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cherrio-krispz · 2 years ago
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..i really hope you meant them😭
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candles-askblog · 2 years ago
Do you eat candles, or is that. . . "Candle"ism
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years ago
don't get me wrong, I'm loving the war scenes, but where's the reader's hot reunion with Harwin?????? JO YOU PROMISED 😭😭😭😭😭
jajaja I KNOW I KNOWWWWW I'm sorry, writing smut requires of me a certain.. concentration JAAJAA
next chapter! i plan on writing many couples reuniting!
How do you feel about a sweet Aemma - Aemond though? (also, not instead)... nothing explicit, something really tasteful and sweet
ANYWAYS I was outlining the chapter and I already got a steamy scene written between reader and Harwin
Here is a sneak peek
WARNING, SMUT, cursing
“You are going to be the death of me woman”, he whined like he was injured, as you snapped your hips roughly, “but if the stranger finds me buried deep inside your cunt, I shall have a happy death”, he moaned, opening his big eyes and looking up at you
“So romantic”, you teased, snapping your hips again, making him growl, his big, rough hands placing themselves on your hips harshly, you were certain there was going to be marks of his hands in the morning
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3yesw0r1d · 3 years ago
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un gran cambio!!!! de 2020 a 2021 realmente me gusto redibujar a coraje es uno de mis personajes mas queridos de mi infancia y por fin plasmo su belleza jaajaa. 
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cherrio-krispz · 2 years ago
It surprises me that it comes as a surprise to people that I like boys. I mean, I'm literally bi (female leading.) ((Only my left shoulder is into men))
Bisexual twinsies
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kanuasevedo · 4 years ago
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Amo esta foto jaajaa https://www.instagram.com/p/CK2W2CDhy89/?igshid=1f5d5p0yg32nw
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raiteto-blog · 8 years ago
I'd literally kill if someone would send me messages?? like idc if it's fuck you or go to hell I just want to talk w/ peeps
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blancopez · 5 years ago
quiero puro hacerte el sinrespeto jaajaa :3
el delicioso 🥵 hahawhwhjw
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juangastonriegamendez · 2 years ago
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Te amo mucho y siempre estaré a tu lado, pase lo que pase mi vida. Esa lechuga es parecida a tu pelito jaajaa igualita a mi, pero sacaste el color de piel de tu madre, Te Quiero demasiado, mi princesita 💕 lo eres todo mi canelita 🤩 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClpgtpCjZ1Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrsmoerlii · 2 years ago
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17.09, Sandoval lake, Tampopata National Park
Mal wieder klingelte der Wecker um 4:30 (der frühe Vogel und so…jaajaa..). Es ging mit dem Boot zum Tambopata Nationalpark Eingang, danach ging es 3 km zu Fuß weiter durch den Dschungel bis zu einem weiteren kleinen Bootsanleger. Auf dem Weg sahen wir einige Kapuzineräffchen, die gleiche Art wie das süße Äffchen von Pippi Langstrumpf:) 
Dann ging es mit Booten auf den Sandoval See. Es war noch früh morgens, wir waren eines der wenigen Boote und es herrschte eine unglaublich friedliche Stimmung: das warme Licht, der fast spiegelglatte See. Aber man merkte bereits:  Wenn man das schützende Blätterdach des Dschungels verließ, knallte die Sonne ganz schön.
Wir sahen wieder Kaimane, Schildkröten, große Macao Papageien, stinkende Vögel, vögelnde Vögel, große und kleine Vögel, gestreifte Vögel…aber leider keine großen Otter :( 
Unser Frühstück nahmen wir im Boot zu uns, drei Meter weiter beäugte uns dabei ein Kaiman. Der schien aber kein weiteres Interesse an einem Käsebrötchen zu haben.
Es wurde dann schließlich so warm auf dem Boot, dass ich froh war, als es wieder zurück ging, denn mein Kreislauf war schon etwas überfordert. 
Abends ging es noch auf einen 40 Meter hohen Aussichtsturm, aber mir ging es leider gar nicht gut, so dass ich weder die Aussicht richtig genießen konnte, noch haben wir da viele Vögel gesehen. Da hat man von unserer Hängematte aus irgendwie mehr gesehen…
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whothefuckisjanefonda · 3 years ago
Hola, cómo estás preciosa?
Hooolaaaa amigo! Estoy bien, ¿qué hay de ti? Estoy viendo mi telenovela favorita jaajaa
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simp4ace · 3 years ago
I failed.
