#jacaerys x aurynn
noeverse · 3 months
Among Crowns, Chapter One: The Prince and The Man
Author's Notes
I'm freeeeeee!! Exams and school is over, I'm officially 22 and now have the time to write and read, so expect me to be in the trenches! This chapter didn't end like I expected, but I loved sitting down with my charas and see where they took me! I hope you do too. Enjoy!
English isn't my first language, so please forgive any typos/grammar mistakes
If you wish to be tagged, let me know in the notes and comments!
This series is attached to my other fic, 'Burning Bridges (of a kingdom fallen)'
This series will contain canon-typical sexism, sexual themes, violence, infidelity, among other tags I'll add as the story progresses, as well as some takes of mine from both the show HOTD and the book Fire and Blood, as well as some liberties of mine
Visella Targaryen's character, who belongs to @blood0fthedragon is mentioned in this chapter and will make cameos during this first act of the fic
Summary: Jace and Aurynn both react over the betrothal and start to get used to one another. They will be wed soon, after all
Word Count: 3.4k
Pairings: Jacaerys Velaryon x OFC, eventual Cregan Stark x OFC & Alyn Velaryon x OFC, OFC x OFC (Aurynn Mormont and Visella Targaryen who belongs to @blood0fthedragon )
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nudity
Tagging: @aeksion-aekse @mini-kunoichi @huramuna @blood0fthedragon
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Jace paced himself, the words sinking in. He had already made peace with marrying Baela, but this was different. This was Lynn.
Lynn, whose kind brown eyes had always soothed his stormy head. Lynn, whose laugh and wit and bravery made him feel better. Lynn, who once made him potato soup when he caught a cold. Lynn, whom he had been mad about ever since he remembered.
He didn’t know when it started. A glance that lasted too long. A laugh that made his heart do summersaults. Or perhaps a game of goose chase. He just turned ten and two when he knew that he loved her earnestly. Her presence was a beacon among his duty, and he had silently died with jealousy when a possible suitor came over her. Luke knew. Baela knew. He was sure his mother knew. All save the woman he wanted to know: Aurynn. He was sure he was either going to faint from joy or throw princely mannerisms through the window when they almost kissed. He wanted to smack Luke then. He almost had her. He wanted her to be his so badly, he almost yelled at Luke.
Jacaerys shook his head. Perhaps being in love made one mad. As he fed Vermax, he saw his mother waltz into the pit, a small smile on her face “Enjoying some alone time before the key events play out?”
He cleared his throat “Something like that.” He caressed his snout and then faced his mother “Why the sudden change? What’s in it for you?”
Rhaenyra sighed. Then, she seemed to decide to be honest with her son, and declared “The North’s allegiance is key. Its most fierce and loyal men come from there. House Mormont is a longtime ally of the Starks. A successful marriage with a comely girl like Aurynn will help you sway the Starks to your side. Besides,” she concluded “one has to see how you look at one another.”
Jace blinked “Pardon? One another?”
Rhaenyra smiled knowingly “As if I haven’t noticed how she looks at you. Your feelings aren’t one-sided, my boy.”
Hope warmed his chest “Are they?”
“Ask her. I believe that she is ashore, preparing for her brother’s arrival. You have a few minutes to spare. Go.”
He kissed his mother’s cheek and ran towards the beach, his heart pounding. Could it be? Could she love him back? He ran, and ran, until he reached her. She was busy chatting with the servants and maids, ordering about as if it was her place.
Upon hearing probably his gallop, she turned around and frowned upon seeing Jace panting and exhausted “Gods, Jace! How long have you been running? Someone fetch the prince a chair and some water!”
As she sat him down, her hands were on his shoulders and ribcage. Her touch was warm and comforting, and she smelled of rosewater, salt and home. Her hair was on a beautiful braid, and had dressed in the Mormont black and maroon.
He couldn’t help it. He stroked her cheek, and her eyes went wide “Lynn…”
Before he could speak, she handed him the cup of water and he obediently drank, exhaustion washing over, his brain fog leaving. He took a few deep breaths, and looked behind her shoulder, where a ship was being commandeered by someone who looked exactly like Lynn. Her brother Rodrik.
Lynn noticed that and turned around, probably beaming as she cried “Brother!” She ran towards him, and he smiled running towards her as well. The siblings embraced, and he lifted her up, making her squeal.
“Ah, Aurynn! Look at yourself, what a handsome young woman you’ve become. I’m sure His Grace will be more than delighted to have a lovely bride by his side.”
Jace got up and dusted himself off. Posturing himself, he confidently strutted towards his brother-in-law and gave him a diplomatic smile “Lord Rodrik. Be welcome to Dragonstone. I hope that the journey wasn’t too perilous?”
