Sylvanas x Jaina)
Hunter x Hunter
- Mito x (Ant)Palm
My Hero Academia (If I ever write anything about it)
- Togaraka (Toga x Uraraka)
- Midnight x Inko
- Usagiyama Rumi(Miruko) x Me Fuyumi
Resident Evil VIllage
- Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x anyone she goddamn wants and me
I would list some fanfictions but that would be kinda pointless as Ive read thousands and keep forgetting a lot of them, ao I'll just give this place to my absolutely favourite fanfiction that has no equal:
Now You Feel Like Number None, by Omicron
Thats all for now.
I might write mlm or straight couples in the background but my main pairing will pretty much always be that of a femslash. Simply cause I like writing f/f more. An example for a m/m pairing that I do enjoy is Childe x Zhongli. Even if I don'r really play the game anymore.
I can write heavy stuff, aka torture, toxic relationships etc. though I will always write a happy ending, whether it is a twisted one or not depends on the story I'm writing. I will never write rape since I don't believe I could convey just how badly it can destroy a person and I don't want to downplay any of it.
Be Gay, Do Crimes
Nonbinary peeps are valid
Trans Rights are Human Rights!
Your primary school biology is in no way enough for anything
There is literally over ten different chromosome makeups
Non binary and trans people have existed as long as people have been people
Just accept you are ignorant and educate yourself from books that have actually knowledge in them, not frim books that were made in 50s cause they are REALLY FUCKING OUTDATED
Or you know, just fuck off
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thatwitchrevan · 6 years ago
God I just saw a gif of Kylo and I'm realizing I'm probably definitely gonna see Rey kill him in tros and if I'd known this directly after tfa I would've been pretty sad but now...I have very mixed feelings about it but like, I don't see another satisfying conclusion and it'll probably be a huge relief. Maybe he can do something in the end to give his mother even the tiniest bit of comfort/closure but :/ he's gonna die, I'm gonna cry, and then Rey will get her happy ending and everything will be fine. And I'll write lots of Solo Siblings fic and read Jacen and Jaina because 'canon' refuses me this deepest desire of mine.
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pooktales · 3 years ago
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics? for whichever fic is your FAVORITE
This is a tough question. The My Life For My Prince series will always be my all-time favorite because it was wildly fun and it had a big impact on me. I wrote it during the Burning Crusade expac in the early 2000s, as it was happening. I remember people were furious with me when -spoiler- I had Kael'thas slain by the heroine -end spoiler- and there was a review with someone yelling 'You can't kill Kael'thas!' And then a few weeks later the Tempest Keep content/reveal happened in-game and we knew Kael was pretty villainous and due to get killed. At least, that's what I think I remember. I wasn't a raider, really.
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It meant a lot to me, to be able to make a list of scenes and feels I wanted to convey and then see readers get it exactly. I had set a challenge for myself to write my first completed novel-length work, bust my ass and make it as good as I possibly could, to show myself that I could write something on that scale. And I absolutely nailed my personal goal. I stretched myself, I re-wrote chapters several times until I liked the pacing, perspective, etc. There were moments when I thought something wouldn't work and then I got it to work some other way. I loved the crazed marathon that was MLFMP.
However--my most recent favorite piece of fanfiction writing is Master Daddy: The Last Nightborne Godfather over on Wattpad. I love it because it is extremely elegant in tone (fitting for a city like Suramar), and the interview style has really challenged me to explore different character voices. Some of those scenes were so exciting to write. Eugenie rambling about her obsession with Lucien and then flipping out with 'Woman!! Release your husband!' while remembering their hot and cold courtship, that stands out. She seemed mostly sane till then. And the entire monolgue Sasha gave was so lethally seductive, she has the mind of a killer and we're just starting to see that. I haven't even made it to Lucien in a real way yet, not written anything from his perspective exclusively. Everyone else is fascinated by him and compelled by the Duskwatch to give interviews about him. But the man himself has not yet taken center stage. I have no idea whether Lucien will be cold, yet alluring the way Eugenie sees him, or deeply wounded and passionate the way Sasha speaks of him. He might be both, or neither. Perhaps some other intoxicating mix. I'm also trying to do something unique with the story setup which is hard for me to figure sometimes and is actually kind of exhausting on my end in the planning stages, though still really enjoyable. I guess I like puzzles!
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But, there's a third favorite. The Embarrassing Story of How I Became A Blood Knight on fanfiction.net is exciting for me because I have always been desperately in love with Sunthraze the Sly as a character and this story is his time to shine. I fooled around with the MLFMP timeline a bit to explore his early life in a prequel. And it is all about his sass-mouth, his bad decisions, his lusts, and historical Silvermoon headcanon that I've been interested in for a long time... What if Blood Elf paladins didn't just appear? What if they were planned for a long time, before the city fell? What if Anasterian was a darker character, owing to Kael'thas' deep flaws? Precisely what was it like for Kael'thas attempting and failing to bed Jaina back in Dalaran? I can't help seeing how detailed it would all be in Silvermoon as some fancy historical drama, or if some modern element, such as a f*ck buddy situation was going on with Jaina and Kael'thas in Dalaran. He was very handsome, you know, and she may have been lonely with Arthas away...
