snakebusters · 2 years
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Allengreerus jackyhoserae is a species of common small skink native to south-east Australia, mainly in southern Victoria and near Melbourne’s east.  It is also known under the genus name Lampropholis as Lampropholis jackyhoserae. It used to be treated as a population of the better known Lampropholis delicata, now also placed in Allengreerus Hoser, 2009, but recently obtained DNA evidence showed wide divergence and hence the full species treatment of the lizard.  It was originally described by Raymond Hoser as a subspecies of the better known animal A. delicata, which has a type locality of somewhere in north-east Queensland. learn more at:  http://www.herp.net
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snakemanaustralia · 2 years
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The small skink Allengreerus jackyhoserae was originally described by Hoser, 2012 as a subspecies of the better known form Allengreerus delicata. However DNA showed a divergence of millions of years and so it has now been elevated to full species status. It is common in southern Victoria.
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reptilemanaustralia · 4 years
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62 new species of frogs formally named on 5 June 2020. Hoser, R. T. 2020. For the first time ever! An overdue review and reclassification of Australasian Tree Frogs (Amphibia: Anura: Pelodryadidae), including formal descriptions of 12 tribes, 11 subtribes, 34 genera, 26 subgenera, 62 species and 12 subspecies new to science. AJH 44-46:1-192.
Australasian Journal of Herpetology 44-46:1-192. Published 5 June 2020. For the first time ever! An overdue review and reclassification of Australasian Tree Frogs (Amphibia: Anura: Pelodryadidae), including formal descriptions of 12 tribes, 11 subtribes, 34 genera, 26 subgenera, 62 species and 12 subspecies new to science. LSIDURN:LSID:ZOOBANK.ORG:PUB:0A14E077-B8E2-444E-B036-620B311D358D RAYMOND T. HOSER LSIDURN:LSID:ZOOBANK.ORG:AUTHOR:F9D74EB5-CFB5-49A0-8C7C-9F993B8504AE 488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3134, Australia. Phone: +61 3 9812 3322 Fax: 9812 3355 E-mail: snakeman (at) snakeman.com.au Received 4 November 2019, Accepted 2 June 2020, Published 5 June 2020. ABSTRACT For the past 200 years most, if not all Australian Tree Frogs have been treated as being in a single genus. For many years this was Hyla Laurenti, 1768, before the genus name Litoria Tschudi, 1838 was adopted by Cogger et al. (1983) and has been in general use by most herpetologists since, including Cogger (2014). Tyler and Davies (1978) divided the putative genus Litoria into 37 “species groups” and this type of classification has been used by numerous authors since, including most recently Menzies (2006) for the New Guinea species and Anstis (2014) for the Australian ones. By merging all previous molecular and morphological studies with systematic scientific methodology, including a review of all previous species and subspecies descriptions, including those of synonymised forms, all significant past papers on the group and inspection of thousands of specimens, this paper takes the logical next step of completing an overdue full family-wide reclassification of the Australiasian Tree Frogs in the Pelodryadidae. Besides resurrecting dozens of old and available names for genera and species when applicable, this paper also formally names 12 tribes, 11 subtribes, 34 genera, 26 subgenera, 62 species and 12 subspecies for the first time in accordance with the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al. 1999). It remains self-evident that the species-level diversity of the group remains underestimated, especially in New Guinea. In the face of ongoing rapid, exponential human population growth in Australia and New Guinea, habitat destruction, introduced pests and pathogens, the survival threat to many species within the Pelodryadidae has never been greater. This increases the urgency to formally identify relevant taxa in order to be able to conserve them. Keywords: Taxonomy; Tree Frog; Amphibia; nomenclature; Frog; Pelodryadidae; Australia; New Guinea; Hyla; Litoria; Ranoidea; Cyclorana; Chirodryas; Nyctimystes; Dryopsophus; Pelodryas; Drymomantis; Euscelis; Mitrolysis; Brendanura; Coggerdonia; Colleeneremia; Llewellynura; Mahonabatrachus; Mosleyia; Neophractops; Pengilleyia; Rawlinsonia; Saganura; Sandyrana; new tribe; Adelynhoserhyleini; Coggerdoniani; Cycloranini; Daraninanurini; Fiacumminganurini; Maxinehoserranini; Nyctimystini; Kumanjayiwalkerini; Pelodryanini; Pustulataranini; Saganurini; Wowranaini; new subtribes; Leucodigiranina; Ranoideina; Gedyerananina; Dryopsophina; Drymomantina; Badiohylina; Audaxurina; Rawlinsonina; Shireenhoserhylina; Salmocularanina; Sandyranina; new genus; Adelynhoserhylea; Jackyhoserhylea; Leucodigirana; Crottyrana; Gedyerana; Daraninanura; Fiacumminganurea; axinehoserranae; Angularanta; Bellarana; Fluvirana; Hopviridi; Incertanura; Inlustanura; Moechaeanura; Ornatanura; Nasuscuspis; Rotundaura; Variabilanura; Albogibba; Occultatahyla; Nigreosoculus; Badiohyla; Magnumoculus; Kumanjayiwalkerus; Audaxura; Brevicrusyla; Shireenhoserhylea; Summaviridis; Pustulatarana; Salmocularana; Paralitoria; Quasilitoria; Wowrana; new subgenus; Yikesanura; Paramitrolysis; Invisibiliaauris; Sandgroperanura; Amnisrana; Leucolatera; Ausverdarana; Vegrandihyla; Alliuma; Longuscrusanura; Naveosrana; Raucus; Scelerisqueanura; Aspercutis; Telaater; Sudesanura; Magnummanibus; Asperohyla; Ratiobrunneis; Webpede; Balatusrana; Emeraldhyla; Microlitoria; Ferelitoria; Vultusamolitoria; Parawowrana; new species; adelynhoserae; yikes; ernieswilei; jackyhoserae; flavoranae; leucodorsalinea; rosea; crottyi; sloppi; gedyei; cottoni; michaelsmythi; piloti; fiacummingae; timdalei; jarrodthomsoni; brettbarnetti; maxinehoserae; piersoni; chydaeus; communia; extentacrus; mukherjii; quaeinfernas; vulgarans; oxyeei; cuspis; fakfakensis; inluster; albatermacula; tritong; spica; leucopicturas; parscinereo; parsviridis; tomcottoni; ausviridis; celantur; northstradbrokensis; mondoensis; charlottae; doggettae; aspera; georgefloydi; ingens; kumanjayi; bogfrog; chunda; dunnyseat; watdat; wifi; ventrileuco; megaviridis; fukker; yehbwudda; chriswilliamsi; marionanstisae; pailsae; roypailsi; saxacola; mickpughi; mippughae; new subspecies; dorsaruber; occultatum; dumptrashensis; inornata; gippslandensis; leucopunctata; brunetus; toowoombaensis; tozerensis; davidtribei; dunphyi; serventyi.
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reptileparties · 2 years
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From Hoser, R. T. 2022.
Australasian Journal of Herpetology 58:40-46. Published 28 June 2022. Two new species of Cobra from South-east Asia (Serpentes: Elapidae: Naja). LSIDURN:LSID:ZOOBANK.ORG:PUB:8619509E-1EAB-42E3-87DC-B6BD094F3A71 RAYMOND T. HOSER LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:author:F9D74EB5-CFB5-49A0-8C7C-9F993B8504AE 488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3134, Australia. Phone: +61 3 9812 3322 Fax: 9812 3355 E-mail: snakeman (at) snakeman.com.au Received 1 April 2022, Accepted 15 June 2022, Published 28 June 2022. ABSTRACT In spite of a signifi cant amount of interest in True Cobras, genus Naja Laurenti, 1768, including numerous taxonomic works over the past 200 years, new forms await discovery and formal identifi cation. Recently named true cobras include Boulengerina adelynhoserae Hoser, 2013 and Boulengerina jackyhoserae Hoser, 2013. I note that recently a notorious criminal Welsh Wolfgang Wüster with an interest in venomous snakes has illegally coined some non-ICZN names in an unscientifi c publication for the same taxa. Those names should be ignored as they are at best junior synonyms and therefore cannot not used. This paper formally names two new species from south-east Asia in accordance with the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al. 1999). These are Naja reduci sp. nov. from the Lesser Sundas, Indonesia, formerly treated as an eastern population of N. sputatrix Boie, 1827, and N. latebras sp. nov. from the north-east of Thailand and nearby parts of western Cambodia and south Vietnam, from within the Mekong drainage system, formerly treated as a population of Naja kaouthia Lesson, 1831. Formal identifi cation and naming these two new species in accordance with the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al. 1999) is the fi rst and most important step in the long term protection of, and survival for, these two vulnerable snake taxa. Keywords: Herpetology; taxonomy; snake; nomenclature; Asia; Cobra; Naja; Lesser Sundas; Komodo; Rinca; Flores; Alor; Indonesia; Thailand; Cambodia; Vietnam; sputatrix; kaouthia; atra; new species; reduci; latebras
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snakebusters · 3 months
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New species of lizards. New to science.
Australasian Journal of Herpetology ® Issue 67, published 12 February 2024
New taxa formally named in Australasian Journal of Herpetology, Issue 67 (5 papers listed below). Published 12 February 2024
New Genus Pseudoegernia Hoser, 2024 New Subgenus Pertenuisscincus Hoser, 2024 Ignobilisscincus Hoser, 2024 New Species Carlia caitlinmoranae Hoser, 2024 Carlia sergeimosyakini Hoser, 2024 Ctenotus sonnemannorum Hoser, 2024 Flamoscincus arrernteorum Hoser, 2024 Flamoscincus kaprunorum Hoser, 2024 Flamoscincus pitjantjatjaraorum Hoser, 2024 Flamoscincus wiranguorum Hoser, 2024 Flamoscincus yamatjiorum Hoser, 2024 Liburnascincus bradcrossmani Hoser, 2024 Liburnascincus gregwallisi Hoser, 2024 Liburnascincus wellsei Hoser, 2024 Liopholis adelynhoserae Hoser, 2024 Liopholis faaaaaark Hoser, 2024 Liopholis jackyhoserae Hoser, 2024 Liopholis shanescarffi Hoser, 2024 Menetia admodumparva Hoser, 2024 Menetia anindilyakwa Hoser, 2024 Menetia bibbulmun Hoser, 2024 Menetia dhuae Hoser, 2024 Menetia dungayi Hoser, 2024 Menetia kullilli Hoser, 2024 Menetia langdoni Hoser, 2024 Menetia perexiguus Hoser, 2024 Menetia perpusillus Hoser, 2024 Menetia pertenuis Hoser, 2024 Menetia tanyadayae Hoser, 2024 Menetia yidinji Hoser, 2024 Pseudoegernia perthensis Hoser, 2024 Underwoodisaurus dorsei Hoser, 2024 Underwoodisaurus wellingtoni Hoser, 2024 Underwoodisaurus wellsi Hoser, 2024 New Subspecies Flamoscincus striata warumungourum Hoser, 2024 Flamoscincus striata yamajiorum Hoser, 2024 Liopholis adelynhoserae divergans Hoser, 2024 Liopholis guthega warkwoolowlerensis Hoser, 2024 Liopholis personata remota Hoser, 2024 Menetia surda facileoccultatur Hoser, 2024 Menetia surda perparvus Hoser, 2024 Menetia surda praemitis Hoser, 2024 Pygmaescincus timlowi geynyon Hoser, 2024
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snakebusters · 4 months
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By request - new to science.... 2024.