“Nothing a bear like me can’t handle. We’re a tough bunch, aren’t we, Lynn?”
Jace looked at her tenderly “I’ve noticed. Your sister is a formidable woman, a paragon of strength and perseverance. I’m lucky to have her as a betrothed.”
Rodrik beamed “I am happy to hear that! Please, do tell me about Baela. What should one expect from her? My advisors can only tell me what they’re allowed to tell.”
With Lynn in tow, they conversed as she seemed to observe the way he treated with her brother, whom she seemed to love. They exchanged a few jokes and tales from Aurynn before she left to Dragonstone. Jace looked at her, amused “I didn’t take you from someone who would spit at a grown man.”
Lynn giggled “In my defence, he was being touchy and rude!”
“I won’t have to save you then?”
Lynn smirked “I could use some assistance in certain circumstances.”
Rodrik teasingly whispered “Do not let her figure fool you. Those knees of hers are of steel, they have broken many noses. Also, I hope you have cat instincts, she’s got the devil’s aim.”
Jace threw his head back and laughed, nodding. He didn’t mind all of that. It was nice, seeing for himself how Aurynn carried herself. Genteel, but fierce. Quiet, but with a commanding voice when it required. Someone who wasn’t helpless. She didn’t behave like a chess piece at his mother’s command, but rather someone who actually seemed humane and genuine. He never once felt like a prince, but as a man his own age, who truly knew nothing of what was most thrown at him.
Not to mention, she also knew how to play her part in the game of thrones, and did it well. He was more than thrilled to be her husband and king. Together, maybe they could make of Westeros something great. Something worth fighting for. He could picture it.
The teasing between siblings brought him back to life, both arguing over something he missed “Now, for the record, even I can have a faulty accuracy every once in a while,” she argued “I truly did not mean to hit the poor babe’s apple!”
“The what now?” Jace blinked, confused.
Rodrik chuckled “A long story, indeed.”
As they neared the gates, Aurynn noticed the cries of the younger princes. Aegon cried loudly, and Viserys was fussing around. Leaving her brother to introduce himself, Lynn wasted no time in picking the crying boy and started cradling him, shushing him gently, patting gently his back. Seeing that it didn’t work, she started humming a melody that her wet nurse used to sing to Rodrik, and started bouncing him, making faces and wide, goofy grins. The baby, curious about the pretty girl’s shenanigans, observed still with teary tears. Not once showing the distress of the attending lady that previously held him, she started making noises with her mouth, rocking him strongly, creating a rhythm that seemed to soothe and amuse the prince. Then, Aegon finally stopped crying and started laughing instead, his little, grubby hands on her face, giggling and looking at Aurynn. She kissed the prince, making noise with her lips, making the young prince squeak of delight. “Who’s the handsomest prince in the land? Is it you, sweetie? Yes, you are!” As if understanding her words, the prince giggled, and Jace’s heart soared with love.
She looked so beautiful, with a smile on her face, a glint in her eyes and a beautiful baby in her arms. But again, she looked good in anything. If he wasn’t certain before of his feelings towards her, he was now.
Giving the baby back to the lady, Aurynn smiled “My princess, my prince, my brother, Lord Rodrik Mormont of Bear Island.”
Bending the knee, Rodrik started talking “It is an honour to be here. I look forward embracing my husbandly duties and being worthy of Lady Baela and your illustrious family.”
Daemon taunted “Even your philandering?”
“Especially that, my prince. I have not even glanced at a woman ever since the negotiations were finished.”
The prince stared long and inquisitively at the boy, who remained on his knees, showing true redemption. Then, he got him up and clapped his back “Wonderful! Let us get you ready to meet my daughter. You smell of beef and salt.”
“As my prince commands.”
Jace whispered “Do you think he was being genuine?”
“He is. I believe that he’s willing to change.”
“Hopefully. Baela is, above all, a good friend whom I wish the very best.”
Aurynn squeezed his hand for one moment. It was smooth and warm, and her perfume invaded his nostrils once again. Following her inside, he then went to find Luke, who was surely chatting with Rhaena.
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Jace once again dreamt of her. She dressed the exact same white dress, leaving his wandering mind to imagine. It was dark, save for the torches and the flowers surrounding the arched door.
He slowly approached her, his fingers burning once again for her touch. His breath was already ragged, and he was only a few inches apart.
“Jace. Oh, Jace, how I’ve longed to see you here.”
“I could not sleep. Not without feeling your warmth before.”
“We are betrothed. Take what you will.”
“Do you want me to, Lynn?”
She instead stood on her toes and kissed him. Sighing, he kissed her back, one hand on her beautiful hair, and the other on her back, as warm as the torch that illuminated her beautiful features. Picking her up, he gently placed her against the fountain and deepened the kiss, rejoicing in her noises and ragged breath. She wanted him, and he was more than happy to be hers in that moment.
