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Sam talking to herself because she is Jackie and those are her other names
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So many of us have an inner voice that we hear. Or we feel. Either one is trying to get your attention. But do you trust it? Do you follow what it is saying to you? I am trying very hard lately to trust my intuition. By doing that, I have found out that someone was trying to manipulate me and I caught them in the middle of 2 bad things. I listened to my gut because it didn’t add up to me. I felt something was wrong. I heard my inner voice telling me to check this person out. I’m glad I listened.
That gut feeling you get, it’s never wrong. You may think it is but it’s your body’s energy giving your life a warning flag. How many times did you feel or hear something your gut was saying and you ignored it? And then later on you say to yourself I should have listened to my gut! Well then start listening now. See what it feels or says to you. Don’t analyze it, just follow it. I’m excited to see what I can learn from all of this. So I looked up how to do this. I wanted to share it with all of you.
The best article I have found about this is here: How to Follow your Intuition
Intuition is “knowing” something without being able to explain how you came to that conclusion rationally. It’s that mysterious “gut feeling” or “instinct” that often turns out to be right, in retrospect. When you’ve whittled down your options and are stuck at a crossroads, getting in touch with your intuition can help. Learning how to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak, is difficult but intuition can be developed, especially when following some of these ideas.
2Ask yourself questions and listen to the first answer that pops into your mind. That isn’t easy, because several thoughts will flood your mind at once. For instance, let’s say you’re looking at a menu. In figuring out what you want, pick out the first thing that stands out to you. Ignore the remainder of your thoughts, like for example: “But I didn’t even look at the specials” or “But my friend is on a diet and I’ll feel bad eating this in front of him” or “But my uncle said the mashed potatoes he had here were too mushy” etc. Don’t dwell on it. Just pick something. It might be scary, because what if you make the wrong choice? Do not worry, you will be fine.
3Meditate. Clearing your mind of repetitive thoughts and worries will make it easier to listen to your intuition. Find a meditative technique you are comfortable using and practice.
4Listen to your gut. There’s a reason it’s called a “gut feeling”. Many times, a decision that you “know” is wrong makes you feel discomfort in your stomach area.
5Listen to and communicate with your multiple brains. Neuroscience research has shown we have functional and complex brains in both our heart and gut. These brains have memory and intelligence. As the points above indicate, your gut and heart brains know when something isn’t right and will tell you through feelings, hunches and messages. You can communicate with these brains through simple language, imagery and touch. Sometimes few things in our life gives us feeling of fear and nervousness . From the core of our heart we are not ready to accept this. As these are the feelings which makes us realise what we are going to do or what is going to happen is not good for us. So, we must avoid those things and protect ourselves from any wrong doing. As these intuitions comes out to be true.
6Keep an intuition journal. Every day, use your intuition to make a guess about someone or something. Don’t act on it, though. Just write it down. Focus on statements like “I have a feelings that…” or “My intuition tells me that…” If there are any sensations associated with your intuition, such as a vision, or physical discomfort, be sure to record it. Looking back in your journal, see how often you are right. As you learn more about how to recognize your intuition, and you see it leading you in the right direction. Your confidence will grow and so will your intuitive power.
Trust your instincts. It can be difficult to depend on something that you don’t understand, and you probably shouldn’t base every one of your decisions on intuition. For example, if you’re hiring someone, you should look at qualifications first and foremost, or else you might accidentally discriminate. But when you’ve weighed all the options and there is no obvious, rational choice, intuition is really all you’ve got. Consider the following:
Intuition is basically how you quickly tap into your subconscious mind, which is where you “archive” all kinds of information that you don’t remember on a conscious level.[2] Sometimes you pick up on things subconsciously without realizing it, such as body language. It’ll register as a certain “feeling” that you can’t articulate at that moment, but it could very well be valid.[3]
Without intuition, you’re no different than a computer. You only make decisions based on facts, and you don’t always have all the facts.[3] So unless you’re functioning like a computer, you are already making decisions based on various factors other than logic. Why not learn how to use your intuition as well?
