#jack walten x rosemary walten
cage-cat-yt · 7 months
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Promise this is the last Valentine's Day related thing, I just wanted to draw JackMary cause they're a comfort ship lol (I did draw some tlt characters in crop top tho if you guys wanna see 🤭)
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irlplasticlamb · 7 months
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felix, if you did anything to those kids… i will fucking kill you.
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gert-the-disaster · 21 days
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walmart files
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v1x-holo · 6 months
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Im very fucking sorry ((Gift for my sissy the Jack walten simp ever <3))
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stardust-peachh · 5 months
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Some TWF Doodle requests I did over on Twitter/X
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natabuggie · 7 months
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worth the wait
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cherrychan-0110 · 7 months
@pringledraws 's crossover au contributions
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cemeteryspider · 5 months
Late-Night Protector
Flashback! Sophie Walton x Flashback! Reader
Summary: What would happen if you saved Edd and Molly from their fate that tragic night? Also what if you were dating Sophie.
*Sophie is aged up a little bit she's around 16 and you are 17, I'm pretty sure in Michigan there are no driving restrictions for people 17 years of age based on my thirty second Google search. Also simply just fluff and angst and can be read as a flashback/ retelling of that night*
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol, Mention of Car Accident, Emotional Distress, and Mentioned Injury
Word Count: 1270
You started sweeping the floor of the gym, seeing the dust, dirt, and discarded items into a neat little pile. Earlier in the week you had volunteered to monitor the dance for the younger children of the school district.
Almost everyone had gone home except Edd and Molly, who had sat at one of the tables and munched on extra cookies and sipped on leftover punch that you graciously set in front of them. Edd and Molly were two kids you babysat, and then about a year after you started babysitting for them, you became their older sister, Sophie's, girlfriend.
The two kids were your favorite babysitting job and even though recently you quit babysitting a little while ago to focus on school, you never told the Waltens and continued your job babysitting as they needed.
The lights in the gymnasium were dim and a cool draft was coming in from the open doors. A chill went down your spine, and you looked around the room.
When you turned back to check on the two kids they were walking towards the adult zone, where you knew one very drunk Felix Kranken was. You watched as Felix stumbled out of the room following the two children and before they made it to the door, your gut forced you to stop the man and the kids.
"Hey, Mr. Kranken! If you want I can take them home! I live closer to them after all" You cheerfully approached Felix and hoped not to anger him, but he immediately let his guard down and thanked you.
"Thanks, kid, I just really need to get home and lay down. I've had a rough day today..." His sentence dragged off without ever really finishing it.
"Yeah! I'll call the Waltens quickly and take them home right after! I can bring you home as well if you don't feel well Mr. Kranken" Few words were exchanged before he left with his own set of keys.
You turned to Edd and Molly and assured them that you were bringing them home, and just had to call their house and tell your friends you were leaving. They sat back down and continued their conversation.
You talked to your friend about leaving early and about talking to your supervisor for you, and then you made your way to the payphone. Dropping in a couple of coins and dialing the Walten's home phone. Rosemary picked up the phone gleefully, and you explained the situation to her.
You could hear her rustling around like she was nodding her head. You didn't reveal the fact that Felix Kranken was obviously drunk and going to drive her two young children home under the influence.
"Okay! Thank you so much! Drive safe!" She said into the phone, and you assured the kids that they were going to be home soon.
The three of you ventured out into the night and got into the car. You turned the heat up a little to stave off the late-night chills and left the parking lot of the school.
Upon arriving at the Walten's home you saw Mr. Walten's car parked out front, door open and still running. The front door was cracked, and you were walking in front of the children when you cautiously approached the door.
Rosemary met you at the door, and quickly pulled you into her warm embrace, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for bringing them home... Felix was in an accident on his way home. He's at the hospital" Your eyes widened at her calm words and pulled her a little closer.
