#izzy and laz are similar... henry could be something
tell me abt your exalts fighting styles 👀👀
luke i have SO MANY of them
shadow has to be fucking hilarious. if you know shit about fighting and you watch shadow fight its like a fucking comedy show. start with a light base of rich kid self defense class, layer on extremely boring militia training made for spear fighting in ranks, and then sprinkle on some twirly acrobatic dance moves??? shadow what the fuck. his feet are like blurs over the fucking ground and hes doing these wild spear spins and then he actually gets down to it and all his actual moves are super boring
seal on the other hand is a brawler and scrapper who now has to use a longspear longer than he is. seal never laid hands on anything bigger than like a shiv before he got his spear. im imagining him throwing it, it plows through a crowd of raksha or something, theyre like haha youre defenseless, and then he just launches his shitty body at them and punches them in the dick. that said he probably has muscle memory from bms so like the spear gets back in his hand and suddenly he moves like an ubercharismatic general whos a foot shorter than he should be. every move he makes looks like a comic book panel and then he reverts to feral. also seal has never done leg day in his life but his arm day also has no effect so it evens out.
des is utena. des fights with like very elegant rapierwork most of the time but every once in a while she will pull out a move so brutal and weird it makes seal look like prim and proper. des has a big gnarly scar along her left forearm because this one time she was fighting her dad, and he made a swing that was textbook for her to parry, and instead she blocked it with her bare fucking arm so she could stab him instead. and that was BEFORE she hung out wth feral ghost monsters for like three or four years
cloud is a really interesting one... i think she has training both in military-style rank-holding and a more personalized martial artsy style, but the white cloud banner demands a totally different style on top o that. lots of long flowing sweeps so the ribbon swoops out dramatically. theres like a Zone around her and its hard to really tell whats going on in there but iff you get inside that zone youre fucked
tower moves really weirdly, you know how in some anime theyre animated so they like slide around through the air for those action shots before they blur back into motion in the fray? thats how tower moves, its like fighting a snake covered in oil, and also knives are fucking everywhere. also i fucked up and gave them an ambush specialty in melee instead of thrown so instead of opening fights with sniping like sensible they Have to get the drop on people. they do have an evocation that lets them throw a knife at someone and then teleport to the guy for regular stabs. kind of a mix of corvo dishonored and uhhh i forget the name of the guy from shadow of mordor. smooth motion juxtaposed with brutal violence
who else do i got, prince? prince fights a lot like an atla earthbender i think, sharp and straightforward moves. except the way she shapeshifts her weapon from axe to hammer to spear.
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