Even some of the world’s greatest scientists, the most logical thinkers of all time, have made their greatest discoveries based on flashes of intuition (think of Newton and the apple that fell on his head, or Archimedes shouting “Eureka!” in his bathtub).
Exercise the right side of your brain. Intuition is drawn from the right hemisphere of the brain[4] which is the same side that controls nonverbal, holistic thought and expression. Here are some other ways to “work out” your intuition:
Be Creative
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COOKIES AND PRAYERS By SamuelAugust 26, 2015Daily Life
I grilled out again tonight. I’m really enjoying getting time to actually cook again. It’s fun figuring out what to eat. I admit I do stand with the fridge open looking inside for a few minutes. It can be hard cooking for one. I baked cookies. I’m sending a dozen home with Mark tomorrow. To thank his moms for baking that awesome cake. It was really good. We sent the cake pan home empty which pleased them. They are really nice people. It’s still a little weird to me, but it’s who they are. And it’s interesting talking to them. This week is brutal. My schedule has been jam packed. Meetings, phone calls, Facetime, Skype. You name it. I’m pushing myself to stay busy but it’s those quiet moments where my mind starts to drift into the past. Focus, focus, focus. That’s all I can do to get to Friday. If I can make it to Friday, it will be one full week and I know I will be okay. Friday will be about Utah and the 2 houses I bought there. The demo is finished and it’s all about fixing them up now. I’m excited to see what the 2 contractors have gotten done. I hired a project manager to oversee both properties and she’s doing a great job. I’m going up to pick out paint colors, flooring, granites, and tiles. Then will go back in 2 weeks to see it all finished. I’m looking to sell first. If the houses don’t sell, I will rent them out to whoever at a fair price. Utah is an emerging market for real estate so it’s going to be fun to see what offers I get. I got asked out on a date today. Which was very weird. I was talking to this woman and she was smiling and asking questions and then out of nowhere she asked if I was single. I said yes, and she said are you dateable? What the heck is that? I said yes….I think? She said guys that look like me are usually assholes. Lol I told her I was a nice guy but I had no interest in dating right now. Check back in a month. She said okay and left. Mark said that’s 2 days in a row I just laughed. I am doing okay. Things seem to be going very smoothly in my life and I prefer to keep it that way. I’m making new friends and going out. Hanging out with Lindsay has always been scary/exciting. Hanging out with Lindsay in Vegas is a whole other level. We go downtown and I swear something always happens. That girl can make a friend just by standing next to them for 3 minutes at a crosswalk. And the people she meets are really cool and fun. I wish I could make friends that easily. I’m more reserved. Not really shy, I mean I can be. But I’m more cautious because I don’t really know my environment yet. As I’m sure ya’ll have heard by now, a reporter and a cameraman have died due to an ambush on live tv. I did not see the footage and I don’t want to. I have already prayed for both of them and their families. And I prayed for the guy that did it to find peace in his next life. It’s so sad to know that these 2 folks woke up and went to work, never even thinking this would happen to them. I pray that everyone is safe tonight. And happy. You only get one swing at life, make it the best you possibly can. I’ve still reading my book. The next section is a lot to take and I’ve had to read it a few times over. I’m excited to share my thoughts on it. The mind blowing stuff is much later, this beginning is more about setting the foundation of new ideas. It’s very inspiring to me. I love studying books. Heck, I just love books. I read way more than I watch tv. Although my tv is full of the most random shows you can think of. We won’t get into that, I don’t want to embarrass myself by sharing my tv watching habits. Lol I hope ya’ll had a great day. Know that God loves you as I love you too. And enjoy the rest of your evening! I’m going for a walk.