"Of course Mrs. Walten, I care about these kids dearly. I wouldn't let anything happen to them if I could stop it," Rosemary released you and then hugged her two youngest children close.
You thought of the years you've babysat the children due to your proximity to their home, and the bond you've created with the youngest Walten children.
You thought about the friendship turned into something more with the oldest Walten child, only a few months younger than yourself.
Recently you've driven the Walten children to their games and practices when their parents were unable to. Edd's baseball games, Molly's dance rehearsals, and dates with Sophie were some of your favorite memories. Sometimes you would have dinner with the whole family, and they welcomed you in like one of their own.
You saw a couple of tears escape from Rosemary's eyes, but you said nothing of it. Jack Walten bustled down the stairs and joined Rosemary in hugging the children.
"Are you sure you don't want to come, Rose?" Jack asked his wife.
"No, I'll stay and watch the kids," Rosemary assured Jack, but you just had to ask.
"Where are you going?"
"The hospital where Felix is, I have to make sure he's okay. Linda didn't pick up when the hospital called her" Jack told you while shaking your hand in the most fatherly way you've ever experienced.
"If you both want to go, I can stay overnight with the kids, it's really no problem" The Waltens looked at each other and nodded their heads.
Rosemary tentatively asked, "Would you?"
"Of course! It's no problem. Go and be with him, he needs you guys" With that Jack shoved a twenty into your hands, and said to use it if you guys were hungry, or if they weren't back by morning.
Another hug from Rosemary, and they were off to see Felix.
You ushered the kids from their place on the couch and helped them get ready for bed. When Edd asked what was going on, you explained it to him to the best of your ability.
"Your Uncle Felix got into a car accident on his way home and is at the hospital where your parents went. Aunt Linda wasn't available and your parents were his only family around" He seemed to accept this answer this late at night, and moved into bed.
Once you were sure everyone was comfortable, you went and knocked on Sophie's door. Her face was a little swollen from the fillings she told you she was getting earlier in the day, and her eyes were scrunched in confusion.
"Y/n?" She asked while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. With that, you let your emotions out and tears started to fall as you basically collapsed into her arms, "What's wrong, babe?"
She helped you get downstairs and to the couch where you laid your head in her lap. You told her everything that happened.
"If I hadn't stepped in, Soph, they might not... they might not be here right now," You continued to cry as Sophie ran her fingers through your hair, and gently wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"But you did, you did, now they're here and in bed, home safe, because of you. They're okay because of you," That made your tears slow, but not stop completely. Sophie started to hum.
"Could you tell me about your day, Soph?"
"Of course, today I went to most of my classes, Mr. Barnet's class was awful. He assigned us an essay that's due in a couple of days about the most obscure topic..."
Her quiet voice lulled you to sleep, and pretty soon she heard your soft breathing laid her head back, and fell asleep too.
When Jack and Molly came home the next day to get some rest they found their oldest daughter asleep with the babysitter asleep in her lap. A knowing smile passed between the two of them and they quietly snuck upstairs to see their other two children.
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the-comfort-den · 7 months
i added Walten Files stuff to my list! the hyperfiction will never leave me lmfao
The Walten files:
Jack Walten, Felix Kranken, Rosemary Walten, Linda Thompson, Susan Woodings, Charles Brook,
(notes:(my au) a lot is different but the main thing is that Jack is an alternate(his mom ended up being infertil despite wanting to be a mom, so she ended up trying something not the best, but she loves her son and she still has her soul(and her husband still loves her lol) i will happily ramble more about this au! 
