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izzysink ยท 1 month ago
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๐ฐ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ž๐ง๐ ๐ ๐ข๐ซ๐ฅ๐ฌ
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๐‘–๐‘›๐‘ ๐‘๐‘œ = @lanalosty0uu - you should totally check out their steve x reader time travel fic here on Tumblr!
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I'm currently undecided on who to pair the reader with atm lol ๐ŸŒ but that means that it's kinda up to you ๐Ÿซต :0 if you have a character you'd like for the pairing, drop a comment and if I like them or feel it fits with the story I'll use them!! but!!! I won't write poly so you've gotta pick one ๐Ÿ˜” ik ik it's a hard choice babes I know you can do it!! can you tell I like exclamation points
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โ€œIโ€™m heading out! Iโ€™ll be back after my comp-sci class!โ€ you call to your friend Hannah from the door of your dorm at Hawkins Community College, waiting a moment for a sleepy response from the pile of blankets at the end of your roommateโ€™s bed. You shut the door, not bothering to lock it because you knew Hannah had a class pretty soon anyway. You whistle down the small corridor of the singular dormitory for HCC, checking your bag for the essentials; laptop, phone, charger, wallet, keys.ย 
Youโ€™d never expected to end up in Hawkins. Your parents had envisioned you going to an ivy league since you were little, enrolling you in extracurriculars and tutoring as soon as you could read and write; but you didnโ€™t really want that for yourself, you werenโ€™t the best at school - not the worst, but you werenโ€™t yale level, like your parents wanted. After your parents insisted you only apply for places like Harvard and MIT, it didnโ€™t surprise you that by the end of senior year you had no college to drive off to like so many of your friends. You had scrambled to find a place at any college that would take you, scraping the barrel for empty spaces, until a college from the middle-of-nowhere-Indiana, Hawkins, accepted you and your average test scores for a computer science course.
Walking to the campus, you check your phone, giggling at the bickering of your friends on the group chat and the tiktoks Hannah sent you last night. Hawkins Community College has its own campus, but it uses the old high school building as well (a new building was made for Hawkins High in the 2000s, and the old one went out of use until the community college picked it up and refurbished it for the Arts building).
You didnโ€™t have any arts classes, but there was a little known shortcut through the old high school building to the main college campus, and you had made the route your little ritual of the week. It calmed you to walk through the old halls and be saturated in that old school smell and oil paints, getting to see unfinished paintings hung on the walls to dry or works in progress sat against the wall. There was a corridor on the way to the shortcut that was lined with shelving units, all stuffed full with bowles and sculptures and mugs. Your favourite little ritual was to see which ceramics had been kilned, picked up, or painted each week you had your comp-sci 101 class.ย 
This week, the swirling set of green plates youโ€™d been eyeing for yourself had disappeared, whisked away by their creator. In their place sat an array of little figurines, you guessed they were for a board game of some sort with their angry poses and weapons, axes and magic wands held delicately in their hands. You were entranced in the precision and detail of the mini figures, quiet admiration floating in your mind as you continued on to your class.
The shortcut was just through a door on the left, it led into a small, little used drama room that had a back entrance door to the yard of the lecture building of Hawkins College. Checking your bun in the glass of the old classroom door, you made sure your claw clip was still in place as you opened the door andโ€“
A chorus of sound burst from the dimly lit room, a small group of high school boys sat around a table in matching black and white shirts, a boy your age with a mop of curly hair sat at the head of the table on a plush armchair. The table was filled with dice and figurines and pens and paper, you guessed it was DnD, you had a couple of friends back home who played, and youโ€™d even sat in on a couple of sessions with them before deciding it wasnโ€™t for you.
As soon as you were noticed, all sound stopped, their faces turning to you in surprise. โ€œOh my god Iโ€™m so sorry,โ€ you said, inching past the table towards the back door, โ€œI didnโ€™t realise this room was being used, Iโ€™ll be out in a moment donโ€™t worry,โ€ you flash a sheepish grin to the hoard of teenage boys gaping at you. Insecurity bubbled in your stomach a bit, theyโ€™re like 12, you thought, snap out of it, youโ€™re in college now!ย 
Nobody replied, which you thought was a bit rude, but oh well, you had a degree to earn, and you probably wouldnโ€™t see them again anyway. You opened the back door to head to the IT building, but when you stepped outside, it felt like you were sucked into an 80s time capsule, neons and shoulder pads and straight leg jeans assaulted your eyes from every corner. Also, why were there so many teenagers? The high school was a 20 minute walk away from the college. You got a couple of odd looks from some seniors, all decked out with massive hair and even bigger earrings, you could tell some cheerleaders were judging your outfit, which, rude, you thought you looked pretty cute today. You were wearing some baggy low waist jeans with the mini Ugg boots youโ€™d gotten for Christmas a few months earlier, as well as a baby tee with a cute cat graphic on the front. To top it all off, youโ€™d worn your favorite jacket and some little hoop earrings.