When his hand found her dress’ straps, he was blinded “Good morning, my prince,” his companion, who often woke him cheered “today your mother has many plans for your marriage. Let us get you dressed—,” he noticed his flushed face and ragged breath “Ah, dreaming again of Lady Mormont, are we? Let me fetch you some fresh water. Do not fret, the advantage of marriage is that soon, Lady Mormont shall alleviate you in my stead.”
Jace cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed. Drinking heartily the water, he took a deep breath “What do we got today?”
“The princess told me to get you dressed for her announcement. Would you like me to tend to Vermax while you’re there?”
He shook his head “That is alright, simply feed him and I’ll get there once Mother had said her piece.”
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Having dressed in the black ensemble, Jacaerys found that Aurynn, Rodrik and Baela were already there, and Rhaenyra beamed upon seeing her son. Luke must’ve slept in, as per usual in his age. He bowed and took his place beside Aurynn, and after two long minutes in which Daemon strutted into the room, Rhaenyra begun talking “With Lord Rodrik here, and the date of the wedding being pending, Daemon and I have discussed, and having two separate weddings would affect the realm’s coffers. That is why we shall have a double wedding: Jace and Aurynn will wed on the same day Baela and Rodrik wed.”
Daemon continued “Alicent has wed her son Daeron to the beloved Rosyn Westerling. It was a lavish wedding, and many more have considered her cause. We must upstage that wedding and convince the other Great Houses to join our ranks instead. A double wedding will do that. The Tyrells and Arryns have confirmed their attendance, and the Starks are yet to answer, as well as the Tullys, but something tells me they’re just being coy. Those ones love weddings more than anyone.”
“Then we convince them that our wedding is worth attending. A paragon of power, influence, security and showing that we have the upper hand.” Aurynn suggested “Tell your spies to find out what Lady Tully loves in a wedding, and we shall make it happen.”
Rhaenyra glanced appreciatively at Lynn “We shall do that.”
“And…” she added shyly “given how beloved the Westerlings are, if we perhaps show how happy and satisfied Lady Evelyne Westerling is, compared to Rosyn’s reluctance, then all rumours would be shut and Alicent’s whispers would have been told for naught.”
“What do you suggest we do, Lady Mormont?”
She looked at Daemon in the eye “With whispers that slam shut the greens’ whispers: a husband worthy of her. Of the Westerling name. Someone who may make Lady Westerling happy and compel the other houses to attend our festivities.”
“Where is that candidate, I wonder?” Jace thought out loud.
Aurynn whispered to a serving girl, then she rushed off. Two minutes later, she came back with a portrait. A black-haired, handsome and young man stood. The paper read: Rickard Fell, alongside qualities and a personality that matched Evelyne and House Westerling. Daemon and Rhaenyra looked at one another, debating in silence, and nodded “Summon him, then. Let him make his case during the wedding. His ties to both the North and the Riverlands ought to compel Lord Stark and Lord Tully to come. Well done, once again, Aurynn. Day by day, you prove to be worthy of my son.”
She smiled, and bowed deeply “I simply follow your prime example of leadership, my princess.”
Rhaenyra placed a hand on her shoulder, and smiled at her “If I had a thousand men with half your intelligence and cunning, I’d rule the whole world.”
Jace smiled, beaming with pride, happy to see the woman he so adored and his mother bonding “I am grateful that you united us, Mother.”
Rhaenyra didn’t say it out loud, but he knew well what she said: The Seven Kingdoms would be in good hands once it was his turn.
Hopefully that’d be far away from now.
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Back at the study, Jace rejoiced in reading his aunt Visella’s tales from Dorne, and could almost feel the warm sun and the smells around it. Spices, sand, silks, and delicious perfumes and silks.
A knock interrupted his vision.
“Come in.”
It was Aurynn and Luke. His brother peered at his letters “Is that aunt Visella’s letters?”
He nodded “She’s done quite the connections there. Seems happier there than with her dastardly husband in Casterly Rock. Never knew what to do with her.”
Aurynn looked at Jace “You don’t think the heir to House Lannister is worthy of her? He was probably the most eligible bachelor of his age.”
Luke snorted “And, according to Daemon, a blithering idiot who wasn’t man enough to handle a dragon.”
“Luke,” Aurynn chastised him, warning the boy about his language.
“Sorry. We forgot about the fact that you are a lady.”
Lynn shook her head, pinching Luke’s cheek “The Princess’ marriage is none of our business. As long as she’s secured and content, all is well. I’m afraid we’re past impending said marriage. Visella’s a grown woman who can handle her husband’s attitude well enough. Now, leaving this behind, I was hoping to discuss some parts of the wedding. Give it our touch, you know?”