Also Jack is bi and poly, Rosemary is pan and poly, Linda is also bi and poly, and Felix is gay(panromantic tho) and poly, jack is married to Rosemary and dating Felix, Felix is married to Linda(and loves her romantically) and is dating Jack, Rosmary is Dating Linda and Married to Jack, and ofc Linda is dating Rosemary and married to Felix! Charles is bi and Susan is a lesbian(tho as i dont write for fem readers im willing to bend my own rules lmao this is a place for fuckery and fun not rules XD))
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doveriathegoddess · 7 months
I made a Walten Files AU where in the aftermath of the car accident and telling Jack and Rosemary the truth about what happened to Ed and Molly, Felix also returns Rocket by leaving him at the front door of the Walten House with a note saying how much he's sorry about what he's done and that he'll be leaving Michigan for good. The same day he leaves Felix also resigns from his position as Co Founder and packs his stuff and travels south all the way to the state of Texas. (Fun Fact I'm a Texan LMAOOO)
He ends up in Granbury, Texas and settles in, getting a job at an office and goes to therapy to deal with his problems, leading him to quit alcohol completely as the years go by and he's still clean when the main story of the AU takes place. One fateful weekend he meets Audrey (my oc) who's an unmarried woman living on her farm outside of town and they bond pretty quickly before they become a couple. While they're dating Felix tells Audrey about his past and to his surprise Audrey accepts him despite his past since she strongly believes that everyone deserves a second chance no matter the circumstances of what they've done.
Eventually Felix and Audrey get married and they settle into Audrey's farm, with Felix leaving his office job and becoming a farmer like his wife. He also takes Audrey's maiden name Helbredelse as his last name when they get married so he can cast off Kranken as his last name due to the bad memories he has with it. Now here is a picture of what Farmer Felix looks like:
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Over the years before the AU's story takes place, Felix and Audrey have 4 children with the oldest being 18 years old while the youngest is 6 months old. I also have pictures of them as well so here you guys go:
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Zachary Jack Helbredelse is the oldest child of the family at 18 years old and he's a senior in high school. Not only does he take over his father in physical looks, but his main interests are in robotics and business as he plans on going to an out of state college to pursue these interests.
Charlie Edward Helbredelse is the second child and youngest son at 16 years old, and a sophomore in the same high school he's attending with his brother Zachary. He plays baseball and has his own car which he got a present from a friend of his who moved out of Texas. One thing to note is that Charlie is not the brightest bulb in the box at times-
Susie Molly Helbredelse is the third and oldest daughter who is 12 years old, and attends middle school in the 7th grade. She likes taking care of the chickens and other animals on the farm, and wants to be a rancher someday when she's older. Susie loves her little sister Pippa and is often in the nursery playing with her.
Pippa Rose Helbredelse is the baby of the family at 6 months old and like all babies she stays at the house in her nursery most of the time. She usually has her stuffed bear with her and is one of those babies who doesn't cry often since she likes to sleep most of the time. Her mother Audrey and her father Felix take turns every day looking after her while the other tends to the farm, and her big sister Susie will even come into the nursery just to play with her.
And now for the story of the AU: After many years of being in Texas after leaving Michigan because of what happened, Felix got his act together and got himself a wife and kids along the way. Felix feels he is at peace with himself since he went to therapy and got clean from his alcohol addiction, but all that is about to change when Felix's oldest son Zachary comes home from school one day and notices a package at the front door addressed to his father, but the package has no return address.
Intrigued, Zachary brings the package inside and because his dad is in town doing errands on this day it'll be a while before he comes home for dinner. So Zachary opens the package and is very confused to find a grey rabbit doll inside the box with a name tag attached to it that says "Rocket". As there's nothing else in the package and no return address, Zachary decides to leave the rabbit inside the box and wait until Felix gets home.
Eventually his younger siblings Charlie and Susie get home from school and see the package along with Rocket inside so they inquire their older brother about it. Zachary explains how there's no return address but that doesn't stop Charlie from taking Rocket out of the box and examining it, while Susie goes upstairs and brings Pippa (who is waking up from her nap) down from the nursery to see Rocket.