Walking backwards, you went back into the minor safety of the inside, at least the drama room had less kids having an 80s phase. You paused once the door shut with a click, looking around confusedly at the room you hadnโ€™t noticed when you walked through seconds prior. You were pretty sure that whiteboard wasnโ€™t there before, the same with that rack of costumes and those desks piled in the corner. The thing that caught you off guard the most was the writing on the whiteboard. There, marked in neat red pen, was the date 10/03/1986.
The hell?ย 
You tried to ignore the boys sitting around the table who were obviously staring at you as you fished your phone out of your bag, checking the date, yeah, 10/03/2025. You looked up and down from your phone to the whiteboard a couple times before awkwardly walking back to the other door. Youโ€™d take the long way then.ย 
You opened the door before immediately closing it again.ย 
Hell. No.ย 
โ€œYou okay there, princess?โ€ your head snapped up to meet the eyes of the guy at the head of the table. Looking at him more closely, he looked like a total 80s metal head, crazy hair and rings on each finger. You mouthed a response, not really knowing what to say, Iโ€™m stuck in an 80s revival high school, surrounded by teenagers with big hair and all of the dates on the walls say it's 1986 when last time I checked it was 2025 and Iโ€™m late to my comp-sci class and-, you get the point.
Since you figured you didnโ€™t have anything else to lose you asked, โ€œsorry, um- where am I?โ€ A younger boy, you guessed a freshman, with baby fat and a mess of curls made a face at your response, โ€œHawkins High?โ€ he answered with a lisp blinking at you confusedly as you panicked over the new information. How could you have gotten from your college to a building 20 minutes away?
Scratch that, what the hell was going on?
โ€œOkay, thanks,โ€ you say distractedly as you think of what to do next, you look back to the eldest boy, you really needed to catch his name, โ€œDoโ€“โ€ you were cut off by the bell, a lethargic pickup of footsteps outside the door telling you that it was lesson time next, not the end of school.
A chorus of groans rang out in the room as the boys got up dejectedly to get to their next class. You were swept up in the wave of kids exiting the room before you could get another word in edgewise and you found yourself back in the middle of an 80s tornado as the boys dispersed to their respective classes.
The one who had sat at the head of the table leant against the wall as you stood in the middle of the corridor, marveling at the disappearance of your favorite pottery shelves, instead replaced by school lockers and wall decals with various Hawkins High memorabilia. Students swerved around you, giving you odd looks and confused faces, you were clearly in the wrong place.
When the corridor emptied and the halls quietened, the boy spoke up, โ€œI take it youโ€™re not from around here? Iโ€™m Eddie,โ€ you spared him a glance before introducing yourself. Donโ€™t get you wrong, he seemed sweet and all, but your mind was a little preoccupied to engage in small-talk.
You decided to at least leave the school, it would be really awkward if a teacher found a college student just wandering the halls, but then again, looks like weโ€™re in the 80s now, and from what your parents had told you about growing up in the 80s, most people wouldnโ€™t care that much about some rando in the school.
You thought it better not to test your luck. โ€œIโ€™mโ€ฆ gonna go,โ€ you tell Eddie, not waiting for a response before beelining it back the way you came. Navigating the hallways, you couldnโ€™t help but feel a sense of wonder at how different everything looked, how there was still art on the walls, but done by different people, there were club posters smattered around the school, basketball tryouts were next week apparently, and the walls were almost pristine compared to the paint and grime smudged college block it had become almost 40 years in the future.
You sped-walked through the front office, trying to make it seem like you werenโ€™t not supposed to be there, and burst into the midday sun, tension melting out of your muscles immediately once you escaped the high school.
You stood there for a few minutes, wondering what to do. You didnโ€™t want to even think the utterly stupid idea that kept prodding at your mind. Worried that if you allow yourself to question it that youโ€™d go insane. Not that this situation wasnโ€™t already insane.
You heard your stomach rumble. Well, food didnโ€™t seem like such a bad start.
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izzysink ยท 2 months ago
๐‡๐ข! ๐ˆ๐ฆ ๐‹๐ข๐ณ๐ณ๐ข๐ž, ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ง๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ & ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐›๐ฅ๐จ๐  โ˜บ๏ธŽ
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โ†œ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ญ๐š๐ ๐ฌ,
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โœŽ #izzysinkYapping - ๐‘š๐‘’ ๐‘ฆ๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘๐‘–๐‘›๐‘”
โœŽ #izzysinkXreader - ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘ฆ ๐‘ฅ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘’๐‘ 
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