Nomenclatural Acts (51)
Genus Group
       Matherus Hoser, 2024
Species Group
       Ctenotus abba Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus absconditus Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus anthonyjacksoni Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus ap Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus arabanoo Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus binghami Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus birriwirri Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus cab Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus celerrimus Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus dakotabarnettae Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus eyreensis Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus fukdat Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus gurindji Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus ieiuniummovens Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus inveneruntusquam Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus merciecai Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus quandamooka Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus taxi Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus timhudsoni Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus vultharenae Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus whatdafuk Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus alexanderdudleyi Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus goreng Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus grantturneri Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus graysonoconnori Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus menang Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus pailsei Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus trevorhawkeswoodi Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus wellsei Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus whadjuk Hoser, 2024
       Magnuscincus brianbarnetti Hoser, 2024
       Magnuscincus eromanga Hoser, 2024
       Magnuscincus hoserae Hoser, 2024
       Magnuscincus maxinehoserae Hoser, 2024
       Matherus divergans Hoser, 2024
       Matherus matheri Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus confusaidem Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus crottyi Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus hattoni Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus julianassangei Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus katteri Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus martu Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus muski Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus oxyi Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus sloppi Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus xorum Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus yinggarda Hoser, 2024 More at http://www.herp.net
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snakebusters · 4 months
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Species new to science ....
Nomenclatural Acts (51)
Genus Group
       Matherus Hoser, 2024
Species Group
       Ctenotus abba Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus absconditus Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus anthonyjacksoni Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus ap Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus arabanoo Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus binghami Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus birriwirri Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus cab Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus celerrimus Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus dakotabarnettae Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus eyreensis Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus fukdat Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus gurindji Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus ieiuniummovens Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus inveneruntusquam Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus merciecai Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus quandamooka Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus taxi Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus timhudsoni Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus vultharenae Hoser, 2024
       Ctenotus whatdafuk Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus alexanderdudleyi Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus goreng Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus grantturneri Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus graysonoconnori Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus menang Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus pailsei Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus trevorhawkeswoodi Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus wellsei Hoser, 2024
       Kommosagogus whadjuk Hoser, 2024
       Magnuscincus brianbarnetti Hoser, 2024
       Magnuscincus eromanga Hoser, 2024
       Magnuscincus hoserae Hoser, 2024
       Magnuscincus maxinehoserae Hoser, 2024
       Matherus divergans Hoser, 2024
       Matherus matheri Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus confusaidem Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus crottyi Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus hattoni Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus julianassangei Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus katteri Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus martu Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus muski Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus oxyi Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus sloppi Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus xorum Hoser, 2024
       Tantaloscincus yinggarda Hoser, 2024
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snakemanaustralia · 2 years
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The inevitable split up of the common Australian skink lizard Allengreerus delicata AKA Lampropholis delicata into resurrected and new species (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae).
LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1BA34901-8F8A-4D4B-AC0C-9B3CA920A276 Raymond t. Hoser
488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3134, Australia.
Phone: +61 3 9812 3322 Fax: 9812 3355 E-mail: snakeman (at) snakeman.com.au
Received 9 April 2022, Accepted 22 May 2022, Published 10 June 2022.
Long known to be a species complex, the putative species originally described as Mocoa delicata De Vis, 1888, has a chequered taxonomic history.  It has since been placed in the genera Lygosoma, Leiolopisma, Lampropholis and most recently Allengreerus by Hoser (2009), based on divergence from the type species within Lampropholis Fitzinger, 1843.
Related forms have been formally named including Lampropholis longleyi Wells and Wellington, 1985 from the New England region of New South Wales, Lampropholis colossus Ingram, 1990 from the Bunya Mountains, Queensland, Allengreerus ronhoseri Hoser, 2009 from near Shepparton in northern Victoria and A. delicata jackyhoserae from Pakenham, (Melbourne), Victoria, Australia.
Cogger (2014), following from the unscientific dictates of Kaiser et al. (2013), synonymised the preceding forms with “Lampropholis delicata”, (excluding one of the least divergent of them, being L. colossus) as have more recent authors such as Wilson and Swan (2017).
This was also in the face of excellent peer reviewed scientific descriptions for each and noting that Kaiser et al. (2013) was not peer reviewed. It was in fact published in their own online “journal”.
However, the peer reviewed scientific evidence of Chapple et al. in 2011 showed that each of these preceding formally named forms diverged from the nominate form of L. delicata with a type locality of Warro Station, Port Curtis, Queensland (between Bundaberg and Rockhampton), millions of years prior.
A. longleyi diverged about 6 MYA from A. delicata; A. ronhoseri from A. longleyi about 4 MYA and A. colossus, A. delicata jackyhoserae both diverged from A. ronhoseri and from each other about 3.5 MYA, with no known genetic admixture, meaning each should be given full species-level recognition.
Besides recognizing these five previously named species, this paper formally describes and names 14 other obviously divergent forms in the same species complex in accordance with the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al. 2019), being a significant addition to the biodiversity inventory of Australia.
Each has an estimated minimum divergence from their nearest relative of at least 2 MYA.
An obviously divergent new species in the Lampropholis guichenoti Duméril and Bibron, 1839 species complex, with a 2.15-5.77 MYA divergence from its nearest relative L. swani Wells and Wellington, 1985 is also formally named for the first time.
Keywords: Taxonomy; nomenclature; Australia; Skink; lizard; Scincidae; Lampropholis; Allengreerus; delicata; longleyi; colossus; ronhoseri; jackyhoserae; guichenoti; lunneyi; swani; New species; allengreeri; brunneo; dorsei; davidmerceicai; robertwatsoni; angelikadennesae; scottgranti; rosswellingtoni; kaputarensis; trevorhawkeswoodi; richardwellsei; adelynhoserae; matheri; marulanensis; oxyi.
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snakemanaustralia · 4 years
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Learn more here at:
Australasian Journal of Herpetology 42:11-22. Published 25 April 2020. Small and overlooked … six new species of Pygmy Possum, Genus Cercartetus Gloger, 1841 sensu lato from the Australasian bioregion. LSID URN:LSID:ZOOBANK.ORG:PUB:AEC58004-7BD2-4BC1-A6D4-63A29BB62FD3 RAYMOND T. HOSER LSID urn:lsid:zoobank.org:author:F9D74EB5-CFB5-49A0-8C7C-9F993B8504AE 488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3134, Australia. Phone: +61 3 9812 3322 Fax: 9812 3355 E-mail: snakeman (at) snakeman.com.au Received 30 March 2020, Accepted 5 April 2020, Published 25 April 2020. ABSTRACT Cercartetus Gloger, 1841, better known as the iconic Pygmy Possums are a commonly seen and familiar element of the native Australasian mammal fauna to biologists and lay people alike. While numerous forms have been described as species, as listed by Bannister et al. (1988), the taxonomy in recent years has been stable, with just four species being widely recognized. A molecular phylogeny published by Osborne and Christidis (2002) indicated that based on molecular divergences there were at least six species in the genus, five of which had available names. However as of 2019 no change to the current taxonomy or nomenclature had been formally proposed or widely adopted since at least 1934. Before formally naming the newly identified species of Osborne and Christidis (2002), all specimens of all putative species within the genus from across the known ranges of each, were examined in terms of their identification, taxonomy and nomenclature. The result was five species for which names were available and already being used (one being treated as a subspecies) and six others for which no names were available. Therefore these are formally named herein in accordance with the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al. 1999). Each of the six identified species (five for the first time) are morphologically divergent from their nearest congeners, reproductively isolated and geographically allopatric and separated by biogeographical barriers of known antiquity, forming a body of evidence giving a sound scientific basis for the decision to name each. With the so-called C. caudatus linage (Long-tailed Pygmy Possum) having a16-27 MYA divergence from other members of the genus (Osborne and Christidis, 2002), and morphological divergence, a strong case is made for the creation of a separate genus or subgenus for this lineage. The name Eudromicia Mjöberg, 1916 is available and therefore used. Eudromicia has been recognized in the past as a genus by Iredale and Troughton (1934). The newly named species are Cercartetus hoserae sp. nov., from north-west Victoria and nearby parts of South Australia, previously identified as a population of C. lepidus Thomas, 1888; and four others, being Eudromicia adelynhoserae sp. nov. from North Queensland, E. jackyhoserae sp. nov. from south-east Papua New Guinea (PNG), E. richardwellsi sp. nov. from the central Highlands of PNG, E. rosswellingtoni sp. nov. from the western highlands of West Papua (Irian Jaya) Indonesia and E. doriskuenae sp. nov. from high altitude areas of the Finisterre Range in Madang and Morobe Provinces, PNG, all formerly identified as populations of C. caudatus (Milne-Edwards, 1877). This paper effectively doubles the number of known extant species within the genus Cercartetus. Keywords: Mammals; Marsupial; taxonomy; nomenclature; Pygmy Possum; Cercartetus; Eudromicia; Victoria; Australia; Queensland; Irian Jaya; New Guinea; Papua; lepidus; caudatus; nanus; concinnus; macrurus; new species; hoserae; richardwellsi; adelynhoserae; rosswellingtoni; jackyhoserae; doriskuenae
Full text at:
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snakemanaustralia · 2 years
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Allengreerus jackyhoserae (Hoser, 2012) is a common species of small lizard in southern Victoria. Learn more about these and other reptiles from the Snakeman Raymond Hoser at his hands on reptile parties.
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snakemanaustralia · 2 years
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Raymond Hoser is the world’s foremost reptile expert. He is also the foremost reptile expert in the Australian state of Victoria. He lives in the capital city of Melbourne. He has discovered and named well over a dozen species being more than 1 in 6 of all species within the Australian state of Victoria.
