#jaeden lieberher x male reader
imbadatwrighting · 1 year
If your orders are open can I request a bill denbrough x male reader fluff or angst? The plot can be anything because there are literally no bill x male readers and I really want one.
I was originally going to make this angst but I don’t trust myself to make amazing angst just yet also sorry this took awhile I didn’t see it until 3 days after it was asked 😭
Late night cuddles
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Pairing: Bill Denbrough x M!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Bill and [name] finally can get some alone time without the crew even if it’s only possible around midnight
Warnings: implied mentions of homophobia & me switching the pov by accident and also it’s kinda short ngl
“Red or blue?”
“R-red,” a voice spoke up, not letting their eyes fall off the food they were currently cutting up, yet knowing that the male sitting down on the couch was talking about which blanket to bring.
“Bill, are you sure you want to bring food with us? By the time we get there it’ll already be 6am,” another voice spoke, walking over to the male in the kitchen, wrapping their arms around his waist and leaning their head on his shoulder.
“I’m a-almost d-done [name], give me another s-second,” the boy replied, starting to slowly sway with the taller boy.
He only received a hum as a reply as the slightly older male readjusted his head to now be placed on top of Bill’s head.
“Swedish fish? You know I don’t like those,” [name] spoke up looking at the small bag of Swedish fish go into Bill’s book bag with the rest of the food.
“T-then don’t e-eat t-them. They’re n-not for y-you,” the other male let out a chuckle soon letting go of Bill’s waist and grabbing the book bag which he put in his back.
“Come on Bill. We don’t have all day you know. Grab your coat and lets go.”
“C-coming,” grabbing the last of the things you and Bill would need, Bill rushed out the door promptly after you.
He gotten his bike and wheeled to catch up with you who gotten a head start and is already way ahead of him. However, it didn’t take long for him to catch up with you soon only being a short distance behind you.
“B-Beverly told m-me t-to tell you t-that she w-wants to m-meet up t-tomorrow just the t-two of y-you,” Bill spoke up. Looking to see if you would have a visible reaction but all he got was a low pitched hum.
“Did she say what time?”
“S-she said t-to tell you ‘t-the s-same as a-always.”
The boy ahead of him never looked back to see Bill yet knew what was going on. “You have no reason to be nervous my love. It’s probably nothing she just asks me on advice about certain things sometimes. Trust me that’s it,” the boy spoke in a quiet and calm voice, and deep at the same time.
The boy behind you blushed a deep shade of red, turning his head to look at the houses he was passing. “I-I’m n-not n-nervous,” he mumbled quietly under his breath yet you could hear him anyways.
You let out a chuckle at your boyfriend’s reaction then speeding up when getting closer to the destination.
“Come on love, I’m here already yet you’re still wallowing in self-pity,” Bill’s face got even redder as he rushed to get over to you and off his bike.
You started to get the things that you put in the basket on your bike but was interrupted by a face smushing itself into your chest.
You looked around seeing the hills and forest around you to make sure no one could see you, knowing it would only make things worse for Bill and cause him to be more embarrassed.
Once you saw no one was looking you slowly and calmly dropped the things you were holding and wrapped your arms around Bill.
“Come on Bill. We can relax all we want when we get situated,” you slowly pushed Bill away from you and picked your things back up.
He grabbed the things that he was carrying and walked up the hill behind you. Looking around he could see some neighborhoods in the distance but both of you aren’t close enough for them to see you and him.
“D-do you t-think we’ll be c-caught?” Bill asked you, imagining the worst scenarios of some adult or teen finding you guys.
“At 12am? I doubt it,” you replied calming Bill’s worries.
“Y-yeah I g-guess y-your right.”
“Always am,” you joked when you reached the top of the hill. Laying the blanket on the fluffy hill and putting your stuff down you then sat down facing the direction of the town.
Bill sat down next to your, leaning his head on your shoulder while you kept staring off in the distance.
“A-are you s-sure?” You looked over at Bill who pulled his head up and looked back at you only to see you put a small smile on your face.
You grabbed him suddenly with both arms and pulled him down in the way in the grass, making him let out a small squeak.
Laughing you positioned your self on top of him with your arms on both sides of his head.
You cooled off and rolled over to the left side of him where he wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled his head into your chest.