I could talk about all these stories forever, really. But to sum up, I'd say MLFMP is my most beloved, Master Daddy is the most challenging, and The Embarrassing Story is the most fun.
I'll finish all the gajillion in-progress stories I have one of these days...
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rinwellisathing · 9 months ago
Paint the Lines, Cut the Flesh: Part 9
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Sentry followed her gaze. Wings? He watched as an oily looking man in Flaming Fist armor landed on the balcony in front of Isobel. His wings were tattered and rotting with molting black feathers. Nothing good could come of this and the paladin quickly moved, forcing his own body between Isobel and the figure and drawing himself to his full height just shy of six feet. The man was burlier than Sentry's lean muscled scarecrow frame, but that didn't bother the tiefling, he'd defeated bigger men before. “Isobel, you must come with me immediately.” The man tried to reach out to her, but Sentry slapped his hand away. “D'you know this half-plucked buzzard, Isobel?” Sentry asked, looking back at the priestess. “Or more to the point, do you trust him?” “That's Markus, he came here with The Flaming Fist...but...” Isobel began, but her murmuring words were cut out by a jolt into Sentry's brain as the winged intruder began to speak. “True soul, help me. General Ketheric wants her alive. Aid me and The Absolute will give you anything you want, like she did for me.” The man's voice smirked within his head. “You could've had anything you want and you asked for a shoddy pair of wings? Bad dealin on your part.” Sentry's mind shot back. He turned to look at Isobel and spoke out loud. “This guy wants to take you to Ketheric. We should prepare for a fight. I'll protect you ask best I can but I doubt he came without reinforcements.” “I hate that you're right about that.” Shadowheart winced, looking around as the winged intruder cried out, his call bringing horrid winged fiends down on the inn in droves. A ring of moonlight surrounded Shadowheart as she drew her mace and raised her shield. Sentry's halbered glowed with raging fire and he swung a vicious arc at Markus as Isobel drew her staff, standing between Shadowheart and Sentry as she glanced warily about.
Down on the bar level, Wyll and Astarion turned their heads at the sound of a scream as one of the creatures lifted Mol into the sky and began to fly away with her. Astarion fired a few shots at the thing but it flew to quickly and, cursing, he ran to join Wyll in the battle. Kroger and Octavia joined the fray as well as Jaheira shifted into the form of a massive black panther and Rolan staggered to his feet, throwing up a shield over the remaining tiefling children. A hulking cave bear burst onto the scene followed by Lae'zel with her sword drawn and psionic energy coursing through her feet. Outside at the blacksmith, Jaina and Karlach heard the commotion and ran towards the inn, neither one noticing the creature swooping directly towards them causing Jaina to trip, her head hitting hard against the ground as her vision spun and her world swam out of focus. The last thing she saw was Karlach reaching helplessly for her as she felt herself lifted into the air and carried away. The last thought in her mind before she fell unconscious was 'Shit....Tibs always said I was clumsy...'
By the time the dust settled, Sentry watched calmly as Markus' head rolled from his body. He pressed his foot down on it to stop it and then turned, extending a hand to help Isobel to her feet. “Are you alright, Iz? Can I call you Iz?” Sentry asked as the half-elf accepted his hand and let him help her to her feet. “A little familiar for someone you just met, don't you think?” Isobel quirked an eyebrow. “But anyway, thank you...If it weren't for you, I'd have been dragged to Moonrise and all of these people would be dead...” “One thing I don't get, though...why does Ketheric want you alive? I understand the stopping your magic thing, he's a necromancer or something so a lot of dead people is good for his line of work, but he could achieve that same thing by just killing you, which probably would have been way easier.” Sentry frowned, studying Isobel's expression. “Who knows, perhaps to torture or to turn into one of his True Souls...” Isobel shuddered, but although Sentry missed it, Shadowheart picked up on a twinge of guilt and shame on Isobel's face as she spoke. Her eyes darted to Sentry, noting with annoyance that of course he didn't catch it. Still, something to keep in her back pocket till it was useful.