Felix comes home to see his kids crowding around something and becomes shocked as he comes face to face with the toy that reminds him of his past and what happened on the night of the car accident. Zachary explains to his father about the package and asks if he knows what Rocket is based on his reaction to seeing him. Felix quickly dismisses Zachary and states that he'll go to the post office tomorrow morning and inquire about the package. At this point Audrey comes downstairs due to the commotion and sees Felix and his uncomfortable expression around Rocket, which causes her to diffuse the situation by allowing Susie to keep Rocket in her room for the time being and bringing the empty box upstairs to hers and Felix's bedroom.
That night after dinner, Audrey does her best to console Felix about the situation with Rocket as he's obviously spooked that the toy has found it's way to his home in Texas after he moved away from Michigan many years ago. Audrey suggests contacting his ex-friend Jack Walten about Rocket but Felix is hesitant as he has not spoken to Jack in the last 20+ years because of the car accident. The couple decide to discuss this matter further when their 3 older children are at school the next day and go to sleep that night. The next day the couple decide to go to the post office and talk to someone about the package, but when they get to the post office they learn that there was no record of a package being received at the post office nor any record of it being delivered to the house.
The couple return home and decide that they'll allow Rocket to stay in the house until Felix can get in contact with Jack. For a few weeks everything is normal until some of the family members find Rocket in places around the house, like outside of Zachary's bedroom door, sitting in Charlie's chair in the dining room, being in the closet of Felix and Audrey's room, in the basket that Susie uses to feed the chickens next to the coop, and even ending up next to Pippa's crib in the nursery.
Felix is starting to get scared that something is amiss and he's not wrong, especially since unknown to him and his family, an entity is lurking in the shadows on the farm and waits to strike...
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cage-cat-yt · 2 years
Christmas and a LITTLE bit of Hanukkah dump because I will forget to post it if I don't
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Tbh idk why it mostly came out as Jack walten but he is comfort character <3
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day
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nohmakesmecooler · 2 years
men who actually love their wives r my fave trope why is this a trope idk patriarchy but its so fantastical
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xxmishax · 2 years
It's valentines day so here are my emotional support heteros <3
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spookiifi · 2 years
Origins of The Walten Files
Rating: General
Tags: Fluff, Slice of Life, Short and Sweet
Relationships: Sophie/Jenny, Jack/Rosemary
ao3 link!
Decades before Bon’s Burgers was created, the showstoppers were merely toys that Jack Walten had made for his daughter, Sophie. This would be the start of his inspiration for his (in)famous restaurant.
This isn’t canon to the actual series The Walten Files. All credit goes towards the creator of the analog horror, Martin Walls. I highly recommend watching it before reading.This fic takes place years before Bon’s Burgers was created. Jack and his family deserve happiness so I thought I’d make that happen.Don’t yell at me if things aren’t exactly timed correctly. I’m terrible with time gaps. This is my first time writing for The Walten Files fandom, so forgive me if it’s slightly ooc
Enjoy the fluff!
“Hello! The name’s Bon, Bon the rabbit!” A father named Jack Walten made a blue rabbit plush sing and dance. It was carefully crafted for the perfect amount of comfort.
“What’s your name, little sheep?”
“Well howdy! My name’s Sha, the lamb.” Jack changed his voice to fit each character, making his daughter Sophie laugh.
“It’s very nice to meet you Miss Sha. Say, how about you help me collect fruit for the festival?”
The lamb’s bell collar jingled as she nodded. “What a swell idea. I’d love to. What do you think, Sophie?”
The little girl raised her arms with a loud. “Yeah!”
Jack’s wife Rosemary smiled as she watched her husband entertain Sophie. There’s nothing she would change about her family. Even better with her twins along the way.
She glanced up at the clock, seeing that it was fifteen minutes before eight. Sophie had school the next day. As cute as the situation was, Rosemary wanted her daughter to have a good night’s rest. “Alright showstoppers, it’s time to wrap up the performance.”
“Aw, But we’ll never find out if they got enough fruit in time!” Sophie pouted. “Five more minutes?”
“Don’t worry now. I’m sure they’ll have a happy ending.” Jack offered her his hand. “Now, lets get ready for bed.”