“If we are then I don’t care. If we do get caught it’ll be by some crackhead and who’s going to believe them. Especially when they’re saying they found the Bill Denbrough cuddling [name] [last name] the ultimate ‘playboy’.”
He hummed along with that, slightly tightening his grasp on you while you payed to mind to it and stared up at the stars with one hand under your head and the other one holding into Bill.
“I l-love you.” Bill mumbled quietly slowly starting to fall asleep.
“I love you too.”
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evereinefaust · 3 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐎𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Jaeden Lieberher/Martell X afab!Reader
Synopsis: MC hadn't experienced happiness as often in recent years. The only sanctuary that she had was that one time she watched a movie and fell in love with the main character. And after a fateful meeting with that actor, reality finally dawned on her.
Word Count: 2,690
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I groaned as the sun's rays invaded my room through the windows. I really hate it when the light shines down my closed eyes, it makes it harder to sleep. Though I know that I have to wake up and do my usual shit. I rubbed my eyes and tried to remove the sleep while I propped my elbows on the mattress to lift my upper body. I can hear the birds singing and the noisy people outside. It's just another usual day in my hometown. 
After stretching my body, I got off the bed. I went over to my closet to pick my clothes for today which were white, long-sleeved, off-shoulder, cropped top with a black bunny design, a black sleeveless shirt underneath it, a high-waist, black, flared skirt, and lastly, black heels. I planned on eating breakfast outside since I'm too lazy to make something to eat for today. My parents are very busy this week and are barely home. I didn't let it get to me though, considering how distant I am from them, I'm already used to being alone most of the time. 
I closed my closet and with the clothes in my arms, I went to the bath to do my usual stuff. After 30 minutes of preparation, I then went out of my house and walked towards the nearest Starbucks in town. My eyes scanned over my usual surroundings and admired nature. Every time I decided to take a walk outside, I always brought my journal and sketchbook. It is my only way to escape from reality, after all.
A sigh escaped my lips as I slowed my steps, letting my gaze fall onto the concrete sidewalk. I don't usually let loneliness get to me, but there are really times that I can't help but feel depressed. I let my mind wander off for a bit as I continued my walk down the town, my legs automatically moved to where Starbucks is. I was pretty sure that I was nearing the cafe so I returned my gaze up, only to have my eyes widen in shock.
I am utterly surprised by what I saw — or rather, who I saw. That brown hair. Those green eyes. He is here. Exiting the same Starbucks that I was about to go in. Unconsciously, my feet dragged my body towards him. He was about to leave and I practically ran towards him.
"Excuse me," I gently tapped the male on his shoulder.
The boy turned around to look at me. Shit, he is too handsome. I saw that he was surprised but nevertheless smiled at me.
"Hi, what can I help you with?"
Honestly speaking, I can't believe why I haven't fainted yet. My heart was rapidly beating against my ribcage, my face was flushed due to nervousness and I could feel my whole body heating up. You could even say that I'm blushing right now. I mean, who wouldn't? The one and only Jaeden Lieberher is here, standing in front of my very eyes. His gentle smile sent butterflies fluttering in the pits of my stomach and I could literally melt from his gaze.
Shit. I can't believe I stuttered in front of my idol.
"You're Jaeden Lieberher, right?" I asked, even though I already knew it.
Call me crazy but I just wanted to make sure my crush and idol was really standing in front of me, not just any person looking similar to him.
Jaeden nodded. Thank god it's really him.
"Um... I'm a fan and I was wondering if I could have a picture with you?" I let my gaze downwards, feeling embarrassed to even ask him such a request.
I was pretty sure that he would decline my request. I mean, he is a famous actor and thousands of thousands of fans out there also want to take a picture with him. A lot of people wanted to meet their favorite idols in real life and I am lucky enough to be able to spot him here in my hometown. Even though it is just a simple request, I'm pretty sure that he is too busy to fulfill my stupid request.
Ugh! I'm so annoyed with myself! Geez, [Name]! You're already lucky to even spot Jaeden in your hometown, yet you still took the liberty to disturb him in his daily life. He has better things to do rather than entertain you, you stupid! I was so busy reprimanding myself that I didn't realize that Jaeden was speaking to me. I snapped out of my short trance and glanced back at him, my cheeks blushing in embarrassment.
