#jaiden used to live there with roier until bobbys death and she moved away out of grief
luminouslotuses · 5 months
i just found my old qjaiden qroier & qcellbit au in my drafts :o
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fr-likes-chocolate · 10 months
I read about the whole bolas cult au you have here and it's really intersting. One question do the eggs or the federation exits in this au? If so how do they contribute to the story?
So heaven and hell holds the souls of everyone who has ever died combined, its like 117 billion people. Most normal beings only know big names like archangels, 7 deadly sins, Satan, and God.
This allows for a small group of angels and demons to coexist on earth go under the radar of almost everyone.
Not much is known of them, but they most certanly have heard of Bolas.
As for the eggs, it depends.
Chayanne is an orphan that was hiding out in the commune, Phil was slowly befrending the poor child untill Soulfire exacuted a stealth mission into Bolas, where Missa met Chayanne and took him back to his home. Phil was not happy about this.
Tallilah is Wilbur’s daughter, as Wilbur is on a missionary trip, using his music skills to spread the good word of the Angel of Death, Phil cares for Lulah in the meantime.
Bobby was unfortunately killed in a car accident, his death led to Jaiden and Roier to part ways.
Flippa was always a sick child, Charlie was her father and Mariana was her guardian angel. She is the main reason Charlie joins Bolas, Phil promising to reunite father and daughter when Charlie’s time came. Mariana was not pleased when he found out, so he helps soulfire in order to save Charlie.
Trump was much like Flippa, his death was a huge part of the reason Maxo eventually joined Bolas.
Tilin is Quackity’s child, not much to say about her, she’s alive and well.
Leo lives happily with his parents in Bolas
Dapper and Ramon are childhood friends of Leo’s and were sad when she moved away, dapper was ecstatic when Bad told him that Leo may be moving back soon.
Richas is a foster kid living with Pac and Mike. Forever babysits him (so did cellbit before Bolas, now tazercraft won’t let him near Richas)
Pomme is Etoiles’ daughter. She is quite adventurous and has secretly befriended Baghera.
As for the three new eggs? I’m not sure how to tackle their placement yet.
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sunnysidesunshine · 3 months
8/10/23: The Arrival and Adventures of Gegg
Slimecicle Recap:
I’m crying for Gegg ;^; he's so silly and no one wants him around!
What started off as a silly Slimecicle stream ended off on a really heartfelt moment of Gegg talking to Bobby, and actually making a connection with him. The scene gave insight into Bobby's thought process and behaviors.
I only saw Bobby through q!Jaiden's eyes before, so now seeing his adventures outside of that makes me love getting to know him even more. I gotta say he was a pretty troubled kid in life. Happy and loved, yes, but spoiled by a platonic father and mother who praised him endlessly. He often acted violently towards others to loving support from q!Jaiden and q!Roier (not that they are bad parents; they were some of the better pairs, but perhaps were too supportive of their little Bobby). It got to a point where he would consistently act out in search of approval until violence was just the norm. He was always nice to q!Jaiden, but with just q!Roier he got fairly violent, probably from the type of adventures the two would go on day-to-day. His parents would refer to him as a “Mama's Boy.” 
Bobby's actions include:
•threatening to kill anything that moved
•burning things
•tasering and shooting people (his parents as well as eggs and other islanders)
•frequently getting into fights
It was a common greeting from Bobby to be punched or tasered (what a wild little guy).
But, Bobby did care about people! Just, kinda in his own angry way?
He was angry, yes, but we see a moment where he lets some of that anger go once he thought about how q!Charlie (q!Slimecicle) felt after Tilin’s death. Gegg explained how terrible it must’ve been for q!Charlie to live with his guilt. There was an incident where he accidentally killed the egg he was watching over, Tilín, who was not only his daughter’s best friend, but his niece as well. Then, when leaving to go into exile to ensure he wouldn't hurt anyone else and saying goodbye to his daughter, Juanaflipa, she would die soon after. Gegg and Bobby would hangout atop a hill by q!Roier's house and talk for a bit before parting ways. The last sign Gegg was going to post originally said, 
"I really hope you make it", but he would change his words and write just, “Gegg”, not wanting to give away his real identity or maybe feeling his words were not appropriate. Part of me wishes he had said it. Maybe Bobby would've taken those words to heart the next few days after…
Bobby would die while exploring a dungeon with q!Roier on a notably laggy day on the server, ending his 2nd and final life.
