#j hope anst
readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Jung Hoseok and the Magic to Happiness | 05
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; Hufflepuff Teacher!Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, angst, future smut
; Word Count: 3.5k
; Synopsis: An unexpected issue with your Ministry of Magic job leads to you taking the role of Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. It’s here that you meet your best friend’s younger brother for the first time in years, the Hufflepuff Head of House, Jung Hoseok. While you contend with seeing him once again, Hoseok tries to show you that he’s very much a man and no longer the gangly teenager you once knew.
; A/N: Not as much of an ‘interesting’ chapter as the last one, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it all the same! I know some of you have been hoping to see this character and what their thoughts are all about what’s going on. This chapter is more of one that’s just self-assessing!
Last Chapter ; Next Chapter
You don’t go to breakfast the next morning. Not because you’re trying to avoid Hoseok or anything, but because you didn’t fall asleep until the early hours of the morning and so slept through the morning meal. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what had kept your mind occupied instead of letting you drift off.
Thankfully, no one questions your absence. It might be because most of the castle is likely sleeping in today or is packing for the Hogwarts Express. You don’t have to be present when the students begin their journey back to London and you feel that’s probably a good thing at the moment. 
The awkwardness between Hoseok and you would be excruciating for anyone to be around, particularly yourself. So you’d burrowed into your duvet when the usual alarm went off and only woke up properly around noon. 
You’re still in bed though, the covers pulled up to your chin and helping you to feel snug and warm against the constant coolness of your stone room. Which means that you’re staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom intently, brows furrowed as you think over the night before once more.
As if you haven’t already replayed every moment in excruciating detail, latching onto the most ridiculous things. For instance, you couldn’t stop thinking of what Hoseok’s lips looked like up close or the heady scent of him that no longer inspired only safety and friendship in you. How hot his hands had felt against you.
It was embarrassing how often that thought morphed into you imagining the same scenario but minus any clothes. Would his hands be warmer? Would they be as gentle as they’d been on your back last night? Would his hands feel soft on your bare skin or would you be able to feel the subtle callouses formed from years of caring for magical animals?
Groaning out loud, you roll onto your side and bury your face into your pillow. How are you meant to face him when all you can think about is the taste of him on your lips? 
A delicate chiming causes you to peek at your bedside cabinet, eyes narrowing as the noise repeats itself. You don’t even need to check to see who it is; you know already. So you reach out and blindly grasp for the magic mirror, eventually feeling your fingertips pressing against the smooth, reflective surface.
Now your grimace is more because you know that you’ve just smeared fingerprints all over. But you don’t get a chance to clean it because as soon as you look at the hand-sized surface, it activates with a gentle tinkling. The silver mirror shimmers slightly and you’re left looking at the image of Jisoo’s pretty face, smiling at you.
For a moment, you forget that you’ve not even bothered to get out of bed yet. You’ve not been able to shower, and the crustiness of your eyes tells you that your makeup wasn’t removed either. You’d obviously been in more of a fugue state than you’d realised when you’d gotten back to your quarters.
Normally it wouldn’t bother you as Jisoo has seen you in much worse states. But this had been caused by Hoseok, her brother. Her little brother. Her little brother who was incredibly attractive, a great kisser and had looked at you like you’d hung the stars when you’d pulled away from him.
As you think that, you immediately remember his annoyance at any topic relating to age and feel like hitting your forehead. Chaeyoung was right; he did like you. Merlin, how stupid were you to miss all those obvious signs he’d been giving? The poor guy had been practically shouting it from the rooftop for weeks now.
“I’m so stupid!” You curse, spitting out a few more severe swear words after that to the surprise of Jisoo. It’s not helped when you notice how similar they look, maturity making the familial genes even more prominent between the two. Just your luck.
“Hi...are you okay?” She asks, her brow furrowing in concern and you sigh deeply. Ignoring her question for a few seconds, you take the time to push yourself up the bed and fluff up the pillows, letting them act as a backrest for you to prop yourself up. A quick spell cleans your face and mouth, studiously ignoring the fact that it’s considered lazy to use magic for these kinds of tasks.