"Huh? I'm sorry, can you repeat what you said?" I feel so awkward. If Jaeden wasn't here I would face-palm due to my stupidity.
The brunette just chuckled. "I said, sure. I won't mind having a picture with you."
My heart skipped a beat yet again. I can feel myself smiling a bit despite being in such a confounded state. My hand instantly fished out my phone from my small sling bag. I opened the device and switched to the camera. While I held the phone up, Jaeden scooted a bit at my side, making our arms brush against each other. This unexpected outcome made me even more flustered. And that's not all! Jaeden offered to take the picture instead!
I pursed my lips, trying to fight the urge to hug the boy and calm myself down. I know that I'm being a bit unsettled, but who wouldn't be when in the presence of their favorite idol? Anyways, Jaeden lifted the phone up and adjusted himself so that we could fit in the screen properly. He rested his hand on my other shoulder as he neared his face to mine, our cheeks almost touching. I tried to contain my huge smile and retain a calm exterior, despite having internal chaos within me.
I clenched my heart, hoping that it would somehow make my heartbeat slow down. After three consecutive shots, Jaeden returned my phone and I instantly thanked him for fulfilling my request. Even though I knew that this meeting was purely coincidental, I still believed that it was fate that made us meet.
I scanned the pictures Jaeden took and a smile etched on my face. "These photos are great... Thanks again."
"It's no problem."
Though, as soon as he said that, my smile turned into a frown. I can't help but think about today. Sure, I meet my idol and have a picture with him. A part of me says that this interaction is enough, however, the other argues that I should spend more time with him. You know, cherish the moment. After all, don't let an opportunity slip past you. If you don't take the chances given to you, it might never return and you might regret it.
I stood there for a while, staring at the screen and clenching my sketchpad with my other hand. I can see my reflection through the glass screen. My eyes contained sadness that I never once knew I had. My lips sported that same frown I always wear every day. It just... hurts.
"Hey," a soft voice broke my trance.
"Huh?" I whipped my head back to the speaker, and surprisingly, it was still Jaeden.
I thought that he would leave by now. But recalling our last conversation, I really didn't bid him goodbye. He must've waited for me to say it so he could go. Though I thought he would be the one to initiate that, especially if he's busy and wanted to avoid another fan. Maybe he's too shy to do so, who knows...
"I realized that you were holding a sketchbook earlier. If you want, I can give you an autograph," he offered, sending me a shy smile as he scratched his temple a bit.
Jaeden really does melt my heart. Not only he was good-looking and talented, but he also had a sweet personality. This is one reason why I started to admire the boy.
I nodded to his reply, handing him the sketchbook in my right hand. My eyes watched as the brunette opened the pages and stopped at a blank one. He got out a black marker from his pocket and started writing his autograph. As I waited, my eyes were subconsciously stealing glances at the boy. I can't help it. He's just... something.
"Here you go," the male handed me back the sketchbook.
I smiled. "Thanks again, Jaeden. It's really kind of you to offer an autograph and answer my humble request. I appreciate it."
"You're welcome," he returned the smile with his own. "It's nice meeting you here. I hope your day will be great. I'll be going now. Goodbye."
"Bye," I waved as the figure of my idol walked away.
I remained in my spot. My hand clenched the sketchbook on my quick beating heart which eventually slowed down. My whole face was regaining back its normal color and my temperature wasn't that warm anymore. My eyes were glued to the direction Jaeden left. Another minute had passed and I let out a tired sigh.
I scolded myself for wasting my time outside the cafe and decided to return back to the routine. The bells chimed as I entered Starbucks. The female behind the cashier greeted me and even told me a great job. I just politely smiled at her. I knew that she was observing us from the inside. It was kind of awkward when I realized it. But nevertheless, what is done is done. I can't contemplate it any longer.
I went to the counter and ordered my usual breakfast, paid for it, and seated myself next to the windows. I placed my sketchpad down and fished out my journal from my bag. My eyes scanned the cover, glossing over the leather with my favorite color in it. With a defeated sigh, I opened the journal. I’ve gone through each written page, each containing my thoughts, troubles, and desperation.
