#iwill never know peace
sonknuxadow · 21 days
not gonna lie i forgot they were making a minecraft movie
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inthepantheon · 4 years
1001 Nights: Arabian Nights, Part 1
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The anticipation of Hekate’s party had me energized. Most of my family, all together in one place, celebrating the defeat of so many Titans, was something I was looking forward to. Plus, Artemis would be there. She had been so consumed with the care of Sayeh. The only time I really got to see her was when I visited the cave. It would be good for her to get out and away for a breather. Hekate said to come dressed in Arabian-themed attire, and I found this beautiful salwar kameez in mint green and pink-trimmed silver combination. The green reminded me of Sayeh, and the pink was that of Arty’s favorite pink peonies. It was perfect. I walked up to Urania’s gallery to a beautiful sight. Hekate had outdone herself. Candles and fabrics draped the room and hallways as you entered, changing the entire feel and look of the gallery. The music poured out of the speakers at the perfect level to complete the ambiance.  As I approached the entrance, Nike stood there on duty, announcing each guest as they entered. Artemis, Persephone, and Morpheus were already there and huddled together, chatting with each other.  “Introducing Selene,” Nike called out in her crisp, professional voice. I slipped in and made my way towards my friends. Hekate pulled Morpheus to the side just as I reached them, so I waved and figured I’d catch up with him in a bit.  Standing with Persephone and Artemis, I met her smile. “You look amazing tonight, Arty.” Artemis smiled slightly. “Thank you, Selene, as do you. I love your dress.” Her lehenga was a beautiful green that reminded me of Sayeh even more so than my own. “Is that color in honor of Sayeh?” “Yes, it is. How did you know?” “I’d know her color anywhere.” I blushed as I caught Artemis’s eyes. As Hekate finished her discussion with Morpheus, she walked to the center of the room, waiting for people to quiet. Morpheus watched the crowd, smiling, knowing what was coming next.  “Persephone, you look amazing,” I exclaimed as I drew my attention away from Artemis to greet my friend. Her lehenga was a lovely turquoise color with pink flowers on the bodice, along the flowing bottom, and sprinkled through her hair. Her face was rosy as she had only recently returned to the surface and was readjusting to time in the sun.  Persephone replied before turning to Hekate, “Thank you both. If not for you I wouldn’t have come.”  “I see you have matched. Is that for Sayeh?” Artemis asked. Hekate arched a brow. “May I have your attention, please?” Artemis turned to listen to Hekate as she called our attention, shifting her focus from the question she just asked me. Hekate continued, “Welcome, family, and thank you for coming. A special thanks to Urania for the use of her gallery tonight. I know the decorations seem sparse, but I ask…that you trust me.” She smiled slightly and made a graceful bow with her head. “We have come through trying times, but we have come through together. And before our work takes us in different directions, I thought we could all use a little magic, a little beauty, and a little more time together.” Hekate nodded to the Lampades, and the nymphs began handing out glasses of wine.  Hekate lowered her voice to a trancelike tone, and the wine in the glasses began to glow like a sunset sky. “The mind is a strange thing. Consciousness is the enemy of dreams, and a pleasant dream is what we need now, more than anything. This wine is enchanted to lull your conscious mind into a state of submission and allow the dreaming mind to come forward.” Artemis and Morpheus each took a glass from the nymph and sipped on it. Hekate continued, “If you do not drink, you will not have the full experience of the night. Again…I ask that you trust me. I ask that you drink and share a dream with me tonight. All of us together, before the waking world demands us again.” She held up her glass in a toast, then drank it down.   Persephone took the wine graciously but held it awkwardly. Artemis smiled at Persephone and called out to Morpheus to join us again. Hekate drained her glass and placed it on the tray of a passing nymph. Following suit, Persephone took a small sip of the wine.  Persephone doesn’t drink often and was afraid to lose her senses in such a public place, so she was apprehensive about drinking a lot. Morpheus nodded to Artemis that he would join us when he was done, then turned his attention back to Hekate in anticipation of his cue.  