Still, you feel a little more refreshed and not like one of those zombies from muggle television shows.
Taking a deep breath, alongside a few swallows of water from the glass you always keep by your bed, you pick up the mirror once more and smile at Jisoo. It’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t buy it though and you didn’t expect her to. She’s known you too long to let you get away with pretending, so you drop it quickly.
“I’m...okay, I promise. I just...I’m a little confused about something.” You’re not entirely sure that you want to admit the fact that you might fancy her little brother just yet. Jisoo is very open-minded and she’d always thought Hoseok’s obvious feelings when he was younger had been cute. But the unrequited emotions of your teenage brother are very different from the mutual attraction between your adult brother and your adult best friend.
“Oh? Did something happen last night? Hoseok was acting a little strange as well when I talked to him earlier.” The urge to sink under the covers is very strong when you hear that, but you use pure will to remain in place.
Of course, they’d already talked. 
Scanning Jisoo’s face closely, you try to use your own best friend's sixth sense to see if she already knows that you’d kissed him last night. But she’s either a master of acting or she has no idea because there’s only genuine concern in her expression.
You feel the need to talk though and you want to do that with your best friend, even if she is Hoseok’s sister. The feelings you have are confused and you just want to try to sort through them all. 
“I kissed Hoseok last night.” The words rush out in a breath, almost mumbling with how quiet they are. Still, Jisoo hears them perfectly thanks to the spell on the mirror. From the way her eyes widen in shock, you know that Hoseok hasn’t revealed that little tidbit to her. Part of you wonder if that’s to protect your privacy, but you don’t get a chance to consider it further.
“Merlin...so that’s why you’re both being odd! What happened? It was the Winter Solstice Ball, right?” Relaxing back, you nod and make an affirmative noise while chewing on your lips.
“Yeah, it was. It was all going fine, the students were having a good time and all that but then Hoseok finally arrived and-” Pausing, you frown before groaning out and running a hand across your face. “You don’t want to hear this! This is your brother.”
“Ignore that. As long as you don’t give me...descriptive details then it’s fine. This is one time that I have no interest in hearing about how well he kisses or what he’s like in bed, so keep that to yourself. Otherwise, keep talking.” Mortification runs through you at Jisoo’s mischievous smile and she laughs in delight.
“We didn’t do that! I swear.” Muttering, you reach for your glass and take another swig in an attempt to give yourself time to get yourself under control. Partially because you’re embarrassed about Jisoo thinking you’d slept with her brother so quickly but also because you’re feeling a little warm at the thought of sex with him.
A thought that you’d likely come back to at a later time but isn’t something to consider right now.
“I didn’t think you had. Firstly, you’ve never been the kind of person to shag someone on the first date. Or before the first date, I guess, as you’ve not even had a date. Secondly, neither is Hoseok. Don’t ask how I know, I’m surprised he didn’t blurt this news out this morning.” One of your eyes narrows in contemplation at that and you realise that you don’t want to ask.
The idea of Hoseok sleeping with someone else causes an unpleasant sensation to bubble in your stomach. Something else you don’t feel like analysing at the moment.
“Okay...well...firstly, I hate the word ‘shag’ and you know it. Secondly, I’m really confused right now. I mean, objectively I’ve known Hoseok is hot. Like, I’m not stupid. I have eyes and he’s well...yeah. But I think I’d always managed to have some kind of barrier between us, you know? Like...he was your little brother and he was just my friend here. But then last night he came into the hall and Merlin. It was like something switched in my mind, and I finally realised that he’s not just attractive, but he’s...he’s my kind of attractive.” You realise halfway through talking that you’re just telling Jisoo your thought process as you go through it.
She doesn’t respond though, just gives a considerate look with her lips slightly pursed before taking a sip of her drink. You don’t know what she’s drinking as it’s a mug, the image on the front just a generic cat. The fact it’s not moving gives away that it’s a muggle creation.