“Isobel! Thank the gods you are alright...” Jaheira panted as she dashed into the room. “Sentry dispatched my would-be abductor quite handily...I'm fine.” Isobel nodded. “To think that Ketheric would send his creatures directly to us like this...Now it is more vital than ever that he be defeated, and quickly.” The druid frowned. “I'll go find the rest of my party and head out, then.” Sentry nodded. “I feel like defeating this 'Ketheric' guy is something I would enjoy anyway.” He mused as he began to make his way downstairs, Shadowheart not far behind him. The moment they arrived in the tavern proper, the place was abuzz with commotion. Halsin and Kroger were healing the injured while Octavia and Gale did their best to calm the remaining children. Astarion was, predictably, checking the intruder's corpses for loot while Lae'zel helped the strongest of the Harpers cart out bodies and pile them. Karlach was speaking rapidly and breathlessly to Wyll, gesturing wildly and seemingly panicked.
Shadowheart broke off to help Halsin and Kroger with their healing work. Sentry noticed Rolan had return to the bar, a bit worse for wear. He gestured a quick healing spell his way as he approached and sat beside him.
“Rough day, huh, buddy?” Sentry asked. “Hmmph...Of course it would be YOU showing up now after it's all over.” The wizard scoffed bitterly, taking a sip of his drink. Sentry looked around the room and then back to Rolan. “I helped clear out the attack, I was upstairs.” “Not the attack I mean.” Rolan glared. “You and your friends and those pretty words about 'sticking together' and 'helping the weak'. You certainly got Cal and Lia excited to play heroes...And what did it get them? Taken away by that bloody cult.” He slammed down his drink. “You guys saved everyone, though, Alfira told me...” Sentry looked at him in wide eyed confusion. “Oh, well everything's fine, then, isn't it? Perhaps she'll write a song about me...” Rolan sneered, finishing his drink. “It won't bring Cal and Lia back from those dungeons...” “Then I will. If I got you guys into this mess, it's my job to get you all out.” Sentry offered, placing a hand on Rolan's shoulder. Rolan slapped his hand away, eyes blazing with fury. “NO. They are MY responsibility. Take your big damn hero act somewhere else, you oaf.” And he stormed off, leaving Sentry sitting there, blinking in bewilderment. “Ah beans...I should probably go after him.” Sentry sighed, rising to his feet. He got about half way across the tavern floor before Wyll and Karlach hurried over to him, both looking distraught. Sentry stopped, looking back and forth between the two. “What happened, are you both okay? Halsin and the clerics are healing people up right now, so...” “No, we're fine....But they took Jaina...She's been taken to Moonrise...” Wyll's expression was one of horror. He was worried for Jaina, Sentry knew that well enough, but the paladin considered for a moment the opportunity this afforded them. Jaina was strong enough to hold out until help arrived and more than that, she was smart. Smarter than most people Sentry knew. Put on top of that the way she could hide her feelings behind that inscrutable mask of diplomacy, and now they had a spy on the inside. The tables were turned on Ketheric and the general would think it was an advantage. “We'll get her back, Wyll. Don't worry. I'm heading there right now.” Sentry assured him.”We won't leave anyone behind.”
---- Jaina opened her eyes slowly, wincing as she reached up and clutched her throbbing head. She was laid out not in a prison cell but on a comfortable, if a bit dusty and long-unused bed. A skeletal dog sat beside the bed at perfect attention, watching her.
“Oh...that wasn't my proudest moment.” She hissed in pain. “I'm assuming this is Moonrise Tower, then...appropriately creepy, but with a few homey touches. I suppose not much worse than using one of the older buildings in town when we dock.” She pulled back the covers and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, rising to her feet. She noted that the dog immediately scurried out the door. “Eyes and ears everywhere. Well, it's a military base, so...fair enough.” She began to explore the room, examining the dusty paintings of what appeared to be a happy family. A tall, imposing male half-elf in Selunite armor, a smaller woman in Selunite robes, and a smiling fair haired little girl in blue play clothes. This painting hung above a fire place near a small vanity mirror that seemed to have fresh flowers placed on it. A portrait nearer to the bed showed a beautiful half-elf woman with silvery hair, pale grey eyes, and Selunite robes. Her makeup was similar to the style Jaina wore, a typical choice for devotees of various gods and goddesses, Jaina's was the same deep black shade, and she assumed the only difference would be unnoticeable to most, the fact that ground shells were used to achieve the color of hers in honor of her goddess. She almost laughed. Those flying creatures couldn't tell a tiefling from a half-elf. She was slowly realizing she had been brought here in the place of someone else. “Forgive me this insult, True Soul. Clearly I relied on fools to carry out what I believed was a very clear, simple task.” A voice from the doorway interrupted her thoughts, dour and cold as an open grave. Jaina turned to find herself face to face with a very tall half-elf dressed in heavy armor, a circlet set with a skull pushing back his wiry grey hair. “For what it's worth, I'm sorry...I understand this is a very heavy disappointment for you.” Jaina inclined her head politely, keeping her words sincere but guarded. “It's my fault for trusting that one easily convinced soldier could accomplish something this important. But, perhaps you can be of more use than he was. You appear intelligent...Truth be told, you remind me of...her...in some ways.” The old man sighed, motioning for Jaina to follow him. The tiefling nodded. This was her chance, explore the tower, take in absolutely everything she saw, and report back to the others. Already, she noted a horrible sound like wet meat slapping together inside the walls, a horribly undulating squelch that seemed to cause the tower to shake just a little. “You know, rats in the woodwork have been the end of a lot of great ships.” Jaina commented, looking at the walls as the noises continued.