Persephone looked up from her glass to Hekate and asked, “The whole thing?”  Hekate replied, “The more you drink, the better the illusion will work.” Artemis whispered to me, “It’s time to drink up.” Morpheus downed his glass and placed it on the table. I tipped the glass back and drank it down. “Selene, if this wine knocks me out, make sure I get back to my room, okay?” Persephone leaned in and asked me before Morpheus began in a calm, clear, melodic voice.  “Everyone, clear your mind and relax your body. Close your eyes for just a brief time. You are protected and in a safe place. This is a time for friendship, love, and releasing worries. You are still you, but your sleeping mind is awakening. You are open to peaceful intentions. Everyone who should be here is. As you slowly open your true eyes, you look around. You are in a large Bedouin tent in the desert. Soft golden light shines within a large sitting area. Colorful pillows, rugs, majlis sofas, and other floor couches are arranged aesthetically. Hibiscus tea, arak, and mint lemonade sit prettily on tables with hummus, falafel, tabbouleh, baklava, and other delicious options to happily tempt you. There are small palm trees, jeweled jars, and as you breathe in the scent of handcrafted beeswax candles, you smile, and walk forward to enjoy the party.” He then bowed and smiled, and the dreams he conjured took their hold on the party. “I’m sorry Arty, I went to answer you, and Hekate needed the floor. Yes, this is the closest I could find to Sayeh’s color,” I replied as the dream and drink began to take effect, and I blushed. “Now that the scene is sufficiently set…I have gifts for you all,” Hekate said, drawing our attention from Morpheus and back onto her. Artemis slowly opened her eyes, glazed over with the dream in full effect. She turned to me and smiled warmly.. “You are so sweet to wear green for Sayeh.” Making his way over to us, now that his task had been completed. “Artemis, you made it,” Morpheus stated with a smile, glad to see his friend. “Wow!” I said as I looked around, impressed as I had never had a dream before and was completely fascinated by this experience. Artemis smiled and hugged Morpheus as Hekate nodded to the nymphs, who moved through the room, distributing small square boxes wrapped in colorful ribbons. Hekate began again, “If everyone will open their gifts, please.” Brightly colored butterflies in prismatic hues flew from all the boxes, except for the ones in the hands of Eris, Persephone, and Clio. Their boxes held a tiny brass genie lamp. I gasped as the butterflies filled the room. “So beautiful,” I said, watching the colorful creatures flit about the room. Clio’s eyes brightened. “Oh! Oh! I have an idea, guys!” Hekate turned to look at Clio. Clio giggled. “We should play a game, and I know which one to play.” Artemis looked at Clio. “A game?” Hekate opened her mouth to say something and reined in her tongue. “With all due respect, Mistress, we will not be playing anything you suggest tonight.” Clio pouted, “Why not, Hekate? It is harmless.” Eros looked down at his drink, then at Katie evilly. “I have a game.” He perked up. Hekate looked at Eros. “Fine. Anything but what Clio wants to play.” Eros smirked wickedly. “I have noticed that not nearly enough of us have made out, a true travesty, let’s play a mortal game...Spin the Bottle.” A stunned look crossed Hekate’s face before she replied, “I don’t think that’s exactly appropriate, Eros.” “Spin the Bottle?” I asked, surprised at this unforeseen turn of events. This was not exactly what I expected at this party. Artemis switched her empty wine glass for another refill and smirked. “Spin the Bottle? Really?” “Something else, Eros,” Hekate replied. Eros shook his head. “Too bad. You said anything but Clio’s game.” With resignation, Hekate conceded, “The game is named.” I looked around for another drink. “Iwill need more for this.” Artemis looked down and back at me. “Would you be playing this game?” Hekate cleared off a space on a low table for Eros to use as he explained the game. Eris, in his male form, spoke up, “Is kiss the only option for what is done to them?”  “Um, yeah. I’ll play,” I replied to Artemis and grabbed a glass off a passing tray and drank it down. “Why not?” Artemis shifted uncomfortably before she replied, “I guess I could join you then, Selene.” The thought of Artemis playing and that I could actually kiss her made my heart flutter. I muttered, “Oh crap,” under my breath. Eros pulled out a long golden arrow, the top glinting. “Spin the arrow has a better ring to it,” he said with a cocky grin spreading across his face. Hekate frowned. I tried to act like it didn’t bother me and replied, “If you want, Arty. It could be fun. I haven’t really ventured out since Endy, ya know?” I blushed, trying to deflect my true feelings. Eris piped back in, “It’s been a long time since I kissed someone, you know, other than to get out of being arrested.”  