Jace smiled “Of course, Lynn. Do sit.”
“I’ll… go tend to Arrax.” Luke smiled, going away.
Jace looked at his betrothed, the woman he had been secretly mad about for a long time, and cleared his throat “What did you want to discuss?”
“As you know, my mother died in childbirth, and my father was killed in battle. I was… hoping to be walked alongside Baela by Daemon, since he was a father figure to me at least.”
Jace nodded “Done. What else did you want to discuss?”
“I have the perfect dress design, but I can’t decide the colour. And I want to send a message: that I am your wife and future queen. Would you like me to wear your mother’s black, or red and maroon, since those are your colours?”
Jace didn’t even need to mull it over for long “Wear black and red. House Targaryen’s colours.” He took off his necklace and gave it to her “And I want you to wear this. A token of my affections.”
He could see her ears turning pink, and seemed to try to be as dignified as possible “Thank you, my prince. It’s…a very touching gift.”
Arming himself with valour, he took her hands and lifted her chin “Listen, Lynn, about the wedding night… I understand how terrifying it could be. But I promise you, I… care about you deeply, and would not dream of hurting you. I want you to enjoy yourself as much as it is allowed. And I won’t allow anyone to make you feel uncomfortable. Ever.”
She took a deep breath and nodded, clearly flustered of how openly he discussed such topics. Then, she gave him a clearly trained smile “You are a very kind and attentive groom. I am lucky that I am to be your wife.” She cleared her throat “Now, um, regarding the tablecloth, I was thinking of stitching both our houses’ sigil…”
He itched to ask her if she loved or even cared for him, but did not find the strength. Instead, he allowed her to keep talking. After all, such feelings ought not to be rushed.
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After the day had finally come to an end, Aurynn rushed to her bed, falling on her back on the feathery mattress. Letting out the breath she had been taking on for long, she clutched Jace’s necklace, feeling the owner’s warmth, and tried to get such unladylike thoughts out of her system.
The mention of the bedding ceremony had caught her off guard, and the fact that her dreams had been similar, she had done her best to behave accordingly. One simple wanton action, and she would’ve sullied her house’s reputation and name. A crown prince’s bride ought to be demure, composed and poised, and her sinful thoughts almost got the better of her.
She had loved Jace since she was a girl, and was so close to having her dream come true. She could not take one wrong step, no matter how tempting it was. Missing the cold waters, she decided to take a swim.
Sneaking quietly, she was both surprised and pleased to not see Rodrik wandering off with a maid, and walked all the way to the beach, where she took off all but her chemise, which was rather short due to the hot islandic weather. Stepping onto the cold water, it did not bite her. Indeed, Bear Island’s waters were much colder, sending divine chills through her. Walking with her long brown locks down and her facing the moonlight, her hands caressed the cold water, revelling in the elegant movement of the sea.
She could feel her fears and inhibitions leaving her body, connecting with her innermost feminine side, which was rare in a man’s world. Her, utter silence, the sea and the moon. Her soul disconnected from her body, as if the imposing castle was miles away from her. Everything seemed to disappear. Even her. And her thoughts.
As she returned ashore, something compelled her to drop her nightgown and allow the moon to observe her beauty. She did. The wind seemed to agree with her, and she felt free. Seen. Like she had just been blessed.
That’s when she noticed a ragged breath from a few paces away. She turned around, her sogged dress covering her exposed skin. She saw a familiar curly hair and audibly gasped.
He quickly turned around and started walking really fast, as if he wanted not to see her. Was her body so ugly? Or did he think her unworthy of him now because of such pagan actions?
Aurynn now feared for the morning.
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As Jacaerys ran away, he hoped that the nightly breeze would put away such sinful thoughts of Aurynn, who looked ravishing in the moonlight, her long hair covering her back. As he slammed shut his bedchamber’s door, he took a deep breath, steadying himself and his thoughts.
What he felt for Aurynn was strong. With her, he always knew he could be a man according his age, not a perfect prince with standards. But there were some lines to draw. She was a respected lady, and he was a prince, and henceforth, a gentleman. But every time he felt her warmth nearby, all his mother and father taught him about being a gentleman threatened to go away and simply give in to his most primal desires.
He swallowed yet again, laying on the bed, unable to take said image from his head.
However could he face her in the morning?