“Then it's a good thing we are in a fortress of stone and not aboard some rickety pirate vessel.” The General replied hollowly, not looking back at her. Jaina's mouth twitched at the insult, but she bit her lip and continued after him. “You have a beautiful family, General...I'm sorry for your loss...” She spoke up as they passed another portrait of the serene, pale haired half-elf priestess who must have been his wife. The General said nothing, merely looked back at Jaina, his expression somewhat mournful, she had expected anger. “...Thank you...it's been a long time...” “If I may, what was she like?” Jaina asked, noting the kind, calm smile the woman always seemed to wear and the distinctly Selunite garb. This curse was Sharran and Ketheric's armor was Myrkulite. There had to be some connection. He seemed surprised to be asked about his wife, like no one had bothered to in quite a long time. He barely hid the expression behind his dour frown in time. “She was dutiful, kind, intelligent...a remarkable woman. She devoted her life to her goddess and to her family...but somehow, that wasn't enough for Selune.” Jaina nodded softly. “I see...it isn't quite the same, but my maternal grandmother was a devoted priestess of Umberlee...She used to help care for me when I was a child. She was strong and kind, and the most devoted priestess I ever met...She got sick, though...and Umberlee called her back to the sea...I think sometimes the Gods miss their most faithful, they think we're selfish keeping them all to ourselves...it can feel unfair with all the power they have, can't it?”
Ketheric raised a brow, frowning at the sorceress. “Yes, it can....And when they take the things we love and leave us in our pain, they don't deserve our worship. What they forget is that we are able to simply find a god who does....”
--- The party was ready to set out, near to leaving the inn when Halsin stopped Sentry, taking his hand gently but firmly. The young tiefling looked up at the elf and cocked his head to one side. “Something wrong, Halsin?” “I have offered to stay behind to help with a sick man in the main room...He mentioned a name I can't ignore...The healer attending him believes he may have been trapped in the Shadowfell for a hundred years or more and something of his may jar him out of his slumber...if you find anything, please bring it back here. He could be the key to finding my friend and breaking this curse.” The druid explained, looking Sentry directly in the eyes, his expression pleading.
“No worries, I promised you I'd help, didn't I?” Sentry replied, nodding his head. “I'll bring whatever I find back here fast as I can...just as soon as I rescue Rolan...and Jaina...and the rest of the Tieflings...and Jaina's gnome friend's....husband?” Sentry squinted as he tried to remember. “Anyway, I'll remember! Back in a flash.” And with that he hurried towards the door. Kroger remained back with Halsin to attempt to help in any way his Ghustil training would allow with the comatose Flaming Fist recruit. The rest of the party set off from the inn out into the dark of the Shadow Curse yet again. The light blessed teddy bear bounced bravely at Karlach's hip even as the pixie blessing and Selune's light shielded the party. Kroger liked to think that added at least a little extra protection, or at least morale.
--- Sentry paused, forcing back a look of anguish that threatened to cross his face as the party stumbled upon the bodies of those who didn't make it when the tieflings were ambushed. He looked over each and every face, trying to remember what he could about them. Every mutilated body brought back a flash of memory to his mind, a bound and terrified figure, screams for mercy, blood...so much blood...He felt his stomach turn when the realization finally hit him. He had done these things before. The murder of the Dragonborn bard was not the first time. Only the first time he had felt guilty, only the first time he hadn't reveled in it. He heaved and wretched, going to his knees in a nearby ditch as he was violently ill.
It dawned on him like it never had before, these people were alive, happy, celebrating alongside him only...what? Weeks? Maybe even only days ago. And now here they were, slaughtered like animals and scattered along the road. The wounds weren't from shadow creatures, not from goblins either. People did this. Humans, elves, dwarves, maybe even other tieflings. The wounds were distinct and the attacks deliberate, more so the order they happened in were done one of two ways split amongst the group of refugees. To halt a fleeing target or to maximize suffering before death. There were few signs if any to suggest the refugees had fought back, so he supposed any who did were captured instead, but why? Slowly, he rose to his feet, shaking out his wrists and squeezing his eyes shut as he let one last shudder pass through his body. “Alright....We need to hurry.” He remarked. “Octavia, Gale, would you two mind returning to the inn to fetch someone to retrieve the bodies? It isn't right to leave them like this.”