Desperation is mostly brought by my secluded fantasy for a specific male. I was never a fan of any idols, to be honest, however, Jaeden was the only exception. There was something about that boy that drove me crazy. It’s funny, actually, since I’ve only seen him two times. The first was in the movie The Book of Henry and the second was the best-selling movie IT. Other than that, I’ve never seen him almost anywhere. And ever since watching those movies, I’ve started to gain interest in him.
“Ugh…” an annoyed groan escaped my lips. I clicked my tongue in annoyance and slowly brought my head down on the wooden table, closing my eyes as I did so. “What’s wrong with me?”
“Here’s your order, miss,” I heard the clank of a cup against the table followed by a plate.
I quickly regained my composure and smiled at the same lady from earlier before she went back to her spot behind the counter. Maybe some nice beverage would calm my nerves down. I picked the cup up and put it in front of my lips. With a few air blows on the hot liquid, I took a sip from it. I felt the liquid travel down my throat and it calmed me down. After placing the cup back on the saucer, I proceeded to write down today’s journal entry.
March 13, 20xx
When was the last time I felt happy? I actually can’t remember anymore… With this life of mine, there was nothing else really happening. Everything is just monotonous. My routine, my environment, my school… heck! I can’t even seem to remember when I last bonded with my parents! They were always so busy with their work that they completely forgot about me. I don’t know anymore. I’m not particularly sad, I’m just…what do you call it? Yeah, right. Empty. It’s like there was something incomplete in my life. There was no excitement, no sparks. This had gone on for many years now, and I would admit that I was used to it.
I smiled bitterly at the memories of when I was always alone at home, my parents rarely came home for dinner or family time together. It was just only me in our house. Nothing more.
However, despite the darkness, there was light. It was dim and distant, but still… it’s light. After many years, I felt somehow…alive. Hopeful. Call me stupid, but… he was my hope. I found sanctuary in Jaeden. I know that I’ve only seen him in movies, but still…! Ugh! Explaining my feelings before wasn’t that difficult. Why is it difficult to express myself now?! Of all times, why now? Ugh… anyways…
My lips were pursed together in annoyance. I paused for a while, letting my pen down on the paper. My feelings were completely jumbled. I don't want to continue writing like an idiot without any proper idea after all. I took a moment to observe the surroundings outside before continuing on. It works for me to think straight.
Jaeden…he… He’s kind and friendly, albeit shy. I felt like I was in a whole new world when I was with him. Meeting him was fate. I wouldn’t admit that it was just a coincidence. No. I wouldn’t accept that. My heart was beating uncontrollably fast when speaking to him. My body was sweating bullets when near him. My face was blushing when we were seeing eye to eye. It was just…wonderful. It was like I was in a fantasy. My fantasy.
Not only that, when I first saw him, I felt like I had a purpose in life. His acting skills inspired me. It was like I was drawn to him. I know that I’m a loner and only good at drawing, but…it doesn’t hurt to try…right? After watching him in movies and observing him on his blogs, I had this sudden urge to experience being with him. He had made friends. Great friends. While I… I’m just a loner. Whenever I think about him, my life seems to become better. My spirits were lifted like he was the cure. 
I didn't realize the smile etched on my face as I wrote this. 
I was so ecstatic that I didn’t want to wake up. It felt like a dream. A wondrous dream. But…dreams don’t last. Just like always, we have to wake up. Despite having him as an inspiration, my insecurities are still killing me. I had no talent for acting. I’m not good with people. I am shy. I am awkward. I’m…. helpless. Just by looking at us, the answer was very obvious.
Though, as soon as it was, my smile transformed again into a frown. 
There is no way for me to stand in the same podium as he is. I have no rights. I’m just a petty commoner. He’s a great actor. I have no friends. He had tons. I am talent-less. He is brilliant. And so on and so forth. The differences are just many. Our gap is too big. While he shines in the light, I am here, watching him from the darkness. He is so far away that all I can do is look up to him. I can’t seem to reach him at all.
I let out a defeated sigh, pausing for a bit. I twirled the pen in between my fingers as I let my gaze fall onto the scenery outside. It was such a wonderful day today. The skies were blue, there were some white, fluffy clouds drifting through the horizon, the trees were swaying softly, the fallen leaves were floating, and the citizens were going on their daily tasks. My eyes gradually softened and tears quietly cascaded down my cheeks.
Maybe it’s better if I should give up… After all, we live in opposite worlds.
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