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noeverse · 5 months
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Lady Aurynn Mormont and Lord Rodrik Mormont, a brief story according to Maester Eustace;
Despite Aurynn being the eldest, she was never once treated as the heir of Bear Island, but rather her younger brother Rodrik. Both grew up in different circles: where her ladyship was proud, fierce and cautious, Rodrik was hedonistic, strong-tempered and highly ambitious. Having been left orphaned at just 14 and 11, their guardian, not having economic means to raise them both, sent the young, pretty Aurynn to be raised among Princess Rhaenyra's children, a promise to one day attend the much desired daughter of the princess. During that time, Aurynn made lifelong connections, such as her future husband Jacaerys, the Dragon Twins and many of the princess' party. She was probably the most comely and lovely of the girls at the princess' court, with a sharp wit, incredible sense of humour that delighted the princess and an unique fashion sense, for her hair was so long she could very well sit on it and was often in complex coiffeurs, and favoured purple and navy blue, as well as expensive fur made from the fiercest bears of Bear Island, a yearly gift from her lord brother as a way of ensuring that she didn't forget her house. At age sixteen, Princess Rhaenyra changed her chess pieces and instead married the beloved and most elegible Aurynn to Jacaerys, and Baela would marry her brother Rodrik instead.
It took Prince Daemon a while to accept this, but after cunning Aurynn wrote a witty and comedic poem to the couple, he accepted her and asked her to love well his son, which she bowed deeply and promised to give his grace nothing but the very best. The double wedding was celebrated three weeks after, and the prince seemed enamored by his bride, which surprised nobody. Baela seemed reluctant because of Rodrik's hedonistic and queer lifestyle, but the morning of their first day as a married couple dropped to his knees before his in-laws and declared that the moment he was promised to Baela he had sworn off such boyish behaviour and would be a new, better man for her, which delighted the couple.
Soon, Aurynn was with child, and Prince Jacaerys, overjoyed, asked for his mother for a joust in such honour, which she gladly granted. Lady Aurynn proved to take pregnancy with poise and grace worthy of a future queen, and if she payed any mind to the symptoms, she said no such thing aloud.
Prince Jacaerys was sent to fight some battles in his mother's name, and kissing heavily pregnant child goodbye, went off to war. Rodrik accompanied him, not before announcing alongside Baela that they too were expecting their first child. Sadly, Prince Jacaerys perished, and everyone at Dragonstone heard Dowager Princess Aurynn's howls of pain. Fearing that the Greens could target her, Rodrik asked the Sea Snake for a strong ship to carry to safety the heir and its mother to impenetrable Bear Island.
Lord Cregan Stark, fulfilling his promise to Prince Jacaerys, started to march down, and heard of the famed beauty Princess Aurynn having stopped in the Riverlands after escaping a storm, and demanded to meet the princess whose beauty couldn't be kept from every man's mouth, and when he saw her, he was struck by her beauty and intelligence, and instead offered Winterfell as a refuge, reminding the princess of the bond with her late husband, which she accepted.
Now leaving for Winterfell, the dowager princess went into labour three days after arriving to Winterfell to a beautiful baby girl, whom she named Visenya Velaryon, and was healthy enough to write to Queen Rhaenyra about how the princess had the late Prince's sweet features and soft brown hair. Sadly, said joy was short-lived, for the babe contacted an illness that killed her in her mother's arms. Her wails of pain and sorrow were heard all over Winterfell, and felt all along the north. Not even sweet Sara Snow's comforts could cure the princess' pain.
During the Hour of the Wolf, Rodrik and Baela, alongside their baby daughter Laena were held hostage by King Aegon II, and chained, for they feared that they might attack the king in an organised attack.
After the deaths of both Queen Rhaenyra and King Aegon, Rodrik was brought into question by Cregan himself, and he, having learned the cunning ways of his sister, used Lord Stark's feelings for his lady sister as a way of getting away from a punishment, and was sent back to Bear Island with a large fine and the promise of Aurynn's hand in marriage in exchange of him giving up Alyssane Blackwood.
Cregan Stark rode back to Winterfell, looking forward marrying Princess Aurynn, to whom upon arriving, went straight to her bedchambers and dropped to his knees and swore love and fealty to her, declaring he had loved her from the moment they first spoke. She accepted with the condition that he never once involved himself in such wars unless it affected Winterfell. Three months later, having recovered from childbirth, they both were married in a lavish wedding, for Lord Cregan paid no expense. One could tell he was deeply enamored by Princess Aurynn, and she had begun to love him as well.
They were married for a decade and four years, Aurynn delivering a child every year, but only four daughters survived infancy: Lyanna, Shireen, Judynn and Ayrin Stark. Lord Cregan loved them very much, but many feared that he had only one heir. Indeed, Rickon's death changed him, for Lady Aurynn caught Cregan red-handed with his distant cousin and who would be his third and last wife. After a heavy argument, Aurynn packed essentials and sailed towards King's Landing, where she exposed King Aegon III her case for a divorce, a formal separation at best. Aegon, seeing that she had no male sons and Cregan had been unfaithful, compared to virtuous and beloved Aurynn, accepted the divorce and signed it himself. In exchange, feeling indebted to who had been once his sister-in-law, offered her a new marriage prospect: Alyn Velaryon, a man that seemed to match the lady's character. The lady accepted with the condition that it'd take the next year so all divorce could be settled.