“And then we just kept talking, all night. Even when we had duties, we kept meeting back up and it felt so natural and normal. It’s like I’ve known him for all my life or something, our conversation is so easy and I don’t feel uncomfortable around him. You ever have that with someone?”
“Once or twice. It’s a good sign though. I know you’ve become pretty good friends over the last few months so maybe that’s why it’s all clicking now. Relationships that start from a solid friendship usually end up being some of the best. Maybe that’s why it’s all feeling a little more natural than normal. You’ve found someone that makes you feel comfortable and safe.” You wonder how many times you’d told Jisoo that her brother inspired those feelings within you since being here at Hogwarts.
As that runs through your mind, you suddenly become distracted with an entirely different thought.
“Hang on, did you suspect that I might like him? You’ve always been very accepting of my friendship with him and if I remember right, you’ve been the one encouraging me to spend time with him. Is that why you’re not surprised at this?” Jisoo’s cheeks blush a pretty pink, so like her brother that you can’t help but smile.
“I may have suspected something. I am your best friend, after all. And his sister. When you’re close to both sides, you notice things.” Her voice is teasing and you wonder if other people have been suspecting this as well. 
Suddenly, all the times your fellow professors had arranged for events and Hoseok had happened to just be attending as well began running through your mind. Was everyone scheming?!
You’d never considered yourself a suspicious person before but you certainly were now. Seokjin and Chaeyoung, in particular, were going to be at the end of a very serious set of questions whenever you next saw them.
“In all seriousness, I didn’t think that you might like him. I just thought you were enjoying having a good friend at Hogwarts as Hoseok is someone you already know, so you at least had a link with him. You finding him nice to look at was expected; I’m not stupid, I know he’s pretty. He’s my brother and I’m gorgeous,” There’s a slight smirk to her smile, and you roll your eyes at her ego, fully recognising that she’s trying to cheer you up. “But you never really gave the inclination that you wanted anything romantic with him, so I didn’t suspect too much with you.”
Humming, your nose wrinkles as you look away from the mirror and contemplate her words. She’s not wrong, mainly because you hadn’t considered that with him until last night. Hoseok had been firmly in the friend box in your mind. It’s only now that you realise he’d been subtly creeping into the romantic box without you noticing.
“That’s because I didn’t realise I wanted that. I feel like I missed something really obvious, and everyone around me knew. I’m pretty sure Chaeyoung and Seokjin knew; there’s no way that they wouldn’t try to interfere. They’re those kinds of people, you know?” Jisoo giggles lightly, running her hand through long, silky black hair.
“Sounds like my kinda folk. Seriously though, don’t stress over it. All you’re going to do by over analysing things is get yourself tied up into knots. I know you and you’ll just talk yourself out of anything that could potentially happen. There’s nothing wrong with going for what you want if it’s going to be good for you. As his big sister, I can safely say that Hoseok will be very good for you and to you. He’s a good guy and I don’t want you to throw away a chance at happiness.” 
You groan yet again, pulling one of your spare pillows to stuff your face into. Even if you’re feeling completely confused about what to think or do, you’re glad that you get to talk it through with Jisoo. She always knows just what to say and how to help you come to decisions that felt right.
Shifting, you sit up straight and look at Jisoo’s image in the mirror, feeling even more thankful that she’s willing to talk about this particular subject. At that thought you frown, knowing that she’s close with her brother.
“Did you suspect anything with Hoseok? You said that you got to notice things from both sides…” Trailing off, your eyes narrow as you watch the way she bites her lip in an almost coy way. It wouldn’t surprise you as she knows her brother far better than she knows you.
“Yes, I did with him. He fancied you so much when he was a teenager and I thought he’d just...grown out of it, you know? Neither of you saw each other for ages so I just assumed his hormones had finally settled down. But then he practically jumped at the chance to help you apply for the job and...well, he’s being very obvious lately. I swear, every conversation has to include you in some way and he gets this look on his face.” Jisoo says, brow creasing as she thinks back.