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UPDATES By SamuelAugust 24, 2015Daily Life
I have owned a house in Las Vegas for the past 8 years. I called it my condo because I only used it for boys trips for a weekend or vacations with my family or friends. It’s been a party place the entire time. And I’ve loaned it out to my friends so they can have a fun weekend in Vegas anytime they wanted. I upgraded it through the years and did a lot of landscaping out back. I finally sold the house. I am in a different phase of my life and owning a party house set up for movies/sports nights, pool parties, and all kinds of guy stuff just doesn’t fit my current life. I bought a rental house 2 blocks away from that house and moved into it. That’s where I’m living at for the moment. I’m going to be moving again soon. While I’m here I’m upgrading and changing out the flooring. It’s out of date big time. I already had a company remove all of the rocks in the backyards and lay down sod. I’m having to water it a lot so it gets some growth. I was told several times it’s going to die on me. But after a while it will grow. And be a nice grassed backyard. That’s what I’m hoping for at least. The inside of the house is pretty big. It’s going to be a nice family home for a family that is looking to upgrade. I’m getting a lot of the things fixed in the next 3 weeks. I think it’s going to come out really well.
I hired a kid a few months ago named Mark to help me start the Las Vegas firm. We have an office finally and are working on a lot of different investment deals. I had originally planned on flipping houses but it’s a softening market and I might get stuck sitting on them for longer than I want to. The price ranges I’m buying the houses for are great, but the upgrades and all the fixes leave a little profit. And that concerns me. So we are shifting things around and moving forward with our casino investments. I’m going to concentrate now on buying buildings. There are a lot of great opportunities here and I’m excited to see what kind of deals we get. I love buildings. I love standing there looking at it and dreaming in my head the things we can do with it. It’s like my own personal Monopoly game. Mark is doing a great job. He asks a lot of questions and gets things done on time. He is still not very confident but he’s getting more comfortable. He comes from the FLDS faith. He has 2 moms. Which is a little weird but they are both very nice. They both have long hair and wear long, homemade dresses. They are very pretty. He says they don’t wear dresses everyday but are always covered up. I guess that’s a religious thing. He is a nice kid and he’s smart. He is working hard to provide for himself, his family, and his Church. I guess his family still tithes to the FLDS Church because his dad and moms both have family still involved and he said if they stop tithing, they will always worry that their money isn’t going to help our their relation whether they agree with the beliefs or not. His dad and 2 moms left the faith before he was born. But they travel back to visit family and have to act completely different around them. I like Mark. He’s a good kid. I think he’s going to do a good job when I go back to Chicago. He is always finding things to check out or talk over. I like seeing how ambitious he is.
My construction business is booming. We have 12 divisions and they are all booked nonstop. Even in the winter time we have jobs lined up already. It is funding all of my investment firms and gas stations. Which is good since my gas stations are not doing so good anymore. I don’t make money on the gas, I make money on the things sold in the store. And listening to everyone we put in cafes to build up the coffee business. That’s the only thing saving my ass right now. Who knew coffee was so important? I don’t drink the stuff.
I’ve been able to travel and see my family a few times this summer. Being back in Nebraska is always a good time. So many memories of growing up there. It’s where I come from, but it was never my home. Texas is also one of those places I grew up but never really considered it home. I feel home in Las Vegas. I didn’t use to feel like it here.
Home to me will always be Chicago. It was my first big, bold, courageous move as an adult. I left Nebraska knowing I would never live there again. I loved my times in Miami and Miami Beach, year after year. But Chicago, man that’s a great place to live. I love it there. As soon as I get my businesses set up in Utah and Las Vegas I will be moving back to Chicago. And I plan to stay there for a long time.
I have met some interesting people in the past 5 and a half months of my life. All for the better. I have learned a lot and have found myself being more open and honest about my dreams. Work is finally calming down so I will have more time to write and read my books. I love read. I’ve been able to cook a lot more too. I usually prep everything on Sundays but this week I’m going to try to just cook. It’s different. I need different in my life.