And thus, Aurynn and Alyn were married in front of King Aegon's eyes in a handsome and elaborate wedding, where Rodrik walked Aurynn for the last time, his daughters Laena and Rhaenys as flower girls. They soon moved to Pentos, away from Westeros and Cregan's jealousy. Aurynn became pregnant once more, and delivered a strikingly beautiful girl, Daena Velaryon, whom they sent to serve to the new queen, Daenera Velaryon. She seemed to enjoy being there, for often Aurynn commented to her husband about how she enjoyed being with her cousins Laena and Rhaenys, and to see Rodrik's only son Aemon become a grown, handsome man.
However, the marriage proved to be incompatible, and when Alyn wasn't gallivanting with a lover, he was at sea, where he was eventually lost. Swearing off a fourth marriage, Aurynn instead moved to a quaint house in King's Landing, where she sought the close friendship and companionship of Princess Visella Targaryen, soon attached to the hip, maybe too close for Westerosi society. She lived her remaining life by giving prosperous matches to her daughters and spoiling her nephew and nieces rotten, all with Visella close behind.
As for Rodrik, he and Baela were a never-ending fairytale, riding dragons together and enjoying a quiet life with their three children and staying away from politics. Their daughters were married to prominent houses, and their son married later in life, having built for himself an impressive career. @blood0fthedragon @mini-kunoichi (inspired by @emilykaldwen & @huramuna )
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noeverse · 2 months
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aurynn mormont + her husbands/partners
jacaerys velaryon- m.129 ac; issue- visenya velaryon (died) died in 130 ac
cregan stark- m.131 ac; issue- lyanna, shireen, ayrin & judynn stark. divorced 142 ac
alyn velaryon- m.143 ac; issue- daena velaryon (widowed)
visella targaryen- got together c.148 ac (disputed by various maesters) @blood0fthedragon
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noeverse · 3 months
Hi @lya-dustin here 💙💙
So id love to see the Mormont siblings ft my oc, Aemma Velaryon who is Jace's elder half sister.
(Whether Aemma is paired off with Cregan or Aemond is up to you)
in this au, jace lives to be king and thus lynn's second and third marriages never happen
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The wedding had been a fabulous one. Jacaerys was now king, and to presevere peace, had married Aemma Velaryon to Cregan Stark. Rodrik had been, as promised, married to Baela.
As the bedding ceremony came closer, Aurynn noticed that she wasn't the only one eyeing the bride...and groom for the matter. And they eyed them as well. As Aemma stripped down to commence the ceremony, Jace chuckled, amused “Perhaps this arrangement shouldn't be so dreadful.” She agreed.
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noeverse · 4 months
Among Crowns, Prologue: The Wheel of Fate
Author's Notes
Be welcome to my first HOTD fic! I'm excited to share it with y'all and see where this story takes me. I hope you guys love Aurynn and her story as much as I do!
English isn't my first language, so please forgive any typos/grammar mistakes
If you wish to be tagged in this series, let me know in the notes and asks!
This series will contain canon-typical sexism, sexual themes, violence, infidelity, among other tags to be added, as well as some canon takes from both Fire and Blood and HOTD, and even some liberties of mine
Summary: Princess Rhaenyra, seeing the state of her court and claim to the throne, decides to switch her cards; her firstborn son will marry Lady Aurynn Mormont in order to have a shot with ensuring the North's allegiance, and Lord Rodrik Mormont shall take Baela as wife in Jacaerys' stead. With war at their doors, these siblings will play whatever tune its sang in order to live in a volatile enviroment.
Words: 2.0k
Pairings: Jacaerys Velaryon x OFC (Aurynn Mormont) Baela Targaryen x OMC (Rodrik Mormont), eventual Cregan Stark x OFC & Alyn Velaryon x OFC (Aurynn Mormont) and OFC x OFC (Visella Targaryen @blood0fthedragon x Aurynn Mormont)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None (they will be added as the series progresses)
Tagging: @aeksion-aekse @mini-kunoichi @huramuna @blood0fthedragon
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Princess Rhaenyra paced herself in her chambers, the thought of war coming soon heavy on her mind. Alicent had made her move already, and she was running out of time. For ten years, they had been playing the political chess. Her eldest son was of age. And Baela seemed perfect for him; however, she was not blind. She had seen the way Jace looked at the Mormont girl.
