sad-writers · 1 year
prompt: would you choose him in a room full of men?
I wouldn't. I'd talk to the first one that approaches me and then politely excuse myself. I'd find dad and dutts and our favorite history teachers. I'd talk to my childhood crushes that I can have a conversation with for once without blushing away. but all this time, throughout every conversation, I'm watching him from the corner of my eye. does he look my way? is he watching my every move? does he turn from me when I talk to a boy or does he start approaching from the corner of the room? and when I've had enough, we make direct eye contact (it's hot) and I smile with a smirk that's only for him, to say I see you. I'll be there. and when he's waited for me long enough, like I waited all these years, we have our own private world in the corner of the room and everyone knows exactly who he is and how I write about him. for as long as he waits, I'll find him at the end of the day. my world will settle and shimmer and I choose everything else. then he's factored in. he waits because he knows I'd choose him again and again.
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ubiqu-e-blog-blog · 10 years
Hilarious epiphany!
So this thought just happened to wander into my mind this morning... Condom shopping is like bra shopping! When you are younger, you are super embarrassed and just want to get the biggest size because god forbid they/it be smaller than what you have overanalysed to be average! And then as you get older you stop caring as much and are happy with the bits you got! I mean.... Am I right? EPIPHANY!!
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