He has a similar ratio in terms of frog species in Victoria and similar ratios for Australia in terms of reptiles and frogs, having named more than 160 species of reptile and over 80 species of frog. There are about 400 frog species in Australia and about 1.4 K currently known reptile species in Australia. Time flies when you have fun and get involved in science and discovery .... about 1 in 6 lizard species in the State of Victoria have been discovered and named by the Snakeman Raymond Hoser, being a number far in excess of any other herpetologist ever! Without exception, all have their validity confirmed by DNA and all are ICZN recognized. Included are species from Melbourne! Below ... 5 dragons, 1 gecko and the rest skinks. An incomplete list is below: Rankinia hoserae Hoser, 2015 Rankinia jameswhybrowi Hoser, 2015 Rankinia neildaviei Hoser, 2015 Amphibolurus jacky Hoser, 2015 Underwoodisaurus mensforthi Hoser, 2016 Tympanocryptis snakebustersorum Hoser, 2019 Woolfscincus halcoggeri Hoser, 2018 Woolfscincus maraynnmartinekae Hoser, 2018 Acritoscincus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2022 Acritoscincus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2022 Acritoscincus katrinahoserae Hoser, 2022 Anepischetosia shireenhoserae Hoser, 2022 Anepischetosia simonkortlangi Hoser, 2022 Pseudemoia mcnamarai Hoser, 2022 Pseudemoia danielmannixi Hoser, 2022 Mcphieus hadynmcphiei Hoser, 2022 PS It is a similar ratio for frogs in Vic as well! Learn more at http://www.raymondhoser.com
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snakemanaustralia · 4 years
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ABSTRACT The Australian Ring-tailed Dragons of the Genus Ctenophorus Fitzinger, 1843, Subgenus Tachyon Wells and Wellington, 1985 as defined by Hoser in 2015, have been generally neglected in their taxonomy since the publication of Wells and Wellington (1985). Those authors formally divided the species Grammatophora caudicincta Günther, 1875 six ways in line with the earlier subspecies divisions of Storr (1967) and placed all into their newly created genus Tachyon. This arrangement was vehemently opposed by a group of pseudo-scientists known as the Wolfgang Wüster gang for reasons of personal animosity rather than science. Furthermore due to the ruthless and improper methods of the group (as demonstrated in a war-cry document called Kaiser et al. 2013), they have effectively forced other publishing herpetologists to refuse to accept the Wells and Wellington taxonomy and nomenclature in the three and half decades since the 1985 paper of Wells and Wellington. In spite of lies, deception and so-called smoke and mirrors as practiced by the Wolfgang Wüster gang, science progresses and in line with this, Melville et al. (2016) not only broadly validated the much lampooned taxonomy and nomenclature of Wells and Wellington (1985), but furthermore wholly validated the taxonomy of Hoser in 2015. Melville et al. (2016) also provided sound evidence of the presence of at least seven more unnamed species in the complex, all diverged from nearest ancestors in the Pliocene Epoch (at least 2.5 MYA) mirroring the morphological evidence of Storr (1967). This paper in effect combines the results of Storr (1967) with Melville et al. (2016) with the added benefit of inspection of live specimens from the seven relevant populations and all previously named forms to formally describe and name eight new species in accordance with the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al. 1999). The eighth named species is separated from others by a biogeographical barrier of known antiquity. Each is estimated to have diverged from their nearest common ancestor at least 2.5 million years prior and as they are ecologically and distributionally separated, are clearly separate species by any currently used definition. The first ever proper diagnosis of the expanded subgenus Tachyon Wells and Wellington, 1985 was published by Hoser in 2015. It has stood the test of time and is repeated in this paper. Keywords: Taxonomy; nomenclature; lizards; dragons; Agamidae; Ctenophorus; Tachyon; Grammatophora; Amphibolurus; Western Australia; Queensland; Northern Territory; Australia; Ring-tailed dragon; caudicinctus; caudicincta; yinnietharra; graafi; imbricatus; infans; macropus; mensarum; slateri; new species; adelynhoserae; jackyhoserae; katrinahoserae; lenhoseri; maxinehoserae; ronhoseri; sharonhoserae; shireenhoserae. Full text at http://www.smuggled.com/issue-42-pages-50-64.pdf
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reptilemanaustralia · 2 years
Snake man names a few hundred more species!
1835. Pseudonaja jackyhoserae Hoser, 2009 1836. Pseudonaja leswilliamsi Hoser, 2009 1837. Pseudonaja pughi Hoser, 2003 1838. Pseudonaja rollinsoni Hoser, 2009 1839. Pseudonaja whybrowi Hoser, 2009 1840. Pseudophryne burrelli Hoser, 2020 1841. Pseudophryne jasminegrantae Hoser, 2020 1842. Pseudophryne kaputarensis Hoser, 2020 1843. Pseudophryne martinekae Hoser, 2020 1844. Pseudophryne mensforthi Hoser, 2020 1845. Pseudophryne scottgranti Hoser, 2020 1846. Pseudophryne wellingtoni Hoser, 2020 1847. Pseudophryne wellsi Hoser, 2020 1848. Ptychozoon borneoensis Hoser, 2018 1849. Ptychozoon cliveevatti Hoser, 2018 1850. Ptychozoon engannoensis Hoser, 2018 1851. Ptychozoon johorensis Hoser, 2018 1852. Ptychozoon malayaensis Hoser, 2018 1853. Ptychozoon sulawesiensis Hoser, 2018 1854. Ptychozoon sumatraensis Hoser, 2018 1855. Ptychozoon wallaceaensis Hoser, 2018 1856. Pustulatarana tozerensis Hoser, 2020 1857. Pygopus brettbarnetti Hoser, 2017 1858. Pygopus woolfi Hoser, 2017 1859. Quasilitoria davidtribei Hoser, 2020 1860. Quasilitoria dunphyi Hoser, 2020 1861. Quasilitoria mickpughi Hoser, 2020 1862. Quasilitoria mippughae Hoser, 2020 1863. Quasilitoria serventyi Hoser, 2020 1864. Quasimixophyes jackyae Hoser, 2020 1865. Quattuorunguiscolotes grismeri Hoser, 2018 1866. Quazitribolonotus frankanthonyi Hoser, 2016 1867. Quazitribolonotus tomlonsdalei Hoser, 2016 1868. Raclitia oxyi Hoser, 2020 1869. Ranaster divergens Hoser, 2020 1870. Ranaster henrywajswelneri Hoser, 2020 1871. Ranaster scottyjamesi Hoser, 2020 1872. Rankinia fergussonae Hoser, 2015 1873. Rankinia hoserae Hoser, 2015 1874. Rankinia jameswhybrowi Hoser, 2015 1875. Rankinia martinekae Hoser, 2019 1876. Rankinia neildaviei Hoser, 2015 1877. Rawlinsonia ventrileuco Hoser, 2020 1878. Rosenberggekko alexanderdudleyi Hoser, 2021 1879. Rosenberggekko caudatenuis Hoser, 2021 1880. Rosenberggekko fritzmaarteni Hoser, 2021 1881. Rosenberggekko merceicai Hoser, 2021 1882. Rotundishus hayi Hoser, 2016 1883. Rubercaudatus edwardsi Hoser, 2015 1884. Saiphos hoserae Hoser, 2022 1885. Saiphos shanksi Hoser, 2022 1886. Saiphos wellingtoni Hoser, 2022 1887. Saiphos wellsi Hoser, 2022 1888. Salmocularana saxacola Hoser, 2020 1889. Salmonelaps choiseulensis Hoser, 2016 1890. Salmonelaps desburkei Hoser, 2016 1891. Salmonelaps ngelaensis Hoser, 2016 1892. Salmonelaps shortlandensis Hoser, 2016 47 47 1893. Saltuarius (Quazisaltuarius) jackyae Hoser, 2016 1894. Saltuarius adelynae Hoser, 2016 1895. Sayersus funki Hoser, 2016 1896. Sayersus idyllwildi Hoser, 2016 1897. Sayersus wellingtoni Hoser, 2020 1898. Sayersus wellsi Hoser, 2020 1899. Scelotretus daranini Hoser, 2018 1900. Scelotretus haroldcoggeri Hoser, 2018 1901. Scelotretus jenandersonae Hoser, 2018 1902. Scottyjamesus scottyjamesi Hoser, 2020 1903. Shireenhosergecko dalegibbonsi Hoser, 2018 1904. Shireenhosergecko jarradbinghami Hoser, 2018 1905. Shireenhosergecko petewhybrowi Hoser, 2018 1906. Shireenhosergecko robjealousi Hoser, 2018 1907. Shireenhosergecko shireenhoserae Hoser, 2018 1908. Shireenhoserhylea megaviridis Hoser, 2020 1909. Shireenhoserhylea shireenhoserae Hoser, 2020 1910. Shireenhosersaurea clara Hoser, 2020 1911. Shireenhosersaurea satis Hoser, 2020 1912. Shireenhosersaurea shireenhoserae Hoser, 2020 1913. Shireenhoserscincus daranini Hoser, 2019 1914. Shireenhoserscincus shireenhoserae Hoser, 2019 1915. Silubosaurus doriskuenae Hoser, 2018 1916. Silubosaurus fiacummingae Hoser, 2018 1917. Silubosaurus hoserae Hoser, 2018 1918. Silubosaurus lynettehholdsworthae Hoser, 2018 1919. Silubosaurus maxinehoserae Hoser, 2018 1920. Silubosaurus scottgranti Hoser, 2018 