JAAJAA not surprised. luckily it wasn't my final exam, that one is next week and I'll definitely study hard for it cus dang 😭 I didn't think I'd do that bad with this oneeeeee
oh well, thanks for the support tho 🥺🥺
OH NO SHSJSJJSHBSJSSJ😭😭😭 I'm so sorry....Is that a mock test?
There there, but it's okay🥺 no need to worry it's just your luck want to wait until the important time to shine<3333 You'll do great next time I have a good faith on you 💪💪💪 Study hard and you'll do it alright❤
Okey and here, I've got a cute pic of this little guy I came across a while ago🤩 Sending it to you so you might feel better cuz he's really cute and cuteness is good for the heart😆😆😆
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He is telling you to go study hehe and he is telling that he wish the best for you❤
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simp47koreancrackheads · 2 years ago
Jaiiiiii😩 I love this little world of superhero’s! Everyone with their own powers and titles, it’s so fun! I don’t read much supernatural AU’s but, this is very fun/interesting!!💜
taehyung having flower powers🤩🤩 im in love with this already!😍🌺
Omg a light cough, a lip bite and a little smirk threw him off? Ohhh he has it baaaad for yoongi🤭🤭💜 and Oh my fucking GOD THEY’RE ROOMIES😵😆😆 shits getting goooood by the second
“… They’ll still let you work for the CIA or whatever stupid Avengers initiative the government’s got going.” JAAJAA I love this cheeky kook!!😂🫶🏼
“… He sings to them and has found that the smooth baritone of his voice does wonders to nurture plants’ development when they’re young.” And also the plant hug?!?!! Please this is so cute so endearing so sweet I’ll die right here😭💜 loving this AU, the dynamics, the characters, everything! Thank you for this! You’re amazing 💜💜💜
falling into you (1) | kth + myg
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Sometimes Taehyung thinks he loves his roommate so much it makes him sick.
↳ pairing: superhero!taehyung x superhero!yoongi
↳ rating/genre: BTS | 18+ | college au | fantasy | roommates to lovers | fluff | light angst | light smut
↳ wc/date: 2.6k | September 2023
↳ warnings: pining lol, tae is so soft and cute
↳ notes: i hope you all enjoy this lil world i've created 🦸🏽‍♂️ i'm only going to tag everyone in the masterlist, and then in future chapters (chapter 5-6) cuz i don't wanna flood everyone's notifs
↳ masterlist / taglist
↳ what was jai listening to?  the series playlist
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The world has four types of people: superheroes, sidekicks, villains, and everyone else. Everyone has their place in society, and all four types of people are necessary for the world to function properly. There must always be good to balance out evil, a commoner for the villains to terrorize and the heroes to save. 
Everyone has their rightful place, and no one place is better. 
Taehyung knows this. 
Still, he wants to be the best. And to accomplish that, he has to be a hero. 
From the moment Taehyung was born, he was destined to be a sidekick. The seed was planted into his brain early on -  pun intended. He has stupid superpowers, or so he’s been told. What kind of superhero saves people by conjuring flowers and befriending shrubbery? Why would anyone in trouble shout for a wiry boy with grass-stained knees and daisy chains braided into his golden hair when someone with superstrength or laser eyes could save them instead? 
Never mind the fact that Taehyung can poison others with a simple touch. No one finds that impressive until they’re covered in painful welts and itching up a storm like they’ve been tossed into a patch of poison ivy. 
For that reason, villainy always seemed appealing. This was particularly true during high school meetings where a teenaged Taehyung picked dirt from underneath his nails while his parents argued with his teacher about placing him on the hero curriculum track instead of the sidekick track. 
“Your son just isn’t the type,” one teacher insisted. 
It was Mrs. Gwan, with her thick-framed glasses and cardigan that was more cat hair than wool. Her coffee breath was rancid enough to incapacitate the strongest of hero trainees. 
Well, jokes on them. Taehyung is on the path to becoming valedictorian of his graduating class at Seoul National University. By the end of the academic year, he’ll stand in front of hundreds of other supers in the purple graduation robes of hero trainees to give his speech, and it will be a giant  fuck you to all the Mrs. Gwans in his life who thought his abilities were cute but not up to superhero standards. 
Taehyung put in the hard work, and by god, he’ll fucking reap the benefits - pun intended. 
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It’s a Friday evening when Taehyung finds out his hard work might be in vain. 