BTW, Gegg is q!Charlie. It's uh… a bit of backstory.
So, he turned himself into an egg to be loved as one and also grieve for his daughter, Juanaflipa, who recently died. It started as a scheme between him and another player, q!Quackity. They devised using this “egg costume” to get close to players and steal from them, but as soon as Gegg was introduced, Charlie would forget he wasn't actually an egg and is continuing to live as Gegg while saying he is still in exile. It turned into a story of a father’s grief and the coping mechanisms he turns to to deal with the pain and…
I am
so invested in this Egg Minecraft series.
I used to not understand SMPs, there was once a time where friends and I made fun of DSMP fans for liking the silly minecraft rp…
But, oh man, I get it now:
This series is really cool and I'm so here for the story and characters and overall silliness that happens.
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the-crimson · 1 year
Ok update on my theory about what happened today after reading up more on Jaiden’s pov.
I still think it was the federation that assassinated Pomme. It makes no sense with the previously established binary entities behavior for it to change so drastically.
Yes, it got its ass beat the other day but it did when it was targeting Dapper as well. Bbh 100% out played the binary entity’s attack against Dapper and it learned/adapted. During its second and successful attack against dapper, it adapted via breaking the waystone, ambushing the players while they were building/distracted and on a precarious terrain, and placing lava to both cut down everyone’s health as well as making it even more difficult to run away. These adaptions make 100% sense after the first failed attack. These are logical leaps adaptions based on direct experience from previous failed attacks.
The jump in ability and drastic change in strategy the entity showed today is insane and makes no sense from a storytelling pov. But it makes a whole lot of sense if the entity was NOT the binary entity but was trying to frame the binary entity.
Now to Jaiden, Roier, and Cucorucho. The apple thing was one hell of a coincidence XD like it’s such a coincidence that I almost think irl Jaiden knew her character was going to be framed by Pomme’s death and intentionally tossed it out for good measure - but that’s just a crack conspiracy theory and is like 99% not true lol
Jaiden told cucorucho that she wants Bobby back and to protect all of the eggs. It is VERY possible cucorucho only listened to the first part, wanting Bobby back, and traded one of Pomme’s lives for it without telling Jaiden. Only time will tell.
Also, bbh clarified that he doesn’t suspect Jaiden of making a deal to sacrifice Pomme or anything, he thinks she is being used/framed by the federation.
Why the Federation would assassinate Pomme is a big question mark tho. The only reason I could think of would be to revive Bobby for Jaiden some how or perhaps to push the players to look to the federation for protection against the binary entities.
In that case - the binary entities have been attacking for weeks but the players have remained independent from the federation, seeking to protect the eggs themselves. However, Pomme’s assassination shows that there is literally nothing the players can do to save their children. The binary entities are trying to threaten the players so they leave and until now have been fallible. They can be outsmarted and killed via outside forces (fall damage and iron golems/mobs bbh mvp XD) Pomme’s assassination showed a completely different tune. What ever attacked Pomme was invis and one shoted all of them. This isn’t a threat to leave. This is a destroyer of hope.
The entity blindsided Philza and Pomme while Cucorucho is being so helpful to Jaiden and helping to protect the eggs somehow. Cucorucho is reach out trying to “help” the exact same time this invincible being kills Pomme.
The thing that gets me is why was the being invisible. It didn’t need to be. It could have teleported behind Phil and one shot him before moving onto the helpless Pomme to kill her and being visibile would have changed nothing. The only reason would be to hide the beings appearance. Why would they hide its appearance? Because it wasn’t the binary entity. It was able to disguise its “name” to frame the binary entity hoping no one would think too hard about all the differences in the attack patterns.
I suppose only time will tell but for now I refuse to believe this was the binary entity lol there is too much evidence pointing otherwise.
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