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slowtraincomingsoon · 13 days ago
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1622 006 bei Salzbrunn am 16.02.2025
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witekspicsoldpostcards2 · 3 months ago
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witekspicsoldpostcards · 8 months ago
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fotografareupreciso · 9 months ago
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artistopencalls · 2 years ago
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🤍➡️ @culterimgallery OPEN CALL FOR LONG-TERM STUDIOS 🤍➡️ https://www.culterim-gallery.com/open-calls ⬅️ South of Berlin around 50 minutes by train from the central station or 35 minutes from Südkreuz, the former imposing station building is located right next to the train station of Jüterbog along the train track RE3 and 4. From April 2023 onwards, we are converting the former station building of Jüterbog into a long-term studio house for artists.  All studios are clean and dry, have daylight and are in a ready-to-work state. The studios are sometimes shared and range in size from 20 to 100 m2, with ceiling heights from 3.5 to 6 m. Electricity, infrared heating and sanitary facilities exist in the building.  Long-term as well as project specific usage is possible, while all forms of art are welcomed. Artists have 24h access to the premises. Open studio days as well as workshops with local schools and associations are possible. More information on our website! #culterim #culterimgallery #studio #artist #art #studiospace #atelier #jüterbog (at Bahnhof Jüterbog) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpShvtXo8Hb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Kingdom of Prussia is a German survivor nation located in northern Germany along the coast of the Baltic Sea.
Doomsday and World War III Due to its unique circumstances being split between Allied and Soviet forces, Berlin managed to survive better than most major cities. During World War III, both the Soviet and Allied leadership believed the city could be captured, and with significant resources invested by both sides, it was not struck by nukes.
-100kt strikes- •Altenburg •Chemnitz •Damgarten •Dranske •Dresden •Fürstenberg/Havel •Groß Dölln •Halle •Leipzig •Magdeburg •Parchim •Peenemünde •Rechlin •Rostock •Strausberg •Wünsdorf •Zerbst •Zwickau •Zossen
-10kt strikes- -Bitterfeld chemical industry complex -Goitzsche brown-coal open cast mine -Görlitz brown-coal open cast mine -Nochten brown-coal open cast mine -Cottbus Air Base\Flugplatz Cottbus-Nord Airport -Jüterbog's Soviet army base -Soviet Jüterbog Airfield\Altes Lager airfield -Soviet Altenburg Airfield.
--The aftermath-- By the time the situation was fully realized, the leadership of the Soviets and the Allies had been destroyed and a nuclear attack could not be authorized for the city. With East German military leadership crippled by strikes on Moscow and Strausberg, East Berlin soon fell into chaos. After several days of rioting and fighting in the streets between citizens and Soviet/East German troops, the citizens eventually gained the upper hand and the troops surrendered. Before the the imprisoned Soviet troops could be executed, the allied forces in West Berlin intervened with the Berlin Wall border stations unmanned. Knowing the coming situation would require as many trained troops as possible, many of the East German and Soviet troops were distributed amongst allied units.
Christian-Sigismund, member of the former royal family of Prussia and last surviving heir of the house of Hohenzollern, after fallout in Potsdam killed his father Louis Ferdinand and nephew Georg Fredrich, was imprisoned in East Berlin at the time. Although reasons for this remain unknown it was likely due to his heritage and high status. He became a rallying figure for many of the German people, a symbol of their old greatness before Nazism destroyed the country, and was forced into a leadership role he likely would rather not have had. He was instrumental in unifying the people of East and West Berlin in the days afterward and organizing civilian salvage teams for food and resources. Some people claims Königsberg and the Kaliningrad Oblast
(Map based on: www.deviantart.com/mdc01957/ar…)
-Saxony- The Nationalist People's Republic of Saxony (Nationalistische Volksrepublik Sachsen) is a survivor nation based around Annaberg-Buchholz, a city in the south of former East Germany. It has declared itself the successor to the pre-DDR state of Saxony.
The southern region of East Germany was severely affected by the Doomsday attacks. Targets included Saxony's four largest cities, Chemnitz, Dresden, Leipzig, and Zwickau, along with the Soviet air base at Altenburg.
-Weimar- Weimar is a city-state in former East Germany controling most of the OTL German state of Thuringia.