Gale nodded, wincing at the sight. “We'll be as quick as we can...Those people deserved better...” Octavia began to trace out a portal with her index finger, murmuring a spell as the rest of the party pressed onward. Sentry picked up speed as they pushed into the thick of the Shadow Curse, nearing the sounds of battle. Karlach kept pace with him fairly easily with Shadowheart not far behind. Wyll and Astarion hurried to keep up as Sentry hoisted himself over a crumbling wall and down a small ravine, charging forward with a burst of speed. Rolan was panting for breath as he felt his mana near depletion. He was cut and bleeding in several places and his robes were damaged. He cursed under his breath. Even if he did survive this, he could forget looking presentable when he arrived for his apprenticeship. Worthless. He couldn't rescue Cal and Lia, he couldn't defeat a few shadow creatures, he couldn't even keep up appearances. He felt near ready to just give in and accept his fate when the creature in front of him exploded with an agonized cry in a flash of light. He blinked up and groaned in annoyance. It would be that big, dumb paladin rushing in to save him like some knight in shining armor with that stupid friendly smile on his face like a pet dog. “Hang on, Rolan...I've got you, buddy.” Sentry grinned, positioning himself between Rolan and the remaining creatures. “You look parched, soldier! Have a pick me up!” Karlach called out as she cleaved a shadow creature into nothing with one hand on her axe while the other hand tossed a healing potion to Rolan. These. Idiotic. Wannabe. Heroes. Didn't they understand? He gritted his teeth, his hand shaking as he looked down at the potion bottle. Everything came so easily for them, they were strong, lucky, practically chosen by some greater power. How could he compete? How could he ever be good enough? He wasn't even good enough to save his own siblings. “Worse yet, I'm too cowardly to let myself die after all my failures...I still want to live...damn it!” He bit his lip as he opened the potion bottle and drank deeply from it. When the dust cleared, Sentry turned to face him with a relieved smile, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Rolan! You're okay! We were worried about you...Oh, here, before I forget...” Sentry fished the little silvery bell out of his pocket and shook it, whispering the words as Rolan's body began to shine with silvery light like the rest of the party. “Yes....of course...thanks to you brave heroes, the failure of a wizard who couldn't even save his own siblings has survived...Gods damn it....” He looked away, face flushed with anger and humiliation. “You should have left me for dead.” He slapped Sentry's hand away, causing the other tiefling to step back with a guilty frown.
“You're my friend, Rolan. I couldn't do that. Besides, think of how Cal and Lia will feel when we break them out and you're not there.” Sentry insisted. “Come with us! We're stronger together, right?” Rolan shook his head, shoving past Sentry. “No....I know when I'm outmatched. You're the brave knight in shining armor who rescues the distressed refugees....and I'm the drunk who thinks he's better than he is...I'll only slow you down...” Sentry was about to turn to follow Rolan, to try and talk to him again, but Wyll approached the wizard first with a gentle expression. “You held your own against The Shadowcurse with little to no protection and even suffering from it, you stood your ground in a dangerous fight and made it to the tower. You're not weak, Rolan. You knew the people your loved were in danger and you put them first. Consequences or not, you tried to do what was right. Sometimes that's all it takes to be a hero. For now, though? Rest. Your time will come.” The warlock gave him a reassuring nod and for once, Rolan did not have a clever retort or a barb, he simply frowned and inclined his head, making his way back towards the inn. “Damn, how is it you always know what to say, Wyll? All that noble training?” Karlach gave a little chuckle. “You've gotta teach me and Sentry sometime.” “Hardly, I've just met so many people over the years I've spent as The Blade and very often I've been where they've been. When I made my pact with Mizora, I'd wager I felt just what Rolan was feeling right now. Overwhelmed, helpless, like everything was on my shoulders and I couldn't ask for help...I just told him what I would have wanted to hear back then, and to be assured I'd done the right thing...” Wyll replied, slowly sitting down on a raised root and looking up at his party. “Well, at least he'd already killed most of them by the time we got here, it'll make getting into the tower a lot easier.” Astarion sighed, glancing around at the slightly glowing orbs of necrotic remnants that lay on the ground. “Shall we continue then?” --- Jackal leaned against the wall of the throne room, smirking wickedly as Ketheric took a seat in the massive chair at the head of the place. That Z'rell woman stood beside him on one side, and on the other, that pretty little school teacher he'd seen traveling with Sentry. Soldiers of The Absolute stood about the room waiting to listen in to the trial about to take place. A group of goblins shuddered, huddled together off to the side and Minthara knelt before the throne. Her eyes were darting about the room and Jackal knew she was looking for Gabraela. His grin widened, knowing the tiefling was busy somewhere else and not likely to come to her rescue.