I smiled. I had missed Eris and was glad they were home. Their male form was rather dashing tonight, as well. I was definitely not complaining if I landed on them. Persephone caught my eye and grinned at me. “Let’s get our seats,” she said as we walked over together. Artemis dragged Morpheus to sit down with her, opposite to Persephone and me.  The game got underway, and it was several uncomfortable scenes and another drink or two later when Eros called out, “Missy! Your turn!” I gulped and looked around for another drink.  “What?” she called out, surprised he would call her so soon.  “Spin the arrow, Missy.” He smirked. Artemis picked up the arrow and placed it on the table, gulped, then spun it. The arrow stopped, right...on...me!  “Oh, shit!” I gulped. Our first kiss and it was going to be here in front of everyone? I knew I was feeling something towards Artemis recently, but this was forcing the issue a bit, sudden and awkwardly. I looked at Artemis to see how she was reacting to where the arrow landed. She was smiling and looking right at me. I giggled nervously and suddenly felt like an idiot. How does she make me feel this way and lose myself? I took another swig of my drink and turned towards Artemis, ready as I was going to be for our very public first kiss. Artemis got up from her side of the table and walked over and sat down beside me. She placed her hand on my cheek and caressed my face. She leaned forward and placed her lips on mine, closing her eyes and kissing me deeply. I put my hands on Artemis’s strong shoulders, bringing her closer as I responded, reciprocating her deep kiss.  As we pulled out of the kiss, Eris called out, “That’s what I call a full moon!” Artemis’s face turned a deep shade of crimson, mine a similar hue.  “Holy crap—” I began to speak when Eros chimed in again. “Selene, you’re up!” Artemis placed her hand on mine, and I lost my train of thought again. “Hmmm?” I asked Eros, completely lost in the touch of Artemis’s hand and the memory of her lips on mine. “Spin the arrow. It’s your turn,” he said, snapping me out of it. “Fuck! Um, okay.” Taking a deep breath, I reached for the arrow and spun it. “Oh, shit!” Artemis called out as I shot a side glance at her, my heart racing in my chest. The arrow stopped on Eris. “Well, I didn’t see that coming,” Eris said with a smile. “Okay, um,” I giggled nervously, “welcome home, Eris.”   Read the full article
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lunosamentelunitoo · 8 years
Gintama 627 translation
Title: There is no diffence between peace and destruction
Otose: They crushed the liberation army... we won!
Shinpachi: Finally.. we made it! The liberation army is running away!!
Kagura: Gin- chan the made it!! the liberation army is... Gin-chan?
Gintoki: ....
Hedoro: Yorozuya san? What are you doing here? It looks like the liberation army is already somewhere else, and every one aready looks so calm, i’ve been worried for all the time. Now that Edo is been redued like that would be everyone in peace? But i really think that everyone will be ok. But. now you bastards, humanity will be destroied by my hands.. I’m sorry humans, but the real horror is about to start!! Do you want to know my horrible plan? I will not only defend the flowers and plants of this planet, but i will keep to watch over its people too. So this florist has only one think to ask for... In order to crush this planet make a bed of flowers!! I will make at least some use out from mankind!! What a pity!! poor flower! Even f it’s only one , a flower sill soon whiter, but if we are all togeher it will not scatter, so i want to be a flower of this planet too, and bloom with everyone. It will not be taken, when it will be the time that all the flowers will be in full bloom, in this garden called earth there will be finally peace. Gyhahahha!! you bastard!!what the hell are you doing?? Don’t tell me, that seal... that thing is over.. and so mankind, me and all the universe... it’s the end for everyth....
Gintoki: ....
Hedoro: We were close... still a litle bit and all would be over, I have an other debt with mankind. I can’t do something like this, I will be there as far as possible,  I will not permit to make you do as you like Hedora.