She was certainly a beauty, with a long cascade of brown curls, expressive brown eyes and a wit and charm that easily matched others. And she was from a beloved and fierce house from the North. Baela was a Targaryen, and a daughter of her beloved husband, however, it was clear that there was no attraction between one another. If Rhaenyra was to sway the North to her side, then a successful marriage between a Northern and her son would be the wise thing to do.
She also was aware of Rodrik’s eligibility. He was strikingly handsome, an accomplished warrior, a patron of the arts and cunning in politics. However, his wandering eye escaped nobody. Someone as brazen and ill-tempered as Baela could either make him better or worse. Perhaps, if she played the game right, it could be done well.
Summoning her advisors to the chamber, she asked “Tell me, my lords, about Lady Mormont.”
Both men looked at one another “Well, Princess, she is a certified beauty, and an accomplished one at that. A famous companion of the princes, and someone very much wanted in all of Westeros. Why, only on her thirteenth name-day we received numerous letters from all the places. Do you plan on arranging a marriage for her, Princess?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.” She folded her hands.
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Aurynn was brushing her very long hair, sighing as she performed her nightly dance with her Northern ringlets. It had been almost eight years since she arrived at Dragonstone after a pact between her late lord father and the princess. Life had been good, playing with the princes and getting to hone her courtly skills. And perhaps find a good marriage, one with a lord that would treat her well and give her beautiful children and a purpose.
Suddenly, a knock interrupted her thoughts. She looked up to see sweet Luke, doubt in his eyes. She had always seen him as a little brother, and the feeling was mutual. “I… am not interrupting, am I, Lynn?”
“Of course not, sweet boy. Do come, tell me what’s on your mind.”
He sat at the edge of the bed, used to seeing her in nightgown and her hair down, something that raised many eyebrows “As you know, Mother is to send us to gain alliances. With our dragons.” He was fidgeting, as he usually did. She got up from her seat and squeezed her hands in his, calming his racing thoughts.
“Take a breath. Order your thoughts,” he did as she told him “Now, speak slowly.”
“I’m afraid, Lynn. What if something goes wrong? What if Arrax gets sick? Jace looks so confident…”
“Just because someone sounds confident doesn’t mean that they are. And I know what you’ll say: ‘but Jace is perfect’. He is virtuous, yes, but he is but a boy. As am I. As are you. There is nothing wrong with being afraid every once in a while.”
“Are you ever afraid, Lynn?”
“Many times a week, my boy. That I will be betrothed to a cruel old man. That everything I’ve worked for isn’t enough. Of my house’s fate.”
Luke flushed “If it helps, I’d sooner marry you than ship you off to a cruel old man.”
Aurynn threw her head back and laughed, a melody that often calmed and soothed the young prince. Then, she kissed his cheek “Oh, Luke, my dearest boy, I’m afraid I’d be deemed to old for you. Besides, you and Rhaena seem to get along just fine.”
“The sentiment isn’t only mine.”
Aurynn frowned, amused “How come?”
Lucerys flushed, the face he did when he talked too much “I, uh, should go to bed. I have much to prepare with, uh, Arrax. Good night, Lynn!” Then, he sprinted away from the room, leaving an amused and confused Aurynn.
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The next morning, Aurynn had dressed herself with a beautiful purple ensemble and had finally coiffed her hair in a complicated hairdo when her door was knocked “Who is it?”
A masculine voice replied “Princess Rhaenyra sends for you, my lady. I am to escort you to her.”
Feeling nervous and excited, she polished herself and opened the door. Taking a deep breath, she nodded “Let’s go then.” After crossing a corner, she asked “Do you know what business does Her Grace want to do with me?”
“I do not know, my lady. I am only following orders.”
They finally entered the room, where at the top of the table was Rhaenyra, Prince Jacaerys and Lady Baela. Curtsying to them all, she gave them a friendly face “Did you summon me, Your Grace?”
“Do approach the table, Aurynn. Would you like some wine?”
“No, thank you, I’ve had breakfast a few minutes ago.” It was a small lie. Her stomach was made of knots, and she prayed that none of them heard her intestine roar.
“As you know, you’ve reached age of marriage, and your presence has not escaped my allies. Men all over the Vale, the North and other regions have been sending me owls for your hand, offering you all sorts of luxuries. Even houses that are allied to Alicent’s party have offered to swear fealty to me if I were to give you your hand in marriage.” She looked around the room “However, my council and I have agreed that none of these men are a match worthy of you, and have thus come to a decision.” She then looked at her eldest son and proclaimed “You and my son Jace shall marry within the month, and you, Baela, shall marry Lady Mormont’s brother Rodrik. He is handsome, rich, young and a formidable ally. He is sailing to accept your hand as we speak.”
Aurynn’s gaze turned to an equally stunned Jace. They had known each other all their lives, and Aurynn had always admired Jace and had fancied him for long, even after his duties had taken over. They have had a strong connection that raised question of marriage before Princess Rhaenyra married Prince Daemon and betrothed his daughters to her sons.