Z'rell glared down at Minthara. “True Soul Minthara, are we to understand that you and the entire army The Absolute provided for you were undone by a band of unknown adventurers simple thrown together from survivors of a crash?” “You do not understand, these goblins---” Minthara began. “Oi blamin' us? As if it weren't your fault, princess!” A male goblin spat. Minthara glared icily at him and continued. “If you had given me proper drow soldiers, I might have...” “So you blame The Absolute for your incompetence? The resources provided to your were not good enough?” Ketheric sounded almost bored with the precedings. Jaina's eyes flicked to him, watching his face. This was all theatre, he didn't care what happened to his subordinates and despite the stoic expression and his relaxed position, he was itching to get out of this room, to tend to something else. Things were about to go very poorly for this woman the more time she took up arguing. “No! I ….Please, just give me another chance....I could...I shall retrieve the artifact...” Minthara insisted. “You had your chance and you wasted it...Guards, take her to the dungeons to be...re-educated.” Ketheric waved her off as two heavily armored guards came to take her away. “What!? No! You cannot! I am of House Baenre!” She struggled as she was dragged off. “Bye bye princess.” The goblins jeered. “Told 'er it'd go badly.” Jackal whistled with a dry, choking laugh, shaking his head. “Next, these goblins...They are also survivors of the failed attempt to retrieve the artifact.” Z'rell announced as the goblins were forced to the center of the room.
Jaina frowned. She recognized them from the goblin camp and a guilty part of her wondered how the children she'd set under the sleep spell were doing. Were these the only adults from their clan they had left? She shifted uncomfortably. “We was nothing but loyal! Did as we was told! That lady up there saw us, tell 'em, miss!” The male goblin looked to Jaina, desperation in his eyes. Even without moving, it was as if he reached for her like a drowning sailor reaches for a rock to hold onto. “It's true, they certainly did all The Absolute asks of them.” Jaina replied. It wasn't a lie, they had been awful, evil little bastards, they way this one in particular had been tormenting poor Barcus, but those children kept coming to mind, goblin or not, they were little and they needed to be cared for. This group might be all they had. “Loyalty is what you ask of a dog. I demand results. We are too close to end to tolerate failure.” Ketheric sneered, waving the goblins off. One of the goblins tensed. Jaina could see there was going to be trouble as the goblin woman swiftly grabbed an axe from the guard standing watch over the group. “You creakin' old bag!” The goblin shouted. The next chain of events all happened so fast Jaina was sure she'd stood frozen the whole time, unable to even consider how to react. The goblin woman threw the axe, striking Ketheric between his neck and shoulder blade, a blow which should have killed any man. The General slumped back a moment and then grabbed the axe, pulling it free from his flesh and rising to his feet as he did. He began to slowly stalk towards the frightened, retreating goblins, axe in hand, until he was glaring down at the woman. “Try again.” His voice was hollow, empty, as he handed her the axe.
This time, with trembling hands, she buried it in his chest with a heavy swing and a grunt of effort. Ketheric still stood. His expression never changed, there was no triumphant smirk, no taunting laugh or sneer, but with that same empty gaze, he raised his armor clad fists and brought them down with a sickening crack and a wet squelch, caving the goblin's head like a melon. “I don't have time to deal with every miserable failure that returns here, Z'rell. Make use of our newest True Soul, have her handle these wretches.” Thorm did not even look back as he left the room slowly. The orcish woman looked at Jaina, her smile was hungry, a bit lustful even. Anywhere else Jaina would have returned the expression, but she thought better of it. Strength and authority was needed here, she decided and she thought of Tibs back in the city. She took her brother's stance instantly, hands locked behind her back, feet shoulder width apart, head raised just so, chest out. “You heard the general, True Soul. Deal with these ones....and don't be afraid to get creative.” The orc smirked, turning and following Ketheric. Jaina looked at the goblins, approaching and slowly marching around them in a circle, pretending to think deeply about her course of action. She frowned and hummed to herself, cycling through thoughtful expressions as though she were deeply considering the best course of action here. Finally, she looked to the guards. “Let them go.” She ordered. The guards hesitated, exchanging looks of confusion. “Well, you heard me. How can word of The Absolute spread if we kill anyone who is imperfect? How can we expect to grow a proper army when learning experiences are squandered?” “Oh...Oh thank you, your ladyship! We will spread word of The Absolute! We will do better!” The goblins clamored, bowing and scraping. “Praise The Absolute.” Jaina intoned, raising her arms up and using the voice her mother had always used when preaching the word of Umberlee to the people of the island.
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twisted-limbic · 5 years ago
Jaina Vanilla-Cata: Advocate for peace, powerful mage, a character that had a lot of potential as more than just Arthas' Manpain origin. At times blurred the line between Horde and Alliance. A nerdy sweetheart that just wants to read.
Jaina MoP: Crazy Bitch
Jaina WoD-Legion: Whomst?
Jaina BFA: "Oh my fucking god we forgot about Jaina. Does anyone remember who she is??? She's Kul Tiran right??? Write something about that."