1921. Silvaemoia robvalentici Hoser, 2019 1922. Silvascincus adrianpapalucai Hoser, 2018 1923. Simoselaps fukdat Hoser, 2020 1924. Simpsonvipera ashokcaptaini Hoser, 2022 1925. Simpsonvipera paracaeruleus Hoser, 2022 1926. Smythkukri hunneangorum Hoser, 2014 1927. Smythus smythi Hoser, 2020 1928. Smythus teesi Hoser, 2020 1929. Somniadraco cuspisfemen Hoser, 2022 1930. Somniadraco incrediblis Hoser, 2022 1931. Stegonotus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2012 1932. Stegonotus lenhoseri Hoser, 2012 1933. Stegonotus macdowelli Hoser, 2012 1934. Strophorus burrelli Hoser, 2005 1935. Strophurus chriswilliamsi Hoser, 2017 1936. Strophurus dannybrowni Hoser, 2017 1937. Strophurus gedyei Hoser, 2017 1938. Strophurus jackyae Hoser, 2017 1939. Strophurus jenandersonae Hoser, 2017 1940. Strophurus obscurum Hoser, 2017 1941. Telescopus gocmeni Hoser, 2017 1942. Telescopus mannixi Hoser, 2017 1943. Terrenusgekko trevorhawkeswoodi Hoser, 2021 1944. Tetenditunguis gedyei Hoser, 2021 1945. Tetenditunguis hoserae Hoser, 2021 1946. Tiliqua gray, 1825 glennsheai Hoser, 2014 1947. Tiliqua gray, 1825 grantturneri Hoser, 2014 1948. Tribolonotus karkarensis Hoser, 2016 1949. Tropidechis jessejacksoni Hoser, 2016 1950. Tropidechis sadlieri Hoser, 2003 48 48 1951. Tropidonophis cottoni Hoser, 2012 1952. Tropidonophis pillotti Hoser, 2012 1953. Tropidonophis trioani Hoser, 2012 1954. Tropidonotus morotaiensis Hoser, 2020 1955. Tropidophorus joeymontebelloi Hoser, 2019 1956. Tympanocryptis alexteesi Hoser, 2015 1957. Tympanocryptis bottomi Hoser, 2015 1958. Tympanocryptis clintonlogani Hoser, 2019 1959. Tympanocryptis courtneyleitchae Hoser, 2019 1960. Tympanocryptis deniselivingstonae Hoser, 2019 1961. Tympanocryptis ianrentoni Hoser, 2019 1962. Tympanocryptis karimdaouesi Hoser, 2019 1963. Tympanocryptis lachlanheffermani Hoser, 2019 1964. Tympanocryptis marcusbrummeri Hoser, 2019 1965. Tympanocryptis markteesi Hoser, 2015 1966. Tympanocryptis optus Hoser, 2019 1967. Tympanocryptis reconnectorum Hoser, 2019 1968. Tympanocryptis samsungorum Hoser, 2019 1969. Tympanocryptis simonknolli Hoser, 2019 1970. Tympanocryptis snakebustersorum Hoser, 2019 1971. Tympanocryptis tonylovelinayi Hoser, 2019 1972. Tympanocryptis vodafone Hoser, 2019 1973. Tympanocryptis williamconnellyi Hoser, 2019 1974. Underwoodisaurus martinekae Hoser, 2016 1975. Underwoodisaurus mensforthi Hoser, 2016 1976. Underwoodisaurus perthensis Hoser, 2016 1977. Unechis crutchfieldi Hoser, 2012 1978. Unechis durhami Hoser, 2012 1979. Ungaliophis lovelinayi Hoser, 2013 1980. Uperoleia dispar Hoser, 2020 1981. Uperoleia divergans Hoser, 2020 1982. Uperoleia gedyei Hoser, 2020 1983. Uperoleia grantturneri Hoser, 2020 1984. Uperoleia jadeharrisae Hoser, 2020 1985. Uperoleia keilleri Hoser, 2020 1986. Uperoleia lowryi Hoser, 2020 1987. Uperoleia margweeksae Hoser, 2020 1988. Uperoleia maximus Hoser, 2020 1989. Uperoleia rossignolii Hoser, 2020 1990. Uperoleia shanescarffi Hoser, 2020 1991. Uropsophus elfakhariorum Hoser, 2020 1992. Uropsophus euanedwardsi Hoser, 2020 1993. Uropsophus gedyei Hoser, 2016 1994. Uropsophus hammondi Hoser, 2020 1995. Uropsophus oxyi Hoser, 2020 1996. Uropsophus rentoni Hoser, 2016 1997. Uropsophus strimplei Hoser, 2020 1998. Uropsophus swileorum Hoser, 2020 1999. Uropsophus valentici Hoser, 2020 2000. Uropsophus woolfi Hoser, 2020 2001. Uvidicolus covacevichae Hoser, 2016 2002. Varanus gedyei Hoser, 2022 2003. Variabilanura tomcottoni Hoser, 2020 2004. Variusscincus (Macrotympanoscincus) litoresaurus Hoser, 2019 2005. Ventripallidusscincus graysonoconnori Hoser, 2019 2006. Vermicella isaensis Hoser, 2019 2007. Vermicella kimberleyensis Hoser, 2019 2008. Vermicella paulmulvanyi Hoser, 2019 49 49 2009. Vermicella sloppi Hoser, 2020 2010. Vijayachelys whittoni Hoser, 2021 2011. Vipera britoi Hoser, 2015 2012. Vipera hoserae Hoser, 2015 2013. Vipera veloantoni Hoser, 2015 2014. Vipera wellingtoni Hoser, 2015 2015. Vipera wellsi Hoser, 2015 2016. Walmsleyus anstisae Hoser, 2014 2017. Wellingtonopus grahamrichardsoni Hoser, 2017 2018. Wellingtonopus matthingleyi Hoser, 2018 2019. Wellingtonopus stevebennetti Hoser, 2017 2020. Wellsopus brianbarnetti Hoser, 2017 2021. Wellsopus kylienaughtonae Hoser, 2017 2022. Wellsopus michaelguiheneufi Hoser, 2017 2023. Wellsopus richardwarneri Hoser, 2017 2024. Wellsopus robwatsoni Hoser, 2017 2025. Wellsopus shanekingi Hoser, 2017 2026. Welterschultesgekko keilleri Hoser, 2021 2027. Welterschultesgekko michaelsmythi Hoser, 2021 2028. Welterschultesgekko scottgranti Hoser, 2021 2029. Welterschultesgekko tomcottoni Hoser, 2021 2030. Wittchelys wittorum Hoser, 2021 2031. Wollumbinia darnellafrazierae Hoser, 2021 2032. Wollumbinia georgefloydi Hoser, 2021 2033. Woolfscincus halcoggeri Hoser, 2018 2034. Woolfscincus maryannmartinekae Hoser, 2018 2035. Worrellisaurus bigmoreum Hoser, 2018 2036. Worrellisaurus dalyi Hoser, 2015 2037. Worrellisaurus dannybrowni Hoser, 2018 2038. Worrellisaurus jenandersonae Hoser, 2018 2039. Worrellisaurus kimaniadilbodeni Hoser, 2018 2040. Worrellisaurus makhani Hoser, 2013 2041. Worrellisaurus microocellata Hoser, 2018 2042. Worrellisaurus scotteipperi Hoser, 2018 2043. Worrellisaurus tyeseeipperae Hoser, 2018 2044. Xenodermus crottyi Hoser, 2016 2045. Xenodermus oxyi Hoser, 2016 2046. Xenodermus sloppi Hoser, 2016
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reptilemanaustralia · 2 years
Even more species discovered by the reptile man
1487. Gehyra hangayi Hoser, 2018 1488. Geocrinia brettbarnetti Hoser, 2020 1489. Geocrinia brianbarnetti Hoser, 2020 1490. Geocrinia grampiansensis Hoser, 2020 1491. Geocrinia logani Hoser, 2020 1492. Geocrinia otwaysensis Hoser, 2020 1493. Geoemyda daranini Hoser, 2021 1494. Gerrhopilus carolinehoserae Hoser, 2012 1495. Gerrhopilus carolinehoserae Hoser, 2012 1496. Gerrhopilus carolinehoserae Hoser, 2013 1497. Glaphyromorphus latusumbra Hoser, 2022 1498. Glaphyromorphus nigreopunctata Hoser, 2022 1499. Gnypetoscincus smythi Hoser, 2016 1500. Goldsteintyphlops kirnerae Hoser, 2012 1501. Goldsteintyphlops wellingtoni Hoser, 2012 1502. Graptemys aurantiacooculus Hoser, 2021 1503. Graptemys brunneisoculus Hoser, 2021 1504. Graptemys flavooculus Hoser, 2021 1505. Gymnobelideus martinekae Hoser, 2018 1506. Hapsidophrys daranini Hoser, 2013 1507. Hapsidophrys pintaudii Hoser, 2013 1508. Hemachatus macconchiei Hoser, 2013 1509. Heosemys malayensis Hoser, 2021 1510. Heosemys turneri Hoser, 2021 1511. Heptathyra marcdorsei Hoser, 2021 1512. Heteronotia arcerii Hoser, 2022 1513. Heteronotia binghami Hoser, 2022 1514. Heteronotia crottyi Hoser, 2022 1515. Heteronotia grooteensis Hoser, 2022 1516. Heteronotia hoserae Hoser, 2022 1517. Heteronotia insularis Hoser, 2022 1518. Heteronotia jameswhybrowi Hoser, 2022 1519. Heteronotia keilleri Hoser, 2022 1520. Heteronotia maxinehoserae Hoser, 2022 1521. Heteronotia nonidem Hoser, 2022 1522. Heteronotia oxyi Hoser, 2022 1523. Heteronotia pailsi Hoser, 2022 1524. Heteronotia ruffellae Hoser, 2022 1525. Heteronotia sundayensis Hoser, 2022 1526. Heteronotia whybrowi Hoser, 2022 1527. Hieremys mekongensis Hoser, 2021 1528. Homopus bloemfonteinensis Hoser, 2021 1529. Homopus knysaensis Hoser, 2021 1530. Homopus trevorhawkeswoodi Hoser, 2021 1531. Honlamopus honlami Hoser, 2022 1532. Honlamopus megleesae Hoser, 2017 1533. Hoplocephalus boutrosi Hoser, 2016 1534. Hoplocephalus gedyei Hoser, 2016 1535. Hoserranae shaunwhitei Hoser, 2020 1536. Hosmeria shireensbogensis Hoser, 2020 1537. Hosmeria shuddafakup Hoser, 2020 1538. Hulimkai divergens Hoser, 2018 1539. Hulimkai ruber Hoser, 2018 1540. Hydromedusa meyeyouchelys Hoser, 2021 1541. Hydrosaurus kaup, 1828 alburyi Hoser, 2014 1542. Hypsilurus ruivenkamporum Hoser, 2016 1543. Incertanura cuspis Hoser, 2020 1544. Incertanura fakfakensis Hoser, 2020 41 41 1545. Infigo jackyhoserae Hoser, 2021 1546. Inlustanura inluster Hoser, 2020 1547. Innocuascincus dorsalux Hoser, 2022 1548. Innocuascincus piperlateralis Hoser, 2022 1549. Intellagama wellsandwellingtonorum Hoser, 2020 1550. Ipsofactoscincus davemerceicai Hoser, 2022 1551. Isopachys rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2020 1552. Jackyhosergecko jackyhoserae Hoser, 2018 1553. Jackyhoserhylea ernieswilei Hoser, 2020 1554. Jackyhoserhylea jackyhoserae