“Dad?” Sophie yawned. “I wish Sha and Bon were real. Then, we could have adventures every day.”
Jack smiled before handing her Sha and Bon. “Me too, sweetie. Get some rest so we can play more tomorrow.”
He tucked her in before turning on her nightlight. “Goodnight Soph’.”
“Hey!” Jenny snapped her fingers in front of her girlfriend’s face. “Are you good?”
Sophie looked up at Jenny. “Sorry I must’ve spaced out for a second.”
“You took your pills, right?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She rubbed her eyes. “It’s probably that arcade shelf that’s distracting me. What were we talking about?”
“If you need any help with that old machine, just let me know. Anyway…” Jenny continued on with their previous conversation.
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stardust-peachh · 1 year
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JackMary plushies the sequel
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chirotera · 1 year
Rosemary & Felix become a couple
» Characters: Rosemary Walten, Felix Kranken, Jack Walten
» Summary: Rosemary & Felix become a couple. Rosemary is sappy.
» Word Count: 591
» Warnings: Slight NSFW warning, mention of staring at bare breasts
» A/N: Written 2022-06-29 | AO3: Link
Jack chuckles softly, explaining to you about if it's okay if Felix is with you and Linda only. You nod softly, smiling at the two men with love. You were very excited to finally have Felix as your boyfriend. Your lover. Your partner.
You sit beside your husband, his best friend across from you. You still can't believe this is all really happening, that it's real. Jack softly rubs your shoulder to get your attention, you look up at him "Hm?" you mumble.
" Is that alright, rosie?"
" Is what? " You ask, looking between him and Felix, flustered, " Sorry, I got distracted in my own thoughts. "
You wake up to the feeling of hair in your face, trying to move it away from you, you realize it's not your own or Jacks. You wonder who it could be, opening your eyes you see Felix and yesterday's events come rushing back to you. You smile warmly and bring your hand up to Felix's hair, softly running it through his short hair. It was soft, but a different texture to yours and Jacks, so straight and not at all tangled or getting your fingers stuck in a curl. You giggled softly before sitting up, looking over the bedroom, You noticed Jack wasn't in bed. You get up, Pulling on a shirt from the pile of clothes on the floor from the three of you. You head into the kitchen to see Jack cooking. You come up to him, hugging his waist softly.
"Good Morning dove" he says, turning his head slightly to look down at you.
"Mornin" You mumble back to him, nuzzling into his back.
Breakfast had been cooked, and I was setting the table for the three of us. Felix came into the room, so you looked up at him and he was giving you a strange look. "What is it, feli?" you asked.
"You.. you just look really pretty in shirt, sall"
You flush and look down at yourself, "Oh! ha. Thank you.. I didn't realize it was. yours" you began to stammer, it caused both Felix and Jack to chuckle, making you flush more.
As you were eating, you began to get lost in your thoughts again. Thinking about Felix mostly. Thinking about how you can cuddle him, give him kisses, and anything else! You were so happy. You noticed the boys getting up, pulling you away from your thoughts.
Jack bent down, kissing you softly and you kissed him back. He pulled away and went off to finish getting ready. You turned to Felix who was fidgeting with his fingers. "Felixx.." you dragged out his name, "Can you give me a kiss too?"
This caused the man to flush, but he bent down to kiss you as well, you kissing him back. It was so different from Jack but nice. Sweet. He pulled away, flustered, and promptly went off to put his clothes on and also finish getting ready.
You decided you wanted to be a little cheeky. You got up and headed towards the bedroom where Jack and Felix were talking. You took your, well Felix's shirt off you and tapped on Felix's shoulder. "Here's your shirt hon"
he took it, and began putting it on before the realization took over him and he looked at you, looking straight to your chest. You giggled at him, telling him he's naughty, before pushing your way into the closet to get your own clothes. Getting ready for a day full of work, daydreams and wanting to be between two men.
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