He sits at the kitchen table in Namjoon and Jungkook’s dorm, a steaming bowl of instant ramen in front of him that Jungkook keeps slipping spoonfuls of gochujang into. 
“Jungkook-ah, that’s enough,” Namjoon insists as he rounds the corner. It’s a wonder he manages to carry two additional bowls of ramen to the table without spilling them. 
“Hyung.” Jungkook scrunches his eyebrows and presses his tongue against his lip piercing in what he probably hopes is a menacing way. “It’s gonna taste boring if I don’t add anything to it!” 
“Taehyung doesn’t like spicy food.” 
“It’s gochujang, hyung, seriously.” 
“It has spice.” 
“It’s not like I’m dumping a bottle of hot sauce in it!” 
“The broth is turning red!” 
Taehyung slurps a few noodles, keenly aware of his friends watching him expectantly. He hums as he chews, which is enough to ease Namjoon’s worries. 
“See. He’s fine.” Jungkook is smug when he snatches his bowl of ramen from Namjoon and gets settled into the chair next to Taehyung. “I knew you’d be fine,” he whispers out of the corner of his mouth. 
Taehyung would never admit it, but he loves when his friends dote on him like this. It makes him feel all gooey inside, like a chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven. 
“Midterm evals are up!” Namjoon suddenly announces, pushing his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose and bringing his phone closer to his face. 
To those who don’t know Namjoon, he likely looks like a total tool wearing sunglasses indoors. It’s for everyone’s safety, though. Namjoon hasn’t been feeling well, and Taehyung appreciates the superhero-proof sunglasses preventing him from accidentally getting zapped by his best friend’s laser eyes every time the guy sneezes. 
It has happened more than once in the four years they’ve known each other, and it is not fun. Taehyung’s got scars to prove it. 
“You guys are such nerds,” Jungkook teases around a mouthful of ramen. 
“Sorry we’re not all super-geniuses like you. We actually have to put in effort,” Taehyung teases back. 
“Hey!” Jungkook acts like he’s about to stab Taehyung with his chopsticks. “I put in effort!” 
With a noncommittal shrug, Taehyung turns his attention to his phone. It’s no surprise that Jungkook doesn’t bother checking his midterm evaluation. The younger hero trainee is a junior with plenty of time to get his grades up before graduation. Not that Jungkook needs to worry. He genuinely is a genius; superintelligence is one of his many abilities. 
Taehyung, on the other hand, doesn’t have any abilities that automatically make him a strong student. He has gotten through his education through hard work, with no special advantages. 
Not that he judges Jungkook or anything. No one can help what their abilities are. It’s all up to family genes and destiny. Or maybe a freak accident, but despite what superhero movies make it seem like, it’s rare that supers become what they are by accident. 
Hunching over where his phone is placed on the table beside his bowl of ramen, Taehyung uses his middle finger to scroll through the report uploaded to his academic portal.
Birth Name:  Kim Taehyung Super Name:  TBA Place Of Origin:  Bisan-dong, Daegu, South Korea Status:  Trainee (Seoul National University’s School for Superhuman Abilities)  Abilities:  Chlorokinesis, Plant Empathy, Toxikinesis, Toxic Immunity   
Combat:  100 Durability:  100 Intelligence:  100 Power:  90 Speed:  100 Strength:  100
Whatever Namjoon and Jungkook are talking about fizzles out until it’s merely the fuzzy static of background noise. Taehyung can only focus on the glaring mistake in his midterm performance evaluation. 
Power:  90
Taehyung scoffs, rereading his stats a second, third, and fourth time. Ninety?  Ninety?  Never in Taehyung’s life has he ever earned anything other than a perfect score at SNU.  Never. 
It has to be a mistake. 
Taehyung’s hands tremble as he scrolls through the rest of the report. He grazes over the stats one last time before skipping down to the second page of the document. Quantitative evaluations don’t provide a complete picture; numbers can mean anything and nothing at all. Taehyung needs to know why his professor docked him ten points for something ridiculous.
… points deducted due to a failure to exhibit total control of kinetic abilities… Kim demonstrated an inability to focus on his direct target… proved unusual based on previous evaluations… Effective empathic skills were not impacted… Additional training in recall is recommended…
“Hmm?” Taehyung raises his eyebrows to acknowledge Namjoon’s call, but his eyes remain glued to his phone, skimming the qualitative feedback. 