Hoser, 2020 1555. Jackyhosersaur jackyhoserae Hoser, 2020 1556. Jackyhosertyphlops adelynhoserae Hoser, 2013 1557. Jackyhosertyphlops cliffrosswellingtoni Hoser, 2013 1558. Kankanophryne katrinahoserae Hoser, 2020 1559. Kankanophryne marcdorsei Hoser, 2020 1560. Kankanophryne maxinehoserae Hoser, 2020 1561. Katrinahoserserpenea bobbottomi Hoser, 2020 1562. Katrinahoserserpenea danielmannixi Hoser, 2020 1563. Katrinahoserserpenea daranini Hoser, 2020 1564. Katrinahoserserpenea evanwhittoni Hoser, 2020 1565. Katrinahoserserpenea mcconnachiei Hoser, 2020 1566. Katrinahoserserpenea rodneykingi Hoser, 2020 1567. Katrinus jackyae Hoser, 2003 1568. Kinixys divergentens Hoser, 2021 1569. Kinixys varians Hoser, 2021 1570. Kinosternon grantturneri Hoser, 2021 1571. Kullandergekko rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2021 1572. Kullandergekko wennigae Hoser, 2021 1573. Kumanjayiwalkerus kumanjayi Hoser, 2020 1574. Laemanctus tuxtlasensis Hoser, 2015 1575. Laemanctus viridis Hoser, 2015 1576. Lampropholis oxyi Hoser, 2022 1577. Lateratenebriscincus acrilineata Hoser, 2019 1578. Lateratenebriscincus albaaudere Hoser, 2019 1579. Lateratenebriscincus albavarietata Hoser, 2019 1580. Lateratenebriscincus etfatubrunnea Hoser, 2019 1581. Lateratenebriscincus freshsweetpotato Hoser, 2019 1582. Lateratenebriscincus gulagorum Hoser, 2019 1583. Lateratenebriscincus laterafusca Hoser, 2019 1584. Lateratenebriscincus leucolabialis Hoser, 2019 1585. Lateratenebriscincus maculaoccipitalis Hoser, 2019 1586. Lateratenebriscincus sentaniensis Hoser, 2019 1587. Lateratenebriscincus sepikensis Hoser, 2019 1588. Lateratenebriscincus tokpisinensis Hoser, 2019 1589. Leiopython barkeri Hoser, 2000 1590. Leiopython bennetti Hoser, 2000 1591. Leiopython hoserae Hoser, 2000 1592. Liasis cyrilhoseri Hoser, 2015 1593. Liasis sharonhoserae Hoser, 2015 1594. Libertadictus (Robinwitttyphlops) jackyhoserae Hoser, 2013 1595. Libertadictus (Slopptyphlops) richardwellsi Hoser, 2013 1596. Libertadictus (Suewitttyphlops) sloppi Hoser, 2013 1597. Limnodynastes alexantenori Hoser, 2020 1598. Limnodynastes cameronganti Hoser, 2020 1599. Limnodynastes shanescarffi Hoser, 2020 1600. Liopeltis borneoiensis Hoser, 2013 1601. Liopeltis brummeri Hoser, 2013 1602. Liopeltis philippinesiensis Hoser, 2013 42 42 1603. Liopholis dannygoodwini Hoser, 2018 1604. Litotescincus colinrayi Hoser, 2022 1605. Litotescincus evanwhittoni Hoser, 2022 1606. Litotescincus fiacummingae Hoser, 2022 1607. Litotescincus martinekae Hoser, 2022 1608. Litotescincus wellsi Hoser, 2016 1609. Llewellynura fukker Hoser, 2020 1610. Llewellynura yehbwudda Hoser, 2020 1611. Lobulia oliveetfatua Hoser, 2019 1612. Lophognathus wellingtoni Hoser, 2015 1613. Loveridgelaps fiacummingae Hoser, 2016 1614. Loveridgelaps josephburkei Hoser, 2016 1615. Loveridgelaps sloppi Hoser, 2016 1616. Loveridgelaps yeomansi Hoser, 2016 1617. Lycophidion woolfi Hoser, 2013 1618. Macmillanus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2012 1619. Macquaria honlami Hoser, 2020 1620. Macquaria hoserae Hoser, 2020 1621. Macrocalamus wellingtoni Hoser, 2020 1622. Macrocalamus wellsei Hoser, 2020 1623. Macrocerastes funki Hoser, 2013 1624. Macrocerastes hoserae Hoser, 2013 1625. Macrocerastes wellingtoni Hoser, 2013 1626. Macrocerastes wellsi Hoser, 2013 1627. Macrochelys maxhoseri Hoser, 2013 1628. Macrochelys muscati Hoser, 2013 1629. Macropogonomys aplini Hoser, 2020 1630. Macropogonomys blacki Hoser, 2020 1631. Macropogonomys gedyei Hoser, 2020 1632. Macropogonomys maxhoseri Hoser, 2020 1633. Macropogonomys mickpughi Hoser, 2020 1634. Macropogonomys mippughae Hoser, 2020 1635. Madascincus nosymangabeensis Hoser, 2015 1636. Mahonabatrachus chriswilliamsi Hoser, 2020 1637. Mahonabatrachus marionanstisae Hoser, 2020 1638. Mahonabatrachus pailsae Hoser, 2020 1639. Mahonabatrachus roypailsi Hoser, 2020 1640. Malayocolotes cassandracampbellae Hoser, 2019 1641. Mannixsaurus matthingleyi Hoser, 2018 1642. Marlenegecko (Marlenegecko) shireenhoserae Hoser, 2017 1643. Marlenegecko davidcharitoni Hoser, 2017 1644. Marlenegecko eungellaensis Hoser, 2017 1645. Matteoea dorosioi Hoser, 2020 1646. Matteoea matteoae Hoser, 2020 1647. Matteoea sommerichi Hoser, 2020 1648. Maxinehoserranae brettbarnetti Hoser, 2020 1649. Maxinehoserranae maxinehoserae Hoser, 2020 1650. Maxinehoserranae piersoni Hoser, 2020 1651. Mcphieus hadynmcphiei Hoser, 2022 1652. Mcphieus michaelmatheri Hoser, 2022 1653. Mcphieus scottgranti Hoser, 2022 1654. Megaerophis masalbidus Hoser, 2018 1655. Megaerophis promontoriumrursus Hoser, 2018 1656. Metacrinia bettyswileae Hoser, 2020 1657. Metacrinia wilhelminahughesae Hoser, 2020 1658. Mitrolysis (Invisibiliaauris) flavoranae Hoser, 2020 1659. Mitrolysis (Invisibiliaauris) leucodorsalinea Hoser, 2020 1660. Mitrolysis (Paramitrolysis) inornata Hoser, 2020 43 43 1661. Mitrolysis dumptrashensis Hoser, 2020 1662. Mixophyes (Quasimixophyes) hoserae Hoser, 2020 1663. Mixophyes couperi Hoser, 2016 1664. Mixophyes shireenae Hoser, 2016 1665. Moechaeanura (Telaater) spica Hoser, 2020 1666. Moechaeanura albatermacula Hoser, 2020 1667. Moechaeanura tritong Hoser, 2020 1668. Moloch browni Hoser, 2022 1669. Moloch granti Hoser, 2022 1670. Montivipera europa Hoser, 2016 1671. Montivipera snakebustersorum Hoser, 2016 1672. Montivipera yeomansi Hoser, 2016 1673. Morelia gray, 1842 cliffrosswellingtoni Hoser, 2018 1674. Morelia gray, 1842 harrisoni Hoser, 2000 1675. Morelia gray, 1842 macburniei Hoser, 2003 1676. Morelia gray, 1842 mippughae Hoser, 2003 1677. Morelia gray, 1842 wellsi Hoser, 2012 1678. Mosleyia (Amnisrana) michaelsmythi Hoser, 2020 1679. Mosleyia (Amnisrana) pilloti Hoser, 2020 1680. Mosleyia cottoni Hoser, 2020 1681. Motteramus floresensis Hoser, 2022 1682. Naja latebras Hoser, 2022 1683. Naja reduci Hoser, 2022 1684. Narophis cliffrosswellingtoni Hoser, 2020 1685. Narophis richardwellsei Hoser, 2020 1686. Nebulifera merceicai Hoser, 2017 1687. Neophractops rosea Hoser, 2020 1688. Nephrurus (Nephrurus) bulliardi Hoser, 2016 1689. Nephrurus (Quazinephrurus) coreyrentoni Hoser, 2016 1690. Nephrurus (Quazinephrurus) ianrentoni Hoser, 2016 1691. Nephrurus blacki Hoser, 2016 1692. Nephrurus kimberleyae Hoser, 2016 1693. Nephrurus saxacola Hoser, 2016 1694. Notanemoia cathysonnemannae Hoser, 2019 1695. Notanemoia georgemariolisi Hoser, 2019 1696. Notanemoia karlagambellae Hoser, 2019 1697. Notanemoia neilsonnemanni Hoser, 2019 1698. Nothoserphus mirabilis Brues, 1940 1699. Notopseudonaja rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2022 1700. Notopseudonaja wellsi Hoser, 2013 1701. Notoscincus fereflecka Hoser, 2022 1702. Notoscincus flecka Hoser, 2022 1703. Notoscincus monodorsa Hoser, 2022 1704. Notoscincus whoa Hoser, 2022 1705. Nyctimystes (Asperohyla) aspera Hoser, 2020 1706. Nyctimystes (Asperohyla) georgefloydi Hoser, 2020 1707. Nyctimystes (Magnummanibus) charlottae Hoser, 2020 1708. Nyctimystes (Magnummanibus) doggettae Hoser, 2020 1709. Nyctimystes mondoensis Hoser, 2020 1710. Obscuraskinkus (Sparsuskinkus) divergens Hoser, 2022 1711. Obscuraskinkus neglectus Hoser, 2022 1712. Ocellatalbum alexdudleyi Hoser, 2022 1713. Ocellatalbum assangei Hoser, 2022 1714. Ocellatalbum dannygoodwini Hoser, 2022 1715. Odatria bennymcnamarai Hoser, 2022 1716. Odatria darrenkeilleri Hoser, 2022 1717. Odatria davidhancocki Hoser, 2018 1718. Odatria funki Hoser, 2014 44 44 1719. Odatria hawkeswoodi Hoser, 2013 1720. Odatria honlami Hoser, 2013 1721. Odatria hoserae Hoser, 2013 1722. Odatria jimgreenwoodi Hoser, 2018 1723. Odatria maderi Hoser, 2014 1724. Odatria nini Hoser, 2013 1725. Odatria sawuensis Hoser, 2022 1726. Oedura bulliardi Hoser, 2017 1727. Oedura rentonorum Hoser, 2017 1728. Oedura whartoni Hoser, 2017 1729. Oedurella (Parvusdactylus) alba Hoser, 2017 1730. Oedurella (Parvusdactylus) garystephensoni Hoser, 2017 1731. Oedurella (Parvusdactylus) jamielindi Hoser, 2017 1732. Oedurella (Parvusdactylus) sonnemanni Hoser, 2017 1733. Oedurella minima Hoser, 2017 1734. Oopholis adelynhoserae Hoser, 2012 1735. Oopholis jackyhoserae Hoser, 2012 1736. Oopholis oxyi Hoser, 2018 1737. Opacitascincus ugh Hoser, 2022 1738. Ophiomorus macconchiei Hoser, 2015 1739. Ophioscincus paulwoolfi Hoser, 2020 1740. Oreocalamus turneri Hoser, 2020 1741. Orlitia