“What look? Does he get a look? What kind of look?” The questions pepper her but she doesn’t look annoyed by them. Instead, she just smiles before laughing lightly, taking another sip from her mug before taking her time nibbling on a milk chocolate covered digestive biscuit. It makes you scowl, realising you’d given yourself away once more.
“Yes, he gets a look. I don’t know how to describe it to you but it’s like...he gets this smile and I swear his eyes get all shiny. He’d be appalled to know I’d noticed this as he’s never come out and said anything but I know what he looks like when he likes something. Hoseok talks about you the same way he talks about anything else he loves.” The last word makes your eyes widen and you’re thankful Jisoo doesn’t comment on it.
She’s noticed though, you know that she has. 
“Oh, okay. Well...I haven’t noticed.” What a stupid thing to say, but you don’t have anything else.
“Obviously.” Jisoo gives you a droll look, causing you to glare at her. It’s probably not as effective as you’d like given the two of you are hundreds of miles away and only visible through a reflective surface. Still, it makes her laugh at least.
Not the reaction you wanted but you’ll take it.
The conversation between you both falls into a lull, the silence of your room almost deafening. It lets you start to think once more and you don’t think that’s a good idea. Jisoo is right in that you tend to talk yourself out of things that might have a big impact on your life.
You’d taken a whole month to finally apply for the job here at Hogwarts and even then, you’d had to have Jisoo convince you that you should accept the offer when they made it. A good choice now, but you had a constant fear that big change might have negative effects on you.
The possibility of beginning something romantic with Hoseok was perhaps the biggest change you could do and it had the potential for so many repercussions if it went wrong. He was your work colleague, your friend and your best friend’s brother. It wasn’t like if you tried dating him then you could just never see him again.
Hoseok was likely to always be a part of your life in some way.
But he was such a good person and he could be something positive in your life, too. You found him to be charming and kind, funny and thoughtful, intelligent and attractive. There were a lot of reasons against trying a relationship with him, but there were so many more reasons for it.
“Would it not bother you? If anything happened then you’d be stuck between us, and he’s your brother so you’d have to take his side.” Your words are quiet, almost reluctant. Jisoo doesn’t respond immediately though, giving you the benefit of thinking seriously about your question before shaking her head.
“I would be stuck between you both if it ended badly. But I don’t either of you are the kinds of people to make me choose something like that. More importantly, I have high hopes that kind of scenario won’t even happen. I have a good feeling about this, for both of you. You both have to decide what’s right for you but...I don’t have any issue with it. If anything, it’d be great. My best friend and my brother getting together? If you married him then you’d be my sister-in-law and your kids would be my nieces and nephews!” There’s palpable excitement in her voice now, matched by the way she almost vibrates as her imagination runs wild.
You, on the other hand, feel your cheeks going warm with embarrassment as you try to follow where her mind is running. It feels a little overwhelming if you’re being honest, but you just push those thoughts away.
The last thing you needed was to start fantasising about marriage when you’d only kissed the man once.
“Jisoo!” You scold.
“What? I don’t get to live this life of romance so let me have my dreams. I’d rather you marry him than anyone else. Your babies would be so cute.” She wriggles in her seat, hands clapping and you’re reminded once more how similar the siblings are.
“Jisoo,” Whining, you pout at her before rubbing at your temple. “Don’t marry us off before we’ve even talked after last night.”
“Fine, fine, spoilsport. Anyway, it’s your decision. Yours and his. But just know that I think you’d both be good together. Don’t push him away because you’re scared, he’s a good guy. Not saying that just because he’s my brother, either. If you decide no, then don’t be afraid of that either. I know him, he’ll be a gentleman and will accept it.” You know she’s right and it makes you feel a little better as you take a deep breath.
Nodding slowly, you give her a weak smile before wincing when your stomach gurgles almost painfully. A glance at the clock shows that it’s been a very, very long time since you last ate and your stomach is not happy with that. 