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sjvllsblog · 9 hours ago
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Messerschmitt Bf.109G-6/R-6 ("Rote/Red 29") of 1/JG 302, Malmi Airfield, Finland. February 28 1944
On 6/7th of February 1944 the Soviet Long-Range Bomber Force (ADD) launched a series of large scale air raids against Helsinki. Thus, early in 1944 elements of I./JG 302 were temporarily transferred North to Nachtjagd-Kommando Helsinki to assist in the city's defence. On the 12th of February 1944, 12 Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6/R6 night-fighters of I. Gruppe arrived at Malmi airfield from Jüterbog in Germany. Using the "Wilde Sau" method, I./JG 302 shot down two Soviet aircraft on 16/17th of February. On 26/27th of February the unit shot down another four bombers. In April 1944 I./JG 302 lost three planes in flying accidents and had had just seven fighters operational. The unit returned to Germany for Reich defence duties on 15 May 1944.
(Photo source SA-kuva.fi)
(Colourised by Doug)
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guyclement · 1 month ago
URBEX Guy Clément DEUTSCHLAND | JÜTERBOG | GEHEIMRATSECKEN LE CHATEAU D'... - N'hésites pas à t'abonner à ma chaîne et activer les notifications 🔔pour être informé de mes prochaines explorations et découvertes! Feel free to subscribe my channel and activate notifications 🔔to be aware about my next explorations and discoveries! Une exploration en Allemagne dans la ville de Jüterbog, qui était l'une des villes de garnison militaire les plus importantes de l'Empire allemand de l'Allemagne nazie à l'Union soviétique. Explorons les casernes de Tauentzienstrasse et de Tauentzienstrasse ou résidaient, l'école de tir d'artillerie de campagne et d'artillerie à pied. La caserne est construite de 1890 à 1902 lors de son transfère de Spandau à Jüterbog.La plupart des officiers de l’artillerie sont formé dans cette école.De 1945 à 1994, l'école d'artillerie est utilisée par l'Armée rouge.30 000 soldats soviétiques y résidaient jusqu’en 1994. An exploration in Germany in the town of Jüterbog, which was one of the most important military garrison towns of the German Empire from Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union. Let's explore the Tauentzienstrasse and Tauentzienstrasse barracks where the field artillery and foot artillery shooting school resided. The barracks were built from 1890 to 1902 when they were transferred from Spandau to Jüterbog. Most of the artillery officers were trained in this school. From 1945 to 1994, the artillery school was used by the Red Army. 30,000 Soviet soldiers resided there until 1994. Eine Erkundung in Deutschland in der Stadt Jüterbog, die von Nazi-Deutschland bis zur Sowjetunion eine der wichtigsten militärischen Garnisonsstädte des Deutschen Reiches war. Erkunden wir die Tauentzienstraße und die Tauentzienstraßen-Kaserne, in der sich die Feldartillerie- und Fußartillerie-Schießschule befand. Die Kaserne wurde von 1890 bis 1902 erbaut und anschließend von Spandau nach Jüterbog verlegt. In dieser Schule wurden die meisten Artillerieoffiziere ausgebildet. Von 1945 bis 1994 wurde die Artillerieschule von der Roten Armee genutzt. Bis 1994 lebten dort 30.000 sowjetische Soldaten. Una exploración en Alemania en la ciudad de Jüterbog, que fue una de las ciudades guarniciones militares más importantes del Imperio Alemán desde la Alemania nazi hasta la Unión Soviética. Exploremos los cuarteles de Tauentzienstraße y Tauentzienstraße donde se encontraba la escuela de tiro de artillería de campaña y de artillería a pie. Los cuarteles se construyeron entre 1890 y 1902, cuando fueron trasladados de Spandau a Jüterbog. En esta escuela se formó la mayoría de los oficiales de artillería. De 1945 a 1994, la escuela de artillería fue utilizada por el Ejército Rojo. Hasta 1994 residieron allí 30.000 soldados soviéticos Uma exploração na Alemanha, na cidade de Jüterbog, que foi uma das mais importantes cidades de guarnição militar do Império Alemão, desde a Alemanha nazista até a União Soviética. Vamos explorar os quartéis Tauentzienstrasse e Tauentzienstrasse, onde residiam a escola de artilharia de campanha e de tiro de artilharia a pé. Os quartéis foram construídos de 1890 a 1902, quando foram transferidos de Spandau para Jüterbog. A maioria dos oficiais de artilharia foi treinada nesta escola. De 1945 a 1994, a escola de artilharia foi usada pelo Exército Vermelho. 