I am adjusting to everything. A lot has changed the past few days and I am getting myself together. I know that things are going to be okay. This week at work is going to be tough. But no long hours. I’m getting burned out. I have a cruise to the Caribbean coming up soon. I’m looking forward to that. A week on a boat. I love to travel. I’ve been doing a lot of that. And I’m going to Dubai in a few months. I will stop in Paris on my way. I love going overseas. The Dubai office is finally starting to show a profit. It will be great to go see what my brokers there have purchased and what they are doing with it. It’s a booming part of the country and I’m proud to say I got in on it early. All of my connections through construction helped me find the right people to partner with to start a firm there. The laws are backwards and everything is 10 times bigger and more expensive than 5 years ago, but it’s a beautiful place on Earth. The architecture there is amazing. You can stand out on a hotel balcony all night just looking at the skyline.
I’m on my lunch break. I need to finish my sandwich and get back to work. I have miss ya’ll. I hope ya’ll are having a great summer! I love the comments. I only publish a few of them. The rest I just smile at. Thank you for coming here. You are loved!
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IT’S BEEN A WHILE By SamuelAugust 20, 2015Daily Life
I took an extended break from my blog until work and my personal life calmed down. I’m finally ready to start writing again and sharing what’s been going on in my life the past 5 and a half months. Thank you all for coming. I have a lot to update.
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There has been a lot going on in my life since January. I haven’t really had the time to talk about it all and I was also working on a lot of new and fun projects. I’m going to try to update as much as I can over the weekend and share some incredible books I’ve been reading. I’m so happy you are all coming back into my blog. I see the comments and will get time to respond soon. Thanks for being here. I hope you all have a great weekend!
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Please read the page and then add in your comments below.
This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:
Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.
There are 50 miracles to get through. We will now focus on the first 14 from Page 1 of the text.
It is crucial to say first that this is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what to take when. It is just because you are not ready to do what you should elect to do that time exists at all. (You will see miracles thru your hands thru me. You should begin each day with the prayer “Help me to perform whatever miracles you want of me today.”)
1. The first thing to remember about miracles is that there is no order of difficulty among them. One is not harder or bigger than another. They are all the same.
2. Miracles do not matter. They are quite unimportant.
3. They occur naturally as an expression of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense, everything that comes from love is a miracle.
a. This explains the first point related to the lack of order. All expressions of love are maximal. b. This is why the “thing in itself” does not matter. The only thing that matters is the Source, and this is far beyond human evaluation.
(Q and A re first 3 points.) Q. HS (HS = Helen Schucman) Would you regard this communication as a kind of miracle? A. There is nothing special or surprising about this at all. The ONE thing that happened was the Universal Miracle which was the experience of intense love that you have felt. (Don’t get embarrassed by the idea of love. Embarrassment is only a form of fear, and actually a particularly dangerous form because it reflects egocentricity. Do not feel guilty about the fact that you are doubting this. Just re-read them and their truth will come to you. I (I = Jesus Christ) love you, and I am not afraid or embarrassed or doubtful. MY strength will support you, so don’t worry and leave the rest to me. But when you see B (B = William “Bill” Thetford), be sure you tell him how much he helped you thru by giving you the right message, and don’t bother with worrying about how you received it. That doesn’t matter either. You were just afraid.)
(HS fearful in taxi about a communication which related Dave’s healing and Jonathan’s hernia. She thought it would be safer to dissociate the two. Instructions were: refer to point 1 and re-read NOW.)
4. All miracles mean Life, and God is the giver of the Life. He will direct you VERY specifically. (Plan ahead is good advice in this world, where you should and must control & direct where you have accepted responsibility. But the Universal Plan is in more appropriate hands. You will know all you need to know. Make NO attempts to plan ahead in this respect.)