perakensis Hoser, 2021 1742. Ornatanura leucopicturas Hoser, 2020 1743. Ornatanura parscinereo Hoser, 2020 1744. Ornatanura parsviridis Hoser, 2020 1745. Oxychelys oxyi Hoser, 2021 1746. Oxyuranus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2009 1747. Oxyuranus andrewwilsoni Hoser, 2009 1748. Oxyuranus barringeri Hoser, 2002 1749. Pailsus hoserae Hoser, 2013 1750. Pailsus pailsei Hoser, 1998 1751. Pailsus rossignollii Hoser, 2000 1752. Panacedechis trevorhawkeswoodi Hoser, 2009 1753. Pantherosaurus bulliardi Hoser, 2015 1754. Pantherosaurus maxhoseri Hoser, 2015 1755. Pantherosaurus queenslandensis Hoser, 2015 1756. Paracrinia funki Hoser, 2020 1757. Paracrinia lenhoseri Hoser, 2020 1758. Paramixophyes piersoni Hoser, 2016 1759. Paramixophyes yeomansi Hoser, 2016 1760. Pareas malayensis Hoser, 2016 1761. Pareas sumatrensis Hoser, 2016 1762. Parvavaranus apicemalba Hoser, 2020 1763. Parvavaranus ignis Hoser, 2020 1764. Parvavaranus pyrrhus Hoser, 2020 1765. Pelleyus pelleyi Hoser, 2015 1766. Pelleyus punjabensis Hoser, 2015 1767. Pelochelys clivepalmeri Hoser, 2014 1768. Pelochelys telstraorum Hoser, 2014 1769. Pelomedusa alexstaszewskii Hoser, 2021 1770. Pelomedusa dannygoodwini Hoser, 2021 1771. Pelomedusa darrenkeilleri Hoser, 2021 1772. Pelomedusa shannonmcgrathi Hoser, 2021 1773. Pelusios divergentans Hoser, 2021 1774. Pelusios lynnrawi Hoser, 2021 1775. Petaurus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2020 1776. Petrogale hoserae Hoser, 2020 45 45 1777. Petrogale martinekae Hoser, 2020 1778. Petrogale ordensis Hoser, 2020 1779. Petrogale pentecostensis Hoser, 2020 1780. Philippinedraco brunneis Hoser, 2022 1781. Philippinedraco graysoni Hoser, 2022 1782. Philippinedraco toscanoi Hoser, 2022 1783. Philocryphus hoserae Hoser, 2019 1784. Phryia paulhorneri Hoser, 2018 1785. Piersonus bartletti Hoser, 2020 1786. Pilgerus assangei Hoser, 2014 1787. Pilgerus macki Hoser, 2014 1788. Pilgerus mooreae Hoser, 2014 1789. Pilgerus nardellai Hoser, 2014 1790. Platyplectron gerrymarantellii Hoser, 2020 1791. Platyplectron snakemansbogensis Hoser, 2020 1792. Platyplectron timjamesi Hoser, 2020 1793. Platyplectrum shaneblacki Hoser, 2016 1794. Pogonomys sharonhoserae Hoser, 2020 1795. Pointednasus (Viridihaema) extentadigitus Hoser, 2019 1796. Pointednasus (Viridihaema) flavopalpebrae Hoser, 2019 1797. Pointednasus (Viridihaema) labiamarmorata Hoser, 2019 1798. Pointednasus (Viridihaema) makiraensis Hoser, 2019 1799. Pointednasus (Viridihaema) ventriiridescens Hoser, 2019 1800. Pointednasus clavoflavoviridis Hoser, 2019 1801. Pointednasus currearbor Hoser, 2019 1802. Pointednasus flavorecta Hoser, 2019 1803. Pointednasus widerecta Hoser, 2019 1804. Potorous waddahyamin Hoser, 2020 1805. Proablepharus absconditus Hoser, 2022 1806. Proablepharus alexanderdudleyi Hoser, 2022 1807. Proablepharus elonginquo Hoser, 2022 1808. Proablepharus eughr Hoser, 2022 1809. Proablepharus garystephensoni Hoser, 2022 1810. Proablepharus igh Hoser, 2022 1811. Proablepharus insolitum Hoser, 2022 1812. Proablepharus jessicabriggsae Hoser, 2022 1813. Proablepharus martinekae Hoser, 2022 1814. Proablepharus micra Hoser, 2022 1815. Proablepharus stevebennetti Hoser, 2022 1816. Pseudechis eipperi Hoser, 2003 1817. Pseudechis rentoni Hoser, 2003 1818. Pseudemoia danielmannixi Hoser, 2022 1819. Pseudemoia davidkerryi Hoser, 2022 1820. Pseudemoia mcnamarai Hoser, 2022 1821. Pseudochirops (Sloppossum) chrismaxwelli Hoser, 2020 1822. Pseudochirops fiacummingae Hoser, 2020 1823. Pseudochirops jamesbondi Hoser, 2020 1824. Pseudochirops waddamaddawidyu Hoser, 2020 1825. Pseudodelma cummingae Hoser, 2017 1826. Pseudomys (Farkmys) albapes Hoser, 2020 1827. Pseudomys (Ohmys) griseorursus Hoser, 2020 1828. Pseudomys (Ohmys) pesrosea Hoser, 2020 1829. Pseudomys (Oimys) pellicauda Hoser, 2020 1830. Pseudomys (Ouchmys) luxauris Hoser, 2020 1831. Pseudomys (Ouchmys) occultatum Hoser, 2020 1832. Pseudonaja charlespiersoni Hoser, 2009 1833. Pseudonaja cliveevattii Hoser, 2009 1834. Pseudonaja elliotti Hoser, 2003
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reptilemanaustralia · 2 years
More species discovered and named by Snakeman!
1197. Caeruleocaudascincus clivebennetti Hoser, 2019 1198. Caeruleocaudascincus craigbennetti Hoser, 2019 1199. Caeruleocaudascincus danielbennetti Hoser, 2019 1200. Caeruleocaudascincus drubennetti Hoser, 2019 1201. Caeruleocaudascincus jaibennetti Hoser, 2019 1202. Caeruleocaudascincus kamahlbenneti Hoser, 2019 1203. Caeruleocaudascincus lucybennettae Hoser, 2019 1204. Caeruleocaudascincus stevebennetti Hoser, 2019 1205. Caeruleocaudascincus williambennetti Hoser, 2019 1206. Caimanops aurantiaco Hoser, 2019 1207. Caimanops leucolateralis Hoser, 2019 1208. Calloselasma oxyi Hoser, 2018 1209. Calyptotis bunyaensis Hoser, 2022 1210. Calyptotis greerae Hoser, 2022 1211. Candoia boutrosi Hoser, 2016 1212. Candoia georgekonstandinoui Hoser, 2016 1213. Candoia georgemacintyrei Hoser, 2016 1214. Candoia hoserae Hoser, 2016 1215. Candoia iansimpsoni Hoser, 2013 1216. Candoia jamiekonstandinoui Hoser, 2016 1217. Candoia kimmooreae Hoser, 2016 1218. Candoia louisemcgoldrickae Hoser, 2016 1219. Candoia malcolmmclurei Hoser, 2016 1220. Candoia niraikanukiwai Hoser, 2016 1221. Candoia simonmcgoldricki Hoser, 2016 1222. Candoia woolfi Hoser, 2016 1223. Cannia aplini Hoser, 2001 1224. Cannia burgessi Hoser, 2001 1225. Cannia newmani Hoser, 2001 1226. Carphodactylus hoserae Hoser, 2016 1227. Caudatenebrosus divergans Hoser, 2022 1228. Caudatenebrosus rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2022 1229. Caudisona evatti Hoser, 2020 1230. Causus perkinsi Hoser, 2013 1231. Celertenues bobbottomi Hoser, 2017 1232. Celertenues evanwhittoni Hoser, 2017 1233. Celertenues helengrasswillae Hoser, 2017 1234. Cercartetus hoserae Hoser, 2020 1235. Chamaelycus euanedwardsi Hoser, 2013 1236. Charlespiersonserpens charlespiersoni Hoser, 2014 1237. Charlespiersonserpens jackyhoserae Hoser, 2013 1238. Charlespiersonserpens tyeipperae Hoser, 2012 1239. Chelodina (Supremechelys) duboisi Hoser, 2014 1240. Chelodina brisbaneensis Hoser, 2014 1241. Chelonoidis fiacummingae Hoser, 2021 1242. Chelonoidis hoserae Hoser, 2021 1243. Chelonoidis woolfi Hoser, 2021 1244. Chelosania neilsonnemanni Hoser, 2019 1245. Chelydra haydnmcphiei Hoser, 2021 1246. Chersina swileorum Hoser, 2021 1247. Chersobius mandela Hoser, 2021 1248. Chirodryas sloppi Hoser, 2020 1249. Chitra indusensis Hoser, 2021 1250. Chlamydosaurus mickpughi Hoser, 2012 1251. Chlamydosaurus pughae Hoser, 2012 1252. Chondropython adelynhoserae Hoser, 2009 1253. Chondropython jackyhoserae Hoser, 2020 1254. Chondropython shireenae Hoser, 2003 36 36 1255. Chrysopelea boie, 1826 borniensis Hoser, 2014 1256. Chrysopelea boie, 1826 caerulea Hoser, 2014 1257. Chrysopelea boie, 1826 ghatsiensis Hoser, 2014 1258. Chrysopelea boie, 1826 johorensis Hoser, 2014 1259. Chrysopelea boie, 1826 tepedeleni Hoser, 2014 1260. Claireascincus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2022 1261. Clemmys maximus Hoser, 2021 1262. Clemmys praetortus Hoser, 2021 1263. Cliveevattcalotes steveteesi Hoser, 2018 1264. Coeranoscincus pailsei Hoser, 2022 1265. Coeranoscincus whybrowi Hoser, 2022 1266. Colleeneremia (Balatusrana) toowoombaensis Hoser, 2020 1267. Colleeneremia bogfrog Hoser, 2020 1268. Colleeneremia chunda Hoser, 2020 1269. Colleeneremia dunnyseat Hoser, 2020 1270. Colleeneremia watdat Hoser, 2020 1271. Colleeneremia wifi Hoser, 2020 1272. Collorhabdium daranini Hoser, 2020 1273. Contundo rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2018 1274. Corucia elfakhariorum Hoser, 2016 1275. Corucia hoserae Hoser, 2016 1276. Corucia woolfi Hoser, 2016 1277. Cottonus tomcottoni Hoser, 2020 1278. Crinia (Lowingdella) lowingae Hoser, 2020 1279. Crinia (Lowingdella) maateni Hoser, 2020 1280. Crinia (Lowingdella) stevebennetti Hoser, 2020 1281. Crinia (Oxyodella) crottyi Hoser, 2020 1282. Crinia (Oxyodella) oxeyi Hoser, 2020 1283. Crinia (Oxyodella) sloppi Hoser, 2020 1284. Crinia merceicai Hoser, 2020 1285. Crocodilivoltuscolotes marleneswileae Hoser, 2018 1286. Crocodilivoltuscolotes shireenhoserae Hoser, 2018 1287. Crocodylus lowingae Hoser, 2022 1288. Crocodylus shireenae Hoser, 2022 1289. Crottyanura crottyi Hoser, 2020 1290. Crottychelys