Unreliable recall? A lack of control? It isn’t Taehyung’s fault, though. He’d been distracted. During the four-hour-long evaluation, a particular senior had hovered in Taehyung’s peripheral vision. 
Min Yoongi served as one of the infirmary student interns due to his powers of biokinesis, advanced healing, and life-force manipulation - a medley of abilities so powerful it’s a bit scary. Not that that’s unusual; a bunch of young adults in their early twenties running around with life-altering superpowers, nearly uninhibited, is pretty terrifying when one thinks about it. 
Yoongi holds the power of life and death in the palm of his hand, but from personal experience, Taehyung knows that the fellow superhero trainee is nothing but kind. He moves through the world gently, as though he’s hyper-aware of his ability to end life with the press of a fingertip against the skin, and thus makes every movement with intentionality and care. It’s admirable; Taehyung knows. He, too, has the power to destroy life just as much as he can nurture it.
But what does any of that have to do with Taehyung’s evaluation? As an infirmary student intern, Yoongi must sit in on combat evaluations in case his healing powers are needed. 
Taehyung grimaces at the memory, fighting it back into the darkest corner of his brain in hopes of smothering it. He doesn’t want to admit why he couldn’t stop looking over at where Yoongi sat during his evaluation. 
While being observed by a team of instructors, Taehyung was supposed to concentrate on hitting moving targets with poison drawn from the toxins that run through his superhuman veins. It was one of many tests. 
Whenever a target approached Taehyung, it seemed that Yoongi would do something distracting. 
The first time, a light cough knocked Taehyung off his game. He’d looked out the corner of his eye to see the blue-haired man sitting with his legs crossed in the grass. Yoongi bit his lip as he scrolled through his phone, and the target smacked Taehyung square in the face before he had the chance to analyze the weird flip his stomach did when he zeroed in on the pink of Yoongi’s bottom lip. 
The second time was much worse. 
Another sensation grew in the pit of Taehyung’s stomach, but it wasn’t nerves or… whatever it had been before. No, it was bile bubbling up in his belly that he was, unfortunately, rather familiar with. 
It was the feeling Taehyung got when he sensed life draining from a nearby plant. 
That time, one of the targets punched Taehyung in the gut. The impact knocked the wind out of him and threw him to the ground. A sharp pain shot from his tailbone up the length of his spine.  
Taehyung had rolled onto his stomach and pressed his palms into the ground in an attempt to push himself up. Gasping, he’d turned to see Yoongi twirling, between long fingers, a yellow dandelion he’d plucked from the grass. The poor thing drooped forward, top-heavy once it didn’t have the strength of the earth secured around its roots. 
It was then that Yoongi’s eyes locked with Taehyung’s from across the field. The corner of his mouth drew upward in a slight smirk. 
And that was when Taehyung’s arms gave out.  
“It’s only ten points, hyung. That’s barely anything. Not even a full letter grade of a difference.” 
Jungkook’s gentle reassurance draws Taehyung out of his troubled thoughts. He’s peering over Taehyung’s shoulder to read his evaluation. 
Namjoon looks up from his phone with a confused expression. “What?” 
“Hyung is mad they gave him a ninety on his Powers eval.” His younger friend’s shoulders lift to his ears in a shrug far too casual for Taehyung’s liking
“Ten points is enough to set me back at least fifteen people in my class ranking, Jungkook! At least!”  
Jungkook rolls his eyes. 
“Why does your class rank even matter? It’s not gonna have an impact on your superhero certification. They’ll still let you work for the CIA or whatever stupid Avengers initiative the government’s got going.”  
“Government special ops typically only employ heroes and sidekicks at the top of their class,” Namjoon points out rather unhelpfully. 
“So being fifteenth in line is somehow not the top of his class?” Jungkook glares at no one in particular as he slurps his ramen. 
“Jungkook-ah,” Namjoon sighs. “Taehyung has worked very hard to get to where he is.” 
“Maybe you could ask someone to train with you?” Jungkook offers because his superhuman brain won’t rest until he solves all the world’s problems. “What about Yoongi hyung? The healing component of his biokinesis can cancel out your toxikinesis, right?” 
Taehyung nervously chews on an odd hangnail. The anxiety he wears is unbecoming of him, but he can’t possibly give a shit about appearances right now. It isn’t just that Yoongi fucked up Taehyung’s midterm evaluation. It’s much more and much worse than just that. 
Yoongi is Taehyung’s roommate.   