5.Miracles are habits, and should be involuntary. They should not be under conscious control. (Otherwise they may become undemocratic. Consciously selected miracles are usually dangerous misguided and may destroy this will make the talent useless.)
6. Miracles are natural. When they do NOT occur something has gone wrong.
7. Miracles are everyone’s right, but purification is necessary first.
8. Miracles are a form of healing. They supply a lack, and are performed by those who have more for those who have less.
9. Miracles are a kind of exchange. Like all expressions of love, which are ALWAYS miraculous in the true sense, the exchange reverses the physical laws.
10. A miracle is a reversal of the physical order because it brings more love to the giver and the receiver.
(A miracle is misunderstood when it is regarded as a spectacle.) 11. The use of miracles as a spectacle to induce belief is wrong. They are really used for and by believers. (HS has some fear about 11) and doubt about 9) and 10). Probably doubt by fear of 11).
(When you say “If you want me to I will” please add “and if you DON’T want me to I won’t.” This is the RIGHT use of inhibition. There has to be SOME control over learning for channelizing purposes. Remember retroactive inhibition which should be easy enough for you.Sometimes the new learning is the more important, and has to inhibit the old. It’s a form of correction.)
12. Prayer is the medium of miracles. Prayer is the natural communication of the Created with the Creator. Through prayer, love is received, and through miracles love is expressed.
13. Miracles are thought-creations. Thought can create lower-order or higher-order realities. This is the basic distinction between intellectualization and thinking. One creates the physical, and the other the spiritual, and we believe in what we create.
14. A miracle is a beginning and an end(ing). It thus abolishes time. It is always an affirmation of re-birth, which seems to go back, but really goes forward. It undoes the past in the present, and thus releases the future.
I like how this starts out. There are 50 miracles in total. And they are a little confusing at times. Number 2 is the one that confuses me the most on this list. How can miracles be unimportant if the rest of this is stating how important they are. I know they are also saying that miracles are natural and happen out of nowhere. I believe that. But my logical mind is telling me that miracles are very important. It’s what people pray for. It’s what I have prayed for before.
I do believe that my purpose on this Earth is to create love. I was born to give as much love as a possibly can to everyone I meet. I am working very hard on letting go of expectations and trying not to add personal attachment to my feelings on other people. I need to allow them to think, feel, say what is on their mind. And not box them into what I want to happen. This is a great book to remind myself to always come to someone with peace and love in my heart for them. No matter the circumstances. I pray everyday to find peace. I found it once, but I let it go. I had to. Now I’m looking for my own inner peace and for that, I will search daily.
What did you think of this? How did you comprehend this? I would love to know your thoughts. Leave me a comment please.
Have a great day, you are very loved!
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I have done this before. I got 300 pages into it, of 1500 pages and had to stop for personal reasons. I’m going to start all over. This is an incredible book. In many ways this is my “Spiritual Bible”. Now don’t freak out on me please. You all know how much I love, worship, and praise God. I believe and study/read my American Standard Bible everyday. I read it at lunch time while I eat. It’s my reflection time to pray in the middle of my day and give thanks to my Lord and Savior. This is the book where I have expanded my mind on new spiritual ideas. The one that has opened me up to life. To new ideas that I have never thought of.
A friend of mine from Chicago recommended this to me years ago. I first read Marianne Williamson’s Return to Love book. Then found this. Her book is based on this one. How this book changed her life. This book changed my life too. Studying it reminds me of when I first read it. It’s a hard read. It took me months to get all the way through it. Then I read it again to understand and highlight the sentences that I loved.
Studying it here will allow me to take it apart and really put thought into what it is saying. And how I am interpreting it. There are so very bold ideas here. Somethings that I don’t even agree with. And that’s why I like it. Anything that challenges me is something I go towards more. I love a good challenge. I love to learn. I hope you all take the time to read this. I’m going page by page to make it easier for myself. That way I can read one page, write about it and let you all comment on what your thoughts are.