Hedora: Fufufufu... it’s useless now Hedoro, ahalf of your body is under my control now, I will dye ths body and all the universe in black.
Hedoro: I wil protect the universe and the mankind.
Hedora: I will be the one that will destroy them.
Gintoki: He became an half
(in short, gintoki broke the flower, so hedoro was becoming evil, so he stuck that flower thing on his head that came from a travenstite bar, so now he became half)
Shinpachi: What the hell is Ginsan doing?
Kagura: I don’t know but he is having fun. Peace is really the best!
Shinpachi: yeah, that’s true.
Jirocho: I can’t believe to see Kabuki cho at night, illuminated not by neons but by camp fires. This city is always so noisy, but even like that it’s not really bad.
Otose: And yet, it’s not so bad to finally welcome the night.
Jirocho: Well, I am begging for the morning to illuminate this city and make a good performance.
Otose: Well, to face the tomorro is alread a big task, even if you stay silent the sun will come again by its own, and it will be so intimidated to leave your heart racing, they already did a lot, so just waiting for tomorrow is enough
Jirocho: Not for me, there are still some enemies left. We didn’t won yet, the enemy just runned away, it is just a fake victory. We cutted down part of the soldiers that were escaping, but we have to aim to the entire force. But on the other hand , here we have a big tired army. We have to attack first than the scattered enemy came back to its army and recover. But it seems that the shogunate army is dealing with that. but when this will last? Not to mention, Gintoki’s friends in space, have stopped the enemies in their headquarters? Tomorrow is only a limit.
Otose: There are no limits... You are the only one complaining, you really old isn’t?
Jirocho: If you hear all that as a complain, that means you really becoming deaf...
Otose: If you feel to complain go on, Jirocho, split them out as you want, cause there are people to rely on
Otose: You finally became an adult Jirocho.
Jirocho: And you became decrepit.
Saigo: Oh my! For once we finally meet, the 4 devas, the only thing they do is fight! Isn’t that night so fun? But sorry, maybe i am in the way?
Otose: No Saigo, here, take a cu p of sakè, anyway if the earth wasn’t on the verge of destruction we would never had the chance to put things in orders like that,that’s why I feel some sort of gratitute from this situation. In times like this there are things you can’t see or feel so im am really glad since a long time, i feel that in a night like that i really love the ones called humans, and if even this would be my last night, it would not be so bad.
Jirocho: Hey, are you drunk?
Kagura: Even if they fleed away, the liberation army left some big wounds..
Shinpachi: Thre’s nothing we can do, the only thing we ewere able to make them go away is a miracle. Or well, the fact that people were able to fight in such tragic situation was a miracle. And not only here in kabuki cho, bu all over Edo, people gave all its power to make it. Maybe that’s why this miracle did happen.
Shinpachi: You always been an intrusion!!
Gedoumarou: But the pandemonium is a snack that is able to cure ilness, it is useful for so many things..
Shinpachi: What the hell is that disgusting thing!!
Pandemonium san: I am really a n intrusion? Don’t worry i will soon be away I am really became a naughty girl right? Iwill not be an intrusion anymore
Shinpachi: The only intruson here is my heat, it can’t be in peace if you can’t stay forever with me!!
Kagura: The biggest intrution here is you.
Otae: Shinchan, Kagura chan, you can stop with the tsukkomi and rest now.
Kagura: Anego!!
Otae: Gedoumarou san and the others didn’t only fight but even if they are tired, they are helping everyone resting doung a lot of duties! We are not tired yet, so we can take this turn too
Shinpachi: SO that was your real intentions!
Otae: Gedoumarous san and the others are the ones giving food to the injuried
Shinpachi: An you call that food??
Otae: Seimei san and the others are keeping a eye and protecting the city.
Seimei: Fear our way to keep a watch
Douman: What? Fear our way to keep a watch!
Shinpachi: Who is keeping a watch on the ones keeping a watch???
Otae: Ketsuno ana is helping with prayers
Ketsuno ana: Tomorrow’s weather will be a refreshing sun! the perfect one for a war!