Ysera Vanilla-WoTLK: Runt of the litter, baby sister of the Aspects, never done anything wrong. She just wants to take a nap. She's basically the super chill grandma of all Druids right up there with Elune but no one cares because Cenarius has to put his nose in all the druid stuff. Let's you smoke weed as long as it isn't in the house.
Ysera Cata: No one let her fucking nap so now she has to wake up and save the god damn world. Again.
Ysera Legion: Gets corrupted in some shitty cinematic in the most bullshit possible way after forcing Tyrande to choose between saving her or Malfurion in what has to be the most annoying quest chain in the history of histories. What galaxy brain at Blizzard thought half an hour of Malfurion whining would ever be a good idea. What the fuck. Then as a cherry on top the chain concludes with the player being forced to kill her.
Sylvanas Vanilla-BC: A tragic villain, very sympathetic. A brilliant strategist and powerful ranger. Died for people that went on to spurn her. She did horrible things because she was forced to do them and because of this those that turned her away hated her even more. Grew into her role as a villain out of necessity before eventually embracing it. Very much a "you want a villain? I'll give you a villain" type character.
Sylvanas WoTLK: Shows up once or twice to fight the dude that killed her and whom she swore vengeance against. Gets betrayed by two (2) of her own. Gets an even shittier rep. Once Arthas kicks the bucket she kills herself at the first opportunity. It doesn't stick.
Sylvanas Cata: Gets called a bitch. Dies again. Cromush, the only valid orc, makes sure the valkyrie resurrect her.
Sylvanas MoP-WoD: "Oh my fucking god we forgot about Sylvanas. If we have to include her in SoO we have to make her hit on Lor'themar though."
Sylvanas Legion: "Whomst??? Oh, her. Make her Warchief or some shit. Who cares. Doesn't matter. Horde's playing Warchief Roulette anyway we'll just evict her ass come BFA."
Sylvanas BFA: They evicted her ass. Also she's Crazy now.
Tyrande Vanilla: War veteran that fought demons in Hyjal and won. Leader of Night Elves for the past ten thousand years. Unofficial president of the Elune fan club. A little snooty but that's okay, at least she knows who she is and she isn't afraid to show it. Not really relevant for some reason??? Despite being such a major character??? She ran her course as development for Malfurion and Illidan and now is only included for the sake of consistency.
Tyrande BC-Legion: Whomst?
Tyrande BFA: Crazy Bitch
blizzard’s writing process really be like “who’s the next female character to go evil? sylvanas is overplayed now. talanji? no, too new. jaina? no, already been done. ahhh yes how about tyrande”
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cycle-centaur · 6 years ago
@steblynkaagain oh yes, who ordered Arthas bandwaggon?)) So basically what Swampgallows said is the gist of it and she (as an ace) would know.
To add from my viewpoint:
• The certain way Arthas pays much more attention to animals (HORSES) and even flowers right in the first chapter, while it takes him a moment to even realized Uther marched up to fetch him *in full armor*
• teenage Arthas' reaction to Jaina being purely platonic:
"This, Arthas decided, was a girl who would not mind getting a snowball in the face, or going for a swim on a hot day. Someone, unlike his sister, he could play with." (Chapter 2)
• The incredibly detached and helicoptering dynamics with his parents, not counting that both him and Calia are quite late children (Queen Lianne is what, 50-ish in chapter 2? Must have born them in her late 30s) While Arthas describes his family as following:
"Arthas’s own family was close-knit—he, his sister, Calia, his mother, Queen Lianne, and of course King Terenas. He’d seen how some rulers behaved with their families, and knew that his was remarkable in the degree of closeness. " - the truth differs.
I'll just give you the episode I believe formed a lot of Arthas' view on relationship and marriage (Chapter 3), plus some markings:
"He [Arthas] whistled a little as he strode toward his quarters, but then a sudden outburst froze him in his tracks.
“No, Father! I will not!”
“Calia, I grow tired of this conversation. You have no say in this matter.”
“Papa, please, no!”
Arthas edged a little closer to Calia’s chambers. The door was ajar and he listened, slightly worried. Terenas doted on Calia. What in the world was he asking of her to make her beg with him and use the term of endearment that both she and Arthas had dropped as they grew toward adulthood?
Calia sobbed brokenly. Arthas could take it no longer. He opened the door. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear, but—what is wrong?”
Terenas had recently seemed to be acting strangely, and now he looked furious with his sixteen-year-old daughter. “It is no business of yours, Arthas,” Terenas rumbled. “I have told Calia something I wish her to do. She will obey me.”
Calia collapsed on the bed, sobbing. Arthas stared from his father to his sister in utter astonishment. Terenas muttered something and stormed out. Arthas glanced back at Calia, then followed his father.