ipsumtenebris Hoser, 2021 1291. Crottyopus daveausteni Hoser, 2018 1292. Crottyopus jamesbondi Hoser, 2017 1293. Crottyopus scottmarshalli Hoser, 2018 1294. Crottyphryne crotalusei Hoser, 2020 1295. Crottyphryne oxyi Hoser, 2020 1296. Crottysaurus crottyi Hoser, 2019 1297. Crudushaema allengreeri Hoser, 2019 1298. Crudushaema haroldcoggeri Hoser, 2019 1299. Cryptophis edwardsi Hoser, 2012 1300. Ctenophorus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2020 1301. Ctenophorus danielmani Hoser, 2020 1302. Ctenophorus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2020 1303. Ctenophorus katrinahoserae Hoser, 2020 1304. Ctenophorus lenhoseri Hoser, 2020 1305. Ctenophorus maryannmartinekae Hoser, 2020 1306. Ctenophorus maxinehoserae Hoser, 2020 1307. Ctenophorus ronhoseri Hoser, 2020 1308. Ctenophorus scottgranti Hoser, 2020 1309. Ctenophorus scottyjamesi Hoser, 2020 1310. Ctenophorus sharonhoserae Hoser, 2020 1311. Ctenophorus shireenhoserae Hoser, 2020 1312. Ctenotus robertcooki Hoser, 2022 37 37 1313. Cummingscincea cummingae Hoser, 2015 1314. Cummingscincea demiperkinsae Hoser, 2015 1315. Cuora adelynhoserae Hoser, 2021 1316. Cuora boxboyi Hoser, 2021 1317. Cuora elfakhariorum Hoser, 2021 1318. Cuora jackyhoserae Hoser, 2021 1319. Cuora oxyslopp Hoser, 2021 1320. Cuora richardwellsi Hoser, 2021 1321. Cuora rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2021 1322. Cyclanorbis nileensis Hoser, 2021 1323. Cyclanorbis occultatum Hoser, 2021 1324. Cyclemys mcdermottorum Hoser, 2021 1325. Cycloderma tismorum Hoser, 2021 1326. Cylindrophis (Motteramus) wilsoni Hoser, 2013 1327. Cylindrophis timorensis Hoser, 2022 1328. Daboia (Oxyadaboia) oxyi Hoser, 2022 1329. Daboia (Oxyadaboia) sloppi Hoser, 2022 1330. Daboia crottyi Hoser, 2022 1331. Dactyloperus (Maculocolotes) federicorossignolii Hoser, 2018 1332. Dactyloperus (Wedgedigitcolotes) graemecampbelli Hoser, 2018 1333. Dactyloperus bradmaryani Hoser, 2018 1334. Dactyloperus bulliardi Hoser, 2018 1335. Dannyleeus danielmani Hoser, 2020 1336. Dannyleeus rayhammondi Hoser, 2020 1337. Dannyleeus tongzhoujiae Hoser, 2020 1338. Daraninagama cliveevatti Hoser, 2016 1339. Daraninanura andypadgetti Hoser, 2022 1340. Daraninanura daranini Hoser, 2022 1341. Dasypeltis saeizadi Hoser, 2013 1342. Demansia garrodi Hoser, 2015 1343. Demansia johnscanloni Hoser, 2015 1344. Demansia pelleyorum Hoser, 2015 1345. Demansia starkeyi Hoser, 2015 1346. Dendrolagus arfakensis Hoser, 2019 1347. Dendrolagus hoserae Hoser, 2019 1348. Denisonia gedyei Hoser, 2016 1349. Desburkeus desburkei Hoser, 2012 1350. Diplodactylus (Crottyoides) allengreeri Hoser, 2017 1351. Diplodactylus rosssadlieri Hoser, 2017 1352. Diporiphora garrodi Hoser, 2015 1353. Diporiphora harmoni Hoser, 2015 1354. Diporiphora melvillae Hoser, 2015 1355. Diporiphora nolani Hoser, 2015 1356. Diporiphora shooi Hoser, 2015 1357. Diporiphora smithae Hoser, 2015 1358. Dmitrievgekko oxyi Hoser, 2021 1359. Downieea lizelliottae Hoser, 2012 1360. Draco asperacaput Hoser, 2022 1361. Draco baliensis Hoser, 2022 1362. Draco boholensis Hoser, 2022 1363. Draco bruneialvum Hoser, 2022 1364. Draco coriafacile Hoser, 2022 1365. Draco dilatatadorsisquamae Hoser, 2022 1366. Draco evandedi Hoser, 2022 1367. Draco exquisita Hoser, 2022 1368. Draco hawkeswoodi Hoser, 2022 1369. Draco hoserae Hoser, 2022 1370. Draco labatur Hoser, 2022 38 38 1371. Draco latebras Hoser, 2022 1372. Draco lombokensis Hoser, 2022 1373. Draco longacrista Hoser, 2022 1374. Draco magnaauris Hoser, 2022 1375. Draco occultatio Hoser, 2022 1376. Draco oculiscaeruleis Hoser, 2022 1377. Draco polilloensis Hoser, 2022 1378. Draco romblonensis Hoser, 2022 1379. Draco spadix Hoser, 2022 1380. Draco sumbaensis Hoser, 2022 1381. Draco virens Hoser, 2022 1382. Draco viridfacium Hoser, 2022 1383. Draco viridicapite Hoser, 2022 1384. Draco wellingtoni Hoser, 2022 1385. Draco wellsi Hoser, 2022 1386. Draco woolfi Hoser, 2022 1387. Drymomantis ausviridis Hoser, 2020 1388. Drymomantis celantur Hoser, 2020 1389. Drymomantis northstradbrokensis Hoser, 2020 1390. Dryopsophus (Ausverdarana) jarrodthomsoni Hoser, 2020 1391. Dryopsophus gippslandensis Hoser, 2020 1392. Drysdalia andrewlowryi Hoser, 2013 1393. Drysdalia robwatsoni Hoser, 2013 1394. Duberria edwardsi Hoser, 2022 1395. Duberria hoserae Hoser, 2022 1396. Duberria woolfi Hoser, 2022 1397. Echiopsis martinekae Hoser, 2012 1398. Elachistodon dannybrowni Hoser, 2018 1399. Elseya fitzroyi Hoser, 2018 1400. Elseya shireenhoserae Hoser, 2018 1401. Emoa davidaltmani Hoser, 2019 1402. Emoa roberteksteini Hoser, 2019 1403. Emoa rodneysommerichi Hoser, 2019 1404. Emoa stephengoldsteini Hoser, 2019 1405. Emoa yusufmohamudi Hoser, 2019 1406. Emoia anggigidaensis Hoser, 2019 1407. Emoia aquacauda Hoser, 2019 1408. Emoia boreotis Hoser, 2019 1409. Emoia bougainvilliensis Hoser, 2019 1410. Emoia dorsalinea Hoser, 2019 1411. Emoia euanedwardsi Hoser, 2019 1412. Emoia jamesbondi Hoser, 2019 1413. Emoia karkarensis Hoser, 2019 1414. Emoia kimaniadilbodeni Hoser, 2019 1415. Emoia martinmulvanyi Hoser, 2019 1416. Emoia minusguttata Hoser, 2019 1417. Emoia morriedorisioi Hoser, 2019 1418. Emoia paulmulvanyi Hoser, 2019 1419. Emoia paulwoolfi Hoser, 2019 1420. Emoia richardwarneri Hoser, 2019 1421. Emoia stefanbroghammeri Hoser, 2019 1422. Emoia timdalei Hoser, 2019 1423. Emoia tonylovelinayi Hoser, 2019 1424. Empagusia woolfi Hoser, 2013 1425. Emydocephalus teesi Hoser, 2016 1426. Emydura hawkeswoodi Hoser, 2021 1427. Emydura wellingtoni Hoser, 2021 1428. Emydura wellsi Hoser, 2021 39 39 1429. Emys repens Hoser, 2021 1430. Euanedwardsserpens euanedwardsi Hoser, 2022 1431. Euanedwardsserpens floresensis Hoser, 2022 1432. Euanedwardsserpens hoserae Hoser, 2022 1433. Euanedwardsserpens sumbaensis Hoser, 2022 1434. Euanedwardsserpens wetarensis Hoser, 2022 1435. Eudromicia adelynhoserae Hoser, 2020 1436. Eudromicia doriskuenae Hoser, 2020 1437. Eudromicia jackyhoserae Hoser, 2020 1438. Eudromicia richardwellsi Hoser, 2020 1439. Eudromicia rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2020 1440. Eulamprus paulwoolfi Hoser, 2020 1441. Euprepiosaurus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2020 1442. Euprepiosaurus allengreeri Hoser, 2020 1443. Euprepiosaurus dorisioi Hoser, 2020 1444. Euprepiosaurus elfakhariorum Hoser, 2020 1445. Euprepiosaurus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2020 1446. Euprepiosaurus lenhoseri Hoser, 2020 1447. Euprepiosaurus matteoae Hoser, 2020 1448. Euprepiosaurus oxyi Hoser, 2020 1449. Euprepiosaurus paulwoolfi Hoser, 2020 1450. Euprepiosaurus powi Hoser, 2020 1451. Euprepiosaurus scottgranti Hoser, 2020 1452. Euprepiosaurus sloppi Hoser, 2020 1453. Euprepiosaurus wellingtoni Hoser, 2013 1454. Euprepiosaurus wellsi Hoser, 2013 1455. Euscelis dorsaruber Hoser, 2020 1456. Euscelis occultatum Hoser, 2020 1457. Extensusdigituscolotes glennsheai Hoser, 2018 1458. Extensusdigituscolotes sadlieri Hoser, 2018 1459. Ferescincella flavolateralis Hoser, 2019 1460. Ferescincella insignipicturaconlus Hoser, 2019 1461. Ferescincella ventrealbis Hoser, 2019 1462. Ferescincella yonagunijimaensis Hoser, 2019 1463. Feresuta centralis Hoser, 2018 1464. Feresuta hamersleyensis Hoser, 2018 1465. Feresuta interiorensis Hoser, 2018 1466. Feretribolonotus (Feretribolonotus) greeri Hoser, 2016 1467. Fiacumminganura fiacummingae Hoser, 2020 1468. Fiacumminganura timdalei Hoser, 2020 1469. Fiacumminggecko charlespiersoni Hoser, 2017 1470. Fiacumminggecko dorisioi Hoser, 2017 1471. Fiacumminggecko fiacummingae Hoser, 2017 1472. Fiacumminggecko julianfordi Hoser, 2017 1473. Fiacumminggecko matteoae Hoser, 2017 1474. Fiacumminggecko richardwellsi Hoser, 2017 1475. Fiacumminggecko rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2017 1476. Flamoscincus crossi Hoser, 2018 1477. Flamoscincus crossmani Hoser, 2018 1478. Fojia aurantiacocauda Hoser, 2019 1479. Freudchelys freudi Hoser, 2021 1480. Funkichelys funki Hoser, 2021 1481. Funkiskinkus dixoni Hoser, 2015 1482. Funkiskinkus funki Hoser, 2015 1483. Furina dumeril, 1853 toddpattersoni Hoser, 2013 1484. Geckoella rowvillewilsonorum Hoser, 2021 1485. Geckoella wijenayakai Hoser, 2021 1486. Gedyerana gedyei Hoser, 2020
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reptilemanaustralia · 2 years