Shinpachi: SO ther ewill be still war???
Otae: In a time like this every one is doing what it can, so you two can go to rest. You worked a lot, now you only have to think to rest
Dude: But.. but the enemy can be back, i feel nervous..
Otae. It’s ok, we are here, now eat and g oto sleep
Shinpachi: SIster!! this is not sleep!! that is a finishing blow!!
Gedoumarou: Well!! that’s the perfect chance!! put a pandemoniom in their mounth while sleeping!
Shnpachi: Oiii!! why this two are even part of the feeding party??? Some one!! bringsome real food!!
Pandemonium san: At lest you finally confessed to me... I never realized that Shinpachi kun felt the same as me, we were never togheter so i had never the change to confess myself.. but Shinpachi kun i really want you to eat me. Good bye I love you.
Shinpachi: Soon!!! bring all the pandemnium to me!!!
Kagura: Shinpachi, you really need some rest.
...: I came back directly from a fight, and i am so tired, but i am finally here by your side, i am back Otae san.
Otaemonium: W.. welcome back Kondo san!!
Kondo: Otae san!!
Otaemonium: Kondo san!!
Otae: That’s not Otae san!!
Kondo: Otae san is always so violent in every occasion.. it’s so useless...
Shinpachi: Let your hands off from my pandemonium!!
Otae: what was that?
Gedoumarou: Pandemoniun’s allucinations techniques
Toshi: Waht the hell, I thought that he end of the wrold would affect you in some way, but here nothing changed. really nothing.
Okita: What are you saying Hijikata san, Kondo san is having what he wants
Toshi: He always got that
Otae: It was about time for you to come back, with the eart ending.. you police never change
Sacchan: I don’t know about earth, but it seems there is still a place to come back, and to want to protect, I’m back nad welcome back, even if that is a blunt place.
Otae: Welcome back to you all, but it seems one thing is wrong here, o yeah! it seems you want to rest and seek some good words from others, so thanks for your hard work!
Kagura: Anego that is wrong
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Những câu Stt hay bằng tiếng anh
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Những câu Stt hay bằng tiếng anh
Chắc hẳn không ít lần lượt Facebook, bạn đã từng xem qua những status hay bằng tiếng Anh của một trang nào đó. Đăng status bằng tiếng Việt đã trở nên quá quen thuộc và nhàm chán. Vậy hôm nay hãy để chúng tôi giới thiệu đến các bạn các status hay bằng tiếng Anh mà chúng tôi đã cất công sưu tầm được. Hãy đọc và nghiền ngẫm để xem chúng ý nghĩa như thế nào nhé!
1. It’s better to know and be disappointed, than to never know and always wonder.! – Thà biết rồi thất vọng còn hơn không bao giờ biết và luôn băn khoăn.
2. An intelligent person is like a river,the deeper the less noise. – Một người thông minh sẽ như một dòng sông, càng sâu càng ít ồn ào.
3. Some people choose to stay single simply because they are tired of giving everything and ending up with nothing.– Một số người chọn sống độc thân đơn giản vì họ quá mệt mỏi với việc cho đi tất cả mọi thứ và rốt cuộc chẳng được gì.
4. Mistakes made in life are our lessons in disguise. And sometimes, the best lessons learned, came from the worst mistakes made. – Những bài học của chúng ta được nguỵ trang bởi những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Và đôi khi, bài học hay nhất mà chúng ta được học, đến từ những sai lầm tồi tệ nhất. Thật ra quan trọng là sau những sai lầm ấy ta rút ra đượcđiều gì.
5. It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.– Ghét những gì bạn có tốt hơn là yêu những gì bạn không có.
6. Patience is not the ability to wait , but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. –Sự kiên nhẫn không đơn thuần chỉlà khả năng bạn đợi được trong bao lâu, mà là khả năng giữ được thái độ bình tâm trong lúc chờ đợi.
7. There are days like that, quietly, not sad, not happy, slowly drift… the end of a day. – Có những ngày như thế, lặng lẽ, không buồn, không vui, chầm chậm trôi… Qua hết một ngày.