I hope you enjoy this book. It’s going to take us months to get through it but I’m really excited to start!
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A LETTER OF HOPE By SamuelMay 15, 2015Love
To my love,
I am so in love with you sometimes I can’t even stop smiling for a whole day. I find myself thinking about you and I melt. You have touched my heart and my soul so deeply. I don’t know where I begin and you end. We have become One. You are my heart and soul and I love you so desperately.
Believe in love again, as I do. Believe that you are worthy of this feeling. Trust in me to open your heart and kiss all your scars. I love you through everything. I could love you through anything. I love you enough to give you all that I am without question. You are the greatest source of inspiration for me. I can’t believe this is happening to me. To us. But I am so humbled by it. By you. I pray God has kept you safe and loved. I am here now in your life to be your rock, your biggest fan, and your champion of love. Put all of your worries on me and I will be there for you.
You are all I need. You are my greatest blessing and I aim to put all others before me to shame by oving you more than you know. To me love is a building block into creating the feeling of home. And I couldn’t be happier to say you are what home is to me. I love you for the gift that you are to my life. I wake up alone every morning waiting for my chance to speak to you and see you. I am humbled by your heart. Your capacity to love me is the greatest feeling. I love you and  I wnt us like this all of the time.
I choose you. I have always picked you. Even before I met you. You are my dream come true and my best answered prayer. I am proud of us. We have found love and a way to communicate on a deeper level. I love everything about you. And I love you. Forever.
Love Always,
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I have decided to start fresh on this website. I haven’t had any free time the past few months and am finally making time for myself. I need to. I am so unbalanced with working too much that it has become unhealthy. I like to stay centered.
There are so many changes happening in my life and it’s only going to get better. I have so much love in my life right now I almost don’t feel worthy of it. I am humbled by all of my family and friends that have taken the time to talk to me. I love my family a lot but we struggle to stay in touch. Everyone is so busy and when the weather gets nice most of them take off for Florida to summer there. They don’t get back home until the beginning of fall. Such an unusual family I have. I wouldn’t trade them for the world. My friends are always calling or texting. Keeping me up to date on who is having another baby, who is getting married, and unfortunately who is getting divorced. I love that I’m still in the loop with them after everything the past year. I am thankful. I am humbled.
My mind often goes to what loves means to me. I think it means creation. I believe we are born to create love. That doesn’t mean in the Bible sense. It means we build relationships, friendships, momentary acquaintances that really touch your heart. People come into your life the moment they are meant to. It is by nature, an act of God. And they leave the moment they are meant to. The ones that stick around for a long, long time, they are meant to heal you. They know you well and know your story. They are the ones that carry on your essence. I know my story is so big I need several people to carry it. I want to be known as a kind and loving man who did the best he could. I would be happy with just that much. I know I am so much more, but I don’t feel the need to have a goal other than kindness.
I can’t wait to get back home to Chicago. I have a business trip next week. I’m so excited to go. I had planned on meeting up with an old friend but she decided that would not be in her best interest. So I said okay and take care. She is in her own world and I’m happy to leave her where she is happiest. I am a little sad to not be seeing her but I know it’s for the best. The food there is amazing. I plan on bringing a bunch of my favorite stuff back with me. I will only be there a few days. I wanted to stay a week but with all the bad weather in Oklahoma recently I need to stay focused on getting it all cleaned up.
I miss Chicago. It was my happy home for a long time. Now it’s a stopping place to rest and visit. I’m glad I had all of the experiences I had and I move on with joy in my heart. I know my strength now. I know my weaknesses. I know who I am and I am glad for that.
I hope everyone is doing well. I am taking each day one by one. I am still an avid reader and will be sharing the books I read once again on here. I look forward to all the comments and reconnecting. Have a great day. Know that you are loved!