“I’ll think it through, I promise. I won’t make any rash decisions. For now, I need to just analyse my feelings and thoughts regarding him before thinking about anything else. But I’ll admit that I’m not opposed to the idea. As much as I’d like to continue this conversation though, I need to go get something to eat or my stomach might eat itself. I’ll talk to you again later, okay?” It’s only a few minutes later before you’re ending the spell on the mirror, watching as it turns into a reflective surface once more.
Placing it onto your bedside table carefully, you let yourself fall back onto the mound of pillows and simply stare up at the ceiling. 
Of all the decisions you’ve made in your life, this one seemed to be the most daunting. Yet just the thought of his bright smile makes your lips quirk automatically, causing you to let out a breathy laugh.
Yes, he’d be good for you.
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shoutosteakettle · 4 years
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so technically right now we are at 499, but as someone who has little to no self-control or patience i’ve decided we are doing this right now. every time we hit a milestone i make sure to include the we or the us, because even though i might be the one doing all the writing or at least use to, there would be no way i could be where i am right now without you guys, so for what feels like the millionth time, i want to thank you guys. thank you for sticking with me through my highs and my lows. thank you for being there to catch me after all the times that i jumped. thank you for being the voice of reason guiding me away from my less than sensible choices. and thank you for being the light that shone brightest during my darkest moments.
you guys can just think of this celebration as a way for me to say thank you.
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so i guess this banner is more appropriate.
anyways, i’m sure i already bored you to death with the sappy stuff, so let’s get to the fun stuff!
instead of one night where you guys send in request and i write drabbles, i’m not doing that at all. i have a list of different things that you request! i kinda went all out here, so i’m hoping you guys do the same! feel free to request as many times as you want for everything! i think i used to many exclamation marks! i’m just excited! 
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first activity is matchups, i just need to know a couple of things about you so i can match your bnha counterpart :)
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- gender
- sexual orientation
- how your friends would describe your personality
- how you would spend a day off
- your zodiac sign
- your favorite genre of music
- and lastly, your biggest turn off
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so here are some prompts for fluff/angst headcannons! you can pick as many prompts from each alphabet as you want and the same for the characters, just remember not to go crazy with it and request all forty-eight letters with all of class 1-A.
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attractive - what do they find attractive about the other?
baby - do they want a family? why/why not?
cuddle - how do they cuddle?
dates - what are dates with them like?
everything - you are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
feelings - when did they know they were in love?
gentle - are they gentle? If so, how?
hands - how do they like to hold hands?
impression - what was their first impression?
jealousy - do they get jealous?
kiss - how do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?
love - who says ‘I love you’ first?
memory - what’s their favourite memory together?
nickel - do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
orange - what colour reminds them of their other half?
pet names - what pet names do they use?
quaint - what is their favourite non-modern thing?
rainy day - what do they like to do on a rainy day?
sad - how do they cheer themselves/others up?
talking - what do they like to talk about?
unencumbered - what helps them relax?
vaunt - what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
wedding - when, how, where do they propose?
xylophone - what’s their song?
yes - do they ever think of getting married/proposing?
zebra - if they wanted a pet, what would they get?
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anst-abet ignore the fact that this might just be more fluff
accident - would they blame themselves if you died in an work related accident (assuming you’re both pros)?
bad habits - something their s/o wish they would stop doing?
crying - are they much of a crier?
distance  - how are they at long distance relationships?
emotion - what’s the emotion they tend to push away the most?
frustrated - what would it take to push them over the edge?
guilt - how do they deal with guilt cause by a mistake on their end?
heartbreak - how would they deal with a break up?
insecurities - how do they make you feel better about your flaws (vice versa)?
joyless - what’s something that makes them sad?
kill - would they kill for revenge?
lies - how do they react when you lie to them?
mistakes - how do they make up after a fight?
nightmare - how do they help you back to sleep after a nightmare?
offended - you offend them without knowing, how do they deal?
purgatory - how would they bring up the fact that you guys haven’t been, ahem, intimate in a while?
qualify - what part of themselves do they see as dangerous?
rejection -  how do they handle being rejected after professing their love to you?
sorrow - would they feel empty after your death?
traitor - how do they react to finding out you cheated on them?
urge - how badly do they get the urge to see you after separating?
vent - How do they get rid of feelings they find unnecessary?
woes - how do they cope with problems outside of your relationship?
x-ray - what makes them transparent? How obvious can they get around something they hate?
yearn - do old memories make them yearn for your touch?