8. If you leave me when I fail, don’t catch me when I succeed. – Nếu bạn rời bỏ tôi khi tôi thất bại, đừng đến bên cạnh khi tôi thành công.
9. True humor springs not more from the head than from the heart. It is not contempt; its essence is love. It issues not in laughter, but in still smiles, which lie far deeper.– Tính hài hước thực sự đến từ cái đầu không nhiều hơn đến từ con tim. Đó không phải là sự khinh miệt, tinh túy của nó là tình yêu thương. Nó không nhắm tới tiếng cười to mà nhắm tới những nụ cười yên lặng, thứ sâu sắc hơn nhiều.
10. Sometimes what you want isn’t what you get, but what you get in the end is so much better than what you wanted. –Đôi khi những gì bạn muốn không phải là những gì bạn nhận được, nhưng những gì bạn nhận được cuối cùng tốt hơn rất nhiều so với những gì bạn muốn.
11. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. – Cuộc sống giống như việc lái một chiếc xe đạp. Để giữ được thăng bằng, bạn phải tiếp tục di chuyển.
12. Never say all you know. And never believe all you hear.– Đừng bao giờ nói tất cả những gì bạn biết. Và đừng bao giờ tin tất cả những gì bạn nghe.
13. If you can’t be a pencil to write anyone’s happiness,then try to be a nice eraser to remove someone’s sadness.– Nếu bạn không thể trở thành cây bút chì để viết nên niềm hạnh phúc cho một ai, thì hãy cố gắng trở thành một cục tẩy tốt để xoá đi nỗi bất hạnh của ai đó.
14. Peace does not mean the one where no noise, no trouble, and no toil. When weare in a storm, we still feel the calm of mind. That is the real meaning of peace.! –Bình yên không có nghĩa là 1 nơi không có tiếng ồn ào, không khó khăn, cực nhọc. Bình yên là ngay chính khi ta đang ở trong phong ba bão táp, ta vẫn cảm thấy sự an nhiên trong tâm hồn. Đó mới chính là ý nghĩa thực sự của sự bình yên.!
15. You can not control every situation occurs. But you can completely control your thoughts and your attitude. –Bạn không thể kiểm soát được mọi tình huống xảy ra. Nhưng bạn hoàn toàn có thể kiểm soát được suy nghĩ và thái độ của mình.
16. If one day we can not be together , keep me in your heart , I ‘ll be there forever. -Nếu có một ngày chúng ta không thể ở cùng nhau, hãy giữ tôi trong trái tim bạn, tôi sẽ ở đó mãi mãi.
17. Do not go before me ; I may not follow. Do not walk behind me; I probably will not leads . Let’s go next and become my friend. Đừng đi trước tôi; tôi có thể sẽ không theo. Đừng đi sau tôi; tôi có thể sẽ không dẫn lối. Hãy đi bên cạnh và trở thành bạn của tôi.
18. I can not solve your behalf all the confusion , doubt or fear , but I can hear what you are expressing and the answers you seek. -Tôi không thể giải quyết giùm bạn tất cả những rắc rối, nghi ngờ hay lo sợ, nhưng tôi có thể nghe những điều bạn giãi bày và cùng bạn đi tìm lời giải đáp.
19.There is a destiny that makes us brothers : None goes his way , everything that we send into the livesof others comes back into our lives. -Có một định mệnh biến chúng ta thành anh em: Không ai đi đường một mình, tất cả những gì ta gửi vào cuộc đời của người khác sẽ quay trở về cuộc đời của ta.
20. Do not ever forget me because if I thought you would forget me, Iwill never leave. -Đừng bao giờ quên tôi, bởi nếu tôi nghĩ bạn sẽ quên tôi, tôi sẽ không bao giờ ra đi.
Hi vọng bài viết trên đã giúp ích cho bạn trong việc giải trí và cũng như trong việc học tiếng Anh. Hãy chứng tỏ bản thân mình bằng cách đăng những status Facebook bằng tiếng Anh nhé, đảm bảo bạn sẽ có vị trí giá trị hơn trong mắt của bạn bè đó. Chúc bạn luôn vui và thành công trong cuộc sống!
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