#iwanna add more but i cant remember the names to find pics
tkdrawsstuff · 3 years
ok. my sleep schedule is completely fucked. here is a 3 am... idea, question, head cannon,? thingy 
phandom, y the fuck don’t we use prehistoric animals/plants/ect in the ghost zone??? its the ghost zone, the pace where dead things should be, like the ghosts of some extinct species we know of. we know that animal ghosts can exist cause of cujo. so y no ghost dinos, or amored fishes, or giant ground sloths, megalodon, indricotherium, the hell pigs!
like, who needs aliens and monsters when we’ve got the awesome nightmare fuel our own planet made? look at this! this shit is sooo cool (pics in read more)
thats a real animal! from the proterozoic! people used to argue if the spikes or tentacles were the worms feet.
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funky little spiky worm not good enough to convince u? how bout a giant sea scorpion? these things got bigger than people! imagine that in the ghost zone! 
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thats to creepy, ok. this big boys an absolute unit!  so chunky! all of the meme potential! 
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chunky boy not scary enough? well here’s the crokodile that galloped like a horse and ate fucking dinos!!!
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speaking of dinos, lets talk about my fav! micro raptor!!! look at this fluffy little 4 winged cutey <3
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these little guys could both glide and fly (based off the shoulder joints)
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and we know that they had shiny black/blue feathers like crows from studying their fossilized feathers 
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(is all of this just me being a paleo-nerd trying to convince u that danny should have a pet ghost micro raptor... yes, yes it is.)
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uuuhhh, i forgot the plants... um oh! scale trees! they didn’t have branches, the leaves grow straight from the trunk and fell off as the tree got taller leaving diamond shaped scars
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lets skip the bugs and go to the armored fish, nuf said
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