Over 100 species formally discovered and named by Snakeman
Species Group 1006. Abbasaurum abba Hoser, 2022 1007. Abbasaurum bobbottomi Hoser, 2022 1008. Abbasaurum maxinehoserae Hoser, 2022 1009. Acanthophis barnetti Hoser, 1998 1010. Acanthophis bottomi Hoser, 1998 1011. Acanthophis cliffrosswellingtoni Hoser, 2002 1012. Acanthophis crotalusei Hoser, 1998 1013. Acanthophis cummingi Hoser, 1998 1014. Acanthophis donnellani Hoser, 2002 1015. Acanthophis granti Hoser, 2014 1016. Acanthophis groenveldi Hoser, 2002 1017. Acanthophis hoserae Hoser, 2014 1018. Acanthophis karkarensis Hoser, 2020 1019. Acanthophis macgregori Hoser, 2002 1020. Acanthophis macgregori Hoser, 2014 1021. Acanthophis maryani Hoser, 2014 1022. Acanthophis moorei Hoser, 2014 32 32 1023. Acanthophis mumpini Hoser, 2014 1024. Acanthophis oxyi Hoser, 2020 1025. Acanthophis wellsei Hoser, 1998 1026. Acanthophis woolfi Hoser, 1998 1027. Acanthophis yuwoni Hoser, 2002 1028. Acanthophis yuwoni Hoser, 2014 1029. Acrantophis sloppi Hoser, 2013 1030. Acritoscincus (Celerscincus) diversus Hoser, 2022 1031. Acritoscincus (Celerscincus) katrinahoserae Hoser, 2022 1032. Acritoscincus (Celerscincus) paulwoolfi Hoser, 2022 1033. Acritoscincus (Labialalbum) davidmerceicai Hoser, 2022 1034. Acritoscincus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2022 1035. Acritoscincus granti Hoser, 2022 1036. Acritoscincus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2022 1037. Acritoscincus taipanbarnetti Hoser, 2022 1038. Acritoscincus tybarnetti Hoser, 2022 1039. Acrochordus mahakamiensis Hoser, 2014 1040. Acrochordus malayensis Hoser, 2014 1041. Actinemys maxinehoserae Hoser, 2021 1042. Adelotus griffithsi Hoser, 2016 1043. Adelotus valentici Hoser, 2016 1044. Adelynhosergecko adelynhoserae Hoser, 2018 1045. Adelynhosergecko brettbarnetti Hoser, 2018 1046. Adelynhosergecko haydnmcphiei Hoser, 2018 1047. Adelynhosergecko huonensis Hoser, 2018 1048. Adelynhosergecko judyfergusonae Hoser, 2018 1049. Adelynhosergecko lachlanmcpheei Hoser, 2018 1050. Adelynhosergecko lucybennettae Hoser, 2018 1051. Adelynhosergecko madangensis Hoser, 2018 1052. Adelynhosergecko matteoae Hoser, 2018 1053. Adelynhosergecko sloppi Hoser, 2018 1054. Adelynhosergecko stevebennetti Hoser, 2018 1055. Adelynhoserhylea adelynhoserae Hoser, 2020 1056. Adelynhoserhylea yikes Hoser, 2020 1057. Adelynhosersaur adelynae Hoser, 2016 1058. Adelynhosersaur jackyae Hoser, 2016 1059. Adelynhosersaur wilkiei Hoser, 2016 1060. Adelynhoserserpenae wellsi Hoser, 2013 1061. Aechmophrys adelynhoserae Hoser, 2018 1062. Aechmophrys jackyhoserae Hoser, 2018 1063. Aintemoia dannygoodwini Hoser, 2019 1064. Aintemoia latishadarwinae Hoser, 2019 1065. Aintemoia michaelguiheneufi Hoser, 2019 1066. Aintemoia rosssadlieri Hoser, 2019 1067. Alanbrygelus alanbrygeli Hoser, 2012 1068. Alanbrygelus sammywatsonae Hoser, 2012 1069. Alanbrygelus smythi Hoser, 2012 1070. Albogibba ingens Hoser, 2020 1071. Alexteescolotes teesi Hoser, 2018 1072. Allengreercolotes allengreeri Hoser, 2018 1073. Allengreercolotes pauldarwini Hoser, 2018 1074. Allengreercolotes paulwoolfi Hoser, 2018 1075. Allengreerus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2022 1076. Allengreerus allengreeri Hoser, 2022 1077. Allengreerus angelikadennesae Hoser, 2022 1078. Allengreerus brunneo Hoser, 2022 1079. Allengreerus davidmerceicai Hoser, 2022 1080. Allengreerus dorsei Hoser, 2022 33 33 1081. Allengreerus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2012 1082. Allengreerus kaputarensis Hoser, 2022 1083. Allengreerus marulanensis Hoser, 2022 1084. Allengreerus matheri Hoser, 2022 1085. Allengreerus richardwellsei Hoser, 2022 1086. Allengreerus robertwatsoni Hoser, 2022 1087. Allengreerus ronhoseri Hoser, 2009 1088. Allengreerus rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2022 1089. Allengreerus scottgranti Hoser, 2022 1090. Allengreerus trevorhawkeswoodi Hoser, 2022 1091. Altmantyphlops wellsi Hoser, 2012 1092. Amalosia alexanderdudleyi Hoser, 2017 1093. Amphibolurus adelyn Hoser, 2015 1094. Amphibolurus eipperi Hoser, 2015 1095. Amphibolurus jacky Hoser, 2015 1096. Amphibolurus wellsi Hoser, 2015 1097. Amyda ashphillipsi Hoser, 2021 1098. Amyda magnapapulae Hoser, 2021 1099. Anepischetosia shireenhoserae Hoser, 2022 1100. Anepischetosia simonkortlangi Hoser, 2022 1101. Angularanta (Raucus) oxyeei Hoser, 2020 1102. Angularanta (Scelerisqueanura) brunetus Hoser, 2020 1103. Angularanta chydaeus Hoser, 2020 1104. Angularanta communia Hoser, 2020 1105. Angularanta extentacrus Hoser, 2020 1106. Angularanta leucopunctata Hoser, 2020 1107. Angularanta mukherjii Hoser, 2020 1108. Angularanta quaeinfernas Hoser, 2020 1109. Angularanta vulgarans Hoser, 2020 1110. Anomalopus eungellaensis Hoser, 2022 1111. Anomalopus woolfi Hoser, 2022 1112. Anomochilus marleneswilae Hoser, 2013 1113. Antaresia brentonoloughani Hoser, 2003 1114. Antaresia campbelli Hoser, 2000 1115. Antaresia kimberleyae Hoser, 2022 1116. Aplopeltura daranini Hoser, 2016 1117. Aplopeltura gibbonsi Hoser, 2016 1118. Aplopeltura lynnejohnstoneae Hoser, 2016 1119. Aplopeltura omarelhelou Hoser, 2016 1120. Aplopeltura shireenae Hoser, 2016 1121. Aprasia gibbonsi Hoser, 2015 1122. Aprasia rentoni Hoser, 2015 1123. Arenosumgekko richardwellsi Hoser, 2021 1124. Aspidites adelynensis Hoser, 2000 1125. Aspidites davieii Hoser, 2000 1126. Aspidites neildavieii Hoser, 2009 1127. Aspidites panoptes Hoser, 2000 1128. Aspidites richardjonesii Hoser, 2000 1129. Aspidites rickjonesii Hoser, 2009 1130. Aspidoclonion sloppi Hoser, 2018 1131. Aspidomorphus coggeri Hoser, 2014 1132. Aspidomorphus keneficki Hoser, 2014 1133. Aspidomorphus macdowelli Hoser, 2014 1134. Aspidomorphus tamisi Hoser, 2014 1135. Aspris peterkraussi Hoser, 2019 1136. Aspris russellgranti Hoser, 2019 1137. Assa brianchampioni Hoser, 2020 1138. Assa guatammukherjii Hoser, 2020 34 34 1139. Assa jamesbondi Hoser, 2020 1140. Assa roberteksteini Hoser, 2020 1141. Asymblepharus aurisovalibus Hoser, 2019 1142. Asymblepharus lateralibusdorsoclavo Hoser, 2019 1143. Australiasis funki Hoser, 2012 1144. Bitis (Klosevipera) kajerikbulliardi Hoser, 2013 1145. Bitis (Klosevipera) swilae Hoser, 2013 1146. Bitis benjaminswilei Hoser, 2022 1147. Bitis brianwallacei Hoser, 2013 1148. Bitis lourenceklosei Hoser, 2013 1149. Bitis matteoae Hoser, 2013 1150. Bitis oflahertyae Hoser, 2013 1151. Bitis pintaudii Hoser, 2013 1152. Bitis tomcottoni Hoser, 2013 1153. Bobbottomcolotes bobbottomi Hoser, 2018 1154. Bobbottomcolotes crusmaculosus Hoser, 2018 1155. Bobbottomcolotes potens Hoser, 2018 1156. Bogophryne breonnataylorae Hoser, 2020 1157. Bogophryne duboisi Hoser, 2020 1158. Bogophryne naomiosakaae Hoser, 2020 1159. Bogophryne uterbog Hoser, 2020 1160. Boiga buruensis Hoser, 2016 1161. Boiga donagheyae Hoser, 2017 1162. Boiga germainegreerae Hoser, 2017 1163. Boiga halmaheraensis Hoser, 2016 1164. Boiga mickpitmani Hoser, 2017 1165. Boiga newbritainensis Hoser, 2016 1166. Boiga roddai Hoser, 2016 1167. Boiga solomonensis Hoser, 2016 1168. Boiga sudestensis Hoser, 2016 1169. Bothrops lenhoseri Hoser, 2013 1170. Bothrops maccartneyi Hoser, 2013 1171. Bothrops mexicoiensis Hoser, 2013 1172. Boulengerina adelynhoserae Hoser, 2013 1173. Boulengerina jackyhoserae Hoser, 2013 1174. Brachyurophis alexantenori Hoser, 2020 1175. Brachyurophis lesshearimi Hoser, 2020 1176. Brachyurophis paultamisi Hoser, 2020 1177. Brachyurophis paulwoolfi Hoser, 2020 1178. Brachyurophis richardshearimi Hoser, 2020 1179. Broghammerus dalegibbonsi Hoser, 2004 1180. Broghammerus euanedwardsi Hoser, 2004 1181. Broghammerus haydnmacphiei Hoser, 2004 1182. Broghammerus mandella Hoser, 2014 1183. Broghammerus neilsonnemani Hoser, 2004 1184. Broghammerus patrickcouperi Hoser, 2004 1185. Broghammerus stuartbigmorei Hoser, 2004 1186. Bronchocela harradineus Hoser, 2014 1187. Bufonella euanedwardsi Hoser, 2020 1188. Bufonella hoserae Hoser, 2020 1189. Bufonella sadlieri Hoser, 2020 1190. Bufonella woolfi Hoser, 2020 1191. Burramys hosersbogensis Hoser, 2020 1192. Burramys scottyjamesi Hoser, 2020 1193. Burramys timdalei Hoser, 2020 1194. Cacophis günther, 1863. scanloni Hoser, 2014 1195. Cacophis günther, 1863. sheai Hoser, 2014 1196. Caeruleocaudascincus brettbarnetti Hoser, 2019
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