30.000 soldados soviéticos residiram lá até 1994. Eksploracja w Niemczech w miejscowości Jüterbog, która była jednym z najważniejszych wojskowych miast garnizonowych Cesarstwa Niemieckiego od Niemiec nazistowskich po Związek Radziecki. Zbadajmy koszary Tauentzienstrasse i Tauentzienstrasse, w których mieściła się szkoła strzelectwa artylerii polowej i artylerii pieszej. Koszary budowano w latach 1890-1902, kiedy to przeniesiono je ze Spandau do Jüterbog. W tej szkole szkoliła się większość oficerów artylerii. W latach 1945-1994 szkoła artylerii była używana przez Armię Czerwoną. Do 1994 roku przebywało w niej 30 000 żołnierzy radzieckich. Исследование в Германии в городе Ютербог, который был одним из важнейших военных гарнизонных городов Германской империи от нацистской Германии до Советского Союза. Давайте осмотрим казармы Тауэнциенштрассе и Тауэнциенштрассе, где располагалась стрелковая школа полевой артиллерии и пешей артиллерии. Казармы были построены с 1890 по 1902 год, когда их перевели из Шпандау в Ютербог. В этой школе обучалось большинство артиллерийских офицеров. С 1945 по 1994 год артиллерийское училище использовалось Красной Армией. До 1994 года в нем проживало 30 000 советских солдат. Retrouvez-moi sur les réseaux / Follow me for daily content: 👍 Facebook:  Urbex Guy Clement  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?.. .👉 Youtube  URBEX Guy Clément  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhQ... 📸 Instagram:  @abandoned.urbex.world  https://www.instagram.com/abandoned.u.. . 🎵TikTok: @urbexguyclement https://www.tiktok.com/@urbexguycleme.. .🐦Twitter: @GuyPellegrin https://twitter.com/GuyPellegrin   #lostplace #exploration #urbex
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schunckinfo · 5 months ago
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slowtraincomingsoon · 13 days ago
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1622 003 bei Salzbrunn am 16.02.2025
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witekspicsoldpostcards2 · 14 days ago
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unfug-bilder · 2 years ago
Der RBB berichtete heute zwischenzeitlich von einer Fläche von rund 150 ha, die betroffen sei.
Ich selber habe (schon im März) für den 1. Juli einen Besuch dort geplant.
Wer sehen will, was da au8er abgebrannten Waldflächen noch alles rumsteht, kann sich mehr z.B. unter
Google Bilder: altes lager jüterbog lost places
ansehen. Und das ist nur der Ort, wo ich hinwill. Es gibt noch viel mehr.
Übrigens ist das das Gelände, was in den 90ern als Alternative zum BER im Gespräch war. Abgelehnt wurde es, weil es "so weit weg von Berlin" liegt. An die Munition im Boden und andere Hinterlassenschaften von Wehrmacht und russischen Streitkräften hatte in den 90ern wohl noch niemand gedacht.
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witekspicsoldpostcards · 10 months ago
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korrektheiten · 5 months ago
Wenn eine Partei im Wahlkampf Brandenburg zu Posemuckel machen möchte
Tichy:»Die Märkische Allgemeine veröffentlichte am 17. September auf der Zielgeraden des Wahlkampfes, fünf Tage vor der Landtagswahl in Brandenburg, einen Artikel unter dem reißerischen Titel: „Warum Wählern des Jüterboger Direktkandidaten Arne Raue Stimmverlust droht“. Arne Raue ist einer der vielen Direktkandidaten in den 44 Wahlkreisen für den Landtag in Brandenburg. Das ist noch nichts Besonderes, Der Beitrag Wenn eine Partei im Wahlkampf Brandenburg zu Posemuckel machen möchte erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/TDRWLC «
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styledach · 1 year ago
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#Schieferdecker #Schiefer #Schuppendeckung #AltdeutscheDeckung #Jüterbog #Handwerk #Roofer http://dlvr.it/T0M5kM
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truesreiseblog · 1 year ago
Die Route (Jüterbog)
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