And now, Taehyung must return to their shared apartment-style dormitory and pretend like he isn’t sick with shame and embarrassment. 
Namjoon perks up at Jungkook’s recommendation. “That’s a great idea!” 
It’s a terrible idea. 
“Yoongi hyung would definitely help.” 
Neither friend notices how pink in the face Taehyung is becoming. 
“Wait…” Jungkook’s smile falters, and Taehyung wonders if perhaps his younger friend will have mercy on him. “Are you and hyung in a fight or something? You’re always here. I just talked to him last week about how we never all hang out together anymore.”
“That’s so true,” Namjoon joins in with a frown that matches Jungkook’s. 
Something jolts inside Taehyung’s chest. It’s an electric spike substantial enough that he feels it zip through his veins. Looking down, he notices goosebumps pebble the skin on his forearms, and he shivers despite wearing jeans and a baggy t-shirt. 
There’s no way he’s having this conversation. Not here, in his only safe space aside from the university greenhouse. Not with Namjoon and Jungkook, though he should feel comfortable talking to his best friends about what’s going on with him. All of that would take courage, though, and Taehyung would rather take a punch to the face by the strongest trainee at SNU than talk about his feelings. 
Scooting back his chair, Taehyung announces too loudly, “I need to water my plants!” 
The force with which he stands knocks his chair backward. It clatters against the floor, and Taehyung scrambles to pick it up, his cheeks flaming and his gangly limbs suddenly feeling out of sync with his body. 
Jungkook and Namjoon give each other a look that Taehyung chooses not to pay attention to. 
Nausea makes Taehyung’s insides curdle as he slowly shrugs on his blue jean jacket. Autumn hasn’t entirely descended on Seoul yet, but Taehyung prefers bundling up when the weather is windy like it is today. 
Although, there is something liberating about feeling warm air flutter through his fluffy hair, tossing his golden curls like a bird’s nest atop his head. It makes him feel weightless, as though somewhere deep inside, his body remembers what it was like for humans to be run by instincts and live freely rather than be confined to cities and jobs. 
“Text me when you get home?” Namjoon touches Taehyung’s arm. 
He nods, softly replying, “Of course, hyung.” 
Taehyung does his best to ignore the downturn of his friend’s mouth. If he lingers on it too long, it will mix his nausea with the oppressive weight of feeling like a disappointment. It isn’t a feeling Taehyung is familiar with, which likely makes it even more stifling. 
His feet drag against the pavement as he makes the short trek from Namjoon and Jungkook’s dorm to his own. His off-white hightop Converse, dirtied from attending one too many concerts with cigarettes and marijuana joints stuffed into their folds, kick small pebbles into the grass. 
The blades of grass sing to Taehyung as he walks. Kicking the pebbles doesn't hurt the blades; Taehyung would never intentionally hurt any plant. He sings to them and has found that the smooth baritone of his voice does wonders to nurture plants’ development when they’re young. He supposes they’re just like human babies listening to Mozart to stimulate their brains. 
Unfortunately, today, he isn’t in the mood to sing. 
Flowers lean toward the young man when he passes by, brushing their leaves and petals against the his calves. Plant hugs are something special; Taehyung does his best to appreciate them, even in his sulking. He stretches his fingers out, using his power to blanket the grass and patches of flowers along the sidewalk with comforting pheromones. The plants release them back, and Taehyung breathes in their scent deeply, letting the calming qualities permeate his soul. 
It doesn’t fix anything, but it feels good to be loved by nature around him.
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series masterlist
all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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cherrio-krispz · 2 years ago
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just a skketch for now
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mickycute · 7 years ago
Waho, algunos se opusieron qwq yo solo queria dibujar Fray x Akai... bueno, yo soy multishipper asi que me agrada ver muchos shipps y c puede shippear tus creaciones hasta con un dulcito jaj xD asi que realmente no me molesta si un shipp es cannon no
Eh! Vos tranqui!!! si queres dibujalos asi todo juntitos cogiendose o como vos quieras... ahrrrrre cualquiera lo que dije Jaajaa a mi me gusta el Fray x aka(ai) claro siempre van aver otros mas que quieran estar con él ...ya que Fray es una reina hermosa(? :V
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bryanalejandroalegria1 · 5 years ago
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Pero que foto esa la sacaste tu jaajaa Heig de compadre a compadre grande @leoreyoficial buen chou (en Plaza Patricio Lynch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8k4X5jhwOJ/?igshid=18i1k3qz4g5d4
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