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A LOT OF THINGS TO ADD HERE By Samuel April 20, 2015 Love
 I have been writing a lot lately. I haven’t published anything yet. I’m still working on everything. I have been traveling, working, getting things sorted out in my life. I am missing my best friend more than anything. She always kept me calm. She knew how to listen to me when I am struggling.
Boy do I have a lot to share with you guys. I will be sure to update you guys soon. Hope everyone is doing well!
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HOPE By SamuelMarch 20, 2015Love
I love this!
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STRUGGLING TODAY By SamuelMarch 20, 2015Love
I miss you so much it hurts. And it’s silly to feel that. But it’s true.
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IS THIS REALLY MY LIFE NOW? By SamuelFebruary 24, 2015Love
Hello and welcome to my brand new website. I’ve done this once before and I loved every minute of it. It became my therapy. What I have learned in my life is that looking back does nothing but teach me lessons I can apply to my future. So no need to tell you who I was. Let me tell you who I am.
I am a single 41 year old guy living in Yukon Oklahoma. I really like my house. I love the backyard the best. I know I will spend hours out there when it’s warmer. Today it’s cold here. I’m up early and getting ready to do my workout. I do the Bowflex machine, then run on my treadmill. I like working out. It gets all of my stress and aggression off of me.
Let me explain how I write these posts. I come up with the title first. Usually what my current mood is or a question I’ve asked myself. I write a little, save the draft and go do something else. Then I write some more and so on. Until it’s done. I have been known to write as many as 4 posts a day. It’s a lot I know but I usually have a lot to write about. My mind never shuts off.
Most of the time I have music on while I’m writing. A glass of ice water and I take my time. I put in a lot of thought and effort into every word. Because I really want to reach people with my ideas about life. It’s something I’m good at.
I am single and in the dating world. It’s going okay. Man, it’s scary out there. Dating at this age. I never thought I would be here but I am. I have been on 5 first dates. I never get to the next stage. Although I have made some new friends. And they are very encouraging me. One of my friends, Linda, has been very sweet to me. She let me know what I screwed up on during our date. I said something that she didn’t like. And of course being a guy had no idea until she shut down. When I asked what was wrong she told me and she was willing to listen to me explain what I really meant.
Communication, ladies and gentlemen really is the key. If you want a friendship, relationship, or strong family life you have to rip open your chest and head and say it. Even if you are scared, or don’t want to say it outloud, you have to. You owe it to the people around you.
The people in my life are wonderful. I have the best friends in the world. They really have been there for me. I’m reconnecting with all of them. It took a friends’ passing to remind us all how great we have it.
Oh yeah, before I forget, I love getting questions from people on here. I leave it open to anonymous commenting. I won’t know who you are, so ask away. Or if you want to leave your name, go for it. I love making new friends.
I hope you enjoy what I’m trying to create here. I will be working very hard over the next few weeks to get it set up the way I want. I look forward to sharing my life with all of you. I need to get to work.
Have a great day, you are loved!
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A friend of mine told me about a movie she went to see last night. So I checked out the plot on wiki and clicked on the imdb soundtrack info. I found this song and fell in love with it.
Check out these lyrics.
If you could know what I was feeling you’d know that I belong with you and in this love never defeated living dying here for you
and everyday seems it will never end I fell asleep to wake and it starts over again
(CHORUS) I’ve got all the time in the world and every night to think of you and empty seems like to last forever but I guess Ive got nothing left to lose nothing left to lose
I gave my heart while it was beating and handed it over to you and it was so beautiful when it was needed and know its all messed up and left in ruins
now everyday seems longer than the last and all the faces come and go but nothing heals the past
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THE BIG 4 2 By SamuelMarch 1, 2015Love
Tomorrow is my 42nd birthday. I’m taking the day off of work. I have no plans and no idea what to do with myself. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. It really is nice living here. The stores are close. The neighborhood is quiet. I look out the windows a lot. I like my house. It fits me.
There’s only one thing miss.
The girl.
Where is she?
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