Nevertheless, one couldn’t simply reject the formidable Prince of Dragonstone. She bowed to the princess and recited “I thank you for this privilege, Your Grace, and promise to be the loveliest, most dutiful wife to your son.”
Jace woke up from his shock and gave them a rehearsed smile “If it pleases my mother, it shall be done. Might I have a moment alone with my betrothed?”
He didn’t even wait for his mother to respond before they both curtsied and he practically dragged her out of the room.
“Jace!” Aurynn exclaimed, surprised at her reaction.
He didn’t seem to hear her, still in stupor. They walked and walked, his grip on her, until they finally got out, in the beautiful garden they used to chase one another and laugh and munch berries.
“Jace, you’re hurting me!” Lynn finally exclaimed.
Said words seemed to wake him from his stupor and let go of her hand, clearly embarrassed “Forgive me, Lynn. I didn’t think I was gripping you too hard.” He examined her hand and gave it some gentle strokes. Her breath caught. “I didn’t know that my mother would pull this off.”
“Jace, it’s alright—,”
“Lynn, being my bride is being in the eve of danger. I understand if you’re scared.”
She looked at him defiantly “I am a Mormont, Jace. I am not scared of a drunken prince and his desperate mother.”
He squeezed her hand, a small smile on his lips “I know that you are as fierce as a Northerner comes, but this is different. You’d be queen someday, if we aren’t betrayed. Besides, you deserve better than someone whom they call ‘bastard’ behind his back.”
“I don’t care about that, Jace. I care about your good opinion and your mother’s. If you don’t wish to marry me, say it. You have the power to undo the alliance.”
He smiled sadly “I am flattered that you think me of someone with power, but my mother’s made her choice. Your brother is on his way. And… I do like the idea of marrying you.”
Lynn looked at those tender brown eyes and swallowed “Truly, Jace?”
He gave her a tentative look “Do you, Lynn? Like the idea of marrying me as well?”
She opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Instead, her gaze went to his lips, and he seemed to notice. Soon, his hands were on her hips, squeezing the light Dornish lace and stroked aside a wild ringlet.
“Jace!” A familiar voice called.
They both bolted away, clearly flushed. Luke was running towards them, Joffrey in tow, “Is it true? You and Lynn are to be married?”
It was Lynn who spoke “Yes, dear Luke. Your mother was generous enough to allow me to join our family.”
He smiled “Amazing! It’s just like when we were boys! You and Lynn married, in those imagine games we used to play when—,”
Jace, clearly embarrassed, placed his hands on his brothers’ shoulders and cleared his throat “Let me tell you all about it in our dragon pit. I am sure Lady Mormont has many preparations to make for my brother-in-law’s arrival, don’t you, Lynn?”
Trying not to chuckle, Lynn nodded, taking the opposite direction to the castle, wanting to busy her toes in the sand. When she reached the beach, she found a familiar silver hair. She slowly and gently approached her “Might I sit?”
Baela looked at her and nodded wordlessly. She sat besides her at a respectful distance and looked out at the sea “If you’re wondering, I am not angry. Neither of us asked to be moved around like chess pieces.”
Baela sighed “Isn’t that all we are? Chess pieces to move and discard to their heart’s delight?”
Lynn bit her lip “Gods, I hope not. I suppose that, to our fathers, we are, but Princess Rhaenyra is no man.”
“She ought to behave like one if she is to hold the throne one day.”
It suddenly hit her. Baela was tragically right. Being a woman was unsafe as it was in Westeros, and Princess Rhaenyra must’ve felt cornered by her rivals for her to make such sudden move. Jace was a great man, but a man nevertheless. As was Rodrik, and Luke, and everyone in the council.
She liked Jace, and with time, she might even grow to love him, but she was no fool either. She knew from a young age which role to play if she wanted to win the eternal game of survival in a world where women were feeble and discardable little things.
“Let them think that we are,” she declared “but we will know the truth. Let them believe the illusion that we are innocent, meek and playable things, as long as my will is made.” She looked at Baela “reforming a man like Rodrik is no easy task, but it is not impossible.”
Baela seemed to catch up “Go on.”
“Give him something that no common girl can give him. A reason to be with you alone. Let it be your bedding skills, or wealth, or the illusion of having the girl he’s dreamt of having, and he’ll be yours. Make yourself irreplaceable, and he shall be yours. Isn’t that what men want in a woman, after all? A gem so rare, so wanted, that if they do not take care of it, it may slip from his fingers.”
Baela smiled at her “I pray to the Gods that your brother is as cunning as you, Aurynn. We’ll need all the wit and conniving we are allowed to show in this tryst.”
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