“Father, please, what’s going on?”
“Do not question me. Calia’s duty is to obey her father.”
Terenas marched through a door and into a receiving room. Arthas recognized Lord Daval Prestor, a young noble whom Terenas seemed to hold in very high regard, and a pair of visiting Dalaran wizards he did not know.
“Run along back to your sister, Arthas, and try to calm her. I’ll be with you as soon as I can, I promise.”
With a final glance at the three visitors, Arthas nodded and went back to Calia’s rooms. His older sister had not moved, although her sobs had quieted somewhat. At a total loss, Arthas simply sat beside her on the bed, feeling awkward.
Calia sat up on the bed, her face wet. “I’m sorry you h-had to see that, Arthas, but m-maybe it’s for the best.”
“What did Father want you to do?”
“He wishes me to marry against my will.”
Arthas blinked. “Calie, you’re only sixteen, you’re not even old enough to get married.”
She reached for a handkerchief and dabbed at her swollen eyes. “That’s what I said. But Father said it didn’t matter; we’d formalize the betrothal and on my birthday I’d marry Lord Prestor.”
[that's freaking Neltharion, fyi]
Arthas’s sea-green eyes widened in comprehension. So that was why Prestor was here….
“Well,” he began awkwardly, “he’s very well connected, and—I guess he’s handsome. Everyone says so. At least he’s not some old man.”
“You don’t understand, Arthas. I don’t care how well connected or handsome or even kind he is. It’s that I don’t have any choice in the matter. I’m—I’m like your horse. I’m a thing, not a person. To be given away as Father sees fit—to seal a political bargain.”
“You—you don’t love Prestor?”
“Love him?” Her blue, bloodshot eyes narrowed in anger. “I barely know him! He’s never taken the slightest…oh, what’s the use? I know that this is common practice among royalty and nobility. That we are pawns. But I just never expected Father—”
Nor had Arthas. He’d honestly never given much thought to marriage for himself or his sister. He was much more interested in training with Muradin and riding Invincible. But Calia was right. It was common among the nobility to make good marriages to ensure their political status.
He’d just never thought his father would sell his daughter like—like a broodmare.
“Calie, I’m really sorry,” he said, and meant it. “Is there someone else? Maybe you could convince Father that there’s a better match—one that makes you happy as well.”
Calia shook her head bitterly. “It’s no use. You heard him. He didn’t ask me, didn’t suggest Lord Prestor—he ordered me.” She looked at him pleadingly. “Arthas, when you are king, promise me—promise me you won’t do that to your children.”
Children? Arthas was in no way ready to think about that. There weren’t even any—well, there was, but he hadn’t thought about her in—
“And when [not if, see?] you marry—Papa cannot order you as he orders me. Make sure you care for this girl and—and that she cares for you. Or is at least asked about whom she wants to share her life and her b-bed with.”
She started to weep afresh, but Arthas was too shaken by the revelation that burst upon him. He was only fourteen now, but in four short years, he’d be of age to wed. He suddenly recalled snatches of conversation he’d heard here and there about the future of the Menethil line. His wife would be the mother of kings. He’d have to choose carefully, but also, as Calia had asked, kindly. His parents obviously cared greatly for each other. It was reflected in their smiles and gestures, despite many years of marriage. Arthas wanted that. He wanted a companion, a friend, a—
He frowned. But what if he couldn’t have that? “I’m sorry, Calie, but maybe you’re the lucky one. It might be worse to have the freedom to choose, and know that you couldn’t have what you wanted.”
“I would trade that for being a—a piece of meat in a heartbeat.”
“We each have our duties, I guess,” Arthas said quietly, somberly. “You to marry whomever Father wants, and me to marry well for the kingdom.” He rose abruptly. “I’m sorry, Calie.”
“Arthas—where are you going?”
He didn’t answer, but practically raced through the palace to the stables and, without waiting for a groom, quickly saddled Invincible himself. Arthas knew it was only a temporary solution, but he was fourteen, and a temporary solution was still a solution."
Tl;dr: Arthas reflects extremely much and isn't portrayed as immature otherwise, he's just Not Interested™ and heavily influenced by unhealthy family dynamics. (While I might argue he also has some traits on the autistic spectrum but that's a different can of worms)
I reblogged your post a long time ago about Arthas being ace coded in the book but i never noticed it myself?? i was wondering if you could point out the specific parts where it happens bc im ace myself and i feel dimb for never noticing oops
Oh, I’m not sure if I could point on specific part, that as more like… overall impression, the way Arthas reacts on people and interacts with them (also I’ve read it in Russian lmao). I dislike Arthas a lot actually, so I was a bit surprised noticing that he somehow looks… relatable? Or some of his reactions was familiar to me. So… yea, for me that was the overall impression. Maybe @cycle-centaur can actually point on something specific in book xD
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