(clock strikes) zero - how do they spend their last moments with their s/o? 
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that’s right, there aren’t prompts for drabbles because i have decided it is impossible for me to write those. whenever i’m given an idea for a fic i want to explore it to it’s fullest and make sure that i do it justice. so that’s why for any and all requests i get for fics will have a minimum word count of one thousand. it’s most likely that i won’t get these done until i’m old and grey and hanging out with my grandkids, so bear with me.
so to request you pick a number from either the fluff or angst column, and then a letter from the list of settings (the settings part is completely optional though). so for example, fluff 19k with shou or angst -26e w/ zuzu or just angst 6 with toshi.
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fluffy fluff
1. “i didn’t mean to wake you.”
2. “stay? just until i fall asleep.”
3. “i’m taking you home now.”
4. “i missed you so much.”
5. “i think you broke my nose!”
6. “if it makes you feel better, i’ll let you tell people you won against me.”
7. “just shut up and kiss me!”
8. “sleep over? please?”
9. “give me attention!”
10. “can you do anything without my help?”
11. “you’re jealous!”
12. “i’m here for you.”
13. “i love how soft your lips are.”
14. “so, uh, I locked the keys in the car.”
15. “did you put our cat in a onesie?”
16. “are you blushing? gross.”
17. “aren’t we supposed to be working?”
18. “i swear, if you took my leftovers, I will rip you limb from limb.”
19. “do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?”
20. “i swear i’m not sick.”
21. “stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
22. “is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”
23. “where did you come from?”
24. “don’t get up. I’m comfortable like this.”
25. “sharing is caring.”
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ansgty angst
1.  “ you’re so used to being mistreated. ”
2. "sit down for a minute. please.”
3. “please don’t lie to me again, i can’t take it.”
4. “you changed me.”
5. “who did this to you?”
6. “the pain will always be there.”
7. “this.. this is all your fault!”
8. “ i was never what you wanted. ”
9. “did this mean anything to you? did i mean anything to you?”
10. “ this was never love. ”
11. “ you’ve gotten so used to being hurt that happiness scares you. ”
12. “why are you lying to me?”
13. “don’t come in.”
14. “i don’t even remember the last time you told me you loved me.”
15. “who was your first?”
16. “who was that?”
17. “what happened to us?” 
18. “i was forced to survive in your absence.”
19. “i don’t like the person you’ve become.”
20. “i’m sorry, but I’m not sorry.”
21. “can you shut up for once in your life?”
22. “i do not want you here.”
23. “i’m worried about you.”
24. “you have no one on your side now.”
25. “why are there bruises all over your face?”
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settings ( so, there are 26 letters in the alphabet so i cut out the most useless one, k. it’s really just a low budget version of the letter c.)
a. in the rain
b. in a vehicle
c. in the street
d. on the sidewalk
e. in the bath
f. in the kitchen
g. in the snow
h. in a movie theater
i. in the moonlight
j. by the river
l. in the water
m. in the bedroom
n. in a bar
o. at a party
p. at the other’s place
q. by a campfire
r. in a cheap hotel room
s. it a cabin in the woods
t. in your garden
u. at a wedding 
v. in the office
w. in a book store
x. at the hospital
y. at a children's birthday party
z. in an abandon high school
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i feel the need to remind you guys that i write for characters outside of shouto. lmao i know you guys love him and i do to, but let’s spice it up some.
have fun requesting guys, and one last time i just want to say thank you for being here :)
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